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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EET

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battery, wrench and screwdriver, and charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 149 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. a powerful strong saw is what you need. call the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, dear viewers, this is news and i, anna yavomelnyk, am starting it. who
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helped the russians break through the defenses of kharkiv. the security service kidnapped a man who, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, scouted the bases of ukrainian troops and the locations of air defense complexes. dani sent his baptisms, and she passed them on to russian intelligence. on the eve of the liberation of the region, the suspect suspended contact with the enemy and hardly left his own home. the law enforcement officers detained him there. currently, the man is in custody, he is sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. he gave all the data to his daughter-in-law, who is a soldier of the terrorist group of the so-called lpr. the suspect sent screenshots to a relative google map and made marks on them with the locations of the armed forces of ukraine, equipment and air defense forces. houses were set on fire to order. the police arrested a criminal group. its organizers are 20-year-old and
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26-year-old residents of kyiv and chernihiv regions. nine residents of kyiv region and zhytomyr region were also involved in the scheme. it was possible to order the burning of the house in the telegram channel. it cost from 500 to 300 dollars. it was noted in the national police. palye developed a plan, conducted reconnaissance of the area, purchased fuel and lubricant materials and they made molotov cocktails from them. then they left for any part of the country, abandoned houses. apartments, with bottles with an incendiary mixture, and the video was sent to customers: the criminals managed to damage four apartments and five houses in six regions of ukraine. during the searches, more than 10,000 dollars of ammunition, mobile phones, on which the specified crimes were filmed and orders were accepted, were seized. all members of the organized group, including the organizers, were notified of suspicion of intentional damage to someone else's property, and face up to 10 years in prison imprisonment. the russians killed one person
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in the kherson region, wounded another five, the enemy shelled 18 settlements in the region, including kherson, berislav, antonivka, and kizomes. he aimed at residential quarters, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. two high-rise buildings, eight private houses, an administrative building and a preschool were damaged. now, on free land , the foster family managed to escape from the occupation. the family is raising two children deprived of parental care, this is a 13-year-old boy, these are 13- and 15-year-old boys, now doctors and psychologists are working with people, said the kherson regional military administration. i would like to note that since the beginning of this year , 40 children have been returned to the territory controlled by ukraine. and starting today in the belgorod region of russia, entry to the border territories where hostilities are ongoing will be restricted , the governor of the belgorod region, gladkov , announced. which will close the entrance to the territory
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of six villages, as well as the city of greyvoron. roadblocks will be placed at the entrance to these settlements. the day before, local authorities announced the evacuation of 9,000 children forcibly removed from the border areas of the belgorod region to other regions. let me remind you that on march 12, units of russian rebels broke through the border with russia and took control of several settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions. the ninth meeting of the eu-ukraine association council will be held today in brussels. ukraine and the european union will discuss bilateral relations and the situation resulting from the war started by russia. among other things, they will talk about recovery and reforms, including eu financial assistance. the start of the press conference we expect the results of the meeting to be broadcast live on tv by the espresso tv channel at 12:30 p.m. on the air and on social networks, so stay with
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us and stay up to date with all the latest news and events. today, the european commission will propose to use profit from frozen russian assets for ukraine. the money will be used to finance the transfer of weapons to kyiv and to stimulate the country's defense industry, writes bloomberg. it is only about the profit, not the assets themselves. the amount will be about 3 billion euros per year. the day before, the head of foreign policy josep borel of the eu department said that 90% of the income from russian assets will be spent on the purchase of weapons for ukraine through the european fund. peace, another 10% will be transferred to the eu budget to increase the capabilities of the ukrainian defense industry. the partially recognized republic of kosovo will provide ukraine with two packages of military aid, the minister of defense of kosovo, eyub macedontsi, said at the 20th
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meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine at ramshtein air base. ammunition for mortars, trucks and armored vehicles will be handed over, the minister noted that... the package aid will be delivered to ukraine next week. china can play a key role in ending the russian war because beijing has a special relationship with moscow. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, in an interview with an italian publication. he added: in anticipation of the peace forum in switzerland, bilateral contacts with the people's republic of china continue. let me remind you that china is considering the possibility of participating in a peace conference. it should be organized by neutral switzerland in the coming months. a large cargo within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation is three charitable foundations donated medical equipment
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to one of obukhov's hospitals, my colleagues will tell what they provided. one of obukhov's hospitals received unique medical equipment. medicinal preparations, means for prosthetics, surgical and rehabilitation tools were purchased thanks to the volunteers of three charitable foundations who signed a memorandum of cooperation. today, we are doing one of our joint initiatives, namely, we are transferring charitable humanitarian cargo to several hospitals, namely to those places that take care of the health of our servicemen. in particular this cargo contains medical equipment, consumables, the rest. which is necessary in order to provide highly qualified and correct medical care to our defenders today. the charity and health organization takes care of many medical institutions throughout ukraine, and the provision of military hospitals is one of their priorities.
