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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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through the kuchurgan leman, he failed, according to the information of the state border service, the organizer will bear criminal responsibility, and the customer will have an administrative offense. well , the construction of defensive structures in the zaporizhzhia region continues, barrier pyramids are produced around the clock in the region, they are analogs of dragon's teeth, they use a special technology, servan, for their manufacture. hardens quickly, and the structure has maximum strength. pyramids can withstand both critical temperatures and any aggression from the outside, said the head of the zaporizhzhia region , ivan fedorov. all works are controlled by the ministry of defense and the military. ukrainian children were deported to moscow. the security service of ukraine, together with the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine , notified two associates of putin of suspicion. deputy of the state duma of russia, yana.
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lantarova and her accomplice inna varlamova. during the occupation of kherson, they forcibly took two minors from a local orphanage to russia. a newborn girl and a two-year-old boy. the girl was deprived parental care, the boy was in the institution temporarily due to difficult life circumstances in the family. the children had no physical problems and did not require medical intervention. currently , ukrainian babies have been issued a russian-style birth certificate. russia's actions regarding the forced deportation of ukrainian children, granting them russian citizenship and transferring them to russian families for upbringing, grossly violate the norms of international humanitarian law. the fact of deportation and forcible placement of children by the russian government is presented as a gesture of goodwill, as the pretext of rescue, evacuation, rehabilitation and other pretexts used by the russian federation to justify the deportation of ukrainian children. an obvious hidden purpose. in fact, children
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are forcibly transferred to another human group and rossified, and yes, we have already seen this, one second, uh, the construction of defense structures in the zaporizhia region continues, and no, we have already seen this, let's go on, we have one more, one more news: grenades near a school in zaporizhzhia near the educational institution an officer of the educational security service discovered a suspicious package, in it contained 10 grenades, the man called ... law enforcement officers and forbade students and teachers to enter the territory, some of the ammunition was soviet-made, the other was foreign, the ministry of internal affairs informs. experts sent some grenades to the zaporizhia expert forensic center for research. some of these munitions were classified as particularly dangerous munitions. these ammunitions were categorized and taken out of the city. and
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their destruction was carried out with the maximum preservation of material evidence, which will be sent for investigation of the explosion in the future. armenia is ready to transfer four villages under the control of azerbaijan - said the prime minister of this country, nikol pashinyan. such information appeared against the background of controversial issues and fears of renewed conflict between the countries. we are talking about the settlements of baganis ayrim, ashage aa askipara. kherimly and gezil-gzhily. the day before, azerbaijan emphasized that these villages should be immediately liberated. 700 children in borodyanka can finally return to their lyceum. in general on kyiv region has already managed to restore 200 schools and kindergartens damaged or destroyed by the russian invaders. the lithuanian government helped oborodians to rebuild one such educational institution. about how the work lasted, how much it cost. and prospects for further cooperation
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with the republic of lithuania further in our story: the russian peace tried to denationalize lyceum number one in borodyanka. the occupiers left behind a fire and inscriptions on the remains of the walls. it seemed almost unreal to rebuild the destroyed educational institution. however, local educators do not hoped and asked for the help of neighboring countries. then the ambassador of the republic of lithuania valdimares sarapines came and said. we will rebuild your school, we will definitely rebuild it, and they came after a week or two, somewhere they came to our school and said that we are preparing everything, we will definitely rebuild your school, we are now preparing documentation, we are preparing a project, we are preparing tender, and the reconstruction will start from the new year in january, the work was boiling all year long, the lyceum was rebuilt according to all modern norms and standards, the facade was insulated, windows were replaced, interior work was done, and next to the school... it was difficult,
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you know, the building was damaged, there were certain legal procedures, ownership. for land, beneficiaries, financing, public procurement, tenders and so on, but we worked together as a team step by step, deciding what to do with the bomb shelter, the building, reconstruction, construction permits, etc. the restoration of the lyceum cost almost 8 million euros. the works were financed by the fund for the development of cooperation and humanitarian aid of lithuania, and almost 2 mln euros for internal equipment, furniture and external infrastructure in... was carried by the representation of taiwan in lithuania. lyceum in borodyanka was completely modernized. nowadays, there is an atrium, interactive panels, smart boards and other modern equipment. here we were told the whole story. certainly, i
