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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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money will talk during the war with oleksandr morchyvka, there are also important and relevant topics for our pockets. cultural news from mature chechnya. weather from natalka didenko. well, now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. ukraine hopes that there will be enough ammunition until april. such a statement was made by the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal during his working visit to luxembourg. he noted that due to the lack of artillery shells, the situation on the front line is becoming more difficult. hopes that thanks to the czech initiative, to which joined luxembourg, it will be possible to stabilize the situation on the front line. we also count on the supply of long- and medium-range missiles to reduce russian logistics in the occupied territories, this is also very important for us, as well as artillery shells, but from our side we are not standing still, we are moving forward with the production of ukrainian drones, with ukrainian artillery. a tractor blew up on a mine in
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kharkiv oblast, it happened in a field near the village of fedorivka, bervinivka community. the tractor driver ran over an unknown explosive device the object detonated, the tractor was completely destroyed, and the driver was injured. he is currently in the hospital, the state emergency service reported, sappers are working on the spot. they dropped explosives from a drone about... on a car with people, the russians attacked civilians at the entrance to the village of osokorivka in the kherson region, the regional military administration informed. medics provided assistance to the man and woman. and in bilopilla in sumy oblast, the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility. there were problems with water supply in the city, its head, yuriy, said zarko, comments to the public. residential buildings were also damaged, information about the death. are there currently no injured people? for 3 thousand
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dollars to moldova, friends from an online game agreed on an illegal departure from ukraine. the leader of this scheme was supposed to ferry his client across the kuchurgansky leman by boat. he failed, according to the information of the state border service, the organizer will bear criminal responsibility, and the customer will have an administrative offense. well, the construction of defensive structures in the zaporizhzhia region, barrier pyramids, continues analogs of dragon's teeth are produced in the region around the clock. special technology is used for production. the raw material hardens quickly, and the structure has maximum strength. the pyramids are able to withstand both critical temperatures and any aggression from the outside, said ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhzhia region. all work is controlled by the ministry of defense and the army.
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ukrainian children were deported to moscow. the security service of ukraine, together with the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine, notified two associates of putin of suspicion: a member of the state duma of russia, yana lantarova and her accomplice inna varlamova. during the occupation of kherson, they forcibly took two minor pupils of a local children's home to russia. the girl was deprived of a newborn girl and a two-year-old boy. parental care, the boy was in the institution temporarily due to difficult life circumstances in the family. the children had no physical problems and did not need medical intervention. currently , ukrainian babies have been given a russian-style birth certificate. russia's actions regarding the forced deportation of ukrainian children granting them russian citizenship and transferring them to russian families for upbringing grossly violates the norms of international humanitarian law. the fact of deportation is violent. the russians and
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the occupying authorities issue the accommodation of children as a gesture of goodwill, as a pretext for rescue, evacuation, rehabilitation and other pretexts that the russian federation uses to justify the deportation of ukrainian children. russia's obvious goal is hidden: in fact , children are forcibly transferred to another human group and russified. and yes, we already watched it, just for a second. ugh. continues erection of defensive buildings in the zaporizhzhia region, no, we already looked at it , let's go on, we have one more, one more piece of news: grenades near a school in zaporizhzhia near an educational institution, an officer of the educational security service found a suspicious package, it contained 10 grenades, a man called law enforcement officers and forbade students and teachers to enter the territory, some of the ammunition was soviet-made, the other was foreign, the ministry of internal affairs informs, experts sent some grenades to zaporizhzhia for research forensic expert: the center, some of
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these ammunitions were classified as ammunition belonging to the category of particularly dangerous, these ammunitions. it was categorized, taken outside the city limits, and their destruction was carried out with the maximum preservation of physical evidence, which will be sent for further research, detonation, armenia is ready to transfer four villages under the control of azerbaijan, said the prime minister of this country, nikol pashinyan. such information appeared against the background of controversial issues and fears of renewed conflict between the countries. it's going about settlements. baganis ប្រ្រ, ashege askip, heyrimly and gezil-gzhele. the day before , azerbaijan emphasized that these villages should be immediately liberated. 700 children in borodyanka can finally return to their lyceum.
