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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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bantosiarto make some kind of curtseys towards putin, talk about the fact that ukraine must sit down at the transition table. ukraine should give putin a clear answer to the so-called peace initiatives, or calls for peace talks with putin. in hungary, they probably forgot about how the soviet army once destroyed their capital and other cities, as it happened. the occupation of hungary by soviet troops, they must have forgotten, or money really doesn't smell anymore, and orbán is ready to do everything to be convenient, first of all for putin, then for those with whom it is part of the great european union and part of the north atlantic alliance. well, one more news today, which is quite active.
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talked about in social networks, and not only in social networks, but also in the mass media, is the detention of a local volunteer in lviv, kyryl taran, by employees of the tsk on the night of march 16, employees of the territorial assembly center detained a volunteer who, by the way, does a lot for the front and collects for the front ee... and provides assistance to the front, you can see the information about this incident now on their screens, how tsc workers forcefully push him into the busik, this video was published on the social network by his wife, i.e. kyryla tarana, according to her, the volunteer refused to go through the vlc right away, because he did not have medical documents with him, but he was already there in the morning. the order for his
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mobilization was ready, he was immediately sent to the military unit in rivne. ombudsman dmytro lubinets is waiting for the re-appointment of the vlk, based on the results of which the regional tsc will make a new decision regarding the volunteer. today, the tsc in lviv clarified and explained that this the whole story that happened with kirill'. kyrylo taran himself is to blame for it, because he changed his place of residence and for seven days did not inform the tcc about his change of residence, in the words of the military commander, there is nothing wrong with this, and those people who detained him are veterans of the russian-ukrainian war, and well here in this story we see two sides and we also see the reaction of a person authorized by law.
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dmytro lubinets, that is why it is obvious that this story needs the careful attention of the human rights commissioner, including the tsc, in order to understand this story and dot the dots, why kyrylo taran was sent to the state central committee in such a way and why he ended up in the military unit in rivne without the vlk. we'll be following this story, of course. we will listen to all sides and all comments, if there are any, and we will quote these comments, because it is very important for us to do our work accurately and correctly. well, one more piece of information that appeared just these days is that the physical training coach of odesa chornomorets ihor kasyanenko did not return to ukraine from the training camp in turkey, but decided to move to his family in miami. the press service of chornomorets has already confirmed.
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information about the escape of the coach abroad in the parliamentary committee on national security , which is currently considering, by the way, the law, the draft law on mobilization for consideration in the verkhovna rada in the second reading, they say that they will do their utmost to ensure that evaders do not flee to the border and, in principle , control over them was much stricter, moreover, yehor cherniev is one of the... members of the parliamentary committee on of national security and defense has said that the committee itself is looking for a formula that is acceptable now to provide people with disabilities with the care they need, while closing the loophole for dodgers, when this mobilization bill is passed on second reading in the final, it is not yet known, but it is obvious will happen during march and april, so we will wait... for
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the result of this vote, my personal opinion is that the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi should take the political one. responsibility and invite deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to adopt this draft law and enlist the support of the verkhovna rada, if there is no such appeal, then it is not a fact that this law will be adopted in the second reading. friends, that's all, i will say that today, during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin. after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. now we will look at the results of a television poll: 27% yes, 73% no. we also conduct this survey on youtube, we can see the results following: 35% yes, or 35% - no. this,
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my friends, is the end of today's verdict, conducted by serhiy rudenko. i wish you good health, take care of yourself. yourself and your relatives, goodbye, there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in the pharmacies of plantain, ban and oskad, there are discounts on kombi mushroom hop, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and oskad, there are discounts on zzilor. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl
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zemai, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many important ones topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. and how the world lives now , about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechen for information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the arrival, as well as distinguished guests. studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. how a doctor from mariupol treated wounded ukrainians military during hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. watch tuesday march 19 at 5:45 p.m. the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio
