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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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we will be even closer to the goal, but in the meantime, anna yevamelnik is ready to tell us what happened there in ukraine and the world anoevo, congratulations, you have the word, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will tell you about the most relevant news for this hour, of course , about the situation and where it is most difficult now at the front, but i will start with what is happening in dnipropetrovsk oblast. at night, the enemy struck the senelnykiv district of the dnipropetrovsk region, hitting a residential building. previously, the whole family was affected, a 12-year-old brother and a 19-year-old sister, as well as 57-year-old father, in moderate condition, severe injuries. got a 47-year-old woman, all
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four are in the hospital. one person was injured due to russian shelling of kharkiv region. the enemy hit kupyansk with a hurricane salvo rocket system. injured policeman. residential buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office said. the russians also struck the village of mokra rokytna with an x-59 missile, damaging the property of an agricultural enterprise, including solar panels. and about the situation at the front: 80 combat clashes took place at the front during days 29 times the russians, with the support of aviation , tried to break through the defense of our troops in the novopavliysk direction. the defenders continue to hold back the enemy in krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka, vodyanyi and urozhayny districts. in the lyman direction, ukrainian soldiers repelled 14 attacks. on kupiansky - 10 - reports the general staff. on the left bank of the dnieper, the enemy is trying
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to knock out our units from the bridgeheads, the occupiers are not succeeding. our aircraft struck six russian concentration areas, and missile forces destroyed two warehouses of ammunition, the ground control point of the uav and the station rep. in the first half of this year , the ministry of defense plans to open 27 recruiting centers in regional centers and large cities. they will provide advisory services there and receive summonses about mobilization. the agency notes that, if necessary, the centers will provide support to those willing to join the defense forces. currently, the greatest demand is for uav operators, drivers, mechanics, doctors, it specialists. currently, there are two recruiting centers in ukraine, in lviv and zaporizhzhia. waking up from explosions, not packing, running away with children without any. what's next,
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forced relocation during the war became one of the first challenges for our women. the following story is about pereselenko from kramatorsk. after living abroad for a year, the woman returned to ukraine, found solace in creativity, and now teaches it to others. the war does not pass without a trace, and it is impossible to get used to it, - says ksenia. a young woman, mother of two daughters, herself from kramatorsk. she still remembers the first day down to the last detail war a crowded train, crossing the border with slovakia on foot and a random decision to go to the czech republic. she settled with her children in a small village and immediately found a job. a small dungeon of ekomarkets ekomarket. i worked as a sales assistant. so, i thought i could learn a little czech there, because i communicated directly with the locals, there were no ukrainians there, that is, i have a little knowledge of the czech language. after living
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abroad for more than a year, the woman returned to ukraine and decided to settle in kremenchuk. having a knack before drawing, ksenia found herself in artapia, so now she helps those who need support come to their senses. drawing saved her abroad, so our heroine is convinced that it is possible to fight the consequences of life crises through creativity. it's easier to experience negative emotions on paper, says the art therapist. i have a circle of good people. help to this day, and i have already started helping, because i also restored my resources. such a safe women's space appeared in kremenchuk at the end of last year. here they provide free social, legal and psychological services for women and children. during this time, psychologist vitalia heard various women's stories. here is domestic violence, here is the search for self-realization in women, and women who have moved, who cannot find their place. so here in a new city,
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so are the teenagers who are looking, just starting this search for themselves, so... with whom they come and the council, what they apply for, and sexual orientation, gender identity, i have already had questions here. and finally, advice from ksenia, where and how to find your own resource: do what you can do now, what you need inspires, what motivates you, what gives you some additional resource, well, i have this drawing, this is my resource, and i also have communication with people... iryna skrypachova, serhii nosach, from kremenchuk for the tv channel espresso. and in order to expel muscovites from ukraine, it is necessary to help the armed forces. our collection of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade is in progress . maviks and fpvdrones are urgently needed. these soldiers
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defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we we have to help our goal. together with you, we have already collected almost 340 thousand, join, any amount is important, you can see all the details on the screen. he threatened to detonate a grenade. in kharkiv, the police received a call about an intoxicated driver while on patrol. the law enforcement officers stopped the violator's car. the driver had a grenade in his hand, he threatened to blow it up. the police were able to take away the explosives. this was announced by the head of the patrol police department , oleksiy biloshitskyi. the driver was detained, it was loud in engels, russia, there at night four explosions rang out, locals reported on social networks about the buzz of drones. meanwhile , the governor of the saratov region reported on the alleged work of the air defense forces.
