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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am anna yevamelnyk and the news editor will tell you about the most relevant events for this hour. in the kherson region , a shepherd blew himself up on explosives left behind by the occupiers. it happened near the village of molodetske, belozersk community a man found an explosive object while grazing cattle, he decided to take it with him, but the projectile detonated. the man died on the spot. maidan affairs. the sbi completed the investigation into the participants of the revolution of dignity in cherkasy involved in the crackdown. four former heads of law enforcement units are on the dock. according to the version of the investigation, on february 20, 2014, they carried out the criminal order of the regional police chief and took part in forceful pressure on the protesters. the rallyists were then near the monument of cherkasy, because of the actions law enforcement officers, 10 citizens were injured and five cars were damaged. state bureau.
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of investigations accuses former police officers of illegally obstructing demonstrations, as well as exceeding official powers. in the mykolayiv region, the security service detained a russian informant who was spying for the enemy using drones. he turned out to be a former employee of a local defense factory, who even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion supported the occupiers in order to track down ukrainian bases. the attacker launched drones equipped with video recording cameras. he transmitted all the data to the russian curators via messenger, during the search of his apartment drones, scouts and substances used for artisanal production of explosives were seized. a new meeting of ukraine's allies in the ramstein contact format. the group on military assistance
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gathered in germany at the same base, so we watch live the opening speech of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, and other participants. thank you, greetings, good morning. thank you for that joined the meeting of the 29th meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine. in fact, i am very glad that we can meet face-to-face again. thank you to my friend, partner, minister umerov, thank you for his dedication, thank you to the delegation that came from ukraine. ukraine has been repelling russian aggression for two years. we know what price, what a staggering price russia is paying for its hostile actions. we know how many, how striking the number is. dead and wounded russian
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soldiers, but russia does not stop, more than 400 billion dollars, this is the price russia paid for his unprovoked invasion of ukraine. ukraine, russia lost $1.30 in potential economic growth due to its. invasion ukraine is now suffering irreparable losses, but it manages to neutralize russian vessels, while russia continues its war crimes. we know that the conditions in which the ukrainian army is fighting are extremely difficult. unfortunately, the civilian population suffers from russian drone attacks. that is why today is our message. pretty clear. the united states will not
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allow ukraine to lose. our the coalition will not allow it, and the entire free world will not allow it. last week, the us announced another security package, which amounted to 300 million dollars, this is an extremely important measure to help ukraine in the purchase of ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles and other equipment. now we are trying to find out what ukraine urgently needs, we are determined to provide. what exactly is it in order to resist this, in this aggression. today we have gathered here in order to work together constructively and productively work to provide ukraine with
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what it needs. we know the contribution of the czech republic, which recently purchased a lot of artillery shells. also france, germany and others. countries have announced another aid package for ukraine, this is our joint attack on the russian federation, this is our investment, investment in our future security, in security on the european continent and on a global scale. if putin gets his way, it will put us all at risk. we see how much it is now. the world will be engulfed in violence and accordingly, other empires will have a chance to restore their borders, supposedly imperial borders. the people of ukraine currently do not have time to
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waste, and we cannot allow this to happen, so we are now finding ways to help ukraine uninterruptedly within the framework of all our capacities. estonia, denmark, germany, iceland , italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, the netherlands, norway, poland, and the leaders of these countries who... joined the coalition of powers, we discussed the issue of drones, command training, military exercises, as well as the organization of our defense industries. the coalition has really made some progress over
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the past few weeks. we will continue to work together to identify gaps in order to provide funding for the most pressing issues. in order to help ukraine. we emphasize once again that we will remain united and strong, because the issue of ukraine's freedom is important to all of us, and therefore we must ensure that putin stops in ukraine. we know that he wants to go further, but ukraine can stop putin. there, therefore, if we support ukraine in ukraine, provide them with the necessary defense equipment that they need, then we are investing in our own security. that is why we will continue to remain united against putin, and we will preserve our faith, our
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values, we stand in solidarity with the people of ukraine. with this, we complete the official appeal and move on to the closed one. and we continue the news. turkey predicted the end of the war in ukraine next year , turkish foreign minister hakan fidan v in an interview with a local tv channel, he suggested that 2025 will already be peaceful for kyiv. at the same time , the government official emphasized that ankara does not see the prerequisites for ending hostilities this year. the war against russia in ukraine has turned into a battle of attrition. and both sides suffer losses. there is also a risk of expanding the geography of hostilities. in his opinion, this should be of some concern to europe. a foreigner tried to take a ukrainian woman abroad for sexual exploitation.
