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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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ukraine, by the way, was involved in international operations, in international operations against pirates off the coast of somalia, the frigate hetman sagaidachi, let me remind you, went there in december 2013 and returned to odesa after crimea was seized in march ee of the 14th year, well, accordingly. er, this is such an expensive pleasure, the fleet is such, well, an expensive thing, but it is necessary and money must be invested in it, ukraine is preparing such opportunities in advance. i will remind you that there is also a naval coalition, which is primarily provides for the transfer of minesweepers to us, these are two ships of the british, british-made sandown type and two more ships from in the european union, the netherlands and belgium are there
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, well, but it will be a little later, they will participate in demining, because it is an urgent need for the black sea to free and secure the roads and approach fairways near our ports, and this, let’s say, is work for years. not for nothing , nato countries, black sea countries, black sea nato countries, turkey, bulgaria and romania. created such an anti-mine coalition that works already a month, and which we should have joined , but unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity yet, our ships, which we have already received, which are in great britain, chernihiv and cherkasy, which have already raised ukrainian flags, but before the end of hostilities between russia and ukraine, they cannot pass the bosphorus strait, that is what is written in the montreux convention. this
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is how this question looks, mr. volodymyr, maybe it will look a little strange now, but i will ask this question, in principle, this war, it changes everything, it changes tactics, strategy, there drones appeared, as such an important part of the war, etc., and of course we see that the fleet will also change, and now ukraine is actually building... the fleet of the future is actually from scratch, well, come on, well, almost like that, that's how it is , probably tell me if i’m not right, but it looks like this to me, and what perspective, when crimea returns to ukraine, should be the ukrainian black sea and azov fleet of the future, which ships should be there, should there be aircraft carriers, should there be others there, i don't know, you can see that...
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ships that will have the opportunity to cross the bosphorus there and take part in some public actions there with nato, etc., that is, if you look like this 10-20 years ahead, what do you see? if we talk about the future, well , the strategy for the development of the fleet has been approved , so far there are no changes in it, i do not see, er, that is, we are the first stage, we are going through ... protecting our own coasts, that is, countering the enemy, and this, this is the task we are successfully performing, the next thing will be the ability to operate in the black sea in full, that is, the presence of such platforms that will allow us to act, not just to strike with drones, but also to act as part of an international coalition that can perform... other tasks, not only a war
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with russia, there may be others, and peacekeeping operations, and so on . . then the third stage is the actions outside the black sea, which we are talking about have already said, as an example we can look at it, here is such an interesting fact: after finland and sweden became nato members, the baltic sea turned into a nato sea, relatively speaking, yes, but for some reason the poles laid down in january, started building frigates, a frigate for the baltic sea is nonsense.
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everything is fired there even closer than in the black sea, but they are building frigates , they laid down the first frigate, they called it the whirlwind, with a pump there, well, a modern ship, and with... in general, they want to build three, they spent huge funds on modernization i apologize to my shipyard in gdańsk, gdynia, and it would seem, well, why frigates in the baltic sea, they are there, and by the way, the polish opposition here says, so what, how is this, this is a waste, but nothing similar, polish frigates operate within the limits, the army of the united forces. of nato naval forces, in the mediterranean sea, in the indian ocean, by the way, in the persian gulf, well, it is known in the atlantic, and only ships that can be in a remote area for a long time should operate there, that is, have the appropriate qualities of anti-aircraft, well, that’s it
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stormy weather and so on, drones won't do it, and by the way, our corvettes won't do it either, corvettes can only be in the mediterranean sea. ugh, these are small ships , so that we understand, and i do not rule out that in the future we will still need frigates, one or two in order to serve as part of such units of units, plus anti-mine minesweepers, which are already in fact there are, and which ones will perform such tasks as part of the nato special anti-mine detachment, it is constantly active. he is constantly on everyone in the exercises that were held at the invitation of ukraine in the sys series in the black sea, they constantly participated and constantly carried out combat trawling, that is, they looked for mines from the times of the last war and always found them, it was not
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always written about, but it is a fact after this war, especially after how takhov platinum was blown up, well, i don't know how many mines ended up in the black. the sea is far from the theater of operations, not only mines, which , let's say, bottom mines, which, well, they lie on the bottom, moved and everything, and those that were anchor mines, they were torn from their anchors, and all the time from time to time they are found near the coast of romania, near the coast of bulgaria, turkey, and we certainly do not forget about remote mining, which the russian federation seems to be engaged in, in order to in every possible way... make it difficult for us civil shipping where we are interested, from the ports of greater odessa, according to the countries that need our grain and not only. thank you very much, yes, you are absolutely right, i cannot but agree with you, very nice. thank you, mr. volodymyr,
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thank you for such a professional comment, na weight in gold, just volodymyr zablotskyi, defense express naval expert, and retired captain first rank. was with in touch, now we will take a short pause, of course, and remember what happened 10 years ago, what is happening right now in the russian federation and, unfortunately, in the ukrainian crimea as well, and putin is being elected there once again, everything, everything, whatever they can, see you in a few minutes. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are in somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast.
