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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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the news editors are ready to talk about the most important thing for this hour, i greet all viewers, i'm anaeva melnyk. the number of victims as a result of the night russian attack in the senelnyk district of the dnipropetrovsk region has increased. six people were injured by russian shelling, five are currently in hospital. among the wounded are a 13-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy, the head of the region serhiy lysak reported. five private houses were destroyed, power lines and a gas pipeline were damaged. muscovites killed two people in the kherson region. the enemy attacked cars from free on the road between the
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settlements of sadove and antonivka. two men were near the cars at the time of the shelling, they died, the local military administration said. in kyiv, a father is suspected of murdering his own son. a 30-year-old man did not appear in the apartment he rented for 3 months. so the owners turned to the police, and there they established that his own father was involved in the disappearance of the man from kyiv in january during a feast between relatives. there was a conflict in passion, quarrels, the father inflicted a fatal blow on his son stabbing suspicion was announced to the man, he is now in custody. over the next several days, the attacker dismembered the victim's body in the bathroom. the man threw part of the body in the trash, and buried the rest in the basement of his garage and covered it with concrete. during the investigation , law enforcement officers seized the victim's documents and clothes from the perpetrator's apartment. and the remains of
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the deceased's body were found in the garage. therefore, the investigators detained a 55-year-old man. houses were set on fire to order. the police arrested a criminal group. her the organizers are 20-year-old and 26-year-old residents of kyiv and chernihiv regions. nine residents of kyiv region and zhytomyr region were also involved in the scheme . it was possible to order the burning of the house in the telegram channel. it cost from 500 to 300 dollars, the national police said. and developed a plan, conducted reconnaissance of the area, purchased fuel and lubricant materials and made molotov cocktails from them, then went to any part of the country, threw bottles of incendiary mixture into houses and apartments, and sent videos to customers. the criminals had time to damage four apartments and five houses in six regions of ukraine. during the searches , more than $10,000, ammunition, and mobile phones used for filming were seized. all members
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of the organized group, including the organizers, were notified of the suspicion of intentional damage to someone else's property, and face up to 10 years in prison. he helped the russians break through the defenses of kharkiv. the security service abducted a man who, from the first days of the full-scale invasion , had been spying on the bases of ukrainian troops and locations of air defense complexes. he sent the data to his godmother, and she passed it on to russian intelligence. the day before, from... the region , the suspect suspended contact with the enemy and almost did not leave his own house, he was detained there, now the man is in custody, he faces 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. he gave all the data to his goddaughter, who is a soldier of the terrorist group, the so-called lpr. the suspect sent the relative screenshots from google map and marked them with the locations of the armed forces of ukraine. techniques and
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air defense forces. the ninth meeting of the eu-ukraine association council will be held today in brussels. ukraine and the european union will discuss bilateral relations and the situation resulting from the war started by russia. among other things, they will talk about recovery and reforms, including eu financial assistance. we expect the start of the press conference based on the results of the meeting at 12:30. the espresso tv channel will broadcast it live on tv, ether and social networks. so stay tuned with us for the latest breaking news. partially recognized the republic of kosovo will provide ukraine with two packages of military aid, the minister of defense of the country, eyub macedontsi, said. at the 20th meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine at the ramstein air base. ammunition for mortars, trucks and armored vehicles will be handed over. the minister noted that the first aid package will be delivered
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to ukraine next week. the house of the word - an endless novel will already be seen by ukrainians this year. viewers, this is a feature film about ukrainian writers of the era of the executed repudiation, who were gathered under one roof one house in kharkiv. our correspondent dmytro didora knows the premiere date and other details. dmitry, i congratulate you, and tell me and our viewers when the premiere will take place, and what other details you know. congratulations, anna evo, i also congratulate our viewers. don't hide it, when the premiere will take place, on may 9 in all movie theaters in the country you can see the feature film house of words endless novel, the director of the film taras tumenko can tell you more about the film better than me, he is with me now, sir
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taras, good day, congratulations, tell me how the idea of ​​creating a feature film came about, a word about the house, and how the film itself was created, oh, you know, it's really great. today is a holiday, because we are putting into operation the house of the word, our long-term building, which we built for 10 years, with a huge team, in general, such a story is extremely instructive, because it seems to me that this is the way, the way of the house of the word, this is the way of the ukrainian culture to the ukrainian audience, we started yet. was yanukovych, then it was impossible to break through with the picture at all, none of the producers wanted to take on the financing of this project, we were refused for a long time, but we worked hard, we wrote the script, as a result, the documentary house of the word was first released,
