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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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in the regions of russia , it is the russian rebels who are now howling against the putin regime. let's listen to what putin said. the challenges we face, attempts to undermine our development, require systematic, consistent work in all directions: in the economy, technology, culture, social sphere, in strengthening our state and social institutions. and of course, the most important guarantee of a successful solution to the outlined tasks is the protection of the country's sovereignty and the safety of our citizens. as i have already said, more than once, we all understand this both from outside and from internal threats. when i spoke about these traitors, i ask, as has always been the case in our history, not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, by name. we will punish them without a statute of limitations, wherever they are. and i ask you to pay attention to this area of ​​activity, so that no one... does not
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get bored. mr. oleg, this means that putin, relying on these drawn 87%, is now returning to the times of stalin and saying: "well, we will suffocate all of you now." well, because he made his first visit to the fsb when the election results were already announced. it is possible a short excursion into the past, my first visits to the kremlin there, to get to know each other. with my colleague dmitry medvedev at the time, who headed putin's administration, i had strange things there, when i flew to the hall of delegations, some people met me there, they had such badges on their lapels, from a car, i was sure that this is a car, and that this is the service of the president of russia, or whatever medvedev sent it, it turned out that it was a car and employees who met me, this is the so-called... union of veterans of the fsb, and they
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went straight to the kremlin there, drove me to the most holy place, and then there was a meeting with this and that union, with veterans of the fsb, and there i heard a lot, at first i did not understand why i was invited there, but since it is from medvedev, i understand that part of their program, they were saying something like this, that the biggest holiday in russia to... i understood, it was a general, the head of this veteran service, they all wear these badges, they are so little quite typical, that the biggest holiday in russia - this is december 20, the day of the chekist, and this is volodymyr volodymovych is celebrating, and everyone admitted knows that it is for putin, and for all of russia, for the whole world, this is the biggest holiday, secondly, 75% of all key positions in russia at that time, it was... staff
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members of the kgb, fsb, and they controlled all the key financial flows, for example, with each oligarch there was a general who was conditionally a financial manager, god knows how, with every large structure, with foreign russian banks, and another thing that i later heard more than once that it is very important for these brothers to earn money. money, they simply talked more than once about the need to earn money, to earn money, to join forces, to earn money, and the last thing that really surprised me was that they were so confident, i don't know who they think we ukrainians are, but they me was perceived as a very close person to putin, to yushchenko, they knew this and wanted to immediately build relations, and they said that they started a dialogue with my predecessor in order to create the most modern
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analytical center in the whole world , just on on the territory of the presidential secretariat there , they will do it, they will bring their computers, their equipment, and we will have the most modern analytics in real time, the kind that no other structure in ukraine has there, and i, i just missed it , but the most interesting thing is that then this general, he flew in his plane and he was sure that i would meet with him, and he also expected from the status of adviser to the president of ukraine there, well , of course i refused the meeting, but what is quite serious is well, well, well, these are people, well, not boys, who deserve it officers, why were they so sure that we can be treated so easily, that you can simply take, invite the kgb, fsb to the president of ukraine, and they are there...
