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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger and not there to spend some. i'm sorry, to finish my opinion about land, we are back on the espresso air, if during the commercials we would start talking about this about this informational publicity around the lviv land academy , i will finish my opinion now for the viewers of espresso. again, for the espresso audience, i think that again, if there are any moments with bullying, with humiliation or with other things.
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they definitely need to be resolved, the second issue is during my service, in particular in academy of the ground forces or crossing here with teachers and cadets in the war, well, i have not heard about such problems, if it is some kind of, say, domestic or point conflict, it definitely needs to be resolved, for me it is strange, as for a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, that the cadets do not turn to the direct leadership there, not to the leadership of the ground forces, there to the general staff. the ministry of defense is turning to the verkhovna rada deputies themselves, and the verkhovna rada deputies are abandoning all work in the verkhovna rada and and and and fly to lviv to resolve any conflict situations between the teacher and the cadet of the academy. well, for me it's just funny such a political order. ugh. there was information that they also checked the food, so in the end we will watch and monitor the results of this investigative commission, obviously they will make it public, write what their... their
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conclusions were, before, after all, we did not hear any complaints there nutrition and in general the life of cadets at the ground forces academy, we will follow this topic, it is important, markiyan is still with us, and i would literally like to agree on my thesis about the deputies of the verkhovna rada, because we debate a lot there, discuss flights. political life in our country, and what depends on it, i would like to say that we have a lot that depends on the deputies of the verkhovna rada, and until the deputies of the verkhovna rada do not directly fulfill these duties assigned to them in time, qualitatively and will not think about their political ratings, but will make those decisions and those laws that exist necessary for a country at war. it cannot be announced that we will have increased mobilization, that we will improve it in november. and four
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months of pounding the water in the introduction, during this time a lot of events have changed, there are 4 thousand edits, but i just want to say that there are soldiers sitting in the studio, can someone explain or give an answer in general, but each of you knows what the situation is at the front, there are many things that cannot be talked about, everyone understands the military, how critical mobilization is, how critical it is to pass these bills that actually affect our defense capability now, what 4,000 amendments, for a month and a half the verkhovna rada is considering 400 rules, today a member of the verkhovna rada by voice roman, surname, i will remember now, he calculated that in the month of march the verkhovna rada met as many as 8.5 hours of march.
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luzynskiy luzynskiy yes and we have a strange situation when the military works 24x7 without days off, without saturdays, without sundays, there are a lot of units without rotations, monthly or even annual rotations, well, here we have if the people on whom it depends , well, just do what they want, what they think will bring more benefit to them, and not what the state needs, well, it's very sad, because just, well, if it... not only carried simply the responsibility for these things and the consequences that can happen, that would be one thing, yes, well, we are hostages of the situation, we are sensitive to the same thing, and our successful future, the lives of our children, us depend on their actions and our country. thank you, markiyan lupachak, secretary of the lviv city council of the council, a senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us on skype. well, the verkhovna rada is probably a separate topic, a separate program, because... there is a lot to say about it, and
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after all, we always want people's deputies to be in our studio, we always call them, now this week it turned out that they were sitting. there is a meeting somewhere, they are working , so we are told, that is why they are not here, well, maybe that is a good thing, we hope for that, yes, that is the case, it is better that they work, mr. andreyka, i have a question for you, we have spoken, in particular with your colleagues in the studio, and it seems to me that everyone agrees with this, plus or minus, that this year, the russians will still try to seriously attack, we must understand that this period... will definitely come and we must prepare for it, what do you think, the fact that putin received these percentages, which he decided for himself, but he understands that his power in the state and the number of people who, in principle, either actively or silently support him, is
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greater than the number of those people, and this is putting it mildly, who do not support him, what is he for it will encourage new aggressive actions , or maybe... or maybe this person will calm down a little bit, although it is believed, probably the least, you know, here the issue is the status, in my opinion, russia is entering a long-term political tzuswang, which will not have no positive consequence for her. i would not call what happened in russia an election at all, my proposal is to call this action an electoral peace act. and academically, if you look at the meaningful attributes of the state, then they are the territory, the people and the sovereign power, well classical approach, and
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from the point of view of such an approach, russia is in a conceptual collapse, because if we are talking about the territory and, accordingly, the principles that... these are the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity, then i emphasize, it will be recalled that, for example, in statutory , the so-called documents, dnr, they declared their territory within the administrative border of luhansk and donetsk regions, and they were annexed by an act of the highest legislative body of the russian federation in this state also applies to zaporizhzhia, kherson, other regions, i.e., on the one hand, russia in its constructions of statehood has gone beyond internationally recognized borders, and those borders that it has established, to this day , it does not fully control, and therefore in
