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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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from another re-election, the so-called re-election of putin, and president andrzej duda, the president of poland, said that in the next two to three years, russia will be able to accumulate sufficient military potential to be able to attack nato. let's listen to what mr. duda said in an interview with the tv channel, cnbc. in my opinion, this is a matter of common sense, new reports are appearing. and so i recently saw a report by german experts, according to which, perhaps, at the turn of 2026 and 2027, putin, having transferred his economy to military rails, will have such a military potential that it can attack nato. the alarm bell is ringing, there are still two or three years to go, during which we need to increase our efforts, stockpile ammunition, produce weapons, and increase europe's security capabilities. and prepare for
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an invasion in such a way that it does not happen. let me remind our viewers that today we have vitaliy kulyk, oleg sayakyan and maksym rozumny on the air, and we are talking about world and ukrainian politics, mr. maksym, can we consider the words that duda said that the west understands that interest is received or drawn for putin. support, more than 87%, russians seem to have voted for putin, this is one of the main motivators for putin to continue waging war not only against ukraine, but against the world, referring to the fact that he has great support for a state in which more than 100 million people live, i think that... the results of these
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so-called elections in russia, they are really very revealing, including for europeans, and for the west as a whole, precisely in the sense that for putin and for russia, respectively, the way back is no longer there, that is, it is finally , so to speak, this country and this leader have joined the club of dictators and... it is certain that they will not be able to get out of it, in some political way, except, so to speak, the complete destruction of this regime, therefore, realizing that it is no longer possible to come to an agreement with putin and return to some status quo that existed before the invasion of ukraine, it is obvious that the europeans are beginning to model situations, begin, so to speak, to project. their fears and their, so
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to speak, their expectations for the practical politics, duda's statement, it is interesting, it can be analyzed from different points of view, well, for example, you can think about the fact that if russia is able to accumulate military potential in the next two years, then this most likely means that it will not conduct active hostilities actions in ukraine. because now the russian military-industrial complex and the so-called russian army are working from the wheels, and everything is going into the furnace of this war, including the help that comes from north korea, but this so to speak, well , rational argumentation and rational assessments, they are in in this case secondary, the main thing is that europe began to feel an existential threat, europe lost its illusions that... it is possible to deal with russia as
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some kind of rational entity and begins to prepare for the worst, begins to mobilize, eh, this is probably the best signal for us and better information than the fact that in the next two years russia will accumulate military potential, which is far from obvious, so we will, we will observe the awakening of europe and for... its, so to speak, return to reality, well today about awakening europe and the awakening of france was spoken by emmanuel macron, the president of france, mr. oleg , after all , the future of not only ukraine and europe will obviously depend on the speed of this awakening. a six-year-old putin, which he started
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on march 17. regarding the statements of duda and other european politicians, it should be understood that they communicate and say this primarily for their societies. and now it is happening. securitization or, in ukrainian, it sounds less accurate, but discourse securitization political and agenda, they need a mandate to arm, re-arm, strengthen security components, and for this it is necessary to explain to society, and even better to give specific images of these threats in order to receive this mandate in society. as for putin , the situation is actually the opposite. i do not completely agree with this assessment, because it depends on whether we observe. from the outside, or are we watching from the inside, if the outside view, then yes, we can say that putin, having conducted a special electoral operation, has now reappointed himself the leader of russia, confirmed, and accordingly, his hands are more untied in military actions,
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but it is necessary to understand that they were not tied to him before this, firstly, secondly, this thinking, it rather tightens for russia , the european or western globe, or rather the western word owl for russian... globe, because it comes from the position that russian society has its own will and has its own position, and it is from this that putin is stepping now, the situation is reversed . in russia, a peasant society, if you ask on the street about some serious question to a russian, and what do you think about this question, he will say: well, actually, i don't know, well, something, something like that, well, i don't know, the management knows better, they sit high, not high. they can clearly see, but they do not know what, the average russian will answer, that is, there is no will in order for the elections to take place, and there is neither will nor readiness to show it, it is not about the citizens, and that is why such a view is external, it as if stretching
