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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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india congratulated putin on his victory in an election that western democracies did not recognize as legitimate. what could this mean? svoboda live is talking about this today. my name is sashko shevchenko. and we begin. the russian city of engels, where the strategic aviation airfield of the russian federation is located , was attacked on the night of march 20. the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine is behind the attack. this was reported to rfe/rl by ugur sources. according to ukrainian intelligence during the attack. ukrainian-made drones were used. in gur reported targets hit, results being finalized. at the same time, it is not disclosed which targets were hit and what their number is. rfe/rl's schema project has published satellite images of the airfield, which is believed to have been hit. well, as of yesterday, march 19, there were 11 planes there, including nine bombers. six tu-95s, one of which is out of order, and three tu-160s. in... comments of the publication ukrainian pravda
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the ukrainian source specified what exactly they could have used to hit engels. the unmanned kamikaze drone of ukrainian production is fiercely beautiful shows engels' demilitarization and decommunization will continue. the governor of the region, roman bosarin, also confirmed the drone attack on engelis in his telegram channel. there are allegedly no casualties and destruction, he wrote. but russian telegram channels published the video. on which the sounds of explosions could be heard, local residents said that they heard from two to four loud explosions over the city, which, quote, shook the windows in their frames. let me remind you that a military base is located in the city of engels in the saratov region of russia the airfield where tu-95 and tu-160 strategic bombers are based. in particular, russian planes that attack targets in ukraine take off from it. earlier, this airfield was already subjected to drone attacks. well
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, now we will talk about the possible consequences of this attack on the city of engel, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum of ukraine, is in touch with us. good evening. good evening. well, so there is no word yet on exactly what kind of destruction might have struck engels, but if to assume that the gur drones really hit the targets at the airfield, how could this undermine the ability of the russian federation to launch missile strikes against ukraine in the future? well. each decommissioned bomber reduces these opportunities, but the russians still have quite a lot of these aircraft, they are located at three airfields, well, i mean strategic and long-range bombers, they are strategic at three airfields and tu-22 m3 long-range bombers are also located at three airfields, so in general , there is no such radical reduction in strikes on ukraine will be in connection with this strike, but still in connection.
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with an attack on the engels airfield, but still, first of all, the russians must be kept in a state of tension all the time so that they rush between airfields, yes, look for a free place to go, this will somehow contribute to the fact that the bombers will also reduce their engine resource , engines, yes, and in general, in such a nervous atmosphere, the number of various aviation... accidents, accidents, catastrophes, insufficiently qualified maintenance of aviation equipment, which will also contribute russian losses, but is there any understanding of how many such strategic bombers russia had at the beginning of the full-scale war, how many were destroyed during this time, how many are left, well, roughly at least, well, approximately, we can say for sure that the russians have 1,760 bombers, now they ... two more were completed from
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the soviet, so to speak, fuselages that remained in the soviet airframe, they equipped them with equipment, and moreover, they are now actively modernizing these aircraft, they have these 17 aircraft up to 10 already modernized to of the tu-160m standard, and the tu195s, they officially announce that they have 42 such bombers. in flying condition, but in general , according to experts, they have only 32 such aircraft capable of flying, well, there were 60 tu-22m3 long-range bombers, two of them have already been destroyed at the airfields, well, there are 58 left, but also far from all , a maximum of 40 of them are capable of flying and performing combat tasks, so it turns out that there are still many in ukraine and in those departments that are probably behind the strikes on airfields. so much work
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and some airfields, for example shaykovka, yes, they are quite close to our territory, and along them diagenevo, shaykovka, these are airfields. tu-22 m3, which carry kh22 and kh-32 missiles, and our drones are already reaching them, the only thing that remains is the problem of accurate damage to aircraft. for drones , they are better at hitting stationary objects, and planes that can fly over or be towed at the same airfield are too much more difficult to hit. but really, if we talk about, as you say, moving targets, such... planes that are possible to rebase, tow, how problematic it is for those drones that are used, allegedly used by gur, but according to the ukrainian truth , it is a ferocious drone, to what extent is it possible to adjust it, remotely or not remotely, and is it really possible to accurately hit targets,
