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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EET

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and this means that we will watch the news, what happened there in ukraine, what are the consequences of the enemy attack, anna eva melnyk will tell annoyevo in more detail, i welcome you. greetings , colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working and we will tell you about the most important things, in particular about what is happening at the front, and of course, we will start this issue with the situation in kyiv, our correspondent dmytro didora is working there in the morning, we will know in a few moments about all the most important things, stay with us. in kyiv, ten injured as a result of the morning russian missile attack, two were hospitalized, among them an 11-year-old girl, others were treated by doctors on the spot. in the morning, russia launched on the capital. daggers and
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cruise missiles from strategic aviation, the local military administration said. an apartment in a residential building was on fire in the shevchenkiv district. residents were evacuated, the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko said. in the podilsky district, a transformer substation and a two-story building caught fire due to falling rocket debris. the fire has already been extinguished. and in kyiv , they continue to eliminate the consequences of the enemy missile attack, reached... the district where our correspondent dmytro didora lives. he has been working since the morning at the site of the fall of fragments of russian missiles. dmitry, i congratulate you and tell me what you know as of now? greetings annaev, i really want to apologize to our viewers, we are in sviatoshynskyi district, not in shevchenkivskyi, we managed to communicate with local residents, they say that around 5 in the morning there was a very powerful explosion, even they did not... have time to react to it, as
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it was instant, araptive, some even in at that moment were next to the windows, we emphasize that it is not possible to be near the windows during an air raid, because we see that in these houses, which are next to me, they are completely knocked out, even the window frames are also damaged, which is exactly what the local residents heard in the morning, let's hear i was just in the corridor and fell under the blast wave, it shook well, everything in the apartment was smashed, the windows were broken along with the frames, the first time i went out on the balcony, i looked at everything as if it was nothing, and then the second wave i was already leaving, i can’t leave, the door i wedged myself on the balcony on the loggia and there are no windows anymore, and what is happening near the house is a horror, everything is just there. that's all, at the moment
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we are finishing the apartment-by-apartment round, that is, the red cross always, when it arrives on arrivals, makes an apartment-by-quarter round so that no one is left anywhere, because there may be such a situation that, for example, a person is under stress and he is injured, and he is not can understand that she needs to go out somewhere or something, that is, our people pass all, all, all apartments and ask if help is needed, i also ask if she can somewhere there are lying people who cannot get out on their own. i want to note that apartment buildings were affected here, i saw five of them, there were broken windows, damaged window frames, now people are trying to remove windows that fell on the floor or in the yard, and we can now see them on the screens , this is the gap where the rocket fragments hit, as you can see, there was concrete there, it also pierced the concrete, we can see the metal frame and next to this
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gap the parking lot, where the cars of local residents were damaged, how many the car was damaged, it is impossible to say now , the law enforcement officers are working with people , they are establishing the information that was there, the red cross and medics are deploying a headquarters to help people who suffered from the morning attack of the russians on the capital, there they will distribute warm tea, or provide in... all help that is needed now, as of this moment i have the following information, thank you for your work, it was our correspondent dmytro didora, who works in the svyatoshyn district of kyiv. elimination of the consequences of the enemy attack continues, the capital is recovering from the morning shelling. in general during the night, the enemy fired two ballistic missiles, as well as 29 cruise missiles from strategic bombers. missiles for... at kyiv from
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the north, all enemy targets were shot down, air force commander mykola olyschuk reported. the attack was carried out by anti-aircraft missile units and mobile fire groups. five people are considered missing, five more have died. such are the consequences of yesterday's russian missile attack on kharkiv. at the moment, there are already nine wounded. the fire was almost extinguished, the search and rescue operation is ongoing, - said the mayor of ihor terekhov. let me remind you that yesterday the russians hit the kholodnohirsky district of the city with a kha-35 anti-ship missile. and ours. anger and fury due to the russian attacks should be converted into donations, the collection of the espresso tv channel continues . these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives, the mines were going to storm the minefields,
