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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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an unlearned lesson from our historical past, did not create a parallel reality for themselves, a parallel reality, and even here the story of colonel bolobochan, who, having achieved great success as a military commander, liberated kyiv and suppressed the uprising at the arsenal plant, and reached as far as by the way, to the crimea, where they met with the si, in fact they thought that it was the austrian army, it was... there were snipers from western ukraine who joined the army of austria-hungary, and they were ukrainians, but the story of balbochan, it is very sad, ago that he was shot in dunaivtsi, he was under arrest for two months, and no one, not even his comrade, the same one of us, konovales , was able to neither protect nor stand up in the eyes of the leaders of that time, so we study history, draw conclusions and try not to repeat it. uh, we were talking today
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about what happened in russia, and we were wondering why there was such a large number of, even though we can assume there was uh rigging, they obviously were during the election of president putin, nevertheless, a huge number of russians supported putin's policy, and i want to ask a person who knows more about this, not so often, we have russian politicians, ilya ponomarev on our air, he calls himself an oppositionist, his name is connected. uh, the voluntary formation of the rdk and the legion of freedom of russia, which are now fighting against the putin regime, well, in particular in the belgorod region, russian leaders are already directly talking about this, but nevertheless, mr. ilya, i have a question for you, why is that a large number of russians are still ready to support putin, who kills ukrainians , who threatens the whole world with nuclear weapons , who fires missiles at peaceful houses, why for them, for a large number of your
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compatriots, it's ok, look, i can hardly hear you, but if i understood the question correctly, good in the evening, now there, well, actually people, people do not understand what is happening, and they do not compare themselves at all with what is happening inside ukraine, that is, they are there, for them it is all a situation. of a huge shock and this situation is also perceived as pro-government channels and about the right-minded citizens as well as oppositionists, that is, i am answering the question all day today , why do we say that there is the rdk, the legionnaires and all the others, that they went to participate in the elections, for them it is just a shock. that
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people there with weapons came to the polling stations, of course, well, this is such a joke, and mr. danilov and mr. budanov talked about it there, about the fact that this whole operation, it takes place during the elections, is exactly what we want to show alternative, but they don't understand it there in russia, but i believe that it is necessary to do, because it is necessary to somehow... send people's brains, because in any other way they simply will not understand what ukrainians are feeling now , also in the border territories and not only in the border territories, you know about today's attack, which took place in ukraine, here we are they mentioned that there were years, well , about 100 years ago, how some processes took place in the russian empire, some rallies were even held. and in moscow and st. petersburg,
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at that time there was neither youtube nor telegram, well, in principle, there was absolutely no access to information, then the state could control these processes, now, well, it is obvious that anyone who wants can find some information, but nevertheless, such reluctance, misunderstanding, we, unfortunately, in our studio talk about what is possible not only in the leadership of the nation. the matter, the matter of all-mining, which is bloodthirsty? well, look, i don't treat it as bloodthirsty, because for people it 's actually a very uncomfortable understanding, because they don't know, okay, what we're going to do with this information, that is, we've seen it, for example, in work of our television channel tomorrow is february, which we did from
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the very beginning invaded in order to conduct counter-propaganda on the territory of russia and explain what is really happening in ukraine. and so before the events, before the tragedy that happened in buche, we had such a growth in the number of audiences there, when the buche happened, all the growth stopped, and it was simply because people were uncomfortable hearing about what actually happened there , they started saying, it's not us, it's not us, i can't, it couldn't be, because we're not like that, we're not there no criminals, we tried there... to liberate the ukrainian people, as it were, they are ours, our soldiers, ours, our military, and to explain something that it is true, that in reality it happened the same way, we show pictures, and they they don't believe it, they say it's a photomontage, and i believe that in the past, if
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we remember, for example, what happened in the third reich in germany, well, there are many stories about what happened there... let's end the conversation with you, what are the future plans of the rdk of the russian freedom legion, because nothing stops at belgrod. in belgorod sirens sounded again all day today, we see videos of people evacuating in a panic, the war came to the territory of russia, the russians
