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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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greetings, i'm olga len, these are the chronicles of hostilities, and let's immediately go to the map of hostilities to see what has happened in our country in recent days. the turn of hostilities for the period of
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march 13-20, 2024, the rf palai terrorizes sumy oblast, but the front fights back. in all 10 years of war with russia, the week before putin's reappointment became the most explosive for the residents of the russian federation, especially in the belgorod region. meanwhile, the armed forces of ukraine managed to restrain the enemy in most directions. in order to continue the pace of the offensive on all areas of the front, the russians are already recruiting their new ones strategic reserves, especially near the kupyansk temporary ravine and work. avdiyivka the occupiers continue to advance towards our main line of defense in the avdiiv direction with heavy losses. however, their pace slowed down significantly. ukrainian soldiers physically eliminate most of the meat stormtroopers. however, the armed forces cannot hold on to completely destroyed villages indefinitely either. in a week, the rashists managed to almost completely occupy orlivka. occupy the southern part of berdychi, as well as advance in the southern part of lastochkino. total depth. on
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the west does not exceed 1 km, in the near future it is likely that the armed forces of the russian federation will be able to completely push back the defense forces of zorlivka and lastochkino, and then they will engage in a water obstacle. recently , a video appeared on the internet, how during the assault of the armed forces of the russian federation on the village of berdychi, our bradley destroyed an enemy bmp and all its passengers. an interesting fact, some of them were mobilized at the beginning of march, this indicates how much the occupiers were in a hurry to show the result and break through to the front near avdiivka on the eve of the so-called elections putin however, they did not succeed, a little further south, in this direction, the invaders attacked the village of nevelske, which covers the enemy's advance on pervomaiske from the south. the occupiers even announced that they had captured the settlement, but this information turned out to be fake, so it should be expected that the storming of the village will continue in the near future so that the rashists can justify themselves to the leadership. luhansk region and donetsk region during the week. the enemy, who previously tried to break through
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our defenses in the kupyan and liman directions in the luhansk region, as well as in chasovo yaru, georgiivtsi and novomykhaivtsi in donetsk region. however, all these attempts were repelled. the bloodiest battles took place in the central parts of the villages of ivanivske and novomykhaivka, which are of tactical importance for maintaining the defense of the temporary ravine and ugledar. works are not the tokmat direction of zaporizhzhia. about a month has passed since the russians stepped up on the southern front to revise the results. summer counteroffensive of the armed forces. if the defense forces are successfully restraining the invaders in the berdyansk direction near staromaisky, then the situation near robotinsky is similar the performance is becoming more and more acute. rashists attack the robots from three sides, trying to bite off pieces of de-occupied land. during the week, they expanded the gray zone from the southern outskirts of the village, and also intensified assaults from the western side. heavy counter-battles have been going on for several days in a row between the robot and the recruit. first the assists.
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broke through from the south and from the east, but the armed forces first retreated, and then drove the enemy back to their initial positions, however, the second wave of invaders still managed to push back the defense forces by several square kilometers to west of verbovoy and thereby narrow the robotic ledge, which is already being shot along and across, by almost a kilometer. this section of the front is likely to be one of the most tense in the near future. raid to the south of russia. despite the fact that the second raid of russian volunteers on... levhorod region and kursk region is still ongoing, it can already be assessed as more successful than the first one, which took place almost a year ago. this time , the newly created siberian battalion joined the russian volunteer battalion and the legion of freedom of russia, increasing the number storage. the volunteers also managed to expand the geography of their raid and make the campaign more long-term. if in the kursk region the fighting was fought only in the area of ​​the border village of tetkina, then in the belgorod region they spread over an area of ​​almost 100 kilometers and affected nearby villages. the city of gaivoron, the settlements of horkivskyi,
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lozova rudka, as well as zhuravlivka and nova tavilzhanka. belgorod found itself under the daily strikes of our drones and shelling of its own air defense. in russian nations. 35,000 contingent is located in the territory, the main the purpose of which is to cover the border, protect logistics routes and prepare reserves. so far, after a week of fighting, the russian occupying forces have not managed to take control of their own border and eliminate a number of uncontrolled gray zones created by russian rebels. in addition, the trend of the development of events indicates that there will be more and more gray areas on the border, and over time they may turn into a certain hybrid bridgehead. instead, terrorist russia opened a barrage of artillery fire, the rszvi does not even hesitate to drop coffee in the village sumshchyna a russian gas station is on fire. in 7 days, the sbu and gur attacked six oil refineries, five of them were successful, especially valuable were the hits on the ryazan and kstovsky, nizhnygorodsk
