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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings to all who are with us, i am anna yavomelnyk and news for your attention: the russians hit a residential area of ​​kharkiv. there are casualties as a result of the attack. a fire broke out at the point of impact. emergency workers are rescuing people from under the rubble - reported oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. he urged people to stay safe, there is a possibility of repeated strikes. an employee of the school died as a result of an airstrike in the velikoposriv community in the sumy region. this was reported in the general's office.
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prosecutor the russians inflicted a massive attack on the civilian infrastructure of the okhtyr district. as a result of the attack, private houses and the building of an educational institution were destroyed. during the day, the enemy shelled 11 settlements in donetsk region. the attack injured five people in vasylidovo and new york, the national police informs. 49 residential buildings, 13 cars, farm buildings and a garage were damaged. the first tranche, the european commission allocated the first 4.5 billions of euros from the ukrainian fund for a total amount of 50 billion, the high representative of the european union for foreign policy, josep borel, said at a press conference following the results of the council of the ukraine-eu association. these funds will be directed to the restoration, reconstruction and modernization of our state. the eu chief diplomat also noted that the european union is currently looking for opportunities to use the assets of the russian federation and the profits from
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them to help ukraine, in particular for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces. putin has repeatedly spoken messages that are directed at the beginning of the third world war. we heard what he said in his so-called election campaign. he has imperial ambitions to advance further to the west. i am sure that he would not stop at conducting an exclusively military operation on the territory of ukraine. so now we don't... we don't have any opportunity to delay the next steps, we have to act to direct the frozen russian assets to the benefit of ukraine. we are working on it now. the ninth meeting of the ukraine-eu association council took place today in brussels. ukraine was represented by prime minister denys shmehal, the high representative of the european union, foreign affairs and security policy josep borel presided. and the event was followed by a correspondent. espresso in european
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institutions by tetyana vysotska, she is with us live. colleague, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers what news we have after the meeting. congratulations annoev, greetings from brussels. actually, two big pieces of news have just been announced from our meeting of the council of the ukraine-eu association. this news is very positive and good, but i also want to report one news, which is not so good comforting for ukraine, it concerns the issue of ukraine's fulfillment of the european commission's requirements for carrying out reforms, which are necessary for the start of negotiations on joining the european union. today, speaking at a press conference together with denys shmyhal and josep borel, european commissioner for enlargement, oliver vargelii gave a verbal assessment of the progress of ukraine's implementation of these very commitments it made to the european commission and the european union. let me remind you, there were these obligations. seven, then the european commission
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last october recognized three as such have been fulfilled, and actually now the ukrainian authorities expected the european commission to make a statement that ukraine has fulfilled four more obligations, because all the necessary laws for this have been passed, the last one was the law on lobbying, which was signed by president zelenskyi on march 12, and today, oliver vargeliy stated that the european commission, regarding these four reform steps, which ukraine has undertaken, will continue to monitor this process, that is, this means that, as of now, the european commission the commission cannot call these four steps complete. oliver vergelii noted that the problem is with ukraine's law on national minorities, that ukraine still needs to carry out some work with minorities in order to eliminate these problems, and about when the european commission will give... the next assessment of
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the progress of ukraine's fulfillment of its obligations , oliver vergelii stated that it will happen sometime this year, that is, it is already clear that in the coming days we will not be given the green light for all seven reforms. let me remind you that a few days ago, hungary sent a letter to everyone states of the european union and the european commission sent a letter in which the commission noted that the minority. evidently, the european integration process of ukraine is hampered by this hungarian letter and, again, actions. orbán's government, but let's hope that in the near future all this can somehow be resolved, and literally one moment, tomorrow here in brussels the summit of the leaders of the european union, the european council, and as the high representative of the european union for external relations said , jocep borel,
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will be considered first of all tomorrow the use of russian frozen assets for the benefit of ukraine, and barel specified that this could be from... annually, and also eu leaders should, so to speak, bless the creation of a ukrainian fund within the framework of the european peace fund, within which 5 billion will be allocated for ukraine euros for the purchase of munitions , ammunition and weapons, that is, if everything goes well and tomorrow both issues are voted positively, then ukraine will receive plus five already in 2024. plus 3 billion, i.e. 8 billion for weapons and ammunition. studio, thanks for the information, thanks for the work, it was my colleague tetyana vysotska, about the results of the meeting of the council of the ukraine eu association. polish farmers are once again organizing