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terms of the integrity of borders , territorial integrity and inviolability, we are not we can understand what is happening to us today at this moment... the russian federation as a state, now in the part of the people, if they forcibly integrated the population of ukraine, a sovereign state, forcibly distributed passports to them, children are forcibly taken away, then we can say that in terms of population and citizens , russians also do not have a full-fledged international definition and recognition by virtue of those citizens. who live and can be considered citizens by force, and from this comes another consequence: if a people living within the territory has a will, which it demonstrates in elections to form its own power, there is a legislative, executive,
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judicial, and this people has no will, then accordingly, there are doubts about the legitimacy of the government itself, and that in part of the territory, that is about what kind of russia do we have... between what territories are those that they voted as annexed to their territory, well, there is no control over this territory, the borders of internationally recognized recognized borders, they themselves violated through their aggression, passports were forcibly distributed to the people of the russian federation , who are driven to the polling stations, falsified , it is also doubtful, and in part, and why then the world, western countries are in no hurry to call putin... an illegitimate president, they, that is, someone there congratulated him, we understand which countries xi jinping and so on, there is hungary, but the rest of the european countries, they say it is bad that the elections were held in the occupied territories, but the fact that it is illegitimate
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does not sound like that, but here we come to even the most interesting moment, which is not recognition in one way or another of the established government will have consequences. cold restraint or the absence of very many areas of interstate relations, and russia is already feeling it, that is, it could still be forgiven. elections somewhere in crimea, what happened, and now, when through open aggression, within the limits self-proclaimed territories, by attracting people by force, by completely falsifying elections, to call yourself the head of the state, who forms foreign and domestic policies, this is a great doubt and a great recognition from the point of view of the international community, and therefore russia is driving itself away, one second i will add, the most interesting thing that struck me is that in the occupied... territories you could vote with ukrainian passports, you come to vote for
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the russian president, show your ukrainian passport and they say with a hospitable smile ok you can vote and this is the 21st century here all things are documented, you see, they are in a digital format and this leads to another interesting point, see before the full scale invasion the legal border between russia and nato was 1300 km. after sweden joined today, and by the way, today the head of nato said that soon not only the pale blue flag of sweden will be on the flagpole of the headquarters of nato and obviously of ukraine. the legal border of nato and russia is 2600. and if we are talking about the actual one border, because we understand that ukraine stands up for european values, it implements high nato standards there, we actually fight with western weapons, that is the actual border of nato. this is 200 km of land in ukraine, 10097 of the border with belarus, this is actually the border with belarus and
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poland, is 6,000 km, which means that the russians need to foresee risks, eliminate threats, deploy troops, find forces and means for 600 km, and this is a fact, and from the point of view that russia is constantly declaring threats, it is moving nuclear weapons to belarus, rhetoric is enough, well... defiant, it leaves nato no other choice than to form its defense policy, exclusively in a preemptive format, and to say that the russians are successful in something, or in shaping the agenda of the domestic state, that's right, how it is now within the territory of the population, the formation of the government, did they succeed by stretching the risks for 600 km, having virtually no budget, well listen, russia is called domestic... gdp at the level of half of california, well, this is ridiculous, that's why russia
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went to zutzmankh, and it will have risks because they have no way back, they will resort to very large manipulations possible, and i pay attention to where putin went immediately after his election, he went to the board of the fsb, uh, he thanked the fsb officials for what they did, i will remind , that the 9th service of the fsb planned an attack on ukraine, this is probably the first time in the history of military science, when the special service planned a general military operation, where virtually all types of troops were involved, and this operation was formed very qualitatively, and i and to this day the russians they say not a military special operation , a special military one, but i actually think that, not having the opportunity to deploy forces and means on the entire activity of potential confrontation and risks, the russians still resort to the use of indirect hybrid methods, one of them, by the way,
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demonstrated in africa, when we say why macron is so militant, we always forget that politics is an extension of the economy, war is an extension of politics, and the number of coups that have occurred in africa in the last period in six countries, particularly in nigeria and mali, primarily resulted in the withdrawal of the military continent of france from the territory of these countries, where deposits are located. uranium, france has 56 nuclear reactors, from 25 to 40% of nuclear fuel, they took from these countries, from mali and from nigeria, that is, now, if france does not take active measures to pressure russia, then this country, as a conductor of direct interests of ukraine, will be on the verge of an energy crisis, and they will resort to all measures in order to ensure first their economy, their people and their internal interest. but already by foreign policy means, and this militancy
