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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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these institutions worked better. thank you. if journalists had access to the sidelines, could communicate with people's elected representatives, maybe you would not have to answer, for example, for the entire servants of the people faction, or for all the people's elected officials, who have not been there for 5 years. but it is a pity that journalists do not have access, it is possible, if they had access, it would also improve the work of the parliament, in general. i am personally in favor of access, but it is not the deputies who vote for it, but we also have to take care of security. greetings colleagues, this issue is about the most important, in particular, about how the evacuation of people in sumy oblast is taking place, who else was affected by the sanctions of the european union, and of course, about the losses in the army of muscovites, stay with us.
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four people were injured as a result of the russian attack in silydovo in donetsk region. the enemy attacked the city at night with two s-300 missiles, the regional prosecutor's office reports. the private sector of the city came under fire. three women and a man who were injured at the time of the attack were in their homes. they have mine-explosive injuries, bruises, concussions of the brain and rib fractures. also damaged at least 24 houses and four cars. a 62-year-old man was injured due to enemy shelling in the village of novoosynove in the kharkiv region. he was helped on the spot, the russian invaders hit the village with rocket launchers. the building of the boiler house, two private houses and the cultural center were damaged. said the head of the region, olek
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synigubov, the invaders also fired s-300 missiles at the village of malynivka, aimed at the territory of the enterprise, where the gates, windows and doors of the building were damaged. also in vovchansk and lukyantsi enemy shells vandalized private houses. in total, during the day , the russians shelled two dozen settlements in the region. evacuation 24 civilians were evacuated from the velikopuserivska community the day before under fire. in sumy region. the evacuation was carried out by law enforcement officers together with the local authorities. at the same time , the fate of people in popivka village of this community remains unknown. there is no connection with them. and getting there is extremely difficult due to the destruction of the bridge by the russian occupiers. according to preliminary data , up to 20 residents remain there. let me remind you, evacuation from the border of sumy oblast has been going on for about a week. during this time , 285 citizens were evacuated to safe regions. 26 of them are children, and
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what is scary for me is that i am down to the last , my house is a farm, my father was making money, i was making money, and when he comes home i don’t need it, you can think for yourself, it’s so scary, we survived the first days of the war, and about losses in the war zone, another 840 russian terrorists were eliminated by ukrainian defenders, according to the general staff. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the muscovite army has become smaller by 432 people, also during the past day, our defenders destroyed 10 enemy tanks, 35 armored combat vehicles and three dozen artists, shot down 10 drones and burned fifty tankers, and missile forces managed to target the air defense system of the invaders. the general staff notes that the data are indicative.
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republican senator lindzi graham called on ukraine to fight russia regardless of the help of the states. in his opinion, 2024 will be decisive. the senator hopes that ukraine will receive enough weapons. in particular, long-range attack missiles and f-16 fighters. senator also expressed hope that this year security guarantees will be concluded between ukraine and the usa. here's what i hope will happen in 2024. america has delivered the weapons that you desperately need in ukraine in a way that will be sustainable, that you will begin to not only gain territory, but also put pressure on the russians within this year. that you will get takams to destroy that damned bridge that connects crimea with russia. i want 2024 to be a year of qualitative ukrainian superiority.
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military and today there will be a new meeting of ukraine's allies in the format the ramstein contact group on military assistance will meet in germany at... an air base, this is the 20th meeting of the partners, and it will be chaired by pentagon chief lloyd austin, this will be his first international trip since being hospitalized. the day before, he said that the coalition will focus on ukraine's immediate needs, on the war and long-term security. in general, ministers of defense and senior military officials from about 50 countries were invited to the meeting . espresso tv channel will broadcast the opening speech at noon, already after... conclusion of the meeting in the ramshtein format, also see the press conference on the results of the agreements. in the amur region of russia , a state of emergency was introduced, this happened due to the collapse of a shah-mine. 13 miners may be under the rubble at a depth of 125 m.