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oil refineries, which are among the top five largest oil refineries and in total process 10% of oil, or 34 million tone. in addition, the refinery in slovyansk na... ban, sizran and the first plant in the kaluga region, which together are capable of processing 12 million tons of oil, or 4% of the russian industry, caught fire. unfortunately, the attack on the novokuybeshiv refinery was unsuccessful almost 70% of russia's oil refining capacity is located within the 1,000-kilometer range of our drones. taking into account previous strikes on refineries in january and february, we probably stopped almost 25% of oil processing by eight. 10 million tons. we win daily, death to enemies. well, these are the stories, and the most interesting of them is, of course, this little bit, one might say, of the postponement of the war on the territory of russia. and actually, let's talk a little about this and other
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points with andriy kramerov, he is an officer of the air force reserve of the armed forces of ukraine. greetings sir andrei i congratulate you. well, look, for me , the most interesting thing was that... the russians actually hit their own villages with aviation, i understand that they don't really want to reinforce the 35,000 that are already in the belgorod region with some kind of reserve forces there. and this was determined by the use of aviation on its own territory, but how can it develop in the future , and in general, this whole situation, what can it give us? well, the question here is not that they don't want to start there reserves, believe me, the group that is there, it is more than enough, it is in any case, at least in terms of personnel, overwhelming the forces of the enemy, the question of quality, and what these forces consist of, this is not a professional
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contract army, these are their regular units , which are mostly formed from, well, almost completely, or rather, formed from... what is called, well, from conscripts, and with these forces they, well, this is not the same army, not the professional army that fights on the territory ukraine, and the threat is quite serious, and the russians, well, they let's say, they are fighting with what they learned best on our land, they saw the effectiveness of these adjusted aerial bombs, and here they are... indeed they are in their own villages, but unfortunately for us, the worst thing is that when and in our villages, in the border villages , especially those that concern sumy, those that are located in the sumy oblast, it also flew in quite a lot, unfortunately for us, because they are trying to
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do this, let's say, well thus impressing in order to clear this border zone, and accordingly, at a minimum, there is also... managed to break certain communication routes, routes of possible logistics through this zone, which are used there by these soldiers, let’s call them opposition, paramilitary formations of russia, and accordingly in this way, well, to create an impression, because those 30,000, which in they are located all over the belgorod region , they are also responsible for kurshchyna, their quality and staffing, well , in fact, it does not... gives them the opportunity to effectively conduct combat operations there, the first people they threw into battle were, first for everything there several special units of the federal security service are already, let's say, somewhat more in the rear, they have exactly the regu, well, not
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the regu, let's say, their regular army, which mostly consists of conscripts, that is , if they throw them into battle, well against higher-quality ones... professional ones, even military ones, which there are, in particular, as far as i know, there are especially many of them precisely in the russian volunteer corps, then they respectively, well, you understand, it will be completely... different, if they put conscripts, they remember their own this is the experience of the first chechen war, when they also threw conscripts into battle, who began to come home in zincs and there were riots, which after that were even in their authoritarian society, that's why they are now using this story, aviation - it quickly gets out, big combat capability, well , in principle, they do not hesitate to inflict when they had problems with the fact that... there was a so-called guided launch of ammunition there, when they also dropped aerial bombs on the same
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belgorod region, in principle, it is of no use to them did not particularly teach, well, you know, i would not draw such a direct parallel between what is happening in sumy oblast and these raids by volunteer battalions, because , in fact, the russians entered sumy oblast and the derg and there were shellings, well, during all this time, that is, it cannot be said that it was quiet there, it was not there. well, but pogo, i can tell you 100% that the intensity was completely different, the intensity was completely different, and if we look, again, in sumy oblast, there are places, more precisely, our villages, which, let's say, suffered the most, we let's see what it is just the main, well, roads that further lead to belgorod region, that is, they also strike, well, for the purpose of what is called cutting off the possibility of communication, ugh, well , it was used for the first time... it seems that half a ton and a half of a bomb is also before that it seems that this did not happen there, no, the first
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one and a half tons of bombs were used during the storming of avdiyivka, no, i mean in sumy oblast , precisely in sumy oblast, in sumy oblast, yes, before that, it was not there, in general, they are shelling chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, and kharkiv oblast, but they have aviation there aviation was not used they are mainly su-24s, primarily with modified air bombs they use. exactly along the line of combat engagement, since it was not a line of combat engagement, well, in addition to the drg, there was also some regular shelling, for example, in order to cover the same drg move, this is a classic, artillery shelling is carried out, under which, what is called the drg measures, the same can be done in order for the drg to leave, to cover up, well, mr. andriy, since you, you are an officer of the air force, let me talk more about the air force with you, well on this one literally. these days they showed such a video in denmark, how ukrainian
