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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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let's continue and now i won't talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchevka, i 'll give him the floor, oleksandr, please. thank you, vasyl, and welcome to the audience. in the next few minutes, you will learn about the sanctioned assets, what is being done with them in ukraine and how much the state budget receives from it. i will also talk about gas transit and relocated enterprises, how they successfully master new places. wait, everything will be covered in details. i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and an interesting map appeared, let's look at it, in fact, impressive map. polish farmers will hold a nationwide farmers' strike tomorrow. it is officially known about 580 planned protests, we can see where they will take place, 70,000 farmers will join, protesters will occupy expressways in various cities. national roads
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will go on strike in the cities and demand, of course, that the supply of ukrainian, ukrainian food, ukrainian grain to poland be prohibited in the first place, although we know, vasyl, that ukrainian food, grain goes mainly in transit through poland, but such a really large-scale action is essentially supported by the authorities, i in general, for me, at some stage stopped catching moments where what is happening in poland. they are blocking with germany, they are negotiating with other countries to ban the export of something, that is, i have already lost this logic somewhere, i am actually surprised that you continue to catch it somewhere, somewhere, the state budget has not received a fortune from this, according to the latest data 8 billion in customs revenue due to blocking the ukrainian-polish border, the number is crazy. well, let's move on to the issue: gas transit through the ukrainian gts is not critical for europe, that's about it.
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oleksiy chernyshov, head of naftogaz, said. through the ukrainian gas transportation system , more than 14 billion cubic meters of fuel are delivered to the eu per year, consumption of about 350 billion cubic meters. the contract with russia ends, let me remind you, on december 31 of this year. oleksiy chernyshov noted that they are not going to continue it and says that oil and gas currently receives less money from transit than the overall cost of this gas transport maintenance process. system, let me remind you that in fact the future of the ukrainian pipe is already partially determined, it can be rented by international companies, store their blue fuel in our underground storages, so there will be more profits, i am sure, and the european union has prepared a draft law that will allow ukraine to finally receive funds from frozen russian assets, it is planned that this process will generally start working in july, as the bloomberg agency writes, the initiative... provides for the introduction of
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a tax on income received from the funds of the aggressor country, which are for example, in the european union, well, here we are talking about 3 billion euros a year, the money should be directed to the purchase of various means of defense, weapons for our armed forces, an interesting initiative, we remind about it from time to time, but we see that the process is now at the stage of a legislative initiative, which will be adopted already... in the summer, and we will talk in detail about sanctioned assets with the head of the state property fund of ukraine about the assets of sanctioned persons located in ukraine. vitaly koval is in touch with us. good evening, good evening. mr. vitaly, well , from time to time we monitor that a certain auction is taking place for the sale of this or that sanctioned property. but now, is there such a list of what exactly is found... at the disposal
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of the state property fund, whether it is real estate, whether it is land, whether it is possible specific frozen funds that, well, somewhere must be, well, repurposed and sent to the state of the budget, what is now with this topic, mr. oleksandr, everything you listed above is on our sanction list, as of this morning, it was a list of 731 objects, these are the objects. which were seized from sanctioned persons or companies that belonged to such sanctioned persons, by decision of the higher anti-corruption court and charged to state revenue, after this decision are transferred to the state property fund and the state property fund accordingly prepares them for implementation. to date, 12 objects have already been realized, charged to the state's income, that is 32 million hryvnias, which, let me remind you, are directed. fund for the liquidation
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of the consequences of armed aggression, ae fundamental difference, the proceeds go to privatization into the state budget, and the proceeds from the sale of sanctioned... assets go to the recovery fund, we are preparing another package of such objects, there are various objects, from an apartment in odesa, a parking space in kyiv in the obolon, obolon district, to full-fledged large operating factories, manufacturers, for example, motor-detail ropes in sums, which today is working and supplies. such well-known companies as rolls-royce, mercedes and others, the pentopak company in boryspil, which produces film for food packaging, is also today an enterprise, as we call it on the go,
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it provides packaging for our producers of meat products, dairy producers, in fact , these are the objects that the state property fund is preparing for... and should exhibit them as soon as possible in order to replenish the resources of the state, the money of citizens who are either russians or those those who support aggression should work for ukraine, still , enough vasyl, unique lots, you see , says mr. vitaliy, this is even a parking space, and this is a large, powerful plant, which is really strategic for the processing industry, but i wonder what ... or can you name at least the last names or such ultimate owners who are in russia, or were in russia, or supported russia, but i wonder if there are assets there, for example, of the same scandalous medvedchuk, those