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let me remind you, that gur was informed that, well, they are still determining whether they managed to destroy and how many planes they managed to destroy, you know, if... make it so highly accurate that it can hit such a small object as an airplane, yes, and hit, well, for example , there, his moved to 100 m, so that the drone , without external control, also flew and struck 100 m away, and not where there, where the expected position is, so for this, the drone needs to have a guidance system, such as is found on winged aircraft missiles, for example , storm shadow, yes, that is... at the last stage on the terminal segment, the drone must photograph the object, well, scan it, yes, compare it with the image that is on board, trust this object, and he will definitely be impressed, because this system is more expensive than the drone itself, and to be used on drones
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half of which, well, can certainly be shot down on the way to the goal, it is, let's say, so impractical, and it is very impractical, so economically impractical in general. but this is not a system for drones, yes, it is a system for cruise missiles, which in general are able to overcome there along difficult trajectories to overcome the route, so what about drones, we are unlikely to be able to do with drones, the only thing is that if there are some planes that take root in the concrete, yes, well, then you can try to hit them precisely by gps coordinates, of course, let's talk about the specifics of those missiles, which launch which are based at the wengelsi airfield, and are we actually talking about these soviet cruise missiles from the khat series, or maybe other means of attack and which can be carried by such aircraft, only the h555 missiles, well, the x-55sm, which we once handed over
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to russia, and missiles h555, this is their modification and missiles, the most modern russian missiles kh101. that's all, the arsenal of these planes is exhausted by this , the only thing is tu-160m bombers, previously they could carry only these missiles, these three types of missiles, now they are retrofits that bombs can be mounted on them, but it is clear that the russians will not use them as bombers, well, that is, we are talking about cruise missiles, which create the most problems for ukrainian air defense, well, the most problems for ukrainian air defense with... they create ballistic missiles, and with these we still have some advice, because these are cruise missiles that travel in a straight line, with an almost constant speed, and air defense sometimes shot down up to 90% of these missiles, and the general standard is somewhere around 75-80, that is
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, they shot down 5-4. what is actually known about the human drone, which i have already mentioned how different they are from similar ones. kamikaze drones, how easy is it for them to bypass air defense zones and so on? well, the main thing is that there are two main differences between them, so, firstly, this drone has a range of 1000 plus kilometers, yes, as far as it was declared by ukroboronprom, and so far they have shown its warhead, it already weighs up to 50 kg, but all drones , which were produced until that time, they also had a shorter range. and the warhead there was from 6 kg somewhere to, it seems, up to 12, no more than kilograms, that is, the drone is fierce - it is already real such, well, to the liking of the ukrainian shaheed, yes, the answer to the russian shaheed, although in terms of his qualities he still does not reach the shaheed, well
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, indeed, if we talk about the impressions of the engels airport, then it turns out that what should be the range of such a one, which, yes so to speak, we can confirm the confirmed range... now in this broadcast we can confirm this drone, if it really was him, well, engels is 700 km from the territory controlled by ukrainian troops, yes, that is... plus yes plus a complex trajectory, you have to add at least another 200 km, well, yes, it was 1,000 km that was announced , well, it is guaranteed, probably 900 km is, the shelling of russian belgorod also does not stop , and they actually continued today, as evidenced by the video that was published today by russian telegram channels, and the day before the head of the region vyacheslav gladkov reported on the evacuation of people from belgorod oblast through this area. let's listen to what gladkov said and then continue the discussion. we are ready
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to solve all questions in any number that will arise before us regarding the temporary moving to other regions until it is safe. any number of people that will be needed. therefore, dear friends, i strongly ask you to listen to our argument: to go to meet us and temporarily leave your homes. mr. valery , in this context, i would like to ask you what goals are likely to be achieved by those who launch these drones, in fact , drones have also been launched over belogorod recently, but as reported by the russian authorities, they were also means of jet flood of fire so, and i also want to emphasize here that officially the armed forces do not take responsibility for such shelling, but warned about such an attack. russian volunteer formation, so what goals can be achieved by such shelling of belgorod and other russian border
