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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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the situation will not be easy, and we in this situation, it seems to me, should be as sober, pragmatic, and reasonable as possible in this situation, calm, if you want, and yes, and in a situation when putin won this , even though falsified victory of 87% , but this is an excuse for him, in order to threaten the world with the third world war, in order to carry out such a mobilization to say: listen, well, you voted for me, let's finish ukraine already and let's already let's finish the event, or at least we will do everything in order to protect ourselves from this measure and, in fact, demand, demand, like a dictator, absolutely demand from his people complete obedience and, accordingly, mobilization, so , well, we also have the question of mobilization and the law on mobilization, so there are 400 suspended in the verkhovna rada ... amendments, it is clear that this
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draft law is being prepared for the second reading, yesterday republican senator lynsey graham, who was in kyiv, met with zelenskyi, he urged the ukrainian deputies to adopt the law on mobilization, and why, mr. fedor, the president of ukraine, as the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, does not appeal to the parliament that people, let's pass the draft law, because let's already pass the law on mobilization, because... we need to move forward and we need to create conditions when there will be a system of mobilization in ukraine , which would suit the army and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine? well, i think that any appeals, they should be based on the law, and the president understands that there are procedures for considering the bill in the second reading, now our the committee has actually been considering this bill for the second, third, or third week, first block by block, now... we have been going for several days
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in the process of considering specific legislative amendments, and today we finished on the 16-600th amendment, i think that at the pace which we have been demonstrating for the last two days, we have a good enough momentum for this draft law to be considered at least in the committee, well, probably by the end of next week, then we will bring it to the parliamentary hall and the parliament will decide, but answer. to your question, why is this process stalling, well , i already told your colleagues about it, i can say now, because, unfortunately, this draft law and the whole process related to its preparation and consideration, it has become excessively politicized, and there are a lot of political forces, which are represented in the parliament, are trying to use one or another legislative proposals that they submitted to this draft law in order to demonstrate their favorable attitude towards citizens, that they at least... want to be
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such defenders of citizens, but we have to to find the right balance between truly protecting the rights of human and citizen freedoms and preserving our statehood, and this is the most difficult problem on which we are currently working with our colleagues in the committee, and i think that in the near future we will reach some kind of consensus and offer the parliament an already agreed text to second reading ms. iryna, who in the verkhovna rada of ukraine is trying to please the citizens and is? the author of these 4 thousand amendments, are these 400 amendments necessary, or is this, as is often called legislative spam? well you know i will certainly start by saying that this draft law, even after its adoption , is not a panacea that will solve all the problems with mobilization issues at once, at the same time, it would really be much easier if the draft bill was not... so
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bulky, but concerned specific issues, problematic, and would be narrowed down to the solution of precisely these problematic issues, rather than trying to simultaneously cover all the nuances that we are considering in the committee today, the committee professionally and constructively approaches the consideration of the draft law, are invited as representatives relevant ministries, as well as all the authors of the amendments in order to hear their arguments , moreover, there is clearly a discussion at the committee about which norms need to be regulated, which need to be rejected, which need to be taken into account, so in this case no one slows down consideration of this draft law, and the number of amendments currently registered to this draft law, shows only one thing, that the draft law, even after revision, has a sufficiently imperfect form to be adopted, let's say in more concise terms.
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in addition, i want to emphasize that a significant number of amendments submitted by deputies of various factions and deputy groups are identical in content, and therefore they are trying to settle them. specific issues that are sensitive to society and that require a more professional approach than what was applied by the government in the process of finalizing the said draft law, therefore, no one is holding back, i am even glad that this draft law is not considered in turbo mode until the second reading , as it was on first reading, so let's give it a chance deputies to work on improving... pour what the government has introduced, so that then there is no public non-public opposition to laws that will exclusively apply coercion to people, without taking into account any motivational factors and factors that will improve matters
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mobilization, and not to turn it into a bogeyman with which to scare our society. thank you, mr. oleksiy, what do you think , is it possible that these 400... amendments will be processed, then introduced into the hall, the draft law will be adopted and it will become a law, and the president zelensky will simply put a veto on it, say: well, in principle, there are a lot of questions and everything will go in circles again, well, i cannot answer for president zelensky, the only thing i will tell you frankly is that as far as i am concerned, even something was wrong the current government has chosen the trajectory of submitting this according to... the bill, where the subject of the legislative initiative was the cabinet of ministers , a sufficiently political body, by the way, what about me, if, for example, the same mr. president, dear, he is supreme commander, he is also a subject legislative initiative, if he submitted this
