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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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relations with local communities, for example, he honestly said that he should collect all taxes from local communities, and this causes opposition, that taxes are followed by powers, that there is an informal flow of power to state and military-civilian administrations from local local self-governments, and this means that in the part of territorial communities that have certain political ambitions, this is a challenge... not just sabotage, but it causes, well, active political opposition, that is, people start somehow to unite, communicate, to lead certain political companies, and this is already a thawing of the entire political process, and we are already observing it, the same thing is happening in business, well, with all the announcements about some new social contracts, someone is going to sign with someone or create business councils there . under
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the president, they promise a moratorium on mask shows for business, but every day we see dozens of reports that rumors have come to this or that businessman, and he is somehow connected or with the support of some or other forces and unrelated directly with the ruling political power, and this and all of this is starting to be alarming, this is this... such surprise and question, how much you say it's the same thing, but there are whole bills related, for example, to video monitoring, which frankly says there almost overel 1984, big brother is looking at you, ending with various initiatives related to increasing criminal liability for violations of various regimes, including increasing. statements that are interpreted as not
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unauthorized are regimes associated with in terms of punishments, everyone is talking about the law, the draft law on mobilization, not the disproportionality of punishments and sanctions against the so-called evaders, in general there is some kind of presumption of guilt of the mobilized person, and... this actually already becomes a socio-political narrative, and this justifies, by the way, the need to tighten the nuts and take tougher actions, as well as to build such a rigid vertical, controllability, processes and concentration of power, because this is exactly what is tied to the banking idea, let's play authoritarianism, because how for me, this is not just a big challenge, it is a very negative... trend, since these are
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simple solutions to complex issues, they can lead to irreparable consequences for the entire country. i'm not talking about this political force anymore, i'm behind the devices. thank you, mr. vitaly. people's deputy of ukraine, iryna heraichenko, on espresso, called the situation in the parliament a management crisis, in which the leadership of the verkhovna rada is to blame. let's listen to what iryna gerashchenko said. i do not think. that this is a parliamentary crisis, but a management crisis and crisis of the servant of the people faction. and here is how to get out of this situation, there is only one way out, and sooner or later they will come to it, without it nothing will happen, this is reformatting of the majority. if there are not 226 votes for any vote, it must be honestly recognized, the majority must be reformatted, it is true that then the government will have to be reformatted, but this is the salvation of the country. but david arahamia, the head. of the servant of the people faction in
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the verkhovna rada denies that the monomajority has disintegrated, he literally wrote the following in his telegram channel. from 2019 with a certain regularity we learn that it does not exist for the majority. during this time, we carried out reforms for which there were no votes in the verkhovna rada since the declaration of independence and provided the legal basis for ukraine to obtain the status of a candidate for eu accession, everyone would have fallen apart like that, and called all these statements about the lack of votes manipulation. with this, mr. maxim, taking into account the fact that arahamia is now acting as the leader of the monomajority or the leader of the faction of the monomajority, just as the leaders of the majority, which was not was in the verkhovna rada at the time of zelenskyi's election as president, do you remember when the parliament was prematurely dissolved, well , there was already a reason that there was no majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine in july 2000.