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there are traditionally no casualties, no damage to infrastructure, and no falling debris. i would like to note that long- range strategic bombers, tu-160 and tu-90, are based in engels. 105, which struck ukraine. explosions rang out in kurdsk as well, after which power outages began in the city. the ministry of defense of the aggressor country announced the work of air defense. allegedly over an as-200 missile and five kami kadze drones were destroyed in the region, but the debris damaged the substation. canada approved. the updated agreement on free trade with ukraine, the document was approved by the senate, now it must be ratified by ukraine. ukraine and canada concluded a free trade agreement back in 2017. the document allows countries to cancel or reduce tariffs on most goods. but a year ago in september, during a visit
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to ottawa, president volodymyr zelenskyi and canadian prime minister justin trudeau signed an updated agreement that extends not only for goods, but also services, investments. and telecommunications. polish farmers will hold a major strike across the country. 580 protest actions have been announced, in which almost 70,000 people will take part. the police of poland informed about this, they will protest on highways, in particular on access roads to warsaw. farmers will also strike on city streets. i would like to note that the leaders of some localities have banned such actions. my home was here, an exhibition of panoramic photos of the war was opened in lviv. in the center of design and urban planning of the powder tower, more than a hundred pictures in the format of virtual reality. these photos show crushed houses, infrastructure facilities, hospitals,
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schools and roads destroyed by russian terrorists. since april 2022, photographer dmytro malyshev has been recording what ukrainian cities and villages look like. after enemy shelling and occupation, the exhibition can be viewed until april 17. all the photos that are presented here, as you can see, we have qr codes next to each of the printed photos, you can scan them with your phone with any reader, and you will immediately redirects to a site with a panorama that you can rotate and look at in 360 format . we also have a virtual zone there, where you can put on vr glasses and watch. we were , well... many in almost all regions that came under fire, kyiv region, chernihiv region, chernihiv region, kharkiv region very much, she suffered and we filmed her, chastkina, part of donetsk region, kherson region, mykolaiv region, remember that there is a war going on in the country, a war that has not been seen
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in europe since the second world war, that's it i remember that the southeast is constantly suffering. the news team is back on the espresso airwaves, already at 10 o'clock, but you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, like them. be near and meet lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk later. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, we are continuing our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. let me remind you that today we are working for you in this studio until 12 o'clock. we have many guests and interesting topics for you, but at this hour... traditionally, we have a reminder for you that we are collecting in progress, we are collecting for cars
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, they will go to the front line, because the cars on the front line are consumables that are destroyed literally every second, we want to collect as many as three cars, and the total our amount is uah 900,000. 900, uah for these ee 900 , uah we want to buy a land cruiser for... the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, you can see on your screens right now photos, photos of cars that are on the front line, what they were turned into by enemy shelling, so we have to help our military, we are moving well today with you, 12 thousand have already been added this morning, and we are getting closer little by little. until the amount was collected for at least one car. 900 00 / 3, it will be 3,000, 300 thousand for
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one, if another 60,000 with a small tail is added, then we will have already collected the amount for one of the cars that will go to the front line, and we will be grateful to you, we will be grateful for every hryvnia , i remind you that it should not be huge sums, don't you have such a rush of heart, soul, but the main thing is that... there were a lot of you, we remember that the war continues, we remember that we have to help, so the qr code for your convenience is always on your screens, and you see the card number. in the meantime, we continue our conversation with our guests and artem lysogor, the head of the luhansk regional military administration, is already in touch with us. mr. artem, we congratulate you. good morning, ms. lesya, mr. artem, dear viewers. mr. artem, tell me what the situation is. now in luhansk oblast, you know
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the situation in general does not change , let's say it has become a little easier, the number of kabs has decreased, but the enemy continues shelling both with barrel artillery, salvo fire systems, and mortars, heavy battles are going on, yesterday and this morning the enemy tried to break through in the direction of ternivsk from the north to the north of our nevsky, moreover, sryblyan forestry and beilogorovka are now signed... with ground attacks, the enemy is trying at any cost to trample that path in order to force our enemies to retreat, but the guys inflict clear defeat and suppress, let's say so, and even large systems such as volley fire, detect and destroy them with drones, we thank our guys, if we talk about what is happening now in the occupied territories, the luhansk region, the so-called lpr, there were elections held on the weekend . of president putin , and here all the pro-russian
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publics, the occupation media, report that it was, what, that there were mass celebrations, actually the very fact that putin was re-elected as president for 6 years, did the residents of luhansk really celebrate en masse, you know, i think not until celebrations to the people, because the battles are coming first. on the territory, and secondly, there are many , shall we say, wounded and dead, people also in the occupied territory, our citizens see this, and the fact that supporters of the russian peace there could shine something, we saw all this in on youtube, we saw all this in the internet spaces, the fact that the chukchi and the bubins performed there, and the grandmothers sang, and the children were expelled in the anthracite water of the tekhorotov, just like you have this video, and the same, again, and porridge. alcohol, well, everything within the scope of sovka, nothing doesn't change to get people in there, but
