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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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we will find that even among civilized countries, because turkey is a part of nato, they are considered a civilized country, but some recognize them, some do not, and that is why it is good for us if everyone speaks there, not the president putin, just putin, yes, it's already cool, it's already something, but no one will speak, for example, neither scholz nor macron. the so-called president of russia putin, or, as they say, lukashenka, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, they will no longer say that about putin, and this will also be partly legitimization, i.e. on the one hand, well, at least that's fine, because before everyone recognized him and said, mr. president, yes, now if they say there is no master and no president, it's just putin, even if they add putin lala. but it doesn't matter, because there will be
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an indian leader, well, i don't know who they will have re-elections there, who they will have there, there will also be, indonesia will be there, and so on, mr. viktor, yesterday putin, after after the preliminary results of this pseudo-election were announced, announced that he would create a sanitary... zone if it necessary between ukraine and russia, well, this is the second time he has publicly stated this, about this so-called sanitary zone, which would allow russia to avoid shelling, including weapons of foreign production. if there are long-range missiles, it is unlikely that this sanitary zone will help in any way, of course, but it is obvious that they want to make a one-kilometer stretch along the eastern northeastern border. zone,
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a gray zone, which will allow them to control the border. sumyshchyna has been under massive shelling for the past few weeks russians, just for the past day, here are the official statistics of the regional military administration, 486 explosions, shelling of 46 settlements, more than 200 aerial bombs in a week in the region , artillery and mortar attacks on homes and this... infrastructure, how do you evaluate what putin says regarding the creation of this sanitary zone, and will it be in your opinion, here are rehearsals for the creation of this sanitary zone, sumyshchyna, because in donetsk region, in luhansk region, it seems that this is a gray zone, it already exists, where simply, well, just demolished cities and villages , well the day before yesterday in the center... they destroyed the settlements
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, we actually have 22 settlements in sumy oblast completely evicted, these are those in the five-kilometer zone, and children from the five-kilometer zone are forcibly evicted, and i believe that this is correct by the state creates, because the children must be saved, even if the parents do not want to and want to risk their lives further, and i think that this is precisely what is being created, that is, they are now training on us, they are throwing cabs, i do not know if they are training pilots that they will throw ice there during the flight, or is it just that they are training well, they are testing these 500-kilogram bombs in bulk, at least yes, and they are preparing these elements, well, when they launch them and they plan to fly there, and i was already there, i spoke with igor lapin, he says up to 80 km there, well, we were not further than kyiv, that is , but they are at least 40-50 km away.
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these bombs are definitely already being dropped, and a lot of bombs have been dropped on sumy oblast in the last two months, that is, it is what putin said, it just fits into these frameworks somewhere, plus 5-7 km, this is where the mines reach, and to 20 km, where arta reaches, i have a feeling that they're taking units from the front and those that they're going over, well , for alignment, yeah, when they're replenishing some of their batteries or mortar units they're... just bringing them here and they're training as if they were at a lower intensity front, so that in pedavdeivka they would receive some kind of return , yes here, well, they are also given return here , let's say so, and it is not sweet for them either, but it is not, well, it is still not the same front as near avdiivka, although it is already a full-fledged front simply there is lower intensity, sumshchyna 540 km of the border is the front, that is, i can say that here i am now. i am sitting with you,
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speaking 30 km from the front. thank you, mr. viktor, take care, it was viktor boberenko, political expert, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. friends, we are working. live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching live there now, please vote in our poll, today we ask you whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the fake elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, yes no, or if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, then if you think that the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin, 0800-211-381, no 08... 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with mykhailo gonchar, president of the strategy 21 global studies center, energy expert. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for being
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with us today. good evening. let's start, mr. mykhailo, our conversation with punches of ukrainian, ukrainian forces on the oil refining capacities of russia, as a result of these strikes, 15% of the entire oil refining potential was lost in russia, well, at least that's what bloomberg gives, i don't know, maybe there is a little more, and you know more about it than there, because they call the figure of the existence of 88 oil refineries in russia factories, 38 are working, well, if 12 or 13 factories... are damaged, then of those that are working, then 30% are damaged, i calculated, but bloomberg writes that 15% is damaged, how do you assess the potential of russia, what have they lost and explain to our viewers how catastrophic are these losses, or
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how serious are these losses for russia, and how quickly do they recover from this, well, i'll try, but the number of factories should not. to impress, because of course, when the numbers 72 are heard there or someone counted 88, then in principle these are the same plants, they are very different in terms of their capacities, there may be a plant that processes several tens of thousands of tons of oil there in total , that is, a mini refinery, it is also in the statistics, and there are plants such as omsk, for example, which processes 21 million tons of oil per year, it is... the largest in russia, or from the same category there, say, ryazan, yaroslavl, nizhnegorod, these are large refineries that process somewhere under 20 million tons of oil there, if so, let's say the higher
