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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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as they say out loud that the modern parliament is the weakest in terms of influence of all time, that the pro-government majority has quite consciously transferred almost all of its weight of influence to the office of the president. the connection between the presidential office of the president and the council has become, well, not that it is absent, it is one-sided, that is, they give a command and they carry it out, the presidential office decides when there will be a faction, the presidential office decides on any personnel issue. but the people's deputy from the voice of solomya bobrovska on our air, a few weeks ago, named another reason for the crisis in parliament it is the impossibility of deputies to go on business trips abroad without the approval of ope, according to her, when the government by its resolution prohibits deputies from leaving, it is completely absurd, nardepka noted, the speaker of the verkhovna rada should stand up for parliamentarism itself, whether there will be a parliamentarian, i believe that she is advancing and the dispute, in particular, about the possibility of working abroad, it will become one of those apparently rooted in not in apparently or in blocking or in misunderstanding. to move
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on, because that's how these rules are, the rules are equal for others, they will not work, and this leads us into a very deep discussion and controversy. another opposition force , european solidarity , demanded the resumption of full-fledged work of the verkhovna rada at the beginning of march, due to regularly canceled meetings. people's deputy goncharenko points to the low quality of the parliament's work, the loss of its subjectivity, and eu deputies also complain about the selective release of deputies abroad, that is, on business trips. meanwhile, the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, gave an interview to the public news agency. answering to the question of the state of the parliament, he noted that he does not see the crisis, but decides the majority, so they say, democracy works. i wouldn't talk about the parliamentary crisis, i would talk about it as a kind of spring family cloudiness, from which we will definitely find a way out together. in a democracy, the majority decides, not the dictates of the minority, so please, you can make a proposal, but if it is not supported, it means that the parliament has decided so. and to... svoboda ranok
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is joined by fedir venislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people party, member verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. congratulations. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. fedor, we want to talk about what is happening inside the parliament, i must say only that we regularly invite the leadership of the verkhovna rada to our broadcasts, to which journalists and deputies have a lot of questions, but so far there is no opportunity to communicate with them, so let's talk from your point of view, how you feel and see, here is the servant of the people today in ukrainian. in parliament like a monomajority, does it have unity or not, because from the statements of journalists that exist , it is said that the deputies are planning to draw up a mandate, you are not planning to draw up your mandate either, well, first of all, you know, i am talking about the desire to draw up mandates en masse, i only hear from mass media and telegram channels of our political opponents, let's say, i personally have never heard from my colleagues about the desire to draw up a deputy mandate, you know? if we
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allow drafting of deputy mandates by some of our colleagues, then it is exclusively with or with very serious, significant problems, and they openly talk about it, what with the state of health, other arguments and other desires to make a deputy mandate, well, i definitely did not hear, i can tell you my honest word, because, well, not in the national committee security, defense and intelligence, neither in his parliamentary group, nor among his neighbors in, let's say, a parliamentary seat in the parliament, in the hall of the parliament. i have never heard of a desire to create a mandate, perhaps, you know, some deputies who came to the parliament did not quite engage in law-making and see that today they are not quite successful in this, they probably have lost some motivation and maybe they would like to leave the parliament, but i emphasize once again, i personally have not heard such rumors, but you know, here i am asking questions about the parliamentary crisis i consider it a little on the other hand, as a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, which in... including in closed mode
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, our intelligence communities warned a few months ago that by the end of march, by the end of may, there would be an attempt with on the part of the russian special services to destabilize the operation, to destabilize the situation in the parliament, to unravel the situation in the state, and therefore i regard this as one of the elements of the russian special operation that she planned, about which we were warned. mr. fedor, i gave you the opportunity to conclude, just so that you have your opinion... but when only journalists are accused, which, by the way, referring to their sources in the faction, say that the deputies want to draw up powers and mandates , this is actually not entirely true, because for the example of mr rahami, who refuted on his facebook on telegram, i apologize the day before the information that it allegedly does not exist for the majority, in january of this year on the 24th, if i am not mistaken, during the discussion about what is the scenario for ukraine, he said that 17 people's deputies wrote statements for drafting mandates, this statement was his then and... then