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the western perception of how political decision-making and the nature of legitimacy are built in them republics, i pull it on russia, where there is no republic, where there is no such nature, the nature of the law. putin's is completely different, ideocratic. and in this capacity, unlike then, it is a mirror situation. putin has now held a vote and is consolidating his power not in order to fight. putin is fighting to strengthen his own power. and therefore, today the regime is really on the rails, when it can no longer fight. moreover, further, now everything collapses to a totalitarian regime, transit from cars. totalitarianism passes, and so does putin gets into a situation when it will be necessary to tighten the nuts, to move from point to mass repressions. they, of course, will not be class like at the beginning of the 20th century, but nevertheless they will be more massive, but thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, we have very limited time, sorry, one and a half minutes for
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vitaly kulik, the difference between putin and the russians do they understand in the west, is it now one thing, that is, that it is necessary to fight not only against... no, so far there is no such total understanding, part of the political establishment of the west is trying to divide the putin regime and the russian people, and there is also a country, and there is a state, and here is the russian people, which is under the occupation of this putin regime, and it is necessary to wake them up, somehow motivate them, send signals, no... to clarify, this line is preserved , absolutely, it is discussed in many statements and messages, the way good russians are treated in the so-called opposition in the countries of western europe, this is also
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an indicator, so it is about this understanding that we are talking about actually fascist society, the society of a sect for which... there are no other options except shock therapy, well, in the grand scheme of things, there is absolutely no such thing yet, but more and more politicians are starting to talk about responsibility, about the lack of possibility of changing the political regime, about its gradual democratization, i would like to remind you that in my time in the soviet union, when the soviet union still existed, many sovietologists were also divided into two such large parts: the majority believed that it was possible to democratize the soviet union, that what happened next, and the other part believed that the soviet union cannot be democratized, mr. vitaliy, we don’t have enough time, just one minute, one second even under such conditions, there is only the possibility of its disintegration, as
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soon as russia is dismantled, then it is possible to destroy putin’s regime, thank you, we will put an end to this optimistic note, vitaly kulyk oleksayan and maksym rozumny were today's guests. of our program, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about the following, whether in ukraine parliamentary crisis, hence the poll results. will be on the screen now, we will tally up the voting results, 94% yes, 6% - no, we put an end to it, it was the verdict program of serhiy rudenko, bye, there are discounts on lisobact, 10% in pharmacies for travelers. there are discounts on helpex anticolt of 20% in travel pharmacies and
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savings. rif is a leading manufacturer of window sills and window materials. ditch. we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on tablets noshpa, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima , and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhii sgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail. good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money
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during the war. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together.
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see this week in the collaborators program.
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how a doctor from mariuppol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who follow the heart of tagaman. came to serve to the russian occupiers, a large-scale war not only exposes the collaborators who have been masquerading as decent citizens for years, but also forever frees the ukrainian land from putin's puppets. all these politicians, doctors, teachers, artists, opinion leaders and security forces sat quietly and waited for the moment to betray insidiously and painfully. they were promised positions, status and money, but as a result , blind rashka fanatics themselves became targets, and those who... shouted the loudest: "glory to the liberators, are now buried the deepest." this
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release is a reminder and warning to all collaborators about what fate awaits them. a doctor from mariupol received a life sentence for handing over seven wounded servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine to the russians. we are talking about chekhova valentina pavlivna, born in 1966, a native of the village of roze luxemburg, now oleksandrivske, donetsk region. in peaceful life, she was a doctor. an ophthalmologist in mariupol, graduated from the gorky donetsk medical university, in 1991 began to build a career as a doctor, worked as a doctor of the first category in the mariupol city hospital at... number 2 and in the regional intensive care hospitals. when mariupol was under the russian flag, chekhova, instead of saving people, decided to destroy them. according to law enforcement agencies, when the medical facility where the traitor worked came under the control of the enemy army, russian soldiers began to search the hospital to find our wounded soldiers, walked around the wards,
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interrogated doctors and nurses, and while some tried their best to protect and cover military, shakhova literally pointed her finger at the ward where the wounded soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were lying. after that, the rashists imprisoned the seriously wounded ukrainian defenders and took them to the russian torture chamber. an act in the best traditions of the kgb - to surrender one's own in order to serve and show obedience to the killers. of course, after that, the czech was given the position of head of the ophthalmology department at the intensive care medical facility in mariupol. during hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but our department continued to work and provide emergency assistance to the residents of mariupol. this one is in the media field the traitor does not shine often, but we managed to find a video where she reports on how the hospital works in the occupation and what help she receives from razka. the ministry of health decided to create field teams of surgeons to provide assistance.