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assets listed above, they belong to different groups of influence, more than 40 surnames, including shilkov, salbo, and doribapaska. as well as the assets that belonged to ex-president yanukovych, that is, these are assets that have already been withdrawn from state income, medvedchuk also has assets, so vaks does not stop, and i can assure you that this list is not exhaustive, he will definitely be replenished, the somewhat long pause in implementation is caused by the fact that in fact you ... understand that every asset that is seized from a subordinated entity is not voluntarily transferred, and in most cases these are assets in poor condition, without financial statements, without legal documents, and fund specialists constantly need to renew this reporting
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so that the object looks like a comprehensive solution for the buyer, and not as a ticket to war with bureaucracy and other problems, so... sometimes you need to prepare better, so that the asset has a higher price, we are working on it, i want to ask, maybe i misunderstood something, but i read today that there are considerable assets and business there , the assets of the former leader of the communists in ukraine, who fled, he was taken there by the russians the occupiers helped him leave for russia, this symonenko, whether it is true or not, is someone dealing with his assets, i read about certain business activities of his, which... was something transferred to the state property fund, or is the process possibly continuing, so that you then disposed this property, i will say frankly that i am not aware of such facts about the transfer of the assets of the specified person to the state property fund, so far we do not have
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such information, but it is possible that it will be in the future, but it is interesting that what really came out of your mouth is being implemented the property of the fugitive president, mr. yanukovych, and these are, well... really powerful steps, but are investors interested in buying the property of such outrageous persons, well, like medvedchuk, yanukovych, maybe they have some reservations, because the war is still going on now, and well, we know that medvedchuk is also trying to assert his rights in ukraine, although this is unrealistic, so he wants to return to, to get back his license to practice law, well, at least there was one there and i will remind you once again, i know that at one time, for example , had business activities in lviv oblast, the late zhirinovsky, that churkin, who is there, churkin's brother, the one who died in the states was the representative of russia in the united nations, that is, there was such a large activity here, or it was just a long time ago moved, or maybe they are looking for something else somewhere something remains somewhere, well, let
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's focus on the fact that investors are really ready to buy such property, knowing who it belonged to, colleagues, you and i are aware that today is the time of the brave. investors and investors working in ukraine have little to fear, ah, frankly, we have business interest in many assets. i can't say that all assets are too interesting for investors, because the business model may not be suitable for the current situation, but for some objects, well, there's just a crazy interest of four or five participants who are interested a given object, for example, the aerok plant, which was a leader in the production of aerated concrete in ukraine, one of the most popular objects for inquiries, ah, the same... the ocean plaza object, which is in kyiv, let me remind you, the state owns 66%, who owns 65% of 100% ownership
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of the object, there is also such lively market interest in this object, and others, including, there are objects that will not be implemented, but will be transferred to the defense forces , this is also our contribution to victory, for example, today we are preparing... more than 180 objects for transfer to the defense forces, including mobile objects, cars, that is, it is not necessary to sell and receive specific funds, but it is possible to transfer, this is part of your responsibilities, we have such powers, and we determine the expediency, the main thing is that the transfer is aimed at strengthening the defense capability, and in this way we strengthen our defenders, well, it's interesting to us... here, if we talk about a business that is looking for certain assets and
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is trying to acquire something interesting for itself and for its business model, these are auctions, where they are transparently sold , how to find out that this property is under sanctions, for example, oligarchs or businessmen or companies that are connected to the aggressor country , it does not matter here, there is simply a long lot going on and businesses choose what to buy for their needs, i call on all... businessmen, even individuals, to inquire about object of privatization. completely open information, behind me you can see a site with a link to a list of objects, we constantly try to inform all interested persons about the possibilities of the state property fund, because today it is not only about the sale of square meters, this is about the accumulation of the resource of the internal reserve for the state budget. and the reconstruction fund, that is why it is very important that even small objects in remote corners
