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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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only this war, which is imposed on us by the aggressor , is existential, yes, it is for them, because they deny the very right of ukraine to exist as a state, and for us it is, but with a different sign, minus on plus, it is existential, that is, we have to prove that we have the right to our statehood, territories , and so on and the like, so it will be absolutely a difficult period about this, and unfortunately, it... will not be short and medium-term in time, it is difficult to predict, it will be continued, but it will not be a quick period to the right, because, in my opinion, our victory is already the fact is that russia did not achieve its main goal, it did not achieve the goal of its two- or three-day special operation, when they believed that in three days there would be a white flag, as one pope there advises, yes,
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she and in two extra years it did not achieve its goal. ukraine took place and absolutely understood that there cannot be any military defeat, and this is essentially a certain victory for ukraine. but now agree that if our relations with russia are simple enough, here bipolar for us, yes, white, black, or you are they, or they, or us, then... in fact , for the world it is not such a bipolar conflict, and they see it, and they look at it, well, from different angles, that is why this is the absence of radical solutions, which we would really like to us, that is why the delay in the transfer by us to us, well, from the side of germany , of the same missiles that are afraid, yes, we see that the germans are afraid, because they understand the possible consequences that the russians will apply to them in...
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those aspects, taking into account the nuances relations between russia and germany over the past 15 years, the same gas and so on and the like. therefore, of course, today i believe that the world, the disinterested world, will not make it clear that ukraine will be defeated, this is definitely a big positive plus, which will be our victory, sorry. here it is all still ahead, and of course we understand that our victory is the restoration of our borders, reparations, restoration of the economy, and corresponding all actions after the end of the war, our victory in this aspect. well, by the way, no matter how much we say that germany is afraid of something, when talks about taurus long-range missiles, and german defense minister borys... pistorius
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, before today's ramstein meeting, announced a new package of military aid for ukraine with an estimated cost of 500 million euros. let's listen to what the minister of defense of germany said. not bad. before this meeting in ramstein, we put together a new aid package worth almost half a billion euros. it includes 10,000 munitions from the warehouses of our armed forces. their delivery will begin in the near future. actually now. in addition, we will finance 180 thousand ammunition from the czech initiative. their supply will take place in stages, starting from the summer. the organization is organized by the czech republic. even the germans, who two years ago were cautious enough about aid, military aid to ukraine, and started there with helmets for soldiers, and started with enough.
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such modest military supplies, they are already talking about the need to provide serious assistance to ukraine, to help ukraine, maybe, maybe this is facilitated by what putin does, what he says, here we have witnessed how the pseudo-elections and the so-called elections were held in russia on march 17 and the legitimacy of president putin, the president in public, is in question, in great question, because he... uh, not only held elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, which are violation of international law and the law, and the laws of russia, if there are any laws still in force there, and the legislation of ukraine, because he falsified elections, including on our territory, and forced ukrainians to vote for themselves in these elections, what and how should the ukrainian power? first of all
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in order for the world not to recognize putin's authority, given the fact that our citizens were also involved in this process, who... are in the temporarily occupied territories, and here it is simply a matter of honor, to convince all of our partners, not to call putin its president, not to recognize his authority, to make him illegitimate, and the main thing is that this illegitimacy is here, if it is spoken, what it will give to putin, and what it will not give to putin, or rather, what it will give to the world , mrs. iryna, well, first, there is a corresponding appeal of the verkhovna rada, which was adopted regarding... the illegality of the elections that were held on march 17, this is, as you rightly said, the holding of elections in the temporarily occupied territories, this is the absence of virtually any competition for the main dictator of this pseudo-formation, in addition to that , the absence
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of international observers, which as components allow us to say that the elections are completely fictitious. you know, the election show, the no-choice election, and accordingly it is desirable that the democratic countries that are ukraine's partners in this unjust war, really took appropriate steps regarding the non-recognition of these elections. we, for our part, did it, so from now on the pass, relatively speaking, the ball is in our field. partner countries, but in view of what is happening further, i think that the russian federation under the leadership of this re-elected president, the further it goes, the more it will fall into such, you know, a circle