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two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new one two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in
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the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the constitutional court. who lives at the expense of parents? yes, this is unacceptable, i agree. but who succeeded? buy two apartments, a house and garages for uah 1? i tried to convert karbovantsi into hryvnia. watch on thursday the 21st. march at 17:45 the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel.
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the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel continues its work. together we talk about the temporarily occupied crimea and how the so-called referendum took place 10 years ago and how it is today. on the territory of the crimean peninsula, in particular, unfortunately, the so-called re-election
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of the russian president is taking place, because, well, once again to elect putin, to re-appoint putin , to enthrone, how else can you say it, it's so funny, but you know, in principle, it's funny from the point of view, if you consider it as a kind of democratic procedure, it's funny, but from the point of view of the occupation, it's not funny , and because they are this dust, they let in the eyes for quite a long time, and some in the west. especially the agents are corrupt or just such leftists, they believe, i remember how immediately after the so-called referendum, ten years ago, mustafa dzhemilev said that according to his data, for these elections this referendum was passed by about 34% of those who are registered as voters in crimea, and we... remember that dead souls voted there, all that other stuff, but even in ukraine at that time not everyone believed mustafa dzhemileyev, because
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such a myth prevailed , that in crimea everyone there is much more for russia, and even some people, well, allegedly said patriotically, well, they did, they loved all the russians there, this is not true, this is a lie, and then there is data from the atr tv channel, we can show to whom just about anything, a few minutes before the closing of the so-called polling stations, they filmed our from... filming group, there were transparent ballot boxes and it was clear that the data that the participants there , the so-called election commission said, and that they simply saw three times less at the bottom of these ballot boxes, did not match at all, and this is all documented and we constantly refute this myth, but it actually lives in many people and helps them actually fool the world. in their favor, now it is more difficult, but still they manage to do something, you know what i
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wanted to say, to point out to christ, why, despite everything, all the appeals there, even there wives navalny, who says don't recognize him as the president, he killed my husband, then right now, well, in general, that's the only thing she's said intelligently in all this time, yes, but we see that the west is jumping, jumping on the rake . how did all the past times pass, i.e. the past presidential elections, i am the so-called russian russia, i heard exactly such rhetoric, there the west, well, put the united states, germany, the european union there, does not recognize the elections of the president of the russian federation in the occupied territories of ukraine, that is, in fact , if you translate it from diplomatic such political language to normal, it is we... we recognize putin as the officially elected president of the russian federation, period, no one can be misled
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by such wording, because it means that, to us, we cannot say that these elections are fair, and even the head of the council of europe charles michel wrote the following post, ironic, ironic, he would like to congratulate vladimir putin on a convincing victory in the elections, which start today without opposition. without freedom, without choice, it's so beautiful, like some humorist's performance, probably there, if you still smile in some place, but in reality it means the political failure of the event. face the truth and say , well, they faced the truth when lukashenko's last election was held and said: no, you are already illegally elected president, we do not consider you the elected president, we consider another person elected, and you - no, illegitimate, yes, in the case of putin, fear prevails, and this is
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evident simply by the way they react in advance, recognize these elections, that is, absolutely. a lie is simply a lie in essence in form it is just hypocrisy, but in essence it is a lie. i explain very simply: in russia , there is a single, first and only district for the so-called presidential elections, the so-called federal district, simply to which the occupied, temporarily occupied ukrainian territories were added, so it is impossible to separate the votes they draw or receive there from the general population. that is, this is the same deception of the west, you already say, either you, it is illegitimate, and full stop, yes, or you, well, that is, it is impossible, it is just so hypocritical, i thought, i was hoping that there was only one percent that they would say this time, well, it’s enough to pretend that it’s legitimate, no, it’s an old
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rake, and all actions are completely fake, as it was, unfortunately, when... there were last election in fact, it would be possible to take advantage of this measure, if they had a real curiosity, not to recognize putin as the legitimate president of the russian federation. ukrainian regions are included in what is now called the russian constitution, could become, you know, a poison needle in a good sense for us, and in the end we can already to talk about the fact that your constitution is toilet paper, you wrote it for yourself. what else would some maldives attach to themselves, dear, disrespectful, you are absolutely right, christ, this should have become a lever of influence, a lever of recognition of illegitimacy, and now putin is like this, he is a bandit, he is like that, he says, you are there again, something you are there to tell me about occupied territories, it is there, it is mine, everything i took, it is mine, democracy is always
