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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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the most up-to-date information, we welcome you and actually give you the floor, tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, the newsroom will tell about the most important things, in particular, about why the government closes the register of international sponsors of war and about the consequences of enemy attacks. i will also start this edition from kharkiv oblast, there are, unfortunately, dead people, stay with us. three people died as a result of the attack on kharkiv, another five people were examined in a serious condition, the preliminary consequences of the russian attack on the city were announced by the regional police, probably the occupiers hit kholodnohirsky district with an kh-59 missile. as a result of the impact , a large-scale fire started. fire. covered more than 200
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km, an eight-story residential building, a production shop with furniture and a printing house were damaged, there may be people under the rubble, all emergency services are working on the spot. and one man was saved from the fire. a large-scale fire broke out in a warehouse building in kharkiv, the state emergency service reported. inside the one-story hangar, aerosols were used. pots with paint. the fire can spread to non-residential premises located nearby. currently, eight rescue units are working at the scene of the incident. liquidation continues. a school employee died as a result of an airstrike in the velikopyseriv community in sumy oblast. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. the russians inflicted a massive attack on the civilian infrastructure of the okhtyr district. as a result of the attack, private houses and an educational building were destroyed. institution, our anger and pain due to
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russian terrorist attacks can be converted into donations, the collection of the tv channel continues espresso the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporizhzhia direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault through changing fields, drones are needed and we must help. 500 thousand. uah our goal is to join this gathering. any amount is important. you see the details on the screen. the government is closing the register of international war sponsors on the website of the national agency for the prevention of corruption, the government's press service informed. all information will be transferred to the interagency of the working group on the implementation of the sanctions policy. the decision was made at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers after representatives
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of the ministry of foreign affairs. according to diplomats, the existence of a list of international war sponsors negatively affects cooperation with partner countries. demand for a bribe for approval of documentation. the security service of ukraine detained an official of the lviv city council. the suspect promised to assist in the preparation of papers regarding the reconstruction of real estate objects in lviv. he charged $200 for this service. the law enforcement officers exposed husband while receiving part of the funds. the attacker promised to influence his colleagues from the department of architecture and urban planning of lviv ova. however , sbu officers documented the criminal actions of the suspect and caught him red-handed while receiving part of the $1,250 bribe. law enforcement officers also searched the office premises of the lviv city council and the residence of the attacker. in the course of which
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, documentation was discovered and removed, which fully confirms the conduct of illegal activities. he shot civilian cars in the kyiv region. the police reported the suspicion to another russian occupier. previously, the invader held the position of deputy commander of the special unit of the russian national guard on february 25 , 2022, together with other soldiers, he shot ukrainian cars. in gostomel, then 11 people were killed, another 15 were wounded, from here i saw a red car that had been shot, then i saw a burned car at the intersection, from there i stopped, then i looked to the left and saw an armored personnel carrier, and a gun was pointed at me , i began to turn around like that and four rounds were fired at me. the first tranche,
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the european commission allocated the first 4.5 billion euros from the ukrainian fund for a total amount of 50 billion, - said the high representative of the european union on foreign affairs. politician josep borel at a press conference following the results of the ukraine eu association council. these funds will be directed to the reconstruction and modernization of our state. the eu chief diplomat also noted that the european union is currently looking for opportunities to use the frozen assets of the russian federation and the profits from them to help ukraine, in particular for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces putin has repeatedly spoken the message. which are aimed at starting the third world war. we heard what he said in his so-called election campaign. he has imperial ambitions to advance further to the west. i am sure that he would not stop at conducting an exclusively military operation on the territory of ukraine. so now we have
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no opportunity to delay the next steps. we must act to direct frozen russian assets to the benefit of ukraine. we are working on it now. ukraine appealed to the head of the ministry of internal affairs cases of poland regarding the blocking of buses at the border. traffic has been restricted at the sheghini doctor's checkpoint since the morning. polish farmers only miss one bus for two hours. today, agrarians once again staged a major strike across the country. among their demands are the polish government's refusal of the european green deal and an embargo on agricultural products from ukraine. as reported by the media. about 70,000 people will take part in the protests. in the russian city of belgorod , explosions do not stop. according to the russian ministry defenses, the city was attacked with the vampyr rocket salvo fire system. their anti-aircraft defense allegedly
