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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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opponents, controls the mass media and later simply crowns himself the winner. among those who congratulated putin on his victory, alexander lukashenko, well, of course, the leader of the dprk kimchen, the head of the people's republic of china xi jinping, the presidents of uzbekistan, tajikistan, azerbaijan, bolivia, nicaragua, honduras, the president of iran. this company has now been joined by the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, who stated that ankara is also ready to facilitate russia's peace talks with ukraine. calling from the united states of america. with greetings will not be, said today, they said today at the state department. at the same time, the day before , us national security adviser jake salevan said that the reality of what they say is that putin is the president of russia and that we have to deal with this reality. first, the result of the election was not unpredictable, because putin closed the political space to the prisoners of political opponents, some of his political opponents died tragically, so there was no such election. nothing free or fair,
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secondly the reality is that president putin is the president of russia and we had to have dealing with this reality during the war in ukraine, during other aggressions carried out by russia, during other steps that are contrary to the national interests of the united states, which we have seen from this president of the russian federation. so the countries of the free world are saying, yes, the elections in russia are unfair, but the reality is that putin is the president, we 're going to have to deal with that. so far, no country in the western world has declared its readiness... not to officially recognize the elections in russia and, accordingly, not to recognize putin as the president of russia. and what about ukraine? the other day volodymyr zelenskyy stated that, as he said, there is no legitimacy in this simulation of elections and there cannot be. even earlier , the secretary of the national security service of ukraine, oleksiy danilov, said that ukraine will not recognize the russian presidential election. but these are all words. but what do these statements literally mean? joining our broadcast is oleksandr merezhko, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people and chairman of the foreign policy committee. and
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interparliamentary cooperation. good evening, oleksandr. good evening. does ukraine recognize the elections in russia? and certainly not admits and if we take, for example, the verkhovna rada, then a corresponding statement, a corresponding resolution of the verkhovna rada has already been adopted , which very clearly states that ukraine does not recognize the legitimacy of these pseudo-elections, and in principle, these elections should be considered an international crime . and by the way, today there was a meeting of the committee on foreign policy, at which we discussed with colleagues and adopted a draft of the second resolution, which, i hope, will be adopted in the coming days, which deals with non-recognition the legitimacy of putin as a kremlin dictator. but as far as i understand, about the statement you just mentioned, from the verkhovna rada, there was a request to the parliaments and governments of other countries.
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not to recognize the russian elections in the occupation of the occupied ukrainian territories , no, it is about the elections in general, because from a legal point of view it is a crime, if any part of the elections took place in violation of international law, violation of criminal, constitutional law of ukraine, then this means that it affects elections in general, that is, it leads to the fact that... elections in general should be recognized as illegitimate, as a violation of international law. that is, ukraine turned to the world and requested that the world not recognize the elections in russia as a whole, not only in the occupied territories? of course, we are talking about the elections in general, the elections of the so-called president of russia. and what did the world say to you? well, firstly, we are already seeing some signs. positive reaction, for example,
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today, i remember that there was a statement from the side the head of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, who said that putin's legitimacy should not be recognized, was the statement of the 23 heads of the foreign affairs committees of the european pairs of parliaments, plus canada, plus the united states and israel, which talks about the non-recognition of the elections in russia, that is, the world is already beginning. to react, although i would like this reaction to be faster. well, after all , the world does not react to the elections in russia the way the world reacted, for example, to the elections in belarus. putin will continue to be considered the president, right? here, i would like to to say that there are two slightly separate issues here: firstly, the recognition of the illegitimacy of the elections, and secondly, the recognition of the illegitimacy of putin. if we are talking about the illegitimacy of putin, then there was... a resolution of the parliamentary assembly
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of the council of europe, which contains a call to all member states of the council of europe not to recognize the legitimacy of putin, and there are two exceptions to this issue, that is, there is a call in essence. to isolate him politically, to have no contact with him except for peace talks, and the second exception is for humanitarian issues, so it is said in this resolution, but it is of a recommendatory nature? yes, it is of a recommendatory nature, but the resolutions of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, they have a strong political, moral authority, and i hope that we will be able to convince... and we are starting, we have already started this work aimed at convincing our colleagues, parliamentarians, not to recognize the legitimacy not only of the kremlin dictator's election, but also of putin himself. and why is this process not started yet? well, it has already