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of untouchables, because everything that happens in the russian federation federations, everything they do, those international... crimes, those the war crimes they commit, in principle, they repeatedly drive nails into the lid of this entity called russia, no matter who is the president there. by the way, your colleague in the parliament and feder venislavski's colleague in the service of the people, arseniy pushkarenko, who is the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy, he said that ukraine in... its future diplomatic relations should be guided by the fact that putin from now on, the president is illegitimate, in particular , to ask questions about who is on whose side of the russian federation to discuss the issue of ending the war and implementing the formula , the peace formula, mr. fedor, it is clear that for
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ukraine, president putin does not exist, starting from february 24, 2022, although there was a period when we tried to conduct some negotiations with the russians. in march to april of the 22nd year , but not not with putin himself, in your opinion, in this context, should some other processes be initiated within the ukrainian state in order to review the entire base, which legal base was between ukraine and russia, and simply completely delete russia together... with putin from any relations, from bilateral relations, because perhaps some other agreements still operate between the two countries? well, we systematically do what you ask about and what you talk about, the verkhovna rada of ukraine almost constantly denounces, suspends the effect of international
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agreements that operated both within the framework of bilateral relations between ukraine and russia, and within the framework of multilateral relations in within the framework of the cis, but i here in... fully support your idea that ukraine should continue to respond these illegal pseudo-elections, which were held in gross violation of the norms of international law and by and large all standards of international electoral law, starting from the terms for which the so-called president of russia was elected once again, ending with procedural moments, procedural violations during the elections, in including in temporarily occupied territories. which is a gross violation of international conventions on the treatment of civilians during war, but here, you know, it is important for us that the signals that we we submit that our western
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partners have heard and responded as the parliament, as the ministry of foreign affairs, as from president zelensky, because if you look at the statements of the european union and specific countries, specific states, they all talk about the non-recognition of the legitimacy of the elections. in the temporarily occupied territories, while here within the framework of this constituent element of these pseudo-elections in general, it is necessary to talk about the illegitimacy of the newly elected president in general and the impossibility of continuing any contacts with the president who actually has neither legal nor moral right to be called president, but again our partners are quite careful in this matter and if they were to distinguish between what concerns the temporarily occupied territories and what concerns the presidential election in general, so definitely, i think we from the verkhovna rada of ukraine, we will still react with resolutions to these illegal elections, because we reacted preventively, now post facto... since the official results have already been announced, very quickly, and with fantastic
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speed, one might say, for such a large country, i think that we should constantly and systematically respond to that and point out that putin cannot be called the president under any circumstances, but putin won, according to the russian central committee, the biggest victory in all the years of the existence of the russian federation. i.e. more than 80%, there they drew him 87%, according to the experts of the institute for the study of war, putin wants to use this record victory in the so-called elections for a protracted war in ukraine. mr. oleksiy, will what putin has achieved and what has been announced to the whole world become an excuse for putin, intensify the war against ukraine and start accordingly. war against the west, referring to the fact that this is the will of the russians, so many people voted for me, so
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they are voting for the war because we are waging a just and correct war. let's try to analyze the situation soberly , given that we understand how we all hate putin and the country he leads, but nevertheless we understand that this terrorist ... on his citizens, on his vassals, on his empire , how many of them there are 170 million, and accordingly he achieves his goal in to his country, he is cementing and consolidating his authoritarian power as much as possible, and let's admit that he is succeeding in this, you see, he has so far drawn, as you say, 87, he could have drawn 97, until he was ashamed, well, let's say so. if it is possible to apply to this , leave, you understand, such a term,
