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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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empire, the soviet union, he is simply sick, and therefore he will lose, well, but, unfortunately, many more people will die, unfortunately. serhii zgurets will talk about those people who prevent us from dying at the front, these are our armed forces of ukraine and all those who help them. sergey, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, today in our military column we will talk about weapons and ammunition for the armed forces against the background of the new meeting in the ramstein format and outside it, and about what ... is happening on the line front and whether another russian offensive is exhaling, more on that in a moment. the 20th meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine will be held tomorrow at the ramstein air base in germany. the participants are more than 50 states that have joined the supply of weapons to ukraine in order to counter the aggression of the russian federation. it will. such a personal
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meeting, and not in an online format as before, the us secretary of defense lloyd austin invited the ministers of defense and senior military officials of the world to discuss the war in ukraine, various security problems facing the allies, partners of the united states. so far , there are no details that the parties will raise issues related to the strengthening of air defense, the transfer of missiles of various purposes, the supply of artillery systems and ammunition. probably drones and military training, as well as the situation with the repair and maintenance of western-made equipment and weapons. let me remind you of the already known public examples, when, for example, in order to repair the artillery received from sha, in particular the m37 howitzers, which we now see in the video, the repairmen of the armed forces have to go to creation of such frankenghams, that is, when to restore one howitzer.
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we have to take components from another damaged art system, there were as many as 20 such damaged howitzers at one base, some parts of which are used to repair these m37oks, and our repairmen have to resort to such a certain cannibalism of spare parts, since there is no longer any help from the usa with components several months, the actual production in ukraine will only partially cover the needs. months, own production in ukraine only partially covers needs, the situation on the battlefield does not allow for procrastination. this also applies, by the way, to the repair of tanks, here we can give an example of 18 leopard 2 a6 tanks that germany delivered to ukraine, about a month or a little more ago, there was an appeal from german politicians. to
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the management of the rain metal and craus mafi vegeman concerns, which produce these tanks, that it is necessary to urgently improve the situation with spare parts, because, unfortunately, only part of the tanks delivered to ukraine remain suitable for combat operations due to the lack of spare parts, and these e repairs are carried out in lithuania, and there is a lack of components, the same applies to british challengers and american a. bramtsiv in any case, among the proposals is the improvement of training of ukrainian crews, the supply of instructions or the repair of tanks on the territory of ukraine itself. it is clear that it will not be easy for the united states to hold this almost 20th anniversary meeting in the reinstein format. and the main thing is, first of all, because of the inhibition of the american one military aid to ukraine, which is already affecting the situation on the front line. usa.
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recently they did announce the delivery of a $300 million aid package there, but this is a much smaller amount considering the real needs of ukraine, and this is actually understood by the biden team, which promised to provide assistance to ukraine for as long as necessary, and so that russia does not win ukraine, and now the coordinator of the national security council for strategic communications, john kirby, during an interview with abc, it seems yesterday, spoke about that, that is, they, that is, we have donbass is running out of ammunition, now they are already retreating there to the second and third lines of defense, as the russians continue to try to advance to the west - said kirby, i don't know what exactly kirby meant by the second and third lines there, but i understand that this is more of an interview "it was aimed specifically at the american audience, at american politicians, because now the us administration is conducting an investigation." log or discussions with the speaker
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of the house of representatives and his associates to approve such allocations of aid to ukraine and accelerate this allocation. at the same time, there is some progress from the europeans. and i think it will be scaled up in ramstein, first of all it is about the projectile initiative from the czech president petr pavel, we know about 800 thousand projectiles of various western and soviet calibers there, but the other day it became known that it is about what the czech republic discovered around the world another 700,000 units, which can be supplied if there is funding, that is , in general, we are talking about... projectiles, and this is actually a colossal number , and even the first batches that arrive in ukraine, they in fact, well, they are removing hunger from our and art units and the shell diet for our
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artillery, i hope it will be eased. and then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, where ammunition and various weapons systems are needed. over the past day, there were 72 clashes there, and the left part of them fell precisely on the avdiivsky direction and novopavlivskyi, these two directions remain the most difficult, so about these directions, about other areas of the front, what affects them and the situation on the front line, about this we will talk to our as a guest, we are joined by viktor kevlyuk, reserve colonel and expert at the center for defense strategies, sir. victor, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. good evening, mr. serhiy, mutual. we already have a tradition of doing such a review once every two weeks, based on your experience and your detailing of what is happening on the front line. there are many questions from me and from our viewers, and i would like you to start with an assessment
