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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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yana yevomelnyk and the news team will talk about the most important things for this hour. three men died in the village of lviv in the kherson region. these are local residents of 45, 55 and 67 years old - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the men decided to disassemble the fpv drone, which they found in the yard, but during the disassembly, the ammunition embedded in it detonated. all three were seriously injured and died on the way to the hospital. three more families with
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children were returned from the temporarily occupied territories. the families came from zaporizhzhia and donetsk regions, he said shoemaker dmytro lubinets. one of the families with a three-year-old child lived in energodar. these are employees of the captured zaporizhzhia as. they refused to cooperate with the russians, survived searches, physical violence, detention and interrogations. two women also managed to leave donetsk. with eight-year-old and nine-year-old sons. russians complain about drone attack in voronezh. local media reports that a drone was shot down over the city late in the evening, the debris of which fell on the road. they claim that there are no victims. and in belgorod, the energomash plant was damaged. local authorities say that russian anti-aircraft missiles allegedly managed to shoot down eight aerial targets. one of the employees of the plant recorded the video. from the workshop,
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where the damaged roof is visible, as well as smoke on the territory of the enterprise itself. and today there will be a new meeting of allies of ukraine in the ramshtein format. a contact group on military assistance will meet in germany at an air base. this is already the 20th meeting of the partners, it will be chaired by the head of the pentagon, loyt austin. this will be his first international trip after hospitalization. the day before, he said that the coalition with... will focus on ukraine's urgent needs on the battlefield and long-term security. in general , ministers of defense and senior military officials from about 50 countries were invited to the meeting. espresso pivdni tv channel will broadcast the opening speech after the meeting in ramshtein format, also watch the press conference on the results of the agreements. belgium plans to provide ukraine.
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a new package of military aid worth 450 million dollars, which will include 300 armored vehicles, lmv and three minesweepers, shepard media writes. the new military aid initiative is aimed at strengthening ukraine's military potential. implemented by belgium, jointly with the netherlands. the countries will also provide training for ukrainian crews. earlier, brussels promised to provide general military aid to ukraine. the amount of 611 million euros during 2024, about half of this amount was allocated for additional artillery ammunition. meanwhile, eu countries support the idea of ​​using revenues from frozen russian assets for good of ukraine. this was stated by the head of diplomacy of the european union, josep borel, following the results of the eu council meeting. according to him, now there is a task. however,
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there is still no final consensus on this issue. i would like to note that recently western countries have been increasingly discussing the idea of ​​confiscating russian assets. this is happening against the background of the fact that the us congress cannot allocate money to help our country. a full-scale war found him far away in the kherson region. from their native home, when russian troops advanced on ukraine from the crimean side, our military received the task was to stop the enemy, but the forces were unequal. then the car where bohdan was was hit by heavy artillery fire. my colleagues spoke with the mother of the fallen defender. my golden sunshine, mother is always with you, always. for more than two years
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, lyudmila has been starting her mornings this way, she prays for the repose of her dead son bohdan rudkivskyi, who served in the armed forces of ukraine. from 2019, the woman recalls, from the fifth grade he was engaged in basketball and could not imagine life without it, later he transferred to the regional sports high school, where he received a certificate of full secondary general education. in 2014, when the team in which the boy played broke up, he could not find a place for himself, but he did not stop playing sports. bohdan also worked at various jobs, traveled to poland to earn money, but he realized that it was not for him, so he joined the army, namely the belotserk anti-aircraft missile regiment, but even there he did not leave the ball with a ring , went to the post of mechanic-driver of missile installations, he had such a big 18-ton car
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with missiles on top, in the 20th year they went on a rotation near the donbas, he told me: "mom, don't worry, we are very far away, we don't have any..." combat operations, but this was not true, we only found out how he was after that, after this six months, they were there on rotation, and he came and showed me a participant in hostilities, then i cried so much, bohdan stayed at home for a while, but already in july 2021 he went to the kherson region, where the all-ukrainian training took place. in september, the soldier took a fifteen-day vacation, and that's when the woman saw her son for the last time. in the south of the country belotserkivets welcomed the full. headquarters russian invasion, as mom shares, on february 23, they talked on the phone, and on the 24th , he only wrote: we are going, but he did not specify where. at approximately 3:30 p.m., they were fired upon by enemy artillery targeting the car in which
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27-year-old rudkivskyi was. relatives did not know about this and hoped that he was not responding due to lack of communication. and how it quieted down a little, and this brother who... hid, began to respond, began to shout, well, to hear if someone else was wounded or something, and he says, i heard bohdan scream , he says, i ran up to him, took him, he says , pull him by the hands, and bohdan was 1.95, height, i pulled him, he says, i pulled him, well, he says, after two minutes bohdan released , volunteers found the body of the white churchman and buried it together with the priest near oleshki, these territories are now temporarily occupied by the russians, so 60... the two-year-old mother believes that she will live to see the days when her son is reburied in the white church, because that way she will be calmer, mentions bohdan and his friend yaroslav, says they spent their childhood together and has a lot good memories the boys continued to communicate even when they became adults,
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but because of the service, meetings became less frequent. a person who was always ready to lend a shoulder, if necessary, in any situation. moment day-night, that is, regardless of the time of day , he was ready to come to the rescue, he even had a nickname in some companies, such as golden, he due to his hair color, eh, he is reddish here, eh, he is like that the sun radiated kindness, his mood conveyed support to people, recently in bila a basketball tournament was held in the church. in memory of the fallen defender, which will become a good tradition from now on. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and in order to expel muscovites from our ukrainian land, it is necessary to help the armed forces.
