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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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when his total annual income was three times smaller, part of the funds used to buy the specified car were my funds, and part was provided by my parents, i indicated this in my written explanations, of course, parents are a classic judicial inexhaustible source of money, however, the group the experts were not convinced by the explanation: they were able to find out the complete source of origin. income for the purchase of your mother in 2011, her income amounted to 361 thousand ukrainian hryvnias. and if you take into account what your mother carried in the process of entrepreneurial activity expenses, this amount will be somewhat lower. in addition, your mother had personal daily expenses.
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so, that's the problem, because we can't find the appropriate amount of those savings, even from her side. experts also drew attention to the fact that in the same year 2011, the judge's father bought a new car worth 30,000 to 40,000 dollars. well, it doesn't match at all. in 2019, maksym muzyka bought an apartment for half a million hryvnias, for this he took a loan from the bank and. did not go without violating the law, bypassing the provision that obliges to carry out settlements under notarized contracts exclusively in non-cash form. i know the law, but her life is much more complicated than our idea of ​​it. but maksym muzyka neglected the norms of the law not only in this part. for example, in 2012-13, he did not declare a plot of land with an area of ​​1,000 square meters. meters,
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the explanation is brilliant. probably, for this we need to go back to 2012-13 and remember how the declaration was made. the declaration, well, i will say frankly, was formal. maxim music is a ph.d. less than six months ago, he defended his thesis, but at the interview he could not recall the names of those who helped him to obtain a scientific degree. the reviewers were women. in addition, there are many plagiarism issues with music. he forgot to indicate the authorship of the sources he used, and even in the midst of a full-scale war , he used russian sources. i did not indicate in several of my articles, there were no references to the authors. yes, this is unacceptable, i agree. we will find out whether maksym musika will become a judge of the constitutional court of ukraine soon. and this is another candidate for the ksu, oleksandr radutny. he. associate professor of the department
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of criminal law of yaroslav the wise national university of law. perhaps the declaration is a kind of dialogue. oleksandr radutny, according to the declaration, has two garages, two apartments and a residential building, and all this is worth 1 hryvnia, the candidate for the constitutional court does not calculate well. i have several times tried to convert karbovantsi into hryvnia. at other times filling out the declarations, i wanted to indicate. to give his explanations to this one 1 hryvnia, of course, that 1 hryvnia attracts attention, i wanted to make it actually for the dialogue. radutny's calculations do not agree not only because of money conversion. last year, he submitted two declarations, one annual, the other for competition , to the constitutional court. i filled them with a difference of several months. during this time, he forgot how much the ford car cost him, whether it was 90 or 70 thousand hryvnias. radut does not explain, he bought it for... a donation and imported it to ukraine almost as
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scrap metal, i have documents in my hands, none of which contain the amount, how much you? did i pay different amounts like different amounts? paid for the auction, this car was purchased after the accident at the auction, well, you paid for the auction, how? and everything through a private bank, that is, do you have documents? all these documents are with the state registrar of this transport. vehicle , i only have the certificate in my hands, because after it was imported, after i was repaired, it was not yet considered a vehicle, so how can a doctor of legal sciences, an associate professor of the department of criminal law, who is applying for the position of a judge, i decided to fill out the declaration, it was based on my previous experience with the suzuki kizashi car, i roughly calculated that the old one, the new one, has a larger engine capacity, the other one has a smaller engine. how much
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can it be? approximately 90. however , the advisory group of experts found out how much radutny eventually paid for the car. this car is a complete coincidence by course. description of a 2020 ford escape was sold for $700, not including the cost of auction fees, shipping from the us to the eu, customs clearance, and so on. this car purchased for seven for $700 shipping, well approx shipping 7,800. finally, i remembered that the purchase of this car was part of an upgrade plan: sell the old car. buy a new car, use these funds here. and it rained again. oleksandr radutny bought ford in 2021. he sold his previous suzuki car only a year ago, so he got money from the future. oleksandr radutny's social networks proved to be eloquent as well, testifying to his
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anti-ukrainian position. on his page in social network facebook, on june 16, 2014 , you linked to the material from the header. also in the russian social network vkontakte in 2014, you posted two posts of ambiguous content, one about the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, and the other containing criticism of the euromaidan, where the participants of peaceful protests on the maidan are called putschists, not since the 14th year. access to these platforms , anything can happen there, any fakes, any kind of dumping, and in order to clarify, i have completed the answer to this question, in order to explain in what the difference between my publications and such fake ones, i gave examples from
