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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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now, when we see other examples of this, it absolutely, absolutely resonates, and it rhymes, it rhymes terribly with the present-day destruction by russia of ukrainian artists, ukrainian intellectuals, that is, it all continues, it started not, not, not yesterday and no, no 100 years ago, that is, this is such a terrible link. of this chain, but on the other hand, i understand that today in the largest, largest exhibition site , the exhibition of alegorska is held, and more works are presented, and she continues to unite people, that is, as in life, this was a person of some extraordinary charisma and extraordinary beauty and... external and internal, and
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now it continues to unite people, that is , a large number, a huge number of people, institutions, but now during the war they were not afraid to provide works of art from their stores, we publish now a book with these works, with the texts of our leading art critics, i.e. hungarian... about continues to be such a leader, role model and icon of opera, tell me with whom you are doing this exhibition, i.e. who are you co-organizers, so dukat is a singer, who we are also the initiators the ukrainian house actually went to the meeting, we do it together with the ukrainian house team, and again, these are museums, these are private collectors, i keep thinking, you know, or?
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will we be able to return it all, that is, sometimes it seemed that it was all killed in basements , in cellars, rolled in concrete, in asphalt, and here is this exhibition, yes, well, it gives hope that we can turn it around and that's it to see if you believe that, well, at such a bad hour, to be honest, yes, we will be able to bring all these swords back... a hair to save a thin memory, is it possible at all, do you believe in it? i think that without it we will not be able to survive, that this is memory, this is the basis of our culture, this is what unites us with previous generations, that i am like gorska with my friends, they open a bullpen, and this changes our awareness in general in society , yes, that is... this information can no longer
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be forgotten, it continues, continues to circulate in these circles, and it emerges, at the end of the 80s, and again, the same sixties, those of them, who, who survived , they played an important role in the establishment the revival of ukrainian statehood, it is clear that they were very... quickly moved from the historical arena by voucher privatization enthusiasts, it is clear that they were difficult at the time, but this is their legacy, it does not disappear, it is all transformed, it remains in historical memory, thank you elena, and therefore the exhibition will last until april, yes until the end of april, yes until the end of april, and... everyone,
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everyone, everyone who is interested, and who was interested in our conversation, and the work of alla gorska, and in general the whole of their generation, come to the ukrainian house in kyiv and see an exhibition about the works of ala horska. thank you for being with us, thank you elena, see you in a week. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. candidates for the constitutional court. who failed the interview. when was the constitution of ukraine adopted? i can answer questions. but why did the judge's drunken driving become the fruit of the poisonous tree. and i was refused a medical examination. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. the judicial system of ukraine needs a thorough reboot. this is one of the requirements. accession to the european
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union. interviews with candidates for one of the country's most important judges - the constitutional court - have begun in ukraine. unlike all previous contests, this time the conditions of rigid and transparent, biographies and compliance with the criteria of professionalism and integrity are studied in detail by an advisory group of experts, which also includes independent foreign specialists, so it is not easy for candidates to hide skeletons in the closet, but some desperately try. we will talk about this today, but first to the news. higher the qualification commission of judges allowed the judge to participate in the competition for the position of a judge in the appellate instance. oksana sofilkanych of the volovetskyi district court of zakarpattia oblast, which made a scandalous and high-profile decision last year, imposed suspended sentences on three rapists of a 14-year-old girl. we will remind, in august 2021, a group of teenagers sexually assaulted a minor and filmed it all on camera.
