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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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the position to put on the agenda the legalization of local self-government support for security and defense forces 219 out of the required 226, that is, do we really want to mobilize or do we not want to mobilize, because in addition to mobilizing people and changing the age, we need to mobilize all possible resources for this, and it turns out that one hand says: here hey-hey, we will do something, and the other either does not sign what has already been... adopted, or keeps its deputies there under control, let's be honest, with a monomajority, so that they did not support those or other draft laws for the mobilization of resources, and there is a little bit of, well, cognitive dissonance, and you think that it is only a matter of politics, some part of ukrainian politicians are simply afraid of becoming unpopular with the people, or are there any other reasons? unfortunately, unfortunately, i have to say that this is a very...
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serious factor, in our country, when the parliament was working in 2022, my colleagues told me that, to my great regret, i did not hold such meetings, there was an absolute consensus, politicians of various political forces and they voted almost without discussion, therefore that a certain large-scale invasion had begun, and they - why do i say they, because i was already in the combat zone from the beginning of march 22 , but my colleagues made unpopular decisions responsibly and without politicking. now that we are entering the 11th year of the war, the third year of a full-scale invasion, for many politicians, well, they have already begun to forget a little bit what is happening and have moved a little bit into a parallel reality, so my appeal, taking advantage of the opportunity, all of us citizens have the opportunity write, at least in social networks, write directly to your representatives in parliament, majority deputies, simply analyze and say, we expect such decisions from you, for example, draft law 9559d, which from... can attract
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billions of hryvnias, which local self-government bodies, communities are willing to voluntarily transfer military units, it has been blocked for 7 months, let us all put pressure on the deputies, let us all as citizens take a stand and shake them up a little, because it seems to us that by default it should happen like this, but here it turns out, the president says, we don't need such large-scale mobilization, the president doesn't sign a law, let alone a bill, in which there is already a reduction. the conscription age is up to 25 years , the president blocks, including , unfortunately, i have to say this, the bill that i have already mentioned, on the legalization of support for local self-government bodies, security and defense forces, and we are like, well, what is going on, well , we have already won the war, we have already returned to the borders of 91, no, maybe, by the way, i am only assuming, or i am asking you, maybe on the west also notices this and... that is why,
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when foreign guests come to kyiv, they make such loud statements about mobilization, or why? when i heard this statement about the mobilization of people, from the side of our international partners, i will tell you honestly, as a military man, as a simple person, a ukrainian, this causes dissatisfaction in me, well , because i understand when we talk about joint plans, when we when we talk about resources, when we talk about strategy, this is our partnership. but now ukraine, no matter how pathetic it sounds, is stopping russia, the aggressor, which will not stop at ukraine, and this is a fact. and our partners are now similar to the position there in 1940, when they already occupied france almost completely, central europe and hitler 's germany was crushing great britain, and many of the then developed countries of the west simply took a waiting position and said: we are with you, but we are not... we will not
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join these hostilities, i am more impressed by the position of macron, who clearly stated that the war will probably reach such a phase that they will also fight on the territory of our country representatives of nato countries, in particular representatives of his native france, or is this like an announcement of the third world war? the third world war, unfortunately, unofficial, hybrid, undeclared, started a long time ago, because we are not fighting against russia, russia created an axis of evil from the north. korea has unprecedented facts of supplying ammunition and armored vehicles through third countries to russia. we are at war against iran, which supplies not only drones, not only missiles to russia, not publicly, obviously, we are actually fighting against cuban mercenaries, who are fighting on the side of russia, china has been seen repeatedly in support of russia, that is, we already see a certain axis of the east, which is fighting together , including its own... citizens, citizens
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of their countries, and i am convinced that talking about what to tell foreigners about the fact that ukrainians should go and mobilize is right, it is fair, but is it ethical? i just have this aftertaste, well , i'll just add that this appeal, it was already sounded against the background of the fact that the american aid to ukraine is stuck, for ukraine in the congress, it is constantly promised, but this process takes a very long time, thank you very much, roman luzynskyi, people's deputy, voice faction and former soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, a participant in hostilities, we discussed the prospect of mobilizing both people and resources in ukraine. thank you very much. at the summit of the european union, which started today in brussels, it is unlikely that a decision will be made on the confiscation of income from frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. hungary opposes spending this money on the purchase of weapons for the armed forces. this was written by the publication deutsche veli with reference to