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limited, and here in our constitution, our actions correspond, but what about us? but now martial law, and we have a president, and the political leadership, and terms of office , and what about the constitution, and whether it is possible to go to the constitutional court for clarification, and democracy, even as young as we are, really limitations, you know what , i have an idea, i don’t know, maybe someone will hear us, maybe they won’t, but i think that you shouldn’t wait for the west’s reaction, he never does anything, well, until pearl harbor happened so conditionally for him, they won’t change anything in his attitude towards putin. they will condemn, they will be there, i will not i know, i have to say something, but de facto, that is, more precisely, where yury is, they will recognize, recognize him as the president of the so-called russian federation, so what for future negotiations of some kind there, for some contracts there, although it is absolutely clear that no one will believe the signature putin under any contract, and no one will actually become
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an intermediary, a guarantor in this, yes, that is why ukraine may have to take such a step and... according to the results of these elections, the step is very simple, to submit to some international court, institution, i don’t know, to our lawyers , maybe in the ministry of foreign affairs is more visible, well definitely more visible, about the recognition of vladimir putin as an illegitimate head of state due to the fact that the votes of ukrainians living in the territories occupied by russia, which are not legally recognized, were taken into account in his so-called elections. russian territories, and because of this, through a legal procedure, judicial, or judicial, or any, to recognize him as illegitimate as a representative of the so-called russia, well, a little about how the so-called elections of the president of the russian federation take place in crimea, about how all this happens against the background of successive waves and delays
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and the oppression of the representatives of the crimean tatar people, simply ukrainians who continue... to live in crimea, trying to lead a banal everyday life, all this is the focus of our attention with gyana yuksel, a journalist, member of the crimean tatar people. gayano, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day. a few words about what we know about the voting process in crimea from my sources, state employees, as always, are chased away, they are demanded to arrange almost photo shoots of ballot papers . for the recommended candidate, we we understand who we are talking about, well, more intelligent people take pictures and put a few more ticks there in parallel, thus hoping that the ballot will be damaged not... and so on, but in the end, when it prevented the russian federation from acting the way they usually act and something is not taken into account, here i want to ask mrs. gayana what
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is the official position of the intermediate crimean tatar people in general, and it should probably be announced in general, maybe it has already been published, i just did not notice what people in the occupied territories should do with these elections, so-called, how to react to them and what to do, or do nothing, please, thank you for asking. well, in fact, the position of the midjlis remains unchanged during the 10 years of occupation. if you remember, march 15, on the eve of the so-called crimean referendum, which you mentioned in your speech. the mijlis appealed to all residents of crimea, regardless of nationality, not to participate in the illegal referendum. during the 10 years of occupation, unfortunately, elections were held there, and there were elections president. putin, because this is not the election of the president of the russian federation, but the election of the next president of putin, just like now. there were also local elections, and the position of the mijlis
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in this context remains unchanged, in no case do not participate in these illegal actions, because the territory is occupied, the territory is not recognized, and in fact, carrying out illegal actions, not recognized by ukraine and the world, on the occupied territory is a crime, is a reason to... regard the candidates and the elected candidate as illegitimate, so i think clarification will be forthcoming sometimes, and in principle they are, but the position is unchanged in no case do not take, do not participate. ugh. mrs. gayana, please tell me, we have been monitoring recently, well , just a colossal revival of russian special services, specifically in russia. the locals
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who agreed to cooperate with the occupier in this way, and we now see a huge number of searches, act mainly according to our observations as well, according to religious motives, according to national, ethnic characteristics and affiliations, to which they are trying to incline... or what they try press, when we talk about the crimean tatar people as a whole, so in crimea, and those who remained, and those who are now carrying out on the territory of free ukraine, what is called representation, popular representation within the borders of the ukrainian state, they are inclined to nothing they don't want, they want to once again intimidate, frighten, emphasize their position once again, here you understand what the question is, i was recently on the air, which was dedicated to such a sad date as 10 years of the occupation of crimea, and there they asked if it was possible separate
