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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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there is not much information, but there is even among it a sensational one, in particular i will tell you about the following: olaf scholz asked other western leaders not to pressure him on the issue of providing ukraine with additional weapons, it is about taurus missiles. the eu offers to give ukraine interest from frozen russian assets, and will emmanuel macron send his troops to ukraine. sensational, i'm not afraid of this word, information from a person who will join us on. live, which i will present a little later, about this and the other in a moment in the column the world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: ukraine desperately needs long-range missiles, the german taurus, as they will significantly strengthen its defense capability and combat capability. about this in an interview with the german information agency dpa, deutsche preresy agent. - said the minister of foreign
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affairs of poland, radosław sikorski. according to him , providing ukraine with taurus, which can fly at a distance of up to 500 km, would have a significant impact on ukraine's ability to defend itself. and at the same time, the head of the polish foreign policy department added that having cruise missiles from other countries, the ukrainians have already convinced the russians to move their, convinced, apparently in quotation marks, their logistical bases, such as ammunition depots, far behind the line. the front next is a short quote from minister sikorsky: and german rockets would have forced them to retreat even further. but unfortunately, german chancellor olaf scholz continues to resist and continues to look for excuses. it seems that germany will not give us these missiles in the near future, at least. when dealing with a russian war of aggression, you have to rely on own mouth and i will not allow myself
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to be accused that we do not support ukraine enough and that something more needs to be given. german chancellor olaf scholz said this in an interview with the zeit podcast. at the same time , he compared the demands for the supply of tauru missiles from kyiv with a child's test of courage, when you can break both legs by jumping from a height. let's hear olaf scholz in direct speech. there are people who behave very carelessly, and we are familiar with such people from childhood, they are those who shout to someone who climbed to the top of a tree, let's jump, but i i believe that this way you can break your legs faster, and therefore it will be right to just go down, it is enough that you know how to climb, well, that's it, he always knows how to answer such questions, well , taurus long-range missiles, unfortunately.. . in
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the short term we will definitely not see, but whether we will see such french troops or any other european troops on the territory of ukraine, considering the statement of the french president emmanuel macron, which he made a few weeks ago, about it now people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee on migration and refugees of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe oleksiy goncharenko joins us live. mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mr. oleksiy, well, today somewhere around noon, i first read your post on facebook, then i watched your video on youtube, by the way , i encourage everyone to subscribe to mr. oleksiy’s channel, because you will know as well as i, one from the first such important information, i.e. mr. oleksiy, here are all the statements of president macron, which he announced two weeks ago about the fact that , well, it is possible that french troops
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may appear on the territory of ukraine in the ... period of time, plus the recent statement of the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sikorski, that we talk about what will really happen. tell me, please, the question of the presence of french troops on the territory of ukraine, is it just something hypothetical, or not? no, it's a very real plan that president macron has, and i'm actually... i'm carrying out mine right now the committee, ah, the president of which i am a couple in france, i meet here with my french colleagues, talk, and of course, well, there i promote the ukrainian interest as much as possible, and of course for me too, it was such a pleasant discovery and well, this is actually a sensational story about the fact that president macron did take a full course and decided to actually create...
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a french military contingent that will appear on the territory of ukraine, well, of course, if ukraine will support it, and i think that ukraine he has to grab for it with his hands and feet and something else, it does not mean that this... contingent will engage in hostilities directly with russian troops, well, that would mean france entering the war, this will not happen, at least now, but we are talking about the contingent itself on a permanent basis, which will deal with issues of training of the ukrainian military, and air defense , and exchange of information, and cyber security, and well, these are very serious tasks, and this... would be such a first serious step for other countries to join in this. by the way, france is not the only one who wants to do this, and macron is looking allies and into such a coalition , as it is now fashionable to say, what is this contingent, so that it is a multinational contingent, yes, with
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the french at the head and as a basis, but so that it is not only the french, but also poland, some baltic and scandinavian countries. express readiness to participate in this, this topic has already left the level and the stage of opinions, or political statements, or some ideas, and this is already absolutely practically being worked out by the french military , with the participation of the ukrainian military, with the participation of the military of those countries that can become members this one coalition, possible formats are determined, there are basically two approaches... the first will be the creation of such a certain, well, we can say, in fact, a military base, or such a military cluster, in which there will be this french military presence, or these will be groups of the french military in different places and in different directions, performing