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the energy center should provide us with all the understanding of the world, that is, that this is a country the kgb , the fsb, i have no doubt, and since then it has only intensified, so when... putin talked about when he first joined this particular service, including, i think, he talked to the veterans there , then i am not surprised by this, this is a country, so when i hear from good russians topic, beautiful russia in the future, then this only causes a wry smile, because the russia of the present and the future is in the hands of this power of these people, meanwhile, putin still wants some... negotiations with ukraine regarding the future of ukraine, of course, on its own terms , and about this, by the way, there is another fact that xijin pin met with macron, there is an official reason for 60 years of diplomatic relations between china and france, but, as
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politiko writes, the main topic of their meeting is precisely the participation of russia in peace negotiations on ukraine, kyiv from... gives such participation in the first, or at least stage, the establishing stage, when the summit will take place according to zelensky's peace formula, what dmytro kuleba says about china's role, about their role in ending the war, he literally says the following: it is obvious to me that china definitely has a very large potential to end this war of russian aggression against ukraine because of the special...relationship it has with russia. as for relations between ukraine and china, they have never experienced problems even in the main issues, nor in bilateral relations. trust exists between us. the minister also emphasized that kyiv and beijing continue dialogue regarding
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zelenskyi's peace formula. mr. olezh, can china influence putin and the end of russia's war against ukraine, considering that... putin has now gained or painted for himself this huge number of russians' support and he literally has a second wind, so he is ready now, citing for this, for this support, for the fact that more than 80% of the russians there voted for him, and accordingly for the war and continue to use their weapons and troops on the west, well, i would... i would just like to disagree with our chief diplomat, because in fact, we have never had warm relations with china, we
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have been treated very coldly by the leadership of the chinese communist party, all of our orange revolution and revolution of dignity, well, president yushchenko did not manage to make a single visit to china there, the only ukrainian one... yanukovych, and president yanukovych had such warm, quite dangerous relations for us, because dubious agreements worth many billions were signed there, so i understand that our the diplomat says this because diplomats are supposed to say such things, but china does not perceive ukraine even now, especially in light of the fact that ukraine is now in the camp of democratic countries, what do we have ... to the european union and to nato , for china geopolitically, this is absolutely, this , this is a threat, and for china, russia, and for china it is important that russia does not lose, and china will pursue a pragmatic policy, he, he
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actually acts as russia's lawyer, and these visits by representatives of china are nothing new for they did not bring ukraine, and in rhetoric. china has a lot of points that, in fact , the kremlin voices, and in particular this is the necessity, necessarily the participation of russia , orban, another great friend of ukraine and the european union and nato, also talks about this, that without russia, erdogan , this repeats this thesis that it is impossible to conduct negotiations without russia, in principle, after the elections , the situation is very strange, today i saw the speech of scholz... before the members of the bundestag of the bundestag, and he said that president putin, yesterday we heard a statement about , who is officially the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs germany said that russia considers these elections to be falsified and putin will not be called the president, but will simply
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say vladimir putin, that is, this means that china sees russia. as a tool for achieving their own interests, and the interests of russia and china coincide with a change in the world order, with the abolition of the... unipolar, as they say, world, the maximum reduction of the influence of the united states and the actual redistribution of spheres of influence, which they almost openly talk about , and it has nothing to do with peace here, and a the ukrainian position is clear, so russia should be informed, invited to negotiations after the entire democratic world agrees on its positions, this is... conditionally speaking, the second round after switzerland, the second round of negotiations or the second round of this
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implementation of the peace formula, and that that china wants to be there, and that china makes it a condition that russia will be at the first meeting, well, this makes the position impossible for ukraine and for those members of the western alliance who, in principle , perfectly understand what is happening and have no illusions about china's position either, did you mention the united states? of america, the former president of the united states of america , donald trump, and the person who claims to become the leader of this country for the second time, has softened the rhetoric about the withdrawal of the united states of america from nato, if he is taken as president of course, now he has declared that the states will 100% remain in alliance, if europe fulfills its financial obligations. let's hear what trump said. the united states must pay its share. fair share, not everyone else's fair share, that rightly. i believe that the united states
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paid for 90% of nato, maybe all 100. it was not fair. and if they play fair, america will be with them? yes, 100%, 100%. mr. oleg, is there a difference between trump pre-election and trump election and trump elected, i.e. to what extent is he now and how much can be expected after his probable victory? you know, even there the american american congress at one time limited the ability or authority of the then president trump on there international obligations, in particular such as withdrawing from nato or from some other agreements important for the united states for national security, so this is a reaction. he, he, he, when he works for his audience, he uses certain phrases, but he very often contradicts