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later, the video was shared on the network and among classmates. the case gained publicity after oksana sofilkanych fired defendants from real punishment, having been sentenced to 5 years suspended with two. years of the exam period. the transcarpathian court of appeals found procedural violations committed by sofilkanych during the case review and decision making. her sentence was overturned. now the case is being heard again with a different composition of the court. oksana sofilkanych , on the other hand, was not only not brought to justice for the violation, but can also receive a promotion and hold a position in the court of appeal. selection for one of the most important courts has begun in ukraine. bodies of the constitutional court. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges. according to the constitution , selection takes place on a competitive basis. however, in reality, the procedure did not involve a real competition, since each subject of appointment separately held its own formal competitions, which in no way ensured
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the verification of candidates for compliance with the requirements of the constitution. therefore, the risk of political influence was rampant. at the end of 2022 , the verkhovna rada adopted the law on in the procedure for selecting judges of the constitutional court of ukraine. the law established an advisory group of experts, which included six members. one each from the verkhovna rada, the president and the congress of judges of ukraine, one person from the venice commission and two persons delegated by international organizations that provide assistance to ukraine in reforms in the sphere of the rule of law. the advisory group must analyze each candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence. and this, by the way, is a group of experts. must, so to speak, filter candidates, and already with of the filtered candidates, the president, judges, and the verkhovna rada will already choose after their own, according to their quota, whom they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court, and
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although the new conditions of selection for the position of judge of the constitutional court are strict and transparent, the unscrupulous servants of themis do not lose hope climb into a high chair. constitutional court. this is a court of law, this is lyubomyr andreychuk, he is a judge of the economic court of zakarpattia region, and the advisory group of experts has many questions for him. for more than 10 years, the judge has been working in uzhhorod, however, he lives he doesn't declare there, he says, from monday to friday, he lives wherever he wants. in fact , i don't rent and i don't have ownership rights, very often my parents' friends help me out, these are their friends from student years, besides, colleagues help me out, well, i wanted to. understand, well, you can stay like this for a month , you can stay for a week, and 10 years, how do you decide, in 10 years i have already learned to plan it, that is, i plan in advance where i will be, interesting planning, on the other hand, andreychuk has an apartment in lviv, 117 m2 , he purchased it in
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installments from 2006 to 2014 i paid almost 60,000 dollars for her, according to judicial tradition, the money... was given by my parents in 2006 when i got married, and in fact the first installment, these are all payments for 2006, were a wedding gift from my parents. here , andreychuk's dates did not match, because he got married in september, and he had been paying for the apartment since january, he paid at least $21,000 before the celebration. well , since the wedding was being prepared for more than a year, we knew about the wedding and were preparing for the wedding, accordingly, the parents made such a gift and paid for it as they could. in 2004 in 2005, lyubomyr andriychuk purchased 30 acres of land in bukovel for farming, but almost immediately changed the purpose of 25 acres for construction. there was an intention to build a hotel complex there, but my
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family had to deal with that. in the end, it did not grow with the business. in 2016 , andriychuk sold the plot. it did not go without violating the law, he gave it for cash. what is the contract amount? was a total of approximately 4.5 million, and what prompted you, the judge of the commercial court, to violate the legislation regarding the procedure for making calculations, i know that... the restrictions, since the buyers did not agree to make the payment through the bank, they decided that they will give, i will receive the funds to provide receipts, i guess at that time i did not understand until the end of the 16th year, but now they already understand , and of course, in addition to questions about the professional integrity of lyubomir andreychuk, the experts had questions about the academic integrity. in 2018, he defended a thesis that contained precisely plagiarism, which is a violation of science. ethics, and as it turned out, the candidate of legal sciences did not know that this is a violation, i did not know, first of all, about this
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information, it only became known for the first time , no, you know what self-plagiarism is, i understand it, i repeated myself, if i understood myself correctly, myself wrote down, it is about the fact that this is a candidate 's thesis, the fact that you do not know what self-plagiarism is, it is very strange, well, the next fragment of the interview with candidate for judge of the constitutional court of ukraine lyubomyr andriychuk, even commented... let's not, when was the constitution of ukraine adopted and what chapters and articles does it consist of? year adoption of the constitution, 91st year? 96th currently , lyubomyr andriychuk is applying not only for the post of judge of the constitutional court. he is also a candidate for the position of judge of the court of appeal. what is the solution to what? he will be approved by the advisory group of experts and the vkk, where he will also have an interview, we will find out soon. and this is already
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another candidate for the constitutional court, mykolaiv district court judge of the mykolaiv region, mykola voynarivskyi. in 2022, he was caught driving drunk. the police drew up a report on drunken driving. subsequently, the court closed the case against voynarivskyi in the absence of a crime. during the interview, a group of experts wanted to investigate the video. chest cameras of police officers to assess the judge's state of intoxication and his behavior. voynarovsky showed vigilance. this record arose for unknown reasons, from an unknown time and i do not know when, and was attached to the materials of the protocol outside the procedural order, which indicates the presence of the fruit of a poisoned tree, and cannot be evidence, as in the case of admission. court decision, although it was researched, as well as when making a decision
