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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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a little more, there are 10% more to shoot down cruise missiles, and these will be all our achievements, that is, formally, they can give us f-16 planes, but they will not be so incomplete, yes, that is, not completely packed to fight the russians, because western leaders will be afraid that we can strike with these planes on the border of russia or on critical objects on the territory of russia, could this be the case? no, we are not talking about that, so we are talking about air-to-air weapons for aerial combat, there are no restrictions on these weapons from any rear western leaders, yes, there are restrictions on shock weapons, air-to-ground and ground-to-ground, which carries explosives, for example, we can fly to moscow with western scouts without any problems, but if he carries explosives on board, that's it , here we are talking about... air-to-air weapons, if we
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get improved radars and missiles with a range of 150 km there, it will be one thing, then we will fight on an equal footing with the russians, even surpass them in terms of missile range, although inferior in radar range stations, but if we get missiles with a range there from old models with a range there of 90 km, then we will be inferior to russian aircraft in all parameters, and no matter how many of these f16s are given to us, well, they will radically improve the picture a little, a little somewhere we we will be able to shoot down these carriers of russian winged bombs, yes, if we plan operations against them very, very carefully, and very carefully, when there are no summer russian flying radars, when we know that there are no russian fighters there that will to chat, yes... well, there is such a situation,
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better weapons, better result, and no, it does not depend on the number of planes, you understand, but it depends on quality, here quantity does not translate into quality. the romanian media reports that the president of romania, klaus iohannis, has given his consent to the training of about 50 ukrainian pilots on f-16 fighter jets at the training center at the military air base, fetești, and... already the new york times reports that ukraine can deploy f-16 already in july, but only several units, taking into account the fact that ukraine did not contract pilots who could be, let's say, retired, but who know how to fly the f-16, and this is a long procedure for training ukrainian pilots, there is english, then these people were transported and are transported for cordon to train on... these f-16s,
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do you feel the west is reluctant to give us these planes, that is, or could it be, could it be much faster than it is now? well, of course there was such a practice, you know, there were, for example, during the second world war, china was in a similar situation when it fought with japan, yes, china did not have its own military aviation, did not. they were trained by the united states, yes , the united states, in order to repel these barbaric bombings of chinese cities, they simply gave permission to form a squadron of flying tigers, on far from new fighters, there on tomahawk fighters, yes, which were at that time, well, not the newest, not the old, but not the best of the available fighters, so... they successfully
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fought american pilots, there, well, there were not many of them, there all the time, there no more hundreds of these pilots, although i just don't remember the order, but i don't remember the exact numbers, but i remember the order, so they showed very good results, they shot down japanese planes, they repelled raids on chinese cities, the same now it would be possible to propose, if the political leaders of the west agreed... to call for the formation of a foreign legion of pilots who would agree to fight in our country on f-16 aircraft, then it would be possible to hand over these aircraft immediately, of course after major repairs, after the overhaul of the improvement, but again it would be necessary to equip these planes with the most modern weapons and more or less modern equipment, yes, because western pilots are not suicidal either, they... first familiarize themselves with what
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they are given, what weapons they will be given, yes, then, of course, all this is possible would be to speed it up, i really hope that these questions will be, well, at least there for... the coming months, raised, but first you need to look at the experience of using the first received f-16s. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state museum of aviation. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, or you? does the united states of america know russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, yes, no, it's pretty simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment if you have a personal opinion, and if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the united states of america
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can recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers. are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have volodymyr yelchenko, representative of ukraine at the un in 2015-19, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation. so, mr. vladimir, vladimir putin won for the fifth time in... pseudo elections, because these elections were held in a violation of all the rules of international law and rules and laws, and there are great doubts about the legitimacy of her election of putin as president,
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but well, for 24 years with a small break, putin has been the leader of russia, what could be... the steps of the world community after the so-called elections in russia, considering to the fact that these pseudo-elections took place in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, which means that ukrainians, or ukrainians were forced to vote for putin, or were tampered with, on their behalf, tampered with putin's elections, eh, of course. we would like to hope that these elections were not recognized, and strictly speaking, that putin should not be recognized as the legitimate leader or head of the russian federation, but it is clear that this will not happen, nevertheless, i