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of what is happening right now on the front line, where russia has actually been conducting another offensive since october. campaign, and how now is it possible to assess the current situation as a whole and in these two hottest directions, that is just west of avdiyivka and the novopavlivskyi direction, where now, as we see, there are the most combat clashes? it should not be called a campaign, it is an offensive operation on a separate operational direction, the situation now is as follows: avdiiv direction, battles are ongoing. on the border of berdychi, orlivka, tonenko, pervomayske, nevilske. the 15th and 30th motorized rifle brigades of the enemy's second army are attacking in the direction of the berdychi spv, but their advance is very serious complicated by the fire control of the defense forces,
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which defend themselves there at the highest heights, and very often counterattack effectively. 114 brigade of the first army corps and 55 brigade. the enemy's 41st army captured the village of thinka, advanced a little west, reached the outskirts of semenivka, but were stopped there by the defense forces and are not advancing now, the ninth motorized rifle brigade of the first army corps and the 35th brigade of the 41st army are trying to break through to pervomaiske, yes they can't just yet, the 110th brigade of the enemy's first corps has... enough nevilske in the novopavlovsk direction , the situation is even more dynamic. fighting continues along the border. georgiivka, pobeda novomykhaivka. the adversary, almost in its entirety, engaged the 20th motorized rifle division
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of the eighth army, most of the 150th motorized rifle division, and most of the forces of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet. and here... they had the 1,219 motorized rifle regiment of the territorial troops in reserve, it was transferred to the 20th division and has already been put into battle in full force, that's all is being done with the aim of countering the enemy's command, trying to maintain the pace of the offensive right here, in addition , the 10th tank regiment has been transferred here from the pokrovsky direction, and its units are already further north and northeast. novomykhay, together with the 33rd regiment of the 20th division and the 1219th regiment of territorial troops, are actively attacking the positions of the defense forces in the area of ​​novomykhaivka. for the enemy, the capture of novomykhai is extremely
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important, and they are actively risking their planes here, which are about to deliver from four to six hits with guided aerial bombs, and some days even and after 10 strikes, the 242-255th regiment of the 150th division of the enemy captured the settlement of pobeda, 110th motorized rifle brigade. units of the forces of the fifth brigade of the first army corps are trying to break through to krasnogohorivka, but the defense forces there conducted several very successful counterattacks, the situation was stabilized, the enemy was stopped. the 39th brigade of the 68th army corps is the coastal forces of the pacific fleet, attacking in the direction of the famous novomykhaivka and sweet water. make your way to road o-50 0530. marinka ugledar, here she is on your map in white color, it is clearly visible, they cannot
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, this is a very important logistical route of the defense forces, that is why ours are quite active there and the defense continues successfully so far, all these actions are definitely connected by a single plan and plan of the enemy command, in terms of prospects, in vdiivsk in the direction of the enemy will try to advance in the direction of... pervomaiske nitailovo in order to bypass the right flank of the defense forces in the area in the area of ​​nitailovo, on novopavlivske the enemy will try to cut the same road maryanko uglidar and go to the left flank and preferably go to the rear of the ukrainian group that is defending ugledar. this is the situation. mr. victor, you say quite categorically that they will try to advance, that is , you understand backwards, but... are there forces and means for this, if we say that since october the enemy has been conducting offensive operations, theoretically he
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should have already exhausted himself, or to go for regrouping, this does not happen, and after that, questions arise about russian reserves, that is, relatively speaking, whether it is determined whether this mobilization hidden there is enough renew losses and whether the enemy now has variations in order to accumulate some operational or more strategic ones. reserves to support these offensive actions or plan others? in response to your question , only mr. budanov's department has clear and accurate data, accordingly we can scroll through open sources, the picture that consists of this scrolling, the losses of the enemy every month this year amount to 22-25 thousand servicemen. the procurement system supplies 20,000 to the troops every month,
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that is, there is no reason to talk about stockpiling, but the enemy maintains staffing at a level that allows the continuation of combat missions. if we talk about reserves, the enemy has practically no strategic reserves today, in order to deploy and form them, it is necessary to conduct mobile operations. what should be expected in the near future, now on the base of the 21st motorized rifle brigade of the central military district, the enemy is deploying the 27th motorized rifle division, and the formation process is very interesting, the 433rd motorized rifle regiment of this division is being formed at the landfill in the area of ​​trehbinka, luhansk region, everything else at the totskaya landfill. in the central military district, well, let's see what they will get out of it, in terms of operational
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reserves, more of them have been spent, at least in the groups that are conducting active hostilities, for example, in the turkish direction, the operational reserves are currently estimated at one motorized rifle battalion, and but in the pokrovsky direction, the enemy has three motorized rifle regiments, three rifle battalions of the mobilization... recruited in the donetsk and luhansk regions and somewhere up to two units of the combat army reserve, so to say that the enemy has something to strengthen his offensive is extremely limited possibilities, in the event of a breakthrough in our defense, he actually has nothing to develop his tactical, potential success into an operational one , it is definitely not worth calming down. but the picture for today is like this , even then questions arise about how we