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think, the school even improved, not just rose from the ruins, but also became better than it was before. i also think it's very important to rebuild well when we rebuild. ukraine, let's take care of schools, hospitals or other facilities. importantly making them better, especially in terms of stability and similar features. the reconstruction of the school was implemented by the central project management agency at the initiative of the lithuanian government. moreover, in order to scale up the reconstruction of educational institutions throughout the country, they are currently working on another project. as part of the school of the future for ukraine , an international one has already been announced. architectural competition. the winning project will be used for the construction of educational institutions throughout ukraine. it will be an adaptive project that can be logically adapted to different locations, for different needs, for different numbers of students. and in general, this project will be
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provided to each community free of charge for their use. and this actually, returning to the issue of design and estimate documentation, which is extremely expensive, so here is this project of the future school architecturally. the project will greatly simplify the life of many communities. lithuanian-ukrainian lyceum number 1 is ready to welcome seven hundred students. all that remains is to complete the improvements and put the school into operation. friends from lithuania emphasize that such a new school not the last gift to ukraine. it sounds like a cliché, but in reality, we are investing in the future. investing in children who , i'm sure, will create a better world, a world without... war, because i understand all the circumstances now, i know about all these atrocities of war, so we must help with the reconstruction as soon as possible, now, not later, not when the war is over, and now. the republic of lithuania has already allocated more than 14 million euros for
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the construction of a temporary settlement, reconstruction of educational institutions and other projects in ukraine. kateryna galko, dmytro nikiforov, espresso tv channel. a wonderful initiative and a wonderful result, most importantly , a big thank you to our lithuanian brothers and sisters, and now we will talk more about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar is with us, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today at this time, in particular , i will talk about the following: erdogan, the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan is again trying to be a peacemaker, putin is not to be feared, that is what european leaders say, and elon musk admitted that... has a certain disease that he is suffering from medicines, what exactly about this and other things, you will find out in a moment in the section world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: europe
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can no longer and should not depend on elections in any country in the world, in particular in the united states of america. we ourselves must be responsible for... security and take care of it, the president of the european council, charles michel, said in an interview with the evrakt publication. according to him, eu member states should strengthen their military power and do it both for ukraine and for europe. this is necessary, says mr. president, in order to protect the democratic world. at the same time , he added that the european union should guarantee that ukraine will receive everything it needs on the battlefield. here is a short quote from mr. charles michel: if we want peace, we must prepare for war. well, then we will hear charles michel a little more in direct speech. two years after the start of the war, it became clear that russia
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would not stop in ukraine, just as it did not stop in crimea 10 years ago. moscow continues its destabilizing tactics in moldova, georgia, the south caucasus, western balkans and even further on... the african continent. russia is a serious military threat to our european continent and global security. if we do not get the right reaction from the eu and do not provide ukraine with enough. support to stop russia, we will be next, the belom couple rightly said a long time ago, and indeed also good words from the mouth of the president of the european council charles michel, we really need to give a decent answer to the european union, and looking at everything that is happening now within the european community, i get the impression that they finally understood to the end, understood how dangerous russia is and how dangerous... there is everything that putin is doing, in particular in ukraine, and that is why they are coming
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to us, continuing this assistance. putin plays on people's fears and nerves, but there is no need to be afraid of this. we must continue to maintain the peaceful order in europe, and therefore help ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena burbok, said this in an interview with the german tv channel ard. according to her, if we stop helping...ukraine, there is a risk that the russian system of violence, as she put it, will move closer to the european borders. the minister emphasized that the imperial madness of russian president vladimir putin must be opposed by devotion to the international peaceful order. well, this devotion can be observed right now on the territory of the european union, this week is extremely satisfying. for example , a meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the
