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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zima, this is the big ether program on the espresso tv channel, we are starting this information week and we will sum up information monday. we start with the announcement of the collection, and i know that this is your favorite thing, donate to the armed forces of ukraine, we are only happy about this, becoming such mediators between you and the armed forces of ukraine. what are we collecting for, so cars for the front are consumables, cars work in an extremely intensive mode and often wear out. under enemy fire, so quickly are out of order, so we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive cars: this is a powerful land cruiser for the aerial reconnaissance group of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 900,000, support the front to free ukraine from russian evil together, and we will speak today.
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let's start talking about sumy oblast, the situation there is very difficult, alyona yatsina, a journalist in touch with us, alyona, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, first, let's start with the evacuation , well, today there was shelling, unfortunately, there is a dead person, there are wounded, but, but we will start with the evacuation, this is a hot topic, we were talking about the settlements that are in the front-line zone, there is a large pyserivka , popovka and some other settlements, where there are not many people. but there is no connection with them, and how long ago did this such an intensive, i would say, evacuation begin, what is it primarily related to, because they write about, well , people there have some information that people are walking through the fields, somehow trying alone to evacuate, i'm just running out what 's happening there from what you know, and i'll tell you about the velikopyseriv community, the aggravation started a week ago, on the 11th, and it's associated with the event. and by the actions
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of war-affiliated formations, such as the freedom legion, rdk, the siberian battalion on the territory of russia, and the territories adjacent to the russian territories, the territories of the sumy oblast, in particular the velykppisariv community, are under intense enemy russian fire. there are villages such as the village of popivka, from where evacuation is impossible. the russians completely bombed the bridge, and no one is evacuating people from there, there are people who managed to get out of there on their own at night, risking their lives, using the corridor of silence, which, again, the russian freedom legion made for russians who left the border, from villages such as logivka and oleksandrivka, the police took people out on foot, carried them out, there are also no bridges, but at least you could get there, and the police helped people with limited mobility. and it's just for all those who
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were there to leave there, that's why the situation there is very difficult, we work there on the ground, in evacuation convoys from the center of pyserivka are sent to the velikopyserivka community every day from 10 a.m., the police actually deliver people to these convoys from pyserivka itself from neighboring villages, that is, the situation in pyserivka itself is difficult. it is being bombarded with mortars, this morning i personally worked there, in just four hours while i was there, eight mortars arrived, and the artillery is working constantly, that is, the village is being destroyed, there is no surviving administrative building there, not a single surviving building, everything is broken , the streets look like you you can see now on the video, it was actually a fly-in yesterday, dear. and
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there were people in the house just opposite, and in this house a little further away, there were three people there, the police pulled them out from under the rubble, unblocked them, and only after that the people agreed to evacuate, they left, because they actually had nowhere to live , in the village in pyserivka itself, people are also staying , that is, the situation is difficult, 26 people were taken out of the registry office today, and... that is, the enemy, well , you know, just last week, even we are on youtube here, i asked people if you have accepts the espresso signal is normal, you receive the espresso signal normally, and people wrote, somewhere there, like, well, because there are problems with the fact that the television signal is jammed throughout ukraine, enemy forces and means, but this is what i am leading to, and one the woman wrote in the comments that save her, scribe, people are running away here, who are saving themselves as best they can. but in principle, it has already
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been five days, maybe more, for sure, somehow there was no communication on this matter, well, we raised this issue, we asked you, you told us, it just happened somehow you know, as if it wasn't there, a vacuum... there was, and there were people, people didn't understand what to do, now it's good, this evacuation from, well , it's where it's possible, it's happening, but just why so, so long time, how about this, i didn't read it in the news headlines, although the situation is critical, people are dying, and the threat of more people may die, well, i don't know, maybe the results didn't show much, but at least all the local media that work , everyone covered the events that were happening, the evacuation... is also happening, organized since the 12th, it is being carried out the police and local authorities, the only thing we have a big problem with is ova's communication, it is completely insufficient, it is there, but it is insufficient, incomplete, not always on time, that's
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why it probably happened that way, however, all this information is on local resources can be found, we work there in the field, it is all shown, that is, it is all there. that ukraine's attention was not drawn to this, unfortunately, to my personal regret, people are happy about everything that is happening there in belgorod, in grayvoron, in tyotkino, while forgetting that very close, along the border, are ukrainian villages are located in ryzhivka, iskreskivshchyna, pavlivky, this is the bilopol community, the velikopyseriv community, and that's all that we actually see, our villages are simply being erased to zero, i'm looking at the world. well, there is no there, there is no connection , there are none, i'm just saying that i'm looking , you said that the city there was destroyed, so in my opinion, you said that people, yes, there really are, there because of this village, yes the river vorsklitsia runs like a snake, and here you can’t go, but you have one way or another, that is, if you are from one side or from
