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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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well, actually, macron seems to have clearly placed all the accents and, well, everything, everything is clear. yesterday, mr. volodymyr, the 20th anniversary meeting of ramstein, the format of our western partners who support us, took place, and defense minister lloyd austin said that the world will not allow ukraine to be defeated. why, you can explain to us, sir. volodymyr, why does the west not say that they will not allow our defeat, why do not they say that they do not, that they support ukraine in its victory, that is, not to suffer defeat and win, after all, there is probably a nuance in this, well, mr. sergey, i think that the main emphasis here is not in wording, but in the fact that we, in the coming weeks, but there is still such a hope that... . after all, april
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will be the month when american aid and ammunition will arrive, which the honorable president of the czech republic, general pavel, found for us in the past, and this means that april must become a very serious month of changes, because if we... what we need, and plus we don't forget that june is like a month, when the first f-16 aircraft will already arrive in ukraine, then believe me, the combination of all these factors will not just put the topic on the agenda so that ukraine does not lose, but it will already, without discussion, become the topic of how to make it so that russia lost.
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and this is already without, so to speak, the permission of one or another of our western partners, if we have enough weapons, then believe me, i think that no one will ask whether we should advance in the south or the east, and no matter how far it is, we must free our territory, for this we must destroy everything that is in within the reach of our armed forces. on the territory of the russian federation, although we are now being told that f-16s should not hit russian objects, well, well, let them talk, if these objects are the points from which shelling and destruction of ukraine are prepared and carried out, then these are legitimate military targets and they will be destroyed by the same f-16s, so i think we should be very calm here... feel and work on one
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topic, which is weapons, if we finally get all that was promised , well, then all other conversations about formulas, they are somehow by themselves, i think they will shut up. yesterday, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov, upon the completion of ramshtein, announced that ukraine will be provided with more ammunition and missiles for air defense. i will quote mr. umerov. the partners announced aid packages, which include 155 mm, 152 mm, 105 mm and other artillery shells. we are grateful to our partners for searching and finding ammunition all over the world, which is so necessary to repel the aggressor of the ppu, to protect our cities, to protect our soldiers from russian aircraft that drop cabs on our positions. today, the european commission allocated to ukraine the first 4.5 billion euros from a special fund for the total amount of 50 billion. this was announced by a high representative of the european union. of the union on foreign
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policy jose borel at a press conference on the results of the meeting, or rather on the results of the council of the ukraine eu association. he also proposed to direct the income from russia's assets in europe to support ukraine. let's hear what borel said. putin has repeatedly spoken messages aimed at the start of the third world war. we heard what he said in his election campaign campaign he has. imperial ambitions to advance further to the west, i am sure that he would not stop at conducting an exclusively military operation on the territory of ukraine. so, now we have no opportunity to delay the next steps, we have to act to direct the frozen russian assets to the benefit of ukraine. we are working on it now. mr. volodymyr, the decision on the use of frozen assets of the russian federation in favor of ukraine has not yet been adopted.
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somewhere around 300 billion dollars are frozen around the world, if european countries and the european union will make such a decision regarding the use of these funds, or does it mean? does it mean that other funds located in other countries will also be used for the benefit of ukraine? well, you see, mr. sergey, this is just an extremely difficult topic for western lawyers, they continue, i believe, to play games that cannot be played, they want to accept russia as a member of the civilized club, and are afraid that the aggressor who trampled everything is international. the law will apply to them using their rules, well sorry, that nonsense, this cannot be, it is necessary to make a political decision that russia is an aggressor country, that the civilized world will not use civilized rules with it,
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and then legal ones can be found for this political decision, while our western partners are looking for legal formulas and. .. they are not found, until now the topic of not only freezing, but also the confiscation of these funds will hang in the air, now they have found an interim solution that they will give ukraine several billions a year, this is also important, this is also thanks, from the profits, from these frozen funds, but this 3 billion, 4 billion, 5 billion, yes, these are also huge sums, but it is not 280 or 300, however, so... i think that here again our western partners lack political courage, political will, and we wish them to finally they have it. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009. friends, we
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continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on our... uniforms, no please don't forget to subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey, today we are asking you whether you think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose either yes or no, write comments under this video, if you have something to say about the current situation in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you think that in ukraine... there is a parliamentary crisis 0800-211-381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free of charge and please vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote further on in our contact
