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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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according to the president of the czech republic, petr pavol, the largest shipments of shells may arrive in ukraine in the coming weeks. how was the small czech republic able to do what the entire european union failed to do? yulia yarmolenko asked yakob yande, director of the center for european values ​​of security policy, about this. this is a short-term solution to a long-term problem if. under this initiative, it will be possible to collect, say, a million ammunition, if everything goes according to plan, then it will be able to satisfy the needs of ukrainian artillery for several months, taking into account the number of shells that need to be used by the ukrainian defenders, so unfortunately this cannot be a long-term solution, it will only help for a few months, and as i understand it, it will mean that the ukrainian defenders will not have to save and choose how many rounds to use now, because they will know that get more through this czech'. as i understand it, the czech republic acts
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as an intermediary between countries that have ammunition and ukraine, which needs them, and according to reports, it is in particular about the countries of the global south. why the czech republic in in a unique position to be an intermediary in this initiative? i think that other countries could do the same, but it is a fact that the czech government is currently successfully managing this process. it would be good, of course, that... other countries would join similar activities, because this is not an exclusive process that helps the czech republic? in short, when the soviet union collapsed in the 1990s, czechoslovakia and then the czech republic actually had a lot of soviet -style equipment, weapons, ammunition, in the 1990s there was a feeling that we no longer needed, so let's sell, and a significant part of this weaponry was sold to the middle east to african countries, some asian countries, because we thought that we no longer needed it. many countries bought it and put it in
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warehouses, and now because we, and not only the czech government, but the czech defense contractors, military companies had these connections, long-term partnerships in some of these countries, they were able to reach out to them and offer to buy back these weapons for ukraine, and this is now the essence of the czech initiative. the secrecy is actually intentional because some countries outside of europe do not want to publicly admit that they will be selling arms or ammunition. precisely to ukraine, because they do not want to anger russia or china, who can put pressure on them. more about the czech initiative and why prague decided to take the lead in the supply of ammunition? radio liberty journalist serhiy stetsenko gave a briefing on the air of our program. of course, with those experts with whom i managed to communicate, they all positively evaluate this initiative and are very happy.
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due to the fact that it was the czech republic that took it, and they connect it in particular with the past of president petr pavl, who, i will remind, was a nato general, they evaluate his organizational abilities, and the actual team that works with him, i will remind, among them, among those people who actually participate in these negotiations is tomasz kopechny, i will remind you that he negotiated the transfer of weapons to ukraine from the czech stockpiles when they were in the czech republic. even before the start of a full-scale invasion, so czech experts highly appreciate this initiative and the ways in which a small european the czech republic was able to find so much ammunition. at the same time, czech analysts also predict that the number that the czech republic has found, it will still be able to help ukraine stabilize the front and perhaps, i'm sorry, even restore the advantage on the field. battle on the other side, in particular ian scheer
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, a political scientist from the department of east european studies, charles university, with whom i recorded an interview not long ago, said that this initiative may indicate that the situation in ukraine with ammunition is very difficult, and we can not only in ukraine, but also in europe itself listen to his direct speech. i believe the security situation is so serious. knows that the czech republic simply could not stay away. i am very concerned about the latest initiative of president pavel, because it reflects the problems of the armed forces with the supply of ammunition. and it was the czech republic that took the lead in creating an international coalition, primarily in the search for ammunition that ukraine needs. the czech republic has already provided ukraine with almost all the stocks of equipment from its warehouses. we are talking about tanks, mlrs and other types of heavy weapons. however, similar... techniques
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now the czech republic is also lacking. and also about the fact that europe needs to restore the production of ammunition and restore and strengthen defense. the complex is already being talked about by european leaders, emmanuel macron, who was here in the czech republic a few weeks ago at work , talked about it, and actually we asked radio liberty, it asked czech president petr pavl about it yesterday, we can listen to him. the production of the required number of shells in europe takes time, it requires an increase in our production capacity, it takes time, but ukraine needs shells now, we we cannot wait for european companies, therefore... we are trying to find ammunition wherever we can, deliver it to ukraine as quickly as possible, but at the same time we are increasing our own capacity. in the near future , european companies will be able to produce the necessary amount of ammunition to replenish the stocks of european countries, and also to provide ukraine with ammunition if
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it still needs them in the near future. the fact that putin remains in power means that russian men will continue to be pushed around. meat grinder in ukraine, the former commander of the us army in europe, ben godges, is convinced, but despite this, according to the retired general, russia will not be able to turn the tide of the war. more in the interview with our colleague from the georgian voice of america service, mariyam grekhalidze. vladimir putin to stay for another presidential term: does something change for russia and for the war in ukraine? putin seems to have created an opportunity for himself to stay in power for a few more years. should we expect any changes on the battlefield from the fact that he remains in power? i think this is bad news for thousands russian men. his stay in