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think that the positive thing is that, in general, the reaction to his next re-election is so-called , so quite reserved, we don't hear many congratulations to him. well, those countries that are traditionally considered allies of putin or russia, of course, they congratulated or will congratulate, but there was already a statement from, for example, the european union, so, so very restrained, eh, there, there is no mention about non-recognition, but says that , let's say, the election process or, as they say in the statement, uh, the electoral process, the electoral mechanisms, they, uh, are not the kind that meet the modern standards of democracy, that's not bad, but what can world faith in general do, i think that these are further steps to further isolate the country and putin personally, well, actually, he has already been declared
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wanted by the international criminal court, he is actually already a legally recognized war criminal, although he has not yet been court, al... but i think he it will happen sooner or later, if of course putin lives to see it, and so i think that the isolation that already exists today, i think it will continue, and the fact that the leaders of serious countries, well, first of all our allies of western democracies, they are different from, let's say, two years ago, there was the beginning of large-scale military aggression, or before that, or even in the first months. they no longer want to even communicate with this person, well, except, as i said, some leaders of some countries who are traditional allies of this state, yes that i think that this isolation will continue, for this there are various international platforms, starting from the un and
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ending with all kinds of regional organizations, and it is not only there nato , the european union, it is also the council of europe, and the osce, many other groups or groups of countries, who, who are already today, do not want to communicate with putin, yes, as if nothing is happening and everything is normal, even, even such associations. like brics, which was marked by such, well, rather activity, even in the first year of russia's large-scale aggression, today we have little what do we even hear about the activities of this group, uh, i'm not even talking about such organizations as the csto or the cis, where also, you know, not much happens, because russia's leadership position there is already eh, well, let's say it like that, you can put a full stop na na... that's why even the countries closest to russia, they also don't consider it possible to do
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business with him, as if nothing happened, but one person who considers it necessary to do business with him, negotiate and conduct some kind of negotiations, this is the president of turkey , recep tayyip erdogan, he congratulated by the way the russian dictator with a victory in the pseudo-elections and announced his readiness. to play a role in the peace negotiations regarding ukraine, i will quote that actually, as the office of the president of turkey is presented. president erdoğan stated that he believes that the positive course in turkish-russian relations will continue to strengthen in the new period, and expressed turkey's readiness to play any favorable role in returning to the negotiating table regarding ukraine. eh, that is, erdogan made such a gesture towards
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putin, he recognized him that he was re-elected president, but at the same time he says that everything he does is exclusively in the interests of the world community and in particular ukraine and peace in ukraine. how would you characterize the behavior of the leader of a country that is a member of the north atlantic alliance and, in principle, is one of the leaders of that... world that does not recognize putin as president, well, you know, turkey has its traditional interests, as in general in the region that includes turkey and russia, as well as in decent relations with the russian federation, turkey is very strong economically depends on russia, it is both energy supplies and a huge trade turnover , i value mutual trade, and the turkish economy is not going through the best times right now, and in fact erdogan hopes, i think, at
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the expense of russia, and russia's dependence on turkey is also very serious, uh, because there is also export, mutual import is very serious, this is what makes them such natural allies, but this is not about politics, first of all, here we mean the economy, well such a special position erdogan. it can also be explained by the fact that, traditionally, from the very beginning of problems , let's say, or wars, to put it bluntly, he took the position of a kind of mediator, he, he does not want to get rid of this position, this role, and actually speaking, he he said about this in his statement, in which he congratulated putin, so i think that this is a normal reaction of drikan, nothing else from him... it was to be expected, yes, for us, maybe it is not a positive thing, but the no less, this is turkey, it has its own interests, er, ours
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the interest in all this is that, in order to preserve turkey's role as our reliable ally, that is, its relations with russia are its business, uh, and the fact that turkey supports us, it has such a solid position on to the same crimea, she never gave away, er, er, neither the occupation nor the annexation of crimea. even the same mediator , she has repeatedly given positive results, this is the exchange of prisoners of war, and the zurn agreement, and many other issues, and exchanges, that is, everything, all of this is in our favor, so i think that relations with russia - this, this is turkey's business, we need to continue this course to further preserve such... partnership really friendly, i would say relations with surechyna, this is our neighbor, this is our neighbor on the black sea,
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the situation in which very seriously affects the course of the war and on the export of the earth and on everything else, so we need to protect this partnership and alliance in every possible way. by the way, there is another president or leader of china , xi jinping, who is active. does not communicate with putin and with russians in general, he informs politicians that he is going to paris for talks with french president emmanuel macron at the beginning. in may , the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between paris and beijing will be celebrated there, but not only that. according to politico, officials recently told the publication that china is trying to convince europe to allow russia to sit at the table of future peace talks in switzerland, otherwise beijing will boycott such meetings, the publication writes.