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the assembly of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade is in progress . maviks and fpvdrones are urgently needed. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault. across minefields, drones are needed, and we have to help. our goal - 500,000 uah. together with you, we have already collected more than 320 00. please join, any amount is important. you can see all the details on the screen. at this moment, the news team told about the most important thing. we work, we monitor what is happening in ukraine and the world. so, in the next edition, at 8 o'clock , we will talk about the most current events. of course , read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, like, stay close, i tell you, see you at 8 here, further on the espresso airwaves, meet my colleagues, lesya vakulyuk and andrii saichuka.
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and here we are, dear friends , waking up, turning on the espresso, our marathon continues, it's been 755 days, how long is the russian full-scale invasion going on, andriy saichu, leisya vuklyuk, we work in this studio for you, we work today until 12 o'clock, we have a huge list of guests and topics that we will discuss with them, well, but traditionally we will start everything with our roll call of regions, different and occupied and free from the muscovites, but unfortunately, shelled by them, join our terro... comments, and you can also join our broadcast, in such a way that you donate,
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donate for our military, we have another fundraiser going on and we need your participation, because we want to collect as much as 900 uah for our military, we are with you for yesterday collected today, somewhere around 37 thousand hryvnias , let's see how the collection will go today, i hope that it will be a little more, you and i already have 186 thousand in our account out of the 900 thousand required, from my observations, when the amount already exceeds at least a third , then that collection is much easier, up to a third we have about 10,014 hryvnias left, dear friends, so let's get closer to 300 00, and where 300 00 is, 900 will not be long in coming, we are collecting for several... cars for our military, for our powerful land cruiser, for a pickup truck for 43 of a separate artillery brigade and on
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a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen soldiers, so keep an eye on our announcements, and you see this qr code, that 's it, you can change it there. eh, let's start the roll call, we'll start it with occupied berdyansk and eh will tell what is happening there in occupied berdyansk, we have viktor dudukalov, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, he is already with us on... communication mr. viktor, good morning, congratulations, congratulations, good morning, mr. viktor, do you have any such news that is still in the news they didn't tell about berdyansk, but i don't know if it was reported at the all-ukrainian level that our partisan action had consequences in the form of one destroyed female collaborator and several injured at the polling station on saturday evening, well, this is probably the last most important news that supported very ... who are in the occupation, and who have left, including normal berdians, i mean
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, ugh, well, it was heard, though not himself, not bavovna herself, but about the fact that the collaborators were destroyed, how threatening they were and what about they say that in berdyansk, but here it's not actually about individuals, you know, collaborators don't have a gender and they don't have any importance there. is more or less of a threat, they, they all carry a threat, they are all unequivocally the enemy, and what they say about this in berdyansk, what they say about it is that fortunately people listened to normal opinions, that less need to go to these elections, less need to go to this cooperation, and people in berdyansk really understand that ukraine is still present there, and it has not sweated anywhere, and... the occupiers and collaborators will not win there, despite the fact that that they are in the majority, and because of this, accordingly, russia
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continues its plans to squeeze, maximally squeeze ukrainianness and ukrainians, including physically, as they physically occupied our territory, but the third so-called election shows that from within berdyansk itself recommended a ukrainian, exclusively ukrainian city, and such partisan actions are simply, well , the best confirmation that ukraine really has not gone anywhere there, and this is very fortunate. well, actually, they write that the main target of that attempt on saturday was a certain one, and musienko, yes, it seems, musenko, pavlo musenko, this is a person who worked in the city's executive committee before the occupation, and went over to the side of the laboratory technicians, for this he got a place, actually in the lists of united russia. and was a trusted person, is there a trusted person of president putin in berdyansk, this is a collaborator, but he
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was lucky, he was not in the cultural center at that time, and it seems that this explosive device actually went off. here is the occupier, this is the information about this muvsenko, who at one time belonged to the kizyaks, the locals, who bred their own kizyachts , only pro-russian. the occupiers reported about him, about the attempt on him, because he is a trusted person, because they had to expand this security and repression, and information about the destruction. of collaborators at the polling station, this is precisely what is meant by a woman and it is implied that there were injured people, well , most likely several people were also women, that is, these are completely different matters, completely different concepts, that tomosenko, except from the occupiers, there was no information from anyone, well, we have something there somewhere explodes,