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of the french, in fact, shows that france has no other political tools left, as macron said, i already communicate with putin as much as i can, but the conversation is simple, diplomatic, there are no consequences, so we are facing a time of great tests, where above all russia, before using or applying military-political tools, will not work directly, hybridly, by in... indeed, using any tools within the limits of the society to destabilize it, to destabilize foreign markets, i will tell you one more thing: this is a component of special operations... if we say nato is not at war, then nato is already at war, because russia is fighting in nato. the eyes of the tractor, where it is written putin will save people in brussels, the eyes of the tractor that appear on the border with ukraine, this is actually a manifestation of those activities, that set of active peace initiatives carried out by the special services, and fortunately, we also understand this and are still happy , that
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the poles or other representatives of western society finally understood, and this strengthens their activity in supporting ukraine and it will continue even in case of some negative consequence of the elections in the united states. we have heard that russia has a large number of kilometers of legal and actual border with nato countries, but unfortunately we also have a huge number of hundreds and thousands of kilometers of border with the russian federation, and we often hear, mr. oleksandr rogov, a question for you, that there could be attacks not only in the eastern direction, but also from the north. including in recent days, the situation around that is happening in sumy oblast, it has already been called a special information operation by the russians in order to stir up the emotions of ukrainians around this potential offensive from the north and a second march on kyiv, how do you assess other directions where the russians can
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attack, again, i understand that not you can say anything... but we would also like to hear about the fortifications that the president of ukraine has already directly and officially instructed to build. well, you see, in order to carry out an effective offensive, you need an adequate number, no only personnel, but also military equipment. you understand this perfectly, and everyone does. and that's why the number for the offensive that the russian federation needs in order to break through our defense somewhere effectively, it needs to be brought down, it needs to be provided somehow, it's the 21st century, intelligence doesn't sleep, they see everything, it's not easy that's all , but in those favorable directions, it means that defensive structures are being built, well, let's put it this way, no, maybe it should have been done
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a little earlier, so, seeing this, they... they are doing, seeing how they are preparing , videos, kilometers of underground passages of theirs are on the internet, everything is closed, everything is hidden, because they understand very well that we also know how to fight with drones, and seeing this , everything is equal, i want to say that our intelligence is working, we see the active movement of troops in... in these dangerous directions, accordingly , preparations are being made, so if there are any critical situations, we will find out about it, mykola varysyn wanted to speak, a few remarks, such a mind and voice, well, first, you know it's so strange to us, for some reason we believe when someone tells us about russian
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fortifications, mobilization, military raids, but for some reason we don't believe when they hold elections. well, there was one ukrainian president, so he said that because he is consistent, he must be consistent. i believe that russia has been in a mess for a thousand years. these conversations about mobilization, let them wear 2 million pairs of underpants. i know for sure that half will be stolen from the budget, and the other, and the other two out of 2 million underpants, one will be stolen and sold somewhere, i don't know where, in african countries somewhere. and when they tell me... that's how they started, that's how everything worked for them, that's how bribery has been overcome, everything is working perfectly, this is, by the way, what i was saying, that in february i started hearing these two two absolute nonsense that they have military rails and and and and that they have mobilization oh-oh-oh, yes, the shoigu, whom we definitely believe, said
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that they have a mobilization resource of 25 million, great, i just believed it immediately and... and immediately hid , because there are so many people, everything works perfectly at the factories, nobody does anything don't steal, well, it's russia , it's sinking, it's probably, denmark and switzerland are in first place in terms of non-theft, russia is in second place, that's why all the talk is very strange to me, yes, the russians will show what they have underground just cities, i don't believe, i don't know why, i don't believe, so as not to steal a little bit of nails. who can't steal something and say no, no, no, i'm for russia, i want it to be perfect, listen, i'm a lot, sorry that i'm pulling on myself. but i watch a lot what military and economic experts write, they say some very petty things in russia
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there is no such thing as something invented by the chinese, but the word came out, well, the fact that bullets are everywhere, like , okay, gunpowder, there is no gunpowder in russia, simply not, simply in order to produce them in soviet times, post-soviet times, for gunpowder, there had to be some western elements there or some equipment there or something, now it is not there, that is, those, or something was stolen, i don’t know, i just don’t know, and i don’t believe when they tell me that everything is so perfect there , we need to get together, on the contrary , we differ in that we have a horizontal society and everyone... helps him, and there everyone will wait until putin says: we are retreating or we are advancing, and god forbid, you will retreat when he is silent, so
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it seems to me that there is some point here and about the verkhovna rada, i got there for the first time, well, how a journalist in 1989, it’s scary to say, there was always a mess there, verkhovna rada, you know, as comrade stalin said to comrade gorky, i have no other writers for you. there is such a council, that's how it works, let's go then, if we already, because i'm already different, i'm a supporter of yanukovych, because i'm consistent, let's be consistent, let's re-elect the verkhovna rada during the war, all for, i'm against, well, because i, i don't want to walk around the front with a ballot box, i'm not convinced that it's effective, or travel between bruce. and and and paris among the refugees and hold a vote, i do not think that it can end well, this is