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some waves in the repression against the crimean tatars, well, actually, it is difficult to call it waves or stages, what has been observed for 10 years is constant pressure, constant repression towards the indigenous people of ukraine, precisely for their position, precisely for the position... knowledge of crimea by russian , but what is important is that against the background of a full-scale invasion, pressure and repression intensified. well, first of all, the mobilization, the illegal mobilization that was announced in russia, and accordingly crimea, as de facto, being under the control of the russian federation, fell under this event, it led to mass migration from crimea. tell us now. the figure of 50,000 crimean tatars who have left the territory of crimea for 10 years, i want to say that no such studies have been conducted, and in
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principle they are now impossible, because we simply do not have de facto access to the occupied territory, but if this is so, this is just a terrible figure, 300,000 representatives of the crimean tatar people lived in crimea and now, if 50,000 have already left crimea, and pay attention, they are leaving... young, whole, young people who are not afraid of new conditions, new, so to speak, under the circumstances, this is simply a terrible number, and besides, against the background of a full-scale invasion, for the last two years, in principle , this was in the crimea, but now it has intensified, what exactly, knocking, denunciations, various popular movements like the crimean smersh, and crimea has changed. already on such , you know, a small model of the soviet union of 1937 in this context, that is, full -blown denunciations against the crimean tatars
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for everything, not only for their civic position, not only for their activities, or there thoughts, for music, what kind of people used, for symbols, for various mentions of historical figures that are connected in one way or another with the history of ukraine, that is, there is pressure and repression for everything, and the second main feature is that they are now carrying out arrests and raids. with searches of those whom they, well, conditionally speaking , conditionally speaking, for eight years they had been pestering, but not so much, now they intensified all this again, they came to the crimean tatar lawyers, to emil kurbedinov, to citizen journalists, ludvia zudieva , come constantly, and now it has increased to representatives of the system korultai, midjlis and additional dema, yes, other
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representatives, again. they pressurize and carry out repressions against the heads of religious communities, because who is the head of a religious community in themselves, yes in leaders, these are leaders, these are people who are able to gather people around themselves, yes, we have very little time left, but i have to is to ask, the russians also revived some kind of information campaign about the fact that, look, in fact, the crimean tatar people, they are with us, they are... satisfied with the russian occupation and even they are recording some videos, allegedly from which of the mouths of a representative of the crimean tatar people, because i don’t know this for sure, there is support for the russian occupier, these are, let’s say, isolated cases of betrayal, which also happen among ukrainians, and among them, in principle , this is a normal situation during wars, unfortunately, or are they rare, as they say? people who
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pretend to be crimean tatars, well, the fact that russian propaganda there is working at full speed, so to speak, at full speed and full interest, is normal, of course, that is, not normal, but it is clear, they do it for 10 years, but you know, i want to pay attention, i don't know how much time we have left, i like statistics and facts, because one thing is the relationship and some emotional state, and completely different indicators, so let's take 10 years occupation the russian federation came here and declared that for 23 years you had nothing and did not feel anything, ukraine did not care about you, did nothing. the question arises: what did the occupiers do, what specific projects did the occupiers do for the crimean tatars during these 10 years, these 10 years, not a year, not two, not a few months, 10 years. let's take specifically the cathedral mosque in simferopol - it's a ukrainian project,
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a multi-ethnic cultural center at... the crimean engineering and pedagogical university, which they completed, it's a ukrainian project, the so-called school of four presidents, it's a ukrainian project, museums, schools, national, university , theater, these are ukrainian projects, the only thing they can show us is a monument to the victims of deportation in the town of suren, silich suren near bakhchisaray, there really was a station there, where the crimean tatars were collected from, but again... when we were in crimea, and we will return there, we always said that such monuments should be on main roads, in main central places, because everyone should know about the tragedy of the indigenous people, or somewhere in the village, where only those who know about these memories can go, but you understand, i understand, i still want to sum up everything that you said, all that, in principle, is positive, that was during the control
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of ukraine. started over the crimea, i would after all, i wanted to say that with the legal status of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people in the ukrainian state, it would be good in the end to somehow decide and fix it, i really hope that we will talk about it separately, the peoples and it must already be introduced and implemented, that is, it is necessary must prove, thank you gayana yuksel, a journalist and member of medzhaliso of the crimean tatar people, was in touch with the project. together beraber, a joint project of espresso tv channel and atp, aydere. christina we say goodbye to our viewers, not for long, until next saturday, stay with us.


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