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of the advisory group regarding me in the specified interview. judge voynarivsky himself considered many cases of drunken driving. according to the statistics available to the experts of the task force, in most of these cases the perpetrators managed to avoid punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. it should be noted here that the delay in considering such cases may indicate a typical corruption scheme. supreme council. justice usually punishes judges for such actions. the truth in these offenses was established with me and persons found guilty, but the sanction was not applied, as the deadline had passed. according to the judicial tradition, judge voynarivsky also has parents who are landowners, but his mother was also exceptionally lucky. in 2014, the woman managed to purchase a plot of land with an area of ​​more than six hectares on the black sea coast in the village of kobleva. for 28 00 hryvnias. the price of similar plots in that area is at least five times higher. this is a bolt, there
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are swamps, one might say. this is the first. second, regarding the value of the specified land plot. the indicated value of the land plot was determined according to the cadastral register, the price is in the contract, it is the free right of the parties to determine the size. we agree, the cost and. however, when it comes to influential judges, such a clear underpricing is often a marker of corruption schemes. we will find out soon whether mykola voynarivskyi convinced the members of the advisory group of his honesty. we hope that highly respected experts will carefully examine all the details of his professional biography and comprehensively evaluate his integrity. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about a judge exceeding his
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powers or making illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. i congratulate you, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber we are talking about poka. that occupied crimea and events affecting our ukrainian peninsula. khrystyna yatskiv and ayder mozhdabaev. with you, as always. selyam aleykum, khrystyna khanim. salam aleikum to everyone. alaykum salaam. and we will probably start with the anniversary. this is the 10th anniversary of the pseudo-referendum in crimea, a referendum that took place under the muzzles of russian machine guns, with
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a huge number of violations, which had absolutely nothing to do with a manifestation of will or a plebiscite. whatever, but definitely, a huge number of people who thought they supported the russian federation, after all, still came to vote, as actually a huge number of people and protested against it in general the referendum, how many of those who came to it were from the russian federation in general , have nothing to do with crimea, this question, i think, we still need to... we will have to investigate, but let's start with a pleasant aider, well, it's nice that i want to thank all of you, our dear viewers , for the fact that we closed a large collection together with you for 1.5 million hryvnias for fpv drones with television cameras that can work against the enemy in
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our southern direction at night, it was a plan for 50 such drones ... collect, and collected more one more, i thank you all very much and on behalf of the commander of the 48th separate assault battalion named after novan chelbijahan, lyunur islyamov, major of the armed forces, and on behalf of all the soldiers and officers of this unit, which is currently in combat, and therefore we cannot take any pause and will continue to gather, now a new gathering is announced and... and the fighters themselves will tell you about it now, we, the fighters of the 48th separate assault battalion, are asking for your help for the communications center, and exactly the battery for radios, which are lacking in sufficient quantity, as well as batteries for fpv drones, a feeder for spreading antennas, as well as
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repair kits, repair kit bags for emergency repairs. thank you. for your help, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, thank you to our defenders, thank you to those who are advancing and doing everything possible to bring closer the appearance of the ukrainian military in crimea, this is extremely important, without help, without the financial support of the entire society, we cannot do here. here, during the program, you will see qr codes, the card number of this gathering, these are very important things, without them it is impossible to fight and... and we have to do this to the people who are just now protecting us here and in our peaceful, conditionally peaceful, but still peaceful cities, and we thus, only in this way, we used to argue about how crimea can be returned, only by military means, no more, and we will do it together, thank you, and the defense forces are already doing a lot of
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preparatory and basic work on the liberation of crimea, because how else you can... name those processes that take place around the so-called of the black sea fleet of the russian federation , so-called because, according to the calculations of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, it was possible to destroy or damage them, so that they cannot be used anymore, about a third of the 80 ships of the black sea fleet, all the rest are sitting quietly in the corners and in fact for quite a long time they don't even go to the water area in order to demonstrate some of their capabilities there, and certainly one of the main news ee... i would say, that's right, the news that outlines the trend of the last week is that the russians are no longer just ships are being relocated to novorossiysk or abkhazia , but also repair facilities, possibly gas-lubricating facilities, which are generally related to the maintenance of this so-called fleet, i will quote nato secretary general jens stoltenberg here,
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one of the great victories achieved by ukraine is that it was able to displace the russian black sea fleets, destroy a lot. their ships, and to ensure an open corridor from odessa and west to the bosphorus, working closely with nato allies romania, bulgaria and turkey. the head of nato says that the sea is successful the operation testifies to the competence of the ukrainian armed forces and the weapons transferred by the members of the alliance. joining our airwaves is volodymyr zablotskyi, defense express naval expert and retired captain first rank. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, thank you. can we say that this is the main evidence that the russian federation does not consider the crimean peninsula as a full-fledged
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and permanent base for its so-called black sea fleet. well, we can agree with you, if you add others to it factors that we saw earlier, namely the rebasing of the black sea fleet, the black sea flotilla, let's say. then this is no longer a fleet to the ports of the caucasus, in particular to the novorossian and to the occupied abkhazia, well, it is so, but on the other hand, it can be considered, if we look at the pessimistic scenario, as the military does, it is possible that it is just such a means, well, self-preservation or the fleet in order to be efficient, effective, let's say, to perform what... tasks entrusted to it, it has from time to time to repair, after all, it is a technique, and the technique requires spare parts, ammunition, lubricants and so on, so they do it only in
