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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] at the time of the collapse, the army consisted of 5.5 million personnel, it was a very large army , and then it was no longer profitable to maintain it, it fell apart, but they can demobilize it at once, there are a million or two of them, theoretically they can, but as always something will go wrong, but they can do it, and then they will transfer it to certain areas of the front, where will they come? give this mass of people this meat, well, it is difficult to weigh now, but they can transfer, for example, the same mozer, well, 100-200 thousand personnel in a week, they can very easily, and so on continue to transfer, i emphasize , they don't care about people, they have a lot of people, they don't care about small arms, they don't care about old
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equipment, but... they have a limited amount of old equipment, but there is a lot of old equipment and they just burn it as a consumable. well, thank you very much for this conversation, mykhailo prytula was with us, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, an expert in military counterintelligence. thank you, we are going to take a short break, then we will talk about what is happening now in germany, or germany will ever dare to hand over their taurus to us, why don't they want to, if they have an internal discussion, what about... the growth of the extreme right, the extreme left supported by russia, in other words, will germany become a powerful leader at that time , while america is in the presidential race? tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unbox the tv strong saw, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use
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pharmacies plantain bam. and saving there are discounts on bronkhulitin fito - 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland in... what are they saying about ukraine in eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sestre au. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, we are continuing , we will be right now... about germany, about the mood in germany, about the war in ukraine and about german aid, we are joining mr. serhiy in the conversation, meanwhile, i remind you, you can
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transfer your funds for our assembly for the military, we are collecting now for cars, mr. serhiy, welcome, good morning, i congratulate you, thank you for inviting me, mr. sergey, emmanuel macron. has repeatedly said that france can send its troops to ukraine, ben wallace has now already announced that britain can also send, can we wait for a similar statement from germany? and something related, i didn't fully hear your question, i heard the key words voles, macron and weapons, and i think i understood it, but look, the question is about renstein more than anything else. well, what we saw yesterday, things are sad there, not everything is bad there, but things are sad, because despite all the militant statements and the american secretary of defense, and the german
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minister of defense, both of these countries, they cannot, as far as the united states is concerned, or they do not want, as far as chancellor scholz is concerned, emphasize chancellor scholz, not germany, to provide the same amount of weapons as ukraine. but in the states they found some accounting balances, that there they bought weapons cheaper than they expected, so they can formally invest this money in a new purchase, which is great, but it is not the scale that we expect from the most powerful military power of the world, and we know that president biden, he has at his direct disposal a military fund of 6 billion dollars for the use of which he does not need. the authorizations of neither the senate nor the congress, and he does not use it, apparently, only because he is afraid that the republicans will accuse him of using american money for the needs
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of another country before the election, and that's sad, that's just sad, because he waited until the situation of patova, when his initiative are blocked by the republicans, but all his statements about supra-party two... party support for ukraine. as for germany, things are different: in germany , on the contrary, the majority in the parliament is on the side of ukraine, and the majority of the population is on the side of ukraine, and everything is blocked personally by chancellor scholz and his closest circle, this is the head of the faction of the social democrats mitzenig, there the head of the administration of chancellor schmidt and other people who obviously want to go on the bundestag election campaign next year and say, well... they prevented a nuclear war in europe, and that's why spd must be re-elected, but with regard to macron , of course, in the absence of the leadership of the united states and germany, we hope that
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some other countries will take over this leadership, but macron demonstrates that he is so militant and active now, well, we we remember that macron has these phases, they replace each other, and he, therefore, goes from statements about... the supply of weapons to phone conversations with putin, we hope that this time this militant phase in him will extend further. which countries are really ready to help and actively in this, the main thing is that these are countries that have direct historical experience with russia, for example, the czech republic, these are the baltic countries, these are other similar countries, and this is the only thing that is really good like what happened at this summit, this is... so they have submitted the steps to implement the initiative of the president of the czech republic, general pavel, who found about 800,000 shells for the armed forces, and now countries have agreed to finance it, including
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germany, germany will finance 180,000 shells from this amount, the problem is that these shells are also needed first, so to pay, bring, deliver, and we are already talking about... the summer months, june, july there, if everything goes according to plan, or will it go according to plan too, if we know that not everything and not always where to pay, that is, with on the one hand, there is support, but... it is very different at the level of different countries, and what we see now is , of course, far from the fact that the powerful economies and armies of the world can help ukraine, if we compare with what there, iran supplies russia, or north korea supplies russia, then here it is completely different, different volumes. speaking of already such infamous-glorious-famous taurus and this without... of course discussion, whether they will be given or not,
