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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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we will find out what happened there in ukraine and the world. anna, here's your word. congratulations, colleagues, the news team was working. we will tell you about the most relevant events in ukraine. 10 o'clock at this time, the general staff reports on losses in the enemy army. in this issue, i will tell all the details and start with the kherson region. there, muscovites shelled 18 settlements. be with us. the russians killed one person in the kherson region, wounded another five, the enemy shelled 18 settlements in the region, including kherson, berislav, antonivka, and kizomes. kissed at residential quarters - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, two high-rise buildings, eight private houses, an administrative building and a preschool were damaged.
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school. at night, the enemy struck the senelnyk district of the dnipropetrovsk region. hit a residential building. the whole family was previously affected. a 12-year-old brother with a 19-year-old sister, as well as a 57-year-old father in moderate condition. a 47-year-old woman was seriously injured. all four are in the hospital. two people were injured by russian shelling. kharkiv regions, the enemy of kabama attacked the village of kozacha lopan. a 56-year-old man is injured. he is in the hospital, part of the settlement is without electricity due to damage to the power line, said oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. the enemy also hit kupliansk with a hurricane salvo rocket system. wounded policeman. residential buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the village is wet and rocky. the russians struck with a missile.
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59. damaged property of an agricultural enterprise. and about the losses of the enemy. 700 invaders destroyed the ukrainian defense forces in a day. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian army has lost more than 433 thousand soldiers. the general staff of the armed forces informs. also yesterday, our defenders burned nine enemy tanks, 16 tanks and nine armored fighting vehicles. ukrainian soldiers in... managed to shoot down 37 russian drones, destroy almost seven cars and tankers and three units of special equipment, the data are indicative, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine adds. starting today, the belgorod region of russia will restrict entry to border areas where hostilities are ongoing. governor of belgorod region gladkov announced that they will close the entrance to the territory of six villages, as well as the city of graivorun. to enter these settlements. put up
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roadblocks. the day before, the local authorities announced the evacuation of 9,000 children, they are forcibly removed from the border areas of the belgorod region and others to other regions. let me remind you that on march 12, units of russian militia broke through the border with russia and took control of several settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions. today, the european commission will propose to use profit from frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. the money will be used to finance the transfer of weapons to kyiv and to stimulate the country's defense industry, writes bloomberg. it is only about the profit, not the assets themselves. the amount will be about 3 billion euros per year. the day before , the head of the eu's foreign policy department , josep borel, said that they want to buy weapons for ukraine through the european fund for 90% of the income from russian assets. peace, and
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the remaining 10% will be transferred to the eu budget to increase the capabilities of the ukrainian defense industry. polish farmers will hold a major strike across the country, announced 580 protest actions in which almost 70,000 people will take part. this was reported by the polish police, who will protest on the highways, in particular on the approach roads to warsaw. farmers will also strike on the streets of cities, the leaders said. such protests were banned in some settlements. the us air force conducted a successful test of a hypersonic air- launched missile in the pacific ocean. reuters writes about it. the tests were conducted on sunday. the military called the test a success, but left the missile's flight speed unknown. he is called the first
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head of the revival of the ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. in kyiv , the 160th anniversary of the birth of metropolitan vasyl lepkivskyi was celebrated in the museum. a meeting was held for dan to remember his legacy. the priest led the movement for the independence of the ukrainian church, translated church books into the ukrainian language and sought to revive the ancient traditions of kyiv orthodoxy. i would put it one level with ideologues of ukrainian statehood, why? because he encouraged secular politicians with his authority and his activities. to a more radical understanding of the status of the ukrainian state, which at the beginning was thought only as a part of the great russian empire, and only in the fourth station wagon it was already said that it would be an independent and independent state, wake up from explosions,
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not pack up and run away with children without no understanding of what was next, forced relocation during the war became one of the first challenges for ours women the following story is about a migrant from kramatorsk. after living abroad for a year, the woman returned to ukraine. she found solace in creativity. now he teaches it to others. the war does not pass without a trace, and it is impossible to get used to it - says ksenia. the young woman is the mother of two daughters, herself from kramatorsk. she still remembers the first day of the war in detail. a crowded train, crossing the border with slovakia on foot and a random decision to go to the czech republic. she settled with her children in a small village and immediately found a job. a small shop ecomarkets, ecomarket. i worked as a sales assistant. ugh. here. and there it seemed to me to learn a little czech language, because i communicated directly with the locals, there