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otherwise, you are there, well, but i understand that there are simply no alternative options for evacuation there, after all, you have to evacuate by road, not through fields, especially now the weather is like this, well, where are you going... through fields, forests, well, it’s not that there are forests, but, but there are forests , well, in a word, that’s a problem, because this river runs through the whole village in such a narrow way, and there one way or another it has to be crossed somewhere, because either you or in one side, well, one side, and it goes on there , then this river goes on, well, the situation is very very, today the enemy hit the conotop, yesterday, we are now looking at this river, now we are looking at the river, well, there, first of all, we immediately see the heights, where there is a mountainous area, well... it does not convey, i do not convey, i think, that situation , which is there, but we can roughly understand that this river crosses the entire village and somewhere for people to evacuate, obviously, well, in an understandable direction, they need to overcome it, the enemy hit the konatop, well, i guess there , why is he beating
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the hell out of it, well, obviously, but i let's talk about it, well, also at night, if not i'm wrong, was there a blow to the ohtyrka yesterday as well, let's talk about the consequences. let's talk precisely at the airfield, yesterday, yesterday there were strikes on the ohtyrka, on sums, on konoto, regarding the consequences, the civilian population was not injured, there is a certain destruction of critical infrastructure objects, now the enemy hit the konotop again during the previous air alert, again this infrastructure object, we still have no information about the affected civilian population, we are currently waiting. confirming or denying whether there are any of the people who suffered well, yes, once again, here i think, i understand where the enemy is hitting, i will not voice it, although i already know that the enemy is there, well, but mainly peaceful, peaceful people suffer, and i still wanted to ask about, well
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, this is the evacuation process, again, is there somewhere to evacuate people, i don’t think that every resident there has one of the settlements, i don’t know, well, baby... now you see the situation there is difficult, there 20 people remain from the fact that i read the last information, and there is no contact with them, well, the enemy could break there a mobile phone tower or something something else or in some other way this connection has disappeared, is it possible that there is no place to recharge those phones, well, there may be a problem here, there may be, but in general this evacuation is for people, for your information, if the police meet people somewhere, there is somewhere to take them for some time at least to place, because well... it is unlikely that the residents there have a temporary shelter in sumy or somewhere else where they can spend the night? there is an accommodation center, there are even several of them in the region, where people are taken. look, the evacuation of people from velikopyserivka community, in particular from velikopserivka, is organized
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they are taken by bus to more, let's say, rear towns and villages, where they are offered both settlements and conditions, that is, all this is for the people. evacuation is not so well organized in the bilopol community, there it is all done by volunteers from the village of ryzhivka , grandmothers were evacuated, and in fact they were also in bilopol. have been accommodated, resettled, the greater number of people still go to their relatives, to their own, who live somewhere, but there are people who stay in the centers, that is , there are places for accommodation, the only thing that stops many residents is their own household, home farms, which they have, i.e. cows, let it be 20 people in that conditional group, but eh, the perspective is the most important thing here, and i understand that we will not talk as one deputy now, that they will be taken in a pinch the day after tomorrow... are there conditional amounts, because we do not know the operational situation, intentions in general, we do not have intelligence data, this is done
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by specialists, so i am never in favor of creating panic based on what is written in the news, but, in principle, the enemy, well the situation is now ambiguous, whether there is any willingness of at least people to provide one help and, well, there is the furniture, whatever, timely evacuation in case of something, we don't know what... can happen, in us, well , the real problem in ukraine is the lack of missiles for air defense, this is, well, this is a known fact, there is nothing to hide here, because sumy region is now in this critical situation, perhaps a difficult situation, as people, they are ready for certain actions so that there is no, you know, such reassurance, although i do not think that sumy region has it , of course, starting from this, from february 24, please, regarding the situation of sentiment on somshchyna, they are a bit... panicky, in particular, before the weekend and during the weekend, they were critically panicky, again, the reason
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i personally see in this is the lack of a sufficient amount and weighted official information, that is, the silence has never stopped the war, the events that are taking place need to be talked about, and we would very much like to hear more information from official sources, in general , people are very united, the last arrivals of the last week. you know, yes, they mobilized the spirit of the people of sumy and the residents of sumy oblast and are ready to help each other, have become more active, there are even more volunteers , the volunteer movement is growing even more in sumy oblast, that is, people help each other, really care, but now we were in pyserivka, there in pyserivka there are no volunteers working directly, but a little further away we already saw several international volunteer organizations , which began to tighten. to work, that is , sumy region is rallying, mentions that the war continues not only on the border, unfortunately,