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the roles and functions that i have just mentioned to you, well, it is very important, it is actually very serious, and one can only repent for it... because macron did not just remove taboo on this topic, he, apparently, is going to take the first practical step for its implementation, then, well, you understand that the main thing is to start, then the contingent may increase, and other countries may join, and this is very serious, this is no longer a signal to putin, and these are directly concrete actions to stop putin, well, this is really sensational information, thank you for it, and please tell me, do you not have any information about whether or not... any time frames are being discussed? yes, we are talking about the coming months, of course, what in under our conditions , no one is interested in talking about the fact that something will happen there in three years, we are talking about the coming months, right there in the deadline, well, in these terms it counts,
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when it can be formed, implemented, and macron he is making serious preparations for this, he is preparing public opinion in france. she reacted to it differently there, he explains it on the air, there was a debate in the national assembly, just not everyone even fully understands that these are not just some ideas, but these are directly concrete plans that are already being developed, which macron communicates with by the french society in order to have the support of the french society also in this very serious step. mr. oleksiy , well, look at... he said that in the event that french troops appear on the territory of ukraine, they will become a legitimate target for russian troops, well, naryshkin said that, but this option is too big it's a pity, well, it's quite possible , do they understand this in france, and how can they act in this case, if
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god forbid, this will happen, well, listen, france is a serious country, a nuclear power, permanent member rothbezon, so that they understand very well, if you send troops to a country where there is a war, well... there is a risk, there is a risk of losing these troops, that's the problem, that's the courage that now demonstrates macron preparing for this step and preparing it, and that is why the hysteria on the part of russia, and that is why russia is being attacked, it is not for nothing that naryshkin came out with this, saying that this will be our legitimate goal, it is not for nothing that solovov and others are constantly hysterical , they try to scare, they try to tell the type to frighten french society in order to prevent such... scenario, because this scenario is very undesirable for russia, it is a very bad scenario for the development of events for them, because they still, i repeat once again, the french military will not go to recapture mariupol and berdyansk, well this is a fact, and we can say this for sure, but at the same time, putin perfectly understands that
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the presence of the french and the military of other western countries on the territory of ukraine, in the event that he hopes that the russian troops will be able to break through the front and advance, may not be too much. an obstacle on their way to advance somewhere deep in ukraine and closer to the borders of the european union, and this definitely does not correspond to putin's plans, so they really do not want it, they will now attack it with all their means, use all their capabilities for this, they perfectly understand that everything is serious and that it is a serious challenge. i thank you very much, mr. oleksii, for joining us today in the program, and thank you very, very much for the really sensational information, it was oleksii goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee on migration and refugees of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. well, vasyl, we are getting ready, we are learning french , such assurances, then i think, well, yes, because mr. oleksii said that while talking with
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his friends on the sidelines, he heard serious, this, this is serious information, let's move on, therefore, fortunately, there will be no shortage of ammunition in ukraine, as many authoritative western publications have written about it in the past few months, our partners and allies already in the near future hope... we have a big batch of ammunition, this was announced the day before by us defense secretary lloyd austin during a meeting with colleagues at the us ramstein air base in germany. at the same time , he not only announced that the aid to ukraine will continue to be collective, but also emphasized that the usa will take an active part in it, because quote. that is why i leave here today with full determination to continue to provide american security assistance and ammunition, because this is a bigger issue. and the sovereignty of ukraine, and this is a matter of honor and security for america. and don't make mistakes.
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putin is watching, the world is watching, history is watching. and then, let's listen to lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, in direct speech. the us supports ukraine because it is the right thing to do, and because america cares when freedom is threatened. but we also support ukraine. because it is critical to our own security. the united states will face new, grave dangers in a world where aggression and autocracy are on the rise, where tyrants have become insolent and where dictators think that they can erase democracy from the earth. therefore, when we invest in the security of ukraine, we invest in our own security. and it is wonderful that the secretary of defense of the united states of america understands this. it's great that so many senators and members of the house of representatives, both republican
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and democratic, understand, but it's bad that , for example, in the house of representatives, we have speaker mike johnson, who is a representative of the pro-trump minority, and there are about 15 % of pro-trump representatives who they simply block this issue, and mike johnson simply does not put the question of aid to ukraine, the allocation of aid to ukraine to a vote, well, without that... obviously, unfortunately, there will be no aid, and he is doing everything to somehow delay it's a matter of putting it on the back burner. i hope that finally this wall will be breached. let's go further. i propose to use the windfall from russian frozen assets to give them to the country in the fight for its victory. this is the head of european diplomacy. borel said today before the start of the ukraine-eu council meeting. he
