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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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you know, if it was about the fact that they would remove more, for example, in addition, they would sacrifice that they would remove an additional number of mi-24 or mi-28 helicopters, which in theory, well, are adaptable for hunting small air targets, well it would be possible to, let's say, even confuse, worry about this, because it would strengthen the russians' ability to, you know, place an explosive object next to another explosive object, and this object is usually very well identified during the shelling of belgorod on belgorod itself . well what is left here? yes, extremely clear and powerful. mr. ivan, let's also ask you to sum up, perhaps, those signals that we received today at ramstein, yes? well, on the one hand, we understand that the united states can, so to speak, give us a financial pig's lung. yes, on the other hand , we see a certain revival on the part of our european allies. so, today ramshtein were working, signaling something.
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read, be good signals, well, from what we can accurately describe positively, it is that a lot of artillery shells are already promised at the moment, and even the same germany has found a 122 mm caliber somewhere, well, to the d-30 howitzers and to the gvozdyk self-propelled guns, well, that is, the fact that germany finds not only nato shells, but also soviet ones, is in principle very good, the fact that finland also promised us to give us a certain number of landing craft, which we would need everywhere. or in the area there, say, the defense of ochakov, which is more or less going, or even if for an operation on the left bank of the kherson region or other black sea zones, it it's also good, in principle, the fact that such unexpected allies are ready to invest in us, such as belgium, which gives 300 bronzes there, is good, but the problem is that the whole of remstein, he, until then , kept to just that , that the us was the main provider, here, as you rightly pointed out, they are playing the hog in this case, so it may be that some really. necessary
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decisions for our support, they will be laid down after that, because the most important intrigue, in fact, is not even ramstein, but what poland and germany declare there about some kind of armored coalition for ukraine , which will be announced on march 26, that is, the most interesting thing awaits us actually in a week, ugh, interesting, interesting, interesting, well, ivan karachevsky was in touch with us, for which we thank him, extremely interesting, quality conversation, we are going on a short break across the country, air alarm, but... dear tv viewers, we will be back in just a couple of minutes and we will analyze the events within our glorious ukrainian politics, there are a lot of events, except, well, except that we will to inform you about the meetings in the ravshtime format, yes, but before the break i would like to remind you about how our collection is going now, so now we have collected with you almost 222 hryvnias, 2.22, a symbolic amount, and we are actually asking you to contribute. to the collection, since we need to raise
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funds for pickups and not only for pickups, we need to raise funds for cars that are at the front, as you know, this is more of a consumable, and we need to buy a powerful land cruiser, we need to buy a pickup for the 43rd a separate artillery brigade is required a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, our goal is uah 900,000, so if you have the opportunity, please join the collection and actually now we will go for a short one. after it, we will continue to inform you from our studio in ukrat. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask.
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arseniy yatsenyuk's victory fund open ukraine hosts the annual kyiv security forum. kyiv tells the world: we will win, we will win together. bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine namego. the victory will allow to play in the match for qualification to euro-2024. therefore, our teams need your support. cheer on march 21 at 9:45 p.m. with mekogo. what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and , most importantly, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. in one capsule, four components together. quertin immuno to strengthen immunity and protection. there are discounts on amixin ic tablets - 10% in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. the war continues, and not only for territories. it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a doctor from mariupol treat wounded ukrainian soldiers? during hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years? each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. on tuesday
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, march 19, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. information day of the tv channel in rospol, po the whole country, an air alert, the enemy raised the 31st may, so don't neglect it, and an important signal came from germany, so ukraine will receive new military aid of 500 million euros from the germans. tagesschau writes about this with reference to the statement of the minister of defense of germany boris. pistorius in communication with zmi within the framework of the meeting of the romstein format, which is currently underway today. pistorius said that it is about additional deliveries of ammunition, 10,000 artillery shells from the warehouses of the bundeswehr. 10,000 artillery shells are not a lot, let's be honest. well, they will enter
