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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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and to predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be dire. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. at the site of the russian attack on kharkiv, there is an extremely large fire, there are victims. kharkiv mayor ihor terikhov announced this on his telegram channel. the number and degree of wounded, injuries are being specified. well, there was also additional information from the head of the investigative department of the main department of the national serhiy bolivanov of the police in kharkiv oblast. it is known that in kharkiv. there are already three
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dead, but the number of victims and victims may be much higher. according to him , around one o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy shelled the damaged city. an eight-story building and a production shop in the kholodnohirsky district, the fire covered more than 100 square meters, a regular printing house and a furniture and painting shop. among the wounded are employees of the enterprise, two of them are in serious condition. the rescue operation and fire extinguishing is ongoing. yes, and if we are talking about man-made situation with ki'. this is how an important message appeared from kyiv mayor klychka: the cause of the accident in the tunnel at the demiivska metro station will be known in two weeks. currently , 60 workers and more than 10 pieces of equipment work at the site in three shifts. in two weeks, it will be possible to see the upper part of the tunnel and whether the technology of its construction was followed. then experts will be able to draw conclusions about the cause of the threat of an emergency situation in the demiivska tunnel.
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well, in the meantime, let's move on to the discussion situation in sumy oblast. volodymyr bitsa, commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community, deputy chairman of the sumy district council is already in touch with us. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. to the heroes of glory, i wish health. well, 65 arrivals in sumy oblast were recorded in the last day, right? and today, the russians launched an airstrike on the velykoppyserivska community. a school employee died, we know what is going on. tion from front-line or border settlements, they even take out animals, they try from the same velikoppyserivska community. mr. deputy chairman of the district council, i have your word, indeed , today, there is a plan to evacuate 30 people from a large village, due to the fact that the settlement of popivka is cut off from all communications, then all the people there have already been evacuated, one the grandmother remained, who... well, she doesn’t want to, she says, it’s better to let
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him fly to me there instead of going somewhere else, so the evacuation process is going according to plan, well, one might say, from the village of ryzhivka, bilopolsk community, there are already people left there six people, that's why there are practically no people left at the moment, there are 300 people left as of this morning, what was the situation after the arrivals, well, i announced a certain amount, i announced a certain number more precisely, but if... about the intensity , and are they just shelling, or are they targeting specific objects in populated areas? well , if the number of shellings, if we analyze saturday, which was and is now, then on saturday there were almost 500 prolots in the entire area, and today, well, you say 60, i have information about 90, well, this is a significantly reduced intensity of these shellings, i believe that this is due to the fact that, as i emphasized before, we need to hold back. to the choice, choice without
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choice, putler's choice, and then they should, well , decrease, well, i see that the intentionality is reduced, well, although they seem to continue to fly, well, for example, here, well, i won't be okay, this information is not yet official, i will not disclose the amounts of what happened and what did not happen, but because i emphasize that the intensity of shelling has decreased many times, yes , mr. volodymyr, we would like to ask you which now, in general, the situation is not only in those... cities and in those settlements that suffer continuously from shelling, but also in the sums themselves, how are people's moods, are there certain anxieties among people about the fact that the enemy has now become more active in the direction sumshchyna? well, the mood of the people, let's put it this way , it is clear that everyone is alert, they do not know that they are fleeing, not fleeing, moving in, not moving in, i call on everyone to calm down, because look, this is already the case, for example, in kursk. people's
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republics, people are already giving up their jobs , bus drivers are being fired in order not to to work for the criminal authorities in the belohorod region, they shoot riot policemen. already in their villages, in their villages , that is why, thanks to the russian liberation legion and other siberian battalions, there is already a gap between the gray zone, let's say , as the sanitary path said, it is increasing, but you understand that on the part of russia there is already a greater distance more for conducting fire, it is fired with artillery, so for example, well , my vision is that it is very good, so i call on all people of sumy to hold their tails with a pistol, everything will be fine fine. well, what is the situation, for example, with the enemy's attempts to cross the state border with the help of certain subversive or subversive-reconnaissance groups. so at one
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time there was a certain activity in sumy oblast. what now with that? well, when they quieted down, of course, i'm saying that legions are already working there, free them. russia, that is, a person comes to them from time to time in this direction, there were cases, three cases, they were in that week, they were given worthy of repulse, so i have no information about new intruders. look, sir volodymyr, if we talk, for example, about the legion of liberation of russia, if you communicated with them, it is possible that there is some more interesting unofficial information that would come from that side of the border. well, it is not official that they will work until they reach moscow and remove this regime, well, i think so officially, unofficially, they all declare that they have one goal, to overthrow putin's regime, the nazi regime of putin, well, the legs of