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the signing of the memorandum with the mriya charity fund and the larisa ilyenko charity fund kyivska ruth will speed up the receipt of the necessary assistance for our defenders. for us it is very important because any cooperation, regardless of any views and who has their own different opinions, but this cooperation, it strengthens coordination, strengthens the positive effect that we strive for. we help with medical equipment, we help everyone who comes to us for the medical fund, and we look after our obukhiv district specifically. in general, civilian hospitals and military hospitals need medicines and special equipment, it is the work of volunteers that helps to cover the needs. a stroke specialist works in our hospital block, you know that these are serious, serious patients, and a lot of money is used for
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the purchase of care products, diapers, diapers, well, exactly what is needed to care for seriously ill patients, so we are sincerely grateful for the help that we really need at the moment. as part of this project, a total of six containers with medical aid will be handed over to 16 hospitals and clinics in ukraine. at the initiative of the charity and health fund and our partners from the united states, we brought a large cargo, more than uah 70 million in total cost. this cargo is strictly humanitarian, it will mostly be delivered to hospitals in the east. of ukraine, who manage and help our military. this cargo consists entirely of medical supplies, medicines and consumables, which are urgently needed for our military and our brothers. the equipment
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will be distributed among institutions providing medical assistance in donetsk, chernihiv, kherson, kharkiv and kyiv regions. tetyana golonova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. and our collection continues. 74th the battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers defend our country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risk their lives. went on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost 340 00. join, any amount is important, you can see all the details on the screen. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 12 o'clock, read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks and then eterespresso continues. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk.
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wagons in hostages. back in august of last year, at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office. the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight cars of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged material evidence of the illegal sale of production waste. the investigation into this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with its charges and the number of arrests wagons we found out and received written answers from ukrazaliznytsia. ukrazaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom. which wagons and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in
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the transportation of products for this specific counterparty. at the same time, all those who are owned by pgz were arrested. we see clear illegality in this. the factory emphasizes that the seizure of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a court decision actually jeopardizes timely execution supplies so we now see below. volume of shipments of akatki, increase of our cost price, as a result of which this will be a lower profit for our company, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons, the combine had to rent transport from several private owners. the technical condition of the trucks can be said to be unsatisfactory and they are not intended for the transportation of our goods, due to the large piles, as a result of the transportation, the leakage of our goods occurs. i would like to find some understanding in this
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voprose, why are our wagons standing, but they are working for the benefit of our ukraine. due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed, and this can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses, moreover, due to such actions, the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, has already suffered losses of more than uah 150 million, and more than uah 30 million. budgets of all levels did not receive taxes. at the poltava mining and beneficiation plant, they hope to correct this unfortunate error as soon as possible, which may lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others will suffer the appropriate punishment for such deliberately illegal actions, - the lawyers emphasize. well, gentlemen, we continue our
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telethon, les vokulyuk, andriy sechuk is working for you today, and we have the final hour of our, so to speak, shade of the telethon ahead of us, but of course it will continue, it lasts 24 by 7, you can say, already 756 days since the russian federation invaded the territory of ukraine and seized some territories, some of which they already own won back, part of it was not, listen to me there is a small technical one. can you give it to me, because a part, an important part, an important part of our process was left out, to hear our editor and our hardware and directors, that's why it was a surprise for me that we were on the air here, because in the meantime i looked at our time, in general, a telethon, when it lasts 756 days, it turns a little into reality show mode, yes reality show, it is part of our life, the 5 hours that we are here... the six hours that we devote to this life, in fact, something is in the frame, and something is out
