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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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wait and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. friends, we are back on the air , we will now talk about the aid of the european union to ukraine in the conditions of war, in the meantime i want to tell you that only 1200 uah separates us from the fact that you and i collected 100,000 uah, 100,000 uah, which will work on the assembly of cars for our military, we want to buy three cars, 900 00 hryvnias must be collected for this, and we already have 387 thousand for this. that is
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, we can already buy one car and a third of the second one with you, but with your help, i think that we will still collect for all three questions, as quickly as possible, and today... the collection is going quite quickly, i hope that you still have some of it speed up tatiana vysotska, a correspondent of espress tv, joins us from brussels. tatiana, we congratulate you. greetings, good morning, greetings from brussels. therefore, a two-day summit is underway, where eu leaders discuss continued support for ukraine during the war. what are they saying at this summit? so, that's it today the two-day summit of the leaders of the european union begins, in which the heads of all eu states will take part. yesterday, the summit of the eu-ukraine association was held with the participation of prime minister denys shmyhal, and ukrainian issues smoothly transition from yesterday to
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today, when they will already be discussed at the european level, and the main topic of today for eu leaders is military. support for ukraine, how to increase it, how to speed it up and, at the same time, how to increase the defense potential of the european union itself, because in the european union finally understood that the threat from putin is very great, ukraine cannot be allowed to lose, and therefore ukraine must be supported in every possible way, and the main intrigue of today is actually where to find money to increase support for ukraine, and one of the topics that will be discussed by the leaders the eu is... the use of profits from frozen russian assets that are in the accounts of the depositories of the european union. actually, this topic has been discussed for a very long time, this topic began to be discussed more actively at the summit of eu leaders last december, and already now the european commission is actually starting
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to put pressure on the eu leaders so that they make some kind of decision and that 3 billion € every year, and such an estimated amount may come from the profits of... born russian assets, so that this money is transferred to the purchase of ammunition and ammunition, weapons for ukraine. it is interesting that if the leaders make this decision today, then 90% of the income from russian assets will be transferred to the european peace fund for the purchase of weapons and ammunition in ukraine, and 10% to the budget of the european union also for ukraine on its humanitarian support. true, behind the scenes. diplomats here say that it is possible today , with regard to russian frozen funds , a decision may not be made, because too many leaders are hesitating whether it is worth angering russia so much with such a step, but let's hope, here behind closed doors
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, the heads of eu states may have any surprises, someone can come out of the room, as we already know, it was with orbán, so we will wait for good news from the 27 leaders... seven countries, who will be the main stars here at this summit? actually, not orban, if, for example, the past few summits, orban was the star, because decisions vital for ukraine were made, including the financing of ukraine for the next four years, yesterday, let me remind you, ukraine received the first tranche from the ukraine facility mechanism, the ukrainian fund , which provides ukraine with 50 billion euros over four years. this time the main decision at the level of the european union on the allocation of an additional 5 billion euros for the purchase of ammunition and weapons for ukraine within the framework of the european fund peace, this decision was already taken on monday at the level of the ministers
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of foreign affairs and defense, and what is interesting, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary was the same star on monday, he left the hall not to vote for it, but in this way... he allowed other 26 ministers to support 5 billion euros for ukraine, today orban will not have such an opportunity, regarding the issue of russian frozen funds, not one orban hesitates, so if the stars were here, you know who macron and scholz are, because now it is still being discussed on the creation of a unified defense system industry of the european union, it was announced a few weeks ago, and ukraine will be part of this system. of the defense system and defense industry of the eu , they are also discussing the question of where to get money in order to modernize and increase the defense potential of the european union for the production of weapons, both for ukraine and for self-defense, just in case, and
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it just so happens that macron is in favor of issuing eurobonds from, i.e. borrowing on foreign markets in order to get. money for the modernization of the european defense industry. so far, scholz is against it, so this will be a duel between macron and scholz. well, we'll see what comes of that, too. you see, two wings, so to speak. of european global politics, they are probably equal, who is the most beautiful wing, in principle, it is not difficult for us to understand, i think it is macron after all, but will it be useful now , i think, scholz looked at himself in the mirror like this and says, but i didn't please you, and perhaps scholz also has his own inner beauty, also very important, although i do not know, we do not objectify them, nor discuss beauty directly. well, i don't know what to tell you , after i confessed my love to, you know