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regions? well, you understand, the russian economy is now put on military rails, that is , one hundred percent in a front-line location, and this is not far from the combat line, very close, let's say, there are also repair enterprises, there are enterprises that provide for the needs of the troops, there are some bases, warehouses, that is, objects on which... it is necessary to strike, i think that there is enough, that is why belgorod is being hit, and of course, if the russians use electronic warfare means, then it can also fall on residential areas, why, when, for example, our drone is flying, it is disconnected, it navigates by gps, yes, or by radio commands, if its control system is jammed, the radio control channel is jammed with a reb, the communication channel with the satellite, yes, it continues to fly in a straight line, and instead of trusting the target,
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it will fly somewhere straight, if it somehow gets in the way of some civilian object, even a high-rise one, yes, it will not pass it, and in general, these drones fly at not very high altitudes and can hit any objects, and the only way is really for the russians, it means to end this idiotic war that they started. they said, yes, then everything will be calm, nothing will fly, nothing will strike them. actually, here we are now showing a frame that probably indicates that belgorod was shelled, this is reported by russian telegram channels, and videos that they probably collected from open sources. what do these shots tell you, what could have caused such blows? i will say that the russian authorities are saying that these were not drones, but that they were precisely rez, well, jet systems, instead of volley fire, unfortunately, i don't see it. therefore, i cannot comment on them, well, then we will return to this issue, in
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fact, to what is happening in belgrade, because the situation there is dynamic and we can see that russia is indeed announcing, announcing evacuation, the last question, ukraine has also intensified strikes and on russian oil refineries since the beginning of this year, do you think we should expect a continuation of such strikes in the depth of russian territory, here it is important to understand that these refineries were actually these strikes. quite far from the ukrainian border, and why , in your opinion, did they become more active just now? first of all, our drones, small, our drones , which, as i said, have a warhead, from 6 to 12 kg, this is our beaver there, these drones, small drones, yes, ah, they are not capable of hitting any industrial facilities, but oil refineries, yes? oil refineries, yes, they are vulnerable even from a match, from a bullet
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, well, just this rectification column breaks through there and a fire starts, this column, yes, so, in general, this is for our small drones, it is an ideal object of damage, but here it is , let's say, according to the criterion of efficiency, cost, here the highest efficiency of these blows. if the drone costs a little more than 100 there, i take the simplest drones, so, well, the simplest ones, i’m all about drones, light drones, yes, if and... the cost is approximately 1005-110 thousand euros, yes, then such a column, rectification, its cost is several tens of millions of dollars, and it is individual, if it is damaged, then it will be very difficult to restore it, well, that is why, then, our drone strikes now, they,
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something i read, that caused damage, somewhere, therefore, destroyed. something around 600,000 barrels of oil, so this is quite an effective way, so to speak, to create difficulties for various russian offensive operations, because as they say, fuel is the blood of war, gasoline is the blood of war, and the western the press, yes, yes, yes, well, this is the blood of war, that is, if there is no fuel, then there are no offensives. retreats, movements of military equipment, because there is nothing to refuel it. of course, thank you for joining our broadcast, we discussed the situation with the attack on engelsk, engels and the airfield there, as well as the situation in belgorod region. aviation is in touch with us, a leading researcher of the state aviation museum of ukraine. in sumy oblast, the authorities are preparing a decision regarding
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the forced evacuation of families with children in... communities that are constantly under russian shelling, the head of the regional military administration said on the air of the telethon today, sumy oblast continues to suffer from the most massive shelling since the liberation of the region in the spring of 2022. well, according to the latest information, during the night and in the morning, the russian army carried out 16 shellings of the border territory of sumy oblast, and 65 explosions were recorded. this was reported in sumy ova. in particular , it was used for shelling. targets, grenade launchers, artillery, and also launched guided aerial bombs. the situation on the border with president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi summed up russia in an evening video address. sumy is our region, which borders on russian territory, and these are constant russian attempts, establishment of drg, constant terrorist shelling
