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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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painted, painted and so on, but at the same time it is equally important to emphasize that the vast majority of the russian population still supports him, and let's not deceive ourselves that there is some opposition there, that there are some people protesting, who do not agree, we looked at these protests, the green card is in the ballot, there is a firecracker... uh, and some completely inadequate standing at 12 o'clock and election ballot boxes, this is what is called the russian opposition, so in fact it is overwhelming, huge majority russians are chauvinists, and we have to talk about it, we have to remind her about it again and again, explain it to ours. to the western
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partners, who for some reason again after this next show start talking about how there will be some beautiful russia of the future, it will not exist, because there is no one to create it, and another fairy tale of the west for itself about new new leaders in the person of yulia navalny someone else and so on, it will also undergo another collapse, so they must finally move on to... realities, they are very sad for russia, this country has no prospects for its of development, that is, i understand correctly, mr. volodymyr, that by voting for putin in the majority, the russians voted for the war, absolutely, well, actually they support this war, well, well, even look at these, as you can say now, outposts that are even removed there on the streets. of russian cities
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, they are really for the war, and these are not only older people, by the way, these are people who see russia as such an imperial, aggressive country whose borders do not end anywhere, that is , they believe in all this political frenzy that putin is producing , well, they will have to to pay for it and pay the price of this unity. and not to the empire that still exists. during the last few weeks, mr. volodymyr, both europe and the world have been discussing the statements of emmanuel macron, the president of france, regarding the possible expedition or between the possible sending of french troops to the territory of ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, explained what macron meant. he said that, uh, ... macron
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only meant training, to quote mr. kuleba. when macron spoke about the introduction of troops into ukraine, european leaders panicked macron only wanted to say that there is an opportunity to train the ukrainian military directly in ukraine, and not outside of ukraine, as is happening now. at the same time, the ministry of defense of france, by the way , refuted the statement of the director of the russian foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, who began to say that... france is preparing to send 2,000 of its troops to ukraine, and france announced that naryshkin's message is still one example of russia's systematic use of mass disinformation. why, mr. volodymyr, zahid he is so afraid to say that if the hostilities in ukraine escalate more, european countries will be forced to react to it and will be forced to defend themselves'. stop
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, because it is not about sending french troops to the front line of the russian-ukrainian front, but about the fact that europe must also defend itself from the russians, so that putin hears it, and putin constantly sees some kind of stratification, some clarification of that , that they did not quite understand that we will teach ukrainians, that we do not really think about it, why are they so indecisive, you know, i... first i will say that i really like the change in the french president's rhetoric, it means that he understands that his time is now coming, the time when he can claim the role of political leader of europe, hardly an economic one, because here germany continues to lead, but it refuses to combine its political power with ... or rather
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economic power with political power, so, you know, the holy place is not empty, france, as a member of the nuclear club, may well take it. this leading political role in europe, and i i think that this will happen, is it good for ukraine, i think that it is good, because you see, from the fact that macaron answered putin that france also has nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons, well , it follows, a very simple conclusion follows, you you can not intimidate us because we have something to answer and this is a brilliant move by macron. in order to put this nuclear blackmailer in his place, and i believe that these statements by macron and not only him, about the possibility that some or other armed formations of nato countries may be on
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the territory of ukraine, is also very important and a useful step, well, in the end , it is not about a joint decision of the alliance members, but about the decision of each individual member of nato. look, some, well , lost consciousness from fear, others, began to bury their heads in the sand, saying that no, we meant neither this nor that. others said it was a good idea. i believe that the main thing here at this stage, at least, is that this idea has begun to be discussed. yes, first there will be one, then there will be another, after that there will be. the third, but the taboo was removed from this topic, it became a topic in order to talk about it , hymers were once a taboo subject, patriots were once a taboo subject, f-16s were once a taboo subject, so
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what, well, they were, and then they didn’t become, well , it will be the same here, because everyone understands very well that talking about training somewhere in the western... borders of ukrainian specialists will not do without, so i think that this is all a correct, well-thought-out, reasonable plan of action, let the kremlin finally understand that his dreams of , that the west will stand aside, they disappear like the morning mist, and if there is a need to involve the western partners... then there is no need for a nato decision, each country will decide for itself and will work as it deems appropriate, and for some reason i think that it is not only france. well, by the way, we have the synchronicity of emmanuel macron, where he explains in an interview for tf-1 what he had in mind and about the