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destroyed 13 shells, according to local residents, one person was killed as a result of the attack, and there are also injured. several houses and cars were damaged. without red tape and unnecessary paperwork , a center for veterans and their families will be prepared in poltava, they will provide advice on the preparation of documents and immediately send them to the right structure to a specific specialist, which means that defenders will not waste time on bureaucracy, details anna morozova will tell you, this 120-square-meter facility will turn into a center for military assistance in a few months. veterans, as well as families of fallen defenders. the state guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. prepare all documents, all certificates, all extracts, all orders and so on and so on. it's actually quite a chore. it has to be verified there, well, that is, in fact, it is such
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a rather bureaucratic hell that you go through. here, social workers will tell you how to apply for benefits or social benefits, which documents are needed for this and where to go with all this. the man came. voiced his request, he was given, this person was given an answer in a short time, what documents are needed and where exactly to turn in order to solve her question. artem lifridov adds that after the war at the front, the military least want to start a paper war, so the task of the center is to simplify all procedures. currently , staff recruitment for work in the center is underway, in particular, they are looking for social workers, a psychologist, a rehabilitator, an accountant and management staff. in the future, they want me... to collect and transfer funds for the needs of the armed forces. we plan to put a coffee machine there, it is precisely for our so-called audience and, in principle, for the entire city council. all the funds that will be realized there will go to the armed forces for needs. there will also be representation from different teams, because
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there are actually a lot of requests, we are building communication with them. soon , repairs and arrangement of rooms will begin here. for this purpose , they attracted donor funds from the staff of the council of europe in ukraine. the first tyrant is 200 00 hryvnias have been allocated for repairs, today the work is suspended, because the policy of this project is to report after using 100 hryvnias there, so the accountant reports, they come, check and then the next tranche. the arrangement will continue for a few more months, and in september the center for combatants is planned to be opened to all who need it. soon on the big screens in ukraine, on may 9, the feature film house of the word, an endless novel, directed by taras tomenko, will be released. the tape tells about ukrainian writers of the era
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of the executed revival, who were gathered in one house in kharkiv so that they would work for the benefit of the soviet system. the estimate of the film is more than 60 million hryvnias, 30 million of which have been allocated. state cinema, and the work on the film lasted for more than 10 years. i wrote a children's poem here, listen, first of all, it's about a page of our history, our country. tury is pro-ukrainian writing of the 20s and 30s, it is an incredible story, both detective and love, we used the biographies of our writers, who laid the basis of the work on work on our characters, we recreated a lot of props, and eras, and fate, and everything that was in kharkiv, in this crazy cauldron of art that was brewed in the hands of the 20s and 30s, and that's why i think that viewers will find it incredibly interesting. read more on our website
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espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks and see you at 4 p.m. thank you annie melnyk, thank you news editor, what's up? the tv channel's information day continues at 11:30 a.m. we inform about all the most important things. yes, now we will add to our friend tetiana vysotska, espresso correspondent from european institutions. today, i would like to remind you that the meeting of the eu-ukraine association council is taking place, and we would actually like to ask it what is happening there, what is the current situation, since certain signals were ambiguous, and we would like to understand how far hungary is in this process. .. again trying to somehow stick sticks in our wheels, not without this, as they say, but
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in the end we will also inform you about other news, so polish farmers blocked the movement of ukrainian buses at the checkpoint of the doctor of shagyna, this was reported by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko, and he says that polish farmers are scaling up their actions of blocking traffic for vehicles in the direction of the checkpoint of the doctor, which is opposite the ukrainian shagyna, protesters will block traffic for buses both entering and leaving poland, the participants of the border blockade plan to let one bus pass every two hours, both for leaving poland and for entering, well in the meantime, sad statistics appeared related to the russian shelling of kharkiv, three dead and five wounded, two in serious condition, an eight-story building and a production workshop were damaged, this was reported by the head of the investigative department of the gnp in the kharkiv region bolvinov, i quote, three of his... killed and five injured large-scale fire, the russians hit kharkov again around one o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy
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shelled the city, an eight-story building and a production workshop in the kholodnohirsky district were damaged, the fire covered more than 100 square meters, ordinary printing house for the production of furniture and paint products. according to the national police, among the injured are employees of the enterprise, two of them are in a serious condition , and the rescue operation and fire extinguishing are ongoing. yes, now we are waiting for inclusion. tatyana vysotska, our correspondent, who is in the european institutions, and in the meantime we will wait for her inclusion, we would like to inform you of the news that the european union has previously extended the duty-free export of ukrainian salts to the economy, this is positive news, but we will ask more in tatyana vysotska, we already have tatyana on the phone, a press correspondent in european institutions. congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and accordingly, we would immediately