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early parliamentary elections were announced on the 19th, in in this situation, the servant of the people should prove every time that they have this majority, or still go for... that this majority can be reformatted and distribute not only influence, but also responsibility for what is in the country on other political forces? well, actually, you can remember not only the events and situations there the period that you are talking about, but also the earlier period, after the orange revolution of 2006, 2007, in the end... the situation in the verkhovna rada, when there are not enough votes for certain laws, is usual, routine, and yes, sometimes it leads to serious changes, but even the statement of the people's deputy iryna
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gerashchenko, which suggests a very simple and generally, in my opinion, quite painless solution, if based on the interests of the country. shows that, in principle, coping with what happens in the parliament is not so difficult, if, again, i repeat, proceed from the interests of the country and from the principle of political responsibility, but i would expand here what my colleague, mr. vitaly kulyk, spoke about the political crisis, i would expand even more, i would speak about the social crisis in country, because we see that... it is already difficult to achieve national unity on key issues, that is , when we see how representatives of territorial assembly centers are simply beaten in some villages, the question
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arises whether public the contract as such, or the feeling so to speak the justice of what is happening and... implements those decisions that are implemented by the state and are implemented on behalf of the state , that is, in my opinion, the government, if it really wants to take the situation under control, should first of all directly try, at least to communicate with the people, to explain what they are doing, what is the sequence, so to speak , there is... justice in the actions they take, and then already on the basis of this agreement with society and the obtained legitimacy, so to speak, to offer some political decision or to express such, well, statements, as
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arachamia would all fall apart like this, that is, if we do not see a reaction to this political and social crisis, then we are confirmed in the understanding that... that the government inadequately assesses the situation and overestimates its capabilities , mr. olezh, is the communication that president zelenskyy conducts with ukrainians every day not enough, or does the government have to communicate in a different way, somehow explain and talk about unifying the country, what zelensky once said, to sew this country together in order to well, it wasn't like there are five or six managers who... run the country, all the others act as extras? the question now is not in words and not in the openness of the government's communication , this is more than enough, and openness and communication, but in the discrepancy between words and deeds, because there are problems here, and mr. maksym,
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in my opinion, very aptly emphasized that the crisis is precisely the sense of justice, and i would also add impunity, that is, you communicate with some people. they say, well, even there during yanukovych's time, it was clear how the situation was it is possible to get out, there are some mechanisms of influence, some formal, informal mechanisms, today, if a person is faced with injustice, he is faced with it completely, he does not know how to get out of it, and there are no mechanisms to stop arbitrariness in relation to her, it doesn't matter if it's some tetskashniki, and who are showing their idiocy, or it's a power block that... comes and puts on a show of business, these are some other manifestations, while we emphasize that there are also tccs, who work effectively, there are law enforcement officers who perform decently their work, but any moments of abuse, and they become systemic, they face the fact that a person is helpless in front of the system, and no matter how much the president communicates
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and no matter what he says, reality begins to mess with it, about the parliament, then to me it seems that ms. gerashchenko here offers a not entirely relevant solution, because... if we are still dealing with a management crisis, as she said, according to my opinion, then it is a matter of developing a new model, the middle of the government itself, interaction, testing, and if it takes off, then we won't have... we will have a parliamentary crisis, and the government of national unity and the parliament, let's say the coalition of unity, is already a mechanism for overcoming the political crisis, to date we have not yet stepped into it with both feet , and such a step remains extremely painful for the authorities and does not fully correspond to today's level of challenge, it is quite likely that it will have to be done after a step, if we do not draw conclusions at the moment and return the institutionalization of politics, that is, the exit from manual control from the return. at least the partial gradual transfer of functions to the government, which are inherent to the government, to the parliament, functions that
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are inherent to the parliament, must be made more difficult, according to the complexity of the challenges we face. short , gritting your teeth, in the first couple of years of war, it is clear that manual control is better than complete flightlessness, it allows you to mobilize resources, but when we have to think about the long strategy, when we have to distribute efforts, then this model of manual control in five - six managers or 25, here on... it is important, this model itself, it is vicious, it limits us and weakens us as a state, as a society now resisting russian aggression. vitaliy, why, why is this happening, why is it that the current team is unable to understand that this is manual control, which they abuse, in part, and even this distribution between five or six managers of all powers, heads of state. eh, didn’t the experience of their predecessors teach them anything, well wait, they
