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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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but to close, for example, there is one complex of some kind, and these factories where components are manufactured, they are scattered over, for example, the entire european part of russia, and to cover all these objects without harming, let 's say, civilian objects of communication, communication, state management, military administration and so on, it is impossible, or, for example, even by the same token, the movement of civil aviation, because... if you paid attention, there were messages, including from nato countries, that in kaliningrad region, for example, russia is active uses reb systems that begin to suppress the gps signal, and civil aviation is already suffering from this, although it is not known whether russian aviation is suffering from this, but the aviation of the baltic countries, well , nato countries, in fact, is suffering, and they are reporting about it, it is true, so far , there have been no sanctions or... protest actions within the framework
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of even the same civil aviation organization, but one can imagine that the same problems with suppressing the gps signal, for example, may arise on the territory of russia itself, if uncontrolled use of rep systems by owners, private owners of specific factories, objects or other, let's say, system elements that will have to be covered up. mr. mykhailo, let's talk about the situation in sumy oblast, because over the past few weeks, the enemy has been quite actively attacking sumy oblast with guided aerial bombs, more than 300 bombs have fallen on sumy oblast. in yesterday's address to ukrainians, president zelenskyy paid special attention to sumy oblast, where the enemy constantly, as he said, is trying to start subversive and intelligence agencies.
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groups and commits terrorist acts, let's listen to what zelensky said: sumyshchyna, our region, which borders russian territory, and this is constant russian attempts to establish a drg, constant terrorist shelling and strikes, our border villages, the russian army is trying to simply burn to the ground. only from the beginning of this march until today , the russian aviation dropped only on communities. there are already almost 200 guided bombs in sumy region, just in villages, cities, and civilian infrastructure. obviously the need for of ukraine - to strengthen our air defense in such a way as to make this terror impossible. mr. mykhailo, what is this terror related to sumy oblast? it is clear that something similar is happening along the entire line of the ukrainian-ukrainian-russian border, but in sumyshchyna in the last month... they are very actively
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destroying villages, my relatives live in this region and talk about the horrors that are happening there. well, absolutely true, yes, well , first of all, the russians take advantage of the fact that the ukrainian army still cannot stop the use of guided air bombs by the russians, this there is a problem that we have been talking about for more than a year, when the russians were just starting to actively use cabs en masse, in fact there are up to 150 of them per day. it is possible to imagine a 500 kg and a ton aerial bomb that can hit ukrainian military positions and civilian objects. russia is taking advantage of the fact that we do not have the tools, that is, we do not have enough of the same patriot systems that we can put close to the front line, or even to the border, because immediately the russians will use theirs.
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no drones for the destruction of very valuable equipment, which, unfortunately, the west gives us, well, just teaspoons, but it would be possible to give a little more, because they have hundreds of these systems, and they gave us a few units, this is obviously problematic, especially also the problem is that we have not been handed the f16 until now, if we had already had multi-purpose f-16 aircraft a year ago that can repel russian aviation, they simply would not have been able to. to use these guided aerial bombs and there would not have been that horror in sumy region, and in kharkiv region, and in donetsk , zaporizhia, kherson regions, what the russians , this is exactly the situation they use, they massively use hundreds a day in different regions, regions, what concerns why at the moment sumyshchyna can be to do this with the activation of this particular direction, that is, they are now actively operating in the belgorod region, in the kursk region.
