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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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that is, to reach this level. in yulia's opinion, it is unfortunate to call people with down syndrome sunny, because it imposes certain restrictions on them. permeable people are of course a very big myth, because people with down syndrome , like all other people, they have a different range of emotions, they have different moods, they can be angry, they can be angry, they can be happy and smile. according to the united... approximately one in every 800 babies in the world is born with this feature, although their consciousness remains more childlike, but how and every person, they can get a job, work in a team and do their job perfectly. natalya stare pravo, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring them. asin
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returns of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21:15 in the project. says velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko
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every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. i hope you have not left the screens far, we continue the big ether, my name is winter, i remind you and oleksandr morchenko, next to me, this means we will be talking about money during the war. alexander, please. greetings viewers, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will tell you about housing certificates, also learn about investments in ukraine and social protection of our defenders. i will tell you everything in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morshchenko,
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congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and the verkhovna rada today supported the amendments to the bill on the rights of military personnel and police officers on social protection. people's deputy informed about it yaroslav zheleznyak. in the updated document , it is possible for military personnel to receive medical treatment abroad for up to a year without the need to undergo medical examination and to receive a one-time maternity leave with retention of salary. a monetary payment was also established for the families of the fallen soldiers. the size of the payment is uah 15 million. and international investments in ukraine increased by half. billion dollars in 2022 to more than 1 billion dollars last year, nataliya shapoval, a representative of the kyiv school of economics, reported this. during the full-scale invasion, capital was invested by 43 global companies, for example, bayer and carlsberg are among the leaders. foreign
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entrepreneurs invest the most in iit projects, defense industry, agribusiness, processing industry. let me remind you that the government is currently developing a mechanism to support investors. and are going to mitigate various risks that are still waiting and may befall international business in our country. well, vasyl, it is a very important number in fact, it was half a billion when the great war began, and here it is already 1 billion 200 million dollars, that is, despite the fact that active hostilities, despite the ongoing reforms, which are still raw, in my opinion, foreign business sees prospects and invests its capital in... well, either they know more, or they understand that here you can lose somewhere, of course, but it is possible to win big somewhere, well , business is not without it, well, big business does not become big, if it does not take risks somewhere, it is clear, and here it is important that the leadership is held by the it sector and agribusiness, in fact, these are the leaders and
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who were before the full-scale invasion industries, the leaders in which really bring money, those in fact, we just recently talked there and read that the it industry, despite the fact that it has fewer orders or something, it gives more profits to the budget. the relevant minister, mr. fedorov, said about it today. well, let's go further. state property fund has attracted uah 200 million to the budget. this is money from renting property. we managed to do it since the beginning of the year, reported the head of the department vitaliy koval. we are talking about rental premises, well, these are warehouses, these are shops, and currently 40 lots are being prepared for auctions in various regions of our country. well. vasyl, it is really interesting news that uah 200 million is money for the treasury, this is information for state employees, and also the head of the state property fund says that renting state property, which is now just idle, does not bring profit, is quite profitable for business for entrepreneurs , it is even cheaper than
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when entrepreneurs among themselves, for example, concluded a lease agreement, you can participate in the auction and even save money and have that other location for conducting business, and it is good that... they work primarily in the state property fund, to offer some good points because we now we live in such a time that no one is obliged to do anything for someone, except for military duty there, but when the state offers you some opportunity, well, first of all, it is beneficial for business , that's cool , it's good for the budget, let's move on, housing certificates for the purchase of new housing instead of the destroyed one have already been received by 4.5 thousand citizens, the total payment amounted to almost uah 8 billion, the ministry of development reported. communities, territories and infrastructure. average amount of compensation is per family, per person, almost 2 million hryvnias. let me remind you that gaaz launched an international mechanism for payments to ukrainians whose property was damaged by russian aggression. since april of this year, people have been given