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many viewers saw this picture, and today we finally have a date of 9 may, when the feature film word house is released. i think it's a long-awaited event, there are already a lot of fans of the film, as well as the documentary, who have seen it, who are looking forward to this picture, so i think it will be a pleasant surprise, when the viewer sees it. but why should the audience come and see this film, why is it so important? well, because this movie, it's incredible, we put a lot of love into it, a lot of effort into it, first of all, it's about our page. history of our culture, this is pro-ukrainian literature of the 1920s and 1930s, it is an incredible story , both detective and love, and this is kharkiv in the 1920s and 1930s, this is artistic kharkiv, where, in which the film is reproduced and the works of kurbas, and
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petrytskyi, and meitus, we created a whole, alo on the wave of 477, published biographies of our writers, who laid the basis of work on, well, work on our characters, we recreated a lot of props, eras, fates, and everything that was in kharkiv in this crazy cauldron of art that brewed in the 20s 30s, and therefore i think that the audience will find it incredibly interesting. thank you, this is taras tomenko, the director of the film house of the word, but i have to remind you that the cost... of the film was more than uah 60 million, half of which was received for the film from state cinema, so support the film, go to the cinemas on may 9, i already saw him on to one of the festivals and i recommend it and i am sure that no one will be disappointed, anya, i give you
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my word. thank you, colleague, for your work, thank you for the information, it was dmytro didora, the espresso correspondent, who told us all the details of the presentation of the house of word film. and i remind you that our collection is ongoing, the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we must help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost 350 thousand, join us, any amount is important. you can see all the details on the screen. that 's all for now, i tell you, see you very soon, be with espresso, read more about important things, read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, all the best.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two hours. we are talking about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in program putin's illegitimacy. after the pseudo-elections, russia may be declared a sponsor of terrorism. results of the visit of republican lin seagram to kyiv. air war. this year, russia dropped more than 3,500 aerial bombs on ukrainian positions. how tangible can be the ukrainian response with drones. the chinese factor: putin is going to beijing, and xi jinping is flying to paris. under
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what conditions can china participate in the upcoming peace summit. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. in the second part of our program, which will start literally in an hour, we will have folk songs. deputies of ukraine oleksiy kucherenko, fedir vienislavskyi and iryna friz. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how the russian bmp crew destroyed the wings to hell of the 103rd tro brigade. as a result of the impact of the drone, the bc detonated and the bmp tore it to pieces. let's see.
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during our program, we conduct survey, we are asking you today, friends, about this, do i recognize or do they recognize the connection. states of america russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your answer , please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the united states of america recognizes russia as a sponsor , a state sponsor of terrorism (0800-211-381, no 0800 211 382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote. to us interesting to know your opinion. well, we have
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our first guest on the phone, this is iryna gerashchenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation of the verkhovna rada, ex-authorized for a peaceful settlement in donbas. ms. irina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening to all viewers of espresso. well, because we're asking our viewers and tv viewers if they... do they think the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? shall i ask you about that too? it would be correct decision, but it is obvious that ukraine also needs to work on this, and i want to say that i am very worried by the fact that today our dialogue with the congress is actually frozen, including because of the bad actions of the speaker of the verkhovna rada, who is blocking the inter-parliamentary dialogue. we need to work very seriously today so that congress unblocks financial and, first of all, military
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aid to ukraine. obviously, everything now rests on the heated election campaign in the united states, but well, personal communication with the republicans, with by congressmen, with senators, shows that then the chances of building a vote on aid and other decisions concerning russia are increasing. and it also seems to me that today we need to work very actively with all the countries of the world regarding putin's illegitimacy. i'm sorry, if the world did not recognize lukashenko as president because the elections in russia and belarus were undemocratic, the situation in russia is even worse. putin, all his potential opponents are either dead, killed, or in prisons, the opposition there is suppressed, there is no state duma, there were clowns in the ballots, like slutskov, and... putin was elected this time not just in the occupied territories, in crimea, in