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a citizen of hungary, he was detained at the checkpoint on his way out of ukraine, reported in state border service with a 27-year-old woman. he planned to fly to cambodia. the attacker found the victim in social networks. draft notes, money, and the car he was trying to leave ukraine with were seized from the suspect. the man was informed about the suspicion. assembly, and in order to expel the muscovites from ukraine, it is necessary to help the armed forces. our recruitment of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade is underway, we urgently need mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers defend our country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risk their lives. and mines went on an assault on minefields, needed drones and we have to help. our goal
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is 500 uah. together with you, we have already collected more than 325 thousand, join, any amount is important, you can see all the details on the screen. for the moment i have everything, i'll see you at 14, you can always read more about current events about what is happening in ukraine and the world on our website espresso tv. also. subscribe to our channels in social networks, see you soon! glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health! over the next two for hours we talk about ukraine, about... the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. putin is breaking records. the central electoral commission
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drew unprecedented support for the dictator and a sky-high turnout. will the kremlin grandfather manage to cement power for the next six years. sanitary area. the rebels are liberating the border regions of russia from the putin regime. in response, the russian army strikes sumy oblast. is she capable of a breakthrough? ukrainian long-distance in action. the aggressor country is rapidly losing its oil refining capacity, in what other way can russia be deprived of its export potential. viktor boberenko, mykola malomuzh and mykhailo gunchar are talking about this and other things over the course of the next hour. in the second part of our program , we will talk about the russian vote not only for putin, but also for the continuation of the war. about why trump on... zelensky is the best seller and why lukashenko is scaring belarusians with a nuclear war. however, before starting
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our big conversation, let's watch the video of the epic detonation of the bmp-3 of the russian invaders on avdiivskyi direction. this video was released 70 47 by a separate mechanized brigade. let's see.
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during the broadcast, we conduct a survey, we ask you whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your opinion about this in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, then if you think that the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin. after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, yes 0800 211381, no,
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0.800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is viktor boberenko, a political scientist, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, you are very welcome. let's start, mr. viktor, with putin's pseudo-elections, because right now, at this moment, it is already known that according to the results of processing 100% of the protocols, as told. according to the russian central committee , more than 87, a little more than 87% of the votes voted for putin, and announced voter turnout, 73.3%, is the highest rate since the collapse of the ussr. well, of course, no one will be able to say exactly
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how much the dictator putin actually received from these people. elections, but they drew 87 , well, they didn’t quite reach 88, then this number would have sounded completely different all over the world, considering 1488 and the sign of fascism and nazism that exists in the world, but 87, what are these data , what does this data say, well they say a lot of things and nothing, the first thing of course, anyone changes... people can't believe neither in such a high turnout, nor in such a result, especially there, some republics of tyva gave 90% there, chechnya gave 99%, we understand that this is a drawn result, especially it will be visible in moscow, but it is the worst, that
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the opposition itself played along with putin, here came the so-called, come on... at 12 o'clock we will come and show how many of us there are, well, they came, well , they increased the queues somewhere, but they visually increased the turnout, that is, they visually saw that the turnout, if any there is, plus electronic voting in the same place, plus the fact that they voted for three days, in addition to the fact that there in the military units or whatever, they still voted there, even before that , it is clear that now they draw any turnout, it is clear that the world legitimacy of these elections, but you asked the question, didn't you? the world knows the legitimacy of these elections , well, partly, because civilized countries cannot recognize it, but today they recognize it, india recognizes it and congratulates it, indonesia recognizes it and congratulates it, so does the republic of south africa, brazil , some nigeria, cameroon, i.e. countries with a population of 100 plus million, including bangladesh,