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eu member states was held on monday, today ramstein, at which again after all, we received words of support and before the allocation of another military aid, tomorrow will be the council of ukraine, the eu, the day after tomorrow the summit of the european union, so the week is full both for the europeans and for me personally, as an international review of the viewer, i follow all this for for you to know. first, well, we're going further. unfortunately, there are currently no reasons to say that the russian war in ukraine may end this year. the minister of foreign affairs of turkey said this in an interview with the cnn turk tv channel hakan fidan. according to him, there is currently no foundation for solving this issue. there are no prospects for settling the situation - says the head of the turkish foreign ministry in the near future. nonetheless. mr. hakanfidan stated that he has some hopes for 2025, while
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he did not explain or motivate his feelings. well, a little more about turkey, the president of this country, recep tayyip erdogan, once again expressed his desire to become a peacemaker and reconcile ukraine and russia, to impeach the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and putin to the negotiating table in order to complete. he said about this spill in a telephone conversation with the main criminal of the world, putin, as reported by his press service. well , we remember that he has already tried to do this several times, so far to no avail, because russia puts forward some demands that are simply impossible to fulfill. china is trying to convince europe that if europe is going to hold any peace conferences, then at the table of this conference... it is necessary to invite russia, otherwise official beijing
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will boycott such meetings, politico reported today with reference to sources. according to the information released, this very issue may have been one of the main issues during the european tour of the chinese special envoy lihui earlier this month. officially, the ministry of foreign affairs of china said that lihui has promised to support his quote. convening a peace conference with equal participation of all parties. well, here is another interesting point: the leader of the people's republic of china xi jinping is going to go to paris at the beginning of may, it has been a long time since he left the borders of the celestial empire, and now he is going to meet with macron in france, he is going to convince him, as they say, once again, the sources of politico to put pressure on the european ones. leaders to invite russia to the table of future negotiations, which will take place at an as yet unknown
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date in switzerland. well, as you know, in russia they already said, at least last week, masha zakharova, who calls herself the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs russia, i call her a spokeswoman, simply. so she said that even if we are invited to such a meeting, we will not come, because we do not consider the ukrainian peace plan to be a plan at all, let alone a peaceful one. because i don't know what will happen. let's go further. the usa commented on the appointment of putin for a new term in the presidential chair. the result of these elections was completely predictable. said adviser to the president of the united states on matters chuvanim about this during a briefing in the white house of national security jake salevan. according to him , these elections were neither free nor not fair, and their outcome was predetermined. and all because, says the adviser, that putin simply removed his political opponents from the road, and even killed some of them. and then we will hear
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jake salvan in direct speech. the reality is that putin is the president of russia, and we've had to deal with that reality amid the whole war in ukraine, as well as other actions we've seen from this president, and russia under his leadership, and which against the interests of the united states. however, we will continue to work based on of this reality, but in fact all this does not negate the fact that the elections did not meet any criteria of freedom and fairness. well, this is a general trend in the west, that is, they say, well , we cannot not recognize these elections, because they took place, they were dishonest, they were undemocratic, but they elected putin, and we have to come to terms with that, as he says mr. salvan continues to work, well, the us state department also commented, and answering
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the journalist's question about whether there will be to recognize washington that how does he comment on what is called the election in russia, the official representative of the american foreign policy department, vedant patel, answered what exactly, let's listen to him in the language. it was definitely an undemocratic process. in my opinion, it is safe to say that there will be no congratulatory calls from the united states of america. as i said, putin will most likely remain the president of russia, but that does not... justify his autocracy, well, that is , there will not be this call, in which it is possible, maybe who knows him, maybe putin is waiting with washington for president joe biden to pick up the phone and say: "vladimir, i congratulate you, there won't be this call, so sorry for the russian, it's like in the soviet, call me, call, call me for god's sake, it 's probably putin sitting there and