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started, that is, talking with our colleagues, even in the online mode, we touched on this issue, and we requested, at almost every such meeting with... we requested that our colleagues not recognize putin as a legitimate representative of the russian federation. and what do they answer you? well, to be honest, there is not always an answer, but i really hope that our colleagues have started to think about it, and well, for example, a positive reaction, i referred to the relevant statement of the heads of the foreign affairs committees, where 23 heads of the committee of committees. of foreign affairs signed this statement, this is already such a significant shift, but nevertheless, i understand that the world now should not expect that putin will be called there a leader or a ruler or an illegitimate president, he will continue to be considered the president of russia, and you know, a suspect in
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war crimes, the president of russia, well , you are absolutely right, because from the point of view of law , he actually already has... the status of a war criminal, he is at least suspected of committing war crimes, that is, it should be based on this, with the particularity of such a status for putin, it will be, i would say yes, this it is a difficult process, it will be difficult for us to convince all countries, even all european countries, to finally recognize putin as illegitimate, but we will work hard on it, and you know, at first it happens that they say no, and then they say yes, that.. . it is extremely important to do, well, you know, we had the head of the board of the civic network freedom, opora, on the air the other day, olga aivazovska, and she said that in the grand scheme of things, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there or the ukrainian government, would already have very long ago initiated the non-recognition of putin as president,
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and it would be right for ukraine to take the lead in these processes, but for some reason this did not happen, she suspects that this will not happen, because ukraine wants to leave a window for possible negotiations. what would you say to that? well, i would say that it is not so, i do not agree with it, because as an example , the work of our delegation to the parliamentary assembly of europe can be cited, and ukraine, the ukrainian delegation was the initiator, one of the initiators of enshrining in one of the pare resolutions the call for the non-recognition of putin legitimate, that is, it is the result of ukrainian activity parliamentary diplomacy, and i would like to remind you that a decree was passed. of the president , in which it is clearly stated that putin cannot be, er, will not be considered as a representative of russia, it is not possible to conduct negotiations with him, that is, it is already fixed in the legal plane, that is, these are already such facts that indicate that that there will be no negotiations with putin.
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can you repeat, you said at the beginning that another appeal of the verkhovna rada is being prepared, as far as i understand, to the countries of the world with a request, and there. the main point, the main point the idea of ​​this appeal is to call on the countries of the world, parliaments, states , not to recognize putin as legitimate, and when it will be voted on, well, i can't say, i hope that it will be voted on in the parliament in the near future, who is the initiator, your committee, profile, one of the initiators is the chairman of the verkhovna rada. well, our committee took an active part in the development of this important document, including, by the way, the opposition. political, political consensus from the office of the president is there for such a step? and i'm not talked about this with the president's office, this, well, this is a parliamentary
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event, this is a parliamentary activity. are there simply assumptions in narrow political circles that the verkhovna rada does nothing without the consent of the president's office? well, that's absolute. absolutely not so, because, for example, i can say, regarding our committee and regarding myself personally, we solve issues autonomously, we live in a parliamentary-presidential environment. republic, and we, well, are a fairly independent legislative body. thank you very much, oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy from the servant of the people and chairman of the committee on foreign policy of interparliamentary cooperation. we talked about the reaction of ukraine and the world to the elections in russia. torske on the alemansky front is stormed by russian troops every week from the village to russian positions only 2.5 russia is trying to seize torske to advance towards the liman. the other day, volunteers brought
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bread there for the locals, and radio liberty's correspondent in donetsk region, serhii horbatenko, also visited tursky with the volunteers. see what he filmed. now we are in the settlement of tolska. time for a week we deliver here to kwim. humanitarian aid, we provide medical aid to people if they need it, well , it looks like this time they brought bread and small hygiene kits,
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they beat him three days ago two days ago, the passageway was beaten up , everyone, how are we getting along, and you are here now fix the house after the arrivals, yes, yes, yes, literally after the arrivals. two people went to kirovsk early because he is flying a drone , what do you say, are you flying a drone, can this drone be ours, i hope it is ours, well, i am not sure, oh, bad, bad life, the child is sick, grandmother my mother died, your mother, and when did she die? last night, for 88 years, you are often shelled, oh, often, often
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, they fire and burn, and put out, run, but where do you get food here, how do you live here, food, well, they bring us a humanitarian woman, thank you, thank you, and bread they drive, they don't offend, both the humanitarian and the outsider, listen, but how are you going to bury your mother, here you are going to bury her somewhere, well, here is the cemetery, we will ask.