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they need drones and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost 360. join, it is important any amount, you can see all the details on the screen. 70 combat clashes took place on the front during the past day, the hottest in the novopavliskyi direction, where the enemy with the support of aviation tried to break through our defenses 24 times, but the ukrainian military is restraining the invaders in the areas of krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka, water and harvest. in the direction of liman, our soldiers repulsed the 17. the enemy stormed the positions of the armed forces near bilogorivka, zolotarivka and yampolivka, the general staff reported. the russians also tried to knock out ours three times units from the left bank of the dnieper. all attempts are futile. our aircraft struck ten areas where the occupiers were concentrated, and
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missile forces hit the russian ammunition depot. it was very noisy in the morning in the russian belgorod, the authorities announced a missile threat. the russian ministry of defense announces the downing of 10 rockets from the vampire salvo fire system over the region. at the same time , local residents are writing on social networks about damage to the belgorod arena building and one residential building. previously, allegedly she was injured, but the information is not final. support of partners, ukraine received 1.5 billion dollars from canada. the money will help cover the budget deficit, in particular social programs, - noted prime minister denys shmegal. the total amount of financial support from canada, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, is almost 7 billion dollars. white house national
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security adviser jake sullivan is confident that congress will vote for a large us aid package. he made such a statement at a briefing. in kyiv, sullivan emphasized that washington believes in ukraine's victory and is making efforts to pass a critical aid package. salevan added that the white house, together with a coalition of more than 50 countries, will support ukraine until victory. i know there are questions here because of the delay in congress passing a bill containing the relief package you rightfully deserve, and for what. which president biden struggles with every day. the $60 million has already been approved by the senate, and we are now working with the house of representatives to pass a relief package. we are sure that we will be able to do it. the adoption of the us budget for 2024 has almost
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been decided, so the aid package to ukraine will be moved to in the near future. this was announced by the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson. he assured that after the budget issues , congressmen will focus on additional aid to allies without delay. congress has until march 22 to approve the budget. however, immediately after that, the house of representatives goes on a two-week break, so they will most likely return to the draft law on the aid package to ukraine after april 8. france is able to quickly form and overturn a coalition division about 20,000 soldiers for 30 days, chief of staff of the french army, pierre shill, said, lemonde newspaper writes. he noted that the army can unite with other allies. according to him , france has significant advantages,
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such as geographical position and nuclear deterrent, if it comes to war. the main goal of the army is the security of the country and the defense of europe - president macron noted that he does not rule out sending them. french soldiers to ukraine. at this moment, the news team told about the most important thing. i tell you to meeting already at 10 o'clock. more about current events, you always. you can read on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close and lesya vakulyuk and andriy sachuk will continue to work for you, see you, dear friends, we are coming back, we continue the naispresso marathon, olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 12 o'clock, at this hour traditionally, we remind you that we have a collection going on, we thank all those who
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participated in collecting for one car, you and i have already collected for one, but let me remind you that we are collecting for three cars, and for all this we need as much as 900 hryvnias, this amount may scare you, but from this amount we already have 310,350. 6 hryvnias, if there are three cars, if 900 thousand is divided by three, then there will be 300 00 for each, we want to buy a powerful lend cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department, we want to buy a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, and we want to buy a refrigerator for export and transportation of fallen heroes, the goal, i tell you 900 thousand. uah it can be scary, but i’m watching , again, i’ll repeat it again, more than 600 viewers
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are watching us, if everyone transfers 50 hryvnias on average, it will already be 300, 3000 literally in a minute for a car for our military, do they deserve it of course, there are no such questions, you now see the qr code on your screens and also see the card number, if there are people who don't... how to use that qr code , please write 5375, 41 122 1666, 04 855, we collect three four-wheel drive cars for our defenders and ask for your help, we hope that you will respond , we hope that the night we experienced was not calm, anxious, difficult, in fact, you convert all your restlessness, all your... insomnia through moskals into hryvnias, into donats and thus help our to the defenders who