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there is no connection with them - said the local governor. it is also known that there was a water break in the bathhouse. the union approved new sanctions against russia. the reason was the recent death of opposition leader oleksiy navalny. this is written by the german publication bilt. restrictions applied up to 30 people and two organizations. these are representatives of the judicial system of the russian federation. they will be banned from leaving the eu and doing business with europeans. and their accounts and other assets will be frozen. the names of russians subject to sanctions will be published in the coming days. the head also supported the decision. and eu countries support the idea of ​​using revenues from frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. this was stated by the head of diplomacy of the european union, josep borel, following the results of the eu council meeting. according to him
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, the task now is to confiscate excess profits and to hand them over to the ukrainian army for defense, however, there is still no final consensus on this issue. noted that recently western countries are increasingly discussing the idea of ​​confiscating the assets of the russian federation, this is happening against the background of the fact that the us congress cannot allocate money to help our country. she woke up from the explosions, did not pack her things, left her native home, ran away with her children without any understanding of what was next, forced relocation during the war became one of the challenges for our women. the following story about a woman from kramatorsk after a year abroad returned to ukraine, found solace in creativity, now teaches it to others. the war does not pass without a trace and it is impossible to get used to it - says ksenia. a young woman with two daughters, she herself comes from kramatorsk.
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she still remembers the first day of the war in detail. a crowded train, crossing the border with slovakia on foot and a random decision to go to the czech republic. settled. children in a small village and immediately found a job, a small flint of eco-markets, an eco-market, i worked as a sales assistant, here and there it seemed to me to learn the czech language a little, because i communicated directly with the locals, there were no ukrainians there, that is, i have a little knowledge of the czech language. having lived abroad for more than a year, the woman returned to ukraine, decided to settle in kremenchuk, having a flair for home. ksenia found herself in artapia, so now she helps those who need support come to their senses. drawing saved her abroad, so our heroine is convinced that it is possible to fight the consequences of life crises through creativity. worry on paper negative emotions are easier, - says
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the art therapist. i have a circle of good people who help me on this day. and i have already started to help, because i have also recovered my resources. such a safe... women's space appeared in kremenchuk at the end of last year, it provides free social, legal and psychological services to women and children. during this time, psychologist vitalia heard various women's stories: here domestic violence, here the search for self-realization in women, and women who have moved, who cannot find their place, both here in a new city and teenagers who are looking are just beginning this search for themselves, and with that they come and ra , who are applying, and sexual orientation, gender identity, i have already had questions here. and finally, advice from ksenia, where and
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how to find your own resource, to do what you can do now, what inspires you, what motivates you, what gives you some kind of resource, well, i have this is drawing, this is my resource, and communication with people, this also turned out to be a resource for me. iryna skrypachova, serhiy nosach, from kremenchuk for the tv channel espresso. for a circle , that's all for now, i tell you, see you at 11 o'clock, you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe also to our channels in social networks and then meet on the air espresso, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk.
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wagons held hostage in august of last year , at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office, the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and processing plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged physical evidence of illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers. does not agree with the accusations and such a number of arrested wagons. we found out and received written answers from ukrzaliznytsia. ukrzaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this specific counterparty. at the same time , all those who are owned by pgz were arrested. in this we see clear illegality. at the combine. arrest of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become
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much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely delivery. therefore, we are now seeing a decrease in the volume of shipments of acacias, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons , the plant had to rent transport. sales markets and significant losses, even more, due to such actions, the company, which is one of
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the largest taxpayers and employers in the region, has already suffered losses on our collection for this morning, you and i collected almost uah 20,000, and we need it, now we have uah 204,614, and we need uah 900 00, and we collect up to three cars for our military, so you see the qr code, you know what to do, and in the meantime we will talk with ivan... stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-2015 years mr. ivan, congratulations. good morning studio, i greet you. thank you for inviting me. you know, we had such a small meeting with andrii, what to talk about with you, because somehow there is little news from the front. is it onana. well , i am at your complete disposal, ask. come on, let's actually start with the results of yesterday's, so to speak, election of putin in putinshchyna. er, well, we know that germany refused to even write president putin in official documents,