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bread, we also received a message from where humanitarian aid was delivered in the form of line 102 that in this populated a woman died at the point, we went to the place, documented it, made sure that it was a natural death. currently , there are more than 150 civilians there, there are no children there, the people are fully provided with humanitarian aid, both hygiene kits and food kits, unfortunately there is no light there, due to the active hostilities it is impossible to get light there, but there are still people continue to live there already, as they say themselves, we are used to it, we have settled in. we have everything for today, i encourage you to subscribe to the radio page freedom on the internet, like this
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represents. ten-year-old zlata pokhilko, 11-year-old artem getman and 17-year-old maksym sustava are united by football. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and their whereabouts are currently unknown. but i really hope that with your help it will be possible to find the missing. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the donetsk region. be please look carefully at the children's faces. zlata looks like she is 10 years old. she has light blond hair and blue eyes. artem hetman. he
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turned 11 at the end of last year. the boy has blond hair and brown eyes. and this is maxim sustava. now he is already 17. in the photo, the boy is much younger, but, unfortunately, i do not have another photo. maxim also has blond hair and dark eyes. information about the disappearance of these children was received in october of last year. there is an assumption that all of them could be in the territory temporarily occupied donetsk, but now their fate is unknown. perhaps the children were taken to russia, so it is important to know any details about them. if anyone has seen zlata. or maxima or knows where they might be now, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia children's tracing service. at any time of the day by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in
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temporarily occupied territory and do not have opportunities to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received in... several thousand appeals for help in the search, of course, the vast majority of children have been found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and anyone can help find them , believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive: stop by on the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section, here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help the search. at the same time , children also disappear in the territories controlled by ukraine, as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we
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talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. be interested in your child's interests, invite her friends over. even if it 's very noisy, even if it's a terrible mess in the house afterwards, it's still useful, it's still good. why? because first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you. secondly, you will know what she is interested in, who she communicates with, who to turn to in case of what. thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you too. well, the last thing, even if there is help is needed not... by your child, but by some of his friends, maybe you will be the only adult who can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you
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can report any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the offender. hundred! greetings, the voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time are on the air, my name is ostap yarysh. ukraine's support is crucial for of the united states, because the survival of ukrainians and the security of nato allies are at stake. this was stated by us defense minister lloyd austin at the 20th meeting on the defense of ukraine in the ramstein format. at a time when there is a long delay in funding for ukraine from the united states itself,
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the pentagon is appealing to allies to redouble their efforts to support kyiv. is this enough from the ramstein air base in germany, voice of america correspondent carla pabe will tell. secretary of defense lloyd austin said a member of the contact group on the issue defense of ukraine, that... the states plan to continue supporting kyiv, despite the fact that congress has not yet provided the pentagon with additional funding for further assistance to ukraine. today, the united states supports ukraine because it is the right thing to do, because america cares when freedom is threatened, but we also support ukraine because it is critical to our own security, because the united states will be dealing with dangerous new threats in the world. in which aggression and autocracy are gathering pace, c where tyrants gain courage, dictators think they can erase democracy from the world map, so by investing in the security of ukraine, we