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pilots train in denmark, i understand on f-16 planes, well, more or less we know what is being said there, that they are supposed to appear somewhere in the summer, something like that, and here it is, here it is, in particular, these shots, and here you know, in view of this, there are several things here that are so interesting that you want to find out right away. you have, well , first of all, eh, if we talk about the confrontation of the planes, eh, whether being in the 16th such an effective weapon against the same bombers of the 24th and what protects them is the su-35, that is, how effective can it be? you know, i want to tell you, as i once said, on paper , the anti-aircraft missile... the patriot complex in the pek-3 modification was supposed to shoot down russian hypersonic dagger missiles, but i always
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made the assumption that, well, but in practice this has never happened, and accordingly we cannot, well, theoretically it should, but in practice, as it turned out fortunately for us, that in practice, in principle, everything is all russian ballistics, there are hypersonic missiles, the system the patriot is capable of intercepting, and here... the question regarding the f-16, first of all, is a very important point of which modification they will arrive in ukraine, because the first modifications there are the beginning, the end of the 70s, the beginning of the 80s, from those modernizations that already took place in the zeros, in the 10s, well, it’s simple, well, fundamentally, i would say, they differ in terms of their capabilities, first of all, in relation to fire control systems, radio... location stations, and even there the engines were replaced with
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more economical, but at the same time more powerful, and therefore the variations of this aircraft, it probably this, well its peculiarity is that it is a so-called, well it is a constructor, it is the first plane created with a so-called modular system, which, at the same time, allows it to be very conveniently maintained and allows it to be improved and modernized very quickly, and . individual nodes can be modernized there without necessarily connecting this modernization with other nodes, so theoretically, if it will even be from what is known. about there european modifications, which were carried out in the late 90s, beginning, mid-zero, there almost until the end of the zero years, then from what is known , they still, well, how should they give us, well , if not that they have superiority in the air right away, but they will be able to compete decently,
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that is, at least they should drive away both the su-35 and the su 34 himself. su-34, because it is a fighter-bomber, it is actually the avionics of the su-24, which was integrated into the airframe of the su-27, but with some changes there, it has a wider cockpit , it has a slightly different fuselage, and additional ones were also installed there, let's say, small ailerons that should improve it maneuverability, but in general, according to ttx, its maneuverability characteristics. they are actually, well, not outstanding at all, but for sorry to interrupt you, but you know, it seems to me that for our, well, viewers, it is probably more important that these su 34 can launch a missile there at a distance of 70 km, not a missile, but this planning aerial bomb, at a distance of 50-70 km there, and whether
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the f-16 will shoot them down at these distances from the front line, remember. a corrected air bomb is not capable, well, theoretically not capable of intercepting any, i mean the plane itself, when it is on from the front, the plane itself has the latest modification of the f-16, it was an integrated air-to-air missile of the so-called average improved range of 120 m rams in the configuration there c7, if i am not mistaken. action has already been taken for this, it has an effective operating range of 120 km, the f16 plane of european modernization has avionics that allow and a radar station that allows it to see into the front hemisphere at a distance of 160-170 km, this is without any additional ground stations that they can also, for example, the same anapq-53 radar, which
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used by the patriot system, it works much further than the rocket system works. patriot, and it can exchange targeting with the same f16s, as an example, and yes, in theory it should see it, and the m-120 mrm missile should intercept it before it even enters its launch zone, while let's say, in the last, well, that is, in the last two weeks or so , the russians began to fly even there to a distance of 35-50, not 50-70, but somewhat even closer. such distances are, let's say, working, and at such distances he has so to compete, must knock down, must, firstly he will see them, secondly knock them down, well , he must knock them down, but the practice, unfortunately, we will see only in the sky above our earth, then, you know, a little more on the other side of the question, which is also quite often people put like that, actually
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the russians, well, they just converted ordinary air bombs into guided air bombs. and here is the question, why don't we do the same, why don't we also use these aerial bombs, we don't have these aerial bombs, do we have nothing to drop them from, are there any other humanitarian ones there the reasons for which we do not do this for the russians, for the russian occupation forces? well, first of all, it's not entirely correct to say, they reworked, they equipped them with a special module in the ipc, which is classically aviab'. for the soviet union , if i'm not mistaken, the nine-ton fab-900 was the most difficult, they equip it, in fact , just a bomb, they put a special such glider with an adjustable steering and navigation system, which has actually already been converted into
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an adjustable aerial bomb, first of all we also use it. .. corrected aerial bombs, but we use the american jdum and the french asm hammer and we use it actually quite successfully, it's basically, well, let's say this, they're completely competitors, it's a completely similar system, and that in principle, as i understand it, the western models, they are, well, much they are really more accurate, we use them, also the 29, but i understand that they are not so powerful, not 500 there , this is not from 500. the miton begins, e-e, in the days , the french ones begin, this is 100% 250 kg combat unit, american two versions in we have it 227 and 454 454, well, it is a competitor with fap-500 15 tons, well, there are none, the americans don’t have them at all, if they have other, let’s say