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themselves invited it, when they invaded the territory of our state, what are the plans, what are the prospects? well, look, we're going to... try to keep this situation going as long as we can, and our main goal is to free up a certain piece of territory and hold it, and if that happens, we'll be able to unfurl the white-blue-white flag over there so that majors, to announce an alternative government, to say that this is it we create a new russian republic and say that this is the real russian government , unlike mr. putin, who is now... an illegitimate president, his term officially ends in may, and after that we say that this is the real russian government, and we will demand from other countries to recognize it as a real russian power, and this will have a huge impact on the domestic political
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situation inside the country, and for this you need to hold the territory, to hold the territory you need certain military equipment, first of all artillery, and there is a big problem with that . or our artillery is now western, as you know, the west does not allow ukraine to use its military equipment on the territory of the russian federation, to shell the territory of the russian federation, this is a big problem. mykola veresen, do you have a question or a serious question this time, the military tell me that i do not understand anything in military matters, but the military tell me that in principle... well, such a bad word, suppressing these raids is easy enough for the russians, but on the other hand i see the ninth day, a sufficiently large amount of time has passed and they can't do anything there, they can't or don't want to, or what's going on, i
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just can't understand, a great power, the second army of the world, we've already seen it, but it's already their territory. and they, as it were, i don't see them showing any activity there, i mean official russia. well, look , first of all, they don't care enough about what is actually happening there, because the main thing is what is shown on television, and on television they need victories on the territory of ukraine, and that's why, if you watched it, mr. putin even there he said that, well, okay... let them occupy a certain territory there, then we will transfer it to the territory of zaporizhzhia and the kherson region, and i was so surprised when he said that, because, well, it determines what he actually thinks that we are able to free up such a piece of territory that would be capable of being exchanged for
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the territory of zaporizhzhia and kherson region, but this is 100% to our advantage, and we will use it. thank you ponomarov, a russian politician who calls himself an oppositionist, was on our air, i don’t really know, maybe penomerov is somewhere in i talked about this on some other broadcasts, but i would like to touch on this story, summarizing and in general already going into the results of our today's program about the true essence of russians, including, well, it is obvious that there ilya ponomerov is listened to by russian liberals, people, who want us to call them good russians, but when they started to learn about bucha, it is easier for them to close their eyes and pretend that we are simply not involved in this and that's all, well, that is, but to counter it for sure. no one will, let's pretend it's not involved, i have
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a rather simple answer, in short, because russia, russia is paternalism or materialism, that is, for them parents, it is important, yes, he sits in the kremlin, he is a father, he gives an apartment, he gives a salary, this you don't earn, you don't do something there, but now let's imagine how many cases we know... when children renounced their parents in the literal sense, and about whom it is proven that they are murderers, a son or daughter will still never believe, that this father did such a thing, and when in a whole nation of 140 million, well, in 135 million, i can imagine 5 million, that is, every 20th person there can think differently, or simply can think suddenly. and so they hammered all this into their heads, and then
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they say to them, your father killed a lot of people in the buteche, he didn’t, it can’t be, his father played with him, gave him some gifts with dolls , took him by the hand to school and so on, and now you tell me that you are someone else's uncle, you tell me that my father... killed someone there, but i will never believe it, and i am absolutely convinced that this is the main, so to speak, disease of russians, that they that's how it has always been for them, that is if you read, moreover, today these are the greatest heroes, ivan iv the terrible, who killed, simply, he boiled alive people on red square, such huge cauldrons, and he boiled there, the best man, peter i - the best man, stalin - the best man , they are just sick. here it is, but no matter how much you say, this is my father, i love ivan iv, he is beautiful, and if someone
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comes to me there, especially from ukraine, or he from ilya, he will say no, you know, it's your fault, it's my fault, my father's fault, my mother's fault, god damn it, i'll never believe it, and that's what they have in your head, you never, it is not just paternalism, as if, we translate it to ourselves, that paternalism is such a superficial substance, that it is they... if they are sober, but they love, but, but they expect from the state, they believe the state, because the state gives them everything , there is nothing that the state should think , i will do it myself, i will achieve it, they won’t give it to him , that’s all, ihor dovychyn, we hear a lot of international political statements now, today the nato representative said that one should not be pessimistic about the victory of ukraine. er, we are still waiting for what they will give us the united states, will they give anything at all, uh,