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a senior european diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity. according to him, there is a common understanding among most of the eu countries that the confiscated russian money should...go to the purchase of weapons and ammunition for the ukrainian military, but hungary is convinced that the money should be used for anything other than weapons. why this is such a fundamental issue for budapest, we will talk about shortly, but here it should be noted that not only hungary, austria openly opposed the transfer of interest from frozen russian assets for armaments of ukraine. the position of vienna was voiced by the chancellor of the country. according to him, the money should be spent on reconstruction, not on weapons. well, it looks like this is indeed a very controversial topic for'. union, another controversial issue at the summit, according to the interlocutor of dochavela, was the discussion on eu expansion. there are member states that oppose the opening of negotiations with ukraine and moldova under the belgian presidency of the eu. the diplomat said this, but he said that he refused, or rather
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to clarify which countries are in question. let me remind you that the presidency of belgium in the european union will last until july 1, after which it will pass to hungary. well, back... to the eu summit in brussels, my colleague olena abramovych, a correspondent of radio liberty, is following it, she is joining us. olena, are the eu countries preparing, perhaps, some kind of compromise solution on the issue of using russian assets specifically to arm ukraine? and congratulations, actually, well, literally an hour ago, i asked this question to the diplomats here on the sidelines of the summit, as i explained that actually this proposal on frozen assets is quite new, it is only 24 hours old, and in principle in any... in any case, even if all countries were in favor, today, there would be no final decision, because it is a document on dozens of pages to study and discuss. and the project itself is already quite compromised at the moment, and first of all, it is not about the assets themselves now, but only about the interest income that they generate, which is about 3 billion euros per year, and what
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has already accumulated over the previous two years by with this proposal, instead of touching them, these several billion euros will be left in case of legal proceedings with russia, russia is already starting them. and they will not be used for the aid of ukraine for at least 5 years, according to the proposal of the european commission, and they are proposing to use new revenues from february 15 of this year, a separate account was created for this purpose, the codes are already calculating the interest, and the accumulated amounts are proposed to be transferred to the european peace fund twice a year, the first tranche is planned for july, and what if this one the proposal will be accepted, and here is an important point, that this is the same fund, the european peace fund, from which you... hungary has been blocking payments since last summer, that is, for nine months, and hungarian prime minister viktor orban has not walked in the red on the path past journalists before the summit, that is, he did not answer any questions, but his chief adviser baláš orbán was here on the sidelines, we spoke with him, he once again insisted that
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hungary will not give any money for weapons, even if they offer distribute these interest funds to others, i.e i don't know whether to give 15% for weapons, and the rest for the reconstruction of ukraine. hungary will still be against, against any percentage, will agree only if all the money is used in full, for any purpose that does not concern the war. and in the kremlin, by the way, they have already promised prosecution for many decades for those officials who will make decisions regarding russian assets, and the german chancellor, who is at the summit, reminded others that profits from assets are not russian money at all. they do not belong to russia. it's disposable income that... doesn't belong to anyone and can therefore also be used by the european union. in my opinion, of course, it will be used primarily to get the weapons and ammunition that ukraine needs for its defensive struggle. so this is a big topic that we want to cover today. half an hour ago , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, addressed the leaders
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, he also said that it is necessary to use the profits for weapons for ukraine, but also for reconstruction, and the assets themselves, and in general, he called on the leaders... not to waste time, to increase their weapons production already, and actually another big topic of this summit is the transfer of the economy of the european union to military rails, and where to get the money for this, is being discussed today? whether to issue defense bonds or to go the other way, there are a lot of such technical discussions, and the president of the european council, charles michel , wrote a column to the french media shortly before the summit that countries should prepare for war with russia, that is, more and more leaders are now speaking out about it, and here, for example, what the dutch prime minister, mark ruta, said on this issue. of course, there is this concern, which is why we also massively support ukraine, many, in particular, i believe that if russia succeeded, it would not stop. on this in ukraine, putin will continue, and it ultimately affects the security of the entire nato alliance, of which
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most eu countries are members, so it has direct consequences, that's why it's so important to stop it. ugh, and another topic of the summit, as you said vlasto, is the expansion of the european union, in fact, just a few weeks before the summit, diplomats are already commented on the fact that at the moment several countries are not ready for this, it is not only hungary, which recently... these processes, but it is actually also such large countries as france and germany, which, let's say, are not ready to do this is a step before the european elections in order not to give weapons into the hands of populists. as for ukrainian grain, both populists and farmers, that is, this is a topic that worries everyone, it will also be discussed by the leaders today, they did not plan to do this, since a decision was supposed to be made the day before compromise regarding ukrainian agricultural products entering the eu, but could not approve this decision. therefore, the leaders will also discuss it, that is, in what way , what compromise decision
