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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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many are investing in it, but serhiy sternenko yesterday posted the first video of the ukrainian first drone with, well, artificial conditional intelligence, in fact it is just a system for capturing the target and then bringing the drone to the target, without the mandatory control of the operator at the last stage, where it can be seen that it was very clearly stated there when the connection itself already disappears, but at the same time the drone still seems to be there for 10 or 15 seconds in, let's say, automatic mode in homing mode, if more correctly, in homing mode already further hits the target, and this is very good, we hope that there is information that, for example, canada is interested in buying specifically ukrainian fpv drones, there is some development with us in terms of the combat part, this is very good, but it is not necessary ,
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let's say, to throw our enemy off the hook right away, because that's what is good about our enemy, that they sometimes, they know how to replace quality with quantity, and a very large quantity, but in general i believe that progress, especially , well, over the last year there is a very big plus, well, let's be honest, what our guys, our fighters who use the drones, also they're, well, they're probably not... they're probably the best in the world with the most experience. we hope that we will maintain the same pace, first of all , of evolution, technological evolution and improvement of our own drones of various types, and this will allow us to, let's say, interrupt even if the russians are really very actively scaling there, although this is also a very big question, because well they often make very effective throws in terms of their ability to scale there, actually that's about
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of technological production in them , especially new for them, there may always be certain problems with this, but we hope that the pace of technological progress in our fpv drones, and we will keep it, further increase and develop it, maybe we will also be helped by our manufacturers and foreign investments, this is very good, since it is the development of our domestic military industry, and well, in the future, nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless, i consider the enemy... for now, well , write it off completely there, since, as mr. herman said, and as my brothers who are there say now on the front line, which is true in terms of the number of parities, but still in terms of quality, we still have an advantage, albeit a small one, but still, we see these videos that you mentioned, but when we flew there, we lost in a certain way at the moment of communication, well, that is, we have it, well, mr. herman, look, we have already started a little, as if to say. about and about
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the production possibilities and about the possibilities of purchase, as it is now, what could you tell us about this, that is, the peculiarities of your purchase now, for the most part, it is still do you have volunteer birds, do you have any, well, without specifying, of course, but there is some permanent producer with whom you work, there is also a permanent producer with whom we work, there is also a volunteer one, there is also ee, roughly speaking... there the ministry of defense, plus ksv, that is , drones are coming from various er sources, er, well, in this whole, in general, why do i say that there is a problem in and i always said that the problem is that it is, so to speak, a technological thing that is developing very quickly, and if you buy it, well, it's cool, a million drones. there will be a class, everything, everything is fine, but if
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to purchase on such a scale , and we will lose this flexibility of ours, yes, that we can change something, something, well, adapt to, because at the front it changes, everyone there, roughly speaking, there every two, two weeks, if something changes, yes , new slaves, new means, as it were, defeat, they have, we have new means of defeat, that is, these ones are listening there. frequency, it goes to the second, that is , it is such a thing, it is constantly in dynamics, and therefore the fact that they will be bought, and it is obvious, today we already feel that they are already being bought and state, and they reach us, everything is fine, uh, but if they buy in very large batches, then there is such a story that maybe... by the time
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they reach the army, they will be irrelevant, and it will have to be processed for to fight, ugh, such a story, it's interesting, it's interesting, that's how i understand it. that something has already reached you from those state programs, but somehow you would not see the need to scale this state program so much, so much, yes, yes, i understood you correctly, no, look, it is possible to scale it, well, that is, you you know that at the moment there is a new type of army under the order of the president, yes, it's super cool, i think it's... great, well, there's one thing, well , i think it will happen, but we need people who will be at least there to advise this new kind of troops, in order for it to be cool, there should be people from units there who, as if on a combat survey,