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mykhailo samus military expert deputy director of the army research center of conversion and disarmament director of new geopolitics research network, mr. mykhailo, i welcome you, thank you with us today i congratulate you. let's start our conversation with today's attack by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense on the airfield in the russian city of engels , saratov region, so far gur himself has reported that this attack was effective, the ukrainian-made kamikat unmanned drone february shows itself beautifully, but we know that many of those aircraft are based on this engels, among other things, which... were transferred from ukraine to russia in 2000, in particular the 95 ms, and all these resources with which ukraine is now being bombarded, planes and missiles, they were exchanged for
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a gas debt, but let's talk about these drones february, which help us hit inside. in the russian federation, we have seen enough over the past few weeks successful strikes on oil refineries, which are more than 800 or 900 km away from ukraine, and we get there, what kind of drone is this, tell our tv viewers, and what are these, what are these drones , what opportunities do they open up to us? well, actually, ukraine has several promising drones. which can strike deep into russia, and the heads of the ministry of strategic industry, the ministry of statistics, and the ministry of defense actually talked about this, that the plan for 2024 provides for the release of at least a thousand such drones of various
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types the advantage of ukraine is that we constantly, our private manufacturers constantly offer new projects, new models that improve during use. in the course of combat use, and in the course of tests, in the course of combat operations, of course, it is possible to improve and specifically take into account advantages and disadvantages, because any technique has disadvantages, especially in combat conditions. 1,000 drones seemed like a huge number last december, but it seems that this year will actually be produced and deployed against russia has much more long-range drones, in principle, as well as the same fpv drones, because in december 50,000 were produced, now they are talking about 150,000 per month. and judging by how the intensity of use of ukrainian fpv
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drones is growing, for example, on the battlefield, we can say that there is an increase, fortunately, the state has already systematically joined in, the production of all types of drones is increasing, and they are being improved, for example, if if we talk about fpv drones, mass production is already underway drones with so-called machine vision, that is, the use of artificial ones. intelligence that if we talk about long-range drones , which we are talking about now, then the number, i think, will be far more than 1000 drones, because in the same operation, well, for example, if we are talking about strikes on oil refineries, then why did the effectiveness of such strikes increase at all compared to even those strikes that were in 23, then there were, for example, strikes 1-2 three drones, now we notice that there may be strikes of 10 drones one at a time
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object, it is obvious that the russian air defense system, the russian reb is not able to protect both military objects and critical infrastructure objects, and objects, for example, of strategic military importance, such as an airfield, a base of strategic bomber aviation, so here in fact, the point is not even about the type or ... features of a particular drone, but the point is that there is constant improvement and fortunately there is scaling, that is, if we reach at least parity with the russians, who use, as we know, about 300 -400 shaheds per a month against ukraine, if we also use 300-400 long-range strike drones on the territory of russia, this will already be a great success in the annual ... calculation, if we count it, for example, 300 drones, then these will already be numbers that are far go
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beyond the plans that we, which we talked about in 2023, and this will increasingly burden russian air defense systems, and the more we will succeed in destroying both the economic potential and the military potential of russia, and what concerns the systems radio electronic struggle from russia. to what extent is russia now keeping up with this, because on the battlefield they are quite actively using rebs, but of course russia is a large enough territory, there are many enterprises, many different critical infrastructure objects, to what extent do they have the opportunity to create these systems around the main ob objects that they are going to protect there in some way, i heard that the refinery, they want to protect it with panzer systems, i don't know if. whether it is true or not, maybe you can clarify it, well, the refineries are interesting, they are began to hint or, well, to half-demand
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from the owners of the refineries, to place orders for the manufacturers themselves, indeed for the ppo systems and the reb systems, that is, they are already shifting, for example, the responsibility from the ministry of defense, which is responsible, of course, for air cover, and precisely the ministry there is defense, well, as a rule, in the country. the only and unique customer of such air defense systems, especially anti-aircraft missile systems, i don’t even know, i’m not talking about rifle systems, some elementary systems on pickups, namely anti-aircraft missile systems, which really should be used by specialists , i, for example, well, it is very difficult to imagine, it is necessary for the refinery to create some private military company that will use anti-aircraft missile complexes in a country in which... and civil aviation flies calmly, and here it can reach very complex, i would say so, and
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unpredictable incidents in the airspace, the same applies to means of radio-electronic warfare, the thing is effective, but it is objective, that is, it is very difficult to cover large areas, for example , well, as for, for example, the troops, then you can combat positions to be covered and this is done in a certain range, width, depth and so on, all this is done in accordance with... the doctrines and requirements of the statutes, as for civilian objects, here the situation is again difficult, because russia is a huge country, even the european part of russia is a huge... territory that is scattered over, for example, refineries, or military facilities, that is , military units, or the same factories of the defense-industrial complex, and they are not not concentrated, which could be systematically closed, for example, there is one some kind of complex, and these factories, which