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of the frame, i just read into our chat for our youtube broadcast, one of the viewers, valentina lobatyuk, asks what is the card of today's fee, which bank is it, and started to find out what it is for the bank, dear friends , this is a monobank, er, you can transfer funds, now you can see on your screens the corresponding qr code, and you can also see the collection card number, by the way, i can also tell you through the card what it is , well, but i think it’s the same thing, just the link and the card number, you don’t need to rename it to stereobank it seems, well, because you know, it started at about the same time as the creation of zelensky’s monomajority in the name of the verkhovna rada, the contagion no longer exists, so we need a stereobank or a polybank or something different, but not the majority of banks, well, i’m just kidding on the topic of the ukrainian parliamentary
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democracy, whether it is still alive or showing signs of dying, we will talk about it now, dear friends, you can join us in the meantime. we are collecting three cars for our military, uah 900,000 is our total goal, in the meantime, we are already closer to collecting at least one car, in order to have 300 uah, we lack some 27 thousand, because we already have 273.17 uah. well, in the meantime, while you will inform, you will listen to our conversations, actually we will talk about politics now about... sofya fedyna, people's deputy of ukraine, will tell us about our affairs in the parliament. ms. sofia, welcome to our air. good afternoon, friends and lesya, i have to say that silyanka is absolutely fantastic, here instead to think that i will speak, i look at silyanko. whatever the meaning of ukrainian authenticity. yes, thank you, a real
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ukrainian authentic silyanka with polish money. yes, a ukrainian silyanka with... polish money, old ukrainian ones, many viewers also wrote their own compliments, thank you, dear friends, thank you sofia, well, now from silyanka to from the ancient silyanka, we will move on to current affairs, that our parliament, it is still alive, he works? well, actually, it's no longer a secret, today and tomorrow there are parliamentary meetings, and i'm very excited i hope that the parliament will be able to work, that... the representatives of the monomajority will appear, that they will break their so-called italian strike when they do not reach the parliament, and that the parliament will be able to vote for at least some of the necessary bills, although in fact holds the agenda in his hands, well , i want to cry, because in fact the most important draft laws, the most necessary, are not here, and here is what
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struck me today, among the draft laws is regulation of circulation. in cotton, moreover cotton in the literal sense of the word, not figuratively, how ukrainians love cotton, and what it has directly to do with the defense capability of the ukrainian state, i do not 100% understand, well, let's see what the trends will be, as far as i know, the speaker is not there now, he is in austria, well, i'm not hinting at anything, but before he went to austria, they released deputies from opzzh to austria, because they had a very serious reason why they had to go. i don’t understand at all what the opzh is still doing in the parliament, well, but they are given business trips, and when there is no part of the opzzh and part of the ear, then in the parliament there are not enough votes for absolutely nothing, well, but that is the case for a start, and what is the serious reason, if you know, well, they have an invitation from the austrian speaker, it is true, when my colleagues european solidarity sends
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invited speakers, presidents, and prime ministers, are these all insufficient reasons to allow departure from... the border for activities that are critically needed to strengthen the state's defense capabilities and to support it? and there are some things that actually come from the parliament it is difficult to take away in a parliamentary republic, well, for example, the parliament forms the government, the government represents the parliamentary majority, and the government remains accountable to the parliament, not only to the majority, by the way, but also to the opposition. can we say that this is the main participation of the parliament in the everyday life of the state, it exists now, is the government accountable, or does it come to report? in fact, if we are talking about the government, then the government ignores the parliament, which forces, and the leadership of the parliament makes the government ignore
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parliament, because there was probably an hour of questions to the government twice during the entire wartime. that is, they came and tried to answer something, but it was literally there for an hour and a half. in fact, government officials do not come even when cabinet bills are presented. we always demand that the government be present in the parliament when important bills are considered, that the ministers present those bills that are submitted to the parliament from the government within their competence, but unfortunately, here it should be understood that when the monomajority came to... power under the wing of zelensky, we got not only an unprecedented unity of power, which in fact borders on usurpation, but we also got collective incapacity and irresponsibility, because the deputies are constantly reminded that they are nobody , especially the majority, that they are nothing without zelensky, as