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bring income, not be a liability, but an asset, and the magic figure, which we constantly repeat, that 1 hryvnia obtained from privatization leads to 4 hryvnias of private investments, and this is the creation of new jobs, this is filling the budget through taxes, that is, today there is a total desire for a state. these are those industries that are not so key, where the business can perform the main function, for example, we take the hotel business, the hotel sector, today there are state-owned hotels that have lost the functionality that they should have, the task through privatization is to enable business to buy these assets, and if the state needs a service for accommodation in a given hotel, then we will provide it let's buy this service. thank you for joining the conversation. vitaliy koval, the head of the state property fund, was in touch with the good news regarding the filling
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of the state budget and the realization of the funds of the sanctioned persons. and i continue the column about money. there will be more of them. the cabinet of ministers has expanded the areas of support for agricultural producers. this was reported in the ministry of agricultural policy. for those who cultivate, for example, up to 120 hectares of land, the subsidy will amount to uah 400 per hectare. farmers who work on exempted territories will be paid uah 8 per hectare. applications for assistance should be submitted to the state agrarian register from may 1 to june 30 of the current year. and finally , the promised information about enterprises that are successfully developing in kalush has been relocated the business, which took 70 wagons of equipment from kharkiv, built a new factory. aquiazol has now expanded its capacity to an area of ​​10,000 square meters. the first line for the production of roofing and hydro waterproofing. materials will be launched already in april of this year, there will be 100 new jobs at the new production
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, two employees are from kharkiv, the rest are jobs for locals, the kalusa city council reported. well, that was the last information from the world of money, i will say goodbye, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more to come, watch us thanks to oleksandr morchyvka for the information about money, and now i invite serhii rudenko to the conversation, at 8 p.m. the verdict program traditionally starts, but today is a different topic, a different conversation, about what... it will be serhii, please, good evening, good evening vasyl, at 20:00 we will start the first part of our program, in which people's deputy of ukraine iryna herashchenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko will be present , we will talk about how the united states of america can make a decision to recognize russia as a country,
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a sponsor of terrorism after pseudo. of putin's election , the republicans are already having such conversations, well, in particular, lynsey graham, who was in kyiv on a visit, said that what putin is doing in russia, what putin is doing in the world, deserves mandatory assessment and condemnation on the part of the united states of america and not by any sanctions, namely recognition by its state as a sponsor of terrorism, whether it is real, i hope that my experts will give. clear and precise answer, well, in addition, we will talk with aviation expert valery romanenko about the air war of ukraine against russia, about how russia is trying to use its superiority in the air, it is meant by the number of planes and helicopters, but ukraine is not trying to make up for it
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with drones, without... pilots, which attack the critical infrastructure of the russian federation and military facilities. how tangible can be the ukrainian response with drones, considering that yesterday shmygal's government announced that uah 5 billion has been invested in drones this year. is it enough to at least any prospect of achieving parity in the air with the russian federation, although it is clear that ... such parity is possible if ukraine receives f-16 aircraft from the west this year, by the way, f-16 pilots will be trained in romania, already it became known that the first pilots will be trained there, so that's exactly what we will talk about during our first program, in
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our second program we will have people's deputies of ukraine oleksiy. kucherenko, fedir vienislavskyi and iryna friz. let's talk about how putin's fifth term begins, pseudo-elections in russia, and whether the world will call him president, whether these elections are legitimate at all and whether our western partners should still be torpedoed so that they do not recognize putin's legitimacy. in addition, today another meeting was held in the format of rammstein, rammstein-20, and it was at this ramstein that its participants clearly stated that the western powers would do this in order for ukraine to win the war with the russian federation, and
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russia was defeated in what way and in what way way the event collects. to achieve this goal, i hope the answers to these questions will be given by my guests at 9:15 p.m., so in 10 minutes we will start our verdict, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the floor, thank you, sergey, at 8 p.m., we are waiting to you and your guests, and now to cultural news: folk artists with russian passports before the so-called presidential elections in russia, a whole list of former ukrainian celebrities received russian ... citizenship, in particular, in order to be able to boast about their vote for putin , this rapper dzhigan, tavali, perhaps anya lorak and regina todorenko, you and i could be ironic about this, but some of these performers still hold the title of people's artists of ukraine. lina chechenina will tell why they have not been deprived of these privileges and titles.