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like to ask about the latest news, both positive and negative, because marta just announced that polish farmers blocked the crossing points with germany, yes, well, in the meantime , the european union seems to have previously extended the duty-free export of ukrainian agricultural products, i don’t even know where to start, but you have the word in any case, let's go, let's go... economic products, because if during the previous inclusion i didn't actually continue to continue, then they continued, because there is a certain list of agricultural products, which will be in the event that ukraine, if the volumes of agricultural imports of products in the eu from ukraine will exceed the average volume of imports. which products for the period of 2022-2023, then
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duties will be imposed on these products, and actually at first the european commission proposed that only three items should be included in such exceptions of agricultural products, these are meat and poultry products, eggs and sugar, and on march 13 , the european parliament had to... vote for this proposal of the european commission to extend duty-free trade with ukraine for another year, excluding these three items, i.e. meat , poultry, eggs, sugar, can. to be subject to customs duties, if a lot of them are received in the territory of the eu. and here, on the initiative of the polish and romanian deputies, and actually they were supported, supported by the majority of the deputies of the european parliament, with amendments to the proposal of the european commission, the european parliament added to these exceptions also cereals, honey, corn, oats, as well as wheat and barley, and
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that is precisely why this document was returned back to... the european commission and the european council in order to continue the negotiations. so, yesterday evening an agreement was reached and it was possible to remove wheat and barley from this list of exceptions, and this means that after all , ukrainian wheat will be able to enter the markets of the european union without certain major restrictions, but still poultry meat remains. eggs, honey, uh,... corn, oats, cereals and sugar , that's how things would be, well, in fact, all other items will be traded duty-free, so it's still positive, and today the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmehal, here in brussels, publicly thanked the european commission and the european council, for the fact that this decision was still made and approved, now it should be, yes, yes, tatyana, you just mentioned
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that shmagal is currently in, and we know that today a council was held in... the association of ukraine eu, would we still like to ask you about this? yes, that means for according to the results of the ukraine-eu association council there is good news, there is news that is not so good, let's start with the good news, it is of course that today ukraine received the first tranche of macro-financial assistance from the european union in the amount of 4.5 billion, this is the first such large tranche in this year as part of the ukraine facility mechanism, which provides for ukraine. in four years and also ukraine should receive another 15 billion euros next month, also today shmyhal met with the president of the european commission ursula fonden and handed her the reform plan, the ukrainian plan, which was prepared by the ukrainian government together with the european commission for 10 months, and it is on the basis of this
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reform plan that the next four years ukraine will receive money in exchange for carrying out reforms, so these are two big ones. powerful news today, one more good news with an eye on tomorrow, tomorrow here in brussels the summit of the leaders of the european union, the summit of the european council begins, and on the table of the leaders, among other things, is the proposal of the european commission to transfer to ukraine interest from frozen russian assets, that is, it is already a formalized proposal, today josep borel said that it is about 3 billion euros per... year, but still the eu leaders must decide on this tomorrow, and they are saying behind the scenes that it is not a fact, that a decision will be made, although, of course, it would be great if it were, uh, because on monday, uh, the ministers of foreign affairs of the european union already agreed to allocate 5 billion euros to ukraine under the european peace fund for the purchase of uh ammunition and
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weapons, and if tomorrow eu leaders still voted for... the use of interest from the profits from russian frozen assets, then this year ukraine would have received not five but 8 billion euros of living money to purchase weapons, well, tomorrow we will watch it somehow so to speak, there are problems in this regard, well, it is not as if the matter is clean, clear, that is, the interest is transferred, and not the body of frozen funds and so on, but there is someone who makes a mess, what about that? there is someone who is making a mess, and there are many of these countries, i will name the actual names of the countries now i don’t know who exactly opposes it, but tomorrow it will be seen when the leaders gather at the round table, because everyone is in favor of it, everyone is positive about it, but here on the sidelines officials are saying that there are
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big questions, namely regarding the use of frozen assets, although today josem bore. at the press conference he was very confident, he looked very optimistic, maybe something will change during the night, tomorrow we will follow the news, and i would like to say a few words about the bad news that is not so positive for ukraine, i see that our people did not pay much attention, in fact, this is quite such an essence, quite a significant moment, during the... repeat the process of ukraine's fulfillment of its obligations to the european union, which are necessary for the start of accession negotiations. if you remember, there were seven steps of reforms that