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100 armored vehicles for infantry and 100 transport vehicles to the new aid package. well, now i propose to analyze the situation in our, so to speak, beautiful ukrainian politician, in the espresso studio. espresso bunker studio oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate the viewers of espresso. well, the great lent has begun, so to speak, but the passions continue in the verkhovna rada, that is, there should be a plenary week, and accordingly i would like to ask you about the agenda and key issues now draft laws that will be adopted and which may not be adopted by a miracle of circumstances, this is also no less important. you know that we have such strange circumstances happening with our plenary week, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, if you look at the work of speaker stefanchuk, it can be assessed unequivocally as unsatisfactory, i have the impression that if it were not for the statement of european
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solidarity with the demand to resume the work of the parliament, then this strange meeting last week, when one, albeit very important, issue was considered, an appeal: to parliaments and governments of countries, then probably this meeting would not have taken place either. we hope that this week the bills that are really important for the country will already be considered, and unfortunately, so far the draft agenda does not include the issues that, in my opinion , should be numbered 1, 2 and 3. and the first issue is questions about fortifications . that is, i believe that there is no more important front today, where there should be common ground. the work of both the authorities and the military is the construction of fortifications, and we have been proposing it for several months, after all ex- commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi has been proposing to build fortifications since the middle of last year, and in a few months we are talking about creating
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a temporary special commission for the construction of fortifications in the parliament, primarily not to punish someone, but to help , because fortifications are a soldier's life. and a soldier's life is priceless. the second question that we want to ask and ask to put on the agenda is the question of the final ban of this moscow sect of cyril and all. organizations whose center is in moscow and which are managed with the country of the aggressor, and the third issue is of course the question of mobilization, we believe that we need to strengthen the ukrainian army, that we need to help ukrainian soldiers, and we have a clear list of issues do not spam , really choose the most important thing, and the most important thing is demobilization, the most important thing is rotation, and the most important thing is the protection of the soldier, not to mention that mobilization... should open a sense of justice in ukrainian society, that is, it should not be such, and
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the deputy's child does not serve, and this one went into hiding, no, everyone should be equal before the law, and these attempts by the government to sow some kind of confusion, through lotteries, through conscription into the army based on property qualifications, that is, we don't mobilize the rich, and we mobilize others, these are wrong approaches, all according to the constitution have the same duties. to protect the homeland, unfortunately, none of these issues are working on fortification in the committee yet, look, oleg mykhailovych, well, as for fortification, as far as i understand, it would not require anything additional, i do not know draft law, maybe it was within the competence of the government, but no, the resolution is ready, and the main thing is that this resolution is adopted by only 150 votes, that is, it is like a temporary special commission, it would be very easy to actually vote on it, unfortunately, speaker stefanchuk simply did not. .. puts this issue on the agenda and doesn't put it to a vote, but i think it would be such
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an important tool to help the military in terms of fortification. ok, well, and the second point, the amendments to the law on mobilization, we understand that there were, so to speak to say, a full flute, it is meant, about just some such amendments sucked out of the finger, they were essential and essential, yes, and the work continues under consideration in the committee on national security issues in... defense and intelligence, well, i would like to ask you about the pace of consideration and its quality, well, i think that the pace is unsatisfactory, because as of this morning, a little more than 800 amendments have been considered, and this is the wish that the committee will consider another thousand amendments today, well, god forbid, i am only for , and the problem is that the committee, which for the most part it consists of representatives of the authorities, of representatives of the servants of the people, but as a rule, it does not meet in full. and very often during the discussion there is no quorum to make certain decisions. i would not like
