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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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are opposed to the russian government, at the moment, on the whole, well, more loyal to the russian government than on the whole , it will be hard to sell a sociological firm, they did sociology, 72% of russians said that they believe in the election results, i.e. 28%, even more than all 23, do not believe in the results of the elections, in this case, what is the task before the kremlin and all these hopes of deganokov and so on, what are they doing, their key task is not to corrupt khadrkovsky or kasparov from... their positions, their task is to split eyes 23 % and chip away from them approximately 10-15%, well, 15 is generally a super success, who will go from anti-putin to the category of those who doubt, actually speaking, everything that the russian authorities will do now and will do in the near future in relation to the opposition, it will be exactly here is an attempt to work on the transformation of these people into those who doubt, or eh...
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controlled pseudo-liberal or anti-war opposition, that is, it was necessary to look very clearly at the agenda of the day, which was proposed by nadizden, and judging by everything in this one, this growth will to move the entire kremlin about allegedly anti-war opposition, see this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova candidate. date to the constitutional court. who failed the interview? when was the constitution of ukraine adopted? i can answer questions. but why did the judge's drunken driving become the fruit of the poisonous tree? i was refused a medical examination. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. the judicial system of ukraine needs a thorough reboot. this is one of the requirements of our accession to the european union. interviews with candidates have begun in ukraine to... one of the most important judges of the country -
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the constitutional court. unlike all previous competitions, this time the selection criteria are strict and transparent. biographies and compliance with the criteria of professionalism and integrity are studied in detail by an advisory group of experts, which also includes independent foreign specialists. so it is not easy for candidates to hide the skeletons in the closet, but some desperately try. we will talk about this today, but first to the news. the higher qualification commission of judges allowed participation in the competition for the position of judge in to the appellate instance, the judge of the volovetsky district court of the transcarpathian region, oksana sofilkanych, who made a scandalous and high-profile decision last year, imposed a suspended sentence on the three rapists of a 14-year-old girl. we will remind, in august 2021, a group of teenagers sexually assaulted a minor and filmed it all on camera. later, the video was shared on the network and among classmates. the case is... publicized after
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oksana sofilkanych freed the accused from actual punishment, imposing a five-year suspended sentence with two years exam period. the transcarpathian court of appeal found procedural violations committed by sofilkanych during the case review and decision-making. her sentence was overturned. now the case is being heard again with a different composition of the court. oksana sofilkanych , on the other hand, was not only not prosecuted for the violation, but she can also get a promotion and take the position of head of state. selection for one of the most important judicial bodies, the constitutional court, has begun in ukraine. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress judges according to the constitution, selection takes place on a competitive basis. however, in reality , the procedure did not involve a real competition, since each subject of appointment separately held its own formal competitions, which in no way ensured the verification of candidates for compliance with the requirements of the constitution. therefore
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, the risk of political influence was rampant. at the end of 2022, the verkhovna rada adopted a law on changing the procedure for selecting judges of the constitutional court of ukraine. the law established an advisory group of experts, which included six members. one each from verkhovna the council, the president and the congress of judges of ukraine, one person from the venice commission and two persons delegated by international organizations that provide assistance to ukraine in reforms in the sphere of the rule of law. the advisory group must analyze the candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence. and this stupid group of experts, it should, so to speak, filter the candidates, and already from the filtered candidates, both the president, and judges and the verkhovna rada will already choose their own, according to their quota, whom they will appoint as judges constitutional court. and although the new conditions of selection for the post of judge of the constitutional court are not. oblast and the advisory group
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of experts have many questions for him. the judge has been working in uzhhorod for more than 10 years, but he does not declare his residence there, he says he lives from monday to friday wherever he can. in fact, i don't rent and i don't have ownership rights, very often my parents' friends help me out, these are their friends from student years, in addition , colleagues help me out, well, i would like to understand, well, you can stay like that for a month, of course. stop for a week, and 10 years, how do you decide, in 10 years i have already learned to plan it, that is, i plan in advance where, interesting planning, on the other hand, andreychuk has an apartment in lviv, 117 m2, he bought it in installments, from 2006 to 2014 he