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maybe someone there wanted to undermine him, it would be good if the confidant of the dictator putin. in a fully controlled territory multiplied by zero, or in a rival tavria, or at a polling station, or anywhere, well, this is just to understand how pathetic the occupiers are, and i am sure that such partisan actions will continue, and it was far from the last, but also interestingly, from the life of beredyansk, i see that a russian visited beredyansk, i don't know who he is, a singer, a poet, or something? in a word, a public person who sometimes behaves as people in a public house sometimes behave, i have never been there, i don't know, but that's what i read in literature. dzhigurda was in berdyansk, did you hear about it, mr. viktor, they say that he presented his book there,
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he came there after melitopol, where also presented his book, and... they say that he wants to revive the brigantine festival, ah, i, well, you know, i don’t have a lot of censorious comments, in fact, both about this figure and about these prospects, because my at that time, berdyansk started european and international investments, established international cooperation and partnership, and today berdyansk dzhigurd, well, has rolled back very seriously berdyansk and ... intellectually, what can you do, and there, well, really, look, if his book and quotes, then everything is there of course, regarding his psyche and regarding him intellectual, quotes from the book of the chieftain of the cossack armies, mercy, i quote, drug of native vaginas, this is what i can quote, because further, because further, my god,
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my god, because it is difficult to quote further. brigantina, well, in our country at one time the occupiers announced that they would establish a sea transport connection, this is supposedly important from an infrastructural point of view, this is not a film festival, it is a serious matter, but this did not happen, what kind of film festival can we be talking about today , in a place where there are no spectators and none at all some kind of culture, well, i'm sorry. and it is clear that this is only an attempt to flirt with the local population on some memories, but the brigantyn film festival 20, at least years ago, lost its popularity, so really there are dzhigurdas and everything else - this is very good, but berdyansk simply should not see this occupation , should not see these fools
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as absolutely useless, well, this is really a degradation for our society, for our city, it is a degradation when... all sorts of things are said there, nothing will happen, it will not happen there clowns with their books about vaginas and something, neither development, nor tourists, nor good festivals, as long as there is russia and the occupiers, well, it seems that it is already more than clear, on the threshold of the third holiday season in the occupation, yesterday putin, as they say, in the russian cec won with a result of 87%, unexpectedly, and 87. this is an absolute record for the entire history of the russian federation, however, if you take the occupied part of zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhzhia region, putin won there with a result of 93%. how do you comment on this? well, this is the first question, what not enough, we expected that
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there should be more than 100, secondly, well, it's real, it 's clear that it's fake, you know, percentages. fakes , this is definitely not discussed, here we need to pay attention to another point, the turnout, the turnout was at the level of 85%, when there were the toughest elections, the toughest political battles in our city and in our district, well, the turnout was 50%, well, 60%, i don’t remember i know, when it was 60%, but 85 under the conditions of occupation under the conditions of armed forces, under the condition that the urn carriers ran after people, well, that's understandable. that it's just ridiculous, and the occupiers, well, in my estimation, in my opinion, the occupiers are simply trying to feed their internal consumer with this turnout, these percentages. look at how they vote in the liberated territories, in fact they, i don't know how to reach them, that the percentages of those who actually voted are within
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a statistical margin of error in relation to the local population, the former 100 thousand people, people did not want to go to the elections, they understood that something would explode there, they understood that they would cooperate, they would receive criminal proceedings, they understood that these elections they don't decide anything, it's not the election of the president, it was the election of putin, that's why... propagandistic video stories, but now we see that there, well, they probably chose somewhere where there were the most people, maybe they caught up and so on, even there it's not clear that it's a turnout 85 % this is a sky-high turnout in berdyansk, there was a similar video where they simply opened the polling station, drove the utility workers and budget workers, filmed a 30- minute video and everything and closed it altogether, that is, there were no elections, there was no turnout , well, i don’t know, it’s not an election at all, you know the next thing putin blurted out. at one of his gatherings, the dictator said that the railway had already been built to berdyansk and soon to sevastopol, the trains would go, well, they are detached from reality, there is no railway there