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have already been there for a year and a half working with these drones, they understand how it all changes, in which direction , well, that is, they know these dynamics, they know the tactics of using these drones, and then... it will be, i think it will be, well, probably, i just hope for it, so i ’m not saying that it doesn’t need to be done there centrally, it’s good that these drones are relevant now, well, i’m saying that it can happen that they will cease to exist, like when large parties , they will cease to be relevant, and it is necessary to have them there, well, i don't know, that is, of course, there are motors, a frame is there and everything else. it won't go anywhere there, yes, and roughly speaking, there is a connection and everything else, it can change, and it should be understood simply, well, it's generally like that, you know, my task it seems with an asterisk, because the motor frame
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can be mass-produced and produced in large quantities, but what you say is some very necessary flexibility, mr. andriy, but how exactly will this flexibility be provided. here needs to be reformed and improved, first of all, our legislation on procurement by the ministry of defense for the army, why? because here i am as an example, well there, for example, the united states of america, here they can prescribe you, mr. german will understand me, there is a very clear specification, modification, and here, for example, to say, we we buy 100,000, but we don't need them, they will be produced for six months, then they are their modification or a certain type. modernization , it will cease to be relevant, so it is good that the state gives, let’s say, a message and a guarantee, it says: we are ready to buy a million drones in a year, but it is necessary, for example, to say that even the same model of drone, not it is necessary to write down its characteristics very clearly, it can be
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one model, but for example, in january, the 1:0 version will arrive in the army, already in december , there will be a 12:00 version, that is, it is a drone that in a year by... it will be purchased, it is, well, it is like that, for example, very roughly speaking , there will be 12 modernizations, a certain one of its models will receive, it will have 12 modifications, it is good that the state, let's say, sends a message to manufacturers , that they can count on such a volume of purchases, accordingly, from this, we can further understand how much they can invest in production, expand it, and another model, that they can move away from this one, there is a lot of talk about it. it does not only apply to drones or uavs, well, let's say so, more from such a conditionally somewhat rigid procurement system, which does not give high-tech weapons the flexibility to purchase them, because the manufacturer can make a new modification,
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the ministry of defense simply will not accept it, for example, because it will say that it differs in tactics - technical characteristics from what they had in the state order or in the tender, well , this is important, because the people who are responsible for this, they also do not want to sit down because they bought the wrong thing there somewhere it is written, and we understand that from approval to direct purchase, well , it takes 5 months, that is, well, i also strongly support mr. herman in that it is mandatory, it is simply mandatory, that they must be there, the ministry of defense , for example, or in this new type of army , there may be... a certain group is created under his command, which will necessarily consult the ministry of defense, or even establish communication somewhere between the ministry of defense, manufacturers, it should be tripartite history, in order for the army to really, well
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, unfortunately, we have a rather limited and monetary resource in order to use it properly, and in order to purchase exactly what the soldiers need, and not what will go there, well the best for spare parts, well, look , we know about a thousand drones, but there is a flip side to this story, which is called radio electronic warfare and about a program there, i don't know, not a thousand drones, we haven't heard anything, is it supposed to be the same story , mr. herman, or how it should be, well, how to work with it, that's why that it is also relevant, well, actually , well, it is relevant, well, let me say that i can't say that we don't have enough, not that we don't have enough, that we don't have rebs or whatever, they are there, they work and work well in different brigades. in different lanes, i.e. the rebs should
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develop, well, again, it should be a synergy, yes, our direction, i mean drones, strikes, scouts, if if there is no interaction with the rap units, you simply lose your wings, if you have no interaction with intelligence. greatly improved the quality of work in general artillery, that is, the creation of the nettle system and
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the integration of many units there, maybe it is worth talking about the integration of the entire system, as well as unmanned systems of some kind and everyone who works with it, maybe it should be a different system, what do you think about this, how much is it is the story realistic at all? well, today the units work with different systems. such as nettles, eyes, delta, that is, the tower, we seem to have a wide range of these tools today, some are better in one aspect, others are better in another aspect, but we take what if gives us maximum information and interaction with other units, i.e. if... the tool does not give, we take the second one, if if we can currently