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the putin administration in the neighborhood were shaking, or they kept it, so to speak, without panic, yes so to speak, was the governor in a panic, if he has a belgarchi... they ask how, how he conducts the evacuation, how they flee to where, he is not content to say that he organized something there, there are some buses, some events there, he says, neighbor, let the neighbor be helped, who has a car, takes away people's children, well, this is the evacuation organization they have, mr. volodymyr, i would also like to ask you about evacuation, we already mentioned that people were evacuated from 22 settlements completely, or are some currently being worked on algorithms, that it is possible that some settlements will have to be evacuated, or is there no need for this at the moment? yes, well, i was present at the meeting today, which , as far as the sumy district is concerned directly, the algorithm of actions was worked out today, there were, let's say, staff exercises, which were conducted
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with the aim of solving, if an evacuation situation arises from the 30-kilometer zone, what kind of community, where are you going, what are you doing, what are you going on, in general, all organizational issues have been resolved, how are they, the algorithm of actions is so compiled and that's why later, if something like this happens, i think that it won't happen, so as not to give in to panicky moods, because already such guys call me in the evening, strangers, saying that children need to be taken out there, where they are taken out from the bottom , that's a summary, and i check with the district administration, they say yes, no, well, i said, if the key word, if, is simply the purpose of this event, to understand the action plan. in case of evacuation, what was the situation on the conotop, mr. volodymyr, on the conotop, what was new to hear, because the enemy was pouring actively on infrastructural facilities , according to mayor semenikhin, well , the heat supply was damaged there, at the moment
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i already have information that it has already been restored, there is heat in the houses, so relatively everything is fine, well, really look, it turns out that a new one has been appointed well, well... the chief of staff of the russian federation, who comes from dubovyazovka, is under the knife, maybe he wants to get to his father's grave, which is located in the village of dobovyazovka, maybe it's mine, that's what he would say a russian, or is he a ukrainian, just a collaborator, that's the whole problem, that yuda himself is from the village of dubovyazovka - it's 5 km from kanotop, and his father worked in a club there, let's say, he knew it well. stuzhki sang well, told humorous stories well, the son went to the military department, went there to rashi and stayed there, and now we have such a judas of ours, so to speak, a countryman, who is now sending kabis and other evil spirits to us, well maybe something will change in him in kbet and maybe
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he will raise a white flag, take his followers, and they will come, repent, will surrender, then we will watch in the gas, how they will be treated, but actually, mr. volodymyr, maybe you would do to him? now a short message, yes, our editors would cut this work out and maybe we would place it somewhere, i urge you, if you are ukrainian, then stay with them, and subconsciously come to your father's grave, repent, say that you were wrong, that you have done harm to people, and repent, then god can forgive you and people will forgive you, and raise a white flag so that all russian soldiers are not captured, but simply laid down their arms, returned to their families, i call on this countryman of ours, who now commands the headquarters of russia. thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr bitsa. the commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community, the deputy chairman of the sumy district council was in touch with us, and by the way, here i
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would like to note that now social networks are very actively spreading ipso that everyone should shout about sumy, no one doesn't talk about sumy region, it's not like that, we talk about sumy region, we talk about sumy region every day we remember, and not only we, we also understand that attention is focused on sumy oblast, it was focused, it is focused, and it will be focused on this one. attention, so please keep a cool head, do not spread the betrayal in social networks that everyone has forgotten about sumy region, no one has forgotten about it, let's move on, now we will take a short break, after that we will talk with iryna friz, a people's deputy of ukraine, the committee is currently considering thousands of amendments to the law on strengthening mobilization, at what stage will this draft law be to find out, so stay tuned. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for
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stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. we now welcome iryna fries, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence to our marathon. glory to ukraine, mrs. iryna, we congratulate you. glory to the hero, congratulations. well, a top draft law, a huge number of amendments, and as far as we understand, just, well, without putting your hands, eyes, etc., and heads, you are working, working out the amendments, we would like you will be asked how the work is progressing, yes, and are you already? some kind of, i don't know, consensus logic, we understand that there should be some common vision, well, of the main part of the committee in relation to certain main important directions. thank you very much, indeed, the committee has already voted on major important directions when amendments to the draft law were considered in specific