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didn’t live differently, that is, the servant of the people and bankov and zelensky, they always had a mine for the majority, they are not with anyone in this power were shared, it is like the famous ring of omnipotence in tolkien, so he is alone and no one shares with him, accordingly, well, we are talking about the cabinet of ministers, give him the authority of a real cabinet of ministers so that he does not whip about... the prime minister works a minister in zelenskyi's government, there really would be a government, yes , well, then it is necessary to share powers with this government, and then this means that sooner or later there will be a certain tension between the government and the banking sector, whoever heads it, by the way, cabinet as soon as he starts indeed play a role as a collegial policy-making body, accordingly, it will cause dissonance with the management style that the bank. has been pushing all these years, since the 19th year, they don't know
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how to do otherwise, they don't know how to share power, so, strictly speaking, this effort to reproduce the mechanism of manual control, management, when the government is again such a remote block of the office of the president, when the verkhovna rada will receive a ready-made decision, which it must sanctify, the majority will have to... and as soon as they enter the a situation of readiness to share part of the powers, power, by extension, power, well , this means that it must be some kind of cardinal processes, when the upper ones will not be able to at all , and the lower ones will already be, well, like in a revolutionary situation, well, just don’t want to and by all means to deal with this, at the moment they believe that... everything is agreed, that the situation is under control, and rahamiya's statement directly
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shows that the servant of the people is not going to recognize the crisis of the monomajority, obviously they will try to somehow motivate deputies, they will not release them like serfs from the verkhovna rada, no one will sign statements for them, they will try to attract the votes of deputy groups, remnants of the opzzh and majoritarians, they will have to negotiate with others there, with the motherland, for example, to vote on some issue together, but i very much doubt that even entering a political crisis now, the servant of the people and bankov will be able to share power with the cabinet institutionally, not even with another political force, not with the formation of the government of national unity, even to appoint some... prime minister who could really implement policy and be
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the head of the government as a collegial body, and not just work as a prime minister in zelenskyi's government. so, if it happens, it will happen, i will consider that certain internal transformations really took place in them, they realized all these challenges that they faced. there is another option, i also talked about it, it is to appoint yermak as prime minister, and that's it... they solve two problems in this way: first, but really the government becomes a player, b - in fact the issue of legitimacy is resolved and and... this is a problem, no matter how you deny the existence of this problem, it is rather not constitutional, it is more legal and existential than the constitutional problem of the legitimacy of the president, in connection with the fact that we don't have elections, he has already rescheduled his term, that 's why he's overstaying, that's why i'm like me, this is also
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the option that was talked about in the kulars until recently, it shouldn't be written off either and... to you, by the way, the government of national stability, why not, what is not the way out of the situation? thank you, mr. vitaly, to our viewers, i would like to remind you that today we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, eh, either yes or no, write your comments under this video on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphones, vote if you think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine 0800 211 381, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we let's sum up the results of this vote. well, and while the world is recovering from another re-election, the so-called re-election of putin, and president andrzej duda, the president of poland has announced that within the next two to three years, russia will be able to accumulate
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sufficient military potential to be able to attack nato. let's listen to what mr. duda said in an interview with the tv channel. cnbc. in my opinion, this is a matter of common sense. new reports are appearing, and i recently saw a report by german experts, according to which, perhaps already at the turn of 2026 and 2027 , putin, having transferred his economy to military rails, will have such a military potential that it will be able to attack nato. the alarm bell is ringing. there are still two or three years to go, during which we need to build up efforts, stockpile ammunition, produce weapons, increase europe's security capabilities and prepare for an invasion in such a way that it does not happen. let me remind our viewers that today we have vitaliy kulyk, oleg saekyan and maksym
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rozumny on the air, and we are talking about world and ukrainian politics, mr. maksym, can we... consider the words that duda said that the west understands that the received or drawn percentages of support for putin, more than 87%, russians seem to have voted for putin, this is one of the main motivators for putin to continue waging war, not only against ukraine, but against the world citing the fact that he has a lot of support from the state, in which more than 100 million people live. i think that the results of these so-called elections in russia, they are really very revealing, including for europeans, and for the west as a whole, uh, just in the sense that
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for putin and for russia, respectively, there is no way back. uh that is, in the end, so to speak, this country and this leader have joined the club of dictators and will certainly not be able to get out of it in any political way except , so to speak, the complete destruction of this regime, so understanding what to agree with putin and return to some status quo that existed until tues. to ukraine is no longer possible, it is obvious that the europeans are beginning to model situations, are beginning, so to speak, to project their fears and their own, so to speak say, one's expectations for practical politics, duda's statement, it is interesting, it can
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be analyzed from different points of view, well, for example, one can think about the fact that if russia... during the next two years can accumulate military potential, then it is most likely means that it will not conduct active hostilities in ukraine, because now the russian military-industrial complex and the so-called russian army are working from the wheels and everything is going to the bottom of this war, including the help that comes from north korea, but this one would to say, well, rational argumentation and rational ones assessments, they are secondary in this... case , the main thing is that europe has begun to feel an existential threat, europe has lost its illusions that it is possible to deal with russia... as a rational entity and begins to prepare for the worst, begins to mobilize , this is probably a better
