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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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of some extraordinary charisma and extraordinary beauty, both external and internal, and now it continues to unite people, that is , a large number, a huge number of people, institutions, but now during the war they were not afraid to provide works from their artistic stores, we are now publishing a book of these works with the texts of our leading... art critics, i.e. hungary continues to be such a leader, model and icon of opera, tell me with whom you are doing this exhibition, i.e. who are you co-organizers, yes there is a ducat, who else are the initiators, the ukrainian house actually went to the meeting, we do it together with the ukrainian house team, and again, these are museums, these are private collectors. i think all the time, you know
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, whether we will be able to get it all back, that is , sometimes it seemed that it was all killed in basements, in cellars, rolled in concrete, in asphalt, and this exhibition is so, well, it gives hope that that we can turn around and see everything, do you believe that, well, in such a dire hour, to be honest, yes... we will manage to return all these things, this hair to save the memory, is it possible at all, do you believe in it? i think that without it we cannot survive, that it is memory, it is the basis of our culture, it is what unites us with the previous generations, that how, as a mountaineer with friends, they open a bullpen, and it changes in general . awareness in society
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is yes, that is, this information can no longer be forgotten, it continues, continues to circulate in these circles and it emerges at the end of the 80s, and again, the same sixties, those of them who survived, they play a neo-national role played a role in the formation, revival. of ukrainian statehood, it is clear that they were very quickly pushed out of the historical arena by voucher privatization enthusiasts, it is clear that they were complicated at the time, but this is their legacy, it does not disappear, it is all transformed, it remains in the historical memory dear, thank you olena, so the exhibition will last until... until april, yes until
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the end of april until the end of april, everyone who is interested and who was interested in our conversation and the work of ala gorska and in general their whole generation, come to the ukrainian house in kyiv and see an exhibition about the works of ala horska. thank you for being with us, thank you elena, see you in a week. the search for 17-year-old student alina bozhko, who disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in the volyn region, continues for the fourth week, and there are some new details in this difficult search story. the other day, we managed to find the girl's belongings, this is a wallet with an id passport and a headband. and
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a little earlier the searchers came across alina’s coat, it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where the student was last seen: i want they helped me, i don’t believe that she is not among the living, she is alive, i want her to be found, i can’t sleep or eat, i just don’t live, i just exist, and alina disappeared on february 17, she was resting with friends on a lawn near the village of ugrynichi. around 2 p.m. , the girl left for the forest, but did not return, she left her mobile phone in the car, so there was no contact with her. friends, of course, began to look everywhere for his executioner alina, but she was nowhere to be found, they could not find the girl. and this photo was taken a few hours before alina's disappearance. all this time , hundreds of people join the search every day. these are law enforcement officers, rescuers, military personnel, border guards, caring citizens, and specialists. with drones and
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dog handlers with service dogs, the search area is constantly expanding, forest strips, bushes, coastal zones and swampy areas are surveyed. friends say that... it was her decision. they rested and she went in an unknown direction. then they got up and started looking for her. at the moment , we cannot put forward any other versions. we work precisely in the direction of search. we work on the result and until there is no result, until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. searchers and most importantly, native girls do not lose hope and say that as long as there is even the smallest chance to find her, everything must be done for this. at the same time , fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group, she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, went to classes, by the new year she
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lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023 at war with the russian invaders. alina's 20-year-old fiance died. after that, the girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and that she will be found, and in turn we are doing everything we can for this. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to repost, share this video on your social networks. the more people see information about the missing girl, even more so. there will be more chances to find her. and of course, please take a close look at alina's face once more. she is 17 years old, of medium build, with blonde hair and green eyes. if you know anything about alina boshko, don't delay and immediately call