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they also started talking about this crisis, so probably not everything is so clear, maybe even if you don't have enough information, but mr. rahami also stated this, so no only journalists somewhere take it from their sources. after all, about whether this parliamentary crisis exists or not , is everything really so good in the parliament, if everything is so good, there is a sufficient number of votes, then why are there constant cancellations and postponements of meetings, because if they happen, they are very short-lived, how do you explain it to yourself, well, look, i want to take a few steps back a little more and say about the objections that we are voting in unison with the ideas that the president is voicing, this absolutely normal practice, i will tell you more, i, as a specialist in the field of concession law, even when i gave lectures as a student before my life as a deputy, i gave examples of mixed republics, when a pro-presidential political force comes to power in the parliament,
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in fact the form of government shifts to the center of the presidential-parliamentary one, when a political force opposing the president comes, the opposite happens, now... we have a pro-presidential majority in the parliament and it is natural that we vote for those ideas that are in unison with the president's program, in unison with is the program of the servant of the people political party, and the achievements that mr. rahamia mentioned in his speech were definitely unthinkable during all the years of independence, namely the fundamental reforms that we carried out and won the candidacy, and now the beginning of negotiations on membership in the european union, but of course i will not deny that... everything is going absolutely smoothly and smoothly, there are indeed certain, let's say, disputes over specific draft laws, but from my point of view, again, this is an absolutely normal situation when in including those in power, let's say
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representatives of the monomajority, they do not vote for those bills that, from their point of view , are not aimed at the national good, at some backroom agreements, so this is an absolutely normal situation, but... i will tell you why, in my opinion, we now in the parliament we have such situational voting, because periodically our political opponents try to put to a vote and actually spam the work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine with those legislative initiatives that today do not have support in the hall, and this is constant, and when you talk about political opponents , which faction do you mean, european solidarity, voice or, for example , opzh, who often vote for those initiatives put forward by servants? people, well, it is enough to look at the voting results, there are usually two political parties and one political and one group in the parliament, this is the european solidarity political party, they are trying to put the maximum number of legislative proposals, amendments, and also this is
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a faction of the fatherland political party, a group dmytro razumkov, they are trying to use the parliamentary rostrum in order to convey to the voters, probably in connection with the pre-election some... expectations of their ideas and so on and the elections, while we will calm down the spectators, there will be no elections in the near future, for the constitution of this to be cannot, and the mentioned political forces have the right to answer in our next broadcasts, we have literally 40 seconds, i would also ask you to simply summarize what you said, when the presidential majority comes for example, and it there is a common vision of how to move like in the president's office, for obvious reasons, how much does it weaken the role of the parliament and what do you think, taking into account such votes in particular and the events that are taking place? ukrainian parliament, is it losing its subjectivity as of now? well, you know, it is enough to look again at the voting results and even at those legislative initiatives that other representatives of our political power would like to, let's say, vote, do not always find a sufficient number of votes, so
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the parliament certainly does not lose its subjectivity, it has the right and through voting implements this right to adopt those laws that the majority of people's deputies in the parliament consider correct. sir? i thank you very much for joining, because i want to hear the actual positions of the pro-government deputies, again, and i also want to see the leadership of your parliamentary faction on these broadcasts, we invite them openly once again so that they also join the discussion , fedir venislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, member of the verkhovna rada committee of national security, defense and intelligence issues, guest of our broadcast. according to the results of the study , public libraries of ukraine in the conditions of russian armed aggression during two years of full-scale war. against ukraine , more than 130 public libraries were completely destroyed, about 750 were damaged to varying degrees and are in need of major repairs. in order to be able to read safely, the lviv book forum is launching a reading room project in shelters. such reading rooms should appear in zaporizhzhia, kyiv, mykolaiv,
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kherson and kharkiv regions. for reading rooms in shelters bought children's and fiction, comics, board games worth uah 5 million. about how it came about. the idea of ​​creating safe reading rooms in shelters, whether there is any demand for literature during war and during shelling, and how to encourage even hooligans to read, i talked to sofia chelyak the day before, she is the program director of bukform, so let's go. let's listen to where such an idea came from in order to arrange the spaces in this way and thereby offer the society to popularize including reading? we actually started discussing the idea with our partners, that is , representatives of the donor, this is the ucpi program, usaid's representative office, back in december of last year, actually we started discussing... about pisa testing. pisa is an international test that assesses the basic skills and