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use three or four there in order to, because different units, again well, different systems work with different systems, so we have to be flexible in this matter again, and it develops there, it develops normally, absolutely, we have management. fire and interaction, everything is, that is , yes, there, it should improve, if everything this, well, i see that it is improving , and the interaction is improving, well, mr. andriy , but look, now, mr. herman said so about several options, and such a system, and such, and such, well, it’s still that's right, well , as if it's too much, does it even make sense to reduce it all to some kind of one system, where everyone would be integrated. you know, if mr. herman, who is right now and says that it is working, developing,
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it is working, it allows, various systems allow under the condition of a certain assessment of the combat situation, to understand which system, or if you understand who you have to cooperate and communicate with, to use the best tool for this, you don’t need to do it, it seems to me like the soviets, that’s what it’s called... to make such a big salad, to cram everything into one, at the same time it will not work as efficiently as possible in any of the types of situations and well, this is a serious system, the only thing i would like to add, for example, is that the trench reb yes, it is actually very important, but nevertheless the trench reb is a thing that well somewhat, let's say, in a certain way the situation should work, i also want to be sure... that perhaps it would be expedient to do this with us, including a unit of
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this newly created type of troops, these are troops that deal with uavs, drones, which is based on the example of our enemy, which since 2008 in the 19th year , there are separate troops of radio electronic warfare, so-called, and also, in parallel with the development of trench warfare , it is necessary to engage also, let's say , larger and of a different level, not only there. trench rap is a tactical level, after all, and it is worth doing, including the development of systems, after all, there is also an operational-tactical level, which will allow, well, a greater range of tasks to be performed than. exclusively trench reb. thank you, thank you, gentlemen, for joining us. thank you andrii kramarov, reserve officer of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. thank you herman, he is a pharmacist , the commander of the strike group of the azgard-ochi unit , i remind you about our collection of cars for the front, this is a collection for a land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence directorate,
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a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for export and upheaval. fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000. please join us, be with us and let's work together for the front. next we have news, meet my colleagues. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, friends, this is the big ter on the tv channel. my name is vasyl zima and i, a colleague , will talk about the most important things for the next hour and 47 minutes, many events happened today , we will discuss everything, we will comment on everything that really matters. well, let's start mine with an announcement about the collection of cars at the front - they are consumables, the cars are working extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly fail. that's why we're calling on you to get involved
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in an important fundraiser for three four-wheel drive vehicles. a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department of the ministry. of the defense of ukraine, a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 900,000, support the front in order to free ukraine from russian evil together. and that night , the russian evil made an attack on the capital of our state, on the city of kyiv and on the kyiv region and about the consequences, as it were, the consequences of overcoming these consequences, the destruction of the victims. vadym vasylchuk, deputy of the kyiv city council. mr. vadim, i congratulate you. good afternoon , well, first of all, i'll ask you to describe it anyway, well, it's always important to hear, at least a little tonight, what we saw on video, it hasn't happened in a long time, at least since the beginning of january this year, well, that's right, we, i am even a family, now i am in the city of kyiv, and accordingly the family woke up at 5 in the morning from explosions, anxiety
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was still from the 15th, if i am not mistaken, but it was the work of our... air defense, accordingly, the enemy attacks on kyiv began around this time, thanks to the air defense forces that they shot down all the missiles, all 31 missiles, unfortunately, uamkas inflicted damage anyway, and we all saw together that there was a combat unit that fell and fortunately did not explode near a residential building, so i think, on behalf of all residents and townspeople, i can once again say a big thank you to the armed forces of ukraine, to the air defense forces, which worked perfectly today. well, it is interesting that the russians write that, well, as usual, that they were at the center of decision-making by the armed forces of ukraine, then information appeared later that the blows were directed at the main intelligence agency, well , in any case, well, here you know, today i talked with specialists that, well, luck