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are knocking the enemy out of our country. well, in the meantime, we continue our marathon and andrii besedin, the head of the kupyan city military administration, appears on our air, mr. andriy, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory, what is this morning in kupyanska, what? the city is alive now, the morning is more or less calm, the night, thankfully, passed without significant shelling on the territory of the community, on the territory of populated microdistricts, so the situation is difficult, but you can say, you know, steadily difficult, the situation has normalized a little, if we are talking about the front line, about the enemy's assault actions, about the enemy's shelling, then... they have decreased somewhat, does the enemy continue to shell
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the city with guided aerial bombs? at the moment no, er, there the next three days thanks not a single shelling so far has been precisely guided aerial bombs, mostly now the enemy uses rszv, it's a hailstorm, a hurricane and hits with combined ammunition, this... what kind of manpower, is it a cluster bypass, is there any shelling there, and now they are affecting civilian life in kupyansk itself more? civilian life continues, life is actually on the front line of 7 km, but really life, you know, not existence, but life, because if we talk about social infrastructure, about critical. infrastructure, about route transport, about connections, about shops, atms,
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ukrainian post office, er, hospitals, it all works, three educational institutions carry out the educational process of our children remotely, so life does not stop, the humanitarian situation is stable, people are provided with practically all the necessary food and hygiene products, and building materials for the conservation of damaged property. the spokesman of the steel border brigade, ivan shevtsov, said that despite the fact that the russians had a grandfather. to seize kupyansk before the elections, and the elections took place, their goal was not achieved, however, they did not abandon this goal, or those people who remain in kupyanska, they are discussing among themselves, as with the evacuation, or are they leaving? unfortunately, they leave reluctantly, we emphasize
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that now it is necessary to leave kupianske, the kupianske community and come to safer places in our country. or at least the city of kharkiv in order to secure themselves and their loved ones, but unfortunately, those 7,500 who remain in the territory of the community, they wrote a refusal to evacuate, now there are 220 children in the territory of the community , the mandatory evacuation is underway, now it continues mandatory evacuation in forced method in the neighboring communities, these are burlutska and vilkhovatska, and i think that if it ends there in the near future, then... next we will make decisions on the kupyan community. please tell us about this initiative kupinsky drone? yes, this is a unique platform, in fact, it is a new level of interaction between local self-government bodies, the armed forces of ukraine and people who want, really want to help
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purposefully help in one direction or another. if we talk about the kupyan drone - it is the kupyan direction. these are the brigades which are based on the territory, yes, yes, yes , something happened, we hear, but now, now everything is fine, yes, continue, yes, i apologize, yes, these are tigads who defend the kupyan direction and give a decent repulse to the enemy, the kupyan drone is a platform that unites the local community. engineers are actually people who can assemble a drone in their kitchen, because there is a training course on this platform, and actually there are people who will help assemble this drone, there are suppliers who can uh there provide services for people, which can to buy from them certain spare parts that
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are needed for exactly that drone that is on the platform, these are donors and charitable foundations. this is a separate story that helps our armed forces in the formation of their needs, in addition to drones , other important things there, it can be glasses, there are batteries, and rebs, anything, so we work, if we talk about the last year, the kupyan city council provided assistance to the armed forces in excess of uah 50 million, for this year, unfortunately... the code went to the state budget and we do not have such an opportunity was, that is why we looked for different ways, how not to stop in order to help, and actually the first such platform was created in the kharkiv region and the second platform in ukraine, which is now gaining momentum, there literally in three days more than 35 engineers registered there, who want to assemble a drone
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, people are actively donating, so we will work to bring ours closer... in essence , it is about the fact that everyone can volunteer, get the spare parts, assemble the drone, deliver it, according to the needs of the army, and still get paid for it compensation, yes compensation from the kupin city council, it is uah 7,500, this is actually, if you take the average cost of a drone that can be assembled there, it is 50%, but this is not the limit, people can assemble a drone cheaper, and this... probably compensation will increase, which will allow us to assemble another drone and thus help our armed forces more and more, and we understand that our help is extremely important and each of us must do it, must do everything to bring our victory closer. well, friends, actually this qr code