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zelensky said, so it will be, the government officials are not effective at all without the decisions of the president's office, and here we have the only effective body, the so-called, this is the president's office, which is managed by yermak and which is clearly already encroaches on the position of the president of ukraine, everything else is so very, very amorphous. a mixture that from time to time, as they get caught somewhere, they squeeze, they do something, and if they don’t squeeze, or don’t force, or don’t motivate, let’s say this, then they do absolutely nothing, and this is a huge trouble for the state, because you absolutely rightly remind that ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic, in fact the parliament can change the government, the parliament can cancel the existence of the president's office, even the parliament defines the principles and... development of the state, the parliament adopts the most strategic decision, and today, when we have such a difficult situation in the state, when issues of incapacity arise, i believe
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that the parliament itself should take on the main function, and the first steps in this process to change something, to put responsible people, there should be a replacement of the government with a government of national rescue, which should consist of professional people who are not afraid of... difficult decisions, who will be able, who will be given the competence to bring these decisions to a logical conclusion, and it is also necessary would be to change the leadership of the parliament, because the current leadership of the parliament, well, as i see it, is so dependent on the office of the president that it is okay to break the laws, but god forbid not to say something contradictory. you know, mrs. sofia, yesterday we spoke with your colleague yevgenia kravchuk from the servants of the people faction, and she complained, well, in such an instructive way, really. that they say that the parliament works poorly because the opposition does not want to cooperate properly, there is no unity in the parliament, well, you know,
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to be honest, this is both ridiculous, and sinful, and deplorable, because in the hearing of the people, let's say, they have a de facto, well, let's say de jure, de jure, they have a monomajority, they have all their votes of their faction, they must have them in order to make certain decisions and complain about the opposition, that is, about the european union '. ness, well, it must be absolutely not that, unprincipled, unqualified, or a person who simply tries to shift the blame of his team onto someone else, all are needed for european integration, all are needed for defense capability draft laws, we vote, and here there are no questions at all, if they they are trying, i apologize, full of bullshit, which lobbies the interests of all the yarmako-tatars there and also the moscow federation from time to time, of course, what will we oppose to this, i am yours... that the biggest problem is that some of the servants no longer come to parliament , they cannot maintain their own discipline , some of the servants, as far as i know, want to resign, because they see that all
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this is falling apart and they probably want to flee the country, so as not to be responsible for what is in the state, but part of the servant of the servants of the people cooperates fantastically fruitfully with the opzh, former opzh, well, but no one denied that these deputies were elected from the opzh, i was amazed when... one of such quite adequate patriotic servants just recently declared: well, the opzh is today a constructive opposition , they support everything that is needed and you have to work with them, well , i'm sorry, it's the same as cooperating with some murderer, because at the moment it's profitable for someone, this is what is happening with the servants of the people, and i understand , that evgenia must defend her faction, but i'm sorry, what is happening in the state now, this monostructure that does not work, is all responsibility. people and zelensky personally. and with whom does maryana bezugla, who left the service of the people, cooperate? i don't know who she works with, but she posted
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a photo of her dog the other day, and honestly, i feel so sorry for him, because everything she posts is bordering on adequate, and honestly, pity the animal, i would asked animal rights activists to inquire about the fate of this unfortunate creature, but i think from the other side. that maryana bezugla is one of the relayers of the ideas of the president's office, she worked very well in wagnerivtsi, they saw that some perceive her as inadequate, some trust her, well, that is, she worked for the glory of covering a foiled special operation, for which the interests of the ukrainian state suffered, and now she is used and further to discredit the ukrainian army, and i do not know a single adequate person who supports her positions, and, to be honest, maryana has some kind of spring aggravation, because from time to time she tries to sit in the place of my colleagues and,
