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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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on european integration, former head of president yushchenko's secretariat, co-founder of the chesno movement. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues have prepared a lot of important information, watch espresso live, see you on the air, take care of yourself and your loved ones. we are looking for three-year-old artemchyk vykhristenko. we received information about the boy's disappearance two weeks ago. i know that the child lived in the village of bratolyubivka in the kakhovsky district of the kherson region. this is the left bank region the territory has been occupied for a long time, so i hope that this is why it is not possible to find out the whereabouts of the child. and in fact, everything is fine with artem, and he is safe. if someone suddenly has information about a three-year-old. artema, may
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have seen him or know where he is now, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. it is also possible to transmit information using the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. any information is important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who has also disappeared. during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion , she went to her father. and he had it, this
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territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with my daughter on social networks, but in april of last year the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and no one knows where she is now, i already wrote everywhere, even in this territory, in search of a child, later что i don't know where they are shouting already, kak kak na... the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, a week ago we contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but it is not known exactly where, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want appeal to everyone who has seen or knows something about my missing child. and stopped publishing since april
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2023, this is karina igorevna konevets, the date of birth is 908/2007 . if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no possibility. call, write to the search service chatbot children in telegram. i am asking my beloved child, she will see and hear me, so that she will respond, i am really looking forward to it, thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many is still unknown. unknown, especially this
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applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, help to find anyone can find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of missing children, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the offender. stopcrime ua. there is a discount. 15%
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in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on helpex anticolt 20% in travel pharmacies for you and save. there are discounts on... 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. big broadcast, vasyl zyma. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. with us and what the world is doing, now about what has happened in the world, yuliy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you
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very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, big vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited
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experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling. the main thing is on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, to begin with, i want to show you some epic footage, which can be called
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a metaphor for that vote for putin that was, as if they are identified in school 260, where the polling station was, it's on... and let's go let's see what happened there. a few words about the work of election commissions on vermuntovsky prospect in st. petersburg, of all levels. as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of openness and in strict accordance with the law. and in our historical territories, members of election committees were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. well, this is actually putin's comment on how he thinks the election commissions worked heroically, but let's see how they worked heroically, this is in particular in st. petersburg, you see, he's so stupid that
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he thinks he didn't see the camera there, stupid and tries to throw in something like that, you know why do i think that this is a very important metaphor, because the whole... position was removed, the main oppositionist navalny was in prison, well, in fact, they were killed, and after that they can't even, well, i... somehow provide the necessary amount votes , which is necessary, look how many they throw in, two of them throw in, that is, they literally slipped and everyone throws it there, that is, even with all this, they cannot ensure the voting that they would like, and they were assigned some and they reached only 74% under putin, well, it was not necessary to be there more than 80, but even more... i think this is a direct illustration of what putin called heroic. let's watch
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the continuation of this movie from this polling station. you see, they also somehow throw it over to mix it up, as if someone there will not understand something, somehow someone will check. well, in short, these are the elections. and in principle, this is how they acted, judging by everything, in all precincts, one way or another, this is how they chose. well, that's all, and... in this, let 's close the topic of how putin was voted, because it is clear that there were no elections there, they cannot show anything , it is impossible to take these results into account, because they simply do not exist in nature , there are no results, they are made approximately as shown in this video, something like that was sketched, sketched, and that's it, but there are things that are really important, and the important thing is that russia in fact in... deliberately bombed the territory of the russian federation, fap-500 bombs were
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dropped by the russian army on the village of kozinka, which was captured by the russian volunteer corps in the belgorod region, and you now you see how it all happened, and what do you think, well, what actually happened next, well, i went to shoigu, this was all in the bilogrod region, shoigu came out and told him not to allow it. forces to literally seize the territory of russia , the minister of defense said that our military, despite tsipso's false productions, did not allow the capture of any populated place in russia, in the belgorod and kursk militants, attempts were made to capture priority settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions, the most active actions took place in the populated area point of kozinka. all enemy attacks