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that we showed is actually for to join this initiative, you can also do it yourself, for example, on... action, also just search for the cupin drone, in short, if you are interested, then this is something that can be done, as far as people are already participating, are there people, which already collect real drones in kitchens? yes, in fact, as i just mentioned, in the three days of this platform , 35 engineers have signed up, these are the people who want to assemble the drone and have actually started the process, or training, or... already actually assembling the drone, as soon as we hand over the first drone and the countdown will begin, and i want to note that our goal, and it is really very ambitious, is 1000 and a half cores until the end. year for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine through the kupyanskyi drone platform, then in fact this process will begin to move there in progress, so we are waiting,
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we constantly emphasize that we need to do everything possible, provide mechanisms, provide a clear understanding of where these drones will go, for whom they will go and whom they will destroy, so everything depends on the initiative, on the public one. positions of our people, they are really very motivated people, and when they know and should see exactly the specifics of their work, not just a donation there, but actually work, yes, which will give results, destroying our enemy, this is a different post, and this platform was created for this, you say that there are already people , who volunteered, do you know any details, who these people are, what their motivations are, or anything they 've said about themselves, or is it currently? closed information, this is closed information, the partner of the kupyansky drone platform is the action portal, this is the ministry of digital transformation, people
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register through this portal, so all data they are absolutely secret there, no one knows this person there, a certain nickname is assigned to the person there, and until the moment when the compensation is made, because it is already administrative work there and signing certain ones. documents, the person remains secret there, or are these people who come forward checked in some way, because we understand that they may be people who are waiting for the arrival of the russian army, they quietly decided here, i don’t know, somehow to spoil the drones, well, in fact they cannot spoil, they can spoil their own budget, if they will be, because people collect with their own funds, and then receive compensation. and before this drone gets to our guys, it is tested by our specialist, who actually knows this whole system perfectly there, and then it gets
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to the guys, to the actual customers of this drone, and their last word, if they confirm, that the drone is ready for use, then the person receives compensation, ugh, well, thank you very much, mr. andriy, andriy besedin was with us, the head of the kupin city military... administration in our ethers, i know what else i wanted to tell you, gentlemen, ugh, i wanted to say, i wanted to say , yes, about the fact that our money published a new rating, where did the largest tenders go, now the big ones, you know, stand out, now there is already a comment in our youtube broadcast, i saw that you are urging us to donate here, and if each deputy threw uah 1000, then you would have collected this zakat a long time ago, give us tacos, give us tacos in the manner of an honest deputy... salary 4,000 is a large salary, deputies of the verkhovna rada, no, it is not a large salary, we have an average salary now in ukraine, i don't remember, well, it's something like 20 thousand
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or 25 thousand, in ukraine the average salary is real, well, it's real literally yesterday, here people are looking for some drivers for 35,000 now, for 4,000 a good employee of some kind there machine in chernihiv , he is promised a salary of 35,000, just yesterday i saw this announcement when i was monitoring on... you are not from chernihiv, we made a roll call and actually talked to the journalist, the second question, what the hell are there such people in the verkhovna rada, like this is what big business is currently developing in transcarpathia, tyshchenko, for example, well, you knew that tyshchenko is a man with a criminal past, you knew, you knew that he was a man of low mental abilities, you knew, you knew that he was rich, who made money in an unknown way, you knew that he... did the unprincipled scumbags know what they voted for? well, the question is, how did he end up in the verkhovna rada? well, we know, i know, you are saying now, we did not vote for him,
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we are watching from the press, you know us, we know you, ours to ours to ours and so on, it's simple, but then don't write such nonsense, please very much, because it's not about the deputies, well , it's 100% about the deputies, but what are budget money spent on, budget, non-deputy salaries. they are small, they will be repeated again, this is interesting, i just wanted to say, the top tender of the week, wrote yuriy nikolov, the same one, remember, 17 eggs, from our money, it turns out that a lot, a lot, a lot of billions have been allocated for the construction of fortifications, it is obvious that the largest, for example, the order received from the kharkiv regional state administration was 4 billion, almost 3 billion sumyshchyna, well, the border, moscow, everything is clear, but... chernihiv oblast, but, for example, vinnytsia also received half a billion, and just so you understand, 400 million goes to the construction and strengthening of fortifications on the border with moldova.