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to speak or even think that representatives of the people's servants are sabotaging the work of such an important committee at such an important time. but unfortunately, we have the review procedure that we have. i want to remember once again when we asked, offered, instead of mykhailo vitaliyovych zabrodskyi, who completed the powers of a deputy, being a deputy head of the committee on the issue. of national security and defense and went to help directly as a general of the ukrainian army, we then proposed the ex-minister of veterans' affairs, people's deputy iryna friz, for the position of deputy head of the committee on national security and defense, no, mariana bezugla, she is a specialist and she still is pir deputy, well, if you are a representative of european solidarity, then all opportunities will be closed to you in order to... help organize the work of the committee, unfortunately, somehow it is, look, and the general
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zabrodskyi, we understand that the entire line of command has been changed, that is , it is not only about chief commissar general zaluzhnyi, it is not only about chief of the general staff general shaptala, it is also about a number of people, specifically what concerns the former people's deputy, yes , and the former deputy chief of staff general zabrodskyi, what happened to him, how much. i know, his military skill, his experience, his military art, still remain unclaimed, and after the resignation of the brave, he is sent to the disposal, and i understand that he is just passing the time and his experience has not yet been used for the armed forces of ukraine, and it is very unfortunate, because general zabrodskyi is that officer, that general who, together with his 95th carried out by the brigade. a free raid in the rear of the enemy in 2014, that is, the muscovites, who believed, and
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, unfortunately, not without reason, that the ukrainian army was not there, suddenly in their rear they saw a group of armored vehicles, tanks, anti-tank vehicles, and several hundred kilometers behind the enemy's rear , led by a general zabrodskyi, 95th the amphibious assault brigade passed and destroyed a lot of anti-aircraft guns and a lot of equipment along the way. it was the 1995th year, then general zabrodsky was the commander of the airborne assault troops, 2015, 2015, forgive me, after that general zabrodsky was the commander of the airborne assault troops. troops, after that he was the deputy commander-in-chief of zaluzhnyi, and now nobody needs him, and as far as i'm concerned, it's wrong to say the least. look, we are also talking about the draft law on mobilization, and we understand that we need to work on it extremely important one rule when we are talking about a certain loophole or a certain mechanism that allows people to abuse such a certain
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rule of law, in particular when it comes to the care of the disabled. currently, we understand that this number... is not limited, and whether they want it or not , people abuse it, and as you think now, it can be quickly and qualitatively considered, as if this window of corruption has already been closed, in any case at the committee level, the committee came to a common opinion that we should of course leave the possibility of care for those people who are disabled, and such people who take care of the disabled, definitely have the opportunity to have... deferment from military service, but such a person can only be one, that is, relatively speaking, if there is such a person in the family who can to take care of a disabled woman, then a chain of people who simply want to avoid serving in the armed forces of ukraine will not be lined up. well, this week they should consider the draft law on dual citizenship, as well as on the mandatory
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declaration of dual citizenship, as said the classics, pluses, minuses, undercurrents. well, it seems to me that it was such a certain attempt on the part of the authorities to divert attention, why? because, well, there are no worked-out mechanisms and understanding, but how to apply dual citizenship, if a citizen of france or the united states of america receives ukrainian citizenship, please tell me, he must be called up to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, as a citizen of ukraine, of course , that yes, but at the same time he has... another citizenship, and it is such that today, will probably be on the lips of many, many, not to mention the fact that other legislative acts clearly regulate the procedure for acquiring citizenship, and this is an exam on knowledge of the language, this is an exam on knowledge of history, well, the most important thing is that the constitution of ukraine says very clearly , that there is only one citizenship in ukraine, the citizenship of ukraine, and
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a person who wants to acquire the citizenship of ukraine must leave it and lose it. citizenship of another country, so it seems to me that this is a very incomplete story, which, probably, we should have had at first to work out the lawyers, then it had to be worked out in the constitutional court, and only after that you can return to this issue under consideration in the parliament, but it will still be considered in the parliament, that is, it will be brought to the plenary session, i cannot say that this issue will be considered today plenaries, it's faster, if someone wants to draw attention, then they will throw out such things that concern, well , not quite prepared questions and procedures. for example, today i would be more inclined to the question regarding the use of ukrainians firearms, i think this issue is much more important today than the issue of dual citizenship. moreover, if we talk about the citizenship of the country of the aggressor,