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svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber we talk about the currently occupied crimea and the events that affect our ukrainian peninsula. khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev, with you as always. christina and we will probably start with the anniversary, it is the 10th anniversary of the pseudo-referendum
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in crimea, the referendum that took place under the muzzles of russian machine guns, with a huge number of violations, which had nothing to do with the expression of will or plebiscite, whatever, but definitely a huge number of people who thought they supported it. the russian federation still came to vote, how a huge number of people protested against this referendum in general, how many of those who came to it were from the russian federation and have nothing to do with crimea, this question seems to me we will still have to explore, but let's start with a pleasant guider, well, pleasant is what i wish for you all, our dears. viewers to thank for what we closed a large collection together with you for 1.5
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million uah for fpv drones with television cameras that can work against the enemy in our southern direction, at night, it was a plan to collect 50 such drones, and they collected one more, i am very grateful to you i thank everyone and on behalf of the commander of the 48th separate assault battalion named after novan chelbijahan. lunur islyamov, major of the armed forces and on behalf of all the soldiers and officers of this unit, which is currently in battle, and therefore we cannot take any pause, and will continue to collect. now it is announced no the new collection and the fighters themselves will tell you about it. we, fighters of the 48th separate assault battalion. we are asking for your help for communication consent, namely batteries for radio stations, which are lacking in sufficient
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quantity, as well as batteries for fpv drones, a feeder for spreading antennas, as well as repair kits, sums of separate kits for whistles for emergency repairs. thank you for your help, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. thank you to our defenders, thank you to those who step up and do everything. perhaps in order to bring closer the appearance of the ukrainian military in crimea, this is extremely important, without help, without the financial support of the entire society here, it cannot be done. and during the program you will see qr codes, the card number of this collection, these are very important things, without them it is impossible to fight, and we have to do it to the people who are just now protecting us here and in our peaceful, conditionally peaceful, but still peaceful cities, and we, in this way, only in this way, used to argue about
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how to return crimea, only in a military way, no more, and we will do it together, thank you, and the defense forces are already carrying out considerable preparatory and basic work on the liberation of crimea, because what else can you call the processes taking place around the so-called black sea fleet of the russian federation, so-called because according to the calculations of the naval forces. .. the forces of ukraine managed to destroy or damage, so that it is no longer possible to use about a third of the 80 ships of the black sea fleet, all the rest sit quietly in the corners and, in fact , have not even entered the water area for quite a long time in order to demonstrate some of their capabilities there, and certainly one of the main news, i would say exactly that, the news that outlines the trend of the last week is that the russians are no longer just ships to novorossiysk or abkhazia. rebasing, but also repair capacities, possibly gas-lubricating capacities, which are generally related to
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the maintenance of this so-called fleet. i will quote nato secretary general jens stoltenberg here, one of the great victories achieved by ukraine is that it was able to push back the russian black sea fleets, destroy many their ships, as well as provide an open corridor from odessa and west to the bosphorus, working closely with nato allies romania. bulgaria and turkey. the head of nato says that the successful naval operation testifies to the competence of the ukrainian armed forces and the weapons transferred by the members of the alliance. we add to ours. volodymyr zablotskyi, defense express naval expert and retired captain of the first rank. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you, thank you for volunteering to join eter. thank you for the invitation, glory to ukraine. well, that's it here is the trend that is being outlined, to take out even rem-bases, can we say that this
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is exactly that. now the main evidence is that the russian federation does not consider crimea. peninsula as a full-fledged and permanent base of its so-called black sea fleet. well, we can agree with you, if we add to this other factors that we have seen before, namely the rebasing of the black sea fleet, the black sea flotilla, let’s say this, because it is no longer a fleet, to the ports of the caucasus, in particular to the novorossian and to occupied abkhazia. well, it is so , on the other hand, it can be considered, if in a pessimistic scenario, we consider how the military does it, it is possible that it is just such a means, well, self-preservation or the fleet in order to be capable, effective, let's say, to perform some tasks that it is relied on, it has