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understanding of children, that is, it is mathematics, it is natural science, but in particular reading. ah, just in december of last year , the results of the last test for ukraine were published, and reading itself, yes, it was the lowest indicator among all children. and here it is necessary to understand that it is not about knowledge of the basic texts of world literature or. ah ukrainian literature, yes, but it is about the basic skills of understanding the text, from artistic to journalistic, to news, and - in fact, these results are threatening, because these teenagers are now future voters, there are people who will read the news, which will analyze the news, and based on it, they will make decisions and... maybe it will be some life-changing decisions, say, to evacuate or not to evacuate, so we
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began to think, so that it is possible, how can we help, in parallel, due to the full -scale invasion of russia on the territory of ukraine , the costs for the purchase of books in ukrainian libraries were reduced, also due to the full-scale invasion, due to aggression, libraries are cleaning their collections, that is, readers throughout the country, these are people who usually don't have access to bookstores, so they... can only buy books online, and accordingly their sample is smaller, because they can't see the book physically, and i'm not talking about economic conditions, that's life people and in fact, taking this into account, we thought that it is worth trying this way, to provide access for both children and adults to interesting books that are not only artistic texts, but also public, for example, we formed a list of children's books together with the barabuk project. ah, and these are books that, in particular, help children to adapt,
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ah, to the war, yes, and find psychological peace in reading, from the side of ukrainian society, the same teenagers we mentioned, you see a request for a need actually such safe reading rooms, and - how do you like it you see how it will allow popularization, well, if a person probably doesn't want to read, then there can be 10 books, he won't choose one, and how is this supposed to work here? in fact, last week i would have answered you theoretically, but we, together with our projects in kharkiv, this is a public organization of do-gooders, with the children's writer kateryna mikhalisyna, last week visited nine locations in the kharkiv region, and we held events there, accordingly we saw , how it all happens, i must say, the reaction was unexpected for us, both adults and children, they really run to these books, and... they look, so we read together with them, sang, and talked about what books
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were brought, and we see, that is, you approach the child and ask, you read, the child is like that , no, i don’t read, i don’t do that, but here , for example, we read a poem from one of the books, and we see how the child already takes this book, hugs it, goes to the representative of the indomitable point and asks if it is possible to take it to read this book at home, that is... in the version with books, in particular good ukrainian books, you can actually find it here literature that will interest even the biggest hooligans, so for example our favorite book for those who weren't focused on reading there, we would just go up and give them a book called toilet history, it's really toilet history but it's a world history with basic countries, players and events, and after reading this book , well, of course, this topic is funny, and children are also... well, very willingly, so they open some kind of conditional forbidden literature, here, but it is
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all adapted and adds additional knowledge, and we also saw in kharkiv oblast that there are a lot of them, that is, we visited villages that were under occupation, that were on the demarcation line, or are now close to it, for example, these are the villages of the kupinsky district, so close to the front line, and there are a lot of children there, firstly, they are there, secondly, with them... they are available and they are open to reading, we also saw the same thing with adults, that is, random people who simply pick up a ukrainian anthology. and just stand in the middle of the hall in dirty clothes, because they are there from where they entered and happened to see and are starting to read the poetry of lina kostenko , that is, we had doubts in favor of this project, it seems to me that there can be no doubt, you talk about it with such enthusiasm that it is probably a project of freedom of mornings, thank you for being together with us, we will hear you on the air tomorrow as usual,
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at nine, see you soon. dear friends, we are returning to the ether. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studio for you, today the espresso marathon is going on, which one? 757 day? listen in lviv for those who don't knows, it's just that the news has already spread everywhere, it's also interesting that it wasn't an extraordinary fog and 27 light passenger cars collided at the same time on the bypass road, as far as i understand, near sknylov. a huge accident, 27 cars , imagine, imagine what kind of fog, which has not been seen for a long time and in which it is difficult to see anything, is now over lviv, it was especially in the morning, well, you know, it certainly sounds scary, that 27 cars collided, but this is some kind of news from such and such, it is peaceful, it is very peaceful, then you understand that a bunch of cars, civilians, everyone is going to work, 27 and this is this