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will be successfully repulsed, they will be pushed back beyond the borders of russian territory, and with the loss of the armed forces of ukraine, the direction of action, the coverage of the state border from eight days of hostilities amounted to more than 35, or rather 3500 of these people, of which 790 were irretrievably lost. "well, what then did they bomb in kozynky , belgorod region, if no one was there, did not enter and nothing was allowed, but even more interesting, these are the numbers that shuigu mentioned, he said something about 3.5 thousand, who were killed, well, it's all very funny, because before that putin said that they fought there in general, well... that is, there were
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no more than 2,500 russian volunteers in total, they managed to kill three, well, this is russian, you know, mathematics, let ’s see, the corps, the corps is some kind of volunteer, and there are four groups, with a total number of around 2,500 people, so-called from these so-called volunteers, i don't remember how many of them there were... they used, well, about 1,500, the effectiveness is minimal, and that's just the way it is, you know, minimal effectiveness, that it is necessary to carry out an evacuation in in the belgorod region, well, that is all that they dreamed about the sanitary border, which should separate something there, so it is already starting to be created in the belgorod region and it is quite effective, let's see, more specifically, i will tell you what it proposes to do... and it is already being done in the belgorod region, so from today access to all populated
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areas of the region, on the border with ukraine , is limited. roadblocks will be set up at the entrance with reinforced outfits of the crew, the ministry of internal affairs, the national guard and border services. at 16 in regional settlements, where due to constant shelling, work is disrupted, shops are issued free food kits, residents are exempted from paying for services. residential housing for march. checking of meters in some regions will be postponed until march 1. schoolchildren in the border regions will be sent by the governor's decision from today. early for the holidays, colleges and universities switch to distance learning, which is important without the presence of a teacher, in university buildings, the regional authorities also decided to temporarily suspend the work of sports sections and colleges, the sending of 9,000 children from the territories subject to shelling to neighboring regions, announced earlier by the governor, is being prepared. as
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gladkov said today, on friday , march 22, 1,200 children, for the sake of safety, will go to the pension of tambo fikalugu. well, you see , this is kind of an interesting situation, that is , no one seems to have broken through anywhere, nothing is happening, but for some reason everyone has to be evicted, not just evicted, evicted in such a way that they will not even check the gas meters. well what's the problem it would seem moreover, it is a forced resettlement that does not allow. people even get into their own houses, that's how the governor of the belgorod region, gladkov, describes how now the residents of these displaced villages will actually get into their houses. the procedure for visiting one's own residential buildings will be determined. for example,
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cows need to be fed, there are enough farms there, and cows need to be taken care of, and cows are needed. ensure safe passage at a time when there will be no shelling to the location of the house, to the city of location, and that's where this last phrase is interesting: we will provide a safe, when it is not there, that means, no, there will be no shelling, and this, you know, is an interesting remark, because how can you find out when the evil ukrainians want to shell, well, the truth not at all, if it is ukrainians who are really shelling, but if it is not ukrainians. they are shelling, then yes, then, apparently, the russian authorities can know when there , what will happen, therefore, most likely, they will be allowed there when, well , they will know for sure that the russians are on duty there , the planes are not trying to release something, or not some regular equipment is firing from these areas,
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then they will be allowed to go, but not when, as they say, the ukrainians will not shoot there. moreover , there is a constant situation where the russian air defense actually tries to shoot somewhere and falls into the belgorod region, and somehow the residents of the belgorod region talk about this much more than the authorities would like, because it is heard on social networks. they are constantly telling something, complaining about something, how, how much, what well, this is happening, why is it all flying, but you know, in addition to that... it is interesting how the mood has changed, let's see now, because at the beginning there in 2002, in 2022 , they all talked about how much they loved belgorod air defense , two years have passed, and now they can experience the work of the belgorod air defense forces for themselves. i love belgorod, i love
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belgorod air defense, i love, i love belgorod air defense. i love, i love belgorod air defense. got to the factory directly to the workshop, very difficult, of course. my relatives live here, i came to help, because the windows were smashed, they were hysterical, this is the car of my brother, who works for the svo, who is now fighting in the svo, it is very difficult, of course, but think about how difficult it is, the brother is fighting in the svo, that is, he went to kill ukrainians , and here the same thing is necessary,
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what a surprise, what a question, and why did it happen like that, and actually because it happened like that. he went to fight, he finally flew home, and there is nothing surprising about it, rather it is an absolute regularity, but in this situation you know what else is interesting, that even when they evicted these villages along the border, they don't let people in there at all, but belharad is not a small city, there are already a couple of hundreds of thousands living there, and... something can't be taken like that and to evict, but all this is also flying over it, that's all you saw, it's exactly bilhorod, it's the bilhorod plant energomash, which it flew into, it's their residential apartments. who flew there, and the question arises, what to do with it, and what should the russian authorities do with it, and it suggests to ignore it, and
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here it is also very interesting to see how governor gladkov communicates with the residents who are trying to ask for something like that, well, you somehow warn us when something happens, he tells them that no, it will make you nervous, you better... you know, stay at home, if it flies into the house, well, nothing , you will die there, the main thing is not to be nervous, so that you do not die nervous, please raise the issue of notifying citizens about the missile danger at night, when people hear the siren , then there is an opportunity to react quickly and flee to a safe place, dear neela, in the last few months, to be honest, i don't remember that we had... at night, there were shellings that you are talking about, it is from one side. second, we understand that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are just sleeping