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league, but there is a conditionally first league, which processes somewhere around 10 million tons, and so on, it is mainly important to pay attention here. for which, one way or another, they are concentrated mainly in the european part of russia, that is, within the reach of our weapons, and here it is very characteristic the fact that our drones have already appeared in samara is a very important moment, because samara is, in fact, the main russian oil hub, and it has already flown there, a lot of oil is concentrated there, not only oil refineries, but also... and accordingly valet tank parks and so on for storing both oil and oil products, and therefore, in principle, the damage is serious, but of course i would not consider that this is some kind of fatal damage, to destroy an oil refinery and damage it, these are
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different things when many think of it as words synonyms, this is not the case, because the destruction of a plant that has... a large territory, several dozen or even hundreds of hectares, well, it is necessary, so to speak, to carry out a massive air raid there, with a tactical aviation brigade there and so to speak to iron it out for a long time, but we are talking about the fact that the means of defeat, the drones, are delivering surgically precise blows to the technology of oil refining, and in this context, of course. that we see the numbers are called different, there is a 15% drop, there, someone calls a more modest figure, well, for example, 12.6, i myself calculated according to rosneft, for example, compared to the daily, daily volume of production in january, and for the first two
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weeks of march, i.e., a drop of about 12.6%, this is due to rosneft plants, well, bloomberg is obvious there, maybe they had a more... panoramic picture, so , if, these are really already serious losses, and we can see from the reaction in the russian media and social networks that... this is if the problem that touched, touched russia not only from the point of view of such a negative image for them of burning oil refineries, i.e. the fact that the ban on the export of gasoline until 1 august, she is quite eloquent, the situation here is like this, when they talk about a drop in refining volumes, well, if as a result of refining... well, at least three main types of oil products that are widely used are gasoline, diesel fuel
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, and actually speaking, jet fuel, and of course, the largest and most widespread product of processing both from the point of view of production and from the point of view of consumption is diesel fuel, gasoline is less, and in russia the specifics of oil refining are connected with the fact that... diesel, if they have it discomfort due to the arrival of ukrainian drones, and for gasoline, if the situation were more serious, they would have a relative maneuver from the point of view of replacing the lack of diesel fuel there at the expense of supplies there, let's say from those oil refineries that are more deeply located there and in the asian part there russia and let's say the same. oil refinery, but they do not have such maneuverability in terms of gasoline, that is, damage there, for example, and
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technical problems at the nizhny novgorod oil refinery, they sharply reduced the volume of gasoline production, and accordingly this there was a reason why a ban on the export of gasoline was immediately introduced in russia, because here we can see the situation with the price increase, it is so devastating, as they write, that there is a price jump for gasoline. russia, but an increase of several percent, there is 2-3% , it is already observed, and this is a sign of serious problems, and in principle we can see from the reactions of the russian professional e zmi, which are closer to the oil sector sector, what they express serious concern, realizing that if it were the same, it would not hit will stop, and... accordingly, if , not only other refineries are under threat, but
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also the threat remains for these oil pipeline facilities, which have already been attacked, well, by the way, by the way, by the way, the fact that these strikes will continue, president zelenskyy promises, a small synchronicity of the president of ukraine, let's listen, these weeks many have already seen that the russian war system has in... vulnerabilities, and that we can reach these vulnerabilities with our weapons, i thank the armed forces of ukraine, the sbu , the main intelligence agency for the new ukrainian long distance of course, i thank our defense-industrial complex, everyone who works for the sake of ukrainian power, because this is really ukrainian poverty, what our own drones can do. ukraine will now always have... its own strike force in the sky, mr. mikhail, how quickly can the russians
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adjust or change, according to the situation that arises for them at one refinery or another, how much can they do during a war? well, if we are talking about damage, as a result of damage, and of course, in each specific case you have to look, how serious is it? damage, well, if we, for example, take the example of the topsyn oil refinery, which was affected, the main technology was affected on the 25th, it seems january, then it is still not working, so to speak, they will restore it somewhere, maybe some more will be needed a month and so on, there are other refineries where the damage was less serious, after a while there, after a couple of weeks , the technology was launched, but they do not officially report now, i... for example, i note that the refinery, this technological installation started working, but no official announcements
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it was, of course, they will not say this, because they are wary of the next strikes, but they will definitely be and they should be, because in principle, systematicity and consistency are important here, well, actually, if we take, consider their strategy of actions in relation to our fuel of fuel supply facilities , well, it is like this... they continued from the very beginning of the invasion, literally on the third day after february 27th, 22nd, there was already the first strike on... the silkiv oil depot, and then they methodically carried out strikes on all major regional oil depots, and we see these strikes continue, and they also struck the kremenchug oil refinery, the shebelinsky gas refinery, which in principle did not work in odesa, and so on, so in principle they are now receiving
