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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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average on how to build sustainable democracies that can be shaken, and that might be the last thing i wanted to say, and i'm ready to answer questions if you have them, thank you, thank you very much, just one minute at a time to to answer each point, now i want to turn to mykola knyazhytskyi. you know very well how the life of the mass media in ukraine is now. i would like to hear your assessment of the russian disinformation campaign that we are currently seeing, and we are all witnesses to the fact that the lack of social unity and corruption, all this plays into the hands of russian propaganda. what is your assessment of these processes? arseniy yatsenyuk for the invitation and for
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such a wonderful forum, and i will answer these questions, i will touch on some other issues as well. just yesterday, i was talking to my friend, an american journalist, who was going to a meeting with representatives of the trump wing, which does not want to support ukraine, and he said: "you are an oppositionist, tell me what kind of corruption you have here." to which, i obviously answered him that there is obviously corruption, but nabu, sab anti is working. corruption bodies were created in the period from 14 to 19 years, the media works, that is, if corruption occurs, it becomes known about it, and people become afraid, there are many other factors that, thanks to the institutions that work in our country, distinguish us from the same russia, so corruption of course bothers me , but not very much, russian disinformation bothers me, especially when we talk about our european integration, i'll talk about it now, well...
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i should say that today i initiated a draft law that introduces a common regulation for social networks that spread , that spread information, these are such as, for example, the same telegram, but also whatsapp or viber, they all spread information, if whatsapp and viber are regulated by the european digital act, then telegram is not regulated by it, i suggested a similar form , when we have to have registered offices of these networks, which... information, our national council should be able to control them, in the same way that youtube controls, for example, the national council should control youtube, but telegram is not in the law, we simply supplemented the current draft law, and obviously has the right to know who are the real owners of certain networks, who influences them, where their servers are located and whether it affects national security, many perceived it as some kind of attack on specific telegram channels. but we are talking about all
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networks in general, not a single one is mentioned there, it can refer to tiktok and many others, and it is obvious, because in our country, when the state authorities call to receive information themselves through telegram, and then gather at round tables, thinking how to close it, sends personal data there itself through bots from the largest state banks, and then thinks how to deal with it, there are a lot of contradictions here, and the issue of national security is important for us. but the most important national security issue for us, the way today's panel sounds, is unity, unity and democracy, and the paradox is that, obviously, our whole society wants several things, wants victory over russia, that's 80%, wants integration in nato and the european union, this also very high numbers, and this is the way to preserve our unity. the question arises logically, and we are doing a very big experiment, i... to preserve democratic
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institutions during the war, because obviously we have limitations, we cannot criticize the government so openly, because we understand that russia will use it very often, sometimes we have to to vote unitedly, after all, we cannot hold elections, democracy is elections, and we cannot hold them, and the majority of the population of ukraine is against holding elections, unfortunately, unity in society was destroyed by the government itself, because even in... last year they actively promoted themselves that presidential elections should be held, because the president would be illegitimate, because they thought that the president was now at the peak of his ratings, they threw the ratings of various people into society candidates, then they started to fight with their conditional competitors, conditional, because there is no political life, there are no elections, but the authorities did not pay attention to all this, when the authorities saw sociology that the citizens do not... want
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elections, because there is a war, they not understand how to do it, that the citizens, 60% say so, that the president is legitimate, they changed their tactics, but at that time society was thrown into an absolutely... difficult period from summer to the new year, and this difficulty, unfortunately, was added , added the story with the border blocking , with uncertainty in the united states, people started, started to give up, and that 's the main key, sorry to our defeat, which obviously won't happen, but it makes us dangerous when people give up, and responsibility for it first of all the ukrainian authorities, which should unite, invite all the leaders of the political parties that are in the parliament, distribute assignments, work together, after all, we have been talking about a government of national unity for a long time, but there is no such desire in the ukrainian authorities, well, you can it should not be created, but it is still necessary to cooperate , there is no desire for such cooperation, they live as if there really will be elections tomorrow, although everyone is aware that there is no such thing, and this is the main