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russian volunteers who act against the russians, the putin regime, and this may be connected precisely with the fact that in this way pressure on ukraine. well, stop being active actions in the kursk belohorod region, so that ukraine refuses to support russian volunteers and stop these operations, that is , the actions are absolutely terrorist, there are military operations going on, and the russians, as always, are just hitting the civilian population, so that, as terrorists, they create conditions when the government of ukraine must it will be up to the command of the armed forces and the top military-political leadership to decide how to get out of this situation. the russians just really start their sabotage groups, clearly targeted, simple against the civilian population, they don't have any military goals there, they just go in , they kill civilians, it's been several months, and before that, they just sent, you can see that special forces forces are just sitting there,
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who have some plan to enter the territory ukraine, roughly speaking, to carry out terrorist acts there and go back, but they have such and such a task. simply to terrorize the civilian population, in principle, they do this to all ukrainians, now they have concentrated on sumy, sumy region. after victory in the elections, or pseudo-elections, putin said that we do not rule out that a so-called sanitary zone may emerge between ukraine and russia, a sanitary zone that will allow us to avoid shelling from the ukrainian side and... various types of weapons, as far as it is likely that between ukraine and russia there will be a non-sanitary, i would say, gray zone in the donetsk and luhansk regions, it exists, but it turned
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the cities located in this zone into ashes, they destroyed the cities and villages, and chi can it in some way secure russia if we have daleks. combat missiles, for example, taurus or stormsadow, which will fly to the territory of the russian federation? well, of course not, it's just really delusional, because when we're talking about strikes on the wengelsii airfield, or a strike 1000 km from the ukrainian border on an oil refinery, or on military facilities, well, about some gray zone, then what is he talking about he means, he means that the ukrainian artillery should not shell, not shell the russian... military objects on the territory of russia, well, in order to do so, even artillery strikes are not enough, and even aviation is not necessary for the russians to enter ukrainian territory, in fact to establish a sanitary zone there, as he says, or to push out
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ukrainian troops from there, this is unrealistic, just now the opposite is happening due to the intervention of russian volunteers and the establishment of their own gray zones or zones of effective control. which they are trying to establish in the cities occupied by putin's regime in russia itself, that is, putin simply does not own the situation or is trying to mislead its population that now they will create some sanitary zone and then it will stop, for example, the unstable situation, let's call it that, in the belgorod region, well, it won't happen like that, more and more, as we were just saying, that... ukraine will continue to increase the production of the same drones, ukraine will increase its capabilities both from the point of view of aviation and from the point of view of artillery, because more ammunition will be supplied to us, that is , russia will have to answer for its actions,
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no sanitary zones putin will be able to stop it, and until they withdraw their troops, more and more. more war will move to the territory of russia. well, there is another prediction about the future of the russian-ukrainian war , the chairman of the armed forces committee of the senate of the united states of america , democrat jack reid, believes that the adoption by congress of additional aid to ukraine will help the ukrainian army to slowly push back the russians throughout 2024, although i will not allow pictorial breakthrough. there should be a new one next year on the 25th offensive operation. which i hope will allow them to establish fire control over crimea, this will significantly complicate the situation of the russians and, i hope, force them to sit down at the transition table. mr. mykhailo, what jack creed says about fire control over crimea, does this mean that we will have more attackers, and
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which will fly at a greater distance than now? well , here, from a military-strategic point of view, i cannot agree with the ... nator, because if they give us these weapons, for example, several hundred atakams, 300 km, why to wait until the 25th year, that is, i believe that from a geopolitical point of view. if we postpone such decisive actions in relation to crimea for the 25th year, if, of course, we will have the same tools, the same aviation, the same long-range attacks, then i think that these decisive actions to establish fire control over crimea, we have to carry out in the 24th year, i am not saying that we will be able to conduct offensive operations in donbas, but to carry out limited offensive actions and conduct really decisive actions. in the direction crimea, if we have the appropriate tools, and the senator is talking about this, then
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i think that the 24th year has not yet passed, and the 24th, well, of course, if the help of the united states comes to us in december 24- th year , then, of course, there will be little chance for us to really take any decisive actions in the direction of crimea, if they do at least make a decision and help in april, and i'm not talking about... money, i'm talking about really help is already in the form of atakams, and new patriot systems, and more ammunition and long-range for the hymars, the same glsdb, if it everything will be carried out, therefore, in principle, we will have certain windows of opportunity open in the summer and autumn, let's hope that it will be so. thank you, mr. mykhailo , for the conversation, it was military expert mykhailo samus, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our... platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are now watching us live on youtube and in
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social networks, please vote in our survey, we ask you about whether there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes no, if you are sitting in front of the tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that the parliamentary crisis in ukraine is 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will match we are following up on this vote, and we are in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former vice-prime minister for european integration, former head of yushchenko's presidential office. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, the crisis is visible to the naked eye, and well, how is this crisis visible to the naked eye and how to get out of this crisis? it is necessary to change. system of government organization, because when in ukraine one small branch of government, which i also