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days go by without you, but we hope that the call can be to ask, you know, the usa over there, then... it's already dead, something like that, but to finish with the topic of the russian elections, that's why they are considered dishonest, not democratic, not what they are express the will of the russian people? i found on the internet on one of the resources, apparently on the resource of the central election commission, how exactly putin was voted in the republics of the north caucasus, still in the russian republics of the north caucasus, and now many... experts are talking about what if something starts in russia, it will start with these republics and riots in these republics. here are some figures from the republics of the north caucasus, how they voted for putin. please note, chechnya is 98.99% for putin. they will repeat themselves again, i i understand what was added, but the mountain people,
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if they see that they are adding, they are hot, you know, and they rise, they did not rise. balkaria 94.21% for putin, dagestan - 92.93% for putin, karachay-cherkessia - 90.07% for putin, ingushetia - 89.61% for putin and north ossetia 89.01% for putin, well, because you understood yes, now we go far through. the ocean across the atlantic to the united states of america and again about trump, he is again for his own. the 45th president of the united states of america is donald trump, who has every chance to settle in the white house for another four years, believes that the russian war in ukraine can be ended at the negotiating table. he said this in an interview with radio host sebastian hortza, who, by the way, used to be one of
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his advisors. trump once again emphasized that he had beautiful ones. interacts with putin and added a quote: we need to gather the russian and ukrainian presidents together at the same table, and i will say, you need to come to an agreement, and i will tell each of them certain things that i will not announce to the whole world, but i i think i'll be able to do it, well, it's like in style, like the old soviet cartoon kanikoli, you 're just sourdough, i have a parcel for you, but i won't give it to you, you don't have any documents. to reconcile ukraine with russia, but i won't tell you about it now, so that no one would be fooled, because anything can happen, but trump in his own style, by the way, yesterday, who watched the column world about ukraine, remembers. i also talked about trump, and he did not answer the question in an interview with fox news, and why he does not give money for ukraine, why, why he does not wants to give, rather, money for ukraine and
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says that when he becomes president, he will stop financing ukraine, he did not answer that question yesterday, and you did not talk about the half a billion that trump has to find there to repay his own, this leads to that , that now where would trump find money to solve his problems, they really don't have it, that's why he's asking someone else in a mask. i think that he now has a question about ukraine, well , that is, it’s not the right time, well, but he still uses ukraine, unfortunately as a basis for getting some additional bonuses in the pre-election, pre-election race. well, you already mentioned about musk, we will continue about musk, it seems that it becomes clear why elon musk has been making such strange, and if they related to ukraine, quite aggressive statements of the veil of this secret . elon musk himself. quote: sometimes i have a kind of negative chemical state in my brain like depression, that's the end of the quote. elon musk
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said this in an interview with a former tv presenter cnn and blogger don lemon. musk added that he can't afford to be in a coma for long periods of time when he can't think clearly, so he takes medication to help. he didn't say which drugs help musk, but just so you understand, after this don lemon show, which by the way just started airing recently, was banned from being shown on the network, a lot of people who are sitting now, they may have financial problems right now, not all of us really have it, and they think that i will have a lot of money, i will be happy, uncle has hundreds billions of dollars, he has depression, so these are generally things that are on... as it turns out, and well, and to conclude the news, chronicles from the other side of septo from russia in russian engels, this is the saratov region , this is where the air base is located, on
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where the planes of the strategic aviation are based, a woman, there should be a drumbeat , fell, sitting on the toilet, in the toilet of her own apartment on the first floor of an apartment building, into the basement, where she lay for several hours before her son found her, local media write. mass lack of information, the residents of the house say that she was lucky that the whole house did not collapse, because it has been in a state of disrepair for a long time, well, just imagine how terrible the house must be, that the concrete floor simply collapsed, well but this is russia, they have money for strategic bombers and the bombs that are dropped from those bombers, but no money for people. well, that 's all i have for today in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch.