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in total, 200 schools and kindergartens damaged or destroyed by the russian occupiers have already been restored in kyiv region. the lithuanian government helped rebuild one such educational institution in borodyanka. about how the work went on, how much the repair cost, and prospects for further cooperation with the republic of lithuania, further in our plot. the russian mir tried to denationalize lyceum number one in borodyanka. the occupiers left behind a fire and inscriptions on the remains of the walls. it seemed almost unreal to rebuild the destroyed educational institution. however, local educators did not give up hope and asked for help from friendly countries. the ambassador of the republic of lithuania, valdimares sarapines, came and said: madam director, we will rebuild your school, we will definitely rebuild it, and they came after a week or two somewhere, they came to our school and said that we are preparing everything, we are sure we will rebuild your school, we are currently preparing documentation, we are preparing a project, we are preparing a tender, and
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the reconstruction will begin in the new year, in january. the work boiled over the whole year, the lyceum was rebuilt according to all modern norms and standards. they warmed the facade, replaced the windows, performed... internal work, and next to the school they built a new, unique shelter for the country. it was difficult, you see, the building was damaged, there were certain legal procedures, land ownership, beneficiaries, financing, public procurement, tenders and so on. another, but we worked together as a team step by step, deciding what to do with the bomb shelter, the building, reconstruction, construction permits, etc.? the restoration of the lyceum cost almost 8 million euros, the work was financed by the fund for the development of cooperation and humanitarian aid of lithuania, and almost 2 million euros for internal equipment, furniture and external infrastructure was contributed by the representative office of taiwan in lithuania. lyceum in borodyanka was completely
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modernized, now there is an atrium, interactive panels, smart boards and other modern equipment. here we were told everything history, certainly, i think, the school even improved, not just rose from the ruins, but became better than it was before. i also believe that it is very important to rebuild qualitatively when we rebuild ukraine, take over schools, hospitals or other facilities. it's important to make them better, especially when it comes to stability and similar features. the school is being reconstructed at the initiative of the lithuanian government . the central project management agency, even more, to scale the reconstruction of educational institutions throughout the country, currently working on another project. an international architectural competition has already been announced as part of the school of the future for ukraine. the winning project will be used for
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the construction of educational institutions throughout ukraine. it will be an adaptive project, which can be logically adapted to different locations and different situations. needs for different numbers of students, and in general this project will be provided to each community free of charge for their use, and this is actually going back to the issue of design and estimate documentation, which is extremely expensive, so here is this project future school, an architectural project, it will greatly simplify the life of many communities. lithuanian-ukrainian lyceum number one is ready to welcome seven hundred students, it remains to complete the improvement and put the school into operation. friends from lithuania emphasize that such a new school is far from the last gift to ukraine. it sounds like a cliché, but really, we are investing in the future, we are investing in children who, i am sure, will create a better world, a world without war, because i understand all the circumstances
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now, i know about all these atrocities of war, so we must help rebuild as soon as possible, now, not later, not when the war is over, but now. the republic of vska has already allocated more than 14 million euros for the construction of a temporary settlement, reconstruction of educational institutions and other projects in ukraine. kateryna galko, dmytroki. espresso tv channel. a wonderful initiative and a wonderful result, most importantly, a big thank you to our lithuanian brothers and sisters. well , now we will talk more about what happened in the world. yuriy fizar is with us, yuriy, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, i will talk about this time, in particular, about this. erdogan, the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, is once again a peacemaker. you shouldn't be afraid of putin, that's what european leaders say, and... elon musk admitted that he has a certain disease, which he treats
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with medication, which one you will learn about in a moment in the world about ukraine section. well, let me start with this: europe can no longer and should not depend on elections in any country in the world, in particular in the united states of america. we must ourselves to be responsible for one's own security and to take care of it, the president of the european council, charles michel, said this in an interview with the eurracts publication. according to him, eu member states should strengthen their military power, and do it both for ukraine and for europe. this is necessary, says mr. president, in order to protect the democratic world. and at the same time, he added that the european union should guarantee that ukraine. will get everything he needs on the battlefield. next is a short quote from mr. charles
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michel. if we want peace, we must prepare for war. well, let's hear charles next michel is already a little more direct. two years after the start of the war, it became clear that russia would not stop in ukraine. just as she did not stop in crimea 10 years ago. moscow continues its destabilizing tactics in moldova, georgia, semi. caucasus, western balkans and even further on the african continent. russia is a serious military threat to our european continent and global security. if we don't get the right response from the eu and give ukraine enough support to stop russia, we we will be next. para belom said correctly a long time ago. well, good words from the mouth of the president of the european council, charles michel, are really necessary. to give a decent answer to the european union, and looking at everything that is happening inside
