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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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the liver strength. there are 15% discounts on karsil in psyllium pan and oskad pharmacies. maria gurska every week meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. more what happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre au. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two o'clock. to
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keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso . the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. dear friends, now we will talk about emmanuel macron, about his appearances, and also about the fact that xi jinping is now going to france. oksana melnychuk, political commentator from france us turns on ms. oksana, welcome. good morning. actually, the latest statements by macron
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that france can send troops to ukraine, of course we like it very much, but if you remember how macron spoke at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, before the full-scale invasion, what his statements sounded like and what he is saying now, he is some such very sharp metamorphosis, what happened to macron, who replaced him, or what influenced him to change the course of his thoughts? well, you know, it's not such a... already a sharp metamorphosis, yes, he's to this one, you remember, the first such step was taken back in bratislava last year, when he admitted that we missed eastern europe, yes, he said then that we didn't pay enough attention to eastern europe, and that's why we missed something , and it should be noted that from the first days of the war, the war, of course, that all the ukrainian forces present here in france fought to change macron's rhetoric, to prove that this is really... a potential war, he finally
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understood, but you know, human psychology, it is similar, it does not depend on nationality, until safety, or rather, danger touches you, you will not understand the whole essence of the problem. in fact, this statement was preceded by very large revelations in french politics, in the environment of french society, a large network of russian spies was exposed, they were exposed of sedition in relation to... or rather, intentions to sedition in order to create such certain acts of terrorism during the opening of the olympic games, it was exposed the fact that macron is being watched personally and his wife brigitte macron is also being watched, were present russian special services committed terrible hacks on the websites of government websites in france, there was the murder of navalny in the end and... and
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all this led to the fact that macron, he realized that really, well, he is, not that he is someone to him he said, he saw with his own eyes. how russia works and that the period of negotiations is over for the safety of france. it should be remembered that his statement was preceded by such a meeting of european leaders in paris, at which exactly these security issues were discussed after these attacks on french government portals, that is, in europe , clearly in... reported that there is a threat and that if the ukrainian front is breached, then they will all have to fight. i note that macron did not say that it is possible that troops will be introduced, he said, i do not exclude, yes, subtleties, let's say so, speeches, but they are very important. and against what background was this speech
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made? we remember that on the eve of his speech there was an institution of the parliament of transnistria, putin pridy. before that, nato officers, they usually studied the situation. where will it go now to advance, what putin's intentions are, and of course, everyone identified moldova as the next step for putin's breakthrough on the eastern front. so, given that statement, given all the factors that i mentioned above, macron came out and gave this speech that was about, it was addressed to putin. putin, if you screw up, we can, and we did. let me remind you that 1,500 contingents of the french army are stationed in romania, 600 are stationed. in estonia and french aviation patrols the airspace of the baltics, that is, macron in absolute force just gave a click to panos putin, warning him that if he moves into transnistria now, he will receive all the power and might of france, which is a nuclear
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power, which has its own submarines, which has its own nuclear weapons and which has aircraft carriers, and the only one there is actually an active army in europe , you ask: the impression was that when macron said for the first time that no options should be rejected, including even the introduction of troops into ukraine, ah, it seems that he was questioned several times at various briefings, everyone journalists, they say, you definitely had it on mind you, he told everyone, yes , i meant it, the war is already going on, in fact, we cannot let ukraine lose, this is our war, and every time he even strengthened his rhetoric, but this is probably also an indication that in france itself, maybe there were. somewhat surprised that they have such a person, general degol has already grown up. how the ideas of president macron are perceived in france. given the fact that we have certain stereotypes about french society that it admires the great russian theater,
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ballet, and great russian culture. not anymore admires you know, after buchi irpin , this revolution took place in french society, pretended to. in the mind, for them, the great russian culture has ended, was buried in buch, verpin, there is absolutely unanimous support, unanimous support for ukraine in french society, in fact, you know, some of the most supporters of ukraine, they even criticized macron for doing enough . for example, a petition was published in december in the leading lumont newspaper, which. signed about 3 thousand generals , high-ranking officers, that more military support should be given to ukraine, that is, i think that this is such a metamorphosis of macron, it also took place due to the fact that there was pressure on him from his own society, which
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it is necessary to give more aid to ukraine, and of course , all the circumstances, they developed on one such wonderful day, yes, when he realized that his security service... he was given analytics, what is happening inside society, how it is disintegrating, what is infiltration russians, what's going on inside the political community, which parties are supported by whom, that is, when he received all this, it all came together and he came out with a simple statement, let's say this , to remind putin a little who is the master in europe, yes, and it worked very well, of course he was terribly criticized by the political opposition. they just started playing on this, but i want to tell you that on the eve of the european elections, thanks to this statement by macron, his party, let's say this, not only macron's party , in general those parties that are liberal, that are pro-ukraine, well, not pro-ukrainian, let's say yes, they understand the significance and existential nature