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my other documents, where there is a translation into english, my surname, first name, and so on, which just prove that these are not my publications , explanations, to put it mildly, doubtful experts will assess their adequacy and compliance with integrity criteria. and finally, we will introduce you to another wonderful candidate, this is volodymyr ratush, he is a lawyer and a musician. about how you merge with schist. i understand, it's a moment. volodymyr ratosh has not yet become a referee, but he already has refereeing habits. in 2005 he was lucky enough to buy an apartment in the center of kyiv for uah 100,000. the average price of similar real estate at that time was four times higher. well, it was technically small in size, 40 by 7
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, it seems, 48 ​​meters of the total area. and this is the last floor, that is, it had a number of disadvantages. shortcomings in 2008, a candidate for the ksu bought a volvo for uah 30,000, almost nine times cheaper than its real value. the car was in a damaged condition, before that it was standing on the penalty area. in 2022 , volodymyr ratush bought suzuki and doubled it again cheaper than the market price. he explains this by the fact that the car is broken after an accident. perhaps volodymyr ratush just likes to fix everything so much. town hall's wife works and receives income, but he does not... indicate this in his declaration. the reason, as for a candidate for a constitutional court judge, is interesting. we really run a joint economy, but i believe that if this can be interpreted as a violation of the law, well, maybe i will agree, i have no
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other way out. i respect the interests of the person i love. don't lend volodymyr ratosh ambitions. in 2009, he wanted to become president, tried to register as a candidate, but did not pay the monetary deposit required by law, so the cec refused him. the man is still trying to challenge it and is claiming another high seat in the constitutional court. however, i haven't decided yet, why? i want to become not only a member of the judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. i want to lead it. to lead satisfied, yes, to lead so that the three dots will continue to go, will volodymyr ratosh sit in the judge's chair and will we be able to see what he meant by these three dots? let's find out soon. in just a few days, a group of experts should choose the contestants who
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will move on to the next stage: conducting interviews to assess a high level of competence. we hope that the distinguished jury will not have to sit on the ropes while choosing. between cruties and singers, honest, professional and worthy candidates will be elected to high positions. sixth dance, like an atom. and that's all for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you right after week. events, events that are happening right
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now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads even better us. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what a world mr. orban dreams of. all this in the informational marathon with mykola in september. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers,
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the west studio program is on the air of the tv channel. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about international security as a component. our guests are retired british army colonel glen grant and former head of president yushchenko's secretariat oleg rybachuk. now on our air glen grant, a retired military colonel of the british army, will work. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, god save the king. god save the king. well, the situation is extremely complicated. thus, some military experts talk about a possible attempt to break through the front line. we understand that our armed forces are doing everything possible and impossible, but the issue of so-called strategic reserves, which russia is trying to attract. if we talk now about the level of danger on the front line, how do you see them? rate? currently, it is premature to talk about that could be a breakthrough. we know that
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the artillery munitions being procured by the czech republic are due to arrive soon, which could significantly change the artillery battle and potentially shift the front line again , provided ukraine has enough munitions to use them effectively. however, the effective use and mobilization of strategic reserves remains a difficult task due to the lack of clarity regarding the number and actions of russian troops. no data sharing. about the training and movement of russian troops, it is difficult to predict where and what might happen breakthrough, we need to wait and see what their strategic goals are, while russia's goal is clear to break through, we lack information on where they might attempt to do so and whether they have the capabilities to do so given the significant losses they have suffered in recent months, especially around avdiyivka, it is quite likely that they feel tension in certain areas because of these losses, we understand that war... it is not only about heroism, it is also about resources, and accordingly i would like to ask you how you
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see the pace supplying us with the most important, in particular, we are now talking about artillery ammunition. to be honest, i'm not very familiar with the details of the tactical level. at the strategic level, we are aware that the expected financial support from america has not yet materialized. however, american politicians who support ukraine are becoming more persistent and skillful. in the use of political and procedural tools in congress, it gives reason to believe that there may be a breakthrough in the issue of american support. on the european front, the czech republic receives ammunition from countries outside of europe, such as south africa and south korea, although these munitions are already on their way, their delivery cannot be immediate due to logistical problems associated with moving heavy munitions, as sea transport is usually used, as air transport options are limited. in addition, there are delays in the production of the million shells promised by europe, which