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there are various arguments, i.e. there is scholz, who says such political arguments that we will enter the war if we give ukraine taurus, there are some explanations now from the military, what the tauruses say is how complicated it is, the it system, that the ukrainians will not be able to manage it, what is behind all this in reality, and whether there is a chance of taurus transmission, well, in reality , there is a sholt behind it, so that it will be solved and... i emphasize, it is regular, scholz is lying, it is absolutely lying his attitude, he invents arguments all the time, he refuses any discussion, he behaves absolutely unabashedly, well, he invents absolutely everything in this discussion, from the amount, that is, of the aid to ukraine that germany provided, there he also adds macroeconomic aid, and promises and everything and says that this entire amount went to weapons, this is a lie. he calls germany the first country that helps ukraine, this is also a lie,
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of course, germany helps a lot, but not the first country, no, and not in absolute terms first of all, we stand after the usa, and in relative numbers to, that is, our gdp, we stand there in general somewhere in the seventh, seventh position, but what about the tauros, well, you see, there are constant arguments, they are invented every time, new ones, and all of them will therefore be refuted. something says there that you can't use them without german soldiers, well, somehow the south koreans there bought them for themselves without german soldiers, bought them, you can't use them there without having them programmed in germany, you can too, that's it all, that means, experts on the issues of cruise missiles say that it is possible, there is a double guidance system, plus ukraine has its own geodata there, there will be these red... lines , russia will strike with nuclear weapons, this is generally
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the topic of scholze, he tells us this constantly , he said there that if germany supplies ukraine with marler bbms, there will be nuclear weapons, well, this is what he said in april 22, if we supply ukraine with marler armored fighting vehicles, then russia will strike with nuclear weapons weapons, that means, in berlin, well, we know that such an assessment was made too optimistic, that means, further on there is an argument... that germany will enter the war, this is also not an argument, because from the point of view of international law, this is not an entry into the war, and vice versa, according to the statute of of the united nations, organizations, we can provide assistance to ukraine in the war, which protects ukraine's sovereignty from aggression, and so on , so it means that you just have to understand that scholz does not want ukraine to win, well, it's just simple. wants the victory of ukraine, he believes that it
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is necessary to end it somehow, that's it further, it means to get out of all this, he absolutely does not see the strategic risks of this, that is, i am not even talking about the moral aspect there, that there ukrainian men and women will be under occupation, which means continuing the destruction of the ukrainian nation, torture, rape, executions there and, even if we remove this moral aspect, it is a direct threat to germany. because we know that russia will gather new forces and move on, but scholz believes that the most important thing for him right now is to win the elections, so in the 25th year, well, first in us in the june elections to the european parliament , it is not so important for him, what is important for him are the september elections to the bundestag in the 25th year, he sees that the rating of the social democrats is absolutely low, i.e. 16% there, it is a shame, it is a party , which used to take 50% there, and from... so, well, those were the old days, but even there recently there were
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28%, 32% of the pharmacy, now it is 16, so he wants to play on fears, he wants to sway the electorate from neo-nazi circles and the case of radical circles of the adn party, an alternative for germany, which is now completely on his parties, because he is now the chancellor of peace and friendship with russia, and from the left of radical parties, like blok zare vavinknev and the former party liv. he believes that these people can come to him and strengthen his party, that is why he wants to promote his concept that all other parties are militant. they are provoking a nuclear war, that's why he scares the germans with a nuclear war, but the spd and he personally are smart strategic politicians who continue many decades of traditions, that is, a balanced policy towards the east, that's it there are vilni brant, henmud schmidt and others, which means that this is how he saved the world from
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a nuclear war, he must be elected in order to remove these hawks, well, this is again a lie, like everything in scholz, well, i almost everything in scholz . because during the time of chancellor schmitt , the military budget of the federal republic of germany was 4% of gdp, we had the most powerful army in germany, with up to 400,000 soldiers. there, we were ready to fight with the soviet bloc and to hold this attack for two or two weeks under nuclear strikes, while the americans threw their divisions across. atlantic, there is nothing now , that is, and further, i finish, that is, further they propose this concept, that is, to freeze, as they say, the conflict in order to show that they are such peacemakers, at the same time, they absolutely do not explain, and why, well, even if scholz
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somehow forces ukraine to sign an agreement there that we will cease fire, but how to guarantee it later, that is, if tomorrow russia... starts to violate it, as they violated a bunch of such agreements, what to do further, all the military experts with whom i talk in berlin say, well , we have two experiences of such a frozen conflict, these are korea and germany, that is, when the gdr, eastern and western, in both cases the stability of the contact line was maintained by tens or hundreds, as in germany, thousands of soldiers, hundreds, and nuclear weapons. and the international continent, of course, that scholz is not ready to put the divisions of the bundeswehr, which means along the bakhmut kupyansk works on there audio equipment and etc., etc., etc. and transports nuclear weapons, which are now stored an american warehouse in the bundeswehr means on the territory of ukraine, of course, he