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it can also reach deep into sumy region, in general a five-kilometer zone from the state border in the depths of ukraine, back in the summer, the authorities declared this zone a danger zone and called on people to leave there, but these were only calls, so many people were left to live, well, in any case, we are definitely talking about this topic. we will not release these sumy regions from at least journalistic control, we will also monitor and listen to you, listen to others, people who know what is happening in sumy region, because it shouldn't be like that, thank you very much, she was in touch with us, a journalist , and now for your attention, thank you and i wish you a nice day, take care of yourself, and now for your attention the plot, we were supposed to have one more inclusion, but people don't always manage to get in touch, or don't always have the desire or opportunity. therefore, another event took place in russia, another event that
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they called the election of the president of the russian federation, well, we call it another re-election or re-appointment of vladimir putin. so, putin's election this year lasts as long as 3 days, and from march 1 it would be possible to vote abroad. moreover, the so-called presidential elections of russia are held in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, which is a violation of any international rules, that is, they should not be recognized in... in principle, four candidates are formally participating in the race, but the cec did not register a single opposition or anti-war candidate. 71-year-old putin, who has ruled russia for 24 years, will apparently be re-elected as president for another six years. we would like to remind you how the promises and statements of the russian usurper have changed over the past 23 years. any prime minister after two terms in power - goes crazy - says the english proverb. putin in power in... for 23 years and is going for a new, already fifth presidential term, which
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will end as early as 2030. if the russian dictator makes it to this date, stalin will be exhausted by the length of his stay in power. how do you feel about the idea of ​​increasing presidential powers and the possibility of being elected three or more times? i feel negative about it. for more than two decades , rhetorician putin has been in power. changed radically. on december 31, 1999, the first president of russia , boris yeltsin, announced his resignation and named a newly appointed prime minister. the chechen war. we will pursue the unknown ex-head of the fsb quickly everywhere, at the airport, at the airport, so you will catch me, excuse me, in the toilet , we will soak them in the toilet, the end. this loud phrase, which
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russians liked so much, was voiced by putin after another bombardment of grozny by russian aircraft. already then. at the event, some were wary, but most of the statements of the new political leader did not give cause for concern. during the 2000 elections, putin talked about a partnership with the usa and the eu, the need to fight terrorism, develop democratic institutions and protect independent nations. the construction of a democratic country is far from complete, but much has already been done. we are obliged to protect achievements. in the early 2000s , putin, at least publicly, did not yet challenge the west and voiced much more modest tasks for russia. for example, in 15 years to catch up with the level of gdp per capita of portugal, at that time one of the poorest countries in the eu. it was not possible to do this, but
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the sharp rise in world oil prices enriched the putin elite and made it dizzy. putin himself, anti-western motives began to sound more and more often in his speeches. the orange revolution in ukraine, the arab spring in the middle east, everywhere putin saw the hand of the usa. in february 2007, he delivered the infamous munich speech, which kicked off a new confrontation between russia and the west. putin went to the 2012 elections with anti-western rhetoric. what i see now and what i talked about in munich is not an alliance. sometimes it seems to me that america does not need them allies, they need vassals. the point of no return was 2014. first, the occupation of crimea, then the war in donbas unleashed by russia. he has lost touch with reality,
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german chancellor angela merkel told us president barack obama after the conversation with putin. at the beginning of march 2014. since then, anti-western and anti-ukrainian paranoia in the kremlin has only intensified. putin began to be openly delusional about the threat of biological weapons that the west is supposedly developing against the russians. and you know that biological material is collected by throughout the country, and among different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical points of the russian federation. here is the question: what is being done, the situation was complicated by the covid pandemic, putin's circle of communication narrowed even more, he delved into reading historical works and himself began to scribble pseudo-historical articles about ukraine, and eventually started a big war. for more than 20 years in the elections, putin sold the idea of ​​stability to russians, now it
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has been replaced by the idea of ​​a special mission of russia, which together with a new ally. taim resists a treacherous measure. russia is turning into north korea before our eyes. the economy was on military rails. political opponents are killed. dissenters in prison. they can be arrested for liking on social networks. the current goal of the dictator is to destroy ukraine. putin is a sick man who hunts and doesn't even understand what he's doing, or doesn't control his army that shoots at civilians. putin's global goal is to change the world order. on the eve of the so- called elections, he repeatedly declared his readiness to use nuclear weapons. to putin 71 years, his fifth, and in fact already sixth term in power, is the beginning of his end.