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power means that they will continue to be pushed into the meat grinder, where they will be killed by the hundreds a day, as is happening now. i don't see it changing anything on the battlefield. russia does not have enough power to knock... ukraine out of the war. they could not use their technical success in avdiivka a month ago. this year, ukraine will stabilize the situation and gain time to build up logistical support, giving the west time to find more ammunition. i also hope that the ukrainian side will have time to increase the number his army can you assess the situation on the battlefield now? we will continue to monitor how russia looks for opportunities to reach local. successes, which i would call local tactical successes: village dut, village there, along the entire front. of course, i could be wrong, but i just don't see the potential for them to make a serious breakthrough, when they could capture a significant part of ukrainian territory or large cities. i think we will see how ukraine will continue to put pressure on
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the russian oil and gas infrastructure. what they did with drones me impresses six different refineries have been hit in the past few days. now. this will affect not only russia's oil and gas exports, the money from which goes to the military, but also its own needs for fuel and lubricants for its forces. and in the end, i think we will see continued ukrainian pressure on the russian black sea fleet using asymmetric means, drones, sabotage, all this to push the russians further east of sevastopol. meanwhile , the russian navy is forced to limit its operations in the black sea amid successful attacks of ukraine on russian ships. such a conclusion. reached the ministry of defense of britain. ukrainian naval drones have become an effective tool for such attacks. myroslava gongadze received exclusive access to the place of development and testing of this ukrainian technology. her report follows. at a location in ukraine that cannot be identified due to
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security restrictions, engineers and drone pilots gathered to test the latest ukrainian military technology - naval drones. stored on the territory of a secret base. voice of america is watching high-speed, invisible to radars and extremely maneuverable sea drone magura. after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, five prototypes of this drone were developed. each improved version of the drone is based on tests in real war conditions and identified needs, says elizabeth hollison malo, a european correspondent for defense news who has studied and written about the technology. of drones. what's unique about these systems is that they can usually carry a lot of payload, so we we see that the ukrainians are increasingly using them as explosive drones to destroy targets. magura v5 is the first naval drone used in military
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operations. it and other drones are used to destroy not only moving russian targets. the pilot with the callsign stig tells and shows what to do. capable of this weapon, his team follows strict security protocols, they hide faces and names. the target can be any object, it can be, for example, a ship, a bridge. whatever, it's the most progressive system in the world, it's unique the pilot controls the marine drone using a complex multi-screen computer system housed in a long black box, now in the trunk of the truck. the multi-screen control system allows the pilot to skillfully maneuver the boat, even from remote locations. in other words, it can be controlled from anywhere in the world. the team that develops and...uses the technology told voa that it has been targeted by enemy forces and has moved its production to
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a safe location underground. experts note that magura v5 and others are ukrainian naval unmanned systems have helped prevent russia from gaining full control of the black sea. this successfully thwarts russia's attempts to establish a de facto naval blockade of ukrainian ports and undermines the russian black sea fleet's ability to conduct naval operations. ukrainian unmanned systems are a source of pride for the ukrainian government, and officials emphasize that ukraine is becoming a country that develops innovative military technologies. we have over 200 companies that focus mainly on drones, air, land, sea, as well as underwater. ukraine is a place where important things happen. we have local companies, we have foreign companies. analysts. predict that ukrainian maritime unmanned systems technology will play an increasingly key role in
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the russian-ukrainian war, and has the potential to change the landscape of modern warfare. myroslava gongadze, voice of america, kyiv, ukraine. meanwhile, in the city of beverly hills near los angeles, a rally was held to mark the anniversary of the tragic events in mariupol, when russia carried out an airstrike on the local drama theater. during the demonstration, activists also called for the release. all the captured defenders of azovstal. khrystyna shevchenko found out how the americans reacted to such a street action. beverly hills center. activists of the stand with ukraine foundation and representatives of the ukrainian diaspora are standing near the city sign with posters. on them were slogans about mariupol and azovstal. also , they speak into the microphone about what happened two years ago. on march 16, 2022, russia inflicted strikes on the drama theater in the city mariupol, in which more than 600 people died
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who were hiding, these are children, these are women, these are mothers, so we are here today to commemorate and remind the world that russia is a terrorist country. the second message is the actual release of the prisoners who defended azovstal. currently , more than a thousand boys and girls are in captivity, and we want to draw attention to this. passersby on the boulevard, notice the action, but admit that they know little about ukraine. i see something here about captivity. do you know the words mariupol tavstal? no, i don't speak ukrainian. meanwhile, the ukrainians of los angeles agitated by the mood in america, both among residents and in political circles, our military has almost no ammunition left to... defend ukraine, because this, speaker