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was on our side, because the warheads of these missiles did not all explode, and there somewhere in the area. of these combat units broke up, that is, about the consequences of the destruction and overcoming these consequences, how effective it all was done, worked out, i would like you to tell me, well, our services reacted immediately, i.e. this emergency department, and the ambulance, and the police, i.e. ours is also a municipal car service, so they immediately went to the place, provided help, and i say, on we are not lucky at the moment... according to the information of the executive body, there are no fatalities, that is, there are people who are injured, some were hospitalized, so in the grand scheme of things , the operational response was immediately quick and everywhere, the only thing that now we will be forced to give consequences and for this we need it will be that the city allocates the appropriate funds and
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these houses are restored, or the infrastructure where we saw such great ones. the pit is just a fallout, i think they will be restored where the pipes were broken or where the road surface is, i think everyone already knows the townspeople, i can repeat once again that they must make acts , together with housing and communal services services, or those who will at that moment report on the damage that is in the houses, so that later they have the opportunity to receive compensation. it was damaged as a result of a night strike the attack, well, the morning attack, six educational institutions and also a historical building in such and such a district of kyiv, which is called tatarka, well yes... the historical name is tatarka there, and regarding the possible damage to educational institutions, in principle now we can say that the educational process is in full swing , because it is closer to completion, it is especially important for the graduating
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classes, there are ninth, 11th, and in general there are a lot of children, but is there any information about the damage, how critical it is, whether educational institutions will be able to work, well, in i don't have complete information at the moment, i i remember at the beginning it was about preschool institutions, well, it is also important for us to take into account that it was the morning, accordingly, the children were not in educational institutions at that time and we actually succeeded in this way, there were much less chances of any negative consequences, and most importantly, that in a few days we have a vacation, and i think that this will allow the department of education and the kmda to work quickly so that these institutions are restored where possible. well , we also saw all the photos, videos, people again went down to the subway, well, who could get there, or who, even somewhere from more remote areas, was able to get to the subway, well, those
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subways that are not above ground, like the chernihivska metro, say, chidarnytsia, and those that are under, and those that are underground, are coming, well, maybe they were coming , or in general, do people call the city authorities, the city council, in the event that it is not working, or were closed . the shelter and whether, that is, whether it can be tracked down, so that next time, in case of which, you already knew, here it was closed, we will now make a certain heated discussion, and it will be opened, well, the discussion is hot, it will not allow to open, but the discussion with certain people who did not open, i mean, and then yes, in fact, there was information that some shelters were closed, and i think that this information will be checked by the executive body and accordingly you are distributed. prescriptions so that such a situation does not happen again, i do not yet have a complete complex, where exactly it was, because this information, well, it is generalized, today there was
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also a session in parallel, during the session there was also an alarm, we had to go to the shelter, and it was short-lived, but a break was announced, so i want to say that the situation has definitely become better for the cretans, and first of all, it is better themselves. life has become, but of course there are exceptions and of course there is still work to be done, unfortunately, in education we still do not fully have all the facilities for the possibility of offline education, so that children can all be offline learning, even in a few changes, what we are trying to do, that is why i took a report from the department of education and district management, so that we must change this situation now... during this year also as much as possible with the funds that have been allocated, well, i will be very brief, but soon, well, actually starting from these days, but it will be soon, it has been two
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years already , and how it was possible to drive the enemy away with enormous efforts and, unfortunately, with blood , also from the capital, are any events planned, well, to a greater extent, maybe honorific events and in honor of the fallen heroes and educational ones, maybe for... children, well , tell more, detail how much the situation near kyiv was serious, and how much heroism is the fact that kyiv managed to be held two years ago? ah, well, i am sure that such events will take place in educational institutions, every educational institution independently plans an appropriate information program, the question is whether the city should have such a general program, we just approved it today, i was a co-author of the corresponding project decision. regarding the order of commemoration of our heroes in the city of kyiv, because a certain system, a certain agreement is needed how we can honor