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paid for it almost 60 thousand dollars. according to the judicial tradition, the money was given by the parents. in 2006, i got married and actually the first... payment, these are all the payments for 2006, were a wedding gift from my parents. here , andriychuk did not get the dates, because he got married in september, and he had been paying for the apartment since january. contributed at least $21,000 to the celebration. well , the wedding was being prepared for more than a year, we knew about the wedding and were preparing for the wedding, accordingly, the parents made such a gift and paid for it as they could. in 2004, lyubomyr andriychuk purchased 30 acres of land in bukovel for... the introduction of agriculture, but almost immediately changed the purpose of 25 acres for construction. there was an intention to build a hotel complex there, but my family had to deal with that. in the end, it did not grow with the business. in 2016
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andriychuk sold the plot of land in 2015, without breaking the law, he sold it for cash. what was the amount of the contract, a total of approximately 4.5 million. and what motivated you? a judge of the commercial court to violate the legislation regarding the procedure for carrying out settlements? i know that there are restrictions, since the buyers did not agree to make the payment through the bank, then they decided that they will give, i will receive funds and provide receipts, i guess at that time i did not understand until the end of the 16th year, but now they already understand, of course. apart from the questions to the professional integrity of lyubomir andreychuk, experts have questions about integrity. academic in 2018, he defended a thesis that contained self-plagiarism, which is a violation of scientific ethics. but as it turned out, the candidate of legal sciences did not know that this was a violation. i did not know, first of all, this information only became known for the first time. no, well, do you know what self-plagiarism is? i
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understand, i myself, i repeated myself, if i understood myself so correctly, i wrote myself off. we are talking about the fact that this is a candidate's thesis. something you don't know what it is self-plagiarism - well , we will not even comment on the next fragment of the interview with the candidate for judge of the constitutional court of ukraine lyubomyr andreychuk. when was the constitution of ukraine adopted and what chapters and articles does it consist of? year of adoption of the constitution, 91st year, 96th year. currently , lyubomyr andriychuk is applying. not only for the position of judge of the constitutional court, he is also a candidate for the position of judge of the court of appeal. we will find out soon what decision the advisory group of experts and vkks, where he will also have an interview, will make regarding him. and that's it another candidate for the constitutional court is
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the judge of mykolaiv district court of mykolaiv region, mykola voynarivskyi. in 2022, he was caught driving drunk. the police drew up a report on drunken driving. subsequently, the trial for... the case against voynarivskyi in the absence of a crime. during the interview, a group of experts wanted to examine the videos from the policemen's chest cameras in order to assess the judge's state of intoxication and his behavior. voynarovsky showed vigilance. this record originated for unknown reasons, from an unknown time and i don't know when, and was attached to the materials of the protocol out of procedural order, which says. about the presence of the fruit of a poisoned tree and cannot be evidence both when making a decision of the court, although it was investigated, and when making a decision of the advisory group regarding my specified interview. judge voynarivsky himself
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considered many cases of drunken driving. according to the statistics available to the experts of the task force, in most of these cases, the perpetrators managed to avoid punishment due to the expiration of the terms of imprisonment. here you should note that the delay in considering such cases may indicate a typical corruption scheme. the supreme council of justice usually punishes judges for such actions. with me was established the truth in these. offenses and persons found guilty, but the sanction was not applied, as the deadline had passed. according to the judicial tradition, judge voynarivsky also has parents who are landowners, but his mother was also exceptionally lucky. in 2014, a woman managed to purchase a plot of land with an area of ​​more than six hectares on the black sea coast in the village of kobleve for uah 28. price there are at least similar plots in that area. five times higher, these are swamps , there are swamps, you can say so, this is the first,
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second, in relation to the value of the specified land plot, the specified value of the land plot was determined according to the cadastral register, the price in the contract is the free right of the parties to determine the size. we agree, the cost is determined by the seller. however, when it comes to influential judges, such clear undercutting is not uncommon. is a marker of corruption schemes. did mykola voynarivsky convince the members of the council groups in their honesty, we will find out soon. we hope that highly respected experts will carefully examine all the details of his professional biography and comprehensively evaluate his integrity. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about... a judge exceeding his powers or making illegal decisions, write