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were no ukrainians there. that is, there is a little knowledge of the czech language. after living abroad for more than a year, the woman returned to ukraine. she decided to settle in kremenchuk. having a knack for drawing, ksenia found herself in artapia, so now she helps those who need support come to their senses. drawing saved her abroad, so our heroine is convinced that you can fight with the consequences of life crises through creativity. it's easier to experience negative emotions on paper, says the art therapist. i have a circle of good people who help me to this day. and i have already started to help, because i have also recovered my resources. such a safe women's space appeared in kremenchuk at the end of last year, where social, legal and psychological services are provided free of charge to women and children. during this time, psychologist vitalia heard various women's stories. here is domestic violence, here is the search for self-realization in women, and women,
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who have moved, who can't find their place, here in a new city, and... teenagers who are looking, just starting this search for themselves, yes, and with that they come ra, who apply, and sexual orientation, gender identity , i already had questions here. and finally, advice from ksenia, where and how to find your own resource, to do what you can do now, what inspires you, what motivates you. something that gives you some additional resource, well, i have this drawing, this is my resource, and communication with people, it is also i also had a resource. iryna skrypachova, serhiy nosach, from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. and in order to expel
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muscovites from our land, it is necessary to help the armed forces of ukraine. our collection of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade is in progress . maviks and ffrons are urgently needed. these. country in the direction of zaporizhzhia, so that they do not risk their lives and do not walk through minefields for an assault, drones are needed, and we must help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected more than 345,000, join, it is important any amount, you can see all the details on the screen. i have everything on this otti, i tell you, see you at 11, always more. you can read about the current events on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close, and the marathon continues on our air, so meet lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk,
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well, dear friends, we are back with... . you, and you are with us again, the espresso marathon continues, we continue, we continue to talk to our guests, and we also continue, i remind you, give us less than 30. it remains to close the collection for one car, although we are collecting for three, well, at least we collect not one and it will be easier, even then we will take on the next two, so join us, the qr code will be on our screen, and now on our screen, in addition, there will also be mykhailo prytula, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu, an expert in military counterintelligence, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory, and... actually, mr. mykhailo, let's , we will probably start with the following information: putin won,
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appointed himself president once again, while everyone is deciding whether to call him now president in the sense in which it was usually used, or to agree with ben volos that this is already the final reincarnation of some reichschancellor, in russian, meet the king, ochen nice king, so regarding putin , putin said that despite his powerful victory , one should not rest on one's laurels, since there are still many, quoting putler, fools and injustices in the lives of russians, which must be eradicated, and appealed to the fsb with those so that they find all the traitors and prevent turmoil, i now think that putin, in principle, has been in power for more than 25 years, check, attack the ukrainian territories that are still not under the control of the moscow horde, check, unleash a big. the war is a check, to win the elections with a result of about 90%, he wrote
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a check before the elections, in principle, he has already done everything that stalin did, except that there is no real gulag, such as the belomor channel, so that mass shootings are somehow lacking, it's next, it's now the next step in the return of the so-called ussr 2.0, well, they're up to that they are leaving, well, there is more left. do what stalin did in march 1953, and everything will be fine, everything will be the same , it’s just interesting who will become these new ones, well, those who suffered in 1937, relatively speaking, although i also read , that shuigu's advisor , a lieutenant general, a certain ilnytskyi, spoke , and he said that the united states... and nato are preparing, attention, cognitive-mental weapons
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of strategic purpose, they are preparing them at the universities of princeton and harvard, and this strategy , this cognitive-mental weapon will aimed at unstable political classes, irresponsible within the russian federation itself with the aim of undermining the russian federation from within, that this is an extremely serious danger and must be... immediately warned, well, such a good prelude to mass purges, who will now be purged, as if there is nothing understood, but said very interestingly, and well, this is preparation for just such a twisting of an even bigger grove, that is, they will put in prison everyone who thinks differently, as they do there, there will be a fight against dissent, yes against the anti-soviet agitation about...
