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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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can be explained primarily by the fact that additional ballots were physically thrown into the ballot boxes, or a certain number of ballots with ticks for putin were assigned to the voting protocols, even without throwing them. journalists also recorded the rewriting of votes from one candidate to another, without throwing in ballots and corresponding changes in the total turnout. in ukraine , the presidential elections in russia were not recognized, in particular because they were held in the occupied territories of ukraine, and the secretary of the nsdc oleksiy danilov said that kyiv is closely monitoring who from foreign leaders congratulate putin on his victory. the fact that the elections were held in the prison camp, the head of the prison camp , well, this is such an event, it's just that we are now very carefully watching who is congratulating the president, here in putin's paws, here from his alleged victory, quite such an interesting list, there is an understanding of who what interests at the same time.
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who cares, let's say, when they congratulate this modern hitler on his alleged re-election. about whether the west is ready to recognize putin as an illegitimate president, and what it might mean for ukraine that putin with the victory was congratulated, in particular in india and turkey. let's talk about it further. volodymyr ogrysko, head of the russian research center and minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, joins our broadcast. good evening. greetings, good evening. so , as mr. oleksiy danilov said, kyiv is closely monitoring who is congratulating putin on his victory. it probably won't surprise anyone that the kermans of north korea or venezuela or syria congratulated putin, but, for example, the leader of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, is a leader nato countries, by the way, also the leader of india, narendra modi, also congratulated him, so what, what can this indicate? well, it shows that some countries are more true. the leaders of these
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countries do not fully understand what and with whom they are dealing, it is very sad, because it seems that it is clear to all adequate people that we are talking about a bloody dictator, a person who is persecuted by the international criminal court, and that his place no no not in the chair of the president, of this half-empire, on the dock in the hague, what where... what are the leaders of the countries you mentioned in particular, turkey and india are doing this , well, we really need to take this into account and then act accordingly in relations with these countries, well, we can't pretend that nothing is happening, but what about you then they actually advised the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, the president of ukraine, how to act now in relations, in particular with turkey. taking into account
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the fact that recep erdogan once again, even after congratulating putin, again called for negotiations and he constantly offers himself as a mediator, should kyiv refuse such mediation? well, you see, we somehow, in my opinion, we do not quite clearly understand what it means to be a mediator. a mediator is, well, in the understanding of many observers and not only observers, it is... so to speak, a table and a chair, well, if you want to make the situation so harsh, well, well, erdoğan offers ankara there, offers istanbul, offers something else for that , so that the two parties sit there and talk, well, you understand, this is such a formal and unprofessional approach that there is no point in commenting on it, the mediator is... the third party who,
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communicating with the two parties, offers them to both options, which may theoretically be acceptable for them, this is called mediation, and mediation in offering a table and chairs, well, this is not mediation, it is an illusion and an imitation of mediation, since president zelenskyy sits down at the negotiating table with... that he is not going to, you know, you can offer anything, anywhere, that is, it will not actually be a mediation, so i think that this is more a game of putin, who uses such leaders as erdogan himself, who e- eh, what are they like in european the union is offended that the negotiations on turkey's accession to...