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a big strike across the country, protests, as well as road blockades will take place in more than half a thousand places, among the demands of farmers, the refusal of the polish government. from the european green rate and the embargo on agricultural products from ukraine. about 70,000 people are expected to take part in today's protests. the state border service of ukraine has already informed about the blocking of bus traffic at the medic shagyni checkpoint. protesters plan pass one bus at a time for two hours. they called to ruskavamir. six agitators from different regions of ukraine. abducted by the security service in cherkasy region, a deputy of the chegyryna city council was detained. he maintained contact with the ex-people's deputy of the party of regions, in conversations, justified russia's war crimes and discredited ukrainian defenders. pro-russian agitators in dnipropetrovsk region and donetsk region were also exposed. they praised
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the actions of the occupiers and called for the bombing of ukrainian cities, and were detained in the capital blogger, supporter of kum putin medvedchuk. sold the status of a father of many children in lviv , the organizer of illegal shipments abroad was exposed - the western regional office of the state border service was notified. the 19-year-old boy promised the evaders to produce fictitious documents so that he would leave ukraine. he was to receive $10,000 for such services. law enforcement officers arrested the perpetrator after receiving part of the money. he faces up to... where years of imprisonment. a fatal car accident occurred in the kyiv region as a result of a collision between two 63-year-old woman died. previously, the truck driver crashed into another car at high speed. due to her injuries
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, the passenger of the car died in the hospital. the law enforcement officers reported the suspicion to kermanoch fury. he faces up to eight years in prison. russia has almost completed the military port on the occupied territory of georgia in the city of ochamchire. this was reported by the georgian tv channel pirveli. continuous construction work was captured by an aerial camera. journalists note that the port will be able to accommodate russian ships already this year. thus, the aggressor country may open a second front, because the location of the vessels will be a legitimate target for ukraine - the copper experts conclude. the russians have minus three observation posts in the kharkiv region. the air reconnaissance of the offensive guard brigade attacked enemy positions with a drone, the state border service reported. defenders also hit two dugouts and eliminated four occupants. in the russian
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city of belgorod, explosions continue. according to the russian ministry of defense, the city was attacked with a rocket salvo system . vampire, their air defense allegedly destroyed 13 projectiles according to local residents, as a result of the attack, one person was killed, there are also injured, and several houses and cars were damaged. the next news release is already at 3 p.m., see you later, meet my colleagues marto oliarnyk and antin burkovskyi on spresso. wagons held hostage in august last year , at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors
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of the prosecutor general's office, the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged physical evidence of illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with their accusations and so many arrested. we found out, received written answers from ukrzaliznytsia, ukrzaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we were able to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this specific counterparty, and all of them owned by pgz were arrested. in this we see clear illegality. the plant emphasizes that the seizure of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it is difficult to sell. production has become much more complicated. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely
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delivery. therefore, we now see a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons , the combine had to rent transport from several private owners. technical the state of the trucks. still find understanding in this question, why our wagons stand and do not work for the benefit of our ukraine. due to the lack of wagons , the sale of products is delayed, and this can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses, moreover, due to such actions, the company, one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, has already incurred losses of more than
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uah 150 million, and more than 30 the budgets of all levels did not receive uah million in taxes. at the poltava mining and beneficiation plant, they hope for the earliest possible correction of this regrettable mistake, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others will suffer the appropriate punishment for such knowingly illegal. actions, the lawyers emphasize. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the information day of the tv channel continues, we report on all the most important events, and of course, we welcome the most competent and informed experts. today, russian troops struck
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one of kharkiv's districts. there are victims. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv oblast military administration of sinygubov. yes, i quote, now the occupiers once again hit one of the districts of kharkiv. there may be people under the rubble. all specialized services work on site. earlier, the mayor of kharkiv , terikhov, reported that an explosion was heard in the city. yes, there are victims. quoting terikhov: the number of victims and the degree of injuries are being clarified, there is a very large fire at the place of arrival, all relevant services and volunteers are working on the spot. meanwhile, we continue to discuss the most important things with our guests, who are already in touch with us to be dmytro snigiriov, this is actually a military expert and co-chairman of the public initiative of the right to the right, mr. dmytro, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, thank you for the invitation. mr. dmitry, sumy region , let's start with it, since the occupiers