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donetsk region, in luhansk region, he was elected on the bones of ukrainians, in mariupol, in the occupied parts of kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, the same donetsk, luhansk regions, before that my heart breaks, and when i read the statements of our partners, the european side of the european union, and the united states of america has already made a statement that... to the illegitimacy of the elections in the occupied territories, it is correct, but it is an insufficient reaction, ms. irina, you mentioned the illegitimacy of putin and the fact that... most of the leaders of western countries are already talking about the fact that we will call him putin, and not the president. us republican senator lynsey graham is initiating a bill to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, which should make the secondary sanctions more meaningful, as he said, and he also talked about
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the illegitimacy of putin. he was in kyiv yesterday and after yesterday's meeting with the president. stated literally the following. let's listen. first of all, with regard to putin's election, they are not legitimate. he is not a legitimate president. he leads a terrorist state. therefore, my response to his election when i return to washington will be to introduce a bill declaring russia a state sponsor of terrorism. by... american law, because it is. i will appeal to the biden administration to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism under us law. obviously, like the first question, regarding the recognition of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, as well as regarding the non-recognition of putin's legitimacy, if it is decided in
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to washington, it is obvious that most countries, first of all... will obey those decisions related to the law that russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, and the non-recognition of putin's legitimacy as president by the americans, whatever that means for other states and for other leaders? and one can only welcome such a statement by republican mr. graham, who actually visited kyiv yesterday, met with the president's office and the president. zelensky and with the deputies, it is interesting that they were present at these meetings, and the parliament from parliamentarians, both representatives of the government and the opposition, this is, you know, a good lesson for the ukrainian authorities, that our foreign, foreign partners, they still see the diversity of ukraine and communicate with
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representatives of all political forces. we welcome this statement by graham, but i want to remind you that, unfortunately... graham, like other representatives of the republican party, did not support aid to ukraine when these votes were going on last fall in the congress and in the senate. actually, this is a big problem, because we welcome the initiation of such a law regarding the fact that russia should be recognized by the state as a sponsor of terrorism, but this debate will last for several months, and the ukrainian military needs help today, the situation at the front is very serious, and this is precisely what ivanna klympushtyn sadze, a representative of our political force, who took part in the meeting with mr. graham , i spoke very frankly with him, and it seems to me that at this time it is very important that our american partners, representatives
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of the republican party, vote those laws that are ready for decision, secondly, you are absolutely... right, and this is in the statement mr graham sounded that there is a problem of sanctions. we have seen in two years that russia has learned to bypass them through third countries to obtain dual-use goods that are used in the military industry. we will be grateful to the united states, which will use all its tools to block this circumvention of sanctions. and the last remark, today there is a right signal from the european union, which finally noticed that during these... two years, russia and belarus continue to trade grain very actively with the european union and they promised that quotas would be introduced from next month in order to stop such exports in russia, and this is not normal, when in the third year of such a terrible war, in the 11th year of the war as a whole,
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russia continues to be a valued partner of civilized world, it must be stopped precisely because... uneconomic sanctions, so that russia does not have money for the war. mrs. iryna, why do you think that in the west, the leaders of western countries do not have a single opinion on what to do with putin and putin's russia? first of all, russia is indeed a nuclear country, putin even after his pseudo-voting, his re-election for a sixth term there, he began to threaten again there with... the use of nuclear weapons, and it is obvious that the world is reacting to this, but it is very surprising that the world has not yet realized that with russia, with putin's russia , one must speak only in the language of strength, who could... believe there 3 years ago that putin would bomb kyiv and other peaceful cities of ukraine, but this is a reality today, and it is obvious that if he is not stopped now, now, and for we
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urge american partners not to wait for this there during the easter holidays, after all , to vote for this aid to the armed forces of ukraine, putin will go further, he will absolutely realistically attack russia on nato countries, the baltic states or poland, and that's what i think. that this fear is not fully aware of how much russia is a threat, and you know, this fear that russia will disintegrate, and what will happen there, continues to force the leaders of western countries to play appeasement of the aggressor, and the last thing, i would not spoke only about putin, in fact these so-called elections in russia, this were for putin essentially a plebiscite in support of the war in ukraine, despite the fact that we understand that there were attributed those... that the dead, and the living, and the unborn voted there, and nevertheless, well, for many russians, really the majority