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the opportunity to submit appropriate applications for compensation. well, to get this housing certificate that i am talking about, you need to apply. about your destroyed property through the diya application, then the commission will process all the information, award you compensation, and it is clear that there will be a return the answer is also in action, the amount of your compensation, all information will be sent back to you. the ministers of agriculture of lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland and the czech republic appealed to the european commission, calling for a ban on the import of grain from russia and belarus to the eu. the officials also emphasized that it is important that grain stolen from ukraine does not enter the market. european union sanctions against the aggressor country are not working enough, therefore additional measures are needed to limit the access of goods from moscow, - say the ministers of agriculture of a number of european countries
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of states let me remind you that the eu is preparing to introduce a duty on the purchase of grain from russia and belarus, and perhaps this will be the first step and the first significant restriction. and it is clear that he will support ukrainian agrarians , who are now accused of collapsing the markets, in particular poland, with their crops, well, here i can only support this idea from... of course in the european union, well, it is such a big bureaucratic a machine that does not work very quickly, but i understand that during, well, now in the conditions of war, they are possible these mechanisms have sped up a little, because it is necessary to find out, it is very difficult to find out where the grain comes from, how the grain comes from, by what means, but if they are already finding out and certain decisions will be made, i think that it is in in the long run, it will give good results and remove russian influence on the economy as well, by the way, if we talk about such restrictions on sanctions, then information has appeared that lithuania insists on... sanctions against russian liquefied gas and aluminum, well, i will only add that
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the restrictions on russian aluminum and the rosatom company, these are such triggers for the kremlin, in fact, they are trying to implement these restrictions in the european union, well, any package is sanctioned, but it does not work, maybe that rosam really still works. lobby in the european union market , well, it is clear that iota built a number of nuclear reactors on the continent, technologies, maintenance, nuclear fuel, well, it is quite difficult to introduce it into one or another sanctions package, but there is a will, and i think that rosatom, which is also tied not only to nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants, but in fact he is accused of supporting armed forces, it also supplies certain... nuclear
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fuel, maybe, well, this is also, by the way, a very important point, because you won't bury it there somewhere in the middle of some european country, so yes, well, we have to watch and wait on the balance, how said vasyl, respectable , although it is possible with a delay in the decision of the european community, well, i traditionally follow the consumer market, and it became known from the analysts of the eastfruit platform, that they... calculated that the price of potatoes began to fall rapidly, well, on average, by 12% recently . so, why is it that the ukrainian market has now started en masse batches of foreign vegetables arrived, this is already a new crop, so it started to lower prices. most producers in ukraine are now in a hurry to sell their stocks that have been accumulated, to concentrate now on the seed company. the population is also actively selling off leftover potatoes and despite this today. this vegetable is on average 2.5 times more expensive, despite the drop in prices, than it
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was last year. well, analysts also predicted that there will really be a vegetable garden in the spring, the entire borscht set will be cheaper, so one of the main factors is that people farms will sell off what they have accumulated, what is left, this applies to beets, cabbage, and carrots, and banks in china have begun to block payments from russia in yuan, the russian publication moscow times reports. there are already at least eight financial institutions among those who refused this process. they fear the possible introduction of secondary sanctions and pressure from the united states, experts say. the refusal to accept payments in yuan will make it difficult for a number of russian companies to make payments, say analysts. let me remind you that for two years similar transactions have not gone through the bank. with international participation, i.e. through international transnational financial institutions, here we are talking
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about city bank, gp morgan, bnp paribas , deutsche bank, and this only pleases me, and i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more later, watch us, thank you oleksandr, morshevka. well, now let's invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation, which will be discussed today in the verdict program, which starts at 8 p.m. sergey, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, today let's talk about the last massive missile strike by the russian occupiers on the capital of ukraine, more than 30 missiles flew at the ukrainian capital this morning, our glorious anti-aircraft forces shot down these missiles, but what is happening now? with the mass shelling of the russians and what they are capable of, we will
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talk about this with general igor romanenko, a person who knows what air defense is and how it should be built in ukraine, especially since zelensky addressed the world and in once again asked to strengthen the ukrainian air defense forces and promised to strike at answer to the russians, yet. we will have oleksiy goncharenko on the air, who is currently in france, and he says that the french are actually preparing to... transfer their troops to the ukrainian state, you will learn more details already during this broadcast, oleksiy will clarify what exactly he knows when these contingents can be delivered to ukraine, well , what mission they will perform, we will have an hour-long connection with brussels, where