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have greatly intensified their efforts, they are covering the region with bombs, many front-line settlements are being evacuated almost completely, how would you assess the situation in sumy region? the situation is complicated, let's talk about what the russian occupiers are trying to accomplish, let's say, the pressure on the sections of the russian-ukrainian border with the aim of... diverting the operational reserves of the armed forces of ukraine from strategic directions, primarily donetsk and zaporizhzhia, i.e. the main efforts of the occupiers are directed to the fact that the general staff of the... armed forces of ukraine kept large military contingents on the cover of this section of the russian-ukrainian border instead of them performing their functions directly on the line of battle, and accordingly , the russian occupiers present this to their forces as retaliatory actions for the actions of russian volunteers in the territory of belgorod and
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kursk regions, according to the russians , it seems that strikes are being carried out on the military ... in the infrastructure, instead, information from the scene of the events is that the strikes are being carried out exclusively on residential infrastructure, and it is worth talking about what is used by the russians so the so-called scorched earth tactics, that is, if this is the implementation of the russian dictator's plans to create a sanitary zone, namely scorched earth, then the russians, well, let's say this, in quotation marks successfully implement mr. dmitry, if we are talking now about the avdiiv direction, what is the situation there now, to what extent does the enemy continue active offensive actions in this direction? and at the same time, i would like to immediately clarify with mr. dmytro, if we are talking about the enemy's activity in maryan, are they synchronized with the avdiiv direction, and what can this enemy's offensive operation be in the complex,
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how much resource capacity did they use? mr. antino, we can talk about not only the marian direction, but also accordingly activation in the uglodar direction, heavy fighting in the shevchenko area, activation in the lymansky direction, heavy fighting in the terne area, there is a tactical advance, plus battles in the bilogorivka area, and last week a sharp activation and a corresponding one in the kupyan direction, that is, we can talk about that the russians are pressing in all directions at the same time, the directions of the so-called donetsk front. i.e., which includes the bahmu direction, by the way, and the bahmut direction , the situation is equally difficult in the klishchivka district, and in the bohdan bohdanivka district and the times yaru, where they are trying to break through the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. and the main task of the occupiers in this direction, in donetsk, i emphasize, and not separately, in avdiiv or
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maryan, is an attempt to reach the administrative borders of donetsk oblast. break through the key points of the ukrainian defense, namely slavyanskyi and kramatorsk, in order to block, respectively , the main and logistical centers and points of defense of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the donetsk region. if we talk in general about the help from our partners, yes yesterday it was the 20th anniversary, the 20th reunion, give in ramstein format, it was in the usual not online mode, so many countries about ... their help, but in general the situation looks very tense, because austin stated that, that the survival of ukraine is now at risk if the european partners are unable to intensify their efforts in the near future, because the issue of aid to ukraine is not being resolved in the congress and, accordingly, the last hope is that our
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european allies will help us now, how would you now appreciated support of our partners in helping us? common? let's reassure the ukrainians , it is worth saying that the results of the last romstein are more than positive for the ukrainian side, and let's talk about the fact that on the eve of ramstein , the german government decides to allocate another tranche of military-technical aid to our country in the amount of 500, 500 million euros. for understanding, the united states allocated us the last tranche of military-technical assistance of 300 million, that is, in fact, twice as much. in addition, on the eve of ramstein, the governments of the two countries of poland and germany declare another coalition for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. this time we are talking about a coalition of armored vehicles, and the last tranche of it from germany is just heavy armored vehicles , that is, the statements do not differ from the facts plus,
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the initiative of great britain, with 10,000 drones for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and we are talking about... wide line of drones, these are reconnaissance and uavs, and first of all marine drones, well, let's talk about the statements of the representatives the eu, the day before, i will once again emphasize to ramstein, we, we have not yet touched ramstein herself, that ukraine will receive the appropriate number of artillery shells by the end of march, namely approximately half a million, according to the eu program, regarding the allocation of 1 million shells to ukraine, which were presented in the 23rd year of the half-year and the czech government pleased us again when it said that they had found an additional 700 shells to the 800 already purchased for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, only at the initiative of the czech republic will the ukrainian side be transferred