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officially offered the relevant proposal to the leaders of the eu member states. according to the initiative of the chief european diplomat, 90% will be allocated through the european peace fund, and 10% through the budget of the european union. at the same time, mr. borel expressed his hope that the council of the eu will approve this proposal in the near future, as this is a short quote from mr. borel: it will demonstrate the unity and commitment of support for ukraine and its people, and we would really like this to happen as soon as possible, and we money received well, in conclusion, why are they all so happy there, and because they joined nato, of course, this is a joke, but there is a grain of truth in this joke. finland has been recognized as the happiest country in the world for the seventh time in a row. this is stated in the annual world report on happiness, the second and third steps, which last
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year were occupied by denmark and iceland, respectively. the top ten also includes sweden, israel, the netherlands, norway, luxembourg, switzerland and australia. ukraine, unfortunately, for objective reasons is in 105th place, russia 72nd afghanistan was recognized as the unhappiest country for the first time in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world. in 2012, do you know why finland is the happiest country, because at one time it fought off russia with the help of its partners, well, we will soon be the happiest. the world about ukraine is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. an unusual look
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at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points
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of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format. every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day
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with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. candidates for the constitutional court: who lives at the expense of their parents? yes, it is unacceptable, i agree. but who managed to buy two apartments, a house and garages for 1 hryvnia? i tried to convert karbovantsi into hryvnia. on thursday, march 21 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. now we will have a great conversation and an important conversation with oleksandr morchyvka. money during war is a very important topic. alexander, congratulations, please. congratulations to vasyl. thank you viewers for watching the big broadcast. it will be interesting to find out what is there
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with the hryvnia, is the dollar growing? what is the situation on the ukrainian-polish border, have poland listened to... the demands of the local farmers, i will tell you all about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. i'm starting the issue with current information. the polish authorities agreed with their farmers on subsidies per ton of grain, and here it is important to temporarily close the border with ukraine from april 1 for the transit of a number of agricultural goods. products, well, here we are mainly talking about grain, corn, that's okre wheat, corn, flour, rape and sunflower, and the farmers' action continues until 8 p.m., and just before that time, polish farmers block the medica shehyny point, not
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even passing cars, simple ukrainians became hostages of farmers. and people who are currently trying to cross the border. yes, they still stopped passenger buses, i don’t know whether they are being let through now or not, but in any case, it’s a big problem, well, who has traveled there, that point understands where it can be far away, and even there here is the toilet it is near this checkpoint, further there, if there is no one standing somewhere in the field, these people are abandoned, well, in a word, it is a complicated complex story, well, you see, the month continues in march, but there are already certain calculations that by the end of march it will be here. our state will not receive 6.5 billion hryvnias of customs revenues, 6.5 billion, due to blocking, because of these, essentially political reasons, not so much economic as political. shares of local polish farmers, our budget does not receive enough money, accordingly, less money can be spent on defense, and it is also interesting here, this is danylo gitmantsev, the head of the tax committee of the council, announced this figure, it is already
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underfunded, well, underpayment of the single social contribution of 8.5 billion for pensions, it is a lot of money in fact, plus this 6.5, but it is interesting that some heads of local communities in poland is not far from the border there, they are now forbidding farmers to carry out any activities there, because the passage of fire trucks and ambulances is blocked. one more thing, well , that is, someone has common sense and an understanding that, well, people, let them live normally, work in general, plus there are some blocked bringing in food products and so on , but you can see that, isolated cases, unfortunately, such common sense ones, well, today the european commission also talked about it, but it seems to me that these are empty conversations for now, because the campaign continues, there are blockages , and here are these calls to be democratic, to be some, some, some other, so far concrete... fathers, in particular for ukrainian agrarians who take grain to european countries in transit, well, this is a problem, by the way, yesterday i read kirill seasonally of our mutual friend, he is now at the front as
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a military man, he is a political scientist , and he told a cool story that, well, in the long run, to change this situation, we just need to start implementing our own production more actively, not only to drive grain abroad , there is the production of pasta, there what what what, well, that is, workers places, now during the war, it is probably not easy to do, we all understand. there is an interesting government program to support processing enterprises, these are grants from european partners, this is money for business development for technology, for equipment, so this is also added value, these are jobs in ukraine, vasyl , you are right, we need to think about something, in this situation, you see , we can wait and hope that we will continue to live as a raw material country, well , we are waiting and we are waiting for the first tranche, the european commission allocated the first four cuts. billions of euros from the ukrainian fund for a total amount of 50 billion. this was announced today by the representative of the european union in matters of foreign policy, josep borel. these funds will direct 4.5 billion
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euros to the restoration, reconstruction and modernization of our state. here, finally we waited for the first tranche, as promised, it supports the ukrainian economy and, what is important, the financial system. let's listen to the direct speech. putin has repeatedly spoken messages aimed at the start of the third world war. we heard what he said in his so-called election campaign. he has imperial ambitions to advance further to the west. i am sure that he would not stop at conducting an exclusively military operation on the territory of ukraine. so, now we have no opportunity to delay the next steps. we have to act to divert frozen russian assets to the benefit of ukraine. now we are working on it, well, it will be another important step, in addition to money from the fund for ukraine