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should behave on the battlefield, because, relatively speaking, i cannot help but mention the publication in sandy times, based on the results of the stay in kyiv of the minister of defense and the commander of the british forces , mr. shabs and radakin there, where the sunday times wrote that they advised the ukrainian side to abandon the plan of action there. offensive there on the front line, instead of maintaining the defense on the northern and eastern fronts, they will be afraid that syrsky will not go there, he will not be too interested in land operations there. and that the main emphasis should be placed on carrying out strikes on crimea with the help of missiles both there and on the black sea, and then it was presented in sufficient detail in the british press, why are these tips that they have relation to reality and why the british put such emphasis, perhaps
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hoping for their historical experience, what are your evaluations of these tips, first of all. britain is currently one of the leading partners and allies of ukraine in the fight against russian aggression, certainly the officials of the defense sector of great britain are making a huge amount of effort in order to collect, generalize, analyze the situation, look for optimal options for actions in such a situation, they have appropriate mechanisms for ... hostilities and probably as a result of this modeling gives certain advice to the security and defense sector of ukraine. what can i say about this? why is the first advice to focus on a strategic defense operation in the first place? all parties perfectly understand that
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ukraine does not have the necessary resources to carry out an offensive operation today, there are no prepared reserves. there is no proper supply of everything from ammunition to heavy weapons, and in general , conducting a large-scale offensive operation takes a lot of time, so defense is a kind of natural way out of the situation, about it general zaluzhnyi spoke before his resignation, this point of view, i understand, was supported by general syrskyi, the new commander-in-chief, so there is no miracle or any such... news: why is it about the domination of the black sea? the chief of the defense staff of great britain, anthony james radakin, is primarily an admiral who has given the navy more than 30 years of his service. he understands this deeply, he is one of the shapers of the new accounting
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of the naval forces of ukraine, and the fact that there are certain... well, for example, we received anti-ship missiles, it is his merit, preparation for the transfer of minesweepers from the fleet of great britain to the naval forces of ukraine in the same way, and plus all this can be multiplied by the unmanned actions of unmanned boats of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine in the black sea, which gave an unexpectedly high effect, the enemy did not brings out for example, carriers of cruise missiles for sea attack in the waters of the black sea, there are no rotations of ships in the sea of ​​azov, rotation squadrons in the mediterranean, which we still cannot get, accordingly, the following method, this variant of asymmetric actions creates a huge threat on
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the southern flank, which is relatively safe for the enemy, after its anti-aircraft defenses are destroyed. possibilities in the crimea, its forces and means in the black sea are extremely limited, then access to conduct an air operation against air bases in the krasnodar territory, in the rostov region, in the stavoropol territory, respectively, is opened up, i think so, as i said, admiral radakin had in kind of just such a development of events, maybe in the operational or in strategic. in the future , in fact, they are probably ready technically to provide these concepts that they are currently offering to the ukrainian armed forces, but in any case, we need not only means, but also forces, and here we somehow come close to the issue of our mobilization , it takes place through the initial legislation, and the new law on
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mobilization continues to be debated in the parliament, what... consequences will this delay in the adoption of the new draft law have, how do you assess these risks? primarily in the parliament does not have a new version of the law on mobilization, but a draft law on making changes to the legislative acts, of which there are 12 pieces, regarding the procedure for conducting mobilization, that is, the mechanism itself that was, and remained so. to talk about the fact that something is preventing us from equipping the armed forces with personnel today, well, it is hardly possible, because all the necessary mechanisms are in place, after all... since 2014, we have conducted six rounds of partial mobilization from february 2022, the general mobilization,
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and the bill focuses on creating more favorable conditions and giving certain structures, and these are not the armed forces, to be more effective in facilitating, in general, it should be understood that... this is the transfer to functioning in wartime conditions, primarily of state authorities, the national economy, and the national transport system. the armed forces are mentioned there right at the end, so it is necessary to separate the equipping of the armed forces, and, strictly speaking, mobilization, to which the armed forces , by and large, have nothing to do. what are the threats of delaying this bill in does it carry? if we lose, and the enemy overtakes us, firstly, in demobilization, and secondly, in deploying its strategic reserves, the situation for us along