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1.5 million projectiles, plus the corresponding initiative of the eu countries, and for understanding, the military-industrial complex of the russian federation can produce up to 800,000 projectiles in total per year, all those stories in the western media that the military-industrial complex of russia produces 3 million projectiles. these are nothing more than scaremongers, not confirmed by the invoice, the unrealistic state of the russian military-industrial complex, just as they do not correspond to the truth of the information about the transfer of 3 million shells from the dprk for the needs of the russian occupation army, i explain, we completely agree with you, so russians painted shell potemkin villages, on the one hand, but on the other hand, we know. about the urgent need for the supply of artillery ammunition for our fighters, and at the same time we understand that now the ground is becoming more and more favorable for the activation
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of the enemy, and during our conversation it was not for nothing that i mentioned the resource base that they are throwing in the direction of donetsk, i.e. they operate already, conditionally speaking, with available forces, or are they still a feeling, they want to do it as the main general directorate of the offensive. the main general directorate of the offensive, and it is worth mentioning that operational reserves are involved, unfortunately, the russian federation has the opportunity to use operational reserves, including from among local collaborators, this is the local population of the occupied districts of luhansk and donetsk regions, where a total the nature of the mobilization, in addition, it is the involvement of so-called labor migrants, citizens of central asian countries, and accordingly, the third category is already standard for... the russian army - this is the so-called special contingent kaz, that is, prisoners, which currently, according to the decree of the russian dictator, have the right to sign
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contracts directly with the ministry of defense of the russian federation. this combination of these three components makes it possible for the russian federation to replenish its personnel and, accordingly, to operate tactical and operational level reserves in certain areas. yes, well, we are just most worried about activation in this or that area, which may lead , god forbid, of course, but there is also such an assumption of a local breakthrough of the front line, if talk about the resources that they could pump there, how serious everything is, seriously patino, thank you for the question by the way, well then let's specify in the mariinsky direction, one thing: the offensive is, accordingly, the flank of the ukrainian group centered in the ugledar region , why is it not accidental that the russians are active in two directions, according to ughledar itself
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, they are actually pressing in the forehead, this is activation and , accordingly, tactical successes in the shevchenko area and, accordingly, the advance from the direction of maryanka, attempts to actually flank the ukrainian group with the aim of simultaneous strikes to create an operational encirclement of ukrainian troops. but this situation actually equates to the situation in the lymanskyi direction, which is why i constantly emphasize the fact that there are simultaneous strikes from the bilogorivka area - this is the luhansk region and, accordingly, the village of vesele in the donetsk region, again with the aim of creating an operational encirclement of the ukrainian group in the siversk region. the situation is more than difficult, operational reserves are involved , respectively, units of the second of the combined army and the seventh brigade. of the army corps and that the most important thing is that the latest equipment is used, which is not used in other areas of the front, this is the toast tosochka, these are heavy
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flame-throwing systems of the latest model, which actually fire everything that lives right on the defense lines of the armed forces of ukraine. the situation is complicated, let's call a spade a spade, but for today's breakthrough, such a real breakthrough. there are no positions of the armed forces of ukraine, but there are tactical successes, and in several directions at the same time. thank you, mr. dmitry, for your, for your opinion, for your analysis, dmetro snyagyr , military expert , co-chairman of the buviso civil rights initiative, and it is not for nothing that we are actually talking about the situation at the front, because it is important that you and i help our armed forces and defense forces, and now our tv channel is collecting funds for to buy cars for... our armed forces for the guys from the 43rd brigade of the main directorate of intelligence, this is the 43rd separate artillery brigade, they need a powerful
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land cruiser in order to, they also need a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, we need to collect uah 900,000, so we understand how difficult the situation is right now across the entire front, and in fact it requires your and our help constantly, it is urgent, so if you have the opportunity, please get involved, join our collection, you have the opportunity to do it using the qr code that you see on the screen and the bank card number, and we will inform you about the progress of the collection. during the broadcast, thank you to everyone who joins in, now we will go for a short break, after it we will return to our studio, tired of heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from razpak tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool
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in pharmacies for... exclusively on the air of our channel, greetings friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for
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world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. at the site of the russian attack on kharkiv, there is an extremely large fire, there are victims. kharkiv mayor ihor terikhov announced this on his telegram channel. the number and extent of the wounded and injuries are being specified. well , there was also additional information from the head of the investigative department of the main department of the national police in the kharkiv region sergey bolivanov. it is known that in kharkiv already.


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