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in particular, petro poroshenko, who has to kick her out, and on the other hand, when she was one of us, that is, she occupies the very seat in the hall in the verkhovna rada, and she came and sat in petro poroshenko's place, he told her, came up, said that she should leave, and she also protested, and the second case was that when there was almost the only hour of questions to the government, maryana stood in front of our faction, did everything so that we could not see who to whom in the government lodge we ask questions, well... well that, i understand that there are some problems in the head, well, but, unfortunately , we have such representatives of the national security committee, and that is why we have such an absolutely wild situation, a critical situation in sumy oblast, which is absolutely silent about in all marathons, and about which they keep silent about the shelling of guided aerial bombs , that this is not a war zone, but there are a lot of dead people, a lot of wounded there every day, because the artillery
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shelling does not stop. and that is why we have problems with supply in the army, that is why we have such a situation with the bill on mobilization, that is why a bunch of bills on support for the defense capability is not accepted, because such are from the servants of the people, who are in the majority in every committee, there are deputies, well, actually, if you scroll through the feed, the facebook page of maryana bezugloi, she actually constantly posts or posts or photos of the committee. regarding who is sitting on the bill on mobilization and also criticizes that it is not moving anywhere, but it is nice to vote for any stupid thing on the same committee, you know, one more short question, it's just that here is our parliament, we are now talking about what parliament is actually losing its subjectivity, while yesterday we also spoke with ms. kravchuk, and she says that we cannot mobilize by law, because we have submitted one million and 500 thousand amendments, and it is all the fault of the opposition, and the word question is okay , but do you have
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your own head? well, mariana bizula now turns out to be an opposition deputy, she is not the deputy chairman of the committee, well, if they are not the deputy, then why is she the deputy now, who does she represent in this committee, who, in this case, we demanded to be the deputy chairman of the committee, in particular our iryna friz was appointed, but unfortunately this issue is also not our field right now , well, if president zelensky's term of office ends, everyone will agree that there is no need for re-elections, we don't want that, okay, let them leave it. everyone is absolutely in favor of the president and the commander-in-chief, but at the same time, the island of stability with legal and legitimate powers, confirmation of the constitution should be the parliament , there is trouble in the parliament now, trust in it is falling, we remember how president zelensky dissolved the parliament early when he won in 19, saying that support is less than 5%. according to the latest solo polls, the servant of the people, which is the monomajority, has less than 5%, 5% rating in
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the upcoming elections. if they took place now by less than 5%, that is, they could , for example, not even overcome the electoral barrier of 5%, well, that is, the question is that it is definitely necessary to think about another coalition not with the former regionals, well it not exactly ripe, it is overripe, whether the parliamentary crisis can be overcome, in short, there is a great danger, what with the criticism of the parliament absolutely correct, but it seems to me that someone systematically proves that the parliament... is inefficient, it should be dissolved, and i think that it is the same, this is my personal opinion, but i think that it is such and such a dichotomy, that our parliament is legitimate during martial law, president zelensky and his office have questions about whether the position of president will remain legitimate or illegitimate when the 5 years of volodymyr zelensky's mandate expire, and if , god forbid, the parliament is dissolved, then we are left with a one-man dictator in the form of yermak, who leads zelensky, i believe that
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this... is a much bigger problem, and therefore the parliament must be legitimate and it must be effective. now the question is, what can we do about it all? after all , people voted for every deputy, list member, or majority candidate. i believe that now all citizens of ukraine, who do not care about the future of the state, regardless of who they voted for, should start digging their deputies, those who do not go to meetings and demand that they be present, and demand that they eventually work from ... salary, which are paid from taxpayers' funds and require the adoption of a certain list of draft laws, the parliament must act, because this is the continuation of martial law, the continuation of mobilization, these are changes to the budget, this is essentially the daily life of the ukrainian state, and we have to hold it, so now well, civil society in...


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