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the european union have been going on for 40 years, but they will go on for another 40 years, because the european union admits democratic countries, not authoritarian ones, that 's why this process is going on. and such a period of time continues, that is why, i think, we just need to take this into account, understand, limit the possibilities , understand that very often behind this is a banal moscow game, that moscow itself very well uses some countries to to promote their line, their agenda, but this does not make the situation... will change, that is, we should simply pragmatically evaluate what is happening, take it into account in our activities, and actually act in such a calm, pragmatic way. mr. volodymyr, well, then it is interesting how
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nato should act and whether it can act in this situation, because - erdogan is the leader of a country that is part of nato, and it seems that he wants, well, i could be wrong, it seems. wants to have further influence on putin, to hear something from him, yes, to have this access to him, but does it not worry, well , it is clear that it may worry kyiv, but does it also worries the members of nato member countries, what about his activities and can they somehow influence him? well, i think that there is no doubt that it is worrying, but it seems to me that it is much more worrying about another nato member, namely hungary, which... well, it just acts as a country that, well, plays according to the notes that are written in moscow, it is definitely a problem, because if both turkey and hungary, and possibly slovakia, conduct
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their foreign policy in this way, it will undermine the security principles of the entire nato, and therefore brussels you will have to think, because eh... if this is a union that plays by one set of rules, then you can't play by others there. this is a problem, it is a problem for both nato and the european union, because, let's say, the same hungary or slovakia, these are countries of the european union, so now, as you can see, the process of rethinking some of the fundamental things on which they stand has begun these unions, in particular. vote, i think the eu reform, it has already been announced and it will definitely be implemented, the nato reform is still to come, but i think it will mean that some countries will lose the ability to block decisions
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of the entire union. look how long the bloc's hungary, by the way, as well as turkey, blocked sweden's entry into nato. well, absolutely without... absolutely without any real reason for any dissatisfaction, simply because, well, such instructions, they were most likely getting it from their partner in moscow, well, maybe an alliance that, based on according to certain rules of civilization to act in this way, of course not, but how to evaluate, well , not to evaluate? putin's greetings by all, because this basically follows from beijing's previous actions, but how would you advise kyiv to act here, since kyiv still seems to continue to have such a cautious relationship with beijing, although we know that some representatives of the verkhovna rada there
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say that we need to stop this, that we need , for example, to support taiwan more actively and so on, what would you advise the president's office in this sense, well, you know, i... i think that here we really need to take such a calm and balanced line, china was , is and will remain china. we have huge ones in china, by the way economic interests, and those problems that we still have ahead of us, during the negotiations on joining the european union, especially in the field of agriculture, can be easily... solved by our exports to the people's republic of china, that is, we can make money in china and earn and earn again, will it be possible if we break all political relations with this
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country, definitely not. china, you see, despite the fact that it really helps russia and is the ideological brother of putinsky. say, meanwhile, at least formally, but declares that he respects the territorial integrity of ukraine, it is beneficial to us, definitely beneficial, we understand that this is a game, we understand that it is a game, but a positive one. that is, at least at this stage, i would not make too drastic moves, but would work in this economic direction, looking for opportunities. and they repeat once again for the ukrainian economy in the context of china, well , endlessly. well, let's talk about the russian presidential election itself, which recently ended, does the fact that putin remains in power mean that he would got to speak such a new, extended six-year mandate to wage war against
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russia's own population? well, you know, it's obvious , there's no need to comment here, as they say, i 'm more surprised in this situation, frankly, by the position of our western partners, who absolutely rightly claim that these elections were non-transparent, undemocratic, therefore... illegitimate, and it is true, but to take the next logical step, to say that the winner in quotation marks of these so-called elections is illegitimate, hence the courage of our western partners were lacking, because how can one recognize the election as illegitimate on the one hand, and then recognize its leader as legitimate, its winner as legitimate, nonsense, unfortunately, we live in such a paradigm since the 14th year, when elections in
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the occupied territories presented themselves as illegal, worthless, and so on, which is absolutely true and the correct position, but at the same time , the elections that took place on the territory of russia itself are for some reason considered legitimate, so i recently attended a discussion, and there a colleague spoke about the fact that the number of people who voted in the occupied ukrainian territories is approximately 6% of the total number of voters who voted in russia, that is, even this fact suggests that this rigged illegitimate elections, how to act in such a situation? well, unfortunately, we see that only germany said that it will not call putin the president, but will simply say putin. putin left, putin will come. so that
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our western partners finally understand the simple truth: they don't like putin's russia, and to sit down at the same table with a bloody dictator for any negotiations or any meetings, well, it means actually taking the side of this very dictator. mr. vladimir, well, in your opinion, what is the difference between vladimir putin and, for example , alexander lukashenko. the eu did not recognize lukashenka as the president of belarus, it seems that the usa and actually the capitals of the european union are ready to recognize vladimir putin as legitimate, is there any fundamental difference in the eyes of the west? of course, the only thing is that lukashenko does not have nuclear weapons, but putin has them, and because of the fear of these nuclear weapons , because of the fear of nuclear blackmail, our western partners are afraid to make a decision. very sorry, but i think that in this regard, what, uh, uh,
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french president macron replied to this, the nedführer, that nuclear weapons are also a great answer for us, and such things should be said, and such a position it is necessary to occupy, from then on, these two will remain in history as war criminals, a place that really only exists in the hague. thank you very much, stay with us volodymyr was on the phone. rysko, head of the russian research center and ex-minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. that's the end of my freedom, thanks for watching, goodbye. there are discounts on microlax, 20% in psarynyk, pam and ozhdano pharmacies. there are discounts on pulmopriz of 20% in pharmacies in...