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a boomerang of what they did they are in relation to our oil refinery fuel capacities, therefore... in principle, if, here we now have a larger arm, a longer arm, a greater reach, it is about a 1000 km radius now, as evidenced by the strikes on facilities in samara, we can, so to speak, have a place to roam, which is called, and we are not talking only about oil refineries, we should also take into account fuel bases, the same is called simply. oil depots, and we remember that oryol, kurshchyna, belgorod, voronishchyna, bryansk, oil depots, these are located either near the state border with ukraine or near the front line, they must be destroyed, because otherwise , they are used as intermediate storage bases for fuel, which is later used for
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the needs of the group of russian troops conducting combat operations in ukraine, so here... if we see a comprehensive approach on the part of the defense forces of ukraine, it is necessary to destroy the entire fuel infrastructure in order to achieve a situation where there will be a fuel famine, say, taxis, the formula for success on the battlefield is to create a shortage of manpower, a shortage of fuel and interrupt the lines of communication, so in principle, if now... the strategy is aimed at inflicting the maximum possible damage on the enemy, acting in his strategic depth, so from here they are nervous mr. mykhailo, one more question about russian gas, because herman galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine, said that ukraine is not going to extend the gas transit contract with russian gazprom,
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let's listen to what he said. to confirm that we do not plan to conclude any additional agreements or extend the validity of the agreement, there is an eu initiative to repower eu-27, that is, to completely get rid of russian gas by the 27th year, this is not only turbopipe gas, we are also talking about lng gas in europe, and i will tell you that it is the number of investment in europe today, which is invested in achieving these goals, and there are countries that in... a year and a half from critical dependence on russian gas, i always talk about germany, as an example italy, well italy not so much, but germany , it was the largest consumer of russian gas, today it has been reduced to zero in a year and a half, that is, everyone understands that russian energy resources have no place on the european market, but do russian
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energy resources have a place, mr. mykhailo, in ukraine, because herman galushchenko talks about europe. we have, as i understand it, no russian gas, we do not use it, despite the fact that this gas goes through the pipe, no, practically now we use domestically produced gas, and it covers our needs, well , unfortunately, it is not, so to speak, it is a reason to be proud from the point of view that our gas consumption has decreased not due to , let's say, energy savings. and so on, as a result of the fact that the industrial infrastructure that consumed gas was destroyed, and we reached what we once dreamed of, to provide ourselves with our own gas, but this the consequence of the war, in fact, therefore, the prosthesis of these circumstances, is what relieves us of dependence
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both on the east, that is, on russian supplies, and on the west, that is, we also do not... take gas in reverse order from the countries of the european union, but make do with , that we extract, and we have enough of it. as for, let's say, the future, indeed, we have already seen that, not only from the point of view of our interests, there is no need to extend or enter into a new gas agreement with gazprom, not under any conditions, not even those that were in the contract of 19- oh no year on purely european ones, and all the more so as we see that the position of the european commission, which has been voiced several times recently by profile european commissioner kadri simpson. and it is very favorable for us, that is, there is no need for the european union to continue receiving russian gas, if there are
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fans of russian gas and putin, such as orban and fico, then these are their problems, and the european union, the european commission has pointed out to them directly that there are opportunities to diversify the gas supply in the presence of those interconnectors of underground gas storage, which are in europe, they are more... sufficient for these fans of russian gas and putin to be able to satisfy their needs without using, so to speak, russian gas in general. therefore, i see that it may even be earlier than the 27th year for europe to abandon the main gas supplies from russia. another problem is the supply of liquefied natural gas, where there is still an increase in its import from russia, from the yamal fields, but at the same time now. the european union is indeed viewed more and more skeptically, to stop these purchases and use more liquefied gas from other
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sources, there is no particular problem here either, so i think that in this regard, of course, we would like it to be faster, but the process of de-russification of the european gas market, which began in 22 -th year, it continues, so what? will mean for russia, ukraine 's refusal to use the gts, because since the time of the soviet union, the pipe actually entered ukraine somewhere in the sumy region and exited in uzhhorod, in the ring of pomara uzhhorod, this big gas pipeline was, well, it was one of them, so, what does the lack of this pipeline actually mean for russia, i.e. will russia start selling more to china, or will russia somewhere reorient itself there to other... states, i.e. how much will they lose? they are already losing, they now look pitiful against the background of the achievements, so to speak, that they
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have now received, that is, if we do not go into details, then in fact russia has now reduced itself to the level of soviet gas supplies to europe somewhere in the mid-80s x years, when the great gas expansion actually began. and to transfer everything to china , it’s so simple, there is no such crane that switched it from the european direction to the asian direction and the gas went there, for this you still need to build a bunch of gas pipelines, which are roughly the same size, it’s the same as both northern streams, power siberia, they are talking about it there, but china is in no hurry, by the way, because china is implementing an ambitious program to abandon fossil fuels and does not want much. er, so to speak, to commit to a gas alternative, there is a rapid rethinking of approaches, but what will happen to russia, that is, of course, they