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can be made regarding ukrainian imports, and actually france and poland will propose to introduce restrictions on agricultural products from ukraine, so that these restrictions are at the level of 2021, and ursola fondelaien, in general the eu should discuss the possibilities, in principle, to impose a certain blockade on russian grain. eu, thank you very much, elena abramovich live from brussels and to our air. joins dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy. dmytro, good evening , we don't have much time, but i have literally two questions for you, and do you understand why hungary categorically opposes ukraine using interest from frozen russian assets for weapons, well, what difference will it make? good evening, because the kremlin will be offended, it's simple, there are very close ties, very such... complementary ties, very financially based connections , i.e. putin, sorry, orban is afraid of putin and
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afraid of financial losses, because clearly the kremlin, well who but orban, is financially dependent on the kremlin, this does not mean that he is being bribed, but it is the supply of oil to the urals and these are surplus profits of the mol corporation, this is the paksh nuclear power plant and a loan, which it is not clear how hungary has been using for 10 years, and this is a project for, well, for... encrypted, well, they also have other joint ventures there, they make wagons and so on so on and so on, so orban has to to be against, so it's not a fact that he will block something, but he must be against, uh, then one more question, until july 1 , belgium will preside over the eu, and then hungary, to what extent hungary's presidency of the eu can affect the start of enlargement negotiations the european union, because ukraine claims to be a member of the european union, well... you know, even without the presidency of the eu council, hungary with its
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european commissioner for enlargement, this is oliver vargei, so this is already his mandate, if it ends, and obviously hungary , well, the big questions that she will have as a european commissioner next, i i hope, to be honest, it looks like something will be symbolic, hungary will no longer be trusted with such a responsible portfolio, but again, we will see, this is a subject of negotiations, at one time orbán bargained very well with macron and merkel and received this very mandate, then ... even without the chairmanship, vargei did everything to slow down our european integration for one reason or another, yes, and the chairmanship of the yest council itself is not special, something can somehow put a stick in our wheels, although, you know, this is a question of when the negotiation framework, actually, i don't know approved, started, because there are several stages of the procedures, and hungary is planning to take its part here, yes, covering up first of all, and i deliberately say the word covering up. with the issue of the rights of the hungarian national minority, that is, now it is more of a reason for blocking than any
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substantive comments, well, which claim a veto, so all ukraine decided in principle in december last year before the vote to open negotiations. dmytro, thank you, i hope that when this summit is over, we will definitely return to ukrainian-hungarian relations, because there is something to discuss, there is no time for that now. dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the central european institute. strategy was on radio svoboda. well, that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website, like this broadcast. questions, remarks, comments are welcome in the chat under the broadcast, in this way you will support our work and independent journalism, until tomorrow,
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united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we begin. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk about the war. sergey zgurets will talk with us and how the world is living now, about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchenko is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. but the news sport review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who
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have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. we are looking for three-year-old artemchyk vykrystenko. we received information about the boy's disappearance two weeks ago. i know that the child lived in the kherson region, in the kakhov district, in a village brotherly love this is the left bank of the region, the territory has been occupied for a long time, so i hope that this is... precisely because of this, it is not possible to find out the whereabouts of the child, in fact , everything is fine with artem and he is safe. if anyone suddenly has information about three-year-old artem, may have seen him or knows where he is now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian
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mobile operator are free. it is also possible to transfer information using the chatbot of the child search service. in telegram any information is important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. i'm already shouting as much as i can, this is how they tied their hands and said to swim, here i am at the moment... karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion , she went to her father and stayed with him. this one the territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, and in april of last year, the connection
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with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and where is she now , no one knows, i have already written everywhere, even here on this territory to search for the child, because i don’t know where they are shouting, how to find the child, i can’t... if anyone has seen karina kanivets, does she
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at least know something about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to... the bot of the child tracing service in telegram. i'm really looking forward to it. thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories , where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems,