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lead to a slower than expected delivery of them to ukraine. despite this, i believe that it will be critical. the moment when ukraine will start receive more ammunition, potentially putting it in a more advantageous position compared to russia. in your opinion, what is the essence of the american game now, and will they dare, and perhaps the administration of president biden would be ready to use some other mechanisms, well , like lend-lease, and this is one side of the problem, as far as france, as far as great britain will be ready to take on a certain burden. which the united states may refuse to bear is a matter of life and death indeed. oh, can you do 10 questions put, i will try to answer them one by one and start with the situation in america. it appears that there is still uncertainty in the white house about how to effectively confront russia without provoking a nuclear response. this concern about nuclear weapons is an important factor
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shaping the us approach. as for the congress, we know what is happening there. the political landscape in congress. reflects the consequences of russia's influence over the past two decades, and trump is the answer. trump is so strong in the republican party that it seems like a lot some of his supporters simply will not do anything against him, so that he himself does not plan. so we have two big problems. now, the white house still retains the ability to impose further sanctions, and it may well do so. only last week they discovered an additional 300 million that was saved in the framework. contracts, however, i do not predict that the us will in any way deviate from its current actions, it is quite likely that they will continue to do everything as well, trying to get additional funding and resources. it is unlikely that they will deploy their troops in ukraine, unless putin directly attacks nato. that seems obvious to me. regarding europe, macron is trying
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to position himself as a leading leader. he puts a lot of pressure on others to support ukraine, which is a positive thing, because someone should have taken such measures a long time ago, olaf scholz has a tendency to speak loudly, but without much consequence. then again, like macron's actions in the past, they haven't always lived up to his rhetoric either, so we'll have to wait and see if he outgrows his recent statements into specific actions. as for britain, despite its lack of military resources, it still possesses significant financial capabilities. recently, minister of foreign affairs kemer. visited germany to negotiate the purchase of long- range missiles. we see that britain remains active and committed to playing a leading role in current efforts, but the future remains uncertain. despite a lot of talk, there have been no significant positive actions that would affect the front line. except for purchases by the czech republic ammunition therefore, we are currently in
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a period of uncertainty. well, mr. colonel, do you personally believe that... that , for example, president macron can sign this or that decree, maybe not only president macron, maybe even some other european leaders, maybe great britain will agree, yes, when we are seriously talking about a foreign contingent that would help our military, yes, on the territory of ukraine. i mean, in war, there's always the possibility that anything could happen, so there's the possibility of deployment foreign troops on the territory of ukraine, especially. when it comes to the military training of ukrainian soldiers. the armed forces of ukraine urgently need support in the training of soldiers inside the country. whenever they have to deploy troops elsewhere, they lose precious transportation and organization time, which is now crucial. so, yes, partner troops can potentially come to ukraine. there is also a significant need for
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european staff officers to assist the general staff in planning and organizations it is europe. because i believe that their culture and concepts are closer to the ukrainian than to the american example. europeans probably have a better understanding of the activities of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. however, in the long term, it is difficult to predict the possibility of troops being sent to ukraine, in the short term, we will have to wait and watch the actions of france, it remains uncertain whether their actions will be just talk or real implementation, i understand that you are not... an expert a diplomat, but in any case, the prospects of general zaluzhny as ambassador to britain, as he will be heard, is a key story in the british cabinets, and perhaps, or successfully ... to convince the british government to take some additional steps , necessary for us. general zaluzhnyi's role is that of an ambassador, not the famous
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defense attache. it is important that people understand that the role of an ambassador is much more complex. in britain this complexity is further compounded by the decentralized structure of government where decision-making is dispersed among different centers of power. unlike ukraine, where the president takes most of the responsibility, britain. works differently, requiring general zaluzhny to interact with many stakeholders to understand how the country functions, as even the decision-making process is decentralized and much broader in britain than in ukraine. as for his prospects after his return, i don't think they will be primarily military oriented, most likely his return will be related to political activity in ukraine, whatever that political activity might be, but... great britain offers him the opportunity to learn another way of working, another system or another culture. i hope he will gain valuable experience while there. however, i am not
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sure that he will have enough strength and convincing arguments to win additional support. the current british government seems determined to support ukraine in all aspects, except for the deployment of troops. it is unlikely that he will be able to influence the government to change this position. along with that, his the primary task... is to preserve and strengthen the existing relations between ukraine and the united kingdom. the prisoner must ensure that these relationships go beyond traditional channels and include other centers of power such as the scottish parliament, the welsh assembly, the northern ireland assembly and even the church of england. it is necessary to involve various interested parties in order to gain wider support for ukraine. in this regard, it appears to be a good choice thanks to. to his benevolent character, which is likely to find a good response in people. and to what extent great britain will be ready to become the flagship when we talk about perhaps