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our correspondent tetyana vysotska is working at the summit of the leaders of the eurosoci countries. the main question and one of the most important issues facing europe, how to make sure that putin does not have the resources to fight both with ukraine and with europe, the number one issue is the freezing of the assets of the russian federation in european banks and not only in european banks, and whether this issue was resolved today or not, i think that... tatyana will tell us during the inclusion, direct inclusion from brussels, and the third guest, or our fourth guest over the next hour, is ihor reiterovych, a political expert, with him we will discuss the issues of the upcoming peace summit in switzerland, which is planned , which should take place on zelenskyi's initiative,
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the chinese and representatives of india also want to influence this summit and... in general, for ukraine to agree to peace talks with russia, sydney pinh is flying to macron, negotiations are to be held in paris macron and xi jinping, in parallel, zelensky talked with the prime minister of india, the question is one: how, in what way to negotiate peace, in what way putin will conduct a conversation about the future of russia. about the future of ukraine, as well as about the future of the world, ihor reiterovich, i think will clearly outline all the positions and analyze all the positions of all parties before these negotiations and before this great peace summit that is to be held in switzerland, in a word in 13 minutes, you, dear viewers, will hear and
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find out for yourself a lot of interesting things in the verdict program. vasyl's great winter broadcast continues, vasyl, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, the program verdict in the 20th, i will briefly, before we go any further, appear in two editions, western editions, well american in particular, the article european allies of ukraine in the war are ruined, small or indecisive, well, ruined, i don't know which country declared default in the european union, maybe they know about the economy, i haven't heard of such, small or indecisive, another edition of the wall street journal writes that russia... will be ready for a new war in two years, as they calculated and what can happen in these two years, well, but you can see that they have their own formula, and secondly, europe will need decades, but always when read such articles, well, there is no time to talk about it, but i am leading to the point that when to begin appears, always divide everything by 10, this is just the opinion of individual journalists, and all this still depends on many, many, many things that are not taken into account, the economy of europe,
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therefore, is more powerful than the russian one, the european union in general is the power, the whole question is only in the will , well, we certainly cannot be talking about some ephemeral decades there, here it is exactly like that in two years and kyiv again in three days. well, well, let's go to culture, because here, by the way, for me, as a writer, a good topic and expected, lively, scandalous, ambiguous and even erotic. in may , the long-awaited film slovo house, an endless, endless novel, will finally be released . it tells the story of writers who lived in the famous kharkiv building and glorified the soviet government when kharkiv was the capital. mykola khvylovy became the main character of the film, fitilov, also known as lina chechenina, has already seen this movie and is ready to tell more about it. probably, at the beginning
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it is necessary to clarify a certain confusion that occurred around the two tapes of taras tomenko about the house of the word, because i see people a little got confused in fact, everything is very simple. in 2017, the director releases, together with the producers, the film house slovo u prokat. it was a documentary film, quite interesting to me, it told with humor in particular about those writers who lived in the slovo building, a famous building in kharkiv that was built. deliberately for writers, or for artists in general, so that they lived there, there was a cellar, and so that it would be nice for them to praise the soviet government there, which they did in the beginning. and then became disappointed in it and became, unfortunately, its victims, now we call this period the shot revival, although not everyone likes this
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term, there are ongoing discussions, well, the tape itself is now in the public domain, it is available in online cinemas, and also on youtube legally and for free. i just drove up to the station, i look at it in such big letters, kharkiv is written. in the mountainous district of kharkov there is a fat five-story building, when you look at it from above, it resembles a capital letter s. at the same time, in 2017, tomenko began working on an already feature film: house of the endless word novel. it was supposed to be released in the 20th year, but it didn't work out. in 2021, its world premiere took place at the warsaw film festival in ukraine. it was shown for the first
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time on june 22nd at the mykolaiv chukoupen festival in chernivtsi, the first viewers mostly praised it, wrote quite favorable, positive reviews, and so on, we have been waiting for the film to be released until now, and finally it happened. on may 9, we will see him anyway, the trailer, by the way, was edited by the co-founder of the moore project, oleksandr khumenko, quite recently, and they became known for their musical a piece called you romantic, it was discussed quite widely in various social networks, listened to, well, as for the film, i will say that mykola khvylovy, performed by vyacheslav dovzhenko, became one of the central characters. haven't you seen the classics in underwear or something? i know you, you are mykola grigorovich khvylovy, but this house is a trap, besides