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nevertheless, he really created the preconditions in his country both in the economic, and in the political, and in the repressive plan, in order to really demonstrate to us, in the first place turn to ukraine, in order to pressure us psychologically, resourcefully, to demonstrate that he is ready to fight. as much as necessary, but to achieve its ultimate goal. of course, this is a signal to the world community , look, don't play around there, it's all right, i 'll get my way, and in this, in this regard, i want , i would like to say, of course, we would like him not to be recognized the world as the president, but you see, i agree with colleague yunislavsky that they are so careful, considering the diplomat... future situations, i am convinced that they analyze and
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model, they are still so neat, they say, yes, the elections are indeed illegitimate, the violations are primarily in the occupied territories, but nevertheless, i think that politicians and overseas, european ones understand that any war ends somehow there, well, peace, you understand, and some kind of contract, and some parties have to... discuss and conclude this contract, and of course, the question of legitimacy of the one who takes part in these negotiations and in signing this or that document will arise. of course, we would all like to putin finished in the same way as his predecessor and twin, adolf schick schickelgruber hitler, in the 45th year, yes, so that he poisoned himself there, burned himself and so on, but agree, there is no one hundred percent guarantee of such a result, so the situation will not be easy for us in this situation as well
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, well, it seems to me that one should be as sober, pragmatic and reasonable as possible in this situation, calm, if you like, and in a situation where putin won this , even though it was a fake victory of 87%, but this is an excuse him in order to threaten the world the third world war, in order to carry out additional mobilization, to say: listen, you voted for me, let's finish ukraine already, and let's finish the event already. or at least we will do everything in order to protect ourselves from this measure, well, in fact, demand, demand , like a dictator, absolutely and demand from our people complete obedience and, accordingly , mobilization, so, well, we also have the issue of mobilization, the law on mobilization, there are 4,000 amendments pending in the verkhovna rada, it is clear that this draft law is being prepared for
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of the second reading, yesterday republican senator lynsey graham, who was in kyiv. met with zelenskyi, he implored ukrainian deputies to adopt the law on mobilization, and why, mr. fedor, the president of ukraine, as the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, does not appeal to the parliament that people, let's pass the draft law, because let's already pass the law on mobilization, because it is necessary to move forward and it is necessary to create conditions when there will be a system of mobilization in ukraine that would suit. the army and the commander-in-chief armed forces of ukraine? well, i think that any appeals should be based on the law. the president understands that there are procedures for consideration of the draft law in the second reading. now, our committee is actually considering this draft law for the second, third, or third week, first on a block basis, and now we have been going for several
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days in the process of considering specific legislative amendments, and today we finished on... the amendment, i think that at the pace which we have demonstrated over the past two days, we have a sufficiently good dynamic for this draft law, at least at the committee, was considered, well, probably by the end of next week, then we will bring it to the parliamentary hall and the parliament will be determined, but the answer to your question, why this process is stalled, well, i have already told your colleagues about it, i can say now , because unfortunately this... draft law and the entire process related to its preparation and consideration has become excessively politicized, and many political forces represented in the parliament are trying to use certain legislative proposals that they this bill was submitted in order to demonstrate their favorable attitude towards citizens, that they want to be such
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defenders of citizens, but we need to find the right balance between really protecting the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and preserving our state. and this is the most difficult problem on which we are currently working with our colleagues in the committee, and i think that in the near future we will reach some kind of consensus and offer the already agreed text to the parliament for the second reading. mrs. iryna, who in the verkhovna rada of ukraine is trying to please the citizens and is the author of these 4,000 amendments, are these 400 amendments necessary, or is this, as it is often called, legislative spam. well, you know, i will certainly start with the fact that this bill, even after its adoption, is not a panacea that will solve all the problems with mobilization issues at once, at the same time , it would really be much easier if the bill was not so bulky, but concerned specific
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problematic issues and would be narrowed down to the solution of these problematic issues. and did not try to simultaneously cover all those nuances that today we are considering in committee. the committee approaches the consideration of the draft law in a professional and constructive manner, both representatives of the relevant ministries and all the authors of the amendments are invited to hear their arguments. moreover, there is clearly a discussion in the committee about which norms need to be settled, which need to be rejected, which need to be taken into account, so in this case , no one... is slowing down the consideration of this bill, but the number of amendments that are currently registered to this bill proves only one thing, that that the draft law, even after finalization , has a sufficiently imperfect form to be adopted, let's say, in a shorter time frame. in addition, i want to emphasize that