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a new construction of european defense policy, yes, well, we understand that great britain has done a lot, but the issue of taking the lead is a key story, for good reason german chancellor olaf scholz does not issue tauruses to ukraine, so we understand that great britain... great britain proposed a so-called circular scheme: germany supplies tauruses to great britain, great britain will supply them to ukraine, but we see that scholz is not ready even for this, and most likely, he received very specific signals from the kremlin. this issue is quite complex as it involves different perspectives, depending on whether we are talking about the european union or europe as a whole, it is important to note that britain is not part of the european union. well... this requires a different mindset. in many ways, great britain is not shy about taking a leadership role. let's get this straight. we have qualified officers and commanders capable of
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creating headquarters and conducting military operations. we have demonstrated this capability earlier and within the framework of nato. when considering the question of the involvement of great britain in military activities, it is important to recognize that this actually means the involvement of a significant part of the nato command staff. this adds complexity to political negotiations and relations, but if the situation worsens, say if trump seizes power and withdraws america, or if biden refuses to deploy troops, britain is not afraid to take on a more serious role. i believe that there are only two countries in europe capable of this - great britain and france. germany, unfortunately there is no such capacity, as it has suffered significant losses over the past 20 years. she lacks an officer. power is capable of effective management, so either britain or france, or both together, can manage something serious. it is worth remembering that great britain
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already effectively performed similar work in bosnia, so both britain and france are quite capable, yes, capable of managing something really serious. dear mr. colonel, i would like to ask you about the medium and short-term prospects of what will happen in the war now. and in particular we understand the difficult situation in the zaporizhzhia direction, such times, novomykhaivka, marinka and so on, these are all extremely difficult areas of the front, on the other hand, we understand that the enemy may be preparing to raise another degree of military escalation, in particular, it is about the use of certain strategic resources, their preparation for the spring-summer campaign, and when we talk about the current difficult situation, well, it can be compared to a huge... downpour, yes, but the downpour can be followed by a certain tsunami, so and so actually, or russia now is preparing for some fundamentally larger
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actions on land. i think that russia is currently acting within its capabilities. i don't believe a tsunami-like event is imminent, although i could be wrong. there is no intelligence to indicate that russia is amassing significant resources for a major offensive, such as the use of nuclear weapons. we know about their difficulties in getting enough armored vehicles to the front line, so they have to de-conserve old equipment from warehouses, it's important. they have reserves, it is about almost a thousand such machines that they can mobilize. the russians can also send many more people to the front. however, they clearly lack a comprehensive training system capable of producing a large number of well-trained personnel and equipment, because russia simply does not have the necessary resources, the technical resources necessary to conduct operations, such as radio stations, experience to develop complex strategies, are also
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limited. therefore, i predict that we will continue to see the redistribution of human resources by the same russian forces for their use in alleged weak spots in ukrainian defense. however, i don't think of it as a tsunami, it's more like a person digging a garden. you can only dig at a certain pace, dig and dig until you get tired. similarly, the russian attack is likely to develop gradually, they may launch a significant offensive, lose personnel, and then resort to a... forced hiatus, especially after putin's re-election, when political motivation wanes. any further hostilities may occur around october or november, as russia currently lacks the resources to break through. these 5-6 months also give ukraine the opportunity to solve some political problems and strengthen its defense. thank you very much, mr. colonel, for this honest and extremely interesting
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conversation, i want to remind our viewers. that glen grant, a retired british army colonel and military expert, was currently on espresso. glory to ukraine, god save the king. glory to heroes. and the king, as you know, is still ill with the ractor. we hope he recovers. at the very end, i would like to emphasize the excellent work performed by ukrainian fighters on the front lines, especially considering that they have almost no artillery ammunition. let's hope that when the munitions arrive, it will ... allow them to move forward and put pressure on russia, not the other way around. thank you! every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want
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to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima , and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war more talk, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what is happening in the world. yuriy fizar will speak in more detail about what happened, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to catch up economic news. time to talk about money during the pig. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine. was the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day for two o'clock. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.


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