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bill, and in a timely manner, because in my opinion it should have been done in 2022, literally a month or two after the full moon. aggression , it seems to me, well, taking into account the authority of mr. president, his ratings, it seems to me that this would contribute much more effectively to the passage of this bill in the verkhovna rada, so really, as wienitslavskii says , unfortunately, the political factor has already worked here, because whether we like it or not, the verkhovna rada is a political body, what is there to be surprised about well, we make such and such discoveries, the verkhovna rada is a political body and the main incubator. of the political process, what's strange here, that's why it's the first, the second, by the way , serhiy, you are so lucky today, well, in this sense, look, mr. fedir, mr. iryna, they are members of this committee, but i was yesterday, today he was visiting because he was defending his
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rights. first, i want to thank you for the professional, absolutely calm consideration of these amendments by the committee. the second thing, mr. fedor, what ms. iryna says, is not there. customs amendments, there, all the edits there are adequate, and i am not ashamed of my edits, just like other colleagues. another thing is true, they repeat a lot of things, each other, because they are trying to correct certain systemic problematic points there, relations with individuals, relations with, excuse me, the discussion today is methodological, is it a human reserve or an inhuman reserve, you know such nuances, relation. with local self-government bodies, with enterprises, with others, the bill is not easy, so i see how fast it is going, the only thing, mr. fedir, you today, at which point did you stop there , it seems to me that you should have passed more than half, no, 1600, but 1600, well, nevertheless
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, not bad, not bad, and i want to say once again, there is no disaster, it is better to break all the spears there in committee, in the hall already accept. thank you, thank you, it will be, we will wait for the introduction of the draft law and the voting in the second reading. oleksiyu kucherenko, fedor venislavskyi and iryna friz were guests of our program today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we you asked about whether, in your opinion , the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. let's look at the results of the survey, that is 50 by 50, that is. 50% believe that the united states of america recognizes russia as a sponsor, a state sponsor of terrorism a50 no, on youtube 52% yes, 48% - no. these are the results of our survey today, it was a verdict program conducted by serhii
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rudenko. i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. i will say goodbye to you until 20:00. goodbye. there are 10% discounts on parafast in pharmacies. psyllium bam and oschadnik there are discounts on pulmopriz 20% in pharmacies psyllium bam and oschad there are discounts on mikrolax 20% in pharmacies psyllium pam and oschadnik there are discounts on phyto broncholithin 15% in oschadnik pharmacies travel bam and oschad there are discounts on valeriana bulgarian 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel.
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society. drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and us. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team
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good evening, we are from ukraine. and the enemy
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continues to shell ukraine as a result of today's attacks. 20- romstein. what was promised of ukraine, why germany wants to buy missiles for ukraine from the united states of america, and what message the head of the pentagon has formulated for the kremlin and for putin personally. we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 44 minutes. this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zema and we... let's start with the announcement of the collection. front-line vehicles are expendable. machines work with extreme intensity and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly break down. so we invite you to join the important gathering for three four-wheel drive cars. a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main directorate of intelligence, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000. support to free ukraine from russian evil together. and
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we invite you to talk about the mykolaiv oblast today, and we are very happy to welcome vitaly kim, the head of the mykolaiv regional military administration, to the etel. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you. good evening. glad to see and hear. yesterday mykolaiv and mykolaiv oblast were shelled. today, the enemy fired again, at least they wrote about a powerful explosion in mykolaiv, they wrote about ballistics. let's talk about these two days and the night in general, what happened , the consequences of overcoming these enemy attacks and the enemy's goal, is it an attack on civilian infrastructure, or just a hall? people, well, in different ways, it goes along with the ipsosh company, that before today's explosions, which ballistics said there, it was our explosives technicians who were working there, who eliminated some shifts, that is, in the networks they wrote about the arrival of ballistics and it was spread through the news, that is, it is necessary
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to filter, to observe information hygiene. the enemy attacked the infrastructure object, hit, as usual. in civilians and on tram tracks, that's why we have one victim, there are nine wounded , so everything is not so bad, but i don't see anything good from all this, well, if we talk about the attacks that happened yesterday and last night large-scale, large-scale, again enemy attacks, whether it was possible to overcome the consequences, the victims, whether help is provided to them and whether people's health, in principle, the situation stable everything stabilized, traffic on this street was restored with tram lines, networks were restored there, but as for the restoration of private property, houses that were destroyed, there were somewhere more than 10 private houses affected, the process is still ongoing. let's talk a little about the humanitarian situation, about the provision of communal