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challenge, another very important challenge that i have already touched on, such as what is happening in our western neighbors, and... if we look at the blocking of the border with poland, yes, it was obviously a shock for the ukrainian people, because our best country, our best friend, who has the highest ratings, suddenly completely blocks our border. let's remember how it happened, and here we will return to russian propaganda and activities. the confederation political party, a polish pro-russian party, was the first to put forward the initiative to block the border, first by carriers, then by agricultural producers joined this, polish, the polish government, which is thinking about local elections on april 7, and then european, and then pro-presidential elections, is afraid to do something about it, because all political parties use populism and want to be popular among those who block the ukrainian
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border. and obviously, if you go to polish social networks, poland, by the way, does not deal with this at all, even less than ukraine, then there is a russian trace. which spreads and mistrust between poles themselves and between poles and ukrainians is only increasing, all this is superimposed on, relatively speaking, the great the opposition that exists in various western societies, because when we recall the biography of the same biden, he once advised the republican president, being a democrat, to expand nato, and they held joint conferences, they had a common position. now the polarization is not only in the united states of america, it is also... in the same poland, in many other countries, societies are essentially divided, and for the russians this is their main goal, to divide societies, and our society was like that before the war, and so the government's responsibility is to change, not to deepen how they do it to preserve democracy and to preserve institutions. the last question
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, which concerns both implementation and our european integration, well, i already said, i touched a little on the fact that we do not think about how... it will be difficult, for example, for us to integrate in the field of agriculture, these will be the most difficult negotiations, so that we have 3.9 million representatives of people who have up to 1.5 hectares and are engaged in small business in agriculture, and 60% of the european budget goes to this, polish farmers and other farmers received subsidies for this, and what our farmers receive, and the purpose of these subsidies was both the development of the economy and the support of life in the countryside, and social problems and many others. someone from our side is talking about this, how should we conduct these negotiations, if today in the european union they introduce another restrictions on ukrainian products during the war, and our european allies, unfortunately, support this. how does the ukrainian government react to this, what does it explain to ukrainian
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society and ukrainian farmers for desire for integration? obviously, there will be a lot of such economic challenges in european integration, there are other challenges, obviously , we will talk... about the copenhagen criteria, about freedom of speech, but i will give you such an example, we adopted an excellent law on media, which is supported by europeans, after that they closed three independent channels without any law, so for the europeans and for us it will be very important not only to synchronize the legislation, but to implement it in life, which our government constantly ignores, thank you very much thank you mykola greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am anna
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yavomalnyk, and in this hour, in this issue , i will summarize the important things. the summit of the european council begins today in brussels, and the leaders of all 27 eu countries will take part in it. the main topic of discussion is increasing military aid to ukraine, as well as strengthening the defense and industrial potential of the eu. tatiana, espresso's correspondent in the european institutions, works in the ranks of the summit. besotska, colleague, i congratulate you and tell me what is happening now, what news to expect ukraine today? good afternoon, greetings from brussels, right now the process of the arrival of the leaders to the summit is taking place behind me, behind me, the same famous red carpet along which all the leaders of the eu countries are heading past hundreds of representatives of zmi, some stop, give comments, some pass on, the leaders are heading to a working lunch with the participation of united nations secretary-general antonio gutierrez, during the lunch they will
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discuss working issues, including ukraine and, in particular, how to do more effective black sea sea corridor for the export of ukrainian goods, in particular agricultural products, after that , somewhere in the 16-ty district outside kyiv, the leaders will exchange views with president roberta metsola, this is such a traditional meeting that is held. during each summit of the european council and after that, the leaders are locked behind the door in a separate hall and the negotiations begin without the participation of other people, without the audience, and the first issue of ukraine will begin with the direct inclusion of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky for by video link, he will address the leaders from , in particular, of course, with the demand to increase military support for ukraine, and the first issue is defense and. support for ukraine and i want to immediately inform you of a very interesting moment,
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the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, just passed me here, and in particular he said that the use of the frozen assets of the russian federation should be directed to the purchase of weapons for ukraine, this is the issue of the use of revenues from the frozen assets of the russian federation federations in europe is now on the agenda, but during... the last few days, a lot of media and here in our sidelines, diplomats and officials talked about the fact that most likely today the decision will not be taken, because there is no consensus, but that scholz, the person who represents germany, who very, very cautiously expressed before about the use of russian money for military support of ukraine, the fact that scholz has just made such a statement means that it is quite possible that we will receive some news today.