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understanding and fears that france has about putin's possible aggression. let's hear what macron said. these fears are a necessary wake-up call. i think it is important that our youth understand what war is like ukraine. it takes place 1,500 km from our borders. this is very little. if ukraine falls, if we decide to abandon it, the consequences will be direct for us. because where will the imperialist power stop if it can advance. so close to us, our democracies still need protection. well, actually, macron seems to have clearly placed all the accents and, well, everything, everything is clear. yesterday, mr. volodymyr, the 20th anniversary
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meeting of ramshtein, the format, our western partners who support us, and the minister of defense, lloyd austin said that the world will not allow... to be defeated, why, can you explain to us, mr. volodymyr, why the west does not say that they will not allow us to be defeated, why they do not say that they not that they support ukraine in its victory, that is, not to be defeated and to win, after all, there is probably a nuance in this, well, mr. serhiy, i think that the main emphasis here is not wording. in that we, in the coming weeks, but there is still such a hope that after all, krivityan will become the month when the american help, and the ammunition that
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the honorable president of the czech republic, general pavel, found for us in the past, and this means that april should... become a very serious month of change, because if we have what we need, we do not forget the plus , that june is, as it were, the month when... the first f-16 aircraft will already arrive in ukraine, then believe me, the combination of all these factors will not just put the topic on the agenda so that ukraine does not lose, but it will already without discussion become the topic of how to make russia lose, and that's it without, so to speak, the permission of one or another of our western partners. if we have enough arms, believe me, i think no one will ask whether we should advance south or
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east, and no matter how far we must clear our territory, for this we must destroy everything within reach of our armed forces on the territory of the russian federation, although we are now being told that f-16s should not attack russia'. sky objects, well, well, let them talk, if these objects are the points from where shelling is prepared and carried out and the destruction of ukraine, then these are legitimate military goals, and they will be destroyed by the same f-16s, so it seems to me that we should feel very calm here and work on one topic, this is weapons, if we are all what we are talking about. but we will finally get it, well, then all the other conversations about formulas, they will somehow
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fade away by themselves, in my opinion. yesterday, the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umerov, after the end of ramstein, announced that ukraine will be provided with more ammunition and missiles for air defense, i will quote mr. umerov. the partners announced the packages aid, which includes artillery shells of 155 mm, 152, 105 mm and others. we are grateful to our partners for searching and finding all over the world. the supplies that are so necessary to repel the ppu aggressor, to protect our cities, to protect our soldiers from the russian aircraft that are dropping kaby on our positions. today, the european commission allocated to ukraine the first 4.5 billion euros from a special fund for the total amount of 50 billion. this was reported by the high representative of the european union for foreign policy jose borel on press conference following the results of the meeting. rather, according to the results of the ukraine -eu association council, he also proposed to direct
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the income from russia's assets in europe to support ukraine. let's listen to what borel said. putin has repeatedly spoken messages aimed at the start of the third world war. we heard what he said in his so-called election campaign. he has imperial ambitions to advance further to the west. i am sure that he would not have stopped at conducting exclusively. military operation on the territory of ukraine, so now we do not have there is no possibility of delaying the next steps, we must act to direct the frozen russian assets to the benefit of ukraine. we are working on it now. mr. volodymyr, the decision on the use of frozen assets of the russian federation for the benefit of ukraine has not yet been adopted , around 300 billion dollars have been frozen around the world. if... european countries and the european union make such a decision regarding the use of these funds, does this mean
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that other funds located in other countries will also be used on the benefit of ukraine? well, you see, mr. serhiy, this is not a very difficult topic for western lawyers, they continue, i believe, to play games that cannot be played, they want to accept russia as a member. a civilized club and are afraid that the aggressor, who has trampled all international law, will sue them using their rules, well, sorry, this is nonsense, this cannot be, it is necessary to make a political decision that russia is an aggressor country, what is wrong with it civilized world use civilized rules not will be, and then legal ones can be found for this political decision, until... our western partners are looking for legal formulas and do not
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find them, until then the topic of not only freezing, but also the confiscation of these funds will hang in the air. now they have found an interim solution that they will give ukraine several billions a year, this is also important, this is also thanks to the profits from these frozen funds, but it is 3 billion, 4 billion, 5 billion. yes, these are also huge amounts, but it is not 280 or 300, however, so it seems to me that there is not enough here again to our western partners of political courage, political will, well... we wish them to finally have it. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on our