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recently, yakut surgeons came to us, they brought with them 250 lenses, free of charge. chekhova was suspected for her actions, then the case went to court, and on december 11, 2023 , the october district court in dnipro sentenced chekhova to life imprisonment with confiscation of property. so far, it's not working, but we really hope that when mariupol is liberated, this traitor will spend the next years of her life behind bars. until the 22nd year , we received a generation of children and teachers, by the way. who did not remember their true history, especially children who mostly do not read, special russian classics. before you is a valuable and reliable cadre of the russian system, which for decades sowed the culture of the red star in ukrainian educational institutions and collected information for the fsb. this is tetyana
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oleksandrivna kuzmich, born in 1968. more part of her life... she worked in educational institutions from 1988 to 2007 and was a teacher of russian language and literature in kherson. in 2003, she created and headed the russian national community of rusych, which was financed by the russian peace fund. this gaoshka was engaged in the promotion of russian values ​​through education. also, with the support of the russian world foundation , kuzmich held the pushkinskaya beauty regional competition and the competition project russian culture in media. it was
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to find out what thoughts kuzmich instilled in children all the time while she was working for russia. by the way, it became known about her work at rashka in 2020 . it was then in the kherson region that the sbu counterintelligence exposed a network of agents who worked for the russian fsb. among the agents , kozmich was detained on suspicion of treason . according to the sbu, she was recruited by an fsb employee during her stay in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea in 2015 . she was given the task of collecting. intelligence information about military facilities, as a result, kuzmich was arrested and tried, but after some time she was released from prison on bail of half a million hryvnias, but the it did not stop things. in 2021 , the preliminary hearing in the case of treason against kuzmich began, and within a year she managed to avoid punishment due to the start of a full-scale invasion. our president
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vladimir vladimirovich putin for the first time since the beginning of the svo... gave kherson region, this indicates that he personally controls the events that are taking place. putin is an experienced politician, a professional manager, and he is also a very spiritual person. on the orders of your such a spiritual person, adults and children are killed every day, cities and villages are destroyed, the genocide of the ukrainian people is being carried out. it is this spiritual person who seeks to destroy everything that has even time in itself. ukrainian, of course, that such a traitor, who faithfully served russia for many years, could not remain without a position in a fake ministry, so when the kherson region was temporarily occupied, kuzmich was first appointed the so-called deputy minister of education of the kherson region, and then the deputy of the fake governor work with evacuated residents. if you call a
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spade a spade, the traitor was responsible for it deportation of ukrainian children and residents of the occupied territories to russia. the children were sent to camps, these were children's health camps in crimea. it was a farm and camps of the krasnodar territory. after the de-occupation of part of the kherson region, kuzmich, of course , fled with the russian army to the left bank of the dnieper. this made it possible for the sbi to search kuzmich's residence in 2023. law enforcement officers found russian propaganda materials and symbols, retraining manuals and awards for active support of russia. also investigators of the sbi installed that kuzmich planted russian education in the region, persecuted teachers who did not side with the enemy, forced parents to send their children to new russian schools, and
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actively campaigned for a pseudo-referendum. a true fanatic and a faithful executor of the tasks of war criminals. the case of kuzmich under the article collaborative activity is currently in court. we hope she gets a harsh sentence. putin's henchmen must understand that everyone will have to pay for treachery. betrayal of ukraine. and this is a gaullaitarka lilia pulyaeva of the chaplin community. each resident must make his choice, it is a choice for the future, the future of our country, russia, the future of our region and the future of our children. she is 42 years old and comes from the village of nadezhdivka, kherson region. she studied at the kherson state agrarian university, after which she worked as a bank teller. then polyaeva became an electrozo operator. in 2017, she worked as a project management specialist at the ukrtelecom company in the department of finance, accounting and reporting in the chaplinska settlement council, but with the arrival of the occupiers in the kherson region
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, pulyaeva saw unprecedented career prospects for herself, and in order to get them, she became a traitor. thinking for a long time, from 2022 she worked for a position. at first , she helped with the pseudo-referendum in the kherson region, then there were different ones. tasks from the kremlin, which pulyaeva performed excellently, and already on october 18, 2023, she was finally seated in the chair of the jailer of the cheplyn community. i, the head of the chaplin municipal district, am grateful to president vladimir putin for his high assessment of the work municipalities. like a head without a head, she continuously worships putin's iconostasis. he makes sure that the tricolor hangs at every step, so that as many locals as possible... get passports with a chicken and before that try to sit firmly in such a coveted chair. we, in turn, offer her to change the chair to a bed. in prison, you can not