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a significant number of amendments that were submitted by deputies of various factions and deputy groups are toto... each in terms of content, and therefore they try to regulate specific issues that are sensitive to society and that require a more professional approach. than what was applied by the government in the process of finalizing the said bill, so no one is holding back, i am even happy that until the second reading, this bill is not considered in turbo mode, as it was during the first reading, so let's give the opportunity ... to the deputies to work on improving what the government has introduced, so that then there is no public and non-public opposition to laws that ... will exclusively apply coercion to people, without taking into account any motivational factors and factors that will improve the issue of mobilization, and
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not turn it into a scarecrow that scares our society. thank you, mr. oleksiy, how are you? do you think, is it possible that these 400 amendments will be worked out, then introduced into the hall, the draft law will be adopted, and it will become a law, and president zelenskyi will simply... put a veto on it, say: well, in principle, there are a lot of questions, and everything will go round again. well, i cannot answer for president zelenskyi. the only thing i will tell you frankly is that, in my opinion, the current government may have chosen the trajectory of submitting this bill, where the subject of the legislative initiative was the cabinet of ministers, which is quite political, by the way, authority. well, as for me, if, for example, the same mr. president, dear, he is the supreme commander, he is also the subject of a legislative initiative, if he
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submitted this bill, and in a timely manner, because as for me , this had to be done in the 22nd year literally a month or two after the full-scale aggression, so it seems to me that, taking into account the authority of mr. president, his ratings, it seems to me that it is much more effective, without... the passing of this bill in the verkhovna rada glad, so really as wienislavskyi says , unfortunately, the political factor has already worked here, because whether we like it or not, the verkhovna rada is a political body, why be surprised here, well, these are the kinds of discoveries we make, the verkhovna rada is a political body and the main incubator political process, what 's strange here, that's why it's the first, the second, by the way, serhiy, you are so lucky today, well, in that sense, look. mr. fedir, mr. iryna, they are members of this committee, but i was visiting yesterday, today, because i defended my amendments, first of all, i want
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to really thank you for the professional, absolutely calm consideration of these edits by the committee , the second thing is that mr. fedor, what ms. iryna says, there are no spam edits, there, there, all the edits are adequate and i am not ashamed of my edits , just like other colleagues, another thing, really... they repeat each other in many respects, because they try to correct certain systemic problematic points there, relations with individuals, relations with, excuse me, the discussion today is methodological, is it a human reserve or an inhuman reserve, you know such nuances, relations with local self-government bodies, with enterprises, with others, it is not an easy bill, so i can see how fast it is moving. at which point did the corrections stop, it seems to me that you should have passed more than half of 1600, but 1600
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is not bad and not bad, and i want to say once again that there is no disaster, it is better to break the spears all over there in the committee in the hall, already accept this bill and urgently give we will wait for the introduction of the draft law and the voting in the second reading by oleksiy kucherenko. arvenislavskyi and iryna friz were there guests of today's program, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether, in your opinion, the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. let's look at the results of the survey, here it is 50x50, that is, 50% believe that the united states of america recognizes russia as a sponsor, state, sponsor of terrorism. and 50 no, on youtube 52% yes, 48% no, these are the results of our survey today, it was a verdict program conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish you all the best
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will our accession to the eu look like. in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with eu sisters. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to be keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and the other way around. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings to everyone who is with us, i am anna javamelnik, and the news is for your attention. the russians hit a residential area of ​​kharkiv. there are casualties as a result of the attack. a fire broke out at the point of impact. emergency workers are rescuing people from under the rubble - reported oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. he urged people to stay safe. there is a possibility of repeated strikes. an employee of the school died as a result of an airstrike
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in the velikoposrivsk community. in sumy oblast, about this was reported in the office of the general.


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