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produce components, they are scattered over, for example, the entire european part of russia, and to cover... all these objects without harming, let's say, civilian objects of communication, communication of control state , military administration and so on, it is impossible , or, for example, even the movement of civil aviation, because if you paid attention, there were reports, including from nato countries, that in the area of ​​kaliningrad, for example, russia is actively using systems rebs that start to... jam the gps signal and civil aviation is already suffering from this , although it is not known whether russian aviation is suffering from this, but the aviation of the baltic countries, well, nato countries, in fact, is suffering, and they are reporting about it, however, so far there have been no sanctions or protest actions within, even the same
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civil aviation organization, but it is conceivable that the same problems with suppressing the gps signal, for example, could arise. and actually on the territory of russia, if uncontrolled use of rep systems by the owners begins by private owners of specific factories, objects or other, let's say, system elements that will have to be covered up. mr. mykhailo, let's talk about the situation in sumy oblast, because over the past few weeks the enemy has been quite actively attacking sumy oblast. and guided aerial bombs, where more than 300 drones fell on the sumy region, in yesterday's address to the ukrainians, president zelensky paid special attention to the sumy region, where the enemy, as he said, is constantly trying to set up sabotage and reconnaissance groups and commits terrorist acts. let's listen to what zelensky said. sumyshchyna,
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our region that borders russia. territory, and these are constant russian attempts, establishment of the drg, constant terrorist shelling and strikes, our border villages, the russian army is trying to simply burn them to ruins, only from the beginning of this march until today , the russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy oblast alone, simply in villages, in cities, in civil infrastructure, there is an obvious need for ukraine to strengthen our... idps in such a way that make this terror impossible. mr. mykhailo, what is this terror related to sumy oblast? it is clear that something similar is happening along the entire line of the ukrainian-ukrainian-russian border, but sumyshchyna has been very active in the last month, they are just destroying villages, my relatives live in this region and
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talk about the fact that horror is happening there, absolutely that's right, yes, well, first of all. the russians are taking advantage of the fact that the ukrainian army still cannot stop the use of guided air bombs by the russians, this is the problem we are talking about we have been talking for more than a year, when the russians were just starting to actively use cabs, en masse, in fact there are up to 150 pieces per day, you can imagine it is 500 kg and a ton, an aerial bomb that can hit ukrainian military positions and... civilian objects russia is taking advantage of the fact that we don't have the tools, that is, we don't have enough of the same patriot systems that we can put close to the front line, or even to the border, because immediately the russians will use their attack drones to the destruction of very valuable equipment, which
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, unfortunately, the west transfers to us in teaspoons, but it would be possible to transfer a little more, because they have these...hundreds of these systems, and they transferred a few units to us, this is obviously problematic, especially also the problem is that we have not been handed the f16 until now, if a year ago we already had multipurpose f-16 aircraft that can repel russian aviation, they simply could not use these guided air bombs and there would not be such a horror and in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast and donetsk oblast, zaporizhia, kherson, what the russians do, this is exactly the situation they use. they are massively used by hundreds per day in various regions, regions, what concerns why exactly at the moment sumyshchyna can be associated with the activation itself. of this direction, i.e., russian volunteers who act against
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the russians, the putin regime, are now actively operating in the belohorod region, in the kursk region, and this may be related precisely to putting pressure on ukraine in this way, to stop active actions in the kursk region belgorod region, so that ukraine refused to support russian volunteers and stopped these operations, that is, the actions are absolutely terrorist. there are military operations going on there, and the russians, as always , are just hitting the civilian population, so that, as terrorists, they will create conditions when the ukrainian government will have to decide with the command of the armed forces and the top military-political leadership, it will be necessary to decide how to get out of this situation, when the russians just really set up their sabotage groups, clearly directed just against the civilian population, they don't have them there no military goals, they just go in , kill civilians, it ’s been... for several months and before that, when they just sent, it can be seen that special forces forces are just sitting there, who have some plan to enter
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the territory of ukraine, roughly speaking, to conduct there are terrorist acts and go back , they have such a task, just to terrorize the civilian population, in principle they do this to all ukrainians, now they have concentrated on sumy and sumy oblasts. after winning the elections, or pseudo-elections, putin said that we we do not rule out that between a so-called sanitary zone may emerge between ukraine and russia, a sanitary zone that will allow us to avoid shelling from the ukrainian side and various types of weapons. how likely is it that a non-sanitary, i would say gray zone, will emerge between ukraine and russia in donetsk and the luhansk region has it, but it turned the cities that are in this zone, well, into ashes,