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of this war for europe, these parties began to gain more votes, because before this statement, frankly, the number of votes was. more in favor of ultra-rules, so i think that this was another step by macron in order to consolidate all pro-european forces, on the eve of the european elections, let me remind you, on the ninth... of june , parliamentary elections will be held in europe and from whoever will majority in this european parliament will depend on the level of decision-making in europe regarding ukraine. to things, marine le pen suddenly , unexpectedly, came out rather harshly against putin for his aggression in ukraine, she is considered to be such a long -time longtime sympathizer of president putin, and more than once there were many scandals that they... her party could be financed through russian sources, well you know, now it is
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, as they say, moveton, yes, that is, simply no, it is impossible to even imagine that someone in france today can say a kind word towards putin or the russian federation or the russian army, it is simply unacceptable, well, that's to shoot yourself in the head right away, of course, that marine lupine, she spoke in the parliament, i will remind you that the government is in the french parliament. france, in the person of the prime minister, presented our security agreement that we signed with the french, with the french, and of course there was a discussion of this agreement, and when marine le pen spoke, she said that she was categorically against this aggression, that they support ukraine, but out of respect for ukraine, they will abstain, they will not vote against this agreement, but they did not vote for this agreement, that is, this political situation marin lupe. because she understands very well that if she even says a word for putin or against ukraine, she will immediately
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lose her opponent. ms. oksano, do you know anything about kirill yushchenko, who has been the commander of the french foreign legion since july 23rd, he was born in france of ukrainian descent, and his actual designation is brigadier general, and his designation, this is what he looks like, in july of the 23rd year of ukraine by origin, who is appointed to lead the french foreign legion, probably it is it not for nothing that they are talking about him in france? you know, everything about the french army in france is taboo , they don't talk about it in the media, nobody knows anything about it, because by the way, the french from the first days of the war, when they were among the first to supply us missiles, we can already talk about it now, but from the first days of the war until... the 23rd year, the french asked not to say anything about how they help ukraine,
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who is fighting where, how many volunteers and so on, that is, these are topics, which are not discussed, and by the way, when macron talks about strategic uncertainty, it comes from the nuclear protocol, yes, this term, strategic uncertainty means that the media does not discuss strategies, how support for ukraine will be conducted. and what will be the response if putin crosses the red climate? well, i will also ask, you know, it is very good when there is good rhetoric, but it is also important what is happening in reality, we see that if we take a percentage of the gross national product, and also its percentage of actual aid to ukraine, then here france, unfortunately, there is no in tens, not even... 20 and this definitely does not correspond to the size of the french economy, well, unfortunately, it is, here it is on the world map, according to
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this distribution by percentage of gdp, it is in such a barely, barely, such a gray-gray-blue color painted over, it can be said that it does not help more than, for example, ukraine, india or even china, well, even if it was quite funny, 0.02 was a percentage in general, it seems from gdp, that is, why does france help ukraine so little? well, you know, the french say that we help not in quantity, but the quality of weapons, it is very important, then , of course, that the french, well, internally , society is pushing its government to help more, but it should be noted that despite the fact that the industry, the military industry in france is quite developed, but not in sufficient quantity, why , because france is a nuclear country, yes, it has nuclear weapons, and that's why the french believe... that nuclear weapons, which are deterrence weapons, that's the
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umbrella that protects france, that's why they supported their military industry exclusively in terms of new technologies, development and support, what is called рndd, yes, that is, reserch and development, that is, the development of scientific research, new technologies, in order to simply keep a finger on the pulse of what is being done in the world, but they never paid attention to building up. weapons, as it was done in other countries, because they thought that they were covering themselves with this nuclear umbrella, let me remind you that france is the only country in europe that has nuclear sovereignty, which means that it decides what... regarding the use nuclear weapons without regard to the pentagon, and what is there for us important, yes, as you rightly say, yes , rhetoric is political rhetoric, i always pay attention, and as a military 30 seconds, ugh, ugh, and here i want to tell you that there was a very, there was a very important forum in france in the past week two days, it was a security
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and defense forum attended by about 2,600 officers of the highest rank from all the armies of the world. and there were sintenkas, and there he spoke, at the end of this forum the chief of the general staff of the french army, a guy who, by the way, was in ukraine, spoke, and he said that he said such fundamental things in his speech, very briefly sum up, yes, very briefly, the french strategy for today, the first thing that depends on the security of europe today is the comprehensive, effective support of ukraine, the second is the strengthening of the role of the military. .. of the industrial complex and the third is the ability to respond to ideological attacks. thank you, madam, thank you, madam oxano. oksana melnychuk, a political commentator from france, joined us, talking about how france is currently supporting ukraine, while some are supporting, others are talking about the need to start negotiations. actually, now let's watch the plot about what we should expect from the world and who is trying to act as a so-called peacemaker. about the state
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of affairs in the state is the name of the traditional speech with which the us president addresses congress every year, but for the third year in a row, joseph biden begins it with the war that russia has unleashed against ukraine. this year , the american leader directly compared putin to hitler, and himself to president roosevelt, who more than 80 years ago managed to convince stand aside from the second world war and help the anti-hitler coalition, so biden once again called on congress to immediately approve an aid package for ukraine of more than 60 billion dollars. if anyone in this room thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you,