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khvylovy, there are also many different characters there, there are also famous during these vicissitudes, saussures with his wife, as well as mykhailo semenko, mike yohans. raisa troyanker and so on and so on, but there is also a negative character, this is such a talentless poet who comes to live in this house, i understand that he is talentless, and i will not tell anything further, i will only say that he is very outwardly similar to vladimir putin, i do not know whether the authors deliberately drew such parallels, but if if you look at the poster, there are just some obvious things, by the way, this character was played by dmytro oliynyk, he played it perfectly for me, he must. to receive some honors for this, and if you are afraid that in this, in this tape , the writers will again be like monuments, will be
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boring, then do not worry, there is no such thing, on the contrary, everything is very interesting there, there are poems, uh, wait a word, i will just tell you that the topic of the shot revival, it is becoming more and more popular, it is discussed quite seriously, not so, again with this exaltation, with romanticization, no, i have seen interesting discussions of people who are engaged in the professional study of literature and that period, and they argue about how to treat these writers in general, whether they were, well, not that they were traitors, well, some say that they brought a lot of damage to our country, others they say that they had such illusions about the soviet government, it is natural for people to have illusions, unfortunately they paid for it. and well, in a word, if you see some discussions in your place , some writers or literary critics will come to you to discuss the shot revival,
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be sure to go and listen, or there are also many of these videos on youtube, they are extremely interesting and we are just starting to study this page extremely interesting, and well, this tape house of words, an endless novel is another such drop to this discussion, i think that after... the release of the film, these discussions will spread even more and we will, as always, discuss this topic on social networks. thank you lena, we wish you success in the national football team of ukraine today, stay with espresso, then the weather from natalka didenko, and on the 20th the verdict, stay with us. hello, our dear viewers, i want to say right away that today, march 21, is the international
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day of forests and... and therefore we will talk about plants, today we are talking about snowdrops, about snowdrops, well, one of them, one of the symbols of early spring, tender, beautiful and bright , snowdrops, let's turn to such a dry language about the designation, which genus is this, the family of cold plants, or the genus scyla, and until recently this genus scyla was attributed to the hyacinth family, well, yes, even a little something similar, there is different folk names about... snowdrop, primrose, of course , blueberry, snowdrop, that is, well, female , creeper, soon a forest, and i came across a very funny name, but that's how it is written in wikipedia , honestly, oh, i can't, i'm sorry, you bastard , well, that's how it's written, sorry, please, one more time...
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snowdrops are drooping, snowdrops are autumn , thank you for the video, well, the name is very funny, in folk medicine , snowdrop bulbs are used in dicotyledons, they contain tannic acid, have a diuretic and expectorant effect, and snowdrops belong to plants whose seeds are carried by insects, let's let's move on to magnetic storms, it's not so funny there, everything is quite calm, now for your attention the forecast chart, and from it it will be seen that tomorrow the situation is quite really calm, not big fluctuations will be observed, but not so very much, well, you see, this number is 222 all the time, this indicates that there will still be some fluctuations, but
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the situation will be... quite calm, and now we turn to the actual weather forecast, the weather, which is expected on march 22, march 22 is the world day of water resources or water, the importance of water and its meaning are difficult to overestimate in the modern world and actually always. so, what will happen tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine on march 22, well , the air temperature will be relatively comfortable somewhere... +8 +12°, a little rain will fall in some places, but, for example, in ternopil oblast and khmelnytskyi oblast, with clearings, it will be dry in the north of ukraine, the air temperature will fluctuate between 9 and 11° of heat, and there may even be sunny clearing, that is, tomorrow will be such a very pleasant and comfortable day,
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it will be a little cooler in the east of ukraine in... kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, the air temperature will range from seven to 9 degrees celsius, in the central part of ukraine there will also be no precipitation. from 10 to 12° and also a lot of sun. well, hopefully tomorrow's sunny weather will excuse my simply terrible behavior on air today. it will be mostly dry in the southern part of ukraine, the air temperature, as befits the south, is a little higher than usual +10 +14°. and in kyiv , in the capital, comfortable weather is expected tomorrow, there will be a lot of sun, the air temperature will fluctuate between 10-12° of heat, of course , carefully follow our detailed forecasts on the espresso channel and i want to say that the weekend in ukraine will be very warm until 10 -17°. here
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it is... a closer perspective, we are always waiting you are on our channel, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next hour we will talk about ukraine, about the world. about the war and about our victory today in the program. russian missile terror continues. zelenskyy asks to strengthen ukrainian air defense and promises retaliatory strikes. what capabilities do the armed forces have for this. weapons for ukraine and the strengthening of european defense. eu leaders are holding a security summit in brussels. or are they talking about the introduction of troops into ukraine? victory formula. world leaders. consider
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different ways to end the war in the u


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