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which are waiting to be spent on weapons for ukraine from 2023, so we will hope that today they will push and a decision will be made, and actually also a very important point, this is... the discussion of providing ukraine with additional funds within the framework of the european peace fund, but there is nothing to worry about here, because the decision has already been formally approved by european ministers on monday, i.e. eu leaders should just consecrate it, and also a big bloc, it is of course the defense of the european union, the leaders will look, look for means, where to find the funds to finance, modernize and increase the defense capacity of the european union with so that... europe could also defend itself and could provide ukraine with more weapons. and
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another important point may arise during the leaders' discussion regarding the ban on the import of russian agricultural products to the european union. again , gitanas nauseda, nauseda the prime minister of lithuania, was just passing by, and he announced that the leaders are meeting to talk about this. and he also said that few people know, but the extras. it is astonishing that russia is now the third largest supplier of agro-industry products to the markets of the european union, and actually the baltic states and other friends of ukraine want to achieve a ban on the import of russian agricultural products, at least on the territory of the eu. studio, thank you for the information, thank you for your work, tetiana vysotska from brussels, in detail about the start of the summit of the european council, but that's not all for the day. tatyana will join our airwaves and tell us even more about what will happen at the summit. on this
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i tell you, see you at 3 p.m., then etereso is continued by my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. be with us. thank you to anya yevelnyk, thank you to the editors of novyn well for picking up the baton and will comment on and analyze the most important events of this day. dear day of the tv channel in rozpala, you can now see marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii, today antin borkovskii is very active and in a very good mood, this is very good, because today we had a hard night, but, as they say, we have to do our own thing, and actually we do what we can do is inform you and be on the same information wave with you so to speak, well
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but for the time being, the head of the military committee of the euro-atlantic community, rob bauer , arrived in the country and called for further support for kyiv, as bauer stated in his speech at the kyiv security forum, which is ongoing today in kyiv, an extremely important event, somewhere a couple of minutes ago you were able to see a part of the broadcast, i think you can find more on the corresponding internet representation of the kyiv security uniform, so going back to rob bauer, i quote: if the world may have been overly optimistic... in the 23rd year, we should not make the same mistake by becoming overly pessimistic in 24 and robbauer emphasized: if you look at the facts, there are reasons to be confident in ukraine's ability to succeed, the only thing you need is our help, but marta and i are talking about it almost every day, the key story is the speed, amount, provision of this help,
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here, so to speak, sometimes quite unpleasant surprises happen, so what? let's talk about it and not just in a few moments, we have a lot ahead of us today interesting guests, well, but usually , before turning on the first guest, i will remind you, our tv viewers and everyone who watches us on youtube, that we are currently collecting funds, we need to collect uah 900, we need to collect in order to to buy cars , cars, as you know, are such a spendthrift at the front, and therefore there is a constant lack of them, we ask you, if you have the opportunity, please join the collection, we need... a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main directorate of intelligence, a pickup truck for the 43rd individual of an artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, support the front to free ukraine from russian evil together. now you see the bank card number and qr code in monobank on your screens. we would like to thank everyone who joins our gatherings, because in reality the situation is very
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difficult now, and we all understand what and who will be supported by them. the armed forces and the defense forces, we, i mean those in the home front, and actually it's important to do that on a regular basis, but again, we we appeal to those who have the opportunity, if you do not have the opportunity, then of course you can contact us when you have such an opportunity, we will continue to inform you with antin, yes, well, we would like to sum up now regarding the massive missile attack on kyiv, well, in any case, the russians launched about... dozens of missiles today. well, in the sviatoshyn district , debris was recorded falling on a residential building and a kindergarten. the shock wave broke the window in two places nine floors. cars were on fire in the shevchenkiv district. in the podilsk district , falling debris on the territory of one of the enterprises caused a fire at a transformer substation and in
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a two-story non-residential building. rye market in kyiv was exhibited. this is of course another story, well, but when we talk about kyiv news, yes, well, but still the key story is the massive missile attack on kyiv and the extremely good, brilliant work of our air defense, for which we thank them infinitely, they really keep our sky is properly, because the three dozen missiles they stopped were shot down, this is very, very serious, well, but... well, by the way, there is information from the co -founder of the online retailer rozetka that as a result of the morning missile attack by the russians on their warehouse was damaged in the capital, and i’m quoting now, today’s attack on kyiv did not go unnoticed by the outlet, in the photo, in the photo, actually, which i can see now, unfortunately