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pakistan, that will turn out to be such a situation that in europe, by the way, there is not a single country that... if there were 100 plus, well, we do not count russia, 100 million people, and they will say to putin: look, here are the countries with 100 million plus, all recognized, except for the united states, for example, yes, japan, maybe all, all the rest of the countries with a population of 100 plus million, all recognized, so it is recognized, legitimate, but what it doesn't like it there, biden there or someone else in europe, macron scholz there or not like president zelenskyi is their trouble, that’s how they will tell, and what’s worse is that putin is legitimate in the eyes of, let’s say, some uncle vola from tambov, uncle vanya from ryazan, why, because uncle vanya drank a glass yesterday, uncle vanya is cut off, he called uncle vova, a classmate of his
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at the moscow university from stambov, and asked, well , why did you, volochka, vote for your guy there. the same thing, everyone voted at work , yes, behind the garages somewhere, they are drinking somewhere in the garages, and there everyone is in the garages, everyone everyone voted for putin because, firstly , those who are not for putin are silent, and secondly, those who are not for putin have been sitting for a long time, or have left , yes, or are silent and did not come to the elections, yes, and that's why, and that's why, and really, well, if what kind of business would it take to vote in russia, if it’s shapito’s circus, well, people don’t make sense to vote, they didn’t go to vote, and that’s why such a high percentage of those who , well, who if, if they cast their votes for putin, it’s understandable , that it is a little inflated, yes, but
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we still have to admit that the larger half russians still voted for putin, more than... half, if you don't count, then this, well , i'll point it out, it's obvious, and the russians themselves don't understand that these elections are illegitimate, if only for that reason, it must be, well, mother a little bit of iq, elementary knowledge to understand that the elections are illegitimate, because there was no alternative, because they killed navalny, they killed girkin, somewhere they beat him, pushed him into the zone, there is someone else, everyone else is sitting there trembling, some kadyrov there are no regional judges, no one has put forward any marginals, well, for that it is good that it is clear. that there is no alternative, and that is why these elections, well, if they are legitimate, but from the point of law, yes,
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and from the point of justice, but for ukrainians it is very important, for ukrainians , justice is a mental trait higher than law, and from the point of view from our point of view, it's like an election without a choice, and it's like they're all either stupid or intimidated, and it's even easier that they haven't been shown anything. other than putin, and, by the way, i am looking ahead, this is what our government will try to do in the post-war elections, i.e. not to give alternatives, or to take someone, for example, to discredit them, or not to allow , for example, the same hard-working person to come forward, that's all, and then there, well, come, aristovych, nadiya, savchenko, by the way, by the way, mr. viktor himself putin says that this turnout is allegedly high. uh, in the elections, connected with the dramatic events that the country is going through. let's listen to a small fragment. due to the current situation,
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due to today's situation, due to the fact that we are forced in the literal sense of the word, with weapons in hand, protect the interests of our citizens, our people and create a future for the full-fledged, sovereign, safe development of the russian federation, our homeland and i think not, i don't think so, but the results, in particular the turnout , show that first of all ordinary people feel it and understand that a lot depends on them. mr. viktor, is it possible to simplify this construction to say that the russians, voting for putin, voted for the war, for the continuation of the war, it is absolutely true, but again here, we listen to the words of putin himself, when putin says: that citizens of russia voted there, because we have to defend their interests with weapons in our hands, and no one said that what about the russians,
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let's think, is it in your interests that your children or husbands die in ukraine, or not in yours, that in in your interests there, some russian company that just sells oil and gas, and you live there because of that, or does putin have ambitions there in your interests? to find, it’s just that for now it is necessary to show the russians other interests, but no one has shown them, so that even those marginals who were against putin they still repeat crimea, them, there is something else, something else, that is, you are absolutely sure that it is in your interests for crimea to be yours, or choose, let's arrange interests, it is possible to gather many, many interests there, yes you know how a young girl can look at 10 men there, as potentially. on her groomsmen, yes, but when they tell her, name only one, and she already wants one, and those nine have already gone to the side of the forest, the same here, if you say
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there, you want personal happiness, you want wealth, a car, is it important to you that you i have never been to crimea, well, let crimea be russian, and we can already see what others will say, but no one even offers them any other options, alternatives, their own interests, who said that these are... their interests, putin said, these patterns are imposed, in fact they have led the russians so far, yes, not only that, if you start asking them in focus groups, then many people will say: yes, well, they think that they are patriots, for me it is more important there like, it would be better if i were without a car, shorter, a pauper, but for crimea to be ours, i am a patriot, we, we are gentler, but we impose pride on everyone, well, it is necessary to work with... people for a long time in order to do this to them, and there is another option, to develop other interests of the same people, but in russia there is no such thing, but, but look, well, this