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the hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child tracing service. in telegram and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search, any trifle, any a detail can be crucial, so we really hope for your help, attention and care, and please share this video. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, simply from... go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are discounts on pulmo
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priz 20% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, we're starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is living, and now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about... natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the guests, as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, national deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the smart... and those who care in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on
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weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. more more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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estoy muy bien the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations,
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the vote in russia for president putin has passed, and as far as we can remember, it has not it was perceived by russian propagandists as exactly the presidential election, and they said that it was some kind of referendum for putin, under the indicator of support, the indicator of legitimacy, well , in short, elections in russia, you know... especially the president, it is like a guinea pig, which not a guinea pig, and not a guinea pig, and here, too, no elections and no president, well, in the end, all this has passed and the question arises, well, what should happen next, and it is not only us who ask it, in principle , so do the russians, okay , the elections were held, what's next, what's next, that the whole world loved us, what the ukrainians surrendered, the enemies became less malicious. what's next, why are we seriously now waiting
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for our systemic, deep, centuries-old enemies to suddenly say: that's for sure, the russian people, it turns out, have elected vladimir vladimirovich putin as their president, well, that's really news, they took it and voted for putin, well and let's talk about what it means, what it means, what's next. with vadym denysenko, doctor of historical sciences, author of the book how to destroy russian peace, political scientist. congratulations vadim, so what, they voted, and what, that is, we spoke in in principle and before the elections, in anticipation of what economic motives there might be, some others, some others, in fact they voted, it is clear that they really wanted to show a high turnout, for this in principle... they stretched the elections for 3 days, and the preliminary voting started back in march, all this to show
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that there were so many people, and this was the largest turnout of what was in general, well, is it really important at all, why was it even important to show it like this, well it was super important to them because this election was actually the election of the emperor, that is the election of the emperor for life, who comes not just for the fifth president. the term: he enters the presidential rule for life, he becomes a person who, in his logic and in the logic of a part, a large part of his entourage, must die, in fact, in the kremlin and continue to rule in russia as an emperor, the emperor cannot to be elected with a low turnout and with a low election result, that's why they needed to have a turnout of 80% plus and that's why they needed... to have under 90% of the votes that voted for volodymyr putin, therefore, from this point of view, everything here was
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absolutely logical, the only thing that was illogical in these elections was a rather strange action of the opposition called i vote at 12 o'clock, by which they, in fact, only increased this very turnout and thereby legalized it even more , chichitomized the rule of vladimir putin. by the way, about this action of the opposition, well, i am so... let me remind you, one of such oppositionists is gennady gutkov, he just announced this action noon without putin, so let me show you how he spoke about it. without posters, speech, identification signs, paraphernalia, we calmly and silently stand in line to vote, with passports at our polling stations, it is not necessary to vote, or as one likes, the main thing is that there will be long queues tomorrow at noon, and now let's hear how it is in general , russian propagandists and, well, actually
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putin himself reacted, this... for security reasons , priority was given in several areas. according to home voting in the dpr, on the third day of the election , the president had 87.5% of the votes, 98%. one of the hottest areas of the front in avdiivka our colleague, military correspondent hryhoriy vdovin, visited. just look at the genuine joy with which it is shared. the first impressions of a resident of a liberated city. we enter the city through the ruins of the industrial zone of people who remain in avdiivka, more than a thousand people. they were also added to the voter lists, a special voter descends. people have already gathered and are waiting. passports will be prepared. the length of the house remained. the russian authorities came to lavdiivka. she said she would vote.