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so far, we only know the information that orygina todorenko received russian citizenship from the russian media, it is clear that we cannot trust them , so we are waiting for some photo facts, photo evidence, documents that other artists have, who have already boasted in their social networks and passports, photos, and how they came, voted for putin, i will only remind you about regina todorenko, if possible you do not know her, she is a former odesa resident, presenter, was the presenter of the oriolezhka project. ukrainian , but which was popular in russia, after the start of the full-scale invasion, she was at first completely silent about the war, and then she began to comment on something there, saying that she does not talk about politics with her husband, then... because they have different views, i don't want to quarrel, well, then she said that she could wants to come to odesa, and of course , faced a lot of criticism, by the way, their relatives
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stayed in odesa, well, as for the other gentlemen and ladies who received russian citizenship and were former citizens of ukraine, this is dzhigan, if you know such a denys ostymenko, his name is a rapper, well, personally, i always perceived him as a russian character, he was always... in that context, he took a picture with a ballot where he ticks the name putin and we also see a piece of a passport with a red cover, taisia ​​povaliy also took a picture with a passport and said that she went to the elections and was glad to join such a great country and become its citizen. as for anna lorak, everything is a little more complicated, because yet. it is not clear, but whether she received this citizenship, because earlier , again, the russian media reported that she applied for citizenship in february, then it became
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known, as it were, that she applied later and did not have time to receive it, all this is generally connected with by the fact that in russia they want to pass a law according to which, if you do not have russian citizenship, then you can't earn money from us, organize any concerts, and you can even be deprived of your movable or immovable property. property, and, well, as far as we understand, they have a lot of this property. regarding ania lorok specifically, and later regarding povalya, the ukrainians have long ago organized such a grandiose trolling of these women, regarding the revenge fund named after ani lorak, and when drones were launched into moscow, one of them was photoshopped to the drone that fell outside lorak, this everything is of course there were jokes, but it seems that there are enough of them... they are taken seriously in russia, because lorak , for the fact that she once arranged such an impromptu concert on instagram, they even wanted to prosecute her, sue her, because they thought that this
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concert she earns money and then transfers it to the defense forces, they wanted to accuse valery meladze of the same thing, and maybe because these two were not very clear about their position, unlike, for example, taisiya povalya, nor lorak is constantly wooing. back and forth and after these accusations she had to give , do you remember that famous interview, where she uttered many funny phrases, like , what happened happened, so for ukraine or you for russia, somehow she wanted to sit on two chairs, as we understand , you can't do that, you have to decide on your priorities, and here, well, it's certain that anni lorak will take this passport, i think, although you see, she's a poor thing already in the last regard... but our situation with you is more important for us in the fact that lorak and povaly still have the status of people's artists of ukraine, which is of course
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shameful, but they cannot be deprived of it, because for now, according to the law, only the president has this right, but in order for him to deprive them, some serious, serious moments like there, if the court convicts them of some serious. the crime was committed exactly a year ago, and by the way, sanctions were imposed on both of them as early as 2022, but this was not enough, and a month ago the sbu declared taisia ​​povalya a suspect in absentia, but we have not yet seen the court verdict, nor any suspicions about anna lorak, we haven't heard about it either. so, a year ago , draft law 83-74 was submitted to the verkhovna rada, which, in particular, stipulated that if a person is not...sanctions are imposed, then he can be deprived of various popular titles, but according to sources, for example, public,