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yet, they have not built it, and it still does not connect the south, i mean donetsk, mariupol and crimea directly, and they are already reporting, they have already won, they have already had a five-year plan in 3 days, they just glimpsed this country, and i don't know these rules, these standards, which are established during the occupation. how to comment on them, people are just ours people are in shock, what are they saying at all, and that it was possible to draw interest and simply wring out housing for no reason, and for no reason to throw people into the basement, subject them to torture, and so on. our poor people, who found themselves in a totalitarian, chauvinistic country , and i don't know, maybe, maybe for the people who remained there, there is still an option to simply evacuate to the territory of ukraine, but... this is the story that ba balytsky told about, or it actually works, i.e. people who really don't want to stay in berdyansk, they can really leave without worry, like he
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tells, well, they tell a lot of things , really, you know, there is officially, what is reported and what is actually there, well, they also officially have an infrastructure that does not actually work, the same with departure, leaving theoretically you can, but if you have... you'll have good, good luck, and you'll pass filtering, filtering for verification, total phone verification, with the recovery of chats, as i said, that is, you 're literally taking a risk, you're putting your life on the line , if you go to this filtration, you don't know if you will come back from it, of course, but you can’t leave without it either, that is, only if you understand that you have a random number, the future is absolutely random, you leave with a clean phone, no less questions, all the lists of participants in... hostilities, ato participants, everything they have, if there are relatives, if you have someone's phone number saved in the phone book, if you don't like what they like,
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the history of views on youtube or the history of searches in telegram or something else, or you just had some connections and contacts, you somewhere there he was marked by the fsb officers, you are on you can go at an unknown time, in an unknown direction, and sometimes it happens that in general people do not understand why, and they sit in a mess. in prison, or in pryansk in prison, or in rostov in pre-trial detention center, it is not clear why for months, so that this is the departure in reality, and not as they tell there, well, mr. viktor, thank you for the story, viktor dudukalov , the deputy head of the berdyansk district council was in touch with us, they talked about how life looks now and how the elections passed without the election of president putin, the president of russia in the occupied occupied city. we are going to take a short break now, then we will move to occupied severodonetsk, people were also expelled there and tried to create a beautiful picture of the elections,
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did the occupiers succeed, let's see, stay with us, what is bakhmut? bahmud is a place of fear, a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but... kindness is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of their traditions and martial arts ancestors these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went
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missing. in the wide expanses of donbas. there are discounts on bronholitin phyto - 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on lactacyt - 25% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and save. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big ether. villages in winter is a project for smart and caring people in the evening espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko
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from now on in a new two-hour. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we are back to what i have here is a small technical one. a problem has arisen. andriy saichuk, savklyuk, we work in this studio for you. let's continue our roll call. now we will move with you to the occupied severodonetsk, roman vlasenko, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration, is in touch with us. mr. roman, we congratulate you. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. roman, what news from occupied severodonetsk after these incredible elections, where everyone voted so incredibly, well, not everyone, 87%,
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incredible. voted for putin president, how did it happen in severodonetsk? in severodonetsk, in fact, the entire serodenskyi district started voting as early as last monday, because, as they say, for security reasons, they could not organize the work of stationary polling stations and therefore people voted on various minibuses. on hoods, cars, in yards, er, there were trips to buildings and houses, and in fact, half of the population there voted even before friday, plus before that , these are russian military personnel, these are collaborators and over-the-top guest workers, and the last three days
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they formed such a... festive picture with barnacles, with pancakes and with the participation of a large number of journalists and bloggers there, who traveled there either on the border, then in severodonetsk, then even in popasna, and showed how people vote, but in fact, well, it looked more like a farce and another such political action, listen, everywhere from all the occupied settlements... i see almost the same shots, where there are all these dressed-up women, these women in kokoshniks, sundresses, where there are so many of these russian costumes were collected, these kosovets, this brought specially for the holiday, or did they still dig it up somewhere in some, why did they have elections with such circus elements all over the country? well , i think that this is the nature of the russian world to make it out of this.


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