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even those who wanted received ballots representatives of the press who had the necessary documents, in particular. and i mostly have ukrainian passports in the queue, but everything is within the law, the voters confirmed their registration in avdiivka, and we gave them the opportunity to vote, they received a russian ballot with a russian passport to vote in the presidential elections of russia, but they literally have to run away from the point, hear the president's air alarm command, but you have to literally run away from the point, the air command sounds, well , it's a little bit different, it's absolutely simple with us it... this thing is not ready, this is actually how they voted in avdiivka, this is also such an important story for russians in principle about how the occupied territories should vote, and this plot of zavdiivka, it is very revealing, therefore they say that there are some thousands of people there, they vote using ukrainian passports for some reason, and at the same time
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, their journalist is already voting there, well, that is such profanation, you know? well, in general, this is a general profanation of this story, well , moreover, to say that someone voted there percentage, how can you say what percentage voted, if they don't really have voter lists, that is, they don't exist, that is , absolute profanity, and if you listen to how they describe the importance of this vote in the occupied territories, then it will be like this the text, let's give it , then listen to it as well. people already want to return to avdiivka, and of course with a large number of relatives and connections in the territory, it is called mainland great ukraine, which is still under the control of the kyiv regime, russian-speaking regions, odesa, mykolaiv, these are our cities, and our people there , relatives who are there, communicate with people here, and of course, this makes a very
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big impression on them, this is not just a vote for the head of the... state, it is in a certain way a confirmation of the course which people adhere to, that is, people confirm that it is necessary to move on, it is necessary to move on to the russian regions, to increase at the expense of these russian regions, if the situation, of course, we hope for the best, and it will be the same there, people there are waiting for this bulletin , which we managed to get our hands on residents of avdiyivka, well... it is true, no matter what they say before the elections, but according to the results of the elections, the main topic is that it is necessary to fight further, as if they voted on that, well, in particular, the occupied territories in order to seize ukrainian territory further, well, in fact, it turned out that way, no, they did not hide from it here, that is, in principle, in
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this case, there were two movements in the information field in the opposite direction from one. the russians were really put in a warm bath, that is, they were told that elections would be held and putin would soon will end the war, and indeed, if we talk about sociology, about the attitudes of russians, then they are russians, so they sincerely believe, at the moment, they will soon be disappointed, but they believe that after the elections, in principle, it will be possible to stop the war, on the other hand, a large part of russian propagandists did not stop talking about... the capture of other ukrainian territories, about the fact that, in principle, ukrainian troops will run out of steam, and in another two or three months, and in general the ukrainian front will crumble, but if we talk about... what will happen further, well in in principle, we must understand that from the military point of view, the election does not affect this in any way at all, simply not at all, this election
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was not about war at all, it was an election , i will repeat again, about the emperorship of vladimir putin, about changing the system of governance in the russian federation , about changing the social contract in the russian federation, and the project, that is, in principle, about strengthening repressions, is very symptomatic. it is very revealing that the first official meeting that putin held inside the russian federation, well, apart from the ritual meetings there with sludzky and dovankov, the first real meeting, a working meeting , it was a meeting of the fsb apparatus, that is, he gathered a large board of the fsb, at which he said two things, the first thing he said was that thank you for keeping the situation under control, there were no words about beautifying, the second moment, he said that the fsb needs to be armed even more. because they have border troops and they should turn into essentially another army inside russia, where in fact in the russian federation at the moment we can say that
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there are two large armies, that is, strictly speaking, the armed forces of the russian federation and this is the national guard. now, judging by everything, the fsb will turn into the third army in the russian federation during 2024-25, and this is needed exclusively for one, in order not to allow even thoughts in any case. about military coups, because no matter what, but putin has so far been cautious about the generalship, and putin is still afraid of coups, so from this point of view, if we talk about the ukrainian-russian war, this election is about it in general were not related, that is just so that we understand, frankly speaking, this was a profound mistake of many international and ukrainian observers who began to connect the future of the war with the elections of the russian president. federation, it is exclusively about the internal situation and about the change of the management system within the russian federation. well, as far as i'm concerned, something interesting
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was connected there, because many people connected with the fact that maybe after the elections there will be some kind of negotiations, that's such a characteristic thing that literally, immediately after the elections at the press conference, putin did say about the negotiations and... this is such a big greeting to literally all trumpists, all orbans, everyone who is trying to understand russia, when he said that the only reason to end the war is because there is not enough ammunition in ukraine, well, this is somehow not true, and it also seems to me to be such an important motive, let's look at it, i have always said, i will repeat, we are in favor of peace negotiations. but not because the enemy is running out of ammunition about how and what we should join and when, but i do not rule out that, bearing in mind today's