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of russians, they like putin, this is really their president , they believe that russia is putin, and therefore, in fact, this election, so-called, became a plebiscite of support for the war in ukraine for putin, and all russians who came to the polling stations , they are fellow students, and ours cannot realize this. western partners, they are really looking for some good russians, some liberals who do not exist there in nature. our task is to convey to our partners that russia must be punished, that they are fellow students, and this must be stopped only by tough sanctions. well, i mean, when russians voted, those who voted for putin, they voted for war, correct, i understand? absolutely. we are well aware that they want russian wars. they want, they support it, they rejoice in the destruction of peaceful ukrainian cities and towns, they know everything that is happening here,
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when they will lie there that we did not know, it is not true, and they support aggression, they profess chauvinistic imperial policy, they continue to treat all other nationalities, peoples, countries, nations with superiority, and this superiority, this is imperialism, this. .. chauvinist, absolutely, xenophobic russia, it must be stopped. over the past few weeks, we have seen how the position of the leaders of western europe is changing, first emmanuel macron started talking about what we need to think about, what to do next, and maybe we will have to send french troops to of ukraine, first with half hints, then someone there in the press with... in this information about what he said about it, then he said that we will not attack anyone, but if help is needed, we will help, at the same time we see, like germany, despite the fact that they
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do not provide ukraine with long-range taurus missiles, but they say that it is impossible to freeze the conflict with the russian federation now, german foreign minister anna lene berbock unequivocally rejected the call to freeze russia's aggressive war against. of ukraine in view of let's listen to the latest un report on russian war crimes in the occupied territories. if you read this report, i think you will never again talk about a possible freeze of the conflict, because the report clearly explains what a freeze means for all people who suffer daily and especially every night from russian rule and russian. today there was information that one of the summits, the nearest summits of the eu leaders, to be held on march 20-21, will be
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dedicated to the actual transfer of the european economy on military lines, about the need to produce more weapons, to help ukraine, according to your observations, how is the rhetoric and main actions of the leaders of european countries changing and do they realize that this year will be a decisive year for ukraine and for the future of europe. i think that after all, the spirit of the american elections has a very serious effect on the position of our european partners, including macron, who is obviously fighting for such european leadership today. but in the countries of the european union there is a realization that what if, for example, trump wins. the position of the united states regarding support for ukraine may change, we can see, yes, there, when the spirit of the election campaign has already had an impact. and
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just now we are watching a live press conference following the meeting of the council of the ukraine-eu association. on monday, during the meeting of foreign ministers, we opened a fund to help ukraine, which has already allocated an additional 5 billion dollars to ukraine. and thanks to such and such funds, such... initiatives, our partners will invest even more, in particular, in the provision of military aid to ukraine, it is about increasing aid to 53 billion, and i already have commitments from this forum, the european peace forum, which will
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help even this year. add 20 billion dollars to ukraine. we are all aware of how important ukraine's victory is. ukraine must fight back against russia, and we will help it, because this is vitally necessary for our security, and not only security, but generally peaceful life on the european continent. and that's why we support. ukrainians, if putin managed to conquer ukraine, if she needed to raise a white flag, then we understand that a puppet government would have been appointed in kyiv, and important figures of ukraine simply removed them, and we should be sure that putin would not stop there, he
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has already done so more than once. has been saying messages that are aimed at potentially starting world war iii, we've heard him say in his campaign of sorts, he has these imperial ambitions to push further west, and so i'm sure weeb hasn't stopped at a purely military operations on the territory of ukraine, so now we we don't have any. no opportunity to delay the next steps in order to act with the direction of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. we are currently investing, looking for resources, but we know what large assets we can use to help ukraine, russian frozen assets. and now we're... we
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're working on it, we also know what the losses are, the financial losses, the losses due to different types of energy, and on monday we just in the discussion with the other ministers, we put forward the proposal regarding the decision of the council actually to pass. in fact, these frozen funds are at the disposal of the european union, then we will already be together with the high representative, we will put forward a joint proposal for the settlement and implementation of this decision, if you agree, i hope that the council will support this decision regarding these proposals, and in the future there will already be will be further we know that
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, in fact, we said today about 5 billion, yes, for the profit that was, that is, these frozen funds are a profit for them, and accordingly we want to dispose of them properly with these profits that come from frozen funds already now, and we are actually working on this road map, how to do it as soon as possible, so that these profits on frozen assets... already went to replenishment with ukrainian equipment and the necessary ammunition, this will actually strengthen the power of the ukrainian defense industry we are talking now about profits on frozen assets, which amount to approximately 3 billion dollars annually, and therefore.


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