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worry that it will be removed, because for gratipulayev vochevit will sit for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors to the trail. and a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. a terrible blow to kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, there are dead and wounded. the enemy attacked civilian cars in the kherson region. again, there are dead. our state plans to produce its own shells. caliber, when and whether the cabinet of ministers closes the register of international sponsors of the war, whom they want to hide from condemnation and from
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reputational and financial losses. we will talk about this and other things during the next one hours 46 minutes. my name is vasyl zama, this is the big ether program. we start with the announcement of the collection, by the way, you have already collected almost uah 290,000. this is very cool. we collect on cars that will go to the front. there they spend. material, machines work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly break down. so we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive cars, this is a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator to take out and transport the bodies of the fallen heroes of ukraine. our goal is uah 900,000. support the front to liberate ukraine together. from the russian evil spirits, as of an hour ago there were 286 thousand, i believe that we will close this collection, not instantly, although anything can happen, but i believe in you, and the armed forces
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of ukraine believe in us, we will win together with them . halyna kut is with us, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council. mrs. galina, i congratulate you. unfortunately, this evening is not good, well, he is in ukraine, there is rarely good, unfortunately, but today there are deaths and injuries in kharkiv , the enemy hit the kharkiv region, in general , dozens of cities and villages were hit there, let's start with this, with a powerful attack on the regional center itself, tell me, please , what was it, have they already overcome the consequences of this blow, because they wrote that... there were still victims under the rubble, please, today somewhere around 1:00 p.m. there was a powerful explosion, we all heard it, er, actually it the area is bombelanivka, russia was beating somewhere around the new year, quite often people flew there, er, there mainly an industrial zone , people live not far from there, many people already have contusions
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in... civilians from those flights, and this is an industrial zone, and some enterprises do not work there, in this building, a rocket survived, it is reported that it was rented there and the furniture is also a typography, and it is a fairly powerful rocket, and there was a fire there for a very long time, it was seen by a corner of kharkiv and the information that the fire was localized, well, on... russia behaves like a terrorist country, because if they strike they are very good at kharkiv hotels the stockades are kharkiv's, then they beat eyes when people come to hotels to sleep there, when
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they beat enterprises, they beat in... at the height of working hours, exactly when people came to work, that is, it's like this to hit and kill more people, at the moment it is known about five dead, there are still rubbles there, there are wounded, er, how many are under the rubble, i think they will take it apart, but the fire was spread over 10,100 km , since there was still some enterprise there with some varnishes, paints, and this fire, it was difficult to get to because of the fire halls and rake them, and therefore there may be more victims, unfortunately they wrote that it was ballistics, is it known whether there was information from the official authorities, from the police or from the regional military or city administration about
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what the enemy is after.. . this impact, well, purely by my acoustic sensations, i immediately understood that it was not an iskander, i somehow reacted to it, everything was freaking me out, it was some kind of missile, at the moment, they would like to say that it is an x59 missile, at the moment, they would like to say so , but they will still sort it out, that is, this is the situation, well, except mr. vasyl, as you rightly noticed, we are bombarded not only in kharkiv, but bombarded completely along the border, after putin's election, the so-called putin's election, the attacks on kupyan oblast intensified, for a few days it was more or less like this calm there , they must have been, and busy with the events in belgorod region and their elections, pseudo-elections, but now the attacks there have intensified again, and russia is constantly destroying the borders
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of kharkiv region, villages that are located along the border, towns, and they are raving about them, and here the question arises, we have a little here communication problems, we have a little communication problems, well, i think there is no way to do it, because there may be certain interruptions, let's try to finish our conversation in this way, you know, it is very important to understand, because a similar situation is now in sumy oblast, where velika pyselivka, popivka, and others are actually being destroyed there as well...points that are nearby, well , the bilopol community is constantly under fire , and there is even a decision about the forced evacuation of certain settlements, and here there are many now, information is spreading among the population that it is the enemy who will advance, a few more moments, and whether a sanitary zone will be created there, and everyone will be cleaned and burned both on one side of the border and on the other, because now there are also hostilities on the territory of russia thanks to


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