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the verkhovna rada that was elected, and it works like this, and there is no other yet, and talk about the fact that something must be done to do, let them tell me what, i will immediately join if they tell me what to do with the verkhovna rada , which is not working well, i will immediately say, okay, come on... let's do it, but no, everyone criticizes, no one can offer anything, except re-election, which will lead to, i don't know what, some kind of all-ukrainian catastrophe , ms. irina , you have something to say, do you know what to do with the verkhovna rada, no, i don't know what to do with the verkhovna rada, but i believe in the underground towns and catacombs of the russians, who had almost two years of time in the occupied territories, and they it was done in landings, and we saw it in kherson direction, and in my direction , where i am, it is the same... they talk about it, and they talk about it publicly, they write about it, the military writes about it, so, well, i support mr. markian, let's be optimistic,
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but let's be realistic, that's the first thing, i couldn't keep quiet, i'm sorry, but please, i'm here with us, i invite you to visit us as a journalist, we'll show, we'll tell , no, well, you won't show me that on russian territory and how are they there, why should i show what is on russian territory when we are standing nearby those who stand against us, here... this is the first thing, at the expense of the verkhovna rada, i am also categorically against the elections, honestly, i, me, i also have no idea how this will all look, and at the moment, since we are at war, this is true, in my personal opinion, it will be inappropriate , the constitution, everything is fine, many would like to change something, myself included, there is a lot of things that i don't like, but the elections, if it did not sound from my lips when during the icing under by some... there by a military commander on the outskirts of moscow, a deep block of ice fell on the queue, which standing at the military headquarters, i
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have this thought, maybe not everyone paid attention to it, when we last saw the queues near our military headquarters, that's why i comfort myself with the thought that everything is bad in russia, because they steal everything there, and they steal , 100 years ago there was a crazy civil war in russia with crazy losses, how did it end for ukraine, well, for sure... ukrainians were so optimistic then, that they had the unr, there is some kind of state already being formed, and how did it end for us , we know it very well, that's why i would definitely not try to entertain myself with optimism, we have to become realists in the end, because for two years we were entertained with optimism by various spokespeople from the administrator of the president's office and some other freelance councils there. they put in, put a bath, put warm water in there, put all the people there, well , most of the people, and they themselves lay down there,
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they themselves believed in the fact that we would go in. to the crimea, they themselves believed that we would go to the borders of 1991, we now see bloodless brigades, er, battalions of 40 men each, people who cannot be changed for a position, we will talk about what we are optimistic about, let 's look at it more optimistically, we need to look at it more realistically, mr. vitaliy, this is an important topic that you are raising now, thank you for your you say this live, that is, in essence, if such conclusions are to be drawn from your words. that somewhere, when we made some military decisions, we were very often guided by political motives, and it all ended with those, those disappointing consequences that you are talking about, you understand correctly, then mr. andreykiv, unequivocally, unequivocally, because i don't know what the leaders of our state, the political leadership, especially, were thinking , they were probably preparing for some kind of
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election. thought about the electorate, and as voiced by a military man who was on live air, that our state leadership for a long time did not do what was necessary and did not think about what was necessary, we need to sober up a little, come to our senses and make those decisions , on which the survival of the state and the survival of all ukrainians now depends society and people. stop playing politics, you all know, in the context of our conversation i remembered one historical fact, and history, it has no relative categories, when the tsar abdicated in february 1917, according to minimum estimates , 2.5 million ukrainians served in the tsarist army, and two rallies took place, one was in moscow, the second was in petrograd, where 20,000 turned out in one place.
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or else 30,000 ukrainians under yellow and blue flags marched through moscow and petrograd, and there is even a telegram from general bezukhov, which he sent from riga as the head of the western front to moscow, said that he had 180 thousand ukrainians in the trenches, and he was frantically worried about how they would behave, i will remind you once again, february 1917, 20 thousand in one large place, 30 in ... in another 180 at the front, and not even a year passes, january 1918, kyiv has no one to protect, we throw 300 students under the rocks so that the students protect the capital from drunken soldiers, sailors muravyov, at that time, as great discussions went on, portfolios were shared, who would go there as ambassadors to vienna or paris, i.e.
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which... there is some kind of caution, so that we do not learn a lesson from our historical past, do not create for ourselves a parallel reality , a parallel reality, and even here the story of colonel bolbochan, who achieved great success as a military commander, and he and liberated kyiv and suppressed the rebellion at the arsenal factory and went all the way to the crimea where they met with... what actually they think is the austrian army, they were snipers from western ukraine who joined the troops of austria-hungary, and this there were ukrainians, but the story of balbochan, it is very sad, because he was shot in dunaivtsi, he was under arrest for two months, and no one, no one, not even his comrade, the same one from konovaly, was able to neither protect nor stand up in the eyes of the leaders of that time, that is why we learn history, do
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conclusions and try not to... repeat it.


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