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well, it is generally a very, very dangerous thing here, and i would really hate to... i would like to think that this is an issue, that it is an issue of dual citizenship, this is an issue that is being lobbied by the oligarchs, who already have cypriot or some other passports there, and just want to legalize their foreign passports in this way and avoid the responsibility they would have to bear today if it is lobbying oligarchs, then this is unacceptable, well , mykhailovych also wanted to ask you about a strange letter, a letter with threats, which came from certain... an international figure named amsterdam, yes, and there have already been signals from our people's deputies, who through pressure has already been applied to our law enforcement agencies, and there is information that this international figure or lawyer, as he positions himself , is a law enforcer, that he is also connected with the former, well no, not with the former, with the oligarch novinsky, yes , i.e. oligarchs, so to speak
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to say, there are no former ones, well , how do you think this case will develop, because... the key story is not even that he imposed something on the people's deputies, and by one or another legal procedures, the main thing , which can collapse, because of this the whole matter of the bill banning the russian church in ukraine, this is one moment, another moment, it can very significantly hit our ukrainian, the reputation of the ukrainian state abroad, i.e. in those countries where the wording may be misunderstood , which was submitted by mr. amsterdam, well, first of all, the document, but the termination of the activities of organizations whose center is moscow, and which help the russian aggression, it has been worked out legally, in my opinion, flawlessly, all that is happening. this is simply the pressure of the muscovites on the people's deputies of ukraine, on the information space of ukraine , in order to prevent the banning of this
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kyrylovskaya sect, because it is absolutely not about any objections to freedom of conscience, according to this draft law any citizen could profess any faith, so on has the right to practice any faith, and this issue does not at all... touch freedom of conscience, the issue is that with this bill, every organization that promotes racist aggression, every organization whose center is in moscow, must cease its activities, and this is the protection of ukraine, and it seems to me that this is not the first time when such open pressure, public pressure is exerted on people's deputies, and it is absolutely correct that the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada on issues of... humanitarian policy at its meeting, i it seems that not unanimously, i turned to the security service of ukraine on this matter, because this
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informational pretext will surely catch the ears of the moscow ibso, and it is necessary to fight against this with the forces of law enforcement agencies, the forces of our anti-racist structures, i think that then all this will be settled and will come to the top, regarding the voting, you know, i already heard when... from stefanchuk even before the voting of this bill in the first reading, that oh-oh-oh, there will be no votes, oh-oh, we will fail, but you put it, he put it, and a sufficient crowd gathered in the hall number of people deputies to support this bill. the second question, we really have to give credit and respect to the specialized committee on humanitarian policy, and i would like to thank the people's deputies from european solidarity, knyazhytskyi. petrovych, fedina, who finalized this bill between the first and second reading in such a way that it became, firstly, in accordance with the letter and spirit of the law, and secondly,
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it was actually effective for application, and what is very important, the specialized committee approved this bill , i.e. there are no legal issues, there are no questions about morality, there are absolutely no questions that would not correspond to today's world practice of protection. country, there is only one question: muscovites will do everything possible to prevent the adoption of this law, because in fact this moscow sect of cyril is such a lever of their influence on the consciousness of ukrainians, and this lever of influence must be taken away from them, and here the question today is for one person , to mr. stefanchuk, please do your duty, put this issue on the agenda, don't run away, don't hide, don't work for the unknown... and work for ukraine like this, and finally, oleg mykhailovych, i would also like to ask you about the issue, the data on the salaries of employees of the staff of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, therefore, at
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the meeting of the regulatory committee , this decision was voted without providing information about the salaries of officials of the staff of the verkhovna rada, that is, perhaps little they receive, maybe not. this scandal started a month ago, when the declarations of officials were made public, and... then everyone saw that employees of the verkhovna rada apparatus receive about 3 million per year hryvnias, about 2 million hryvnias, that is, a soldier who is on the front line receives a maximum of 100,000 hryvnias in extra payments, that is 200 million a year, and an official who sits in the apparatus of the verkhovna rada receives twice as much as a soldier who is on the front line, and it seemed would that the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, when approving... a similar report, not for the 22nd year, but for the 23rd year, should consider this issue, and i raised this issue at the meeting of the regulatory committee, please provide