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invest in our own security, and we strengthen the common vision of this contact group of an open world in which there are rules, rights and responsibilities. today, ukraine's survival is at stake, and america's security is at stake. they can't spend a single day, neither can we. no extra day, so i go today with full determination to support security assistance and ammunition supplies, this is a question of survival and sovereignty of ukraine. defense secretary lloyd austin urged other countries to step up. he noted, for example, the czechs, who purchase about 800,000 artillery shells for the ukrainians. germany announced today that it would also provide 100,000 artillery shells. however, as the journalist said. there will still be a defense official in the joint effort of all allies, which is not even enough to replace us funding, which is what has been missing for so long. the us
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last week provided not... a large amount aid - $300 million, which was managed to be obtained at the expense of savings, refers to urgent needs, such as artillery, additional ammunition for hymars, etc., but officials explained that this is not enough to fully enable ukraine to win this fight. meanwhile, ukraine is short of weapons on the battlefield, and russia is building up its defense industry, relying on north korea and iran to meet its additional defense needs. officials. say, this is not a sustainable way to win a war, and that the us congress actually has approve additional funding. we see on the battlefield a number of small achievements of the russians, which are achieved with significant losses of personnel and equipment. of course, the ukrainians need ammunition, they need support so that they can continue to do this. obviously, this is where additional funding would help, and we certainly hope that
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it will be passed...soon. i still see broad support for ukraine in both houses of congress, so i am optimistic that we will see some progress. but this is a matter that cannot be predicted with certainty, so we will continue to work closely with congress and our international partners to ensure that ukraine receives the support it needs. in addition to the funding crisis, which the us is trying to overcome and convey that congress can approve this dopo. the us and other countries are focusing on how they can provide for ukraine's future needs on the battlefield, as well as its immediate needs. so today , for the first time, minister austin called a meeting of all the leaders and the entire steering group of this coalition. this group is made up of different countries focusing on things like aviation needs, artillery, armored vehicles, led by the poles and the italians, they also discussed drone needs, so they all came together to provide an update
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. about what supplies they make for ukraine and what they can do additionally to help ukraine succeed on the battlefield. the last two years show us what results we can achieve when we act together and support ukraine. what is putin's plan? he plans to wait until sunset will support ukraine. the coalition must not allow this tragedy to happen. together an ally. and partners have provided more than $88 billion in security assistance, and the support not only helps ukraine, it strengthens nato, helps strengthen the united states' defense industrial base and ensures our own security, and strengthens europe and the world. collective support will ensure ukraine's success today and in the future. in the usa, i spoke with syracuse university expert sean
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mcfate and. he said it was ongoing a conventional conventional war, and the ukrainians are not as comfortable in it as they were at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when the ukrainians had success using unconventional tactics, and that is why sean mcfate called on the rammstein group and the ukrainians to use unconventional methods so that the ukrainians could defeat russia, because the war on attrition like world war ii, according to the expert, is beneficial to moscow and can lead to its victory, so more needs to be done. to make sure that efforts, weapons and funds aimed at supporting ukraine were not affected failures from ramstein, germany, carla babb, voice of america. these are the results of our correspondent from the american air base, where a meeting on the defense of ukraine took place today. meanwhile, more and more countries are expressing their support for the czech republic, which has promised to find at least 800,000 artillery shells for ukraine. 18 countries have already joined the procurement of ammunition. the biggest donor
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at the moment... germany is ready to act, it has pledged to allocate 500 million euros for such an initiative, according to the president of the czech republic petr pavla, the largest shipments of shells may arrive in ukraine in the coming weeks, how was the small czech republic able to do what the entire european union failed to do? yuliya yarmolenko asked yakob yandy, director of the center for european values ​​of security policy, about this. this is short-term. this solution is for a long-term problem. if this initiative manages to collect, say, a million rounds of ammunition, if everything goes according to plan, then it will be able to satisfy the needs of the ukrainian artillery for several months, given the number of shells that are needed to be used by ukrainian defenders. so unfortunately this cannot be a long-term solution, it will only help for a few months, and as i understand it, it will mean that the ukrainian defenders will not have to save and choose how many shells
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to use now, because they will know. that get more because of this che


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