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sevastopol, because there is nowhere else, and therefore it is insured against the possibility that such a situation will have to be endured for a long time, which was created by the defense forces of ukraine in sevastopol in the same, and therefore in front of... well, not yet the power, let's say so, but the material reserves of the technical management of the fleet, because it is responsible for repairs, it monitors schedules, when to repair something, creates a queue there docking and this is different, and i would consider it this way, on the one hand, an optimistic scenario, and a less optimistic one, let's say, on the other. mr. volodymyr, i want to make this remark, whether i am right or not, please tell me, in principle, the black sea fleet of the so-called russia, it was in general, well, not
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the strongest, to put it mildly, and not the newest, that is in principle, there were old ships there, and i was even a long, long time ago, 15-20 years ago, on this cruiser moskva, it still looked like a very old thing like that, well, rather for... than for the war, well, it is now in will never take part in the parades, but for such old ships, repair is generally the most important thing, that is, they need to be repaired, well , in fact continuously, one, another, third, there is the next one, and the fact that they transferred this fleet, they are transferred to russia from crimea , from ours, does this indicate that, de facto, he has become for the russian army, not... an advantage, but a tiger as such, that is, he must be taken care of, protected, in fact, he is no longer a means attack, whether he is wrong-headed, he still remains a threat,
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that is, he himself is directly the fleet, or he does it pose a military threat to us now or not? well, you are right, of course, but he creates a threat because he is still the dominant force in relation to... what the naval forces of ukraine have, that is, they have an advantage in numbers, in numerical, quantitative composition, an advantage in the presence of missile launchers that strike our industrial centers and residential areas, well , now at a certain time they do not strike, because there are no calibers or something has happened to them, but nevertheless they have such, have such a potential, and this threat cannot be . drop from accounts, let's say so , on the other hand, he
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can't perform any more, let's say, tasks, because the only, this is the latest news of the end of february, the only such transport highway that connected syria and russia, novorossiya, in particular, the so-called syrian express , which the russians used to... sport ammunition at both ends, lately mainly s-300 missiles to novorossiysk, which they used and are using now to bombard peaceful quarters of zaporizhzhia, kharkiv region and so on, this highway ceased to exist, because the russian vessels used for this began to be forced under the threat of attacks by our... crewed vessels to head to the baltic sea, that is , they used to go here through the bosphorus, but now they are forced to go
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much further and... much longer, this is such a great achievement, after our, our breakthrough of the enemy's naval blockade, pushing him out of the northwestern part of the black sea water area, this means that the enemy does not feel free, or is already weakened to the point that he is not even able to accompany these vessels, which are very important to him, by the way, and therefore refused. from the use of this route, this route for important military transport, it also weakens the group of russians in syria, because it was mainly fed from here, now they will be transported from the baltic sea, well, there is something there, i think nato is so simple it will not leave, well, or the north will remain from murmansk, they will take a circular route, if they have the money, mr. captain. i would
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like to ask you a question: volodymyr zelensky recently visited turkey and wants certain compromises were not reached with the turkish president on a number of political issues, but as far as cooperation in the field of military-industrial complexes is concerned, as far as i'm concerned, our relations with turkey are always interesting. and now we are talking about another ada-class corvette of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine. who received the name hetman, ivan vyhovsky, i understand that we are currently working on the future, why are we building ships that, in theory , we can just use here and now to our advantage in the war with the russian federation, well that is, drones, unmanned technologies, everything that really impresses the russian fleet, it's all cool, and it all works, by the way, i don't understand at all why the russians should now start on the
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same path. that they are going to impress us with their backs, which they will allegedly put on the production line, but that's another matter, why do we need corvettes of a similar class, anyway? well, let's start with the fact that ukraine is a country of two seas, the sea of ​​azov and the black sea, we have our own interests, we have an exclusive maritime economic zone that must be defended, and naval drones and the so-called mosquito fleet are only... a partial solution to the issue, it is a matter of defense, but there is also the issue of offensive, the issue of offensive involves the blockade of the enemy near his, his coast, actions as part of alliances or connections forces , that is, together with nato ships, to be at sea , for a long time, to carry out some tasks here, and also in the mediterranean, after the end
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of the war, that is, this is a look at the ... perspective for the future, no drones, no unmanned systems for that, well are not suitable, this it is understandable, because it is a means of weapons, effective , yes, but only a means, they cannot display the flag of ukraine where it is necessary, they cannot act together as part of an international, let's say, coalition under the auspices of the un or the european union or nato, well, that's understandable, and the interests of the same, the same nato, let's say, the united nations, the european union, they are not only in the black and azov seas, which are important for us, but also outside the borders, so every country, a member of these, let's say, blocs or international organizations, must allocate certain forces and means to carry out such tasks, ukraine
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, by the way, will involve... in carrying out international operations to participate in international operations against pirates near the coast of somalia, the frigate hetman sagaidachi, let me remind you, went there in december 13 and returned to odessa after how crimea was captured in march 14th year, well, accordingly, it is such a place. you are a pleasure, the fleet is such, well, a precious thing, but it is necessary and you have to invest money in it, ukraine is preparing such opportunities in advance. i will remind you that there is also another the ship coalition, which primarily involves the transfer of minesweepers to us, is two ships of the british, british- made sandown type and two more ships from


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