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this is this is news that could become topnyus for sure in peacetime some of our yes. years ago, but now , well, it’s simple, well, here’s an interesting fact in lviv, heavy fog , one more interesting fact, dear friends, you and i have already collected 74,000 for this morning, i will remind you that we are collecting for three cars, we are collecting for our military , we want to buy a powerful land cruiser for them and will send it to the air reconnaissance group of the main directorate of intelligence, we want to buy a pickup truck for the 43rd of a separate artillery brigade. and we want to buy a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 900,000. why do we want to buy them these cars, because you can now see on your screens what the cars that served them look like, but unfortunately, after russian shelling, after russian mines, shells, they can no longer be useful for our military, so need our
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military wheels, and we can help them with that. already for one car, in fact we were... collecting, that is, we have 3,000, we still need it we have to collect the remaining 600, and of the remaining 600, 73 thousand, we have already collected with you, we will be grateful to you for every hryvnia if you join our collection, well , our military will be most grateful, and in this way we show them our appreciation. iryna fries, people's deputy of ukraine, joins our broadcast, mrs. iryna, congratulations, congratulations, mrs. iryna, what is the situation in the verkhovna rada, or the parliament. began to fulfill his immediate duties, today the meeting will continue, yesterday's meeting took place, therefore a certain list of draft laws was adopted and considered , therefore it is too early to say that there is a parliamentary crisis and the parliament is not working, in fact, in this story about the parliamentary crisis, as
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our colleagues, in particular from ukrainian pravda, have noticed, there is probably no more important function parliament, how to create, form the government, the executive power, as well as control its activities afterwards. currently, is there a majority in the parliament, if so, what kind of majority is it, is this government the government of this majority, or is the government although somehow accountable now in the majority, because otherwise we have doubts whether parliamentary democracy remains in ukraine, well, look, first of all, we have to take into account that... now we live in times when there is a valid martial law, this is firstly, secondly, you are absolutely right about the fact that the government should be accountable to the parliament, unfortunately, here it must be stated that during these two years , the so-called hour of the government took place only once, when the deputies had the opportunity to ask questions, urgent questions in order to
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get them from government officials, because in view of that a very large part is complete. back in the 22nd year, it was transferred to the executive branch of government regarding the adoption of certain decisions, then , accordingly, such accountability as it was in peacetime does not exist as of today, this is a problem, because there are too many questions for deputies and among the citizens of ukraine, there is an executive branch of government, in addition , well, by and large, if we are talking about the existence of the majority. voting for several months in a row demonstrates that there are no 226 votes in a monomajority, i.e the monomajority, or let's say, the majority, exists at the expense of a part of the servants of the people and the former remnants of the opz, who vote for those bills that the government needs to adopt in
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the format that is still used, this is the format of the tour regime. as of now , in most cases, the parliament considers bills separately in the first reading, bills separately in the second. this is a positive signal, because a very large number. it is possible to suspend the completely inadequate standards of the editorial offices, in particular , this happened with the draft law on social protection for military personnel and of police officers, whose number 10313 will be considered today, it contained, well, a whole series of norms that were completely far from the goal set by this draft law, precisely thanks to the work. the national security and defense committee managed to clean up and bring to a logical and adequate perception of this bill, which i am sure will
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not only be considered today, but will also be supported by the parliament, because the norms aimed at the social protection of our servicemen and our policemen are today's priorities number one for a nation at war, speaking of the national security committee. sir, who does maryana bezula currently represent in this committee, being the deputy head of the committee? well, formally, nominally, maryana bezugla, a representative of the servant of the people party, a representative of the servant of the people faction, formally she continues to be the deputy head of the committee, and unfortunately, nothing could be done about it, because all these information... tsunamis that were created by yevgenia kravchuk, excuse me, i will now transfer you to a second, just the other day she told us on the air here that maryana bezugla is
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an opposition deputy, i'm actually trying to understand why, that is, the opposition got what kind of opposition, this place in the committee, i don't know how mrs. maryana became an opposition deputy, perhaps meaning a deputy from the president's office for the first time. turn, because she continues to carry out certain informational tasks that , from my point of view, fit into the narratives that, uh, that the office of the president is trying to spread, so from my point of view this pseudo-oppositionism, it looks very funny, because its task to discredit the highest academic leadership of the state, unfortunately, is successful, and we see what happened to the previous head, and that now all this turbulence is happening in the armed forces