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will not do this, but how will you preserve this frozen conflict in a frozen state, if putin wants to unfreeze it there in three months. in five months, in a year, when he will gather new recruits and rearm his army, that is, this is all an attempt to win the elections of the 25th year at the expense of ukraine. we have less than two minutes left, mr. serhiy, what is the general mood in germany regarding ukraine, is ukraine still being talked about in the columns newspapers, on tv channels, in the media. well, the support of ukraine is a huge, huge support. so that scholz's intimidation with a nuclear war 46% more weapons was despite all these means the germans for putting the taurs, that is, despite all this nuclear war allegedly, but i saw that you are raising money on your channel to support the brigades that stand near aldiivki,
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my organization also gathers for the 47th brigade all the time, and we see how the germans actively contribute and what comments people write. under their donations, like what they are apologizing for scholze, what are they ashamed of, that they want to support ukraine, well, there are other wishes, what to do, that means there with the russian army, i won’t even quote them, they are too emotional and sincere, so that means support from germans are huge, and the pressure on the scholz is also huge, that is, how the scholz openly criticize the german media, well , it is really very, very, very nice to read that there is such support. despite the fact that it didn't quite work for him yet, but all people, from the expert environment, i share their opinion here, and they share, so this concept, only pressure works, only pressure works on scholz, so something separated us from
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mr. serhiy, it was serhii sublenny, a german political scientist, director of the european sustainability initiative center, with him we talked about germany, as the germans see it , who are not in power, support ukraine, but chancellor scholz, something is somehow leading him to the wrong place, but i hope that he will listen to both the german media and german citizens, and in the meantime, we will tell you about the 700 children in borodyanka, which can finally return to his lyceum, and it was rebuilt, in total, 200 schools and kindergartens that were damaged have already been restored in the kyiv region. whether they were destroyed by the russian occupiers, and about how the work went on and how much the repairs cost and what are the prospects for further cooperation with the republic of lithuania, which actually restored one of these educational institutions. in borodyanka, let's see. the russian ruler tried to denationalize lyceum number one in
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borodyanka. the occupiers left behind a fire and inscriptions on the remains of the walls. rebuild the destroyed educational institution seemed almost unreal. however, local educators did not give up hope and asked for help from friendly countries. then the ambassador of the republic of lithuania, valdymara sarapines, came and said: madam director, we will rebuild your school, we will definitely rebuild it. and we arrived a week or two later, somewhere they came to our school and said that we are preparing everything, we will definitely rebuild your school, we are now preparing documentation, we are preparing a project, we are preparing a tender, and already from the new year, in january reconstruction will begin, work has been boiling for a whole year, the lyceum was rebuilt according to all modern norms and standards, the facade was insulated, windows were replaced, internal work was carried out, and a new shelter, unique for the country, was built next to the school. everything was difficult , you see, the building was damaged, there were certain legal procedures, land ownership
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, beneficiaries, financing, public procurement, tenders and so on, but we worked together as a team step by step, deciding what to do with the bomb shelter, building, reconstruction, construction permits, etc. the restoration of the lyceum cost almost 8 million euros. the works were financed by the fondro. cooperation and humanitarian aid of lithuania, and almost 2 million euros for internal equipment, furniture and external infrastructure was contributed by the representative office of taiwan in lithuania. lyceum in borodyanka was completely modernized, now there is an atrium, interactive panels, smart boards and other modern equipment. here we were told the whole story. of course, i think that the school has even improved, not just risen from the ruins, but also became better than it was before. i also think it is very important to restore qualitatively when we
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rebuild ukraine, take care of schools, hospitals or other facilities. it's important to make them better, especially when it comes to stability and similar features. the reconstruction of the school was implemented by the central project management agency at the initiative of the lithuanian government. moreover, in order to scale up the reconstruction of educational institutions. across the country , they are currently working on another project within the framework of the school of the future for ukraine , an international architectural competition has already been announced. the winning project will be used for construction educational institutions throughout ukraine. it will be an adaptive project that can be logically adapted to different locations, to different needs, to different numbers of students. and in general, this project will be provided to each community free of charge for their use. and this actually, returning to the issue of design and estimate documentation, which is extremely expensive, so here is this project of the future school, an architectural project, it
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will greatly simplify the life of many communities. lithuanian-ukrainian lyceum number 1 is ready to welcome seven hundred students. it remains to be completed improvement and putting the school into operation. friends from lithuania emphasize that such a new school is far from the last gift to ukraine. it sounds still, but really, we're investing in the future, we're investing in children, who i 'm sure will create a better world, a world without war, because i understand all the circumstances now, i know about all these atrocities of war, so we have to help rebuild as soon as possible, now , not later, not when the war is over, but now. the republic of lithuania has already allocated more than 14 million euros for the construction of a temporary settlement. reconstruction educational institutions and other projects in ukraine. kateryna galko, dmytro nikirov,
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