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to be repaired from time to time, it is still machinery, and machinery requires spare parts, ammunition, lubricants and so on, so they do it only in sevastopol, because there is nowhere else, and therefore it is insured in case that will have to for a long time to endure such a situation that has developed, which was created by the defense forces of ukraine in sevastopol in the same, and therefore they are redeploying their capacities, well, not yet capacities, let's say so , but the material reserves of the technical management of the fleet, because... it is it that is responsible for repairs, it keeps track of schedules, uh, when to repair, it creates a queue, there is docking and so on, and i would also consider an optimistic scenario on the one hand, and a less optimistic one, let’s say, on the other, mr. volodymyr, i want to point out if i am right
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or not, please tell me, in principle the black sea fleet... of the so-called russia, it was in general, well no, not the strongest, to put it mildly, and not the newest, that is, there were, in principle, old ships, and i was even a long, long time ago, 15-20 years ago, on this cruiser moskva, it still looked like a very old thing, well, rather for parades than for war, well, it will never take part in parades now, but for such old ones ships... repair is generally the main thing, that is, they need to be repaired, well , actually continuously, one, another, third, there is the next one, and the fact that they transferred this fleet to russia from the crimea, from ours, does this indicate that, de facto, it has become for the russian army, not an advantage, but such a tiger, that is, it is necessary to
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to take care of him, to protect him, in fact , he is no longer a means of ... attack, am i wrong, does he still remain a threat, that is, he himself is directly the navy, does he now pose a military threat to us or not, well, you are right, of course, but he does pose a threat because he is still the dominant force in the relationship to the fact that the naval forces of ukraine have, that is, they have an advantage in numbers, in numerical and quantitative composition, weight in the presence of missile launchers that strike at our industrial centers and residential districts, well, now for some time they do not strike, because there are no calibers or something has happened to them, but nevertheless they have such, have such potential, and this threat cannot be discounted, let's say so, on
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the other hand, he cannot perform any more, let's say... tasks, because the only one, this is the last news of the end of february, the only one such a transport highway that connected syria and russia, novorossiysk, in particular, the so-called syrian express, which the russians used to transport ammunition to both ends, recently mainly s-300 missiles to novorossiysk, which they use. and are now used for shelling the peaceful quarters of zaporizhzhia, kharkiv oblast and so on, this highway ceased to exist because... russian, russian ships that were used for this began to be forced under the threat of attacks from our unmanned vehicles to head for the baltic sea
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the sea, that is, through the bosphorus, they used to go here, but now they are forced to go much further and much longer, this is such a great achievement, after our sea breakthrough. blockade of the enemy pushing him out of the northwestern part of the black sea water area, this means that the enemy does not feel free, or is already weakened to the point that he is not even able to accompany these ships, which are very important for him, by the way, and therefore refused to use this route, this route for important military personnel transportation, it also weakens. er, the group of russians in syria, because it was fed mainly from here, now they will be transported from the baltic sea, well, but there is also something there, i
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think, they will not leave it so easily, well, or the north will remain from murmansk, they will be transported by a circular route, if they have money, mr. captain, i would like to ask you a question, volodymyr zelenskyy recently visited turkey and wants to get out of the way. certain compromises were not reached on political issues with the turkish president, but regarding cooperation in the field military-industrial complexes, as far as i am concerned, our relations with turkey are always interesting, and we are already talking about another ada-class corvette of the ukrainian navy, which was named hetman ivan vyhovskyi, as i understand it, we are currently working on the future, for what are we building ships that are theoretically not very... then we can simply use them here and now to our advantage in the war with the russian federation, well, that is , drones, unmanned technologies, all the things that
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really impress the russian fleet, this is all cool, and this everything works, by the way, i don't understand at all, why should the russians now take the same path that they are going to impress us with their defenders, who will allegedly bet on the flow of production, but that's another matter, why do we need... forwards of a similar class, so what? well , let's start with the fact that ukraine is a country of two seas, the sea of ​​azov and the black sea. we have our own interests, we have a maritime economic zone exclusively, which must be defended. and naval drones and the so-called mosquito fleet are only a partial solution to the problem. it is a question of defense, but there is also a question of offense. question offensive involves a blockade. the enemy near his, his coast acted as part of coalitions or combinations of allied forces, that is, together with