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and strikes, our border villages. the russian army is trying to simply burn it to the ground. only from the beginning of this march until today , the russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy oblast, just on villages, cities, and civilian infrastructure. an obvious necessity for of ukraine - to strengthen our air defense in such a way as to make this terror impossible. we talk about the situation in sumy oblast, as well as in other border regions of ukraine, with vadym mysnyk, spokesman for the operational command of the north. kind evening, good evening , mr. vadim, tell us about the current information regarding shelling today in sumy oblast, maybe in other regions, actually in the north, since we have the latest information from the official, it is as of this morning, maybe what, what happened today? we have been on the northern border of ukraine with russia, specifically in the sumy oblast, for the past day
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recorded 33 shellings on 20 border settlements, that is 100. there were 54 explosions, if we count the last two days, then we are observing a general decrease in shellings, which lasted almost a week before this, but we are analyzing this situation and it is too early to draw conclusions, it may it can be due to several reasons, including weather conditions, and there may be more. they have redeployments and different points will be taken into account, can it then be assumed that they will somehow be able to evacuate more people from the border regions, if the shelling has relatively decreased, the military administrations, the national police,
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the state emergency service volunteers carry out evacuations whenever possible. the population from border settlements, it should be noted that this is the most vulnerable category, elderly people who did not want to leave their homes early, and now sometimes have to walk, there are border settlements where it is not even possible to reach them by car, they are taken out and delivered already in safe cities, already more than 20. settlements, which are completely the population is evacuated, and the evacuation continues at the slightest opportunity, but tell me about which zone, what depth are we talking about? which areas must be evacuated from, are there any relatively safe areas in sumy oblast, or is this a general recommendation for the entire sumy oblast, now
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try to find a home somewhere further away? well, first of all we consider the five-kilometer zone to the border, these are the most vulnerable settlements. the enemy, it should be noted that the enemy uses the entire available arsenal of weapons, from mortars, barrel artillery, rocket... for aviation, it includes strike drones, rocket launchers, fp drones, and also uses, missiles and guided air bombs were also used during this period, so the depth can be, we know that strikes were also carried out deep into sumy region, this is according to the sums of the regional center , in kanatop, shosha and other cities, towns , er, mr. vadim, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his address that it is necessary to strengthen air defense, i will quote, to stop this terrorism, what can actually be done when
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it comes to the border region and when it comes to about the means you listed well, in particular, there are drones, and if it is artillery, how realistic is it to strengthen air defense in order to defend yourself? the defense forces of ukraine are carrying out the task of maintaining the northern state border, so we are adding all our strength to strengthen our defenses, to tighten explosive non-explosive barriers and make every effort, but it should be taken into account that these are hundreds of kilometers and the terrain is difficult, there are forest areas here , continuous, i.e. there are certain... well, such difficulties, including seasonal ones, this is the flooding of rivers, which makes it possible to use there, as the enemy uses
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, tries, tries to use subversive infiltration groups, but our defense forces detect them in time and repel them, mr. vadim, in your opinion, are the intensification of shelling in march, the intensification of drg activity , related in the sumy region and... with the fact that the shelling of belgorod intensified and that we know for sure that there were raids by russian volunteers on the territory of the russian federation, do you connect these events? we cannot simply analyze the logic of putin's tactics with difficulty, the fact is that politics in peacemaking is not about putin, and they will strike where they can, namely... on the civilian population, on the infrastructure, so to somehow connect or draw such conclusions, we will do everything to avoid to allow such shelling
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from russia, of course, but i just want to clarify whether it is possible, whether the operational command of the north itself can do something to those units that are in it, which are currently there, and in order to strike the means. on the territory of the russian federation, which are carrying out shelling, are there any restrictions here, well, so be it say legal and are there physical possibilities to do it? our task is to maintain the state border, then there are political issues, we are making every effort to fulfill our combat mission, is a fortification currently being built in sumy oblast, do you have any details? tell about it, of course, and sumy region , chernihiv region, kharkiv region, and the first, second, and third lines of defense are being built, and