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platforms, please don't forget to subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we... ask you about whether in your opinion there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, we choose either yes or no, write comments under this video, if you have something to say about the situation that is currently developing in verkhovna rada of ukraine, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 300... 82, all calls to these numbers are free and , please vote at the end of the program, we will summarize this vote. then in contact us mykhailo samus, military expert, deputy director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, director of the new geopolitics research network. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. let's start our
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conversation with today's attack on the main intelligence agency of the ministry of defense. airfield in russian engels, saratov region, so far gur actually reported that this attack was effective, the ukrainian- made kamikat unmanned drone shows itself perfectly, but well, we know that many of those planes are based on this engels, among others, which were transferred from ukraine to russia in 2000, in particular this one. 95 ms and all these resources that ukraine is currently firing at, planes and missiles, they were exchanged for a gas debt, but let's talk about these drones february that help us strike inside
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the russian federation, we see how in the last few weeks quite successful strikes on oil...refining plants, which are located more than 800 or 900 km from ukraine at a distance, and we get there that what kind of drone is this, tell our tv viewers what they are, what these drones offer us, what opportunities they open up, well, in fact , ukraine has several promising drones that can strike deep into russia, and the leaders actually talked about this. the ministry of strategic industry, the ministry of digital, the ministry of defense, that the plan for 2024 provides for the release of at least a thousand such drones of various types. the advantage of ukraine is that we constantly, our private manufacturers constantly offer new projects, new models, which improve during use, during
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combat use, and during tests, during combat operations. of course, it is possible to improve and take into account specific advantages and disadvantages, because any technique has disadvantages, especially in combat conditions. 1,000 drones seemed like a huge number last december, but the impression is that in fact this year many more long-range drones will be produced and used against russia, basically the same as the same fpv drones, because... what in december there were 50,000 produced, now they are talking about 150,000 per month, and judging by how the intensity of use of ukrainian fpv drones is increasing, for example, on the battlefield, and we can talk about the fact that there is an increase, fortunately, the state got involved, already systematically, there is an increase in the production
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of all types of drones, and they are being improved, for example, if we talk about fpv drones, then there is already a mass production of drones with so-called machine vision, that is, the use of artificial intelligence, what if we talk about long-range drones the drones that we are talking about now , the number, i think, will be far beyond 1000 drones, because in the same operation, for example, if we are talking about strikes on the refinery, then why has the effectiveness of such strikes increased at all in comparison even with those strikes, which were 20... in the third year , there were, for example, one, two, three drone strikes, now we notice that there can be strikes of 10 drones on one object, obviously. that the russian air defense system, the russian reb is not able to protect both military objects and objects of critical infrastructure, and facilities, for example, of such
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strategic military importance as an airfield, the basing of strategic bomber aviation, so the point here is not even in the type or features of a specific drone, but the point is that there is constant improvement and, fortunately, there is scaling . that is, if we reach at least parity with the russians, who use, as we know, about 300-400 shaheds per month against ukraine, if we also use 300-400 long-range strike drones on the territory of russia, it will already be a great success in annual terms, if we count it, for example, 300 drones, then these will already be numbers that... which go far beyond the plans that we, that we talked about in 2023, and this, the further it will be increasingly load russian air defense systems, and the more
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we will succeed in destroying both the economic potential and the military potential of russia. and what concerns radio electronic warfare systems from russia, to what extent is russia keeping up with it now, because they are quite actively using rebs on the battlefield. but well of course, russia is a large enough territory, there are a lot of enterprises, there are a lot of different critical infrastructure objects, as far as they have the opportunity to create these systems around the main objects that they are going to protect in some way there, i heard that the refineries, they they want to protect tanks there with systems, i don’t know if it’s true or not, maybe you can clarify it, well, the refinery is interesting, they started hinting or something... half demanding the owners of the refinery to place orders for the systems from the producers themselves air defense systems and rep systems
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, that is, they already transfer responsibility from the ministry of defense, which is responsible, of course, for air cover, and the ministry of defense is, as a rule, the only and unique customer of such air defense systems, especially anti-aircraft missiles. complexes, i don’t even, well, i’m not talking about rifle complexes, some elementary complexes on pickups, namely anti-aircraft missile complexes, which should really be used by specialists, i, for example, well, it’s very difficult to imagine, it is necessary for the refinery to create some kind of private military company, which will use anti-aircraft missile complexes in a country in which civil aviation flies calmly, and here it can lead to very complex, i would say so and... unpredictable incidents in the air space, the same applies to the means of electronic warfare, reb - piece it is effective, but it is objective, that is, it is very