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the heroes, how it should look, so that it has one, one single look, or so that people who have seen the corresponding plaques clearly understand, have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with who exactly this person is, his heroic path, his life, in general , but there will be... qr codes are also placed there, where all this information will be done, and they will have, we are grateful to the change agents who offered a suitable example for them to have one form, and therefore the city little by little, at least step by step changes too and these rules for what organizes, i would say these rights, our cemeteries should expect the same now, we must also have the same rules and commemoration of heroes in memorial cemeteries, which... are now in the city of kyiv for that , so that it was actually like this, you know, we preserved the memory and made it clear that this feat of heroes would never
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happen. don't forget, thank you very much, mr. vadym, for joining in, thank you for your comments, vadym vasylchuk, a member of the kyiv council was in touch with us, the consequences of the enemy attack on kyiv and on kyiv region, well, now we are moving on, and we are talking about sumy region, which suffers from enemy shelling every day, volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of territorial territorial communities, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, the northeastern outpost welcomes you the defense of our state, as always, we are glad to hear it on... really, because it is inspiring, the situation is quite difficult, recently quite difficult in sumy oblast, i do not know all the details of what happened that day, except for the shelling that the enemy is conducting, population evacuation points, it is very important, whether it was possible to evacuate people from the popovka, because we talked about it recently, but again there is not all the information, so let's start with this, please, well, i will immediately give an answer for the popovka, that is, in the popovka itself
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there was only one grandmother who was 82 years old and said: if i am destined to die here, let's say, i will not go anywhere, you have only one grandmother left because of the great scribe, who today had a conversation with the head of mrs. biryukova, at her request we provide premises under humanitarian headquarters for issuing humanitarian aid help to the people who suffered from the large register, so i asked about how many people are still left and whether help is needed personally, well, mine... we have several ambulances in our volunteer formation, what people could we, for the time being time, all those willing , let's say, there are practically no willing ones, those who wanted, they have already left the territory of the settlement, does it continue, i'm sorry, still about the ruddy, the bilopol community, there are six people left there, who are also already, does the enemy continue to shell so intensively , especially border, well, we know that these villages
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are here... on the border, but here is this five-kilometer zone, is the situation continuing now, which was when people wrote in public, on social networks, that there is horror is happening, we are running away through the fields as best we can, and it was tense, because they started saying, oh, now the enemy will advance, now he will break through to the villages, and there was not enough information , there was no understanding, the military usually reassured, said that it was not necessary to exaggerate, but there was enough fire and roar and little and little understanding of how now, well, look, if you understand two days, this is saturday, which was that week and today, on saturday there were about 400 explosions, i think the numbers are 400, and for yesterday there were 88 in 24 hours, so the intensity of shelling decreased , thank god, i said about it, i said about it, that it is necessary to survive the election without a choice, which is meant, well
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, the sweat election, which... was that week, uh, that's why the intensity of shelling decreased, and what humanitarian situation, well, now we can talk about sums, but especially about those communities that are closer to the front line, there a five-kilometer, 20-kilometer zone , what exactly is the humanitarian situation there, it is important to understand whether it is possible, if there is something missing , to bring people medicines, or food, or some other things, or warm things, you understand, this is... everything , everything is within the framework , there is no, let’s say, no shortage of food or anything else, so i don’t see any room for panic, the district administration is taking measures regarding, if the key word is, a possible evacuation from the 30-kilometer zone, this is being developed just take steps, who should go where, which, which community, to which community, to which place
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is he resettling, if anything... the key word is so that, i urge the residents of the sumy district, there is no panic, the military, the armed forces of ukraine, everyone is working, the border guards are in place, the sbu is in place, the prosecutor's office is place, therefore, everything is fine , and everything will continue to be fine, but tell me, please, such a phenomenon as sowing is happening in sumy oblast, well, again, and in what, what proportions to what was, say, before invasion, as far as possible, has any work been done? on demining, again, well, at least where there is none constant shelling, directly from enemies abroad, because i think that where there are constant attacks and even starting with mortars, it is difficult to demine the main one is from abundance, so that year it was 2 km, it was forbidden to sow, plow, then in this...


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