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he will not. but ukraine can stop putin. if we provide her with the weapons she needs for self-defense. my message to president putin, whom i have known for a long time, is simple: we will not back down, we will not bend. i will not bend. members of both chambers listened to the speech congress, including speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson. when the us president talked about the danger of putin's russia for the west. of the world, johnson nodded his head and even applauded, but, as the american press notes, he did it uncertainly and hesitantly. it is johnson who is currently blocking the adoption of the aid package for ukraine. few doubt that if the project is brought to the floor for a vote, it will receive the necessary number of votes, but the speaker does not do this, he is
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a longtime admirer of donald trump, elected to the position with his support and listens to everyone has it. questions trump's position is known. he complains that the us will spend too much money on aid to other countries, and he promises to end the war in ukraine within 24 hours after winning the elections. at the same time , he will benefit from criticism of putin, who is often called a smart guy. we give billions of dollars in aid to other countries, while not protecting our own border and ours. military personnel, if i were the president, putin would never have attacked ukraine, because i told him: don't do it, europe is paying too little, she should give more money, because this war affects her much more than us. even more worrying is trump's meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, whom the former us president hosted at
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his estate in florida on march 8. according to media reports, the main topic... of the conversation was ways to end the war in europe, and orbán's so-called recipes are known: leave the occupied territories to putin, deny ukraine accession to the eu and nato, and begin to restore economic and political relations with russia connections do we like it or not? do ukrainians like it or not? ukraine is on the world map where it is. the best prospect for it would be for it to become a buffer zone. between russia and the west, of course, with security guarantees. if this fails, ukraine will lose its territory. the russians will destroy ukraine again and again and again. russia will never accept on its doorstep such a member of the eu and nato as ukraine, never. many members of the republican party consider such
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a proposal a sign of weakness. however, very little dare to publicly declare it if she is supported by donald trump. the so-called super tuesday took place in the usa this week. internal party elections for presidential candidates in 16 states and one territory at once. trump won almost everywhere. his only opponent, nikki haley, who advocated further aid to ukraine, announced her withdrawal from the race. this means that a political rematch between trump and biden in 2024 is finally becoming a reality. and according to the latest polls, the likely candidate from the republicans ahead of the current president. his influence on the party is growing every day. in fact, a project to help ukraine. one single trump post on social networks can kill. so far , the ex-president has refrained from directly calling for the failure of the aid package for ukraine. some even
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believe that if trump wins, on the contrary, he can significantly increase support for ukraine. for example, such a scenario is described by ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson. and the first term of trump, who was so feared in ukraine, did not lead to a sharp change in us policy. moreover, in contrast to. administration president obama, where biden served as vice president, the trump-era white house began supplying javelins to the ukrainian army instead of blankets. but all this is just a guess. it is impossible to predict trump's actions, because he is an unsystematic and unpredictable politician. the risks of this are understood in europe, where they do not rule out that in the event of trump's return to the white house, the us will be able to go so far as to abandon its obligations towards. therefore , the so-called old world is trying to strengthen its own defense capabilities and increase support for ukraine. in particular, a string european countries agreed to pay for
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the purchase and delivery of 800,000 shells, which the czech republic found for ukraine. we appreciate the efforts of the czech government and all countries that have made their financial contribution. we are grateful to you. 800,000 shells is a big number, but it will be there very soon. exhausted, we cannot make a decision, sit down and say: finally we did it. if other countries have a proposal similar to the czech one, then we should start raising money for it right now, today, and help them implement it. however, despite intensifying efforts, europe is not capable of completely replacing the military aid of the united states. in addition , it lacks a common strategy for the war and the desired scenario for its end. against the background of uncertainty in the eu and flight... turbulence in the usa , talks about the so-called peace have intensified again. chinese special envoy li hui visited kyiv, moscow and
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brussels again this week, as he did a year ago. according to the results of the tour, beijing called for an international conference, to which, of course, russia should be invited. another so-called peacemaker, the president, became active turkey's recep tayyip erdogan. at the end of the week, he received president zelensky in istanbul. the visit is not announced in advance. like beijing, ankara offers mediation services and calls on ukraine and the west to sit down at the negotiating table with russia. zelensky does not agree with this. we don't see how it can invite people who block, destroy and kill everything. we want to get a result, the result is a fair peace and a fair one for ukraine. therefore , first the civilized countries of the world will develop a detailed plan and will have results. already then they will involve representatives of russia, precisely those who are ready for a just peace. meanwhile, ukraine and its western partners are preparing
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their peace summit in switzerland and do not plan to invite the russian federation to it, but if the usa does not approve the aid package, the situation at the front will become more and more difficult, the pressure of partners on kyiv may increase, and the services of uninvited peacekeepers such as china and turkey will be in demand. after all , in a world where the us is ready to voluntarily give up global leadership, this place is fast will be filled by other players. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is from... uah 1,499 , a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with
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