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have reduced the volume of production, they and the volume of exports, accordingly, as i have already mentioned, they will now try to use the domestic market as usual, the elections have passed, the so-called elections, now it is possible to raise prices for the consumer within russia, it is now possible to talk about... however, here too they will now try to develop and expand, more precisely, they already had a fairly developed gas-chemical production, that is, to use gas to the maximum for the production of mineral fertilizers, for production of various types of plastics and exports, and this is another added value, to export more mineral fertilizers, various plastic products or intermediate raw materials for the chemical industry. and in order, so to speak , to solve this problem, and this is very important, to impose sanctions in this sector on them, so that they do not receive new cash
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flows to the war budget, and do not receive new production capacities and opportunities. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, this was mykhailo gonchar, president of the center for global studies strategy 21. friends, we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are asking you about this, whether you are from... the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yes no. in youtube, everything is quite simple. if you are in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you believe that the legitimacy will still be recognized. 0800-211-381, no, 0, 800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote, it's important for us to know your opinion. mykola malomush, ex-chairman, will be in touch with us next foreign intelligence service of ukraine, general of the army of ukraine. mr. general. i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. general, yesterday, after the pseudo-elections were held in russia, putin announced that... russia
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will have to think with whom she can talk about peace in ukraine, and also responded to hostilities in the border areas of the russian federation and spoke about a possible sanitary zone between russia and ukraine. let's listen to what putin said. it is possible that, bearing in mind the tragic events, that are happening today, we will be forced at some point, when we consider it expedient, to create a certain... sanitary zone in today's territories subordinate to the kyiv regime, to create a security zone, which will be quite difficult to overcome, using the means of defeat that the enemy uses, primarily foreign production. mr. general, is it possible to perceive the recent intense shelling of sumy oblast as an attempt to rehearse the creation of this sanitary zone between ukraine and russia?
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well, first of all, it must be said that putin loses on the battlefield, the reserves are exhausted, and he is trying to formulate a new model of a peace agreement, which provides for some sanitary zones, but on the territory of ukraine, that is where we made substantial concessions in terms of the territorial integrity of ukraine, where you conquered, and on the other side , part of the territories where they did not occupy today, but we left, there were no defensive structures, no weapons, and, of course, the ability to counter the enemy in the event of a new aggression, that is, the position is clear here, after all, there is nothing more potential for offensive operations, he is thinking of striking with missiles today in order to create such a spectacle that there will be a zone of permanent impression on the territory of ukraine, and conversely to say that we will stop, for example, the strike and you will stop, but we will create a sanitary zone on your territory , this is
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putin's rhetoric today. but it is reinforced by something, new aggression at the front and in the front-line regions, sumy, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, kherson and other regions, so in this situation we see putin's entire strategy, he is trying today to tighten the last reserves in order to demonstrate some successes at the front, but accordingly, in parallel, to conduct negotiations first of all with countries that are, as he said, close in terms of the negotiation process, this is, for example, china, it can be india, this is turkey, erdogan repeatedly says that it is necessary to stop hostilities, but it is clear that the occupied territories remain for putin to create some peace zones, but putin is already formulating that these will be precisely sanitary zones, that is, he is trying through third countries and some allies of the european union, such as hungary and slovakia.
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pressure so that just such large countries as china, turkey, india, brazil, and also possibly some powers that will be in europe, lobby the issue of this peace according to putin, and on the other hand, then he will formulate where they can to be these zones, which will be the territories under control, from our side, we must retreat and withdraw troops there, that is, impose. this part of the territories and conditions of peace not only in sanitary zones, there is far away, clear plans, it must go through some stages, as he says , demilitarization, refusal to retreat to nato and the like and the like, i.e. many such positions that putin wants to protest as a winner, and then in quotation marks, like a beast peacemaker, this today , putin's main strategy is what he announced for the russians, because
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the war for russia is huge. also, the problem of loss is undermined not only the potential, if every day we carry out powerful strikes, about a thousand people, only killed, how many seriously wounded, this is a huge loss in a month there are 10-15 brigades, so this is a powerful format, not only is it a waste of effort from those offensive operations that he would like, but it is felt in the hinterland, as he says in russia, for whom he feels that either the beaten are already coming, brought, or the wounded come and tell, what is it like here , there are no, so to speak, nationalists here, on the contrary , they are waging the wrong war, and this is a powerful, internal propaganda now, it is still invisible, but many do not want to fight anymore, mobilizations are also 70 or so they don't want interest anymore war without supporting ukraine, but no one wants to die here, so in this situation...


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