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, to whom, ursuli fonder vtr, i think that basically we have long gone beyond, you know, normal commentary work, so what, tetyana, thank you, i still wanted to ask tetyana, in brussels, the same farmers are constantly on strike, and in principle from time to time throughout the european union, what is the general attitude towards ukraine, or? they are talking, they are talking now publicly in brussels about the fact that ukraine is little by little is moving towards the european union, are they now trying not to pedal it so as not to draconian the citizens, in fact yes, just today on the first day of the summit, here around the building where it will take place, farmers are gathering, so the police measures are unprecedented again, because here there will be some demonstrations, we are still... i don't see tractors on the street, but i think tractors will arrive soon. and as for ukraine, unfortunately,
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you rightly said that there is such a desire before the elections to the european parliament, which will take place on june 6-9, not to pedal the topic eu expansion, the topic that ukraine can become a member of the eu, because ukraine is the largest in the eu, first of all, it is a competitor for european farmers, because ukraine is a large, powerful agrarian country. state, and i want to remind you that just yesterday european commissioner oliver vargelii, when he appeared at a press conference together with the eu high representative for foreign affairs joseph borel and our prime minister denys shmyhal, he said that ukraine, he did not directly say , he said that the european commission continues to observe and monitor the implementation process ukraine's obligations to the european commission regarding the beginning of accession. negotiations on accession to the eu, that is, if i recall , the year before last, the european commission
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identified seven steps, seven reforms that ukraine must carry out before the negotiations begin, and the european commission has already recognized that three of these seven steps have been completed, and there are four steps left, from the position of the government of ukraine, we have already taken these four steps, all the necessary laws have been approved, including the law on national minorities, which was amended in december. and the last one was approved the law on lobbying, which was signed on march 12 by volodymyr zelenskyi, that is , ukraine has done everything it could, but the european commission says we continue to monitor because there are issues regarding national minorities. these questions, of course, are asked by hungary, which, in fact, is now starting to slow down ukraine's accession to the eu, with such small quibbles, there is nothing to complain about. level of the european council, hungary says: no, after all, the law of ukraine on national minorities is not good enough,
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not european enough. and here they are small, as if by pins, the very process of the start of negotiations on joining the eu is slowed down and postponed for a month, then another month, then another month, and then already from july, i want to remind you that in july hungary begins to preside over the european union, orbán will be the chairman... to sit next to charles michel at the european councils, that is, if the issue for ukraine is very delicate here, and unfortunately, there really is this tendency that the expansion of the eu and the future membership of ukraine are not being talked about very actively now, so as not to injure the psyche farmers, but on the other hand , there are expansions on the agenda of this summit, they will talk mainly about bosnia and of sogovin , who also want to give the green light to the negotiations, but with regard to ukraine, ursula fonden
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will propose to accelerate the integration of ukraine with the european union in the process of accession changes, i.e. before accession , to integrate ukraine more closely into the european union, for example, to start with integration into the united the european market somehow, giving ukraine some preferences and so on, but this is all talk, of course. but let's listen, it's not in vain andrii here in love for ursula fonden confessed, tatiana, as soon as you can, i will pass it on to her, well, it was ours. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espress, she is currently in brussels, and a two-day summit of eu leaders has started there, who are discussing continued support for ukraine in the face of russian aggression, dear friends, by the way, about macron's beauty, that's how they appeared on the network, well, at least serhiy fursa posted photos, and assures that it is not artificial
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intelligence, how macaron is boxing. because it is boxing, not skidding, we can show it so that i don't now she looked speechless, oh, this is macron , i don’t know who he is, maybe he imagines putin instead of this pear, 100% and says, here you are, if anything, we will send the french military here now, such a macaron, we are waiting for scholz’s photos, if he comes up with something to drag putin with, we will also show it in ours. airwaves, well, there are no such photos yet, their troops have not sent something yet, so we will not show it on our airwaves, oh yes, the germans are very ironic, once scholz tried to show off with these cheetahs, equipment, with these anti-aircraft guns installations that he sent precisely to ukraine, and how many ironic comments there were about scholz, well, in a word, germans
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are specific people, well, by the way, president zelensky also responded like this... so to speak, in this contest, he posted such alpha machismo on instagram and it seems now not once but once upon a time there were those morning pancakes someone showed me i didn't show them don't look at me i don't follow the president what is he there morning pancakes what is he doing there and i saw macron by chance i also don't specifically follow dear friends, we are moving on, wait, well, it was recently... was it a long time ago, well, less than that, okay, dear friends, we are moving on, now we will talk about fuel prices, serhiy kuyun, director of the consulting company a95 joins us, mr. sergey, good morning, i congratulate you, actually, tell us what will happen to fuel prices, will they increase, or will
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the price decrease, well, actually, everything is very interesting. passed, the most interesting was there last week, the prices in large chains increased by about 2 hryvnias per liter, and in fact, we were still waiting for this in february, but due to the fact that there were very large stocks and very low consumption, accordingly , it was delayed until the end of march, well, i couldn't stand it anymore, and that's why synchronization took place, let's say, with the foreign market, it... quite strongly e- has increased over the past three months, if we started with $77 per barrel at the beginning of the year, now it is $87, it was even yesterday, so of course the purchase prices have become more expensive and have risen, and this is precisely because we are an importing country, so we were forced bring