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel. espresso. most current topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents ten-year-old zlata pokhilko, 11-year-old artem getman and 17-year-old maksym sustava, united by football. all these children have disappeared in... the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and their current whereabouts are unknown. but i really hope that with your help it will be possible to find the missing. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories donetsk region. please look closely at the children's faces. zlata looks like she is 10 years old, with light blond hair and blue eyes. artem
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hetman. he turned 11 at the end of last year. the boy has blond hair and brown eyes, and this is maksym sustava. now he is already 17. in the photo, the boy is much younger, but unfortunately, i do not have another photo. maxim also has blond hair and dark eyes. information about the disappearance of these children was received in october of last year. there is an assumption that all of them could be in the territory temporarily occupied donetsk, but now their fate is unknown. perhaps the children were taken to russia. so it is important to know any details about them. if anyone has seen zlata, artem or maksym, or knows where they might be now, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile
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operators are free. if suddenly you are in temporarily occupied territory. and you don't have the opportunity call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and help is needed to find them. everyone can, believe me, every minute of your time can be decisive. visit the magnolia children's tracing website in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone, and in the end you will help to find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as
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the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. be interested in your child's interests. invite her friends over. even if it 's very noisy, even if it's a terrible mess in the house afterwards, it's still useful, it's still good. why? because, first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you. secondly,... you will know what she is interested in, who she communicates with, who to turn to in case of what. thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be... genuinely interesting for you too, and last but not least, even if help will not be needed by your child, but by some of his friends, maybe you will be the only adult who can provide this
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help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report. and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time are on the air. my name is ostap yarysh. the white house is convinced that they it will be possible to obtain additional funding for ukraine from the american congress, the us national security adviser jake sullivan, who
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arrived today on an unannounced visit to kyiv, expressed confidence in this. before talking to journalists , he said that the administration is working with legislators every day to approve the necessary assistance. we will be your partner every step of the way. i also want to say that you have to believe in connection. states: we've been on your side since the beginning of this war. we have provided tremendous support and will continue to do so it's every day in every way we know how. there is a question here because of the delay in our congress of the additional funding bill that you rightfully deserve and that president biden fights for every day. that's $60 billion that the senate voted for on a bipartisan basis. we are currently working with the house of representatives to pass this bill. we are from the rostrum of the white house and from other rostrums, i said that
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ukraine must win, today i say here, ukraine must win. what does it mean? it means that ukraine, after this war, will be sovereign, independent and free, able to restrain future aggression, with a strong living democracy, with deep democratic institutions, with an economy. which is developing, when you count the votes in the house of representatives, you can see that a strong bipartisan majority supports this funding, so there is a broad understanding in the united states that ukraine matters, that the security and future of ukraine matters to the security and future of the united states of america, and that we want to help a friend and partner, but we also want to help ourselves by helping you. meanwhile, house speaker mike john. stated that he would not delay the consideration of aid for us allies, in particular for ukraine. they plan to move on to this issue after the approval of the budget of the united states for 2024
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. when exactly this can happen and in what form, we will ask our congress correspondent kateryna lisonova, who is now joining the broadcast. katya, i congratulate you. congratulations ostap. katya, today you were at press conferences of mike johnson. he also explained in more detail about plans for financing ukraine, israel, as well as other us partners. was recently. there was a lot of talk about the format of this aid, whether to lend it or give it free of charge, what speaker katyu said about it today and when this issue can finally be brought up for consideration. today we heard, perhaps, the speaker's clearest statement regarding aid to ukraine in recent months. in particular, he outlined both the terms and possible formats of putting it to the vote of this package. as for the terms, the speaker said that assistance to ukraine and its partners will begin immediately after the budget of the government of the united states of america is approved. and it will happen already. this week, so it means that aid to ukraine will begin after april 8, because after the government's budget is approved, congress