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to also receive interest from frozen russian, russian assets. well, let's go further. a mobile application from the employment service will appear this year. it will have access to a single job portal. this was reported by the director of the state employment center yuliya zhovtyak. everyone, regardless of their seat registration. accommodation will be able to find the necessary information about workplace, it will simplify communication on the labor market between people looking for work and employers, all this - says the official, without bureaucratic obstacles. well, the russian assets of the danon group will be divided among themselves: the family of ramzan kadyrov and the local dairy company vamin tatarstan. they will pay french business owners six times less. for the market value of this property, russian newspapers are already writing about it. in august of that year , the enterprises of the danon group, together with the assets of the kalsberg brewing group, fell under
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state management. aggressors. yakub zakriev, 30, the 33-year-old nephew of the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, gained actual control. well, we see that this is not the first such example of international companies trying to leave muscovy. simply put into the hands of the kremlin and already there they decide who will manage this property and how much to pay such a write-off for a well-known brand, that is, they actually stole it, but on the other hand, there is one circumstance here that unknown drones often appear in russia, they get there in the refinery, in the airfields, but maybe in hit some stolen thing and you know, on the one hand, it is an honor property, on the other hand, it is stolen property, and you certainly understand that the french will not own it, probably the nearest main owner is unlikely to receive the full value. because i would very much like that thieves could not use it, and it would really be more interesting for the world if the information collected by ukraine worked.
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all international partners, so, unfortunately, the cabinet of ministers decided to close the register of international sponsors of the war, its for two years was replenished by the national agency for the prevention of corruption. the ministry of foreign affairs said that it had received numerous appeals from representatives of the diplomatic corps of partners regarding the absence, the lack of a regulatory framework for the existence of this list, well, according to the information of our ministry of foreign affairs, this list is negative. negatively affects the adoption of world international decisions that help us fight against muscovy, well, this information will remain, it will be transferred to other departments, it will be in the possession of the national security council and defense, but you and i, ordinary ukrainians, will not be able to look at the list of those businesses, those companies that continue to work in
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russia, continue to feed the army... for example, well, we are talking about several such brands known to us, i will name them, this is alibaba group, the bacardi brand, the ashen company , which continues to work and feed our enemy in russia, such a well-known food brand bondul, the construction brand knauf, well, now this information, which you and i have already talked about, helped not only us to know who supports muscovy, and also in the world community, somehow build.
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but then it is endless, you give here, and there they create rockets with this money, hit us, and you give, and they will shut down sometime, but she, well, i don't know why the government still went to hiding this information in the future for ordinary ukrainians, at least, it is quite difficult, but the situation on the currency market is now stable, does not cause any concern, in particular from the side of the national bank, the exchange rate of the hryvnia against the dollar is now determined by the market - assured the deputy. let me remind you that in the last 10 days, in fact, the dollar became more expensive by almost a hryvnia, now the official rate of the national bank as of today is 39 hryvnias 13 kopecks for an american. let's listen to what nikolaychuk said. in our opinion, the situation on the foreign exchange market remains sufficiently controlled. our exchange rate fluctuates both in one direction and in the other.
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yes, indeed, during the last weeks. have seen the exchange rate weaken, our hryvnia instruments remain attractive given the current level of inflation. serhii nikolaychuk, deputy chairman of the nbu. and vasyl serhii nikolaychuk assures that there are no forecasts of skeptics that the dollar will cross the mark there for more than 40 hryvnias. now they are unreal. the national bank has enough gold and foreign exchange reserves to replenish the dollar deficit on the market from time to time. well , there is a demand, there is a supply, and those circles... which have been taking place for the last 10 days, they are predicted, moreover, money from international partners, it was already announced today, in particular in my column, that 4.5 billion euros will come to ukraine, and they will also support the stability of our hryvnia, the only thing left, if any for a second, but it still seems to me that goods are getting more expensive somehow, or it seems to me, it seems to me that you pay more every time, well, that is, stability is good, but i understand that certain processes are not
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very good, they are inflationary processes . which we will talk about in the next editions, and now a big broadcast is underway, there will be more , watch us, we continue, thank you oleksandr morchivka for an interesting conversation, and now i invite serhiy rudenko, he starts work with the verdict program at 20:00, and now about what will be discussed today. serhii, please, good evening. greetings to vasyl , greetings to our tv viewers, at 20:00 we will start with a two-hour verdict program, in the first part of our program there will be three guests: diplomat and ex-minister of foreign affairs volodymyr ogryzko, military expert mykhailo samus and former head of the presidential office oleg rybachuk. let's talk about how people in europe comment and what they say about macron's initiative to send.


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