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demining services, it is not often possible to talk to... rude people, so i know that you will definitely say more, since sowing is starting and of course mykolayiv region is a fertile land, that's understandable, but there are certain problems , no certain but serious problems with mined areas, did the work continue, are you satisfied with the work that was done on demining, how ready is the area now, even in the conditions of these constant shelling, to carry out work in the field, to sow and prepare for and sow the land. well, i am satisfied, yes, but we can do even better, we are working together, by the way, with lviv on a demining machine, soon we will have our own, our own, as for the plans and implementation of demining , last year it was 85,000, we overachieved, as far as i can remember, 140
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or so thousand hectares have been demined there, we went from easy to difficult in order to cover some... a larger area of ​​agricultural land so that farmers could start planting their crops, so for now the situation has been improved, a lot has been sown, that is, we are increasing the pace, but at the same time we still have 100, 140,000 ha to be demined, well, i will try, we will try to do it this year, but maybe next year, even with iron, because these lands are more difficult , questions... on irrigation irrigation land is very important and in general for providing drinking water to the population, well, in connection with the occupation, we remember that all these problems will be serious, we remember even older stories, when odessa and whoever could bring water there, now i understand that the situation is changing, there is an opportunity to work on this, but are there still problems with that and irrigating the lands, of course, well, but first and foremost is
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providing people with water, we have water, it is technical, it is better. we expected that there would be difficulties in january let's say february thank god we got through it pretty much due to the weather calm down, now we are turning, talking, turning to the government with a request to allocate funds there for one small project in order to be able to provide the city of mykolaiv with water after april, also technically, as regards large projects, the prime minister distributed the funds by his order, we have funds to restore. networks of the city of mykolaiv, that is, this year we will continue to work as regards the turnkey solution, there once and for all, it is difficult at the moment, that is, we have a project, it is moving, but because of the military component, we cannot implement it in full. from the information , the local budgets of the mykolaiv oblast received more than 324 million taxes from a single, single
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tax, as far as it is satisfactory. a satisfactory sum, in general the situation with business activity, i am talking about big business, about small and medium, of course, about the employment of people, because they talked there with regions that are closer, well, perceptibly closer to the front line, there, well, let's say of course, there are serious problems with this, well, for obvious reasons, and what is the situation in the mykolayiv oblast, because, well, in in any case, business activity always gives impetus to many processes, first of all , the return of people, the employment of people and the filling of the budget in order to be able to actually revive the region. after, after the enemy occupation, i can remember the numbers that i have in my head, we have a budget deficit due to the pdf there, well, the specific weight of the pdf of the military there. of the police, the ministry of emergency situations, which was taken away for the right needs, is 52%. that is , there is a stabilizing subvention there for the 21st year,
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we have an approximate deficit there at the level of 30, now let's put it this way, it's utility and salary without allowances, the money will run out, i think so, in september, if there is no overpayment of taxes, at the same time we have 300, 300, well, i don't remember, 350 enterprises. to the western regions, first of all to lviv, to the lviv region, and 240 or so of our enterprises do not work because they are destroyed or damaged, so the increase in pdf in the western regions, even when pdf was taken away from them for weapons, they still have remained there, i remember 11% growth in lviv, so about no taxes, whether we have enough or not, it is impossible to speak... that is, we have an initiative for the western regions to help the six front-line regions, because we are really struggling in business, and it is clear and
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logical that it is impossible to work fully in the front-line regions, and from this it follows that , that we don't have enough taxes for elementary things, not for development, for creating conditions for business, for creating social programs, that is, we survive and work for the military. we have no choice but whether it is possible or you have communication only with there are the owners, top managers of these relocated enterprises, and it is worth saying that they did come, many people came, thank god that this business is working there, there is someone to hire there, but let's somehow communicate and work in our native region, do we have to talk to the heads of the regional military administration or to the heads of cities there? local administrations, well, well, we also have to survive, and it's not because you 're like that, but you forgot about us, no, because it's an objective reality, but it's just life,
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you talk about the lviv region about survival, no, no, i say that you have to survive, so you can, well, do you have communication in the sense that let's also mention us, let's do something together, because you are there, it's cool, it's cool that you're working , it's really cool that people are working, but what, well, let's somehow make it flow a little from one vessel, from one vessel. in another vessel, all taxes work for the state, that is, i have no right to raise these issues, if the business wants, it itself initiates this conversation in order to support your region i understand very well, as a former businessman, that when a business works locally, it must communicate with the authorities and have interactions, that is, if they pay taxes here, maybe they will have some kind of relationship on the territory that will deteriorate, that is, i have no right from business to say pay here, that is, it is an initiative to... correctly, therefore, if there is an initiative by the local self-government to redistribute taxes not for development projects, but for subventions to the affected region, we are always in favor, but this is an objective situation that