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living well, well, this is roughly the line , the americans themselves live well and they force us to live in russian, because, well, you have to work to live well, you don't want to live here at all, it's better to die for the tsar and the fatherland, well. .. here, lord, how about there, give us a tsar , or as they said, well, there is actually a tsar already, they
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slipped into the mentality of a russian serf, and this is a comfortable state of affairs, they like what you do here, but here we, we have everything else, so we should expect the restoration of tamgulag in full obzyasi, this is actually happening right now, that is, it will have its own... the fox will have its own informers and actually it is already happening, that is, mentally it is a close situation for them, uh, and trying to pull them out of there, well... we see it is futile , they live like this, they are so used to it, so be it, don't watch otherwise, mr. mykhailo, i read on meduza, it's such a publication, which is russian, which says that it is oppositional, which is at the entrance to everyone checkpoints have been set up in the settlements of bilhorod, belgorod region, and
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from today, entry will be restricted. and people will be allowed, except so that they can get into their houses to, for example, feed livestock. in addition, in addition, yesterday i came across a video of a russian woman from belgorod, who, poor woman, wanted to cook food for her child, and went around a bunch of stores, recorded a video where she is fighting there, which is simply unreal, so watch it. what empty shelves in supermarkets, she says: there is enough bread, but there is a bit of a problem with meat, and the same with other products, and in order to prepare lunch for the child, she had to go around as many as five supermarkets in search of one or another products, what is happening with the belgorod region? well, the ussr is probably already coming there,
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because we see that freedom of speech is on an empty shelf, somehow they are connected, that is... there is freedom of speech, there is no freedom of speech, there is repression, there is no, no, there is no food, it is quite simple , and how many times the russian empire experienced famine and the soviet union, we can't even imagine, but now belgorod is becoming a front-line zone, because a liberation operation by the russian volunteer corps, the legion of freedom of russia and er... the siberian battalion is starting there. in accordance, said that to create a so-called sanitary zone in order to protect these regions from shelling, as well as ukrainian or russian raids, even, but from those russian volunteers who are forming armed formations on the territory of ukraine, and with the help of ukraine , in order to in order to overthrow
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putin's regime in the future, and he said about this sanitary zone, many people in russia now also say that it could be, for example, a deputy of the russian state duma, a general who is also in this specialized committee of the duma , said about that it is necessary to create a 40-50 km zone along the entire border with ukraine, wherever there are populated areas, and said that this work is already underway and that is why it is being shelled, for example, now... sumyshchyna is so active and other regions in order to actually create an uninhabited zone in the area of ​​40-50 km, well, maybe they have their own plans there, because this is not human, not human logic, that is, to create some gray zones in which there is no life, where there are no people
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people, this is their natural position in the russian federation, we remember them as they are created how they create abkhazia, how they create ossetia there, and so on, this is a natural phenomenon for them, when there is no need to do anything, and there is no need to develop any territory, there is no need to develop the land, well, that's why they are looking for an excuse for their indolence , this is a normal situation, and by the way, the deputy head of the defense committee, yuliy yuriy shvidkin, also said: no, this, i'm sorry, this was said by lieutenant general viktor sobolev, he said that the svo should be brought to an end, and reasoning, what is the end yes called svo, this means in the ideal case to join little russia, respectively, five
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former provinces, chernihiv, podolsk, kyiv, poltava and volhynia, - said the deputy. outlining the ideal end of the special operation , or rather this war, the goals of this company, well , i should not comment here , a professional doctor should comment here, but what can be commented here, well, of course, that they want to restore the soviet union there, to make the ussr 2.0, that their desire, they strive for it and... putin went to power, but it's a long way back there is none, so they dream there, draw some of their fantasies, the worst thing is that these fantasies are them. will try to put it into practice, and i think that in the near future they will mobilize, and for that they are spinning all this informational rhetoric, preparing the population
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for the fact that they will mobilize them after may 9, that is, they will stir up a big fight there and will continue already go with summons to people, somewhere so that from may 15 they will start coming to the military commissariat. and will be mobilized, this is what the russians need to prepare, so summarizing the actual results of the russian show of will, so to speak, which took place in them last week, and this result is 87%, should we understand that this is definitely still support for the war with ukraine, or all- after all, this would be a big exaggeration, because after all, we have , for example, exit polls that... were conducted in foreign precincts, but these are russians who have already left, and those from russia, who do not want to live there, as if putin had recruited