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lithuania went even further there, they do not recognize these elections at all and have already said so publicly, nevertheless, even if the russians are right independent analysts who calculated that putin was credited with 20 to 30 million votes in his favor during these elections, it is still likely that putin won 50% in these elections in the first round, well, that was the number they called. 30, 34, it seems, well, of course, it’s mathematical, they calculated , that is, they roughly concluded that volodya has 30, 30%, but somewhere like that, only 30%, well, 30, somewhere 34, it seems that there was such a number, i saw, well, different, different readings, because in principle we need to understand, probably for ourselves, how many russians consciously voted for the continuation of the war, in your opinion, and will putin succeed? of this success, to further turn the country into a great north korea and
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to conduct a total mobilization, oh, he is on this path, you know, on this path, it is even difficult to say where, where this regime is worse, in north korea or in the russian federation, there at least there is a little idea, in the russian federation there is no idea as such by and large, well, what is russian peace, and what is russian peace, well, the hell knows it, no one, not even the russians themselves, reason why the number of russians could vote for the war, it is also difficult to say, because unfortunately, we have to admit, they vote in such a flock, and who else, and who else can we vote for? there is no one else, and so on and so forth, but there would be someone else, and they vote for putin. plus, this was a blurred story with pseudo-candidates who scored 3-4% there, simply blurred, created the impression that some elections in the russian federation are an illusion of choice, in reality there is no choice, everyone is satisfied, and what can russians expect, maybe someone expected, what will happen
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it is easier than from the elections that will vote, finally. er, there men are taken from the front lines and somehow everything will settle down , the russians are forced to disappoint, nothing will settle down, because every previous election that was held in the russian federation, it only got worse, worse, worse, in the cube, i don’t know, in the square, anyway, after the elections, some bills were constantly passed that increased liability, increased the terms of punishment, introduced additional liability for anything, for gathering more than three, more than... than two, for a single picket, for blank pages, that is, the russians should expect something better, well, of course, that is not possible. putin also said after that election speech that they will create a sanitary zone around their borders on ukrainian territory, how should it be perceived? that's funny,
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that's funny, come on, this is an attempt to reformat that , that term svo, which in... now they have, because it is from very frequent use, it has already become dirty and it no longer shines as brightly as if it once shined, but that is, this is an attempt to find some alternative, we are not at war with ukraine, because war is a very unacceptable term in russia now, but the sanitary zone is something new, oh, interesting, but in fact it is the same war, that it will happen as they intend, we need to make a safe zone between the territory of the russian federation and ukraine, so we will... destroy ukrainian cities, we will seize each new captured territory, we will recognize russian territory again, we will again withdraw ukrainian troops from this territory, that is, it will be an endless process, as they have there is no i know how to get there to ternopil, to lviv , to warsaw, to berlin, to lisbon, that is , in this way they want to call this operation the creation of a sanitary
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zone, but i want to preempt your question, but ukraine is what... to create a sanitary zone zone around our borders, yes, the idea of ​​nodbet is not bad, it is interesting, but considering the modern level of weapons, how far it flies, it is not 10, not 20, not 30 km, it is hundreds of kilometers , then in order to secure the territory of ukraine, for example, northern borders, kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, we need this the sanitary zone passed. exactly along the lines of the third or even the second garden ring in moscow, then we can talk about plus or minus some kind of security, but anything less than that does not suit us, and you know, this week there was information that he died at the front a russian soldier, 20-year-old oleksandr with
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the call sign shisha, and from the kerch detachment, he was remembered, perhaps if everyone. an american was seen near the beaten bradley, he was addressing president zelensky with a decisive speech, here is this shisha, and here, and in fact , the russian media already reported, well, in particular in occupied crimea about the fact that he died, here we had another video where he is just here, you see, he is telling something right there, i wanted to say that in this story, on the one hand, we had fun there, that the armed forces of ukraine are working well, and on the other hand, the boy from kircha, he is 20 years old, 20 years old, that is, in principle, he was 10 years old when crimea was occupied, but was crimea ukrainian enough for him to live in ukrainian for 10 years environment and perceived it as an occupation, an open question, what about
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those ethnic russians who were in crimea? all this time, because ukrainians there, according to the census , made up only 25%. in short, the question of what should we do with those young people who do not seem to have that repulsive, ukrainian gene, relatively speaking, cultural, and who little by little are more and more russified in the occupied territories, well, such a difficult question, not a simple one, and we can't do anything to do, let's do it, we can't do anything, crimea is not under our control, when it... it will be unknown, whether it will not be there at all on the horizon 5, 10, 15, 20 years, we don't know, there are fewer and fewer people left who had a positive memory of ukraine in crimea. this must be said directly and frankly, because some people left, some people simply forgot about ukraine, that they took russian passports, they say, well,