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and i believe that yes, yes, yes, i never trusted these moldovans, dangerous people, sandu, that there is a big army there, well, in a word, people, i don’t know how to comment on it, well , it all coincided, notes mr. nikolov with the appointment of kyril tymoshenko, a well-known adviser to the ministry of defense, this is such an active, active thing, the tenders themselves classified, we can only assume that they are not going for... the market price, well, mr. nikolov, by the way, reminded us of what kyrylo tymoshenko looks like, and for one thing, he also reminded us of the large-scale construction that took place before the war, after the war, and about the fact that, for example , a certain riznichenko from dnipropetrovsk region, a friend of kyril tymoshenko, president zelenskyi,
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yermak, who... we remember that he once stole billions of tenders for the construction of roads together with his fitness trainer, nothing in that criminal case not happening but he has nothing and so on and so forth, and you say that let the deputies report, let the deputies do what they are supposed to do, bring a little order to the country, because this is a parliamentary republic, the parliament is paralyzed, inactive and guilty of to this , of course, and the voters, you can say so , but of course you are the elected people who are delegated there, i don't want to say anything against the parliament now, understand me correctly once again, the parliament is actually the only thing left of democracy in us , that's the only thing that in we are left with democracy, in state institutions, i mean, if we still destroy the parliament for good, we were asked jake salevan yesterday, i have one more minute, there was jake saleon, he was asked how
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the ukrainian victory was. who is jake sullivan, buk sullivan, the security adviser , arrived yesterday with an unannounced visit, flew to , arrived in kyiv, and was asked what ukrainian victory was in what, jack sullivan did not say a single word about the return of territories, and journalists drew attention to this. but he said that the ukrainian victory is that ukraine will remain a sovereign, independent, democratic, successful country. he emphasized this democratic several times. he explained that he meant that ukraine would have a dynamic and dynamic democracy with powerful democratic institutions, which we now have democratic institutions, now there is nothing left in the country except for the parliament, please tell me how functional the parliament is now, why ukraine found itself in the list of countries that are called hybrid regimes to you understand, hungary, which everyone complains terribly about, is democracy, slovakia...
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which everyone complains about, is democracy, ukraine is a hybrid regime, and the situation with democracy in the country is only getting worse, it's about whether we win in this war, from the point of view of the americans, from whom we depend for help , i have everything, i can already see the reaction of our viewers that they say that the presenters are on the side of the deputies , the presenters protect the deputies, and who are the deputies, the deputies are the representatives of the voters, representatives of... people in ukraine, because who then is the representative of voters in ukraine, who? okay, yermak, okay, kyrylo tymoshenko, okay, this is roznychenko, zoda, did you vote for them? no, you voted for your deputy, who is currently sitting in the verkhovna rada, wiping his pants there. well, or how mykola tyshchenko is somewhere in zakarpattia right now, and it's scary that journalists are standing behind him and calling the police on these journalists, they say, you can't watch what he's doing in uzhhorod. dear
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friends. this is not about that, but i see you are writing, each of you is writing who has what salary, you write that some of the deputies have handbags worth $200, of course, and this is unacceptable, moreover, some deputies go abroad, supposedly to talk about ukraine, and then these foreign allies of ours are asked where they can buy a handbag some company there , i don't even know the names of these companies, because well, i don't buy handbags for 200 each. it's some stupid extravagance, but even more so when you go abroad to represent a country that is at war, to ask for weapons, about help, and on the one hand, and on the other hand, you say where to buy some an expensive bag, you ask in societies that actually count money very much, but people, but people, understand one thing, deputies are more or less on...


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