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johnson is deliberately slowing down this process, this is unacceptable, the united states of america is losing the country's flag, which is the first in the democratic world, that is why we demand support, because ukraine is fighting not only for our freedom. activists laid out on the grass... this is a symbol of the fact that the russians are killing ukrainian civilians, in particular children. i myself am from kherson and it is important for me that people do not forget about everyone is terrible, and i want to participate in this reminder. there are not enough words to describe what is happening in my city, and i want to be reminded every day. and shout for people to help. also, the activists
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of the stand with ukraine foundation say that the purpose of the action is to make sure that america does not forget that the war in ukraine continues. khrystyna shevchenko, voice of america. actors, artists and businessmen also join the support of ukraine in the usa, including mitzi perdue, an american journalist, writer and businesswoman. at the end of 2022 on at the auction, she sold her... engagement ring with an emerald, and transferred the proceeds to support ukrainians. iryna solomko and pavlo terikhov met with the woman in new york. in 2022, in order to help ukraine, you decided to sell a ring with a unique emerald, which you received as an engagement from your late husband. why did you do that? the ring was sold on december 7, 2022. that summer, the chief of the police of the kyiv region, general lebediv, invited me to come to ukraine, because i had written an article about human trafficking, and this was the topic of his
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master's thesis. on the zoom call , he said he liked my story and said, why don't you come and see it for yourself? what could be more interesting, so in 10 days i was in kyiv and simply fell in love with everyone i met. at the same time, i learned about the problems faced by the police, including human trafficking. and i thought that i really want to do something. i sure can't carry an ak-47 and shoot. i'm 82. so i can't help. but there was a way, how could i do it... and yes, it was to some extent victim. i had this beautiful and historic stone. it was lost in 162 in a shipwreck, my husband got it and gave it to me as an engagement gift, but when he died in 2005 i never wore it again. i was afraid that if i lost the emerald or it was stolen, so
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i kept it in a safe, and when i came from ukraine in july 2022, i thought that it was the smell... i had to sell it and i felt extremely happy from this. it was the reason for the increase in human trafficking, officials and activists this is one of the reasons why you became interested in ukraine, because this topic is not covered too much in the media. as a journalist, i want to tell a story. you come to another country , you don't understand the language, you're going through terrible stress and drama, your mind is damaged, you don't know where to get food, where you're going to stay, how to get a job, you cross the border and a nice old man comes up and says: you look like this , like you need a hot meal, i feel the need to help people, the bus
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leaves in 5 minutes, come in or miss the chance, and this woman gets inside and becomes a victim of... human trafficking, crossing the border of ukraine and poland several times, i saw well-dressed , well-fed, clean-shaven young men. when you look closely at them , you can see that they look like they are taking selfies, but they are actually taking pictures of refugees , they are spotters, people who hunt down vulnerable people who look tired, hungry and traumatized, they are tracking them, i have seen it time and time again. and you write. about it trying to draw attention to how people do it react? i can say for myself, i convinced myself to sell my emerald to help build a shelter for such women, where they can rest, eat hot food, be warned about these bad men who pretend to be helpful. 1,200,000 dollars is a lot, and
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it goes partly to help with demining, it is extremely important, i am happy. that part of my ring went to this, i am also pleased that the police of the key region received five speed boats, and this is extremely important, because in ukraine there are many rivers that are used for crimes like smuggling, human trafficking and other bad things, money also went to buy 18 police cars for the chernobyl zone. so far, you have visited ukraine three times, twice in 2022 and once in the summer of 2023. how have the country and people changed during this time? when i first arrived, it was the moment when the ukrainians pushed out the russians, and until december of that year there was a lot of optimism, and then the russians started destroying infrastructure to make life miserable for the ukrainians, and to see kyiv in the middle in the winter, when the electricity went out, and you look and see these buildings, ghosts without lights, it was
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very emotional to see this big city in the dark, but no matter who i talked to... the suffering progressed, but the strength of the ukrainian people did not picky, and i see it in ukrainian women. every ukrainian woman i've ever met, whether she's a police officer, a victim of a war crime, or just on the street, wherever it may be, every single one of them is very well-groomed and manicured. everywhere in ukraine i saw beauty and flowers, woman. which lost one son, and the second has survived many operations, takes care of a flower garden near his house. i shared these observations with a friend of mine, a british sociologist who worked with the people who...started the second world war, asked where people got the strength to create beauty when all around destruction and destruction, and he said that it was beauty that helped to survive