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nato ships, to be at sea, for a long time, to perform some tasks here, as well as in the mediterranean sea, after the end of the war, that is, it is a view of perspective for the future, no drones, no unmanned systems for this, well, not suitable, that's clear, because it's... a weapon is effective yes, but only a tool, they can't show the flag of ukraine where it's needed, they can't act together as part of an international, let's say, coalition under the auspices of the un or the european union or nato, well , that's understandable, and the interests of the same, the same nato, let's say, the united nations , the european union, they... are not only in black and the sea of ​​azov, which are important for us, but also beyond, so every country, a member of these, let's say, blocs, or international
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organizations, must allocate certain forces and means to perform such tasks. here, ukraine, by the way, was involved in the implementation of international agreements, in the participation of e-e in international operations against of pirates, near the coast. not long ago, the frigate hetman sagaidachy, i will remind you, went there in december 13th and returned to odessa already after the crimea was captured in march 14th, well, accordingly, this is such an expensive pleasure, the fleet is such a it is a precious thing, but it is necessary and you have to invest money in it, so ukraine is in advance. is preparing such opportunities, i will remind you that there is also a ship coalition, which primarily involves the transfer of minesweepers to us,
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these are two ships of the type. british-built sandown and two more ships from of the european union - that's the netherlands and belgium, well, but it's a little later, they will participate in demining, because it is an urgent need for the black sea to free and secure the roads and approach fairways near our ports, and this, let's say, is work for years , it is not for nothing that the nato countries, the black sea countries, the black sea nato countries, turkey, bulgaria and romania, have created such an anti-mine coalition, which has been working for a month, and which we should join, but unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity yet, our ships, which we have already received, which are in great britain, chernihiv and cherkasy, which have already raised ukrainian flags, but until the end of hostilities between russia and ukraine,
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they cannot pass. of the bosphorus stream is well and truly recorded in the montrio convention. this is how this question looks like. mr. volodymyr, it may look a little strange now, but i will ask the following question: in principle, this war changes everything, it changes tactics, strategy, drones appeared there, as such an important part of the war, etc. and from... we really see that the fleet will change, and now ukraine is actually building the fleet of the future, actually from scratch, well, yes, come on, well, almost like that , and it is, probably, tell me if i’m not wrong, but it also looks like this to me, and what are the prospects when crimea returns to ukraine , there should be a ukrainian black sea and azov fleet of the future, which
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ships should be there, or should there be there... anoski, should there be any others there, i don’t know for you , what is more important than the ships that will have the opportunity to cross the bosphorus there and participate in some public actions there with nato, etc., that is, if you look 10-20 years ahead, what do you see? if we talk about the future, well, the fleet development strategy was approved, i don't see any changes in it yet. that is, we are passing the first stage of protecting our own shores, that is, countering the enemy, and we are successfully completing this task. next will be the ability to operate in the black sea in full, that is, the presence of such platforms that will allow us to operate, not just strike with
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drone forces. and, well, act as part of an international coalition that can deliver other tasks, not only a war with russia, there may be others, and peacekeeping operations, and etc., etc., because if we assume that russia someday, ah, this will probably happen, will disintegrate, then it is impossible to exclude the issues of peacekeeping operations, that's what zhavkaz said. well, this is a well-known thing in such situations, then the third stage is already the actions outside the black sea, which we have already talked about, as an example we can look at her here is such an interesting fact: after finland and sweden became members of nato, the baltic sea has changed to the nato sea, relatively speaking, yes, but the poles
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for some reason... in january they laid down, started building frigates, a frigate for the baltic sea is nonsense, then everything is fired at even closer there than in the black sea, but they are building frigates, the first they laid a frigate, they called it a whirlwind with a pump there, well, a modern ship, in general they want to build three, they spent a lot of money on the modernization of their shipyard in gdansk, gdynia, i'm sorry. and it would seem, well, why frigates in the baltic sea, they are there, and by the way, the polish the opposition here says, so what, how is this, this is treason, and nothing like that, polish frigates operate within the borders, the army of the combined naval forces of nato, in the mediterranean sea, in the indian ocean, by the way, in it is known in the persian gulf and in the atlantic.


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