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of ukraine regarding changing one team to another , unfortunately, during the war, this is a very dangerous thing, because all this requires time, which the state does not have today, and all these perversions can currently create grounds that will have very negative consequences, so... we will to hope and believe that a healthy sense of humor within the armed forces of ukraine will still overcome all the chaos that accompanies the change of command, but at the same time, i would not talk about the fact that ms. maryana is an opposition deputy. mrs. irena, i don't know if this is a question for you, but i'm just addressing it to you today, we have people in the chat who are looking at us and asking, what about valery zaluzhny? is he alive at all, someone asked, well, but on the other hand, yes, well, there was no public statement from him, whether he agreed to this, sent to britain, or he going to britain, not going to britain, do you
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know anything? i don't know where the ex-head is now, but we all saw the information that agreman was sent to great britain for him in the filing of the president's office. as of now, it is not known whether this agreman was approved or supported, because i think that if it had already happened, then accordingly the president's office was also happy to inform that the ex-head valery zalozhnyi is currently in another state position, from my point of view, this indicates a management crisis of the military-political leadership, because if the people, if the team, because... not only about zaluzhnyi, we are also talking about the generals who were his team during these two years of large-scale invasion, that is, this whole team of people with experience, with a specialty,
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it turned out to be unnecessary for the authorities, and this, from my point of view, is the marker that allows each of us to draw conclusions, who then is needed in order to win, in order to really end this war and end it in a different format , you know, some signed ones documents that will look more like a capitulation, but still complete her victory. and the defense of the national interests of the state, well, the key issue here is also the question of mobilization, microin the australian general, i remind you that mobilization is primarily the mobilization of ideas, the mobilization of industrial production, and that is , mobilization cannot be reduced only to the question of how many people to recruit for the army, nevertheless, if we take now the law or all. a certain
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number of laws, now called the mobilization law, which are now on consideration, what state it is now in the committee, and by the way, again, mentioning ms. kravchuk, she accused the opposition of delaying the adoption of this law by sending a huge number of unnecessary amendments. well, i think that this is not true, in particular, that it was the opposition that sent a huge number of documents, i want. i would like to remind you that out of 4,195 amendments, almost 200 amendments are amendments submitted by the servants of the people, so to say that the opposition is somehow trying to block this draft law is an absolute nonsense, at the same time, i want to emphasize that the adoption of this bill as a law is not a panacea, which will solve all issues with mobilization at the same time, in order to prepare all
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regulatory legal acts. that the draft law , which will be adopted by the verkhovna rada in the second reading, needs to pass from one month to six months, that is, this draft law by and large, due to its bulkiness, due to the fact that it introduces a large number of changes to a large number of existing laws, it is actually difficult for approval, if the commander-in-chief , mr. zelensky, for example, did... prioritization of areas that need to be resolved and took political responsibility for making the appropriate changes, well, let's say how it was according to the military officers, and from this draft law that is currently under consideration , they simply singled out one norm related to the release of conscripts, submitted it as a priority bill from the president, and in fact within three days it was adopted and a decree on...
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the release of conscripts has already been signed, that is, if have focused on specific directions that need a quick solution, then all these directions could have been adopted last year, because by and large the question of mobilization is a question of the future of our state, here i return to your first question from this, regarding that mobilization is the unity of all resources and the mobilization of all resources, and indeed, if we are talking about application. or the adoption of norms that are exclusively coercive, that do not create any motivational factors other than coercion, then in this case this draft law will have a negative impact, and from my point of view, the president, as the commander-in-chief, should still not care about his own ratings and the negative, let's say , effects of one or another bill that can cause image damage, primarily
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about... national interests, that is why it is worth telling the representatives from the people's ears that i have already said more than once that the issue of mobilization is not simply sabotaged by the authorities at the highest level, when the responsibility is shifted, who will consider, introduce, write bills regarding changes to mobilization, and including encourages or creates a narrative that ukrainians do not want to defend their own state. and these detachments, where tccs violate their rights, where in one way or another the situation abroad is aggravated during queues at consular departments, all this works against the state of ukraine and against ukrainians. mrs. iryna, thank you very much for this conversation, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, and we will pass the floor to the news. anna yevamelnik is already with us, she will tell us what happened there in ukraine and the world. greetings, colleagues, editors.


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