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, it is not on the screen now, but this is a warehouse, well, how can i to describe, this is a warehouse, well, kyiv was almost completely destroyed, the building was damaged. we understand that residential buildings, enterprises, and warehouses suffer from russian attacks, that is, ukrainian business also suffers from this, and it is actually terrible, but it is very good that our air forces were able to work well today and actually did their best from myself in order to maximally reduce the amount of damage that the russians could inflict, but, but, by the way, today in brussels. the two-day summit of the leaders of the european union has begun, and in particular they will talk about ukraine, and it will also continue on security and defense issues and the situation in the middle east, the issue of expansion. international relations, migration issues and agriculture in terms of enlargement , the leaders of the countries will assess the progress of ukraine, moldova and bosnia and herzegovina. let us remind you that
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hungary, as always , sticks some sticks in our wheels when it came to the fulfillment of seven demands by ukraine, yes, actually one of the demands was rejected due to national minorities, and it is a well-known fact that this issue was blocked by hungary. which requires certain from ukraine reductions in relation to national minorities. well , we will observe, we will monitor what is happening there, and of course we will inform you about it. well, the president of ukraine, meanwhile, volodymyr zelenskyi , commented on the russian mass attack on kyiv, and i am quoting the president now: "every day, every night, there is such terror." world unity is able to stop it when it helps us with air defense systems. there are no such russian terrorists... who could bypass the protection of the patriots and other leading world systems. the head of the ukrainian state pointed to that this protection is needed throughout ukraine,
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from kyiv to kharkiv, from sumy to kherson, from odesa to donetsk region. well, according to our president, it is possible if the partners have enough political will. we must show that terror always loses. we must prove to russia that it will be forced to accept a normal, free life in ukraine. we need... partners, i am grateful to everyone in the world who really helps. well, russia launched almost three dozen cruise missiles today over kyiv, they were all was shot down by anti-aircraft defense forces, but people were injured, one and a half dozen people, four were hospitalized. well, according to the kyiv city authorities , four educational institutions, residential and non-residential buildings were damaged. now we will go for a short break and after it we will return. to our broadcast, so stay with espresso, there are many interesting and useful things ahead for you, we will return to our studio in literally four minutes. tired of heavy and bulky
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check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need! call! try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we counter the information attacks of the russians with the chronicle of information project war with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5 p.m. 15th repeat tuesday, friday at 10 p.m. the football format changes its broadcast time, from now on
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is the front line, the line of the great russian-ukrainian war, oleg kalashnikov, the head of the press service of the 26th separate brigade named after general khorunzhy roman dashkevich, is in touch with us, we are talking about the situation in the bakhmut region, so mr. head of the press service, you word by word operative news in the direction of bakhmut. good afternoon, the fighting continues, continues on this aspect of our direction on... our section of our front, the enemy tried to storm us, this is bohdanivske, ivanovsk, here he tried to carry out an offensive behind both infantry units and directly combat equipment, suffered losses and was pushed back to their positions, where klyshchivka was attacked from, using already. purely
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such infantry, small infantry groups, what we could observe before, but also here he gained from losses, also he was rejected, but after that, well, this is a common phenomenon now for our entire front, after that he tried not to counterattack, but to use directly, the fugast of the radiation bomb exactly at the positions of the cliché, well, what he used... exactly these over time, it has already become a regular thing, a regular phenomenon, and here, thanks to the fact that he used them, he damaged some residential buildings, private ones, as well as many apartment buildings, mr. oleg, that in relation to ivanivsky chromovoy, these are actually those settlements , which go directly to chasovoy yar, a as you know, chasiv yar for the occupiers is now.
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target number one, how difficult is the situation there and what is the enemy trying to use in that direction now? the situation is really difficult, it is not the first day , still he is trying to press here, he has concentrated quite significant forces on these two directions, suffice it to say that against a small village like ivanovske, a separate remote-assault brig is ready to throw units. the 102nd regiment, the rifle regiment, has been conducting assault operations here for quite a long time, there was also this direction was passive at the time and was one of the subdivisions of the 98th airborne division, that is , it says that these two directions, such as ivanivsk, bohdanivka, khromayansk, stupochki, they are very priority, very important for him, so he
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is trying to achieve although... all the positive consequences for himself, however, to be honest, lately he is not succeeding at all, he is experiencing losses. mr. head of the press service, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you about the situation with artillery ammunition and , in general, with the artillery component on the line of the front in bakhmut and the vicinity of bakhmut. perhaps, if it is not a secret, perhaps at least one fresh projectile from... the czech republic arrived, well, but you have my word, well , after the heavy fighting in the avdiiv direction ended, the russian troops reinforced the artillery component precisely in our direction, that is, their there were a few more here, namely artillery barrels, they threw some in our direction, they have enough shells for today, they are
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constantly trying to introduce artillery fire. both day and night, on...


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