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in addition, there are reports that putin will visit china on may 24 of that year for talks with xi jinping, and this may become putin's first foreign visit after the pseudo-elections, the so-called elections in russia, how do you, mr. volodymyr, evaluate these efforts of china to help russia get out of the situation that volodymyr putin forced the country into? i don't think that here... it's about trying to help, it's about china wanting to confirm once again, again, just like turkey in its interests in relations with the russian federation, so china its leadership, and in as a whole in the world and in the region, china until, well, not until recent years was very active, let's say, in western and eastern europe, and today he is trying,
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well, not to regain this leadership, but to enter this region as well. as a serious player, we remember that the special representative of china, mr. bihui , has visited almost all the countries of the region that are involved in, well, one way or another, in the russian-ukrainian war, there is a chinese peaceful peaceful plan, although it is difficult to call it a plan, but nevertheless it is a proposal, it is also an attempt to play a certain mediation role. eh, and as for the visit of the leader of china to france, i think that this is a visit, a response to macron's visit to petin, which has already begun, you know, to forget a little bit, and it was last year , it was at the moment when serious problems in relations between the united states of america and china, and macron then tried to also play such
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a leadership role, well, at least as a european country that wants to somehow ee... normalize relations with china and with the fact that the sanctions that threatened china so that they do not, let's say, negatively affect the trade between china and france and china, the european union as a whole, so there are also interests there, and of course it will be, there will be talk of our war, and... . seeing macron's latest statements , which were bold, which were 100% in our favor, i think it's also, it's good for the leader of china to hear all of this from macron as well, and to understand that this chinese narrative of engaging russia before the upcoming peace conference on ukraine, or some other
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peace forum, it is not in time, that is, there is... there is a clear the position of our state , there should not be any russia at the negotiating table, at least at the first stages, we need to see how the process will go on and how it will possibly change, well, i do not really hope for it, to be honest, but if the position changes russia, today it is completely inadequate, and therefore , at the same negotiating table, neither we, nor our other allies, and only our allies, will benefit. there is simply nothing to talk about, so it is all important that the leader of china hears from the french side as well, and maybe macron will to voice certain signals on behalf of the european union as a whole, since he also wants to take over certain leadership positions in this grouping as well, and this is normal for us,
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because first of all it concerns precisely the fight against russian aggression, sir. the former president of the united states of america , donald trump, who expects to become the next president of the united states of america, in an interview with fox news, evasively answered the question of whether he would continue to help ukraine with weapons, or whether he would allow putin to occupy part or all of ukraine, if he is re -elected president. let's hear what trump said. i hope it won't come to that, it's still a long way off, nine months to the inauguration and seven months to the elections. in war and politics, this is eternity. if we had a real leader, putin would never have done this. remember, he didn't do it for a while. four years and there was no real threat that he would do it, if i were president, all those people would be alive, all those beautiful cities, the ancient thousand-year-old
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domes, the golden domes, the culture is impossible to replace, how do you, mr. volodymyr, evaluate what trump is saying, that if he were the president, all this would not have happened, well, you know, i would not like to ... take time to criticize trump for his position, especially since this once, in contrast to some of his previous statements, he expressed himself so cautiously, and actually speaking, when he says that this would not have happened under him, well, he was the president for four years, he was already in crimea, donbass, and actually speaking, he, well... in the technical sense, he didn't do anything so extraordinary for to stop that conflict at that stage, although we pay tribute to the fact
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that it was during his presidency that ukraine received the first american weapons, so it was before the beginning of a large-scale, but nevertheless it was under trump, and er, i constantly repeat the thesis that... er the statements of the presidential candidate, and trump, by the way, is not even a candidate yet, well, if we proceed from the fact that he will become a candidate, and the statements of the president already, this you know, completely different things, and i think it should wait, well at least the moment when and if trump will be officially nominated for the position of president, er... in the elections, and then, this is the period, let's say, those six months are conditional, between his nomination and the elections in november of this year, since then we i
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think we will be able to hear valid, genuine such substantive statements that will come close, at least to his position in the event that he, after all, becomes the president of the united states of america. that is , you think that these statements will be much more weighted, in short? yes, i think so yes, that is, you understand , this domoclian sword is not hanging over him today, well, this may not be a completely correct expression, but, you know, when a person is already approved and nominated as a candidate, the degree of his responsibility for any word that he says, will be much higher than now, now he is just gaining points. in this campaign, which has not yet officially formally begun, and therefore i say once again that it is necessary to wait for the moment when he will officially become the person who will
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run for the position of the president of the united states. thank you, mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, it was volodymyr yevchenko, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the un and the united states of america. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, during this broadcast we conduct. survey and we ask you this: does the united states of america recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? are there intermediate poll results on telecast? 50 on 50, you see, 50% believe that they accept, 50% that do not accept such poll results on tv. and 15 minutes after release news from our bbc colleagues, we will return to the studio, we will have a deputy's studio as a guest. we will have oleksiy kucherenko, iryna friz and fediye rvenislavskyi, stay on espresso, don't switch, it will be interesting later,
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in .. to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny postakho two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much elina chechnya for information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of i-prideshny, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine. was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football. stronger together, there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the program: the military partners of ukraine who gathered in ramshtein will not be defeated,
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what they agreed on. members of the contact group. close loopholes for dodgers. the defense committee is considering amendments to the bill on mobilization. what is the reason for the delay? putin's fifth term. the verkhovna rada calls for the dictator to be considered illegitimate. is russia recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism? friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on our social media and also on youtube. please take part in our voting, today we ask you about whether does the united states of america recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? yes, no , please vote on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment below this video if you have a different opinion. if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone and vote. if you believe that
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the usa recognizes russia as a state. i am a sponsor of terrorism 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have people's deputies of ukraine are guests. feder venislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. fedor, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today, glory to the heroes. iryna. priz, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal services. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. greetings, good evening, the same to each other.


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