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, weapons samples, they will be reprimanded to fulfill the task of delivering such a powerful combat unit, and theoretically, the french bomb, they have a program to improve it to 1000 kg, but then again , they have other means impressions that can perform virtually the same function. and as for why we don't use, well, first of all, i'm not sure that we have as many of these fabs left as in russia, because they had them, because they had weapons are strategic bombers, which drop all these bombs in the classic carpet bombings, by the way, the same thing that we saw during the storming of the mariupol siege, to which we did not have... the means to get their strategic aviation in any way, and with their strategic aviation, they simply carried out carpet bombings, such as we saw there, you know, back in the days, probably
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the last time of the second world war, well , probably the second world war, and they have this reserve, i understand that we have a simple one there is no stock of these bombs, and then you take into account the fact that our partners supply us with, let's say, more effective ammunition, that's why we use it, uh, well, now we're still in the second half of the program, a little more specifically about the front line let's talk about banhmuth's use of drones in military operations, but now we have to go to a break and let's come back after the break and continue our conversation. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. karsil gives the liver strength. there are discounts on cars of 15% in travel pharmacies, ban and savings. there are discounts on spasmal tablets,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for... caring and thinking politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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we continue the chronicles of the war and i will remind you.
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to you that it is very important to have cars on the front that are constantly breaking down because they are being fired upon, getting into various situations there, and now we are calling to join a very important collection for three four-wheel drive vehicles, these are powerful land cruisers for the air reconnaissance group, the main intelligence management, pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of the dead, heroev, this is all we want to collect 900 uah. please support our collection, any contribution you make will be very important and much needed. you have an account number, you have a qr code. please join, this is a very important piece. and we will continue the conversation on the air with andrii kramerov, and we were also joined by such a pharmacist, the commander
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of the azgard strike group under open eyes, i congratulate you, mr. pharmacist, i congratulate you, i wish you health, tell us, you know, probably, first a little all the same, what is happening in your area directly, as i understand it, in the bahamian direction, has it increased or decreased in intensity, more or less is being used now in these, well, there armored vehicles, that is, some such, what, on this weeks from...
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since you, after all, are dealing with drones, you probably should have heard some such conversations about the fact that there was a speech by one of your colleagues, who said that in the near future the russians would come out there for some such that literally on each of us they will have a fighter on a drone, then there appeared certain videos that the russians again spread, how they are increasing the production of drones, how do you now generally evaluate saturated. of the front with drones, and the ratio , i would say, the saturation of the front with drones is very dense, very dense on both sides, what was the enemy, what is ours, that is, i don’t think that there is any parity of the controlling opponent regarding the fp of drones there and something else, i think that in... my opinion, that we are
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a little, not in quantity, but a little in quality ahead, and this is great for us, mr. andriy, well, actually, we are talking about quality, well, how much we are able to preserve it, and, how much we are really able, well, at least, not something that cannot be lost, this one of ours, this one of ours advantage, where we can increase it, you will think, well, a lot depends on the fact that, firstly, well, we are really progressing very much, i am not where, i hope, mr. herman, well, let's put it this way, will confirm my words that we have thanks to the fact that, by the way, the private sector and volunteers, mostly at the first stages, let's say financed both production and improvement, and i am personally acquainted with several manufacturers, including fp drones there, well, these are people who, let's say,
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are quite fanatical about it, not even how. there is some entrepreneurial activity, a lot is invested in it, but serhii sternenko yesterday posted the first video of the first ukrainian drone with artificial artificial intelligence, in fact it is just a system for capturing a target and then bringing the drone to the target without the mandatory control of the operator at the last stage, where you can see there was a lot it is clearly stated when the connection itself already disappears, but at the same time the drone still appears for 10 or 15 seconds in, let's say, automatic mode in homing mode, if more correctly, in homing mode it continues to hit the target, and this is very good, we hope there is information that, for example, canada is interested in buying specifically ukrainian fpv drones, there is a certain development with us in terms of the combat part, this is
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very good, but at the same time it is not necessary, let's say so.


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