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anyone can help find missing children, take a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource. through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua. on the air from washington, the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i'm yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. ukraine needs more
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us help to defend itself against an unwarranted full-scale invasion by russia. us ambassador to ukraine bridget brink emphasized this again after another russian missile attack on kyiv. meanwhile, the bill, which provides for more than 60 billion dollars in aid to ukraine, yes and... did not advance in the house of representatives, already on friday the legislators will go on an easter break and will only return to work only on april 9. we need help from congress, pentagon deputy spokeswoman sabrina singh reiterated today. my colleague ostapyarysh asked her about how the us department of defense feels about the republicans' idea of ​​giving aid to kyiv as a loan, and whether she hopes that lawmakers will unblock funding for ukraine after all. we hear more and more. talks on the capital hill about providing aid credit to ukraine. even some democrats now say they might be open to the idea, too. are you considering this option of providing military aid
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to ukraine in the form of a loan? this is still being worked out by congress. i will not preempt this process. i think i talked about it recently. now ukraine is fighting for its life and is trying to fight for its sovereign territory every day. and it is very difficult to burden the lending program. we know that now ukraine has to make strategic decisions about withdrawing from certain territories to strengthen their defensive lines. these are really tough, tough decisions that they have to make because we can't provide them with the capabilities and systems they need because we don't have that authorization from congress. so the best way we can support ukraine is for congress to... approve additional funding so that we can continue to provide these arms packages. we heard the defense minister, who convened the ukrainian defense panel earlier this week,
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say very strongly that we will not allow it. ukraine to suffer collapse, and we will not allow it, but we need the help of congress to give ukraine what it needs. european union leaders said wednesday they have found a legal way to use frozen russian assets to provide military aid to ukraine. in particular , josep borel, the eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, told journalists about this. if the plan is approved, ukraine could receive 3 billion dollars a year... for military needs, and the first tranche of this aid, as reported by the media, could arrive already in july. we will talk more about this, as well as the results of the first day of the summit of eu leaders in brussels, with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. bohdan, congratulations, so the use of frozen russian assets for the needs of ukraine has been discussed for a long time, can it be assumed that the eu has now found a solution and what details of the plan are currently known? yes, they are long. language, we know
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about almost 300 billion dollars of russian state assets, mainly assets of the russian central bank, which are frozen in western countries, mainly in europe, and this money is lying, many european leaders and ukraine are also calling for it to be used, and that it would be fair for that money to go away from aggressive russia. precisely on compensation for aid to ukraine, a victim of russian aggression, and in fact, until now everything has been based on the fact that the use of the assets themselves currently seems impossible, or the ways for this have not yet been developed, instead , proposals for using the profits that come in have gained greater clarity, clearer outlines. ..
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from those investments, from russian ones frozen funds, and as you already said , yulia, for example, mr. borel believes that it could be about 3 billion euros or dollars per year, most of those funds, the europeans propose, should go to a special fund that would purchase military aid for ukraine, that is, it is not about giving money to ukraine. again, and on the one hand, there are still problems, for example, again, as is always the case in hungary, viktor orbán's government in hungary says that he is against his country being involved in a european union program that buys weapons for ukraine, because hungary does not want to help
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ukraine from the very beginning of the invasion. to defend against russian aggression, but today german chancellor olaf scholz spoke about these proposals or even about a possible solution as very specific, here are his words. here we have reached an agreement, it is all about earnings, in other words, those funds that are earned from assets. for me , it is important that we direct them clearly, for example, for the purchase of ammunition, i am absolutely sure. that we are sending a very clear signal to putin. he miscalculated if believed that we will not be able to support ukraine as much as needed, and the use of surplus profits is a small but important component. bohdan, bloomberg today also reported that, according to their data, the united states offered the g7 partners another mechanism for using frozen russian assets to issue a bond, it is about the amount of 50 billion dollars and using the received funds for the benefit
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of ukraine. what is it about and how effective can it be? yes, it seems that these proposals are multiplying as, in particular, in the united states has been delaying the decision to allocate funds for aid to ukraine for several months. so, this is one of the proposals, the issuance of bonds, i.e. securities, which would be based on funds, frozen funds from russia. of the central bank, this is a proposal that would obviously have development, and we will monitor what the representatives of the g7 countries say. it is interesting that similar proposals are also being heard in the european union, there is a proposal that the eu should issue bonds or securities specially designated as an investment, as way to raise money to help
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finance. aid to ukraine, and again .


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