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at night, at two, three o'clock in the morning, if we raise alarms, then, sorry, a huge number of people may simply not physically cope with this stressful situation, but we certainly cannot and will not allow it to deteriorate, make the residents a complete nightmare. well, here are two interesting points first of all, it turns out that the ukrainians never fired at them at night, and then the question is, what are the residents of belgorod afraid of, who probably heard these shellings at night, well , they are afraid of their own ppu and they are afraid because the russians were shooting at kharkiv from belgorodskaya at night oblast, and it is precisely these arrivals that the residents of belgorod are afraid of, who tell gladkovo, well, we hear it. don't be deaf, something flies towards us, something falls periodically, well, that's how those rockets that didn't reach kharkiv fall, that's where they fall in belgorod, and gladkov
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says to them, well, let them fall, again, the people of belgorod should die not nervous, full of energy and somehow sleepy, rested, that's the general opinion, well , actually, and the second is, let's watch a video of a resident of belgorod, who also tells: that somehow more and more, mostly , something like that flies from them, and for the most part, when it falls on belgorod, it is again the belgorod ppu. today it is calm in belgrade, there have been no explosions yet, yesterday around this time debris floated through my memory, the third track was bombed at the station, shrapnel damaged the pension fund and the building of the trade the center of the station, today the sky seems calm, victory to russia. victory is of course good, but there is no victory without war, the cartoon was born in my heart, this is the embankment of the river vezelka, vezelka comes from
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the ukrainian word vesely, veselka, veselka means cheerful, it turns out like this, that is, the river veselka, which comes from the ukrainian word, maybe it's in general, our territory is ukrainian, maybe it's time to talk about it. somehow to think like that, why is russia bombing the native-ukrainian territory of the belgorod people's republic, not giving people there to live peacefully, and it does not allow the development of the belgorod people's republic, well, i don't know, we need to seriously think about this , you know, difficult question, because there flows a ukrainian, a ukrainian river, a rainbow, which means a russian rainbow in general.
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these are the realities of belgorod. the entrance to the shopping center is lined with concrete slabs, on which the banner is securely stretched. only the lower floor, located in the basement, works in this shopping center. the second, third and other floors are closed. because they can go there to fly rockets, well, somehow i remembered kyiv, the beginning of 2022, the first
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half and... you know, to a certain extent, well , i think that this is probably how it should develop in the border territories of russia, not only in belgorod, but somehow even and more widely, that is, they should still feel that there is a war going on, and it is interesting that russian propaganda does not even argue with this, they show themselves how it happens, so get used to it, everything is fine, and it should be , the only thing they are trying to somehow remove now. to tell not only putin himself, but also russian propagandists that no, we are not like that, we are not like that, we are not at war with the civilian population, we just bombed
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mariupol. bakhmut, lysychansk have already destroyed more than 100 thousand people there in ukraine, but we are not at war, of course, with the civilian population, they say, when they finally arrived in bilharad. the president said today that we could respond to the kyiv regime symmetrically, i.e. we could start striking the civilian infrastructure and the civilian population, but not let's do today, putin explained why... we decided not to erase from the face of the earth the ukrainian regions bordering us, but it can be assumed that this is the kharkiv region, the sumy region traditionally said that this is what we are working on, different from the regime of zelensky, holodkov the day before voiced terrible figures, 16 citizens of our country were killed on the territory of our country in a week, 98 people were injured
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, we can do that, of course, but the question that comes to everyone's mind is why we don't destroy the kharkiv region from the face of the earth, but we can also sumy region, it is also real, putin will explain today, we have our own views on this and our plans, we will follow what we have planned, well, in fact, in a circle, where they can get and where they can really strike. they are beating, you see it in kharkiv, you see it in kyiv, they just don't have the capacity, just like they dream, this must be understood as well, and secondly, you know, these are interesting conversations about what to watch , which are terrible, there several people killed russians on the territory of russia, wait, then it turns out that even they understand that crimea, donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions
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are not russia at all. because the fact that they have been killing people there for two years, it turns out, well, somehow yes, well, nothing, and somehow it was not terrible before that, not even how much, here you see what horror, moreover, there are screams, what is this being done, that this happened, how so, let's hear whether these events can be treated exclusively as propaganda attacks of the enemy, or is it stretching ours. front, or we transfer the military there, or they really want to transfer war on the territory of our country. when i say our country, i realize that donetsk and all the new regions are also our country, but i mean the historical one, the borders, it is always more delicate, no matter what, well, that is , some such people also live there, we are tipa also says that she was called something there, but that's
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it. donbas will not be bombed in any way, they are not citizens of russia, no one considers them that way, they are people, well, maybe i don’t know the third, fourth, i don’t know what kind, they are for russians, and more frankly about it wrote some anonymous contributor who... said: "excuse me, but donbass is a pre-friend city." she does not even know that this is not a city. it's just a generic name. and again, donbas is donbas. belgorod is completely different, people live, work, and raise children here. that is, you see, donbassians, you do not live, you are not people, you do not raise children and do not work, probably also from the point of view of a resident of the belgorod region, so and so.


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