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the question is how many more lives he will manage to take with him. you know, i will make such a short historical excursion, i think that it will not surprise anyone if i tell you that many rulers, more famous, less famous, the only thing they were worried about at the end of their lives, i think so, more influential, great politicians, is that to live forever, well, there were different people, of course, who until the last cared about the development of the state, about the well-being of their people, about the fact that you, the army, about how to improve their geopolitical positions, many great emperors, roman too, lived by this until the last day, but there were, let's say, chengizhan, he was looking for... sorcerers, doctors who could give him the elixir of immortality, the same, let's say, a more modern story, this is maudzedun, the leader of communist china, who
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actually created yoga, well, he was also looking for various doctors, experts, from all over the world, somewhere in the world, who should come and give him this elixir of eternal life , putin also has a shaman in altai, who on... probably promises him something, putin needs, he will not understand, he is a sick person, to understand that there will be no eternal life, but this is such a manic desire to take with him as much as possible, you know, here at the very end i will tell such a story, why does he lose, actually in the movie red dragon, it's one of the series of movies about hannibal lector, according to the famous best seller, and hannibal lector got caught by an fbi agent, and he says, i was doing everything right, like me, i was hiding, hiding, i everything did the right thing how did you find me, in why the reason and the fbi inspector said in the performance of edward norton told him you 're just sick professor, so putin is just
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sick, so he, he thinks he 's doing everything right, he has to win, it has to be, great russia, empire the soviet union, it is simply sick, and that is why it will lose, well, but, unfortunately, many more people will die, unfortunately, serhiy zgurets will talk about those people who do not let us die at the front, these are our armed forces. forces of ukraine and all those who help them. sergey, congratulations, congratulations you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our military section we will talk about weapons and ammunition for the armed forces against the background of a new meeting in the ramstein format and outside it, and about what is happening on the front line and whether the next russian offensive is winding down, more on that in a moment. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a ... heavy load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminist uro
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united by football together stronger! the 20th meeting will be held tomorrow at the ramstein air base in germany. of the contact group on the defense of ukraine. there are more than 50 states that are participants participated in the supply of weapons to ukraine in order to counter the aggression of the russian federation. it will be such a personal meeting, and not in an online format, as before, the us secretary of defense lloyd austin invited the ministers of defense and senior military officials of the world to discuss the war in ukraine, various security problems faced by allies and partners of the united states. not yet.
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there are details about the plans for this meeting, but it can be expected that the ukrainian side will raise issues regarding the strengthening of air defense, the transfer of missiles for various purposes, the supply of artillery systems and ammunition, probably drones and military training, as well as the situation with the repair and maintenance of western-made equipment and weapons. let me remind you of already known public examples when, for example , in order to repair the artillery received from sha, that is, in particular the m37 howitzers, which we now see in the video, the repairmen of the armed forces have to go to the creation of such frankenghams, that is, when to restore one howitzer, it is necessary to take components from another damaged artillery system, at one base there were as many as 20 such damaged hawks, some parts of which are used to repair these m37-moks, and
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our...repairmen have to resort to such a certain cannibalism of spare parts, since there has been no help from the usa with components for several months, the actual production is in ukraine will only partially cover needs, the situation on the battlefield does not allow for procrastination. this also applies, by the way, to the repair of tanks, here you can give an example of 18 leopard 2 a6 tanks, which... delivered germany in ukraine, about a month or so ago, german politicians appealed to the management of the rain metal and kraus mafia vegeman concerns, which produce these tanks, that the situation with spare parts should be urgently improved, because, unfortunately, only a part of those supplied to ukraine tanks remains fit for combat due to a lack of spare
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parts, and these repairs are carried out in lithuania, and there is a lack of spare parts. the same applies to the british challengers and the american abrams. anyway, among the proposals is the improvement of the training of ukrainian crews, the supply of instructions or the repair of tanks on the territory of ukraine itself. it is clear that it will not be easy for the united states to hold this almost 20th anniversary meeting in the reinstein format, and most importantly, primarily because of inhibitions. precisely american military aid to ukraine, which is already affecting the situation on the front lines, the united states recently did announce the delivery of a $300 million aid package there, but these are much smaller amounts considering the real needs of ukraine, and this they actually understand in the biden team, which promised to provide assistance to ukraine for so long.


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