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signal and better information for us than the fact that in the next two years russia will accumulate military potential, which is far from obvious, so we will, we will observe the awakening of europe and its, so to speak... return to reality, well today , emmanuel macron, the president of france, mr. oleger, spoke about the awakening of europe and the awakening of france, after all, on the speed of this awakening, the future of not only ukraine and europe, how do you assess this one, but the new five or six-year period will obviously depend , putin's fifth six-year anniversary. which he started on march 17, regarding the statements of duda and other european politicians, it should be understood that they communicate and speak primarily for their societies, and now
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securitization is taking place, or it sounds less accurate in ukrainian, but securitization of political discourse and agenda, they need a mandate to arm, re-arm, strengthen security components, and for this it is necessary to explain to society, and even better to give concrete images. of these threats in order to obtain this mandate in society, the situation is the opposite with regard to putin, actually, i do not completely agree with this assessment, because here it depends on whether we are observing from the outside, or we are observing from the inside, if the external view, yes, we can say that putin, having conducted a special electoral operation, has now reappointed himself as the leader of russia, confirmed that, accordingly, his hands are more free in military actions, but it is necessary... that they were not tied to him before this, firstly, secondly, this thinking, it rather , it pulls the european or western globe on russia, or rather the western word, the owl on
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the russian globe, because it starts from the position that russian society has its own will and has its own position, and it is from this that putin is taking steps now. and the situation is the opposite. of russia, vassal society, if to ask on the street about some serious issue. a russian, and what do you think about this question, he will say: well, actually, i don’t know, well , something, something like that, well, i don’t know, the leadership knows better, they sit high, they sit high, they can see clearly, but they don’t know what they do, the average russian will answer , that is, there is no, in order for the elections to take place, a manifestation of the will is needed, and there is neither the will nor the willingness to manifest it, it is not about the citizens, and therefore such a view is external, it seems to stretch the perception of the west of how will be... in them political decision -making and the nature of legitimacy in republics, i will apply it to russia, where it is not a republic, where there is no such
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nature, the nature of putin's legitimacy is completely different, ideocratic, and in this context, on the contrary then, it is a mirror situation, putin now held a vote and is strengthening his power is not in order to fight, putin is fighting in order to strengthen his own power. and that is why today the regime is really on the rails, when it can no longer fight, moreover, now everything is collapsing into a totalitarian regime, the transition from authoritarianism to totalitarianism is passing, and putin will find himself in a situation where it will be necessary to tighten the screws, to move from point to mass repressions, of course they will not be class-based, as in the beginning of the 20th century, but nevertheless they will be more massive, thank you, thank you , mr. olezh, we have very limited time, sorry, minutes for vitaly kulik, the difference between putin and the russians is understood in the west, is it now one and the same, that is, that we must fight not only
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against putin, no, there is no such total understanding yet , part of the political the establishment of the west is trying to separate the putin regime and the russian people, there is also a country, and there is a state, and here is the russian people, which... is under the occupation of this putin regime, and it is simply necessary to wake them up, somehow motivate them, send signals, not identify, this line is preserved, absolutely, it is discussed in many statements and messages, the way good russians are treated in the so-called opposition in the countries of western europe, this is also an indicator, therefore... therefore, about this understanding that the language is about actually a fascist society, a sect society for which there are no other options. except for shock
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therapy, well, in the grand scheme of things, there is absolutely no such thing yet, but more and more politicians are starting to talk about responsibility, about the lack of possibility of changing the political regime, about its gradual democratization, i wanted to remind you that in my time in the soviet , if there was still a soviet union, many sovietologists would also be divided into twice as large parts, most of them believed that... it is possible to democratize the soviet union, what happened next, and the other part believed that the soviet union could not be democratized, mr. vitaly, we don’t have enough time, just one minute, under such conditions, there is only the possibility of its disintegration, as soon as russia is dismantled, then it can be destroyed putin's regime, thank you, we will put an end to this optimistic note, vital colic oleksayan and maksym rozumny were guests
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of our program today, thank you gentlemen. for participating in the program, let me remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we you they asked about this, whether there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, so the results of the survey will now be on the screen, we will tally up the results of the vote 94% yes, 6% no, we put an end to that, it was the verdict program of serhiy rudenko, goodbye. on march 21-22 in kyiv, well-known european and american politicians and experts, representatives of the eu and nato, about the situation at the front, urgent aid to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint victory. the arseniy yatsenyuk foundation
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