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the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer , that's why our task is to continue fighting, but, absolutely, i know that the kingdom of denmark, well, works, i even have an acquaintance there, who frankly works in mykolaiv, herself from mykolaiv. there is some work, there are various humanitarian projects , there were different ones with the seid company, and when the great invasion began and the great war began, they worked quite actively with the mykolaiv region, helped there when it was partially occupied, now this inertia remains, or we have to back up again, friends yes, help is needed, now even more , perhaps than then, does this help continue and ... some projects are ongoing, help continues in a smaller amount, in past years, well, until the 24th, the amount of help from international partners was
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more than 300 million euros, of which 75 million was denmark, 40 were planned for this year, 20 were definitely accepted for projects, these are no longer humanitarian projects, they are more there, let's say infrastructure, business projects in order to restore jobs and organize taxes . denmark and europe understand ours problems and it tries to be included in those projects that will be able to create additional value and taxes on the ground, so i am infinitely grateful to them for this, and we continue to work on an official, unofficial level, that is, we have cooperation, we have nothing in addition to the help of partners, that is, on a large scale, we continue to cooperate with them and are very grateful for such attention to the mykolaiv region. thank you very much, i am grateful that you found time despite your busy schedule to talk with us, to tell more about mykolaiv region, i hope that those who need to have heard the important messages, that region continues to fight, vitaly kim was with us, the head of
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the mykolaiv regional military administration. and it's cool that, well, i was born in mykolaiv, i wasn't jewish there, but this is my hometown, and it still remains in my heart, you know, these, these are true words, we continue to fight, and the lviv region continues to fight, thousands of men , women, went to the front , many died and continue to die, but of course the conditions for business are better now, and in in the western regions of ukraine, this is absolutely true, although the war... falls on the shoulders, but somewhere it is possible that it left its wounds simply in the houses, well, since mykolayiv region was partially occupied, there was no lviv region or frankiv region, but it is clear that people carry this burden all over the country , but of course it is more convenient for business there, well, we see that, but this is the reality, we relocated, and it is cool that the relocation took place, that people work, have jobs, pay tax, and from the income of individuals , it is important, but important
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and help those regions that are more difficult , that is, until september, mr. kim said that the money is available until september, and this is 52% of the needs, these are regions, 52% of the needs are available until september, it is not known if there are not more tax revenues, and where should they go, then, well, that’s what i’m also saying, this is a question that can’t be solved like that, but you know, when it is, when you hear it, and you... understand that this is how she is, this is life, this is it is reality, not embellished, not with slogans, but such a reality, and here these issues must be resolved, i hope that they will be resolved, now for your attention, for your attention the plot, now i will open it, and invite you to look. a full-scale war found him in the kherson region, far from his native home, when russian troops advanced on ukraine from the crimean side, our military was tasked with stopping the enemy, but the forces
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were unequal. then the car in which bohdan was was hit by heavy artillery fire. my colleagues spoke with the mother of the fallen defender. my golden sunshine, mother is always with you, always. for more than two years, this is how ludmila starts her mornings. she prays for the repose of the fallen son of bohdan rudkivskyi, who served. in the armed forces of ukraine from 2019. the woman recalls that he had been playing basketball since the fifth grade and could not imagine life without it. later, he transferred to the regional sports lyceum, where he received a certificate of complete secondary general education. in 2014, when the team in which the boy played broke up, he could not find a place for himself. however, he did not stop playing sports. bohdan also worked at various jobs, traveled to poland to earn money.
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but he realized that it was not his, so he joined the army, namely the belotserk anti-aircraft missile regiment, but even there he did not leave the ball with the ring. he went to the post of mechanic-driver of missile installations, he had such a big car, 18 tons, on which there were missiles on top. in the 20th year, they went on a rotation near donbas. he told me: "mom, don't worry, we are very." far, we don’t have hostilities here, but it was not true, we only found out how he was after that, after that six months they were there on rotation, and he came and showed me a participant in the hostilities, then i cried so much, bohdan was at home for a while and already in july 2021 he went to the kherson region, where the all-ukrainian training took place. in september, the soldier took a fifteen-day vacation, and that's when the woman saw her son for the last time, in the south.
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bilotserkivets met a full-scale russian invasion, as his mother shares, on february 23 they talked on the phone, and on the 24th he only wrote: we are going, but he did not specify where. at approximately 3:30 p.m., they were fired upon by enemy artillery, targeting a car in which was 27-year-old rudkivskyi. relatives did not know about this and hoped that he was not responding due to lack of communication. and like a little bit , it quieted down and that. to the comrades who hid, began to respond, began to shout, well , to hear, maybe someone still wounded, did not heal, and said, i heard bohdan screaming, he says, i ran up to him, took him, he says, by the hands, pull him, and bohdan was 95 meters tall, i dragged him, he says, i dragged him, well, he says, after two minutes bohdan let go, the body of bilotserkivets was found by volunteers and together with the priest were buried near oleshki, these territories are now
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temporarily occupied. russians, so she is 62 years old.


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