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life in ukraine is not the same, well, okay, there was ukraine, it became russia, well, what is the difference, they took a passport, let's continue to live, someone was replaced, i mean, they were sent outside the borders of this crimea to murmansk, magadan, this primarily concerned the security forces who betrayed ukraine, plus part one of them died like this boy, shisha, who was ukrainian for the first 10 years, then became a russian, joined the armed forces of the russian federation and began to fight against ukraine, and there are many, many such examples who went to fight, i don't know, independently or under coercion, but they died, or those who are lucky enough to continue to fight, that is, there is still an opportunity to live a little, i also wanted to ask you, mr. ivan, about the russian opposition, which... made such a protest in election day gathered, they all voted at 12 o'clock, i don't know, it seems that they wanted to say: look, who should
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be followed, we came at 12 o'clock, it's us, the opposition, now you can put us all on the pencil, but together with tim, it was a noon action, it was called vnataku, the idea was not that the sariks did not take something with them, it was generally opophios, eh, well, it is somehow such a russian riot. merciless senseless and but no no merciless senseless and good-natured yes oh senseless and good-natured yes well but at the same time it is together with that's why her ecological activist yevheniya chirico came to kyiv, strangely, she sounds like she is from russia , i don't know if she came from russia, probably somewhere abroad, because in russia they would have already come for her , and here at this meeting she is in favor. called and called on russians to join the lov , to help the armed forces of ukraine, to destroy the moskals, and they said that ukraine stands against
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russia, it is against totalitarianism, against democracy, well, in fact, she, she called on all russians who left or do not support putin's regime, in fact, not just at 12 o'clock to vote, to gather, to take up arms and together with the ukrainians, with the ukrainian army , expel putin, and what she said was just like this... in this way we will be able to defeat putin's totalitarian regime, do you think that eco-activists will be able to call on this russian the opposition, which goes to vote at 12 o'clock in order to show that they are against putin, these are the right, the most right russians who do such things, look, if the russian opposition is in the person of yulia navalny or i don't know who else there wanted to say margarita simonyan, oh my god, who forgot fbk among them maria. the halfs didn't just call: oh, go out there, there at 12 o'clock, take flashlights, good mood, stand up to the opposition, no, if they did
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so, admitted, yes, look, boys and girls, we don't have a presence in the russian federation, we have no way to influence the elections, but all those people who remain in the territory of the russian federation who support us, we have a list of actions for you that you can take to at least help a little nearby... the destruction of putin's regime, don't talk about the victory of ukraine there, no need, the destruction of putin's regime, and yes, if you are more determined for you, come to the territory of the european union, we will accept you here, the hostel is there for the first time , then come to ukraine, pass all checks, join the legion of freedom of russia, rdk, siberian battalions, chkerian battalion, fight, great, if you can't do it, please help with money, here are your ways, there is a patron. paypal, some other things, transfer money to the necessary help to the ukrainian military, great, if you don’t have money either, please go outside, see where
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the russian equipment is moving, you have the opportunity to film the movement of heavy equipment on the roads, along the railway track, here you have chatbots, drop the information there , we will be grateful if you can't do it, but you can destroy it, i don't know the railway there. relay cabinet, set fire to the war machine, please, here are molotov cocktails for you, how to do, please do, this was the correct russian position, everything else so, you know, pornhub on minimalka, where the payment has not yet been made and there is nothing to watch, well, will evgenia chirikova have followers, actually, will she have the courage, well, look, at least her position is not that interesting, but it commands respect , that is, a woman... arrived, yes, okay, maybe there , i don’t know, there is okay, that there are two, three people who will volunteer to help, this will already be a super big result, but it shows that she has charisma, she has courage . to do this,
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to come to ukraine, to call someone, and maybe she will become a certain face of the russian opposition, well, we would like to see it, but it is a big process, a lot of work, but at least the beginning is already there, will she not repeat the fate of navalny, as he said, well, putin, such is life, well, peasants, ok, well, she came to ukraine, she has an active position, of course she will be highlighted, she needs to highlight herself, show who she is, what she is, what she lives for, what she does, the russian position, as inert, infantile, maybe this a woman will be able to light them, she will say: we are accepted, we work, we do, and we we join you, that would of course be the best option, i mean, will she not become another victim of putin, i understand, a victim, well, if she stays in ukraine, i think that such a probability is close to zero, if she ends up somewhere behind ...
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ukraine, i don't know how the previous russian oppositionists are, and it will not take measures of conspiracy, will lead such a very wide way of life, then of course, it may at some stage befall the same fate. we will monitor how its activities will develop. mr. ivan, thank you, ivan stupak, a military expert and an employee of the security service of ukraine, was in touch with us in 2004-2015. now we are going to take a break, we will come back and continue and talk about the metamorphosis of macaron and his latest statements, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or
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