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tragic events, we will have to at some point, when we count the targets, on the contrary, create a certain sanitary zone, in today's territories subordinate to the kyiv regime, create a zone without... security, it will be quite difficult to defeat it, using those means of defeat, which the enemy uses, first of all, of course, of foreign production, well, that is, he also said that some sanitary border should be built there, that is , in fact, move beyond the territory of ukraine, that is how it should be understood, that is, all the options, yes, all options that if ukraine is not given weapons, the war will end, well, no. will the territory of ukraine be captured? well, he is actually, just so we understand, that is, he is actually interested in the negotiation process, and he is interested for many
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reasons, starting from the technological backwardness of the russian federation, and ending with many other things related to the real deterioration of the economic situation in the russian federation internally , no matter what anyone says, but immediately after the election, at least three associations, this is the association of... beer producers, meat producers and, forgetting the third one, one of the large associations of food producers announced that in the coming months, and milk, dairy products, announced that on average prices will rise by 10% in the near future, that is, this all things that will work, but if you talk about the negotiation process, he has a very simple peace formula, his peace formula is this: they say that we stop the war at the current demarcation line, which it will be when it starts negotiations, and the world promises us a partial or temporary lifting
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of sanctions. for him, this is the basic model of the negotiation process in general, the only thing that has been added is that he started talking, talking again, because this is not the first time he said about the sanitary zone, but i think that the sanitary zone, that’s right, it’s for trade more in at the moment it looks like him, i’m not saying that it will be different in the future, but as of now for him the basic scenario of the negotiation process, and he basically hints at it in bold, about what we give for... on the line front, plus you remove some of the sanctions from us, and then i start the negotiation process there, we just have to understand that he is interested in negotiations, the question is that the collective measure instead of putting pressure on him and adding weapons to us in order to for him to be forced to start the negotiation process, unfortunately, he is playing his own games. well, again, he is interested in those negotiations that fix the capitulation
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of ukraine, and no less, so... these are very specific negotiations, but i still want, as we have already talked about the west and about to suppress or not, still to return to the opposition, because the russian opposition, well, with it , it is literally this action there, well, it really caused, well, this is, i would say, just the homeric laughter of russian propaganda, let's see it, the call yes the so-called opposition to come to the elections in the holding at the same time, their action was called: against putin, but in the end it turned into the president, a record apple both in russia and outside our country. i have heard calls to me to come and vote in the south itself, and this should be a manifestation of the opposition, well, if they were called to come and vote, it is, as i say, in such cases, it is similar to that, these queues for... don, well
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, i don't know if you can call it some kind of phenomenon, but the fact that it really surprised everyone, because no one expected that there would be so many people, they mobilized for putin's electorate outside the russian federation, they called to come to the polling station and express their opinion, not to vote, or come to the polling station, vote, putin, well, that's how it turned out on... a long campaign, which in fact, well, legitimized the elections, but not the question only in the fact that they legitimized the elections , they actually legitimized putin and his , well, let's say this, the appointment of the emperor and the election there, they raised the turnout, but in addition , they simply showed that this is not the way at all, well, because the way of peaceful there is resistance... it makes
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some sense when you really have elections, and when you have an imitation of them, well, in principle, well, that’s how it happens then, that is , here too, i think , one can draw a certain conclusion that this is not the way at all, not what the west should support in russia, but maybe maybe so, vadim, what do you say, well, in principle, i would not go so far, that is, it is necessary to clearly understand, this was a profound mistake of the opposition. they don't want to admit it, i understand them, they don't want to admit it, i think they will do the work on the mistakes, the following things, that is, first, from the first day of the war, the opposition controls one way or another, well controls is the wrong word, but supports the opposition will support approximately 23% of the population of the russian federation, the question here is not khadarkovskiy, kasparov, navalny or
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anyone else, the problem is that there is. 23% of russians who are opposed to the russian government, at the moment, on the whole, well , it is difficult to think of a sociological firm more loyal to the russian government than on the whole , have done sociology, 72% of russians declared that they believe in the election results, i.e. 28%, even more than all 23, do not believe in the election results, in this case, what is the task before the kremlin and all these hopes, davankov and so on, what are they doing, their key task is not to corrupt khadrkovsky or kasparov from their positions, their task is to split the eyes of 23% and split from them approximately 10-15%, well, 15 is generally a super success, which will move from anti-putin to the category of doubters. strictly speaking, everything that the russian authorities are doing now and will do in the near future, in relation to the opposition, will be an attempt to work to transform these people into
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those. who doubts, or on eh?


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