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headed at one time, replaces the government and the parliament, then you will never achieve the efficiency of the other branches, that is, we have a chronic problem, the street banking, the structure that is there, which is not elected by anyone, chronically dominates other branches of government, and now at such a moment, it is very... felt, well, we will watch how they will get out of this parliamentary crisis, because it is clear that there is no single majority, and it is necessary to reformat the majority, accordingly reformat the government, and accordingly the central authorities and distribute this political responsibility among other forces. let's talk about what happened in russia, because immediately after the so-called elections, putin came to the fsb and began... talking about the fact that the special service is the key guarantor of the security and sovereignty
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of russia, while he admitted that in the border regions of russia it is the russian rebels who are now howling against the putin regime. let's listen to what putin said. the challenges we face, attempts to undermine our development, require us to systematically work consistently in all directions, in the economy, technology, culture, and social sphere. in strengthening our state and social institutions. and of course, the most important guarantee of the successful solution of the outlined tasks is the protection of the country's sovereignty and the safety of our citizens. as i have already said, more than once, we all understand this from both external and internal threats. when i spoke of these traitors, i ask as it has always been in our history not to forget who they are, to identify them by name. namely , we will punish them without a statute of limitations , no matter where they are, and i ask that you pay attention
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to this line of activity so that no one complains, mr. oleg, so this means that putin, relying on these drawn 87%, is now returning to the times stalin says, well , we will suppress all of you now, well, since he made the first visit of the fsb when it was already announced. elections, you can take a short excursion into the past, my first visits to the kremlin there to get to know my colleague at that time dmitry medvedev , who... headed putin's administration, i had strange things there, when i arrived in the delegation hall, some people met me there, they had such badges on their lapels, from a car, i was sure that it was car, and that this is the service of the president of russia, or wherever medvedev sent it, it turned out that it was a car and
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employees who met me, this is the so-called union of fsb veterans. and they drove right into the kremlin there, drove me to the most holy place, and then there was a meeting, with this, with this union, with veterans of the fsb, and there i heard a lot, first of all, i did not understand why i was invited there, but since it is from medvedev, i understand that it is part of their program, then they spoke approximately such a thing that the biggest holiday in russia, as far as i understand, was the general, the head of this veteran service. they all wear these badges, they are so slightly typical that the biggest holiday in russia is december 20, the day of the chekist, and this is what volodymyr volodymyrovych celebrates, and everyone admitted knows that it is also for for putin and for all of russia, for everyone - this is the greatest holiday. second, 75% of all key
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positions in russia at that time were staff members of the kgb, the fsb, and they... controlled all key financial flows, for example, under each oligarch there was a general who was conditionally the financial manager or god knows how it is with every large structure at foreign russian banks, and one more thing that i later heard more than once, it is very important for these brothers to earn money, they simply talked more than once about the fact that on... i i don't know why who do they keep us ukrainians there, but they perceived me as a very close person to putin to yushchenko, they knew this and wanted to immediately build relations, and they said that they started a dialogue with my
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predecessors in order to make the most modern. analytical center all over the world, just on the territory of the presidential secretariat, they will make, bring their computers, their equipment, and we will have the most modern analytics in real time, the kind that no other structure in ukraine has there, and me, me so mimovukh missed it, but the most interesting thing is that later this general, he flew in his plane, and he was sure that i would meet him. and he expected it from his status there as an adviser to the president of ukraine, well, of course i refused the meeting, but what is quite serious is, well, well, these are people, well, not boys, honored officers, why were they so sure, that we can be treated so easily, that we can simply invite the kgb, the fsb to the president of ukraine, and they
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should provide us with everything there through the analytical center. understanding of the world, that is, that this is a country the kgb, the fsb, i have no doubt, and since then it has only intensified, so when putin talked about where, when he first went to this particular service, including, i think, he talked to the veterans there, i am not surprised by this, these are patriotists, fesvists, so when i hear from good russians the topic of beautiful russia in the future, it only causes a wry smile, because russia is the present. the future is in the hands of this power of these people, meanwhile, putin still wants some negotiations with ukraine regarding the future of ukraine, of course on his own terms, and this, by the way, is followed by another fact that sidney pinh gathered with macron, there is an official reason for 60 years of diplomatic
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relations between china and france, but, as the politik publication writes. the main topic of their meeting is russia's participation in the peace talks on ukraine, kyiv rejects such participation at the first, or at least the initial stage, when the summit will take place according to zelensky's peace formula, what dmytro kuleba says about the role of china, about their role in end of the war, he literally says the following: it is obvious to me that... china definitely has a lot of potential to end this war of russian aggression against ukraine because of the special relationship he has with russia as far as relations go. between ukraine and china, they have never experienced problems either in the main issues or in bilateral relations, there is trust between us, the minister also emphasized that kyiv and beijing
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continue the dialogue regarding zelenskyi's peace formula, mr. oleg, can china influence putin and at the end of russia's war against ukraine, given that putin has now acquired or drawn for himself this... a huge number of russians' support and he literally got a second wind, so he is ready now, referring to this, to this support, to the fact that more than 80% of the russians there voted for him, and accordingly for continue the war with your weapons and troops to the west. well, i would just like to disagree with our chief diplomat. because in fact we have never had warm relations with china, we have the leadership of the chinese communist party, all of our