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directions, i.e. specific changes proposed by the government bill. as of today... the committee has stopped at amendment 1505, tomorrow will continue consideration of amendments from involving and inviting the authors directly to hear the arguments of the ministry of defense as a drafter, as well as to have the opportunity to present their arguments regarding this or that amendment, with which they propose to regulate the norms in this draft law. at the same time, it should be noted simply so that all our viewers understand equally that this bill is not a panacea, that is, it does not mean that ... even after the passage of this bill, all the issues of mobilization will be removed at the same time, or, let's say, the issue mobilizations will be like this instantly improved , it regulates certain issues, there is really a discussion , a discussion, from my point of view it is professional enough without this, you know, stupid turbo mode that was applied to the first
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reading, so i honestly hope that the bill after it will be considered in the committee, will have... a higher quality and professional edition, which we will offer to consider directly to the people's deputies in the hall. mrs. iryna, i would like to ask you about the work of tsc, because recently in the information space certain videos are appearing more and more often, where tsc employees exceed their powers, use physical force, and so on. will this draft law contain certain levers or the distribution of certain powers to certain bodies that... people knew clearly who was responsible for what, because now it seems that very often the employees of the tsc have their own, as they say, fear and risk and decide how to act in this or that situation, perhaps it would be advisable to provide them with body cameras in order to record it all. thank you very much, an urgent and important issue, it has already
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been considered by the committee, in particular, it has been made as a duty of the representatives of the tsc, who carry out the verification of the documents of the company. with the representatives of the national police must be accompanied by photo and video recording, at the same time there is an absolutely valid proposal that including citizens have the right to take photos and video recording of what is happening in case it can be attached later, if there was citizen's rights were violated during such a document check, so this is a question about photo-videofix. directly representatives of the tsc are already in the draft law, it was supported by the committee, at the same time, we believe that the representatives of the tsc, who today do not have any document as identification, well , for example, when you are stopped by a representative of the national police, he introduces himself to you, and even after that asks his questions. in this case, as of today, the representatives of tetsik do not have any
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documents that they would provide during the inspection so that the person is not terrified, so that... so that the person understands who is with him, or a representative of which body starts to talk with him, and therefore those cases when people run away, when people start to be illegally detained, should be avoided, because any by and large excess of powers by representatives of the tsc, sp, they are also instigated by law may be subject to liability, at the same time, it should be noted that attacks on representatives... ksp are also subject to subordinate legislation and these persons who commit similar actions in relation to tetskashniki should also bear responsibility, so it is important here. to have a balance and keep the opportunity to remove all these, you know, sharp corners that exist today during mobilization, and really
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give them a more civilized form. i also hope that recruiting centers, which have already begun to open in some cities and millionaires, will also reduce the severity of this issue and the severity of these checks, because the premises where recruiting will take place will be equipped in a civilized manner. representatives of the ministry of defense, the general staff , etc. yes, mrs. irina, i am completely with you agree, yes. on the one hand, we understand that it is necessary to somehow adjust the activity on the streets of certain employees of the tsc, on the other hand, we should subtly adjust the legislation in order, so to speak, to make their lives a little easier. we understand if certain steps will be promoted on the part of conscripted men who would be forced to appear and update their data . the relevant departments of the tsk tsp, well, maybe there would be less, so to speak, of these tense situations, situations on streets, but if we talk about this extremely important point
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that you just mentioned, yes, in particular, that, that which concerns a certain novelization, recruiting centers as an alternative, by the way, the first recruiting center in ukraine appeared in lviv , and his work was checked by the minister of defense umyerov and the head of the armed forces of ukraine. colonel-general syrsky, yes, but the key story is that recruiting centers also have certain powers and certain legal protection. they are now, their activities will be now to be regulated, to be regulated at the level of by-laws by the cabinet of ministers, but you very rightly focused attention, emphasized the fact that the issue of accounting, military accounting and the necessity of which. the obligation to come and update your data, which will significantly facilitate the formation of mobilization reserves for the state, which will clearly understand what
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is the current amount of our mobilization resource, unfortunately, this was the purpose of draft law 162, why, unfortunately, because he still is, despite the fact that he was adopted there more than a month ago, it seems to be back in... the supreme council and still has not been signed by the president, that is, the issue with which it would be worth starting, namely , the improvement of the quality of the entry of military records, this draft law still remains under the signature of the president. ms. iryna, i would also like to ask you about the so-called digitization of mobilization, as there were also certain proposals to this draft law regarding electronic summons or an electronic cabinet. we are already in this studio with you. deputies, your colleagues also talked about that this norm and this provision of the draft law were debated on this account, and actually it is a lot, well, it is impossible to implement, because