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less than 10% abroad, the fact is that russia, moscow again, did the same trick that it did 100 years ago, it released those who can think, but those who remained, but protested, were destroyed by the god and only remained. well, herdsman, well, this is how they act, they act even now, those who knew how to think have already fled, but the main leitmotif remains about the simple, that is, they are not against the war with ukraine, but they are against their participation and for their own death, and now they don't that's why they don't protest against the war, and they just, shall we say, don't want to brothers in it themselves. these are the processes that are taking place, and the fact that there they drew a large turnout, a big victory for putin, so this should be considered only from the point of view
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of preparation for a large mobilization, we will win, there will be a victory, it already sounds, this marker already sounds in in the russian news , in the russian public, the victory , the victory of putin, the victory of the 45th year, we can... and they will be preparing to mobilize there in may of this year, everyone who thought that they left, but they stayed, well, they were told, that they all voted for putin, who can say no, that's why the article will be sent, there will be fakes about the army, there will be discredit, propaganda of terrorism, there are a lot of articles, the same as there were articles in the ukrainian criminal code during the soviet union, in the criminal... in the code of the ukrainian ssr there was article 54, in the rsfsr 58. anti-soviet agitation and propaganda, sanctions until the end, and the same will happen now in russia,
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that is, these articles have already been restored in fact, but now one cannot speak not against the soviets, but against the russian army and against putin. everything, but the essence remained the same. sir mykhailo, what is happening, what kind of activity? in belarus, they set up a checkpoint near the border with ukraine a few days ago, and put bmp-2 and a t-72b tank there, in addition, they conducted a kind of check of the combat readiness of units of military units in minsk, began to draft conscripts into the military assembly, what kind of activities are these, how should we react to these activities... well, there are two factors: the first factor is that lukashenko pretends that he is doing something, he needs to maintain his power and
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at least the formal independence of belarus, for now formally, in fact it is a country occupied by russia, and russia uses the territory of belarus as it wants, as it may want to use the territory of belarus, on the map. budanov's famous map, which was published by him in november 21st, some time before the offensive, indicated the directions of a possible russian offensive, one of these directions was not used in february 22nd , this is the direction that is located west of zhytomyr, the direction of the offensive from belarus in the direction. mr, that is, we have zhytomyr there, vinnytsia, kryzhopol, transnistria, perhaps they are preparing a springboard for an offensive from
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belarus. ukraine, this is one of the most negative scenarios that we have to consider, understand that they are preparing for it, they can legend it in whatever way they want, but the fact that they can prepare for it is, so to speak, a fact, and we have to monitor this, the activity of the pmr, it will be chronic, synchronous with the activity of belarus, we see that this is happening, so we need to carefully... monitor this activity, father, he, well, conditionally, the father of belarus, he says that some things must be listened to carefully, their television, and if they make such movements, which may not even mean anything from a military point of view, it may be an informational message about what is being prepared there offensive from that territory,
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because lukashenko, he is very specific. a person , he has more hardware experience than putin, he is in power more than putin, and he has certain, so to speak, markers that he, by which it is clear what he is doing, he is in a very difficult, difficult situation , on the one hand, moscow, on the other hand, his own country, and he does not want to go down in history as a person who lost belarus, so i think it is necessary to listen to these reports. and to understand that the russians are preparing something there, that's what it means, and this something, when it can happen, uh, you have to look at the month of may, not earlier, that is, they will now spin up an information frenzy, a marker is a victory, they will to spin it everywhere, and sometime after may 9, they will begin
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to demobilize, if... i will start, why after may, because the transition to the summer uniform clothes and the appearance of green leaves, i.e. leaves, and the summer form of clothing, well, you don’t need to warm the army, you don’t need to burn a large amount of fuel, you don’t need to carry shanks, felt boots, they just issued a uniform, a backpack and three horns with a machine gun, that’s all in front of the front, that is, it simplifies logistics a lot, simplifies a lot. processes, and besides, they have time now to spin up this entire informational situation, to disperse the budgets for informational support, they will take care of this right now, but we have to hope for that, well, just watch this process and understand what they are doing, that is, if they can demobilize, if it is safe for the kremlin, they will demobilize a fairly large army, we must remember that in the soviet union, before its collapse,
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the army... provided 5.5 million personnel , it was a very large army, and then it was no longer profitable to maintain it, it fell apart, but demobilize at once, there are a million and two of them, they can, theoretically, well, as always, something will go wrong, but they can do it, and they will continue to transfer it to certain areas of the front, where they are will transfer this mass of people? it's meat, it's hard to weigh now, but they can transfer, for example, the same mozer, well, 100-200 thousand personnel in a week, they can very easily, and continue to transfer, i emphasize, they don't feel sorry for people, they have there are many people, they don't mind small arms, they don't mind, there are old equipment, new.


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