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orange revolution and the revolution of dignity it was perceived very coldly, well, there president yushchenko did not manage to make a single visit to china there, the only ukrainian president who triumphantly traveled there for 3-4 days was president yanu... and president yanukovych had just really such warm, quite dangerous for our relations, because dubious agreements worth many billions were signed there, so i understand that our diplomat says this, because diplomats should say such things, but china does not accept ukraine even now, especially against the background of the fact that ukraine is now in the camp democratic countries, that we have moscow, that we are a signatory, that we... to nato, for china geopolitically, this is absolutely, this, this is a threat, and for china, russia, and for china it is important that russia does not lose, and china will pursue
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a pragmatic policy, he, he actually acts as russia's lawyer, and these visits by representatives of china did not bring anything new for ukraine, and there are many points in china's rhetoric that, as a matter of fact, should be voiced... the kremlin , and in particular, this is a necessity, a must the language participation of russia, orban, another great friend of ukraine and europe, also speaks about this union and nato, about the fact that without russia, erdoğan repeats this thesis that it is impossible to conduct negotiations without russia, in principle, but after the elections it is a very strange situation, today i saw scholz's speech before the deputies of the bundes bundestag. and he said there president putin, yesterday we heard a statement that officially the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, germany said that russia considers these elections
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to be falsified, and putin will not be called the president, but will simply say vladimir putin, that is what it means that china sees russia as an instrument of achievement. their own interests, and the interests of russia and china coincide with the change in the world order , the abolition of the unipolar world, as they say, the maximum reduction of the influence of the united states and the actual redistribution of spheres of influence, which they talk about almost openly, and it has nothing to do with there is no peace here, and the ukrainian position is clear, so russia should be informed. invited to negotiations after the entire democratic world has agreed on its positions, that is, relatively speaking, the second round after switzerland, the second round
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of negotiations or the second round of this implementation of the peace formula, and the fact that china wants to be there, and that china makes it a condition that russia will be at the first meeting, well, this makes an impossible position for ukraine and for those members of the western alliance, who in principle... perfectly understand what is happening and who have no illusions about china's position either. you mentioned the united states of america, the former president of the united states of america, donald trump, and the person running for re-election to become the leader of this country, softened the rhetoric about the withdrawal of the united states of america from nato, if he is taken, of course, as president, now he has declared that the states will 100% remain in the alliance if europe does its part. financial obligations. let's hear what trump said. the united states should pay its fair share, not
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everyone else's. it 's fair, i believe the united states paid for 90% of nato, maybe all 100, it wasn't fair, and if they play fair, america will be with them, yes 100%, 100%. mr. oleg, there is a difference between pre-election trump and election trump and elected trump, that is, what he is saying now, what can be expected after his probable victory. you know, even there the american, the american congress at one time limited the capabilities or the powers of the then president trump on there international obligations, in particular such as withdrawing from nato or some other important for the united states for national security agreements, so this is the reaction of trump, trump, he he he, when he works for his audience, he...
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uses certain phrases, but he very often contradicts himself, those people who know him well claim that, in fact, it is impossible to predict trump's behavior, it is impossible to like him, it is very difficult to try to somehow establish some kind of personal relationship with him, but you have to understand that he is a populist, and populists always have a very fine sense of the moment and that... trump after the announcement of the withdrawal from the united states and what he will give there, what he will agree to, or tell putin that if those countries that do not pay contributions, remember, he said that if they say russia will attack them, then they say yes, so they should, this caused a colossal storm of protests among trump's closest allies, and of course he changed his rhetoric a little, but it is very important that we do not to catch some kind of
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reception. or logical news for us and to hope that trump is a politician that ukraine can count on. ukraine cannot count, because it is not predictable, and the main thing is that the leaders of the european union understood it perfectly, so the choice is for the americans, with the americans, but the world, the european world in particular, has clearly understood that it is necessary to minimize the dependence on who will be the next president of the united states and to pay much more. for the independents for the security of europe, you know, if now 2% was considered the maximum there , at the beginning there 10 years ago only three countries paid, now there are 17 countries, in my opinion, they took this barrier of 2%, then now it is already a question is about 3%, and some countries have increased their contributions to defense and security even more, and europeans have taken up the issue of their own
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security, realizing that he... the nation actually takes place on the european continent, and this is their continent, and this is their home, and trouble is knocking at the door of their home. thank you, mr. olezh, for the conversation, it was oleg hrybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office and former vice-prime minister of ukraine. during this broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, if you watch us on tv, you can continue to vote, and here are the interim results poll. 3% say yes, 7% no, we will continue this survey in the second part of our program, after the bbc news release, we will return to the studio, we will have guest political scientists, oleg sayakyan, vitaly kulyk and maksym rozumny, stay tuned to our channel, wait 15 minutes, we will definitely return to the studio, it will be interesting.
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millions of dollars for russian content, what makes ukrainians still listen and watch russian, what is the probability of completely switching to their own, we gathered the opinions of critics and experts and counted: how many ukrainians paid into the russian treasury. this is bbc ukraine. i am olga polomaryuk. the third year since the beginning of the full-scale war. despite russian military aggression, ukrainians still listen to russian music and watch russian films. and they don't just watch, but also pay money into the russian budget. a little spoiler, we're talking about millions of dollars. statistics show that the songs of russian artists are still in the top of apple music applications with sweat.
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fay, the boy's word for the series.


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