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here is the result they drew, almost 88%, does this give additional opportunities to putin, who will say, listen, well, 88% of russians support me, now we will support europe and not only ukraine, because we have support, we are already one. we will row, mobilize everyone, because the voters have given me their trust, or so the so-called voters, the so-called trust, but he will constantly refer to the fact that i have such a high level of support that, well, i'm sorry, i'm only doing your will now, and he won't do that, he'll pretend that he's very modest and he won't flaunt it, but everyone in his team will refer to this very thing, any decisions will now be legitimized like this... you chose vladimir vladimirovych there like, well , now eat, but it's a double-edged sword, because so far this regime is successful, relatively
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successful, they took the audiobook, they like... it seems that they have a second, second breath , and that now they will advance in the spring and summer, and you can imagine if their army, well, for example, in march next year, it will rain, it will rain, it will simply rain, they will simply get tired of fighting, because all the armies will get tired of fighting, well , behind our shoulders, behind our army are bucha, gostomel, uh, and other cities that we, we know what will happen to them if the army leaves, yes, retreats, but ... and they, by and large, know within themselves that kursk and belgorod are not in danger for them, there all the more so to a certain talyati there , a mythical one, that is why we are not going to go there, that we only want to return what is ours, and that is why they do not have the motivation that we have, we always have more motivation, or rather two motivations , on two motivations, they have now gained a little courage, but we still have
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patriotism. undressed, but real, and we, we fight for our families, directly for our families, for them to live, to live elementary, mr. viktor, and this is our motivation more, that's why the russian army will fall first. mr. viktor, we have already mentioned that how will the world react, will there be legitimization, will putin be president or not, will he be recognized as legitimate or not, the minister of foreign affairs. germany's anna lena berbak believes that russians had no choice when voting for the president of the russian federation this weekend. let's hear what she said. the election in russia was an election without a choice. the electoral process testifies not only to putin's reckless behavior against his own people, but also against the un charter. conducting the so-called voting in part of the territories of ukraine, moldova and georgia, violates international
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law. "we must do everything to protect ourselves from this russia, from putin, and firmly stand by ukraine with another five billion euros, so that ukraine can defend itself from this cruel, aggressive war. and about the violation of ukrainian sovereignty," the head said josep borel of european diplomacy, this is how he commented on the pseudo-elections in russia. let's listen. there were no free and fair elections. the lack of a security and cooperation organization in europe is very limited environment. diplomatically speaking, this is what i can say, that these elections were based on repression and intimidation, were held in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, violating the sovereignty of ukraine. mr. viktor, this is what it means if the western countries, the leaders
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of the western countries will not be there. to recognize the legitimacy of putin, what changes from this , that is, he is called the self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, or simply putin, as german diplomats say, we will not call him president, we will just say putin and that's all, there are those may and will have consequences, well , he will still be partially recognized, yes, because biden did not recognize, sidzenpin recognized, here we still have... erdogan will put a stick in the wheels, because look, putin did not go to him before the elections, now putin is drawing a visit to erdogan, and erdogan is the leader of a country that is a member of nato. plus, if orban admits it, for example, he will congratulate, or there sjarto, for example, will make some contrived visit there, grown-ups, and we will turn out to
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be even... even more common if civilized countries, because turkey is a part of nato , it is considered a civilized country, but some recognize them, some do not, and that's why it's good for us, if everyone is speaking there, not president putin, but just putin, yes, it's already cool , this is already something, but no one will speak, for example, neither scholz nor macron, yes, the so-called president. putin , or, as they say, lukashenka, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, will no longer say that about putin, and this will also be a partial legitimization, that is, on the one hand, well, at least that way, because before everyone they recognized him as and said, mr. president, yes, now, if they say there is no president and no president, but simply putin, even if they add putin, la-la-la.


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