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then the pro-life faction obeyed and mir, these are former opzzh, they didn't really start to worry about yuri boyk, who, as you remember, has the title of hero of ukraine, and that's why they say they delayed this process, didn't vote, and now we have what we have, we ... we have this one a bill that has not yet become law, and i really hope that these photo cards with russian passports will somehow stimulate our verkhovna rada to pass this bill, which will become law. i would like to remind you that, for example, the title of people's artist gives laura the right to have pension allowances, as well as the right to be buried in a fairy-tale cemetery, well, you can joke a lot about this, but... the situation is shameful and it needs to be correct. i
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say goodbye to you, the verdict is on the 20th, and now weather from natalka didenko. hello everyone, our dear viewers, you and i are talking about the weather, as always, for the next day. but first, taking into account that spring is gaining momentum, it is warmer, although we would like it to be warmer, but well, what we already have, what a synoptic. situation, then we will talk and often i will refer to various places where you can go, admire and enjoy nature, and to our nature reserves under the open sky, and today we will visit transcarpathia, in kolochava, this is the hussky district, what kolochava is famous for, there the kolochava museum is located in skansyn, an old village, and every year there is a purple sea of ​​wonderful purple flowers, it is
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a unique natural phenomenon when it blooms en masse... a rare plant, a rare plant, i emphasize the heifel saffron. the first flowers appear just at the beginning of march, in the middle of march and bloom en masse until the beginning of april, you still have time, saffron or heifel crocus, this is a generally disappearing decorative plant that blooms in early spring, by the way, there are some other names , they are called buttercups, syrenki, brondushka, i have never heard of such a thing, but believe me, well, also, the rokus check is considered a kind of indicator of the fertility of the soil, it is difficult for the poor to get saffron not far from gassed cities, obviously, plus the pickers, uh, don't just pluck these flowers, but they they are plucked together with the bulb so that they do not wither longer, and in this way they are crushed. heifel's saffron is on the verge of its own extinction, it is listed in the red book of ukraine, next to chava, fortunately the flower is under close supervision and is protected, it grows in forests and steppes. slopes
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and the mountain meadows of the carpathians, do not tear, do not move the flowers, let children, and grandchildren, and all future generations admire these flowers, please, and let's move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a prognostic diagram and i want to say , that a certain activation will be observed tomorrow, as you can see, so please pay more attention to your health, well-being, listen, well, actually we are moving on to the weather forecast, we traditionally start from the western regions, so tomorrow, march 20 , in the western part of ukraine the weather is expected well, frankly, it's not hot, not hot, as you can see it's only +2 +5°, well, transcarpathia is up to +7, and it's raining and wet snow in places. in the north of ukraine, where the air temperature will be somewhat higher during the day, especially, as you can see, from 4x5 to even 10° in sumy oblast,
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rain will prevail there. weather, do not forget an umbrella, please, it will be warmer in the east of ukraine, as you can see, the air temperature is +10, +13, and rain is possible, but somewhere it is possible late in the evening in the afternoon, mostly without precipitation, in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow the weather is expected to be mostly rainy, the air temperature will be from four, from 5 to 9 to 10° warm, in the southern part of ukraine it will be a little warmer, not much, but... still at least a little +8 +13° in crimea until 14, so rainy weather will prevail there with wet snow and it will not smell very good, well, tomorrow weather with rain is expected in kyiv, don't forget kyivans, please, umbrellas, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate within 5° of heat, this is the nearest outlook for tomorrow , but i want to please you so that you still live in
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pending cases'. spring weather on the weekend in most regions of ukraine , good weather will prevail, this is not a synoptic expression, there will be little precipitation, more sun and a fairly high air temperature. good weather to all, as always. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program.


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