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the foreign market into line with the domestic one, and well... we see now how ukraine successfully attacked a number of russian refineries, and this , by the way, was reflected even on their price tags at gas stations, russia can still somehow influence the pricing and supply of petroleum products to ukraine, i mean by military means , well , actually, look, that is, it was definitely a very, very good attack. yes, that is, indeed, if you compare the cost of those drones and the cost of the equipment that will have to be replaced, then these are of course incomparable things, that is, it is hundreds of times this, well, this ratio different, so it's very cool from a reputational, media point of view, it
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was a very powerful blow, but as far as the practical, practical side is concerned. of this matter , in fact the oil refining complex of russia , it is huge, that is, they process 275 million tons of oil per year, and as a result of the attacks it was confirmed, well, that and that unofficially, that somewhere they brought out 6 million tons of capacity, that is, it is somewhere there 4 %, well , accordingly, we understand, yes, that it is not so much, we understand that they... sooner or later will renew these capacities, so we need to continue working in this direction, of course, i think there will be an effect, and there is probably already an effect in that they will be forced to stretch. our air defenses, to remove them from some areas, to throw them at others, and i hope that our fighters will take advantage of this,
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so of course it is very cool, but from the point of view of the functioning of this industry, well, so far it is not enough. in fact, in that structure , now the supply of automobile gasoline is primarily, i understand that greece is our largest exporter of gasoline for... us and romania, how did it happen? i don't know where you got such data from, actually, i would divide the supply into two, into two main directions, the first direction is the polish border, or the western direction, yes, and the second is the romanian one, so it really is, and they , by the way, approximately in the same ratio, i.e. somewhere 50 to 50, this does not mean that romania and... poland are our suppliers, well, exclusively, yes, that is, rather it is not so, i.e., for example, a purely polish product in of this 50%, it is only 7%. ugh, and the rest -
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it is transit, that is, in the case of poland, it is transit through polish ports from countries, from the united states, from the middle east, from scandinavian countries and so on and so forth. which comes from greece, from turkey it used to come from india and so on and so forth, i.e. american, even american gasoline can be refueled with it somewhere, that is, it is available somewhere, gasoline is not, because gasoline is in short supply in the states , they almost do not export it, but disposable and liquefied gas, so it is already such a commonplace, well, you see, we already can. you have been sterilized to such an extent that we fill up with american diesel at gas stations, this is very , probably cool, and it turns out that you can live without russian fuel, state dept
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fuel, yes, state dept fuel, yes, thank you, mr. sen sergey, thank you, serhii kuyun, director of the consulting company a95 was in touch with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us today, this morning is not easy, you were with us, thank you for donating, you and i for today for... natylin, well, almost 100,000 uah, why do i say almost, because to us in order to be exactly 100, some eight and a half thousand are missing, only eight and a half thousand separates us from this mark of 100, i hope that you will continue to donate throughout the day, because our colleagues will also emphasize and remind about the collection that continues on to our tv channel, you can see the qr code, the card number on your screens, we are collecting three cars for our military, we will then hand them over to the front line, three cars, the asking price is uah 900,000, and you and i already have 391,230 hryvnia, for
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every hryvnia donated, we will give you extremely grateful, and grateful that you were with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, stay with espress. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska at podorozhnyk pam and oshchad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. you can easily cut with it. it's trees and shrubs, it's so convenient to use for carpentry too, it's a perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also
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10:59 am
reliable. battery included, just call now and order , free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches, once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use it in hard -to-reach places, a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver are included, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool: a tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery . check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need! call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together! congratulations to everyone from espresso, this is news and yana yavomelnyk: the number has increased by 13 injured as a result of the morning russian missile attack. among the wounded, an 11 -year-old girl is in the hospital... four people, others were treated by medics on the spot. in the morning , russia launched ballistic and cruise missiles at the capital, all of them were shot down, the local military administration noted, but an apartment in a residential building burned down due to falling debris in the shevchenkiv district. residents were evacuated, the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko said. a transformer substation and a two-story building caught fire in podilsk district. the fire has already been extinguished. in
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sviatoshyn district was damaged a lot... top of falling debris on the fourth.


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