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difficult to cover large areas, for example, well, as for, for example, troops, you can cover combat positions and this is done in a certain range, width, depth, and so on, all this is done in accordance with doctrines and requirements statutes, regarding civilian facilities, here the situation is again ... complicated, because russia is a huge country, even the european part of russia is a huge territory, in which eyes are scattered, for example, refineries, or facilities military, that is, military units , or the same factories of the defense-industrial complex, and they are not concentrated, which could be systematically closed, for example, there is one complex, and these factories are produced... components, they are scattered on, for example, throughout the european part of russia, and
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it is impossible to cover all these objects without harming, let's say, civilians, objects of communication, communication, state administration, military administration, and so on, or, for example, even by the same civil aviation traffic, because navi, if you paid attention, there were reports, including from nato countries, that... in the kaliningrad area, for example, russia is actively using reb systems that are beginning to suppress the gps signal, and are already suffering from this civil aviation, however, it is not known whether this is russian aviation is suffering, but the aviation of the baltic countries, well, nato countries, in fact, is suffering , and they report about it, however, so far there have been no sanctions or protest actions within the framework of even the same civil organization. but one can imagine that the same problems with suppressing the gps signal, for example, may arise in the territory of russia itself, if uncontrolled
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use of reb systems begins. owners, private owners of specific factories, objects or other, let's say, system elements that will be needed cover. mr. mykhailo , let's talk about the situation in sumy oblast, because over the past few weeks, the enemy has been quite actively attacking sumy oblast with guided aerial bombs, there are more than 300 cabs in... sumy oblast , in yesterday's address to ukrainians, president zelenskyi paid special attention to sumshchyna, where the enemy is constantly, as he said, trying to establish subversive intelligence groups and commit terrorist acts. let's listen to what zelensky said. sumyshchyna, our region, which borders with russian territory, and these are constant russian attempts to establish a drg, constant
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terrorist attacks. and strikes, our border villages, the russian army is trying to simply burn them to the ground, only since the beginning of this march, and to this day, the russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy region, just on villages, on cities, on civilian infrastructure, the obvious necessity for ukraine to strengthen our air defense in such a way as to make this terror impossible. mr. michael what is this terror about sumy oblast connected with, it is clear that along the entire line something similar is happening near the ukrainian-ukrainian-russian border, but sumy has been very active in the last month, they are just destroying villages, my relatives live in this region and they say that horror is happening there, it is absolutely true, yes, well firstly, the russians are taking advantage of the fact that the ukrainian army still cannot stop the use of guided aerial bombs by the russians,
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this is... a problem we have been talking about for more than a year, when the russians were just starting to actively use the cabs, en masse, in fact up to 150 pieces per day , it is possible imagine a 500 kg and a ton aerial bomb that can hit ukrainian military positions and civilian objects. russia is taking advantage of the fact that we don't have the tools, that is, we don't have enough... the same patriot systems that we can put close to the front line, or even to the border, because immediately the russians will use their attack drones to destroy of very high-value technology, which, unfortunately, the west transfers to us, well, just teaspoons, but it would be possible to transfer a little more, because they have hundreds of these systems, and they gave us a few units, this is obviously
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problematic, especially also ... the problem is that we have not been given the f-16 so far. if a year ago we already had multi-purpose f-16 aircraft that can repel russian aviation, they simply would not have been able to use these guided air bombs and there would not have been such horror in sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, donetsk oblast, zaporizhia oblast, khersonska, what the russians, that is exactly in this situation they use, they use hundreds a day in mass different regions, regions, what... what concerns why sumyshchyna at the moment can be connected with the activation of this particular direction, i.e. russian volunteers who are active against the russians are currently active in the belohorod region, in the kursk region, putin's regime, and this may be connected precisely with the fact that, in this way , pressure on ukraine to stop active actions in the kursk beilohorod region, so that ukraine
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will give up. with the support of russian volunteers, you stopped these operations, that is, the actions are absolutely terrorist, there they go military operations, and the russians, as always , are just hitting the civilian population, in order to create conditions as terrorists, when the government of ukraine will have to decide the command of the armed forces and the top military-political leadership will have to decide how to get out of this situation, when the russians just really set up their own subversive groups, clearly aimed just against. civilian population, they don't have any military objectives there, they just go in, kill civilians, it's been a few months, and before that it was when they just sent, it is clear that special forces are just sitting there, who have some plan to enter the territory of ukraine, roughly speaking, to carry out terrorist acts there and come back, but their task is simply to terrorize the civilian population.


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