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the european community, i get the impression that they finally understood to the end, understood how dangerous russia is and how dangerous everything putin is doing, in particular in ukraine , and that's why they come to us, continue this help. putin plays on people's fears and nerves, but don't be afraid of it it is not necessary, it is necessary to... continue to maintain the peaceful order in europe and therefore help ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena burbok , said this in an interview with the german tv channel ard. according to her, if we stop helping ukraine, there is a risk that the russian system of violence, as she put it, will move closer to the european borders. the minister emphasized that the imperial madness of the russian president vladimir putin must be opposed by the commitment to the international peaceful order, and this
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dedication can be observed right now on the territory of the european union, this week is extremely busy, for example, on monday there was a meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the eu member states, today ramstein, at which, once again, we received words of support and the allocation of another aid. military, tomorrow will be the council of ukraine, the eu, the day after tomorrow the summit of the european union, so the week is full, both for europeans and for me personally, as an international review of the viewer, i follow all this, so that you know first, well, we're going further. unfortunately, there are currently no reasons to say that the russian war in ukraine may end this year. turk said about this in an interview with cnn. the minister of foreign affairs of turkey hakan fidan, according to him, there is currently no
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foundation for solving this issue, there are no prospects for settling the situation - says the head of the turkish foreign policy department in the near future. nevertheless, mr. hakan fidan stated that he has some hopes for 2025, while his he did not explain the feeling and did not motivate anything. and a little more. about turkey, the president of this country, recep tayyip erdogan, once again expressed his desire to become a peacemaker and reconcile ukraine and russia, to put the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and... putin at the negotiating table in order to end the bloodshed, he said this in a telephone conversation with the main criminal the world by putin, his press service reported. well, we remember, he has already tried to do this several times, so far to no avail, because russia makes some demands that are simply impossible to fulfill. china is trying to convince
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europe that if europe is going to hold some peace conferences. then it is necessary to invite russia to the table of this conference, otherwise official beijing will boycott such meetings, politico reported today with reference to sources. according to the information released, this very issue may have been one of the main issues during the european tour of the chinese special envoy lihui earlier this month. officially the ministry china's foreign ministry said lihui... promised quote: to support the timely convening of a peace conference with equal participation by all parties. well, here is another interesting point: the leader of the people's republic of china , xi jinping , is going to go to paris in early may, he has not traveled abroad for a long time, and now
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he is going to meet with macron in france, he is going to, as they say, once again the sources of the politico publication, to convince him to put pressure on european leaders, to invite russia to the table of future negotiations, which will take place on an as yet unknown date in switzerland, but as you know, in russia they already said, at least last week, masha zakharova, who calls herself the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, i just call her the spokeswoman, so she said that even if we are invited to such a meeting, we will not come, because we do not consider the ukrainian peace plan. plan in general, let alone a peaceful one, because i don’t know if it will happen, let’s move on: the usa commented on putin’s appointment to the new term in the presidential chair. the result of this election was quite predictable, said jake salevan, the us president's national security adviser, during a briefing at the white house. according to him, these elections
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were neither free nor fair, and their outcome was determined in advance. and that's all. that's why the adviser says that putin simply removed his political opponents from the road, some even killed them, next we will hear jake sullivan in direct speech. the reality is that putin is the president of russia, and we had to to deal with this reality amid the whole war in ukraine, as well as other actions we've seen from this president and russia under his leadership, which are ... against the interests of the united states, yet we continue to operate based on this reality , but in fact all this does not negate the fact that the elections did not meet any criteria of freedom and fairness. well, this is a general trend in the west, that is, they say, well , we cannot not recognize these elections, because
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they took place, they were dishonest, they were undemocratic, but they elected putin, and we have to come to terms with it, as mr. salvan says and continues, and continue to work, well, the us state department also commented, and answering the journalist's question about whether there will be to admit that washington is commenting on what is called an election in russia, the official representative of the foreign, american foreign policy department , vedant patel, answered that exactly, let's listen to him in the language. it was definitely not a democratic process. in my opinion, you can with it is safe to say that there will be no congratulatory calls from the united states of america. as i said, putin will most likely remain the president of russia, but that does not justify his autocracy. well, that means there won't be this call, in which maybe, maybe,