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we expect the next steps from macron, decisive steps from macron. how do you feel about international support? we, it seems, already mentioned such a word, hybrid war, and we do not fully realize its scale. first of all, russia is actually waging a hybrid war, and not only against ukraine, but... this is already being repeated by the whole of western civilization, examples of its actions were cited here through wagner, other special groups in africa, this is infiltration, recently there was an international youth festival where a friend putin was met there by representatives of the countries of the so-called global south, an attempt to manipulate the consciousness of european voters, the consciousness of american voters , that is... when we talk about war, it is this hot war, directly on
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the front line with the weapons that we talked about, but it goes beyond the consciousness of the citizens and citizens not only of ukraine, but of the citizens of the western world and the citizens of what we call the global south, and in that sense i would say that we ironize russia in this way, and as if objectively. but in fact it is a greater power, a threat than china, with all its large population, with its economic power, why, because russia has an extraordinary... many centuries of experience in waging these hybrid wars, and this is also because of the same ivan the terrible, because of peter he, and especially the bolsheviks, gained experience in this, and modern putin's russia, for the information war, it allocates extraordinary funds and succeeds, i am already concluding, if the beginning of the war,
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there was global support for ukraine and an extremely low rating of russia in the world. these are almost leveled up, and this is connected not only with the fact that, with the volume of people, they are already tired of that war, but due to the informational penetration of russia, rush to close the gap, we, i say once again, we must fully realize the scale of the threat that russia poses to human civilization vitaly pyasetskyi, you have the word, the 93rd brigade is actively recruiting, looking for fighters for the needs. brigades for carrying out combat tasks, do you think that such effective recruiting can be ensured at the state level, or can it become a healthy alternative to the tcc, which we also talked with you about these cases that the media broadcast, sometimes negative stories that are related to the central committee, what do you
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think about it, clearly the state can. in this, well, not to ensure this recruitment for him, but i think, at this stage, the main thing now is not to interfere, that is, to create, well , at the legislative level, as we said before, that if any the team attracts resources, works there with some self-government bodies, attracts funds in order to implement. this recruitment conduct training, promote oneself in the mass media, hires some possible people, even pays for printing here and there, and they hear about it, and it creates some kind of transparent conditions for training,
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for attracting people to certain positions, someone... sits for himself and simply, well, he does not think about those people who will come to his unit tomorrow, how to attract them, he does not create such conditions, and here the state, the law does not guarantee that a person who came for recruiting in relation to the tcc and wants to mobilize right there in the 93rd brigade or in the third or 82nd, which will work on this, for example, in this direction, then this recruiting will not have any consequences... well, in my opinion, it will all be protected in its infancy, that is, it must be legal at the legislative level, that if a person came with a relationship from such and such a brigade, she wants to serve there, she worked there with recruiters, she was told, she is guaranteed that she will go to this position, if she wants to be a drone operator, gunner,
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attack fighter there, then she must be sure that she will go there, because if this is not done will be, then all... these efforts, all the resources, they will be wasted, iryna burban, tell me, what is it about you that annoys you the most and what gives you optimism when communicating with civilians when you get here? and indifference, if it’s about something that annoys, yes, indifference, and when you know, small household problems like that, they elevate them as if they were the greatest tragedy, i heard the day before yesterday from a woman who, in principle... nothing extraordinary in therefore life did not happen, she said that she lives in hell, that is, she lives in lviv, she has warm water there, she she does what she wants, goes to the park with her dog for a walk, she stopped there when she wanted to, i can't stop by my will when i go somewhere, i 'm going, i have to go until i get there and she's not interested, but she lives in a loop, you understand, and i just have
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a question for the civilians, how many more rockets should fall so that you understand that we have such a little paradise for everyone. and it will now sound very manipulative, for which everyone should fight, including civilians, because it does not happen that, well, at least in our war, in our country, it cannot be that they are fighting only the military, who were born for war, well, that’s how i understand it, i was born in bronikoivkaska, but in our country , the civilian population is also involved in this war, if only because unfortunately it also falls on their heads, uh, and if the civilian population will tell... we have mega-powerful funds, we have mega-powerful volunteers, we have, we have started to have very cool professional psychologists, which is very important for the military, we have