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will go on a two-week break at the end of this week, so aid to ukraine's partners should return two weeks after april 8 , but even then the legislators will not delay it question, at least that's what speaker mike johnson said, i suggest you listen. we were very late. are very adamant about funding our government, it's been a very tough negotiation, but now that that process is over, as i said before, our focus will shift to the issue of additional funding, and a number of ways we 're looking at addressing that question. i won't say what exactly it is about today, but i want you to know that this work was carried out in parallel, but first we had to agree on the allocation. having done this, we will now shift our focus for additional help and we will not delay it. as for the format in which this
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aid to ukraine can be put to a vote, then... speaker mike johnson outlined several options, in particular, the possible separation of humanitarian and lethal defense aid, as well as the provision of aid to ukraine on credit, in debt, as well as the use of the so-called draft law a project that allows confiscated russian assets to be transferred to aid kyiv. at the same time, the speaker did not name the draft law, which was already approved in the senate, as one of these options. i suggest you listen. now we are not talking about... the financing mechanism of ukraine specifically. we are talking about the entire package of additional financing to partners. whether they go separately or together, all these things are discussed by us. i think that in the minds of many people there is a big difference between the lethal aid for ukraine and the humanitarian component. also , the ripo act, a bill that will allow the use of confiscated assets of russian oligarchs and thus partially
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pay for aid to ukraine, is currently being discussed a lot. also the concept of loan assistance is being debated, so there is a lot of thoughtful, focused work and discussion going on among legislators right now. we understand the role that america plays in the world, we understand the importance of sending a strong signal to the world that we stand with our allies and cannot allow terrorists and tyrants to march around the world. in particular , the democrats are willing to lend aid to ukraine, what do they say about it? right after speaker mike johnson's press conference to me managed to talk to his predecessor, the 52nd speaker of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi, and she said in particular that in general , the democrats are calling on johnson to bring to a vote the bill on aid to ukraine, which has already been approved in the senate, which is actually now in the house of representatives and mike johnson does not put it to a vote, but she only noted that the democrats are ready
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to consider alternative options, because now... the most important thing is to put aid to ukraine to a vote in any format, as soon as possible. i suggest you listen to what she told me. it is critical that we do this, that congress do this. the aid package has already passed the senate with bipartisan support. we hope that it will be brought up for consideration in the house of representatives. the speaker said that he did not want to move on to this before the government funded it. this issue should be closed very soon. in a few days, so hopefully the next one will be aid to ukraine. but do you think the package agreed to in the senate has a future? i hope so, that's why that it has already passed the senate vote, which is a great achievement. therefore, i hope that they will take this particular bill. but let's agree on something and do it as soon as possible. katya, if after all the house of representatives passes its bill , a new bill on support for ukraine, we
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know what is needed then... the senator considered it again, again this issue came back to him, what the senators themselves say about it, katya, what from them can we hear in general, the senate is called to approve the bill, which is already passed a vote in the senate, the house of representatives is urged to bring it up for a vote. let me remind you that the bill, which has already been approved in the senate, provides for 60 billion dollars in aid to ukraine, it was voted bipartisanly in the senate and 70 senators, both republicans and democrats, voted for it. and now many legislators are calling for the senate to vote on this particular bill, and i will note that both the leader of the democrats in the senate, chach schumer, and the leader of the republicans in the senate, a fellow party member of mike, are calling for this johnson, mich. mcconnell. he also calls on the house of representatives not to consider alternative options, but to approve the draft law that has already been approved in the senate, so that it immediately goes to the president for signature and does not delay the time needed
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for ukraine to... receive this assistance, i suggest listening to the statements the latest from both republican and democratic leaders on this senate bill and aid to ukraine right now. our next step will either strengthen the american position in the international arena, or knock washington and kyiv out of it. if congress does its job, american weapons will end up in the hands of ukrainians, and we here at home will have a stronger, more powerful military. it will also show what conclusions the world draws from looking at the first full-scale war in europe since '45 . every day that the supplemental funding package remains a senate-only bill, rather than a law passed by the entire congress, america's adversaries laugh at it. it will not be an exaggeration to say that right now the survival of ukrainian.


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