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who knows, maybe putin is waiting with washington, and for president joe biden to pick up the phone. said, vladimir, i congratulate you, there won't be this call, so, sorry, for russian, it's like in the soviet one, call me, call, call me for god's sake, that's where putin is sitting and nothing days pass, but we hope so , well, the call may be, ask, you know, the usa is there , what has already died, something like that, but to finish with the topic of the russian elections, why are they considered dishonest, not democratic, not so , which express the will of the russian people. i found on the internet on one of the resources, apparently on the resource of the central election commission, how exactly putin was voted in the republics of the north caucasus, still russian. north caucasus, and now many experts are talking about what if if something starts in russia, it will start with these republics and riots in these republics. here are some figures from the republics
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of the north caucasus, how they voted for putin. please note, chechnya is 98.99% for putin. i will repeat again, i understand what was added, but the mountain people, if they see that they are adding, they, you know, and they rise, they did not rise. kabardino-balkaria - 94% and 21% for putin. dagestan - 92-93% for putin. karachay-cherkessia - 90.07% for putin. ingushetia - 89.61% for putin. and northern ossetia - 89, and 0.1% for putin. well, so that you understand. yes, now we go far across the ocean, across the atlantic to the united states of america and again about trump. he is back for his own. the 45th president of the united states
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of america, donald trump, who has every chance to stay in the white house for another four years, believes that the russian war in ukraine can be ended at the negotiating table. he said this in an interview with radio host sebastian hortza, who, by the way, used to be one of his advisors. trump. emphasized that in he had excellent relations with putin and added, quote. we need to gather the russian and ukrainian presidents together at the same table, and i will say: you need to agree, and i will tell each of them certain things that i will not announce to the whole world, but i think i will succeed, well, it's like in style , like the old soviet cartoon vacation in sourdough, i have a parcel for you, but... i know how to reconcile ukraine with russia, but i won't tell you about it now, well , i guess, so that no one will be fooled, because everything may
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happen, but trump in his own style, by the way , yesterday, who watched the world column about ukraine, remembers, i also talked about trump, and he did not answer the question in an interview with fox news, why he does not give money for ukraine, why, why does he not want to give more money for ukraine and says that when he becomes president, he will stop funding. to ukraine, he didn't answer this question yesterday, and you didn't talk about the half a billion that trump has to find there to repay the debt, this leads to the fact that trump now has nowhere to find money to solve his problems, he really doesn’t have them, that’s why he’s there, he’s asking someone else in a mask, i think that now he has a question about ukraine, well, that is, it’s not the right time, but , unfortunately, he still uses ukraine just like a reason to get some additional bonuses in the pre-election, pre-election race, well, you already mentioned about musk about... we will continue with musk, it seems that it becomes clear why elon musk has been doing such strange things lately, and if they were related to ukraine, and
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rather aggressive statements of the veil of this secret it was discovered and rediscovered by elon musk himself. quote: sometimes i have a kind of negative chemical state in my brain like depression, that's the end of the quote. elon musk said this in an interview with a former tv presenter. to the cnn channel and blogger don lemon, musk added that he cannot afford to be in a coma for long periods of time when he cannot think clearly, so he takes medication to help. he didn't say exactly what drugs are helping musk, but just so you know, after this don lemon show, which, by the way, just recently started airing, was forbidden to show in the measure. people who are sitting, they may have financial problems right now, we all have them really, and they think that i will have a lot of money, i will be happy, my uncle has hundreds of billions of dollars,
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he is depressed, well, that's why these things are , which, which, as it turns out, and well, and finally, news, chronicles from the other side, septo from russia, in the russian engels, this is the saratov region - this is where the air base is located, on which the planes of the strategic aviation are based. a woman, next should be a drumbeat, fell while sitting on in the toilet, in the toilet of her own apartment on the first floor of an apartment building in the basement, she lay there for a few hours before her son found her, local media of mass misinformation write, residents of the house say that she was lucky that the whole house did not collapse, because it has been in a state of disrepair for a long time, well, just imagine how... this must be a house in a terrible state, the concrete floor has simply collapsed, but this is russia, they have money for strategic bombers
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and bombs which. of these bombers, but there is no money for people. well, that 's all i have for today in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. there are discounts on lactial, 10% in pharmacies for... i remind you, ointment with comfrey from dr. tyss and you get up to work again, ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles, comfrey restores movement, from pain in the joints and muscles, natural comfrey ointment from dr. tais, ask at pharmacies, we wish you health
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evening, we are from ukraine. so, we will continue, and now it is not i, oleksandr morchevka, who will talk about money during the war, i will pass it on to him word, oleksandr, please , thank you, vasyl, welcome to the audience, in the next few minutes you will learn about the sanctioned assets, what is being done with them in ukraine and how much the state budget receives from it, i will also tell you about gas transit and relocated enterprises, how they successfully master new places wait, all the details in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and an interesting map appeared, let's look at it, in fact, an impressive map. polish farmers will hold a nationwide rally tomorrow farmers' strike. it is officially known about 580 planned protests, we can see where they will take place, 70,000 farmers in different cities will join and protest. nicks
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occupy high-speed tracks.


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