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himself, those people who know him well claim that, in fact, it is impossible to predict trump's behavior, it is impossible to like him, try somehow it is very difficult for him to establish any personal relationships there, but one must understand that he is a populist, and populists always have a very... sense of the moment and that trump after announcing his withdrawal from the united states and that he will give there, that he will agree, or tell putin that if those countries that do not pay contributions, remember, he said that if they say russia attacks them, then they say so and yes, they should, it caused a colossal storm of protests among trump's closest allies, and of course he changed his rhetoric a bit. but it is very important for us not to catch any pleasant or logical news for us and
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to hope that trump is a politician on whom ukraine can count, ukraine does not can count on, because it is not predictable, and the main thing is that the leaders of the european union understood this perfectly, so the choice is american, with the americans, but the world, the european world, in particular, clearly understood that it is necessary to minimize dependence on who will be the next president of the united states and much more to pay for the independent security of europe, you know, if there are now two 2% was considered the maximum there at the beginning there 10 years ago only three countries paid, now there are 17 countries, in my opinion, took this barrier is 2%, now we are talking about 3%, and some countries have increased their contributions to defense and security even more, and europeans are very serious... they have taken up the issue of their own security, realizing that this war is actually happening on the european continent, and
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this is their continent, and this is their home, and trouble is knocking at the door of their home. thank you, mr. olezh, for the conversation, it was oleg hrybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office and former vice-prime minister of ukraine. during this broadcast, friends, we are conducting survey, we ask you about whether there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, yes, no, if you watch us on tv. you can continue to vote, but there are intermediate results of the survey, 93% say yes, 7% - no, we will continue this survey in the second part of our program. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. as long as you want, i'll raise it with scram. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. april 6. festry public, dead cock with
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to buy two apartments, a house and garages for 1 hryvnia? i tried to convert karbovantsi into hryvnia. on thursday, march 21, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what are they saying? about ukraine in the eu, how should we have the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sestre au. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program. today we are talking about this. putin's fifth presidential term: challenges for ukraine and the world, under what conditions it is possible for russia to return to the international legal field, to accumulate weapons and ammunition. duda calls to prepare for the invasion of russia so that it does not happen. when putin will be ready
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to attack nato. crisis of power in ukraine. servants people talked about the benefits dictatorship, can the reformatting of the monomajority solve the problems of the parliament? friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on social media, on social media platforms, follow us on our social media, we are everywhere, and besides , during today's broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about this, is there a parliamentary crisis in... ukraine, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, choose either yes or no, the button, write your comment if you have your personal opinion if you watch us on tv. pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382, ​​all calls
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to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote. today we have as guests political scientists maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i welcome you, good evening, thank you for being with us today, oleg sahakyan, head. platform one coordination center, mr. oleg, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast. my greetings are the same. vitaly kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you and thank you for joining the broadcast. i congratulate you. well, gentlemen, since we are asking our viewers whether they think there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, i will ask you too, sorry, obviously, inside the parliament is much more visible, but since... you are one of the best political experts in ukraine, then i will ask you, mr. maksym, whether there is ukrainian politician, parliamentary crisis? well,
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it is obvious that a parliamentary crisis is something that should be very clearly visible, most often a sign of a parliamentary crisis is the parliament's inability to make important decisions, the blocking of the legislative process or the failure to form a government. and so on, to date there are certain hints or prerequisites for a parliamentary crisis, but in my opinion, it has not yet reached an acute phase and a hopeless situation. thank you, mr. vitaly, there is a political crisis in ukraine, it is not a parliamentary one, it is already a political one. since it covers other areas as well, it is the relationship between the center and the local. this is the relationship between the state, more precisely, the bureaucracy and the government and business, this is the relationship between