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concrete structures, and anti-tank ditches and tetraders dragon's teeth, so-called, strong points, solid lines of defense are being built, which are related to each other, are also explosive barricades, this is... rubble is created in forest strips, territories are also mined, so we are constantly engaged in this in order to strengthen our defense precisely on the northern border. thank you very much for joining our broadcast and talking about the situation in sumy oblast, where , let me remind you, there is indeed an intensification of shelling and the activities of the russian drgs. we were contacted by the spokesman of the northern operational command, vadym mysnyk. well, as we have already noted, the evacuation of residents of several districts, which are right on the border with russia, which is shelling them, is beginning in sumy oblast. regional military
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the administration says that... that there will also be a mandatory evacuation of families with children, the evacuation has already begun in bilopyl, how it is happening, what mood people are in, see in a special report from the sumy region. at the moment, there are eight people left in ryzhivki, again, two agree to evacuate today, but today we can't, we are planning them for tomorrow, there is actually no village, there is actually no place to go. there are, of course, whole streets far away, not yet completely, but whole, and so closer to there is no border of the village, if it even flew through us before, we heard the exits , come, as we are already calculating everything, well, and then the shelling began already on the village, on houses, on houses, my fab was pierced, not one, no once he came there, and the house was also beaten, he came on a motorcycle.
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i knocked on the doorbell in the corridor, and it gave way, the ceiling collapsed, there was a hole, there was smoke all over the place, i don’t know how i’m going to get out, i grabbed the icon, the icon, oh my god, i say, and got out, but it’s all covered in mud, well, that’s it you know, the plaster is all over, it's scarier, it's a quiet horror, you hear a sound,
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and there? you can feel it, there is a vibration of the air, when i was collecting things, right on my knees, pointed in a bag, and i see a flower on my window, a torn pot, and when it flew, and it was 200-300 m, maybe even closer, that flower i just see it like this, jumps up and back , jumps up, the scum was falling everywhere in the house , this is how i was collecting things, not that we grabbed, we were gathering for two hours, probably, but we were loading for 15 minutes, literally... a few days ago , such an active phase happened in the village, they began to beat right across the village and it was getting to the point that in half a day up to 200 shellings, it is clear that people were in the basement, the situation in the village was already critical, first of all i would like to thank those guys who took people out, because some were even taken by force, some were begged, but for
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these... days literally in 3-4 days, there are people who went out on their own, and there are those who could not go out on their own, there was no transport of their own, few mobile groups, these brave guys took them out. according to the estimates of russian independent journalists, the presidential elections of russia, which just took place, were the most falsified in the history of russia, since elections began to be held there after the collapse of the ussr. the meduza publication calculated the figure of voter turnout, which is more than 77%, and the result obtained by vladimir putin, which is more than 87%, and compared it with the previous elections. based on these data, journalists say that the scale of falsification is difficult to accurately establish, however, it is much higher than in 2018, when the results had to be canceled at more than a third of the polling stations in ukraine. the anomaly in the results can be explained primarily
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by what is in the boxes. to vote physically they threw in additional ballots, or they assigned a certain number of ballots with ticks for putin already to the voting protocols, even without throwing them out. journalists also recorded the rewriting of votes from one candidate to another, without throwing in ballots and corresponding changes in the total turnout. in ukraine , the presidential elections in russia were not recognized, in particular, because they were held in the occupied territories of ukraine, and the secretary of the nsdc, oleksiy danilov , said that kyiv was careful. according to which of the foreign leaders congratulates putin on his victory, the fact that the elections were held in the prison camp , the head of the prison camp, well, this is such an event, it's just that we are now very carefully watching who is congratulating the president, that's in putin's paws, that's from his alleged victory, quite such an interesting list, that's an understanding of who by what interests, at the same time this movement.


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