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this information before voting, yes no, the servants of the people, together with the former zopzzh , quickly blocked and voted in such a way that no one knew anything, but i am convinced that the request that was made to make these numbers public before the next meeting of the regulatory committee... will really demonstrate who today, well , receives, does not earn, but receives funds for silence and for conniving with the authorities in the disorganization of the work of the ukrainian parliament, i am convinced that these people should not just be ashamed, but these people should resign from their positions, because in addition to a question of morality, there is also a question of legality. thank you, oleg mykhailovych, in the studio of the espresso tv channel, during the air alert. after its completion, the people's deputy of ukraine oleg synyutka worked , well, together with him we congratulate the now beloved writer and poet of the ukrainian people,
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lina vasylivna kostenko from in hours, dear lina vasylivna, sprinkle water and water, many and good summers, and thank you for your creativity, for today we say goodbye to you and we have to experience the whole world, people, be mutually beautiful, as lina vasilievna said, and until soon meeting on the air, 10 years ago, on march 16, 14th, the russian occupiers held a so-called referendum in crimea under the muzzles of machine guns. the operation to seize the peninsula began on february 20. it was on this day that the armed forces of the russian federation first violated the procedure for crossing the state border of ukraine through the kerch strait. since the same 2014, russia began to spread the narrative that the peninsula was taken allegedly peacefully with the consent of the crimeans.
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however, the participants of the protest are a living refutation of this myth: they took to the streets very different people, they were not even politically related to politics in any way, well, until the 14th year, they were, i don't know, kindergarten teachers , they were some teachers, they were journalists, they were, well, even people who didn't work, pensioners, i saw a lot of people too, that is, they were just people who did not agree with the fact that russia is occupying their home, these voices were not shown to the general public there by some kind of television. because at that time the radio and television transmitters in the crimea had already been captured, and there was talk only russian, russian tv channels, accordingly they broadcast only pro-russian rallies. voting during the so-called referendum took place with numerous violations, this was recognized by the whole world, except russia, of course. the main scheme for falsification was a simplified procedure of entering people into additional lists, right at
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the polling stations, so the number of... people who supposedly voted was abnormally large. in addition, there was no clause in the ballots printed on ordinary white a4 sheets that would allow to vote for crimea to remain part of ukraine. at the same time, to say that crimea was taken, as it were, with the consent of all crimeans and supposedly not by military means, but by peaceful means, is simply not true, at least it is not true, at most it is just about... propaganda, with which they are trying to deceive ukraine and the whole world . while all of ukraine was reeling from the shooting of unarmed protesters by the berkuts on the maidan in kyiv, the russian occupiers acted very quickly. they understood that in order for the truth not to flow beyond the peninsula, it was necessary to silence it all mass media. russia has landed machine gunners and
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machine gunners near the crimean television and radio broadcasting centers. the last time we had a broadcast just on the birthday of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, on my shift on march 9, she announced the program at 10:20 before his birthday, somewhere she lost, well, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 6 minutes, if not less, and i heard , that something else is playing on the air, not our program at all, when i went to the air, i heard that radio vesti russia was already playing there, some crimean media were trying. some more time to work to tell about what was really happening, but doing so was risky, because apart from threats, you could get in and play. i worked underground in crimea for two years, from the 14th to 2016, until the time when a spy program was installed on my computer, with the help of an isp, on april 19, 2000. on the 16th
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at 6:00 a.m.: at 00:00 in the morning, i was searched with the aim of finding all the materials in my computer that i sent to the ukrainian mass media. special changes with at that time, kremlin policy did not suffer. today, as in 2014, repression and persecution continues in crimea. according to the crimean human rights group, during the 10 years of occupation, at least 1,400 crimeans suffered from russian repression, at least 200 citizens are behind bars, do not receive medical care, and in most cases are victims of torture. during all 10 years of occupation, russia created such an island in crimea, where laws really do not apply, where only some criminal principles of the russian
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government operate, 10.


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