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fearless journalists who even come to the positions and it is very wonderful cooperate with the press services of these or other brigades, i am grateful to them for their work, which they show directly from the scene of events, what is happening, that is, well, this is inspiring, this. it is clear that we have, if it is not pathetically customary and wild, thanks to the war , a lot of new poets, artists , storytellers have appeared, ukrainian content has expanded, that is, ukrainian music is gaining momentum, and this is inspiring, that is, it is cool, thank you, it's important, you have to think about it too, simple things, yes, what and understand it, andriy andreykiv. and you will have the following question: what about us, how to ensure this unity of society, because the fact that they want to separate us, divide us,
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turn us against each other into pessimists and realists and those who are very optimistic to divide, this is a fact, and this is exactly what the enemy uses, but what can unity provide us? all things in our life arise twice, first in our imagination. conceptual apparatus, and then in reality, and any result, it is a combination of two elements of content that multiply at will, when for everyone, regardless of his status, religious affiliation, place where he lives, civilian or military, will be fundamental things are the same, and if we have to have a common denominator, and this common denominator existed, it was in the beginning, where everyone lived. one, everyone was ready to run as a soldier, as i say, i repeat, we had 16-year-olds in the training camps there, and even the oldest grandfather would get up at 6:00 in the morning , do push-ups, he was 78, and we were surprised,
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we told grandfather, go rest , in fact, i have a certain academic understanding of why people are tired, because the theory of stress and social stress says that a person cannot be under stress all the time, this cortisol also has s... its periodicity, and that is why the classics of military science say there from sunji to 36 stratem that war cannot last long, and always attack when something is in excess, and defend when something is lacking, why we now we are not moving forward and why we have not moved from the place, even compared to the 22nd year, the wall street journal gave a photo of the work. and printed statistics that in the year 22 the ukrainian army liberated 800 square miles, and in the year 23 with such great support and financial
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assistance, we freed only 200 km, that is, here the language of statistics says that the understanding of the content, the will is there, it did not happen anywhere, the understanding of the content, which would be conceptually conveyed to everyone, that is... how long should the war last , how should it end, distribution of rights and responsibilities, distribution by regions, distribution according to the functional principle, when everyone will be clear in this mosaic of social relations, where is his place and where is his added value of each day lived, so i would talk about some reformatting ukrainian society into three main categories, which will allow us to survive, and these categories are the first, that is, the visionaries. the second - there are capitalists there or biz or business and the third - these are actually warriors, that is, there must be an environment of visionaries who will form new values ​​based on their new experience.
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so we talked in your previous broadcast with a soldier of the 80th brigade who was left with amputated legs, and i believe that such people who have gone through combat experience remain human, and in the 14th year, after hearing the news from kharkiv, he himself went in the army these people must form public narratives for everyone, they must be public authorities and moral and ethical pillars, whether they are musicians, soldiers, writers, it does not matter, but there must be someone who forms the agenda of the social essence, who we are, according to that we fight, and thus form the subjectivity of everyone. the second is directly our business, it is a business that should work for the defense, regardless of what it does, because, sorry, some will donate, and for others the national bank. there is a separate the resolution that allows almost 2 billion to be taken abroad to repay their obligations under eurobonds, you see, i and everyone else understand that these companies, where they are taking them to europe, are
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our companies. through which they either direct loans or make reinvestments, that is, some collect the last themselves, and others allow to withdraw 2 billion and at the same time make some good money, let's continue the interesting topic, we will continue on our youtube channel, on the espresso broadcast, maybe some other time , we will thank everyone viewers of the espresso tv channel, go to youtube, 21:15 next week on thursday , we will traditionally see you. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says,
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bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena chernin a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. the cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and
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and. there are 10% discounts on zippel in psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews. goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp delivery facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads
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, we will have even better ones, a special look at... in ukraine, on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of kyiv.


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