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the second world war. the ukrainian people are extremely strong, flowers, the beauty of women, all this is an example of the fact that you do not give up. how do you, as an american who supports ukraine, behave to the fact that congress cannot accept at a time when ukraine needs help more than ever. i am willing to change my political party, which is as difficult for me as changing my religion, but i do not agree with my party on this issue, there are many people who feel the same way. yes, but i think it should be changed if the issue is not resolved. this is a turning point, i recently visited one of the big southern states where everyone i spoke to had the opposite opinion because they bought into putin's propaganda that this from. war. i wrote about putin's disinformation goals. it is one of his purposes to make people think that way. he would also like everyone to think that the support will go to corrupt people and oligarchs
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to buy apartments in dubai, and people believe it. many people in this state have told me that zelensky is an atheist who hates religion and shuts down churches, but he doesn't shut down churches, he shuts down russian spy organizations. i've been to at least 20 churches in ukraine and they're all packed, and to be like that... it's emotional and uplifting an experience that strengthens and heals ukrainians, so the problem is putin's propaganda and lies, which some americans believe without appeal, i want to do everything possible to expose the lies he is spreading, and that's it, good night and good morning , before meeting. there are 20% discounts on hotsip comps in podorozhnyk bam and
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oskad pharmacies. there are discounts for lisovakt - 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. we have been creating quality for more than 20 years at an affordable price. there are discounts on amixin ic tablets. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are 10% discounts on lactial in pharmacies plantain you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now yuliy will talk about what happened in the world in more detail fizar, yuriy, good evening, i'd like
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to speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. kadydenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andrew parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio
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svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. conclusions you do it yourself, glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we will talk about... the country, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. putin's illegitimacy. after the pseudo-elections, russia may be declared
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a sponsor of terrorism. results of the visit of republican lin seagram to kyiv. air war. this year, russia dropped more than 3,500 aerial bombs on ukrainian positions. how tangible the ukrainian response can be drones the chinese factor. putin is going to beijing, and xi jinping is flying to paris. under what conditions can china participate in the upcoming peace summit. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. in the second part of our program, which will start literally in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine oleksiy kucherenko, fedir vienislavskyi and iryna friz. however, before starting ours long conversation, i suggest watching a video of how a russian bmp was destroyed. by the crew of
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the wing of the 103rd tro brigade, as a result of a drone strike, it detonated the bc and the bmp tore it to pieces. let's see. in the course of our program , we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today, friends, about this, whether i recognize whether the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own answer, write, please in the comments, if you watch us on tv, grab it
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smartphone or... by phone and vote if you think the united states of america should recognize russia as a sponsor, state sponsor of terrorism 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, please vote, we want to know what you think. well , we have our first guest on the phone, this is iryna herashchenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the committee on foreign policy and interparliament. of cooperation of the verkhovna rada, ex-authorized for peaceful settlement in donbas. ms. irina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening to all spress viewers. well, since we 're asking our viewers and viewers if they think the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? i will ask you about that too. this would be the right decision, but it is obvious that
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ukraine also needs to work on this, and i want to say that i am very worried by the fact that today our dialogue with the congress is effectively frozen, including because of the wrongful actions of the chairman of the verkhovna rada , which blocks inter-parliamentary dialogue. we need today very seriously still work so that congress unblocks financial and military, first of all, aid to ukraine. obviously, everything rests now on the hot election campaign in the united states. but personal communication with republicans, congressmen, and senators shows that then the chances of unblocking the vote on aid and other decisions concerning russia are increasing, and it also seems to me that today we need to work very actively with all countries of the world on illegitimacy putin i'm sorry if the world did not recognize lukashenko as the president because that elections in russia in belarus.
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undemocratic, the situation in russia is even worse. putin, all his potential opponents are either dead, killed, or in prisons , the opposition there is suppressed, there is no state duma, there were clowns like slutskov on the ballots, and putin was elected this time not just in the occupied territories, in crimea, in donetsk region, in luhansk region, he was elected on the basis of ukrainians, in mariupol, in the occupied parts of kherson. koporizka oblasts, specifically donetsk, luhansk oblasts, my heart breaks before this, and when i read the statements of our partners, the european side, the european union, the united states of america have already made a statement regarding the illegitimacy of the elections in the occupied territories, this is correct, but it is an insufficient reaction. ms. irina, you mentioned putin's illegitimacy.


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