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the government and civil society, and this is, strictly speaking, a parliamentary crisis as well, i see signs of a parliamentary crisis, i see the inefficiency of parliamentary mechanisms, the reconciliation of some contradictions within the parliament, even in the middle of the so-called monomajority, and therefore the active phase, the acute phase... we will all see this parliamentary crisis in april. thank you, mr. oleg. i would say that we are half a step away from a parliamentary crisis, we already have certain signs of it, but here i am closer to mr. maksym's opinion that we really do not see it yet, and so far it does not look reversed, but we can observe the administrative the crisis that manifests itself in the institutional crisis and in the crisis of the management model that we have been observing for a long enough time, and in fact, what was suitable for a short war, the regime of manual management in the conditions of a long war, it shows all its weaknesses and in the end today leads to the fact that we are forced to talk about separate elements
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of the parliamentary crisis or the parliamentary crisis that has already occurred, and argue about this, and not about how to work effectively with ukrainian institutions and, in fact, what is going to happen tomorrow, for example, to accept the parliament? well, in parallel with this , information with a link appears. to sources in the service of the people, that the faction is now close to final disorganization, and immediately several dozen people's deputies expressed their desire to draft a mandate due to the lack of motivations, about this, about the fact that these people wanted to leave the presidential faction , by the way, davyd arakhamia, the head of the faction in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, also spoke, but there is another people's deputy of ukraine in the servant of the people, serhii demchenko, who stated that , that the dictatorship in ukraine, a tool can help defeat the enemy, let's listen to what demchenko said. i can tell you that
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indeed, the maximum number of decisions are made by the president, the maximum number of state bodies are oriented towards the president, and for sure, the responsibility in in full for the issue of war, international questions, one hundred percent on the president, and we have it today... this is what we have and it is probably the only thing that now centralizes and optimizes decision-making for our country and in a timely manner, and probably, enough, enough reasonably. for the country, for the people, dictatorship is definitely always a negative, but for the victory of the war, perhaps this is the tool that can help. to defeat the enemy, mr. maksym, mr. demchenko says that the dictatorship will help ukraine win the war
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with russia, what could you do? to tell this people's deputy of ukraine about the use of dictatorship during the war, and obviously, it will not end in victory? well, here it should be admitted, purely in the theoretical political aspect, that authoritarian regimes and totalitarian regimes quite often have great advantages in conditions of war, that is, putin has the opportunity not to count too much on... with the loss of manpower, and he, as we can see , does not even lose voters' votes, that is, at certain historical stages, authoritarian regimes and other forms dictatorships, they have certain advantages, so to speak, in some components, but i would like to say here that the situation in ukraine, the specific situation that we have today,
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it is, so to speak, well... less favorable is favorable to of any kind of dictatorship or such monologuistic power, that is, the power very often demonstrates such obvious helplessness and incompetence in its decisions that it is even scary to think what could happen in the event of an attempt even by some kind of dictatorship or such a complete monopolization of power, well actually. we we see how, how it is possible to win in a war, on the example of how the processes around an idea, mobilization, around that, the adoption of a new law and so on take place, that is, well, it is done in the worst way, it was hardly possible to organize an additional mobilization or additional means for mobilization than the way it was done, so i think that, well, these considerations... they only
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confirm that , today, the ruling team does not assess the situation and its capabilities very adequately, mr. olezh, this is the inadequacy of one deputy , is it after all, testing society is a test of dictatorship, or how people will perceive during the war, is it possible, or is it impossible? and no, i would not equate the statement of one deputy yet. with testing, even more so with the position of the authorities, still we do not see dozens of speakers there who talk about the same thing from different cans , and affiliated ones, for example, or public ones, you and i plus or minus understand how such things are usually tested , and it is not usually one mp who makes a whole cascade of similar statements, but the fact that this mp reflects the thoughts of a part of the authorities in their confusion about how to get out of the crisis situation of today's
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management model. that's for sure, in this case , it seems to me that he is sufficiently representative from the point of view of those opinions that circulate in various cabinets and that are held by some, in particular , the deputy corps, regarding dictatorship or democracy, then it is necessary to expand the horizon a little, to talk about it in at least two dimensions: firstly, dictatorships can be more effective in the short term, in the long term, in a long confrontation, that no dictatorship has won in open and democratic societies. especially when we are talking about a global crisis, and today the russian-ukrainian war is far from a local war, not even a regional conflict, it is already the first, i would say the first from the first glocal world war, since it has on the one hand , signs of locality, and on the other hand, both by its nature and its impact, it is already a global war, but the second aspect is important, it is a symphony or harmony between the social system and the management model, which
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yes, it is clear that if your ... dictatorship is built on a submissive society, where a paternal type of political culture dominates, or a subservient one, and accordingly, then for you an effective management model is to take everything under control and take it to the nail. war is not the time to change these patterns. the army is always an extension of society. you cannot build a decentralized army in a centralized society. where in a centralized society it is decentralized on the contrary. you can't make an army bigger.


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