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the entire front line will be very difficult. we hope that this will not happen, and your evaluations will be heard by our politicians, thank you for your time, for your professional evaluations, i will remind our viewers that it is on the air. viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert at the center for defense strategies, met us. these were the main emphasis in the military results of this day, more international and more economic news on vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgorets, i thank him and his guest, these were the military results of the day.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, and the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you: the world about ukraine with yuri fizer. who congratulated putin with another victory in the next presidential election, i also wanted to say that to the russian federation, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, there are topics that are worth discussing, because the trends in some places are quite behind... spills, and the expectations and slogans of the authorities are quite unrealistic , economics is a science, it is not a dream or a slogan, and also
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the weather from natalka didenko, whether winter has returned to ukraine for a long time and when spring will drive it out, not me, but her. okay, now about the news, i will tell you in detail. the russians launched a missile attack on the konotop in sumy oblast, infrastructure was damaged. there are none in one of the microdistricts of the city. and hot water, said the mayor artem semenikhin. relevant services are eliminating the consequences, according to preliminary data , there are no dead or injured. 285 citizens, including 26 children , were evacuated from the border settlements of the okhtyr district of the sumy oblast. with the residents of the popivka village of the velikopyseriv community. currently , the local communication authority has no information about the situation, the military said. up to 20 residents remain there. people come out of field villages. they choose the roads by their own transport or on foot, then they are taken to the emergency services or the police, said the head of the community lyudmila biryukova. before the war , almost 400 people lived in syria, the evacuation from the border
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settlements of the okhtyr district continues for the sixth day in a row, due to constant airstrikes by the russians, it is impossible to live there, even those who did not plan to leave their native homes, native villages, shelling are leaving do not stop even during the evacuation, now everything will be fine, now we will take you out and everything will be in order, so that everything ok, everything will be fine. japan produces 22 machines for humanitarian demining of ukraine. the first batch of such transport will be delivered already in june this year, the first secretary of the embassy of japan in ukraine told yamasha and nozuma. he noted that japan has been working with the cambodian demining center for 25 years. and they have developed many methodologies that will be passed on to us. ukraine, let me remind you, is today the most mined country in the world. drug trade in
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sizon. the leader of a criminal group established a drug distribution channel in to the rivne pre-trial detention center, involved several of sizo's dependents and two persons at large in the scheme. they bought drugs, packed them and delivered them to the penitentiary, and then distributed them among the convicts , informs the national police . , bank cards and... new entries of participants. gur confirms the losses of the russians during the raids of the legion of freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion in the belgorod and kursk regions of russia, more than 600 killed and 800 wounded. andrii yusov, representative of ukrainian intelligence, said that 27 soldiers of the russian federation were captured by the volunteers, 20 armored vehicles and seven tanks were captured.
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to destroy, yusuf also noted that the events in the border regions of russia helped to draw the enemy's forces and means away from ukraine. disability for bribery. in bukovina , an official of the medical advisory commission of medicine was detained for money registered men of military age as persons with the second group of disabilities. the cost of such a service was from 3x5 to 5 thousand dollars. law enforcement officers documented. the national police reported that during the search , more than 8 million hryvnias were seized from her. the woman was remanded in custody with the possibility of bail in the amount of over uah 181,000. a woman who earned disability benefits in lviv oblast offered marriage to men of conscription age. for this, they would have armor against
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mobilization, since kmi'. the tonsil appeared disabled the marriage would have cost the suitors $10,000, but the wedding business failed. she was detained by law enforcement officers while receiving part of the funds, the state border service of ukraine informs. now the woman faces imprisonment for a term of seven to nine years. ukraine is rapidly losing people after the full-scale invasion of russia , from six to 8 million ukrainians left the borders of our country. mostly they are women. of working age and children. in addition, in the 23rd year in our country , the birth rate also decreased, and the number of premature childbirth increased by 30%. migration policy experts say that ukraine should already develop a plan to return citizens home. in order to return, there is a question of employment. and here i consider not so much the issue of refugees after the 22nd, but
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permanent ones. migrants who were looking for better, better work, should be focused on them, because they are the golden fund for the future of ukraine. yes, we should think about it already, already. protection against potential threats, security audits help identify problem areas in communities and improve them. this project is implemented in 14 regions of the country by a consortium of six women's organizations, including the ukrainian public health foundation. with the assistance of the apparatus of the government commissioner for gender policy kateryna levchenko, so how did our correspondents see how the unrest was resolved in lviv oblast? well, i was like two and choose a color, it will be purple. pupils of the bibersky support lyceum play board games in a shelter during an air raid to create a comfortable and safe space for schoolchildren, the local authorities have arranged
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a protective shelter. building, we bought here such functional things, which


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