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not all people have modern gadgets, not all people have access to the internet, and accordingly, what about this issue ? first, there will be no electronic subpoenas, this has already been approved and supported by the committee's decision when considering the amendments, that is, electronic subpoenas, until there is a clear understanding and some kind of algorithm. the way they will be verified to the owners of the electronic account cannot be considered as the fact of receiving this summons, if a person has opened an electronic account. at the same time, the electronic cabinet should be mandatory according to the authors' proposal. the committee did not agree with this, and we established that this can be a right, that is, a person, after this law enters into force, becomes valid, has an obligation. to update his data, and for this he has three possibilities, it will be possible to do it through snap, through the electronic cabinet, if a person can open it, or
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through tcksp, that is, three possibilities to update his own data, at the same time, electronic office for the category of persons 18-60 will not be an obligation, and this is key. what is the story now with the analysis of prize deferrals? which, which categories will fall and how will the situation with guardians or guardians of the disabled look in general, yes , as far as we understand, they want to limit the number, which cannot be 8, 10, 50 or whatever, but right now we have stopped at this category persons, 1505 amendment and above, it concerns the direct granting of a postponement of the so-called 23rd article, which previously regulated these issues and how it will be re'. respond to these questions further, the committee initially focused on the fact that persons with disabilities of the first, second, and third groups should have a postponement from mobilization, the previous discussion was about...
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caregivers and caregivers of persons with disabilities who need care and in what way it should be legally prescribed in this way , so that on the one hand there is no violation of the rights of citizens, and on the other hand there is no possibility to use this as a real scheme to evade mobilization, so i hope this week we will pass this block and the position of the committee will be clearly understood after consideration mrs. irina, i would also like to ask you that regarding the mobilization of prisoners or parolees, even i saw, it seems, there was some separate bill regarding people who are currently serving sentences, who can be given the opportunity to be mobilized, what about this now? this is a government, government initiative that mr. malyuska spoke about, i can say that
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there is something possible in this bill on mobilization, which is currently under consideration by the committee. the possibility of granting the right to persons who have served their sentence and have already been released, to be mobilized, that is, if this category of persons is not currently subject to mobilization, then this draft law proposes to provide them with these opportunities and these rights, as for those who are still awaiting sentence or are still there under pre-trial pre-trial proceedings, i believe that it is necessary here ... to approach more carefully and attentively, because, as the previous head of the zaluzhny emphasized, in principle the same opinion is held by the general staff, the army is not a place of action, conditionally speaking, we agree with you, there is a certain the risk that certain individuals may destroy certain units from within, and this is also a danger, because the zone does not always educate. does
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it re-educate, many patients of our correctional colonies remain, so to speak, with their certain views of the world, and accordingly, maybe some additional units would be formed there, i don't know with a separate regime or not? you are absolutely right, moreover, you need to look carefully at which articles, yes, that is , those who are serving a sentence, or those who are under trial, for which precisely the articles can be to'. in the form there , i don't know in what way they proposed to write it, i'm not ready to tell you now, but 100% it should be very carefully considered so that it really does not become an opportunity to evade sentences, if these articles are particularly serious crimes, if they are articles for treason, if they are articles that refer to really egregious
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things like that, which 100% can give the right to be mobilized. thank you, mrs. iryna, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee, which is currently considering all these amendments, and there are more than 4,000 of them. so far , more than 1,500 amendments to the new law on strengthening have been considered. important news has arrived from people's deputy mykhailo tsimbalyuk. therefore, the committee on national security, defense and intelligence of the verkhovna rada supported its amendment at its meeting today. regarding the cancellation of the restriction on the distribution of certain information in social networks for military personnel, there was a corresponding norm prescribed in the first reading of the draft law, and it was about punishment, as it were, as it were, as if they would support this amendment regarding the cancellation of this draconian norm, well , we will soon learn more news from our colleagues, anna yevomelnyk and the news editor have already managed to prepare
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the most relevant information for you, we congratulate you. and we actually give you the floor, tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, the newsroom will tell about the most important things, in particular, about why the government is closing the register of international sponsors of war and about the consequences of enemy attacks. i will also start this issue from kharkiv oblast, there are, unfortunately, fallen, be with us. three people died as a result of the attack on kharkiv, five more people were examined in a serious condition, the preliminary consequences of the russian attack on the city were announced by the regional police, probably the occupiers hit the kholodnohirsky district with a rocket.


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