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ukraine undertook to complete, then last october the european commission said that three steps were completed, four reforms remained, four laws that ukraine had to adopt, and ukraine itself announced that she had already done it all, because the last one was... the voted law on lobbying, which was signed by president zelenskyi on march 12, exactly, by the way, on the same day when the european commission handed over to the eurocouncil the negotiating framework, the basic document for holding negotiations with ukraine regarding accession, and just this moment today it turns out that the european commission does not believe that ukraine has fulfilled all the obligations that are necessary to start accession negotiations, and i want to note that oliver vargelii even... said, what is the problem? the problem is in the law on minorities, and guess who does not like the ukrainian law on national minorities, of
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course, of course hungary, just a few days ago, about four days ago, it became known that hungary sent a letter to all eu member states and to the european commission, in which it expressed 11 points of complaints against the ukrainian law on national minorities and declares that it does not meet european values, does not even meet the requirements of the venice commission, according to which this law was amended in december 2023, and therefore it turns out that at the moment one of the eu states at least believes that this law is inappropriate, and therefore the european commission refrains from saying that ukraine has fulfilled all obligations, and this issue remains in limbo, it is quite possible. that ukraine will have to appeal again to the venice commission in order for it to give a re-evaluation of the already amended law on minorities, so that indirectly, if
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orbán still managed to block such a situation a little, slow down the process of ukraine's accession to the european union, but nevertheless, today vargelius also spoke about the negotiating framework , the document that was submitted to the eurocouncil , which will also be on the table of the european leaders tomorrow, despite the fact that prime minister shmyhal, in an interview on monday with a foreign newspaper, said that he is practically confident and very hopeful , that the negotiating framework will be approved this week, most likely this will not happen, because as of today the european commissioner himself is voluminous. analysis by the member states, and therefore, it is unlikely that tomorrow we will have positive news on this matter, but here in the eu everything is changing very
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quickly, there is such a concept that orbán introduced, it is constructive absence, this is what they call constructive absence now, and under the condition of the constructive absence of representatives of certain states , any decisions can be made, so let's hope that tomorrow... there will be good news , well, we are holding our fists for a negative, negative presence, so to speak, look , we would also like to ask, here is the feeling, this is how our european friends will move in the matter of supplying artillery ammunition, that is, on paper, i don't know, in the format of official statement, everything in principle is extremely good and positive, i.e. we feel that the matter is moving, but perhaps there are some specific clarifications, better to go ahead, tatiana. in fact, joseph borel was very impressed today, because he very coolly and harshly said that if ukraine loses and if russia establishes
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a puppet regime in kyiv, then we realize that russian troops will stand on the borders of the european union, and russia will not stop, and in fact, with this , barel outlined what the european union and european states really believe at the moment, that ukraine needs to be supported... and only the victory of ukraine is a guarantee of the security of the european union of every european state, so we should have few doubts about the supply of ammunition, the supply of weapons, indeed, the european union is very serious, and, for example , the same czech initiative, which will also be considered tomorrow, although it is a bilateral initiative, it is not a pan-european initiative, nevertheless, it is already known. the czech president said that there is already enough money to buy 800,000 ammunition for ukraine, and germany, too said that she would pay 180,000.
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supplies are already very cool and already in the coming weeks the supply of supplies will increase , so regarding ammunition, it is very nice that the europeans understand the danger that comes from russia and understand that only the victory of ukraine is the defense of europe, and god forbid that it will continue further, so that they help us to win. thank you for the detailed description of what is happening, tatiana vysotska, correspondent in european institutions, as usual. analyzed and informed us about everything most importantly, and thank her for her work. now we will go for a short break, after it we will return, but before it, i would like to remind you once again about our collection, now we are collecting funds in order to purchase cars, cars are essentially a waste product on the battlefield, because very often, unfortunately , cars come under fire from the russian invaders, so it is necessary to collect uah 900,000 in order to purchase a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the
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headquarters of the development. a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for carriage and transportation of fallen heroes. support the front to free ukraine from russian dishonor together. the qr code and bank card number you see now on your screens. we are going on a short break, after which we will continue to inform you about the most important things, so stay with the espresso. there are discounts on laktiale 10. in pharmacies plantain you and save, there are discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and save. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. you are at ease with her trim trees and shrubs. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499.
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