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you know, there's a lot of interesting information, that hyped situation that they 're going to vote at home, what we can see now on their voting platforms is what voted 27 000 people , that is, in general, in mobile groups, and let's say this, in the majority of the occupied luhansk region in the 22nd year, exactly these mobile groups, accompanied by the military, worked... on the streets, on the hoods of cars, at the homes of grandmothers and grandfathers homes, as we already are were shown, but only 27 were drawn. here the question arises, where did the turnout of 87% come from, if we also saw and received information from citizens that, for example, there in the warehouse, at the end of the last election day, the ballot boxes were almost empty, and then immediately there was a turnout of more than 90%. well, of course, throwaways, of course
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, linings, they didn't even bother to record these throwaways, they just added such ballots as they needed at the end. that is, these elections are neither for us nor for the european community, they are nothing mean, but again, russia carried out this fiction, showed unrealistic support, showed some observers who in body armor outside luhansk, uh, ate in a public canteen, if a lunch was organized for them there, well, we saw all this profanity, and the fiction was seen, we record it and pass on to the relevant authorities what we discover, and you. the elections took place, the people who went, because there were those who went to vote, showed their personal data, what is now after the elections, is what is expected in the occupied territories what will happen now mobilize men more? well
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, you know, our mobilization, let's say this, has not stopped since the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, the same head of state of the aggressor putin, he perfectly understands that if he recruits more and more people in russia, some . they are just the first to go to protect the newly created. cops of the russian federation , so all this was expected, unfortunately, the neglect of our citizens, who, let's say, remained in that territory and are forced to take part in hostilities, many refuse, end up in camps, where they conduct, let's say, preventive talks educational institutions, where they do not communicate with anyone at all, they are simply thrown into
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a position, we have already seen this many times, when whole groups of people with water are simply thrown into a position. which is being stormed by ours forces, or, let's say, seeing such a significant number of aggressors in one or another position , the guys start working out, and the rusakiv leneriv people just throw them into these trenches, let's say, without clearly setting any tasks, just keep in this position, we have already seen it many times , repeatedly captured prisoners tell about it, including what we see in general. the relationship, let's say, of the citizens of the russian federation to the newly annexed territories, because, let's say, both doctors, and military personnel, and people are used only as resources, and actually these data can be used for , again, the draft, because the collected data about the people who came to vote, we can correctly interpret it that way, and this is some kind of
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fantastic turnout and about the fact that she apparently voted almost half voters, to what extent do these numbers correlate with reality? well, look, we all know how to count, let's just count, as of 2014, approximately 2 million people lived in the territory of luhansk region, and 700-800 thousand left immediately after war at the beginning of 2014, about 400 thousand left us in 22nd year from those territories that were captured in 22nd year, well, in this way, this figure is obtained, if... even if we exclude the youth who did not still has the right to vote, it was necessary that 1.15 voted, despite the fact that if they give 87 percent of those who voted there for 1.4 million, as they claim, that is, there should be 1.6 million voters in the territory, 15, and one question , where did they come from, well , you know, these numbers can be manipulated
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very easily, if in the last election we clearly saw the gradation of how many people voted , now these... pages are closed, because the enemy understands that where they drew large numbers in villages and in populated areas, they became unreal, well, as an example, for example , it's bad, yes, the last election , they did not hold elections there at all, because only one man remained there, now russian propaganda has arrived, we posted on our page, began to talk about the incredible turnout, the column formation that was there, and at the same time later on the air he gave an interview to one from cravings who says: there are 20 people left here, but not all of them came, well, in general, you understand, even the same propaganda video was put together so hastily to show that the turnout was incredible, well... there is simply no comment on what is happening with the housing of ukrainians in the occupied territories, are there many such cases that the russians simply take this
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housing and simply settle in some of their own, i do not know the supporters or their own brought, is there also this inventory of so-called ownerless apartments, as it happened in mariupol recently, and let's say this happened from the very beginning, at the beginning it was settled by the military, all the apartments that were possible and... they took everything that could be taken there, immediately after the battles, there and along seronetsk and ponevskiy, they moved into free apartments, and mainly they chose those apartments that were locked, because they were people evacuating, the apartments were with furniture, with sorting equipment, with household appliances, with kitchen appliances, almost everything was taken out, they didn’t even avoid metal pipes there , they were already there a little later, and now it’s happening the same the situation, first of all the provision of, let's say, housing, according to their social... policy, to which they issue, provide, these are those who fought, or citizens from the entrance of russia who want to move to luhansk region, they are provided,