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to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. there are discounts on parafast - 10% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on spasmalgon tablets of 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and economically. there are discounts on lisobakt - 10% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and economically. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what are they saying? about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like. the project is close to politics, close to the world. with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with au sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see saturday political club, every saturday at espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. how a doctor from mariupol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during the hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mariuppol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us brought this unity closer to the extent of our strength and capabilities. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the behest of their hearts and wallets. a large-scale war is not only. exposes collaborators who have been hiding for years under decent citizens, but also forever frees the ukrainian land from putin's puppets. all these politicians, doctors, teachers, artists, opinion leaders and security forces sat quietly and waited for the moment to betray insidiously and painfully. they were promised positions, status and money, but as a result, the blind rashka fanatics
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themselves became targets, and those who shouted the loudest: "glory to the liberators, are now buried the deepest. this issue is a reminder and a warning to all collaborators about what fate awaits them. life imprisonment for handing over seven wounded men to the russians a doctor from mariupol received the servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine. we are talking about chekhova valentina pavlivna , born in 1966, in the village of roze luxemburg, now oleksandrivske, donetsk region. in peaceful life, she was an ophthalmologist in mariupol. she graduated from gorky donetsk medical university. since 1991, she began to build a career as a doctor, worked as a doctor of the first category in the mariupol city hospital number 2 and in the regional intensive care hospital. when mariupol was under the russian flag, chekhova, instead of saving people, decided to destroy them. according to law enforcement agencies, when the medical institution where the traitor worked came under the control
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of the enemy army, russian soldiers began to search the hospital to find our wounded soldiers. went around the wards, interrogated doctors and nurses, and while some tried with all their might to protect and cover the soldiers, chekhova literally pointed her finger at the ward where the wounded soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were lying. after that, the rashists imprisoned the seriously wounded ukrainian defenders and took them to russian torture chamber. an act in the best traditions of the kgb - to surrender one's own in order to serve and show obedience to the killers. of course, after that, the czech was given the position of head of the ophthalmology department. in the intensive care medical facility in mariupol. during hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariupol, but our department continued to work and provide emergency care to residents of mariupol. in the media field, this traitor does not shine often, but we managed to find a video where she reports on how the hospital works in the occupation and what help he receives from
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razka. the ministry of health decided to create field teams of surgeons to provide. help, yakut surgeons recently came to us, they brought with them 250 lenses free of charge. chekhova was suspected for her actions, and then the case went to court. and so on december 11, 2023, the october district court in dnipro sentenced chekhova to life imprisonment with confiscation of property. no luck yet, but we really hope that when mariupol will be liberated, then this traitor will spend the next years of her life behind bars. by the 22nd year, we received a generation of children and teachers, by the way, who did not remember their true history, especially children who mostly do not read, especially russian classics. before you is a valuable and faithful cadre of the russian system,
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which for decades sowed the culture of the red star in ukrainian educational institutions and... information for the fsb. this is tetyana oleksandrivna kuzmich, born in 1968. most of her life she worked in education institutions from 1988 to 2007, she worked as a teacher of russian language and literature in kherson. in 2003, she created and headed the russian national community of rusych, which was financed by the russian peace fund. this geoshka was engaged in the promotion of russian values ​​through education. also with the support of the russian peace foundation. zmich held the regional competition pushkin beauty and the competition project russian culture in the media office. since 2003 , zaprodumka, instead of developing children's love for ukraine and our culture, began to sow russian seeds. still long before events of the 22nd year, each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with
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russia, closer. love, peace, formation and unity. all the time she worked for russia. by the way, it became known about her work at rashka in 2020, it was then in the kherson region that the counter-intelligence of the sbu exposed a network of agents who worked for the fsb of russia. among the agents , kosmich was detained on suspicion of treason . according to the sbu, she was recruited. an employee of the fsb during his stay in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea in 2015 year she was tasked with collecting intelligence on military facilities. as a result, kuzmich was arrested. and tried, however, after some time she was released from sizo on bail of half a hryvnia, but this did not stop the course of the case. in 2021 , the preliminary hearing in the case of
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treason against kuzmich began, and within a year she managed to avoid punishment due to the start of a full-scale invasion. our president vladimir vladimirovich putin visited the kherson region for the first time since the beginning of the svo. this suggests that he personally controls those... events that take place. putin is an experienced politician, a professional manager, and he is also a very spiritual person. on the order of your spiritual person, adults and children are killed every day, towns and villages are destroyed, and the genocide of the ukrainian people is carried out. it is this spiritual person who seeks to destroy everything that has even a particle of ukrainian in it. of course, such a traitor, who is full of faith and truth. served russia for years, could not remain without a position in fake ministries, so when the kherson region was temporarily occupied, first kuzmich appointed the so-called deputy minister