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hello! this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. so we continue, and now it is not me, oleksandr morchevka, who will talk about money during the war. i give him the floor. alexander, please. thank you greetings viewers, in the next few minutes you will learn about the sanctioned assets, what is being done with them ukraine and how much the state budget receives from it, i will also tell about gas transit and about
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relocated enterprises, how they successfully develop new places, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, and it appeared interesting. map, let's look at it, in fact, an impressive map: polish farmers, here tomorrow will hold a nationwide strike of farmers. it is officially known about 580 planned protests, we can see where they will take place, 70 thousand farmers will join in different cities, protesters will occupy expressways, national roads, strike in cities and demand, of course, to be banned first. the order of supply of ukrainian, ukrainian food, ukrainian grain precisely to poland, although we know, vasyl, that ukrainian food, grain goes mainly in transit
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through poland. but such a really large-scale action is essentially supported by the authorities, i, in general, i somehow stopped catching moments where what is happening in poland, they are blocking with germany, they are negotiating something about the ban on exports to other countries, that is, i have already lost this logic somewhere, i am actually surprised that you continue to catch it somewhere, the state budget is suffering from this, according to the latest data, it did not receive 8 billion in customs revenues through the bloc. of the ukrainian-polish border, the number is crazy. well, let's move on to the issue. gas transit through the ukrainian gts is not critical for europe. oleksiy chernyshov, head of naftogaz, announced this. through the ukrainian gas transport system, more than 14 billion cubic meters of fuel per year, consumption of about 350 billion cubic meters. the contract with russia ends, let me remind you, on december 31 of this year. oleksiy chernyshov said
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that he would continue. it is not collected and says that oil and gas receives less money from transit now than, than the overall cost of this process, maintenance of the gas transportation system. let me remind you that in fact the future of the ukrainian pipeline is already partially determined, international companies can rent it, store their blue fuel in our underground storages, therefore there will be greater profits, assured. and the european union has prepared a draft law that will allow. ukraine finally receives funds from frozen russian assets. it is planned that this process will generally start working in july. as the bloomberg agency writes, the initiative provides for the introduction of a tax on income received from the funds of the aggressor country located, for example, in the european union. well, here we are talking about 3 billion euros per year. the money should be used to purchase various means of defense and weapons for our armed forces.
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interesting initiative, we talk about it from time to time we remind you, but we see that the process is now at the stage of a legislative initiative, which will be adopted already in the summer. and about sanctioned assets, we will talk in detail with the head of the state property fund of ukraine about the assets of sanctioned persons located in ukraine. vitaly koval is in touch with us. good evening. good evening. mr. vitaliyu, here you go. from time to time we monitor that there is a certain auction for the sale of this or that sanctioned property, but is there currently such a list of what exactly is at the disposal of the fund of state property, whether it is real estate, whether it is land, whether it is possible specific frozen funds that must be repurposed somewhere and sent to the state budget, which is now with this topic, mr.
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oleksandr, the above listed by you is in our sanctions of the list, as of today morning, it was a list of 730 one object, these are the objects that were seized from sanctioned persons or companies that belonged to such subsection persons by the decision of the higher anti-corruption court and charged to the state income, after that decisions are transferred to the state property fund, and the state property fund accordingly prepares them for implementation. to date, 12 objects have already been implemented , charged to the state's income, this is uah 32 million, which , i remind you, is directed to the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression, the fundamental difference is that the funds received from privatization go to the state budget, while the funds received from the sale of sanctioned assets are going to the restoration fund, and we are preparing another package
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of such... objects, there are various objects from an apartment in odessa, a parking space in kyiv in the obolon district of obolon, to full-fledged large of operating factories, manufacturers, for example, motor parts konotok in sumy, which today is working and supplies products to such well-known companies as rolls-royce, mercedes and others, the company pentopak boryspil. which produces film for packaging food products, today this enterprise, as we call it on the go, provides packaging for our producers of meat products, dairy producers, in fact, these are such objects, the derzhmaina fund is preparing for privatization and should put them up for sale as soon as possible in order to replenish the resources of the state.


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