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they destroyed cities and villages, and whether it can somehow secure russia if we have long-range missiles, for example, taurus or storm shadow, which will fly to the territory of the russian federation? well, of course not, it's just really delusional, because when we... we're talking about strikes on the wengelsii airfield, or strikes 1000 km from the ukrainian border on oil refineries, or on military facilities, well, about some gray area, what he means, he means that the ukrainian artillery does not fire, does not fire at russian military facilities on the territory of russia, well, in order to do so, even artillery strikes are not enough and even aviation is not enough, it is necessary that the russians went to ukrainian. the territory was actually established there, as he says, a sanitary zone, or ukrainian troops were pushed out of there, this is unreal, just
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the opposite is happening now due to the arrival of russian volunteers and the establishment of their gray zones or zones of effective control, which they are trying to establish in the cities occupied by the putin regime in russia itself, that is, putin simply does not own it. or tries to mislead its population that now they will create some sanitary zone and then it will stop, for example, an unstable situation, let's call it that, in the belgorod region, well, it won't happen like that, more and more, we just said that ukraine will continue to increase the production of the same drones, ukraine will increase its capabilities both from the point of view of aviation, and with point of view. artillery , because more ammunition will be supplied to us , that is, russia will have to be responsible for its actions, putin will not
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be able to stop this with any sanitary zones, and until they withdraw their troops, the war will move more and more into the territory of russia. well and there is another prediction about the future of the russian-ukrainian war, the chairman of the armed forces committee of the united states senate . democrat jack reed believes that congressional approval of additional aid to ukraine will help the ukrainian army slowly push back the russians throughout 2024, although i will not allow a breakthrough in the next 25 years, there should be a new offensive operation that will hopefully allow them to establish fire control over the crimea. this will greatly complicate the situation for the russians and hopefully force them to sit down transition mr. mihai. that's what jack creed says, and about fire control over crimea, this means that we will have more attack aircraft, and which fly at a greater distance than now.
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well, from a military-strategic point of view, i cannot agree with the senator, because if they give us these weapons, for example, several hundred atakams, 300 km, why wait until the 25th year, that is, i think that from a geopolitical point of view, if we postpone such decisive actions in relation to crimea for the 25th year, if, of course, we will have the same tools, the same aviation, the same long-range, attacks... then i think that we should carry out these decisive actions to establish fire control over crimea in the 24th year. i am not talking about the fact that we will be able to conduct offensive operations in donbas, but to carry out limited offensive actions and to conduct really decisive actions in the direction of crimea, if we have the appropriate tools, and this is exactly what the senator says, then i think that the 24th year has not yet passed, and
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the 24th, well, of course, if... the help of the united the states will arrive in december of the 24th year, then of course we will have little chance to really take any decisive actions in the direction of crimea, if they do at least make a decision and help in april, and i am not talking about money, i i'm talking about real help already in the form of atakams and new patriot systems, and more ammunition and long-range for hymar. if all this is carried out, then, in principle , certain windows of opportunity will open for us in the summer and autumn, let's hope that it will be so. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was a military man expert mykhailo samus. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and social networks. please vote in our poll. we
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ask you about the following: is there a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, 0800-211 -381, no, 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former vice-prime minister for european integration, former head of the presidential office. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, there is a crisis, it is not visible with the naked eye, but how is this crisis visible with the naked eye and how to get out of this crisis, we need to change the system of organization of power, therefore that when in ukraine one small branch of government, which i also headed in my time,
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replaces itself... both the government and the parliament, then you you will never achieve the effectiveness of other branches, that is, we have a chronic problem, banking street, the structure that is there, which is not elected by anyone, chronically dominates other branches of government, and now at such a moment it is very felt, well, we will watch how they will benefit from this parliamentary crisis, because it is clear that there is no majority, and it is necessary to reformat the majority. and, accordingly, to reformat the government, and, accordingly, the central authorities and distribute this political responsibility between by other forces. let 's talk about what happened in russia, because immediately after the so-called elections, putin came to the fsb and began to talk about the fact that the special service is the key guarantor of the security and sovereignty of russia, while he admitted that in the border regions
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of russia against the putin regime . now it is the russian rebels who are squirming, let's listen to what putin said. the challenges we face, attempts to undermine our development, require us to work systematically, consistently in all directions, in the economy, technology, culture, social sphere, in strengthening our state and social institutions. and of course, the most important guarantee of a successful solution to the outlined tasks is the protection of the country's sovereignty and security. our citizens, as i have already said, more than once, we all understand this, both from external and internal threats. when i spoke about these traitors, i ask, as it has always been in our history, not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, by name, we will punish them without limitation, wherever they are, and i ask that you pay attention to this direction activities so that no one...


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