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of education of the kherson region, and then the deputy of the fake governor for work with evacuated residents. to call a spade a spade, the traitor was responsible for the deportation of ukrainian children and residents of the occupied territories to russia. the children were sent to the camps, they were. children's and health camps of crimea. it was yevpatoria and the camps of the krasnodar territory. only 1,740 children were sent to pre-occupation. after the re-occupation of part of the kherson region, kuzmich, of course, fled together with the russian army to the left bank of the dnieper. this made it possible for the sbi to search kuzmich's residence in 2023. law enforcement officers discovered russian propagandists. materials and symbols, manuals for retraining and awards for active support of russia. sbi investigators also established that kozmich planted russian education in the region, persecuted teachers who
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did not side with the enemy, forced parents to send their children to new russian schools, and actively campaigned for a pseudo-referendum. a true fanatic and faithful task-master war criminals. the case of kuzmich under the article collaborative activity is currently in court. we hope that she will receive a severe sentence. putin's henchmen must understand that everyone will have to pay for the insidious betrayal of ukraine. and this is lilia pulyaeva, a gaullaytarka of the chaplin community. each resident must make his choice, this choice for the future, the future of our country, russia, the future of our region and the future of our children. she is 42 years old and comes from the village of nadezhdivka , kherson region. taught at the kherson state agrarian university, after which worked as a bank teller. then polyaeva became a telecommunications operator at ukrtelecom. since 2017, she has been a specialist in
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project management, the department of finance, accounting and reporting in the chaplin township council. but with the arrival of the occupiers in the kherson region, pulyaeva saw unprecedented career prospects for herself, and in order to get them, she became a traitor. without thinking long, from 2022 . she worked her way up to the position, at first she helped with the holding of a pseudo-referendum in the kherson region, then there were various smaller tasks from the kremlin, which pulyaeva performed excellently, and already on october 18, 2023, she was finally installed in the chair of the chairwoman of the cheplyn community. i am the head of the cheplinsky municipal district, and i am grateful to president vladimir putin for his high assessment of the work of the municipalities. she is like a head without a head. constantly worships putin's iconostasis, makes sure that the tricolor hangs at every step, so that as many local residents as possible receive passports with a chicken, and before
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that tries to sit firmly in such a coveted chair. we, in turn, offer she should change the chair to a bed. in prison, you can not worry that she will be removed, because gratipulayev will obviously be in prison for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. we are looking for three-year-old artemchyk vykhrestenko. we received information about the missing boy two weeks ago. i know that the child lived in the kherson region in the kakhov district, in the village of bratolyubivka. this is the left bank of the region. the territory
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has been occupied for a long time, so i hope... that is why it is not possible to find out the whereabouts of the child, in fact, everything is fine with artyom and he is safe. if anyone suddenly has information about three-year-old artem, may have seen him or knows where he is now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. it is also possible to transfer information using service chatbot. looking for children in telegram, any information is important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. i
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said swim, here i am... karina's parents are already screaming as hard as they can, this is how they tied hands , they were separated for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and he had this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks. but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously ended. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and... the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, we contacted her again a week ago, the woman assumes that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but
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it is not known exactly where, so... april the month of 2023, this is the horseman karina igorevna, the date of birth is 9.08.2007 hours if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately. contact the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking my beloved child, so that if she sees, hears me, so that she speaks, i am really waiting for this. thanks to everyone who can help. i
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told you only two'. missing children in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and stop by. to the magnolia children's tracing service website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone, but in the end help to find we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop. ua.
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greetings, dear tv viewers, i'm namelnik and the news team is ready to tell about the most important events of this hour: a policeman threatened to detonate a grenade in kharkiv while on patrol, received a call about a drunk driver. the law enforcement officers stopped the violator's car.


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