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also separate packages were made for them there , so now even the native luhansk residents there, who were zhduns and were waiting, in general, it is very difficult to get any kind of assistance, both social and housing, and you, who moved from russia, the families, those who moved from russia, the soldiers who were there, those immediately for... they provide, uh, but do you notice that in connection with the fact that there is a threat of losing their housing, that people, ukrainians, our people, choose to return to the occupied territories, we have such isolated cases, but let's say this , more probably not because of housing, more because of family circumstances, many people who left, including their parents, stayed there, and there are such situations when after... they return, because one of their parents died there, and someone stayed, there are situations, this, this is such a changing situation, it goes away, but in the same one time and a significant number of people now
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, the number has increased, let's say this, those of you who leave for the territory of ukraine or the territory of europe from the same territories of the unrecognized lpr or the russian federation, thank you mr. artem, artem lysogohor, the head of luhansk ova was with us, thank you for this conversation. we will now take a short break , before that i wanted to say that in cern, this is, you know, the largest, where the andron collider is, and here in switzerland, where the largest research research center is in the world, in fact an international one, they decided to deport with about 500 russian scientists, ugh, that's it, i don't know, they will probably go to make colliders now in russia, m... in russia, what happens to them then? in a different way, someone will probably be sent to the defense industry to make some clips of assembling chinese drones and all that, but you shouldn't laugh too much at that, we all read
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the news that a factory of 360 workers for the production of drones was opened in russia, how much is this production their own , because we know that the russians do not make their own microcircuits, they do not have the technical base for this, nevertheless china, as far as we can also judge, increases all the time through... here are such proxies, let's say, channels, kazakhstan and so on, also the supply of electronics to the russian federation, in fact, the russians got very serious allies, they even write about the fact that it all reminds the situation of the 30s of the 20th century, when the second world war was not yet perceived as the second world war, it had already de facto begun, but still everyone hoped that maybe it would somehow not develop too much, and the whole... world would not be forced to collide, oh, but there are also, strengthening ties between authoritarian countries , they help each other more and more, remind that
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in fact neither mussolini, nor hitler, nor the then emperor of japan, were great allies, in fact, they did not trust each other, and stalin too, yes, here, and nevertheless , they then acted as a united front, well, the only thing is that stalin then decided to play on the other side, but it became... it was only because he was attacked by hitler, well, he made the biggest mistake, probably after did not want to make friends with ukrainians, it was his the biggest mistake, because many from abvar wrote at the time that if he had bet on the ukrainians, ugh, who wanted liberation from the ussr, then perhaps his eastern front would have looked completely different, well, on the western front, it would still be in normandy , one way or another, we still hope that the hitler regime would fall, well... instead, eastern europe and ukraine were occupied by the russian federation, i don't know what was worse. well, it is impossible to carry history, but we can draw
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conclusions from those. years of history it gave it is possible to somehow influence the future. dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will return and yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the battalion of attack aviation, unmanned aviation complexes achilles, will be with us. stay in touch. march 21-22 in kyiv. famous european and american politicians and experts. representatives of the eu and nato, about the situation at the front, urgent aid to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint victory. the arseniy yatsenyuk open ukraine foundation hosts the annual kyiv security forum. kyiv says to the world: we we will win, we will win together. what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and, most importantly, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just
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bhfz. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska in the psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psarynskyk pam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is it shipping district, kherson, live coverage , we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even
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more important topics. even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy in the morning, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. we are back, dear friends, we continue, i want to thank you, we have added 12,000 to our collection, in total, 22,000 have been added this morning, to be exact. well, less than 51 remains.
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thousand, so that we can buy at least one of the three cars for which we are collecting, that is, so that we collect 3,000, and in total we need 900. now we will talk with yury fedorenko, the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, you can report in the meantime, and we say to mr. yuriy, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mr. yuriy, what news do you have and where are you, if... to say that? bahamian shade. the news is optimistic. why? because, despite the fact that the enemy has a clear task, to seize time and to occupy and prepare a bridgehead for further shock-assault operations, as a result, it evens out the line of combat. this means that he is storming the settlements of bohdanivka, ivanivske, in the direction of kryshchiivka, andriivka.


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